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"Technology is nothing.

What’s important is that you have a faith people, that

they’re basically good and smart, and that if you give them the tools, they’ll do
wonderful things with them. ”

In recent years, technology has become an integral part of our lives, making
our work significantly easier in many of the industries in which we operate.
Although the jump to online in 2020 was a forced one, many people were already
accustomed to the benefits of the Internet and technology in previous years. Many
repetitive jobs have been replaced by robots, and many stores have moved online.
Internet connection has become indispensable, and online consumption has grown
considerably, from reading news to online recording to gambling.
We have an application for every need, from e-mail, to social networks,
music, movies, GPS and even for the bank card. We receive notifications by phone
about the appointments we have, we approve online payments with an application
and we call the taxi just as easily.
The visit to the mall was replaced by a short visit to a clothing or footwear
site, the shopping card became irreplaceable, and more recently, supermarkets also
make home deliveries. Online payments have replaced the long queue, so the card
is much more expensive than banknotes or any other type of cash. Weekly food
purchases are selected with a click in a few minutes and delivered to your home.
Business meetings are mostly online, either Skype Business or Zoom, and many
meetings are replaced by a simple phone or video call. Business travel is only
possible if it cannot be replaced by a phone or video call. High-performance
phones with a quality video camera are now the best way to keep in touch with
families far away, helping us to feel as close to them as possible and to be able to
talk to them at any time. Doctor visits have taken place online, and the famous
public libraries have been replaced with mobile applications where you can borrow
books for a set period of time without having to stay in the library.
It is true that beyond the visible advantages of technology, people also face a
number of disadvantages, including the inevitable dependence on it and the
cancellation of human interaction. Especially for children, technology can be very
harmful, because from an early age, they need to socialize in order to develop their
communication skills, to express their emotions and to integrate into a team.
Isolation and time spent away from other children playing on the tablet can later
have an impact on their behavior, with them preferring the virtual world to the real
world. Parents will need to fill these social gaps with appropriate methods, such as
spending more time with family and friends. We will probably have to adapt our
lifestyle to the new conditions, plan our day in a different way and develop other
hobbies, according to our new interests and according to our needs.
Today, we find ourselves acting under the influence of the fascination with
the true wonders of efficiency and hyperconnectivity, treating, not infrequently,
with superior indifference the unintended or negative consequences of
technological progress. Sometimes we even forget that man is priceless. We must
meditate for a long time before we are completely seduced by technological magic,
being essential, from this point of view, not to confuse algorithmic superiority with
superior intelligence - man.

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