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PHRASAL VERBS – Market Leader Upper – Unit 3

Complete the sentences using the correct phrasal verbs in the correct form:

1. I’m sorry but I’m really __________ __________ this week – I have to close
the month, prepare three presentations, and interview candidates for two
vacancies. Can we __________ __________ our meeting till next week?

2. There have been rumours that the bank has been doing some illegal trading
and now the police are __________ __________ it.

3. During a recession, when consumers tend to look for the best prices, it can
be difficult for some premium brands to __________ __________
__________ their market share.

4. Why don’t we __________ __________ our staff to get their opinions

about changing the uniform.

5. A lot of women have a difficult relationship with their mother-in-laws, but

my wife __________ __________ really well with hers.

6. John’s a reliable guy. If he says he will be here for the meeting at 10am,
then I’m sure he will be. You can always __________ __________ him.

7. Because of heavy rain the game had to be __________ __________ - the

pitch was completely flooded.

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