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New Headway Intermediate (4th edition), unit 4

Name and surname: _______________________________________________ Class: 2. C (SG)

Date: ______________________________________ Points: ________/47,5p Grade: _________

1. Put the following sentences into past and future. (2p)

___________________________ I must do the dishes! ___________________________
___________________________ I cant go out because I got an F. ___________________________

2. Look at the signs and complete the sentences with dont have to or mustnt. (5p)

3. Read the following paragraph about being a good limousine driver. Fill in the blanks with the
correct words or phrases from the list below. Use each phrase only once. (7)
used to include is known have to be born could be observed
were offered have to be need to be able has been known
can be found can be trained werent told are
can mean must have

In a city like Los Angeles, limousine drivers (1) ________________ in demand. Good limousine drivers (2)
can be found easily, but great limousine drivers are hard to find. Great limousine drivers (3)
________________ many skills and talents. They (4) ________________ good listeners, sharp dressers,
extremely knowledgeable, outgoing, and professional. They (5) ________________ to get along with all sorts
of people. However, great limousine drivers dont (6) ________________ that way; they (7)
________________. The training process of one limousine company (8) ________________ a test on dealing
with different passenger types. The trainee drivers had to interact with passengers who were unpleasant,
emotionally needy, and difficult. However, they (9) ________________ in advance which passengers actually
worked for the company, and which were real passengers. This way, the trainee drivers (10)
________________ in authentic situations. The drivers that passed the most difficult tests were the ones
who (11) ________________ the richest and most famous clientele. And all experienced limousine drivers
know that a rich client (12) ________________ a great tip! But that isnt always the case. For example, one
very famous television talk show host (13) ________________ for her bad tipping habits. She (14)
________________ to leave drivers with only a thank you for a tip, despite traveling with enough luggage
for two limousines!
4. For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with an appropriate modal and correct form
of the verb given in the parentheses. More than one answer may be correct. (9p)
1. If I had planned more carefully, I _____________________ (learn) about the culture and language before
2. Within the first few weeks of my trip to Spain, I ___________________________ (struggle) to
communicate with the native people.
3. I ___________________________ (consider) returning to my own country, but I knew I would regret it.
4. If I hadnt been so curious about Spain, I _________________________ (stay) in my hotel room.
5. In order to really enjoy my adventure, I knew I ______________________ (venture) out of my room and
face the language barrier.
6. By facing my fear, I __________________________ (enjoy) the culture much more.
7. In fact, I _____________________ (move) here when I finish my degree next year.
8. Also, I ____________________ (have) the new friends here in Spain to help me adjust to this country.
9. Consequently, when my family comes to visit, I ________________________ (help) them adjust to the
many cultural differences I have already encountered.

5. Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb. (5p)
1. I am certain you havent seen John because he is on a trip.
You ______________________________________________________________________.
2. It is possible that Jake is in his room.
Jake ______________________________________________________________________.
3. Perhaps we will not see them at the weekend.
We ______________________________________________________________________.
4. I dont know if I will go to the concert.
I ________________________________________________________________________.
5. They are certain that bringing up children is not easy.
Bringing up children ________________________________________________________.
6. It is unnecessary for you to come.
You ______________________________________________________________________.
7. I advise him to give up smoking.
He _______________________________________________________________________.
8. Eating chewing-gum in the class in prohibited.
Students __________________________________________________________________.
9. There was an obligation to turn off the mobile phone.
We _______________________________________________________________________.
10. I didnt have the ability to cook when I was younger.
I _________________________________________________________________________.

6. Write your opinion about smacking children. Use modal verbs and write about 30 words. (3p)
7. Read the and complete the text with the correct forms of have to and allow to. (3,5p)

8. Read the problem a reader is facing and give her advice. Write about 30 words. (3p)
I am a young girl who is dating a boy who likes me a lot. All my friends know him and say that he is a user
and a player. He says he will commit suicide if he loses me. I still like him but I can't stand this emotional
stuff. All the guys I know say to leave him and that he is a jerk. I don't want to hurt him and I still care about
him a lot. It makes me cry. What should I do?
9. Complete the gaps using new words. The first letter is given for you. (10p)
1. Sometimes, teachers have to d___________ with challenging students. Their mission is to react in a
calm and mature way.
2. Pedestrians are not allowed to walk along the road if there is a f______________ for them.
3. I teach my daughter to g___________ people she knows. It very polite to say Hi to the ones you know.
4. Only employees can a____________ this area, for the costumers, it is forbidden.
5. If you see someone doing illegal things, you have to i___________ the police about their actions.
6. I was d______________ from my job because I was late almost every day. Now Im jobless.
7. Toddlers are known to have t_______________. They cry and act hysterically when something is not
in the way they wanted to.
8. My husband is very permissive parent. He doesnt insist when my daughter is using us, he rather
g_____________ her demands and does whatever she wants.
9. My father s___________ his business when he was just 18 years old and he has been successful ever
10. My daughters favourite toy is a c___________ animal she got when she turned 1.
11. One day I will m______________________! I am sure by hard-working I will become rich.
12. T______________ is one of the best way to save some money. Living frugally is recommended.
13. When I earn enough money, I will replace my old, b_____________ car for a modern one.
14. The paranormal research team came e_____________ with modern technology.
15. The feeling of e_____________________ is one of the toughest for teenagers. They dont want to be
16. At first, my mother didnt want to give me extra pocket money but g_______________, she was
willing to compromise. My mother makes decisions step by step.
17. I have to t_____________ the piano because I am required to play an instrument in order to apply
for a job in a kindergarten.
18. My employer is very d_______________. He wants us to do multiple things at time. I cant stand him.
19. Some children have difficulties in a___________________ to new environment. Sometimes they cry,
20. I was given this necklace by my late grandfather and it is i_______________ to me. Its priceless.

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