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NURS 2270 Health Assessment Skills Module
Body Mechanics

____Perform hand hygiene TRANSFER FROM BED TO CHAIR
___assess pt ability, weakness, weight ___wheelchair next to bed
___consider nurse strength ___lock wheelchair and bed
___get help when needed ___raise head of bed (HOB)
___only lift as last resort ___lower side rail
___use assistive devices ___face pt, and have him side lying
___bed wheels locked ___RN wide base of support, legs flexed
___explain procedure ___RN hands under pt shoulder/hips
___equipment ready ___pivot to sit pt at side of bed
___support pt until stable
PRINCIPLES OF BODY MECHANICS ___pt robe and footwear on
___feet apart, broad base, firm stance ___RN stands facing pt, wide base, knees flexed
___center of gravity low ___RN hands on pt waist
___knees slightly flexed (bent) ___pt hands around RN betw shoulders/hips
___abdomen tight to protect self ___RN helps lift and pivots the pt
___rock weight from front foot to back foot ___pt feels wheelchair with back of legs/hands
as you move pt ___RN braces pt knees with nurse’s knees
___move pt using leg/arm, not back muscles ___RN gently seats pt
___keep back straight ___call bell in reach, wheels locked
___keep patient close to body
MOVE PT UP IN BED ___bed to low, rail down
___bed flat, raised to working height ___help pt sit up at side of bed
___move pillow to headboard ___put pt slippers on
___nurse legs bent, wide stance, feet flat ___use assistive equipment (belt) prn
___hands at pt shoulder and hips ___support pt feet with RN feet to avoid slip
___use draw sheet and 2 people ___assist pt to stand from waist
___pt: flex knees, feet flat on bed ___support pt at waist
___pt arms crossed ___walk behind, to side, holding
___nurse shift weight forward as move pt up
___avoid shearing (lift, don’t slide) TURNING PT IN BED
___leave pt in good body alignment ___raise bed to working height
___call bell in reach ___use draw sheet, pillow between pt legs
___lower bed, rails up prn ___client’s arms crossed, far rail up
___RN wide base of support, rocking motion
TRANSFER BED TO STRETCHER ___move pt to near side of bed (with help)
___stretcher next to bed, rail down ___then: nurse faces patient at far side
___lock stretcher and bed ___rolls pt in one motion toward nurse
___cover pt with bath blanket ___pull lower shoulder out from behind
___move pt close to stretcher ___put pillow behind pt
___remove pillow and put on stretcher ___good body alignment
___RNs at pt feet and at head/shoulders ___reposition at least every two hours
___pt arms crossed, chin to chest ___call bell in reach, bed low position
___use draw sheet or slide board to gently lift/pull
pt onto stretcher
NURS 2270 Health Assessment Skills Module
Body Mechanics

For all positions, leave pt in good body

alignment; use towels, rolls to support limbs and
joints! Assess for pressure areas on all!


___pt supine ___HOB flat
___move pt to one side of bed ___pt supine
___place pt arms straight to thighs ___pt lifts/pulls self to one side of bed
___log roll pt to prone position ___pt flexes (bends) knees
___move their head to side ___pillow between legs
___ensure good body alignment ___RN hand on pt hip and shoulder
___pt arms flexed ___roll pt to lateral, partly on abdomen
___pillows at waist/legs prn ___pillow for head
___feet 90 degrees over mattress edge ___flex upper arm, level with shoulder
___flex upper leg
FOWLER’S POSITION ___pillow for upper leg
___position on back ___assess for good spinal alignment
___pt lifts/pulls self up in bed (avoid shear)
___30°=low Fowlers ___entire bed frame tilted
___45°=semi Fowlers ___head of bed down low
___90°=high Fowlers ___facilitates venous return
___pillow for head/arm support
___footboard as needed to keep blankets off toes ASSISTIVE DEVICES
___table support for high Fowlers ___Hand roll
___Trochanter roll
SIDE-LYING POSTION ___Tuck pillow into mattress at pt’s back
___position on back ___Pillow between legs to roll
___roll to side (HOB at 30°) ___Support under all joints or spaces
___pillows against back and at head ___No skin touching skin
___bottom shoulder forward
___support both arms (towel rolls)
___pillow under bent leg, support feet END
___good body alignment ___bed down to lowest position
___rails up if appropriate
SUPINE POSITION (Dorsal Recumbent) ___call bell within reach
___position on back ___perform hand hygiene
___body in horizontal plane ___document
___support shoulders/neck
___elbows slightly flexed
___foot support
Updated: 1/22 Dm

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