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Journal of Pathology

J Pathol 2017; 241: 119–122 INTRODUCTORY ARTICLE

Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/path.4849

Genetics meets pathology – an increasingly important

David T Bonthron1* and William D Foulkes2*
1 Section of Genetics, Leeds Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Departments of Human Genetics, Oncology and Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

*Correspondence to: D Bonthron, Centenary Professor of Molecular Medicine, Level 9 Wellcome Trust Brenner Building, St James’s University
Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF, UK. E-mail:; W Foulkes, Department of Medical Genetics, Lady Davis Institute
for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada H3T 1E2. E-mail:

The analytical power of modern methods for DNA analysis has outstripped our capability to interpret and
understand the data generated. To make good use of this genomic data in a biomedical setting (whether for
research or diagnosis), it is vital that we understand the mechanisms through which mutations affect biochemical
pathways and physiological systems. This lies at the centre of what genetics is all about, and it is the reason why
genetics and genomics should go hand in hand whenever possible. In this Annual Review Issue of The Journal of
Pathology , we have assembled a collection of 16 expert reviews covering a wide range of topics. Through these, we
illustrate the power of genetic analysis to improve our understanding of normal physiology and disease pathology,
and thereby to think in rational ways about clinical management.
Copyright © 2016 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: genetics; genomics; DNA sequencing; precision medicine; complex traits; rare diseases; molecular oncology; evolution;
genome stability; clonality; mTOR; inflammasome; polyposis; colon cancer; prostate cancer; brain tumour; PARP; DNA repair; carcinoma
in situ; tuberous sclerosis; Parkinson’s disease; PINK1; Crispr/Cas9; stem cells; muscular dystrophy; ciliopathy; vascular malformation;
pulmonary hypertension; TGF-beta; autoimmunity; atopy; inflammatory bowel disease; breast cancer; mitochondrial disease

Received 8 November 2016; Revised 8 November 2016; Accepted 10 November 2016

Conflict of interest statement: DTB is a Senior Editor and WDF an Associate Editor of The Journal of Pathology.

We live at a time when medical and scientific strategies purposes, it is assumed that the very large amount of
often seem to struggle to establish themselves without genomic variability revealed in this way can and will
the aid of fashionable new titles. The term ‘precision be interpreted in some way and deployed for clinical
medicine’ – only recently evolved from its apparently benefit.
extinct ancestor ‘stratified medicine’ – enjoys a partic- It is at this point that the pluripotent champions of
ular vogue at the moment. The more pedantic of us may genomic technology tend to start differentiating. For
be inclined to regard the adjectival noun as superfluous; some, genomic data are there to be used empirically. In
after all, what has medicine been developing towards this camp, DNA sequence variation is no more special
all these many years, if not greater precision? Nonethe- than any other data type. Correlations between geno-
less, this phrase carries the implication that today there types and phenotypes, if robust, are valid endpoints in
exist powerful new tools, with which the classification of themselves, which may be used for clinical manage-
disease can be refined. Better classification (i.e. better ment. Though it may be forthcoming, there need not be
pathology) should of course translate into better treat- any understanding of the ‘how’. This approach tends
ment and outcome. of necessity to be applied to the study of ‘complex’ or
Principal among these new tools is genetics – but non-Mendelian traits, since the sequence variants that
should that perhaps be genomics? These two words are found to be statistically associated with particular
are sometimes used interchangeably, which is a good phenotypes may not be susceptible to experimental
enough reason of itself for pausing to consider the analysis or mechanistic understanding. This issue is
distinction. Genomics is to genetics as anatomy is to discussed further below.
physiology; they are intimately related, but the former is ‘Genetics’, though, is a bit different, and it is this
more ‘what’, and the latter ‘how’. The powerful modern that we have mostly chosen to focus on in the present
technologies that have captured the imaginations of the collection of review articles. The word feels much older
biomedical policy-makers are largely ‘genomic’ – in than ‘genomics’ (the coining of which most members
particular, the ability to determine virtually complete of the editorial team can still remember). However, in
human DNA sequences at trivial cost. For diagnostic the sense of ‘the study of heredity’, as presently used,
Copyright © 2016 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. J Pathol 2017; 241: 119–122
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
120 DT Bonthron and WD Foulkes

‘genetics’ is little more than a century old, the Oxford of this disorder not only has provided a mechanistic
English Dictionary crediting its first use to William explanation for the development of atopy (previously
Bateson (1905). Bateson himself was a great proponent regarded primarily as an immunological multi-system
of the idea that important biological lessons can be learnt disorder), but has also focused attention on integrity of
from the study of rare genetic mutants. Brought forward the epidermal barrier as a key therapeutic target. Given
a century, this idea is still fresh, and indeed remains a population prevalences of 10% or more for atopic dis-
driving force in research. The repeatedly fulfilled belief ease, even marginal effects on prevention and treatment
is that human genetic pathology will instruct us as to have enormous potential in this area.
normal gene function, and in favourable cases may allow Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises a
us to infer the likely consequences of modulating the further important group of disorders in which immuno-
activity of the gene product. logical mechanisms play important pathogenic roles,
Even die-hards now concede that humans are impor- and in which the genetic contributions appear complex.
tant subjects for genetic study, complementary to more Uniken Venema et al [6] directly address the important
tractable experimental organisms [1]. Whether in the technical challenge referred to above – that of bridging
germline or in somatic tissues, animal models of genetic the gap between statistics (genome-wide association
disease suffer from the twin limitations that (a) they studies) and mechanistic understanding. The successful
may fail to replicate a human pathology faithfully and recapitulation of IBD features in animal models based
(b) it may be infeasible to study an allelic series com- on several genetic loci identified by GWAS in IBD gives
prising more than a few mutations. Here lie both of the cause for optimism in this regard.
great strengths, and hence attractions, of the human as A large proportion of the many present-day
a genetic model; the allelic diversity observable in natu- industrial-scale deployments of genomic technology
rally occurring genetic accidents in humans and also the are directed not at inherited germline pathologies, but at
level of phenotypic detail that can be characterized both the more pervasive problem of cancer. Actually, many
vastly exceed that of any laboratory animal. instructive parallels can be recognized between genetics
In human rare disease genetics, we have now reached of the germline and tumour (somatic) genetics, not least
a stage at which most recognized human Mendelian the importance, both in the evolution of species and in
phenotypes have had their genes identified. As a conse- tumourigenesis, of genome rearrangements and of the
quence, the reviews here can focus less on genes per se, sequential selection of mutations. As far as evolution is
and more on mechanisms and pathways that have been concerned, the accurate classification of species was an
illuminated by these discoveries. In his often-cited Cam- essential precursor to the work of Darwin and other evo-
bridge inaugural lecture, Bateson compared his newly lutionary biologists, who changed how we think about
defined science of genetics to astronomy, and exalted it biology forever. In pathology, classification of tumours
for showing the way to “novelty and adventure … hardly has long been based on tissue of origin and morpholog-
to be excelled” [2]. However, even he might have been ical distinctions. While immunohistochemistry has had
surprised by the diversity and complexity of the pro- a major role in diagnostics, the molecular revolution
cesses that have revealed their secrets under genetic has changed the entire rationale behind classification,
scrutiny. and now no pathologist would attempt to classify a
We begin this issue with a prime example of such problematic tumour without some attention to the
complexity: McDermott and colleagues summarize a underlying genomic structure. Chiang and Ellison [7]
huge array of phenotypes that relate to impairment of exemplify this in the case of paediatric brain tumours,
the mechanisms regulating host responses to pathogens where not only is wholesale reclassification under way,
[3]. The physiological mechanisms that have been but some distinct entities, such as CNS neuroblastoma
implicated in these disorders range from signalling with FOXR2 activation, have recently been identified
through familiar cytokine axes to aspects that were solely on the basis of the molecular findings.
quite unknown before human genetic studies – such as While paediatric tumours are in general rare, the
the intimate links between viral disease, innate immu- same cannot be said for prostate cancer. De Bono and
nity, and maintenance of host genome integrity [4]. colleagues [8] summarize the extraordinary recent
One of the frequently vaunted (but less easily achieved) progress in the understanding of the molecular basis of
goals of ‘genomic medicine’ is of course the advent advanced prostate cancer, whereby massively parallel
of new, rationally designed therapies. Insights from sequencing of both tumour and constitutional DNA and
these autoinflammatory disorders have allowed highly RNA, together with methylation studies, have led to
effective therapeutic approaches based on interleukin-1 the development of numerous targeted therapies. These
blockade to be deployed, not only in rare monogenic therapies, fully informed by the underlying genomic
autoinflammatory disorders but also in commoner dis- and epigenomic defects, are best exemplified by the
eases such as gout, in which similar disease mechanisms use of PARP inhibitors in the treatment of men whose
are at work. tumours lack normal BRCA2 protein [9]. Durable
Another major success of genetics in unravelling a responses, sometimes measured in years, have been
common but enigmatic disorder is described by Brown observed in men who previously would have had only
[5] in her review of atopic eczema. The identification of months to live. Pathologists can play an important role
filaggrin as a key genetic contributor to the pathogenesis in identifying candidates for genetic testing.
Copyright © 2016 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. J Pathol 2017; 241: 119–122
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Genetics meets pathology – an increasingly important relationship 121

These advances would not have been possible with- it is a remarkably pleiotropic syndrome and because a
out a deep understanding of the genomics, but many of sizeable fraction of cases may have mosaic mutations
these concepts will be new to pathologists. For example, not detected in blood DNA by Sanger sequencing, subtle
Graham and Sottoriva [10] discuss neutral evolution manifestations may go unnoticed. But because TSC1
and selection, as well as graduated and punctuated and TSC2 have inhibitory inputs to the mTOR signalling
evolution, which are well known to those working in pathway, and loss of TSC1/2 results in its activation,
evolution-related fields, but which have perhaps surpris- drugs such as sirolimus, which inhibit mTORC1, have
ing relevance for the study of cancer genomes. One of had remarkable success in treating some of the benign
the most recent examples of the relevance of understand- but serious tumours that occur in this syndrome.
ing these evolutionary processes is the discovery that Tomlinson and colleagues [14] round out the cancer
some tumours rapidly accumulate a very large number of section of this Annual Review Issue with their update on
focal rearrangements as a result of a one-time shattering polymerase proofreading-associated polyposis (PPAP),
of their genomes – ‘chromothripsis’ [11]. Tumours that a new polyposis syndrome identified by the groups
undergo chromothripsis at an early stage of their devel- of Richard Houlston and Ian Tomlinson several years
opment may grow rapidly, foiling attempts at early diag- ago. They use PPAP as an opportunity to point out
nosis and rendering some treatments ineffective [12]. the necessity to examine both the germline and the
Many chemotherapeutic agents work because they somatic variants present in a tumour and to include
damage DNA. Dosages and scheduling determine that consideration of identified variants in the evolving field
this damage occurs preferentially in tumour cells rather of precision medicine. While recognizing the poten-
than in normal cells. O’Driscoll’s detailed review [13] tial power of this approach, they rightly point out the
focuses on defects in components of the DNA replica- Achilles’ heel – when individual variants are so rare,
tion machinery. Loss of control of replication results in and therapies are based on ‘exceptional responders’,
a wide spectrum of largely congenital disorders, such how can one combine a desire for precision with the
as Seckel and Meier–Gorlin syndrome, emphasizing its kind of evidence base that epidemiologists require and
critical role in normal development. Cancer is also a publicly-funded health systems will expect?
consequence of mutations in the genes encoding these A key area of difficulty in somatic cell genetics, both
proteins (as discussed in the final cancer review of this in cancer and when considering other conditions caused
Annual Review Issue by Glaire et al [14]). One area by mosaic mutations [18], is the detection of mutations
of increasing interest is disorders of replication stress, that may be at low level and spatially restricted. This
and therapies are now being developed to promote this, is also an important consideration for disorders due to
hoping to result in mitotic catastrophe and tumour cell mutations of the mitochondrial genome, in which mutant
death. genomes are often present in varying proportions in the
Vastly better outcomes for patients with breast cancer cell (heteroplasmy). Alston et al [19] survey this area
have been achieved by improvements in treatment of human genetic disease, which is of great complex-
and, to a certain extent, by earlier diagnosis. The lat- ity as a result not only of heteroplasmy, but also of the
ter, though, has come at the price of overdiagnosis interactions between mitochondrially encoded proteins
[15], particularly of early-stage (‘stage 0’) breast can- and the much larger number of mitochondrial proteins
cer, also known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). encoded by the nuclear genome. An in-depth review of
Casasent et al [16] take on the challenge of using the biology of one nuclear-encoded mitochondrial pro-
modern genomic technology to answer a critical ques- tein, PINK1, is given by Arena and Valente [20]. They
tion – which patients with DCIS are most likely to not only highlight the limitations of mouse knockout
progress to invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC)? They models in recapitulating the autosomal recessive Parkin-
apply three models to the available data – independent son’s disease caused by PINK1 germline mutations, but
evolution, evolutionary bottlenecks, and multiclonal also emphasize the pleomorphic effects mediated by this
invasion – to try to answer this critical question. In so one protein in different contexts.
doing, they outline the clinical consequences of each We complete our eclectic survey of genetics in
model. In the independent model, targeting any one pathology with four reviews dealing with specific areas
biomarker would be unlikely to be helpful, whereas in of development and organismal homeostasis. Crist [21]
the bottleneck and multiclonal models, identifying the focuses on the problem of muscle regeneration and
key ‘truncal’ mutations, which are common to DCIS repair, which is central to a range of inherited muscular
and IDC, could be of value, with the added complexity dystrophies as well as non-genetic myopathies. In
of the need to consider interactions in the multiclonal addition to reviewing the genetic control of myogenic
model. The authors posit that new technologies may specification, he considers the challenges inherent in
help in distinguishing between these models, but con- recapitulating and controlling the activity of muscle
sider the bottleneck model to be the most consistent stem cells in vitro, including the prospects for targeted
with the existing data. gene editing.
Lam et al [17] bring us up to date with an inherited Two contributions deal with genetic insights into vas-
cancer syndrome – tuberous sclerosis – that exem- cular biology: Ma and Chung [22] describe current
plifies some of the excitement, as well as the major knowledge of the genetic contributions to pulmonary
challenges, of clinical cancer genetics. For example, hypertension, while Wetzel-Strong et al [23] discuss
Copyright © 2016 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. J Pathol 2017; 241: 119–122
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
122 DT Bonthron and WD Foulkes

the genetics of vascular malformations. A wide range 4. Crow YJ, Rehwinkel J. Aicardi–Goutières syndrome and related
of the latter, some inherited as Mendelian traits and phenotypes: linking nucleic acid metabolism with autoimmunity.
others caused exclusively by somatic mutations, are Hum Mol Genet 2009; 18: R130–R136.
5. Brown SJ. Molecular mechanisms in atopic eczema: insight gained
caused predominantly by mutations in signalling path-
from genetic studies. J Pathol 2017; 241: 140–145.
ways, rather than structural vascular components, pro-
6. Uniken Venema WT, Voskuil MD, Dijkstra G, et al. The genetic
viding unexpected information about the crucial role of background of inflammatory bowel disease: from correlation to
cell–cell communication in the maintenance of normal causality. J Pathol 2017; 241: 146–158.
vascular integrity. 7. Chiang JCH, Ellison DW. Molecular pathology of paediatric central
Finally, Mitchison and Valente review the bewil- nervous system tumours. J Pathol 2017; 241: 159–172.
dering spectrum of human pathology that results from 8. Rodrigues DN, Boysen G, Sumanasuriya S, et al. The molecu-
genetic abnormalities of the cilia, both motile and lar underpinnings of prostate cancer: impacts on management and
non-motile [24]. These ‘ciliopathies’ can show single- pathology practice. J Pathol 2017; 241: 173–182.
or multi-system involvement, and clinical presentations 9. Mateo J, Carreira S, Sandhu S, et al. DNA-repair defects and olaparib
as diverse as retinopathy and congenital heart disease. in metastatic prostate cancer. N Engl J Med 2015; 373: 1697–1708.
10. Graham TA, Sottoriva A. Measuring cancer evolution from the
Disorders previously categorized as quite distinct from
genome. J Pathol 2017; 241: 183–191.
one another have been shown to result from mutations
11. Stephens PJ, Greenman CD, Fu B, et al. Massive genomic rearrange-
in the same gene; the authors thus emphasize the need ment acquired in a single catastrophic event during cancer develop-
to move away from disease classifications based on ment. Cell 2011; 144: 27–40.
isolated phenotypic features towards those based on 12. Notta F, Chan-Seng-Yue M, Lemire M, et al. A renewed model
aetiology. of pancreatic cancer evolution based on genomic rearrangement
patterns. Nature 2016; 538: 378–382.
13. O’Driscoll M. The pathological consequences of impaired genome
integrity in humans; disorders of the DNA replication machinery. J
Summary Pathol 2017; 241: 192–207.
14. Glaire MA, Brown M, Church DN, et al. Cancer predisposition
With some 7000 rare inherited genetic disorders and syndromes: lessons for truly precision medicine. J Pathol 2017; 241:
a further vast range of genetic pathology that could 226–235.
have been sampled from any branch of oncology, we 15. Welch HG, Passow HJ. Quantifying the benefits and harms of screen-
have inevitably had space here only to offer a few ing mammography. JAMA Intern Med 2014; 174: 448–454.
16. Casasent AK, Edgerton M, Navin NE. Genome evolution in
glimpses, rather than to display a clear and full perspec-
ductal carcinoma in situ: invasion of the clones. J Pathol 2017;
tive of our subject. Despite this, we hope that readers of
241: 208–218.
The Journal of Pathology will find at least one article 17. Lam HC, Nijmeh JS, Henske EP. New developments in the genetics
that helps to catalyse the further exploitation of genet- and pathogenesis of tumours in tuberous sclerosis complex. J Pathol
ics in understanding disease – which, of course, is our 2017; 241: 219–225.
long-term aim. 18. Campbell IM, Shaw CA, Stankiewicz P, et al. Somatic mosaicism:
implications for disease and transmission genetics. Trends Genet
2015; 31: 382–392.
19. Alston CL, Rocha MC, Lax NZ, et al. The genetics and pathology of
Author contribution statement mitochondrial disease. J Pathol 2017; 241: 236–250.
20. Arena G, Valente EM. PINK1 in the limelight: multiple functions of
Both authors contributed to the writing and editing of an eclectic protein in human health and disease. J Pathol 2017; 241:
this introductory article. 251–263.
21. Crist C. Emerging new tools to study and treat muscle patholo-
gies: genetics and molecular mechanisms underlying skeletal mus-
cle development, regeneration and disease. J Pathol 2017; 241:
References 264–272.
1. Johnston M. Humans as a model organism: the time is now. Genetics 22. Ma L, Chung WK. The role of genetics in pulmonary arterial hyper-
2014; 198: 441. tension. J Pathol 2017; 241: 273–280.
2. Bateson W. The Methods and Scope of Genetics. An Inaugural 23. Wetzel-Strong SE, Detter MR, Marchuk DA. The pathobiology of
Lecture delivered October 23rd, 1908. University Press: Cambridge, vascular malformations: insights from human (and model organism)
1908. genetics. J Pathol 2017; 241: 281–293.
3. Peckham D, Scambler T, Savic S, et al. The burgeoning field of innate 24. Mitchison HM, Valente EM. Motile and non-motile cilia in human
immune-mediated disease and autoinflammation. J Pathol 2017; 241: pathology: from function to phenotypes. J Pathol 2017; 241:
123–139. 294–309.

Copyright © 2016 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. J Pathol 2017; 241: 119–122
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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