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Genetic diversity of the world’s largest

oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) field

genebank accessions using microsatellite

C. Bakoumé, R. Wickneswari, S. Siju,

N. Rajanaidu, A. Kushairi & N. Billotte

Genetic Resources and Crop

An International Journal

ISSN 0925-9864

Genet Resour Crop Evol

DOI 10.1007/s10722-014-0156-8

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Genet Resour Crop Evol
DOI 10.1007/s10722-014-0156-8


Genetic diversity of the world’s largest oil palm (Elaeis

guineensis Jacq.) field genebank accessions using
microsatellite markers
C. Bakoumé • R. Wickneswari • S. Siju •
N. Rajanaidu • A. Kushairi • N. Billotte

Received: 17 March 2014 / Accepted: 22 July 2014

Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract The extent of genetic diversity among 494 Africa (EWA) group (collections from Senegal,
oil palms from 49 populations (representing ten Guinea, and Sierra Leone), the West, Central, and
African countries, three breeding materials, and one East Africa (WCEA) group (collections from Ghana,
semi-wild material) were assessed using 16 SSR Nigeria, Cameroon, Zaire, Angola, Tanzania, Bahia,
markers. The genetic diversity was high with a total of the semi-wild material and the two Deli breeding
209 alleles detected accounting for an average of 13.1 materials) and the Madagascar group (collections
alleles per locus and a mean expected heterozygosity uniquely from Madagascar). Madagascar populations
of 0.644. The average genetic distance among acces- were found to be genetically distinct from all other
sions was 0.769, varying from 0.000 to 1.000. Both African populations. The influence of human and
principal coordinates analysis and neighbor joining environmental factors might have played a major role
tree, confirmed by structure analysis, clustered the in grouping the African natural oil palm into three
entire collections into three groups: the Extreme West different groups as well as in the formation of a
transition zone (formed by Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire).
Further analysis of genetic structure revealed Deli
C. Bakoumé  R. Wickneswari (&)  S. Siju materials as a distinct population within the WCEA
School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, group. Given the fact that accessions were exchanged
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti
between the EWA and WCEA groups, intra- and inter-
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
e-mail:; group combinations for breeding should be based
mainly on the genetic distance between accessions to
Present Address: increase yield and heterosis.
C. Bakoumé
Sime Darby Research Sdn. Bhd., KM10, Jalan Banting,
Kelenang, P.O. Box 207, 42700 Banting, Selangor, Keywords Elaeis guineensis  Genetic diversity 
Malaysia Microsatellite markers  Oil palm

N. Rajanaidu  A. Kushairi
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB),
P.O. Box 10620, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
N. Billotte
UMR 1096, Centre de Coopération Internationale en
The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. 2n = 32)
Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement
(CIRAD), TA 80/03 Avenue Agropolis, belonging to the Arecaceae family is an allogamous
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France aborescent monocot, cultivated extensively for the

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Genet Resour Crop Evol

production of palm oil and palm kernel oil. It grows in (Mondini et al. 2009). Though a wide range of
wild, semi-wild, and cultivated forms in the equatorial molecular markers have been employed for charac-
tropics of Africa, Southeast Asia and South America terization of oil palm accessions from Africa, Amer-
(Hartley 1988). Based on the presence or absence of ica, and Indonesia (Shah et al. 1994; Barcelos et al.
endocarp or shell of the fruits, three groups of E. 2002; Moretzsohn et al. 2002), their application in
guineensis have been identified, viz. dura, pisifera and characterizing MPOB’s oil germplasm collections is
tenera. The ‘Dura’ type produces thick-shelled fruit limited to RAPD (Rajanaidu et al. 2000a, b), AFLP
with little pulp and is generally used as female parents (Kularatne 2000), isozyme (Hayati et al. 2004), RFLP
for breeding. The ‘Pisifera’ type rarely bears fruits and markers (Rajanaidu et al. 2000a, b; Maizura et al.
does not generally contain kernels or only kernels 2006), and SSR markers (Bakoumé et al. 2007; Singh
without shells (Mezui et al. 2013). The ‘Tenera’ type, et al. 2008; Ting et al. 2010; Zulkifli et al. 2012).
a hybrid of ‘Dura’ ($) and ‘Pisifera’ (#) produces Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs)
fruits with thick pulp and thin shells. Thus, ‘Tenera’ are one of the most widely used molecular markers for
type is widely grown in commercial plantations due to analysing the genetic diversity in plants due to their
its high oil yield from the fruit mesocarp tissue multi-allelic nature, co-dominant inheritance, high
(Muniran et al. 2008). degree of polymorphism, reproducibility, locus-spe-
Due to the favourable conditions, oil palm is the cific nature, and inter-lab transferability (Zane et al.
most important industrial and plantation crop in 2002). A large number of samples and SSR loci can be
Malaysia, the largest producer and exporter of palm easily amplified and assayed for polymorphisms,
oil. Majority of oil palm planting materials used for especially through multiplex PCR and/or by the mul-
commercial purposes are derived from Deli dura, tiloading of PCR products on a single gel, thus greatly
which was primarily introduced in Indonesia and later reducing the work and cost involved in the large-scale
into Malaysia (Corley and Tinker 2003). Palm oil analysis of samples (Saghai Maroof et al. 1994).
breeding is aimed at developing planting materials In this study, a set of 16 SSR markers (covering all
with high oil yield, improved oil quality, reduced palm linkage groups) were used for estimating the genetic
height and tolerance to pests and diseases. Though diversity of the world’s largest oil palm field genebank
several selection cycles have resulted in yield (MPOB) accessions. Though a few SSR marker based
increases, they also have restricted the genetic base genetic diversity analysis of MPOB germplasm col-
of the initial set of populations (Rajanaidu 1994), lections (Singh et al. 2008; Ting et al. 2010; Zulkifli
limiting breeding and selection within the current et al. 2012) have been conducted earlier, the present
breeding populations (Kushairi et al. 2003). Subse- study has its own particular significance as it generated
quently, efforts to expand the genetic base of oil palm a much more accurate picture on genetic structure of
were initiated by exploring wild populations from the the wild palms according to regions rather than
natural range of oil palm in Africa (Rajanaidu 1994; population or countries using more number of acces-
Rajanaidu and Jalani 1994; Hayati et al. 2004). Oil sions and informative markers. The estimated genetic
palm collections were sampled initially from Nigeria distance will also help in understanding the genetic
and further expanded to Angola, Cameroon, Gambia, relatedness of oil palm accessions for adopting
Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, appropriate sampling strategies for future collection
Zaire, and Tanzania (Rajanaidu 1994, 1995). and conservation of exotic germplasm, beyond being
The Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) has an exploited for crop improvement purposes.
extensive collection of E. guineensis germplasm,
maintained at Kluang Johor, Malaysia. Estimation of
genetic diversity among E. guineensis accessions is Materials and methods
essential for the effective characterization, utilization,
and management of genetic resources for oil palm Plant materials and DNA extraction
breeding. Molecular markers are unique in assessing
genetic diversity because they are stable and detect- A total of 464 leaf samples, representing 45 natural
able in all tissues regardless of plant growth stage, populations (Table 1) maintained at the field gene-
developmental effects, or environmental effects bank of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) at

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Table 1 Distribution of common and rare alleles among oil palm accessions collected from different localities of each country and
breeding materials as revealed by 16 SSR markers
Country Pop. Locality No. of families No. of palms Total alleles Common Rare
p C 0.05 p \ 0.05

Senegal 5 Senegal 1a 6 14 90 73 17
8 Takene 4 11 68 48 20
13 Senegal 2a 5 11 60 45 15
Guinea-Conakry 1 Korodu 1 10 94 94 0
4 Seredou 4 12 96 66 30
12 Kastiri 4 11 85 64 21
Sierra Leone 1 York 3 11 83 56 27
5 Bonyeya 3 11 83 63 20
13 Masenie 3 12 96 69 27
Ghana 3 Adidi 3 11 83 66 17
9 Mpohor/Ayiem 2 10 100 100 0
13 Dumkofo/Nkekasu 2 10 94 94 0
Nigeria 12 Umuabi 7 11 94 77 17
35 Ibono 4 9 81 81 0
40 Vabiti 8 9 107 107 0
44 Ogbaloto 8 12 97 71 26
45 Ologba 7 12 105 71 34
Cameroon 1 Eyam 2 10 70 70 0
2 Akwen 2 10 84 84 0
9 Widikum 11 11 93 70 0
13 Kikangko 2 11 80 64 16
16 Bafang 1 10 78 78 0
22 Bertoua 1 10 68 68 0
28 Bipindi 1 10 72 72 0
29 Ngambe 5 10 94 94 0
30 Ndian 3 10 82 82 0
31 Bafut 2 10 88 88 0
Zaire 7 Mobila 4 10 90 90 0
22 Isangi 5 10 81 81 0
29 Mbanza Ngungu 5 10 88 88 0
30 Kiringye 2 10 86 86 0
36 Luki 3 10 77 77 0
Angola 1 Bengo 5 10 91 91 0
3 Funda 7 10 88 88 0
5 Sumbe 2 10 88 88 0
6 Benguela 6 10 68 68 0
8 Santa Catarina 9 11 90 66 24
Tanzania 1 Ujiji 5 10 91 91 0
3 Kiganza 5 10 99 99 0
5 Kwitanga Government Farm 5 10 87 87 0
7 Chankabwimba 5 11 89 68 21
9 Simbo village 2 10 83 83 0

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Table 1 continued
Country Pop. Locality No. of families No. of palms Total alleles Common Rare
p C 0.05 p \ 0.05

Madagascar 1 Malaimbandy 1 6 11 18 18 0
3 Malaimbandy 2 3 5 17 17 0
4 Malaimbandy 3 1 7 18 18 0
Deli MPOB 1 Breeding material 9 11 65 53 12
Deli Dabou – Breeding material NA 9 56 56 0
La Mé – Bingerville 2 6 57 57 0
Bahia – Bahia NA 4 49 49 0
Locality name not documented


5 8
13 1 40 45
1 5 4 13 44
3 12
13 31
2 1 9 16
30 29
29 30
8 9


0 350 700 miles

0 350 700 kilometers

(......): limit of the distribution area; (•): population sampled in this study

Fig. 1 Map of Africa showing the location of oil palm material sampling sites. The assigned population number and locality of
collection within each country is mentioned in Table 1

Kluang Johor, Malaysia were used in the study. (Côte d’Ivoire), and La Mé (Côte d’Ivoire) breeding
The analyzed samples include accessions originat- materials and a semi-wild material Bahia (Brazil).
ing from 10 African countries (Fig. 1) along with Genomic DNA was extracted from fresh leaf
Deli dura MPOB (Malaysia), Deli dura Dabou tissues (leaflets of an unopened leaf from the spear)

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using CTAB method (Doyle and Doyle 1990) and the software. The approach of Marshall and Brown
DNA concentration was determined using agarose gel (1975) was adopted for obtaining a better comparison
electrophoresis. of the distribution of common alleles (alleles at
frequency p C 0.05) and rare alleles (alleles at
Microsatellite analysis frequency p \ 0.05).
A principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) was
A set of 16 E. guineensis highly polymorphic SSR loci performed and a neighbour-joining tree (NJTree)
representing each linkage groups (mEgCIR0173, mEg- was constructed based on the dissimilarity matrix
CIR0353, mEgCIR0802, mEgCIR0832, mEgCIR1730, using DARwin5 software (Perrier and Jacquemoud-
mEgCIR1753, mEgCIR3282, mEgCIR3292, mEg- Collet 2006) to visualize the main provenances of the
CIR3300, mEgCIR3362, mEgCIR3363, mEgCIR3543, natural oil palm collections studied and for a better
mEgCIR3546, mEgCIR3574, mEgCIR3785, and mEg- readability of the relatedness between accessions. For
CIR3886) developed by Billotte et al. (2005) were used the dissimilarity matrix, dissimilarity indices between
for genotyping. PCR amplification was carried out in a accessions i and j (dij) were estimated with 1,000
thermal cycler (Master Cycler EP Gradient S, Eppen- bootstraps by simple matching as follows:
dorf, Germany) as described by Billotte et al. (2001).
The amplified products were resolved in a 7 % 1X L
dij ¼ 1 
denaturing polyacrylamide gel (20 cm 9 16 cm) using L l¼1 p
Protean II xi cell (Bio-Rad, Hercules, USA) and were
where L is the number of loci, p the ploidy, and ml the
silver stained (Creste et al. 2001). To limit the number
number of common alleles between i and j (for locus
of electrophoresis gels used, PCR products of two to
four SSR loci (showing a reference allele size differ-
Because the 16 SSR markers were unlinked, the
ence of C30 bp) were mixed and resolved on the same
programme STRUCTURE version 2.2 (Pritchard et al.
gel (multiple loading). Genomic DNAs from ZA21 and
2000), with burning period and repetitions set at
ZA29, two accessions from Zaire (Democratic Repub-
10,000 and 100,000, respectively, was used for
lic of Congo; DRC), were used as controls for each gel
identifying the organisation of populations in k groups
along with two lanes for 10 bp size ladder to facilitate
and for the allocation of accessions to different
the allele scoring for a given gel and to link one gel to
another for the same locus.
Bands were scored by size, not by the homology of
the sequences. A counter scoring was carried out in
two different laboratories (Plant Genetics Laboratory Results
of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Biotrop
Laboratory of CIRAD-France), which validated the Allelic diversity and genetic variation in E.
alleles and the subsequent genotype data generated. guineensis accessions

Data analysis A total of 209 alleles were detected among the 494 oil
palm genotypes. The number of alleles per SSR locus
Basic statistics such as allelic frequency, mean number ranged from 8 (mEgCIR1730 and mEgCIR1753) to 22
of alleles per locus (A), effective number of alleles (mEgCIR3362), with an average of 13.1 alleles per
(Ae; Crow and Kimura 1970), observed heterozygosity SSR loci. Rare alleles (frequency p \ 0.05) were
(Ho), fixation indices (Fis), and genetic distances found in almost all the localities from Senegal,
among accessions (Nei and Takezaki 1983) were Conakry Guinea, and Sierra Leone, which are neigh-
calculated using PowerMarker version 3.25 (Liu and bouring countries with dry weather. Higher numbers
Muse 2005). The corrected expected heterozygosity of rare alleles were found in the populations of Ologba
(He) for small and unequal sample sizes (Nei 1978) (population 45) and Seredou (population 4) (Table 1).
and their variances were calculated with POPGENE The estimates for genetic diversity parameters for the
version 1.32 (Yeh and Boyle 1999). Chi square tests complete set of oil palm collections are given in
for each locality were performed using Minitab Table 2.

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Table 2 Genetic diversity parameter estimates and fixation Table 2 continued

index for 49 natural populations and breeding materials of E.
guineensis, based on 16 microsatellite loci Country Pop. N A Ae Ho He Fis

Country Pop. N A Ae Ho He Fis Madagascar 1 11 1.2 1.1 0.0340 0.041 0.190*

3 5 1.1 1.1 0.025 0.033 0.138*
Senegal 5 14 5.2 3.0 0.542 0.685 0.124
4 7 1.1 1.1 0.000 0.055 1.000*
8 11 4.3 2.4 0.398 0.556 0.219*
Deli Dabou 8 3.5 2.2 0.310 0.549 0.336*
13 11 3.8 2.2 0.352 0.526 0.254*
Deli MPOB 1 11 4.1 2.3 0.211 0.559 0.569*
Guinea- 1 10 5.8 3.0 0.592 0.701 0.049
La Mé 6 3.6 2.2 0.531 0.618 -0.054
Conakry 4 12 5.9 3.2 0.485 0.722 0.251*
Bahia 4 3.3 2.0 0.396 0.668 0.116
12 11 5.4 3.0 0.449 0.688 0.271*
Mean 5.0 2.8 0.460 0.644 0.206
Sierra Leone 1 11 5.2 2.8 0.450 0.688 0.252*
5 11 5.2 2.9 0.542 0.672 0.09 N Number of samples per population, A mean number of alleles
per locus, Ae effective number of alleles per locus, Ho observed
13 12 6.0 3.2 0.480 0.665 0.274* heterozygosity, He expected heterozygosity, Fis fixation index
Ghana 3 11 5.3 2.9 0.523 0.686 0.153* * Significantly different from zero (p B 0.05)
9 10 6.2 3.2 0.575 0.741 0.129
13 10 5.9 3.2 0.550 0.729 0.153*
Based on a country-wise description, the average
Nigeria 12 11 5.9 3.2 0.529 0.736 0.199*
number of alleles per locus ranged from 1.1 (Malaim-
35 9 5.1 2.9 0.516 0.712 0.169*
bandy 1 and 2, Madagascar) to 6.7 (Vabiti, Nigeria)
40 9 6.7 3.6 0.543 0.803 0.224*
with a mean value of 4.98. The effective number of
44 12 6.1 3.3 0.551 0.751 0.191* alleles ranged from 1.1 (all Madagascar localities)
45 12 6.6 3.5 0.526 0.739 0.215* to 3.6 (Vabiti, Nigeria and Kiganza, Tanzania)
Cameroon 1 10 4.4 2.4 0.375 0.637 0.333* (mean = 2.78). The observed heterozygosity (Ho)
2 10 5.3 3.1 0.551 0.689 0.105* among the 49 populations was lowest in Malaimbandy
9 11 5.9 3.2 0.465 0.739 0.297* 1, Madagascar (Ho = 0.000) and highest in Kiganza,
13 11 4.9 2.7 0.413 0.651 0.289* Tanzania (Ho = 0.615), with an average of 0.460. The
16 10 4.9 2.6 0.578 0.650 0.007 expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.033
22 10 4.3 2.3 0.412 0.566 0.181 (Malaimbandy 2, Madagascar) to 0.803 (Vabiti,
28 10 4.5 2.5 0.500 0.627 0.106 Nigeria) (mean = 0.64). The Student test showed that
29 10 5.9 3.2 0.494 0.727 0.234* Fis values were mostly positive for all loci with mean
30 10 5.1 2.8 0.463 0.678 0.230* Fis values ranging from 0.007 (Kafang, Cameroon) to
31 10 5.5 2.8 0.432 0.644 0.242* 1.00 (Malaimbandy 3, Madagascar), with an average
Zaire 7 10 5.6 3.0 0.469 0.704 0.298* value of 0.207. The only negative Fis value (-0.054)
22 10 5.1 3.0 0.535 0.698 0.138 was found in La Mé materials.
29 10 5.5 2.9 0.470 0.688 0.228*
30 10 5.3 3.0 0.483 0.724 0.242* Genetic relatedness among E. guineensis
36 10 4.8 2.6 0.461 0.668 0.209* accessions
Angola 1 10 5.6 3.0 0.508 0.690 0.171*
3 10 5.5 2.8 0.494 0.649 0.146* The average genetic distance among accessions was
5 10 5.5 3.1 0.588 0.700 0.062 0.769, varying from 0.000 to 1.000. The value of
6 10 4.3 2.5 0.544 0.636 0.044 genetic distance among Madagascar accessions was
8 11 5.6 3.0 0.460 0.714 0.278* the lowest and ranged from 0.000 to 0.125. The
Tanzania 1 10 5.7 3.2 0.503 0.734 0.228* genetic distance values showed no trend among
3 10 6.2 3.6 0.615 0.770 0.105 accessions from the same locality or the same country.
5 10 5.4 3.2 0.594 0.730 0.089 No complete divergence (D = 1.000) was observed
7 11 5.6 3.3 0.489 0.745 0.269* among accessions of the same country except for two
9 10 5.2 3.0 0.540 0.700 0.133* cases: between accession NI43 from Ayangba and
accession NI33 from Bida in Nigeria, and between

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Fig. 2 Principal coordinate

analysis based on Madagascar
dissimilarity matrix using 16
SSR markers

West, Central and East Africa

and breeding materials

Extreme West Africa

accession ZA02 from Mobila and accession ZA38 Genetic structure of oil palm collections
from Kiringye in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(data not shown). The organization of oil palm collections into three
The PCoA clustered the localities or locality-derived different groups of populations was the most compre-
collections into three groups (Fig. 2). All collections hensive (Fig. 4). The grouping was similar to those
from Madagascar formed the Madagascar (M) group, obtained in the PCoA and NJTree analysis. The
while collections from Senegal, Guinea, and Sierra collections from Guinea, Sierra Leone and Senegal
Leone formed the Extreme West Africa (EWA) group. formed one group (EWA), while collections from
Collections from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Zaire, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of
Angola, Tanzania, Deli MPOB, Deli Dabou, La Mé Congo, Angola and Tanzania constituted the WCEA
breeding materials, and Bahia semi-wild material con- group. Breeding and semi-wild materials clustered once
stituted the West-Central-East Africa (WCEA) group. A more with the collections from WCEA group. All
clear separation of Madagascar accessions from the collections from Madagascar maintained a distinct
remaining group was evident from this analysis. grouping pattern. The extent of genetic relatedness
The NJTree separated the WCEA group from the between accessions based on origin was revealed by
EWA group (Fig. 3). It revealed a better picture of the altering the k value. When k was increased from k = 3
group’s structure, which was clouded to a certain to k = 4 and k = 5, the Madagascar group remained
extent by the admixture of accessions from different intact while some accessions from the EWA group were
localities and countries in the data subjected to PCoA allocated to the WCEA group and vice versa. About
analysis. The Madagascar accessions maintained a 10 % of the accessions from the WCEA group were
separate grouping pattern, a pattern similar to that of allocated to the EWA group. At k = 5, Deli Dabou and
PCoA analysis. The Deli breeding materials clustered Deli MPOB materials formed a distinct group.
together and were well defined in the WCEA group.
Accessions from Cameroon and Nigeria were mostly
scattered within the WCEA group. A very small Discussion
number of accessions from La Mé and Bahia prove-
nances were also mixed with other accessions in the The present study detected a total of 209 alleles across
WCEA group. Accessions of Guinea, Sierra Leone, 16 SSR loci, with an average of 13.1 alleles/locus.
and Senegal provenances were clearly demarcated in This is slightly less than the average number of alleles
the EWA group. (14.5 alleles/locus) revealed by SSRs used for

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Extreme West Africa Senegal Tanzania

Sierra Leone

Deli materials
Nigeria West, Central and East Africa
Zaire Cameroon
and breeding materials

Fig. 3 Neighbor-joining tree drawn from the dissimilarity matrix generated by16 SSR markers genotyped across the oil palm
collections (494 oil palms from 49 populations). A scale for genetic distance is provided at the bottom of the graph

characterizing germplasm collections from Asia, and Cummings 1991). Among the samples analyzed,
Africa, and Latin America (Cochard et al. 2009). accessions from all the Madagascar localities reported
The variation in number of alleles detected might be the lowest average number of alleles (1.1). Rare alleles
due to the variation in the number of accessions were completely absent in Madagascar populations.
sampled and origin of the samples from each popu- The oil palm groves on the island are isolated and
lation. However, the application of other molecular considered to be small (Rajanaidu et al. 2000a). A high
markers such as isozymes (Hayati et al. 2004) and degree of inbreeding among small populations over a
RFLP (Maizura et al. 2006) revealed a much lower sufficient number of generations could have resulted
average number of alleles (1.8 alleles/locus) in the in fixing some alleles.
same set of oil palm collections. These findings The prevalence of more rare alleles (p \ 0.05) in
indicate the robustness of SSR markers in revealing populations from Senegal, Guinea, and Sierra Leone
higher numbers of alleles than isozymes/allozymes, a (neighbouring countries with low rainfall and dry
fact that was also reported earlier (Bruford et al. 1996). weather) may be related to adaptive traits, resulting
Allelic frequencies at each locus varied from from mutation. These rare alleles would not have
locality to locality with certain alleles confined only spread across the entire African oil palm belt due to
to one or limited localities within a country. The their isolation by distance from natural groves in other
variation in allele frequencies among the populations countries. However, the presence of the same rare
might be probably due to genetic drift, natural alleles across localities from different countries with
selection and human intervention (Bakoume et al. similar dry weather conditions also suggests that their
2007). Mutation alone creates new alleles and is a presence might be not only due to mutation but also
suggestive force in increasing genetic variation (Klug due to selection. Similar instances were revealed using

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k =3


k =4


k =5


Fig. 4 Population structure analysis of 494 oil palm accessions Ghana, GU Guinea-Conakry, MA Madagascar, NI Nigeria, SN
based on microsatellite marker analysis. K-values of 3–5 sub- Senegal, SL Sierra Leone, TA Tanzania, ZA Zaire, DM Deli
populations are shown to right and naming of oil palm MPOB, LM La Mé, DD Deli Dabou, BA Bahia
populations are as follow—AN Angola, CM Cameroon, GH

isozymes (Hayati et al. 2004), which was attributed of heterozygotes, which suggests deviation from the
due to genetic drift and adaptive genetic variants. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), mostly due to
He value was highest for population number 40 inbreeding.
from Nigeria (He = 0.803), and lowest in population The average genetic distance among accessions
number 3 from Madagascar (He = 0.033). Reproduc- was rather high. In oil palm, almost 70 % of the
tive isolation favoring inbreeding among limited genetic variation exists among individuals within
accessions might be the possible reason for the populations (Kularatne 2000; Hayati et al. 2004;
reduced expected heterozygosity level in Madagascar Cochard et al. 2009). The oil palm inflorescences are
populations (Zulkifli et al. 2012). The comparatively composed of thousands of flowers, pollinated mostly
high genetic diversity of populations from Nigeria by insects and to a small extent by wind. Hence, it is
(evidenced by high values for He and average number believed that many palms are pollen donors for a given
of alleles) also indicates it to be the possible centre of inflorescence, leading to genotypic differences among
diversity of oil palm (Hayati et al. 2004; Maizura et al. oil palms derived from the same bunch.
2006; Zulkifli et al. 2012). The mean He value for the The PCoA and NJTree resolved the entire acces-
analyzed samples was high (He = 0.644) and is sions to three distinct groups—Madagascar (M) group,
comparable with the values reported by Billotte et al. West-Central-East Africa (WCEA), and Extreme
(2001) (He = 0.68). However, Cochard et al. (2009) West Africa (EWA) group, the composition of which
reported a slightly increased mean He value of 0.704. was also confirmed by genetic structure analysis. The
The high genetic diversity observed might have grouping pattern is in agreement with the geographical
resulted from the out-crossing behaviour of oil palm, locations and is similar to those identified using AFLP
which might explain its plasticity in adaptation to (Kularatne 2000), isozymes (Hayati et al. 2004), and
various environments and large distribution area, RFLP markers (Maizura et al. 2006).
particularly within the dry and cold tropics of Africa. A systematic separation of Madagascar (M) group
The Fis values were mostly positive and considerably from other African collections is evident in all
different from zero (p \ 0.05), revealing a deficiency analysis. As Madagascar is separated from mainland

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Africa by the Mozambique Channel, restricted pollen (Rajanaidu et al. 2000a, b; Kularatne 2000) and
movement and seed dispersal across the geographic protein markers (Ghesquiere 1985; Hayati et al. 2004)
barrier might have limited the gene flow from the have also suggested the possible origin of Deli
mainland, resulting in an independent evolution of a materials in a region covering Nigeria, Cameroon,
distinct population with unique features. Oil palm is a Zaire, and Angola.
marginal oil crop in Madagascar with small bunches In EWA countries, oils from groundnut and cotton
with small fruits and low yield for palm oil. It is of are the staple sources of lipids, whereas palm oil is
little or no interest to the people of the island and marginal in local diets. The climate of Guinea
consequently is subjected to little human disturbance. Conakry, Sierra Leone, and Senegal are characterized
Hence, oil palm has experienced limited expansion in by dry weather and long dry season. These climatic
the island and is confined to the western part of features could have induced adaptation in oil palms,
Madagascar between Cape Saint André and the resulting in the creation of alleles unique to these
Fiheranana as far south as latitude 21°S (Zeven countries. The introduction of oil palm into the EWA
1967) with limited populations (Rajanaidu et al. region could have been relatively recent when com-
2000a). pared with that of countries of the WCEA group. In
The WCEA group, on the other hand, constitute fact, mention of oil palm groves in Liberia was made
countries where oil palm is regarded as a staple source in the early sixteenth century (Hartley 1988; Corley
of lipids for human consumption. Human interven- and Tinker 2003).
tions might have resulted in the movement of genetic When the k was increased to 5, more exchanges of
material across different localities, resulting in a rapid materials among countries were revealed (Fig. 4).
expansion of genetic diversity. Human interventions Furthermore, Deli materials formed a different group.
within the group include (1) selection and preservation Although Deli materials were derived from four
of only oil palms with good, fresh fruit yields, (2) seedlings introduced from Africa to the Bogor Botanic
felling the low or unproductive oil palms and/or use of Garden in Java, Indonesia in 1848 (Hartley 1988),
their inflorescences for the production of palm wine, selection carried out over more than one century
and (iii) collection of palm from remote localities for (starting with mass selection) might have resulted in
the production of palm oil and subsequent trading to the formation of a population distinct from those of the
different places. African dura. Hence, the WCEA group comprised
The clustering of the Brazilian Bahia semi-wild sub-populations, i.e., breeding materials including La
materials in the WCEA group confirms their geo- Mé materials and Bahia semi-wild materials. The
graphical origin. In fact, Brazilian groves were differences in clustering (k = 5) warns us to be
established during the period of the slave trade on a flexible when applying the notion of grouping of oil
belt 5–8 km wide from the Bay of Salvador to Maraú palm accessions on the basis of country for selection or
(Bahia state). Hartley (1988) reported that the Brazil- conservation purposes.
ian groves were very similar in composition and yield In oil palm, good complementarity of yield com-
of fruits with those from southeastern Nigeria. How- ponents and heterosis are the main factors involved in
ever, Cochard et al. (2009) revealed that the La Mé ensuring a high yield. The heterosis effect represents
(Côte d’Ivoire) materials form a different group from 15–30 % of the mid-parental value for total bunch
that of Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Zaire, Angola, and production, 3–5 % for oil to mesocarp ratio, and
Tanzania. 16–20 % for oil extraction rate (Noiret et al. 1966;
The allocation of accessions to the three popula- Gascon et al. 1969) whilst inbreeding reduces bunch
tions showed that Côte d’Ivoire (represented by the La yield as much as 50 % (Gascon et al. 1969) and
Mé materials) and Ghana could constitute a transition depresses vegetative characters and bunch production
zone between the EWA and WCEA, given that components (Cao 1995).
considerable proportion of accessions were exchanged It is clearly evident from SSR analysis that genetic
with Guinea Conakry, Sierra Leone, and Senegal. The distance among the accessions plays a major role in
inclusion of Deli materials within the WCEA group is preventing inbreeding depression in the intra or inter-
also suggestive of their possible origin from this group progenies. Based on earlier observations, dura
African region. Studies using DNA-based markers and tenera from Nigerian collections at MPOB were

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Alena Sanusi for helpful comments on the manuscript. Genetic diversity of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

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