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Open the brackets, use the right form of the verb, complete the sentences with

didn’t need to/needn’t have V3

Needn't Have - You didn't know something was unnecessary but you did it.
Didn't Need To - You knew something was unnecessary and you either did it or not.

1. I   (go) to work today but I went as I knew they were really busy on this
new contract.

2. I   (take) any money to the museum - I didn't realise it was free to enter.

3. Sheila   (got) a taxi to the party. I would have given her a lift in my car.

4. Oh Mike, you   (buy) me anything for my birthday! A simple card would

have been perfectly acceptable.

5. Today was the last day of school and we   (attend) classes in the

6. We went for a lovely walk in the woods yesterday. We took a huge picnic with us but

there was a café there anyway. We   (take) anything!

7. Our boss told us we had an extra three days to finish the project so we   
(work) so hard.

8. You   (say) anything to Carla about the broken vase. She understood what
had happened anyway.

Question 1 - didn't need to go.

Question 2 - needn't have taken.
Question 3 - needn't have got.
Question 4 - needn't have bought.
Question 5 - didn't need to attend.
Question 6 -needn't have taken.
Question 7 - didn't need to work.
Question 8 - needn't have said.

Exercise: choose "didn’t need to do” or "needn’t have done”.

1)      — How much did you pay for the yesterday performance?
— I … : I was given an invitation.
2)      I bought the vegetables, but when I came home I discovered that my wife had
already bought them. I … them.
3)      My employer is very upset. He spent the whole morning on installing new
surveillance, because the old one didn’t work. But when he took down the old equipment,
he saw that the cable was simply disconnected. He … so much money and time on the new
4)      You …  the dinner because I have made a soup. It is in the fridge.
5)      How nice that I installed a new program on my computer last week! I … it yesterday
evening to make the Excel tables in a new format.
6)      Thank you for writing the instructions about what’s wrong with my car. I … to the
mechanics the problem, when I took the car to the service station.
7)      When I came to the office on Sunday to prepare the papers for tomorrow meeting I
discovered that the secretary had already prepared them. I … .
8)      You … the rules in so much details. The students know them already.
9)      Thank you buying the book for me. But you … the money: I could have taken it in
the library.
10)  Thank you for  buying the book for me! I …  to the library yesterday!

Keys: 1) didn’t need to pay; 2) needn’t have bought; 3) needn’t have spent; 4)
needn’t have cooked; 5) didn’t need to install; 6) didn’t need to explain 7) needn’t
have come; 8) needn’t have explained; 9) needn’t have spent; 10) didn’t need to go;

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