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Test 1

Open the brackets and put the verbs into correct verb forms (some sentences may
be compound, not subjunctive ones)
1. I insist that all exercises be done (all exercises/to do) immediately
2. Fearing that the rain would start he insisted that they not go out (they/to
go out).
3. He demanded that the doctor prescribe (the doctor/to prescribe)
4. It's crucial that the letter be replied (the letter/to reply) on time
5. When he returned to Moscow, he found waiting for him an urgent request
that he should withdrawal all his money as soon as possible (he /to
withdraw all his money as soon as possible).
6. When talking to Aleck he suddenly suggested that we cook (we/to cook)
something delicious.
7. It was desirable that we make (we/to make) a report in English at the
8. It's obligatory that the audience not eat (the audience/to eat) crisps
during the performance.
9. The doctor's recommendation is that you work (you/to work) long hours
during the treatment.
10.10. It is unusual that Michael eat (Michael/to eat) that much.

11.You are a teacher at a primary school; you are giving instructions to your
pupils. Use 6 subjunctive mood sentences (apply verbs/adjectives; passive
as well as active voice constructions).
I demand that your home assignments be done
It’s important that you listen to me
It’s advisable that you wear your uniform everyday
I insist that you learn all grammar rules by hard
My recommendation for you is not miss the classes
I prefer that tests be written once a week
Test 2 Open the brackets and put the verbs into correct verb forms (some
sentences may be compound, not subjunctive ones)
1. I insist that the dog be taken for a walk (the dog/to take for a walk)
2. Fearing that the rain would start he insisted that the raincoat be taken
(raincoats/to take).
3. He demanded that the doctor lock (the door/to lock) after he left home.
4. It's crucial that vaccine be invented (vaccine/to invent) on time
5. When he returned to Moscow, he found waiting for him an urgent request
that he should write a letter as soon as possible (he /to write a letter as
soon as possible).
6. When talking to Aleck he suddenly suggested that we lend him some
money (we/to lend him some money).
7. It was desirable that we not drink (we/to drink) alcohol beverages at the
8. It's obligatory that the audience not use mobile phones (the audience/to
use mobile phones) during the performance.
9. The doctor's recommendation is that you stay up all night partying (you/to
stay up all night partying) during the treatment.
10. It is unusual that joe leave (Joe/to leave) his sunglasses at home.
You are an owner of a doctor; you are giving instructions to a mother whose child
is sick with flu. Use 6 subjunctive mood sentences (apply verbs/adjectives; passive
as well as active voice constructions).
I demand that all my instruction be performed
It is advisable that the child not drink cold water
I suggest that the child stay at home
I insist that all tablets and syrups be taken
Try to let the child relax and not disturb him
I request that the child drink hot ted with honey oft, if it is possible
Exercise 1
Complete each sentence with an appropriate modal.
1. My teacher told me that I should review my notes every day. I guess it's a good
idea to look at them after class.
2. Do you think Carol should save her money or spend it? She is planning to go to
Europe this summer.
3. I'm going to a party tonight. What should I wear: a dress or black pants?
4. Our car's gas tank is almost empty. We had better fill it up with gas soon or we
will run out of gas!
5. If you are worried about getting fat, you should not at McDonald's every day.
You should eat healthy, low-fat foods like fruits and vegetables.
6. It's really raining outside right now. I had better not forget my umbrella or I'll
get wet!
7. Where should we have lunch today: at home or in a restaurant?
8. My doctor feels that I should exercise more because I'm out of shape and want
to lose weight. I think he's right.
Exercise 2
Write sentences to give advice. Use the verb and the information in parentheses.
1. What should I do if someone's heart stops beating? (do CPR) you should do cpr
2. What should I do if someone is bleeding a lot? (apply a bandage and put
pressure on the wound) you should apply a bandage and put pressure on the
3. What should I do if someone has a sprain? (put ice and a bandage on the joint)
you should put ice and a bandage on the joint
4. What should I do if someone is choking and can't breathe? (do abdominal
thrusts) . You had better do abdominal thrusts.
5. What should I do if someone has a bee sting? (remove the stinger) You had
better remove the stinger.

6. What should I do if someone goes into shock? (lay the victim on his back and
elevate his legs ). You ought to lay the victim on his back and elevate his legs.
Exercise 3
Find the errors in the sentences. Write the sentences correctly.
1. He ought to take him to the emergency room.
2. You should to help people.
3. He should do CPR.
4. They ought not to hurt his leg.
5. I ought not to put hot water on the burn.
(Answer key. Exercise 1: 1. ought to, 2. should, 3. should, 4. had better, 5. should
not, should, 6. had better not, 7. should, 8. ought to
Exercise 2: 1. You should do CPR. 2. You should apply a bandage and put pressure
on the wound. 3. You ought to put ice and a bandage on the joint. 4. You had
better do abdominal thrusts. 5. You had better remove the stinger. 6. You ought to
lay the victim on his back and elevate his legs.
Exercise 3: 1. ought, 2. should, 3. shouldn´t, 4. ought not to, 5. ought to)

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