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In March 2017, Nepal finalized a new Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy.

The National
Intellectual Property Policy of 2017 addresses a wide range of IP issues with the goal of
establishing a balanced IP management system in Nepal. In line with the country's needs, the
policy aims to develop new legal frameworks or revise existing ones for copyright, patent,
industrial design, trademark, geographical indication, plant species, trade secrets, integrated
circuit, layout design, traditional and indigenous knowledge, traditional cultural expression
and folklore, biodiversity, and genetic resource. It focuses in using traditional knowledge,
biodiversity, and geographical indications as tools for national development. Use IP as a
source for environmentally friendly technology transfer, foreign investment, research
promotion, and the development of technical capacity and knowledge raise awareness about
IP and its importance for the economic, social, and cultural progress of society encourage
commercialisation of all forms of IP. Also to use IP as a source for environmentally friendly
technology transfer, foreign investment, research promotion, and development of technical
capacity and knowledge increase awareness of IP and its importance for the economic, social,
and cultural progress of society.

The major goals of National Intellectual Property 2017 are:

i) Develop robust regulations, as well as institutional and human resources, to ensure that IPR
is protected.

ii) Create a new institutional framework, the National Intellectual Property Council, to ensure
that the policies outlined in the National Intellectual Property Policy, 2017 are carried out

iii) Create a distinct and integrated IP Office within the Department of the Interior to handle
IPR promotion, protection, and recording.

This policy served as the basis for drafting an IPR draft law, which is currently being
reviewed. Under the current IPR system, copyright matters are handled by the Ministry of
Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation, while patent and trademark issues are handled by the
Ministry of Industry. The new policy, on the other hand, asks for a single government
institution to enforce a variety of IPR issues. These were some of the motivating factors for
Nepal's first national intellectual property policy, which strives to establish a balanced IP
system with the goal of "building a creative nation through intellectual property preservation
and protection".
The policy mainly focuses on three major aspects. To begin, it intends to update the existing
legal framework, acknowledge, and adopt legislation concerning geographical indications,
petty patents, traditional knowledge/culture, integrated circuits, plant variety protection, trade
secrets, and biodiversity. For a country like Nepal, legal protection for geographical
indications or traditional knowledge is critical since it can be utilized as a tool for rural
producers to penetrate specialized markets, raising earnings and increasing living standards.

Secondly, it intends to implement a variety of activities aimed at raising awareness and

promoting intellectual property rights. Awareness initiatives, including the inclusion of
intellectual property-related topics in upper secondary curricula, as well as knowledge
through the mass media, printed media, and other forms of media, are all focused on raising
awareness of intellectual property rights.

Third, the strategy addresses the need to combat IP infringement and suggests changing the
existing legal framework's criminal penalties. In addition, the policy established a National
Intellectual Property Council made up of individuals from civil society, ministries, and
specialists to help and advice on policy concerns. The policy was created with the best of
intentions, and it addresses all of the difficulties in the most comprehensive way possible.

Nepal will be able to build a balanced IP regime based on its social, economic, and cultural
traditions if the policy is taken seriously and all of the ideas are implemented.

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