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Name: Esa Widi Septiana

SRN : 1413042018



Marcelli Tiurmaida Panggabean., Ujang Suparman, Feni Munifatullah

Abstract. The objective of this research was to find out whether there is significant
difference in reading comprehension of narrative text achievement between students
taught through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and students taught
through Translation Method. This research was conducted based on the
experimental method. After doing research on ten grade students of SMAN 1
Bandar Lampung, The result of the test shows that there was a significant increase
from pre-test to post-test after being taught through CTL in the experimental class.
The increase was from 62.88 up to 72.31. The result of the computation shows that
the value of two tailed significance was 0.000. It means that H1 was accepted and
H0 was rejected since 0.00 < 0.05. It proves that the treatments given by the writer
had better effect of the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text
achievement. Therefore, CTL can be used as an alternative way for the teacher to
improve the students’ reading ability.

Keywords: CTL, Reading, Narrative text


This paper will focus on some key factors, which can influence as well as shape
practices in Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) response to the students’
achievement in their language skill, in which English language teaching and
learning takes place. The students are expected to master language skills in
English. Ideally the students at the first year in high school at least show good
capability on reading. Students must improve their ability in reading
comprehension, so they can get information from the text. As a matter of fact, the
students’ ability in reading comprehension is far from the goal being expected,

Based on the teacher’s information in the school when the writer observed the
school for her research, many students have difficulties in comprehending the
text. Most of the students still get difficulty in getting the information from the
text. Besides that, finding the details, finding the main ideas, the answer to
questions based on the text and making inferences from the text are some other
obstacles they faced. Those factors may be the reason why the students got the
problem. Furthermore as the results, the students got difficulties in retelling or in
transferring the information from the text as stated in the KTSP syllabus that
students must be able to understand the meaning of functional text and simple
short essay in form of narrative related to their environment.
The writer focused on narrative text of reading comprehension, because narrative
text is one of reading texts that is mostly used in the reading test. The text is

simple but many students in the first year of senior high school do not really
understand this sort of text. They have difficulty in finding the main idea and
specific information of narrative text. It may be influenced by many factors, such
as: lack of vocabularies, the use of media, the technique being used by the teacher,
and the facilities. It can be underline done of those factors that is technique.
Because some teachers in school do not teach reading comprehension using an
effective technique in helping students understands reading comprehension easier.

CTL is a technique of teaching and learning that helps teachers relates the subject
matter to real world situation and motivates students to relate what they know
already and its application to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers
(Newman and Wehlage, 1997). To implement CTL, a variety of teaching
approaches may be used. Over the years, five teaching approaches have emerged
that include context as a critical component (Berns and Erickson, 2001). The
writer used PBL (problem based learning) as one of teaching approach in her
research. Meanwhile, advocates of PBL use it in several researches, for example
in the previous research Moffit (2001) claimed it can be used to enhance content
knowledge and foster the development of communication, problem-solving, and
self-directed learning skill as it requested by CTL. It means that CTL is suitable
technique to motivate students to be active in teaching learning process. The
writer assumes that by CTL teacher creates a natural environment, so that
students’ experiences not just to enrich the knowledge but also know how to
implement their knowledge in the real world. And also with teacher’s role as a
facilitator and motivator make the students feel relax and engaged in active
learning. In doing so the students are hoped to increase their ability in
understanding English subject in school.

From the idea above, the writer would like to focus on the research on the
classroom activities in order to prove the effectiveness of CTL in teaching reading
comprehension of narrative text to first year of senior high school students. The
writer, therefore, propose the title of this research as follows: developing students’
reading comprehension of narrative text through contextual teaching learning
(CTL) at the first year of SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung

From the background problems and theories that have been explained above, the
writer formulates the research question as follow: is there any significant
difference in reading comprehension of narrative text achievement between
students taught through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and students
taught through Translation Method?

This research was quantitative, because the major data were the students’ scores
of reading comprehension and was done by using pre-test post-test control group
design, in which the research investigates whether there was an improvement in
students’ reading comprehension achievement of narrative text. The design of this
research is TI X T2, where: T1 = Pretest, X = Treatments, and T2 = Posttest

(Hatch and Farhady: 1982). The writer used the true-experimental design. There
were two classes of research participants: one was experimental class which got
treatment through CTL and the other as a control class which got treatment
through translation method. Both the classes got the same materials. The
population of the research was two classes from the first year students of SMAN 1
Bandar Lampung of academic year 2010/2011.

The instruments of data collection, the writer used pre-test post-test to know
whether there was significant difference between students taught through CTL
and those through translation method. The writer also conducting try-out test
before conducting pre-test post-test administered in order to determine the quality
of the test instrument of the research. The test was in the multiple choice form. To
know the test is true reflection of the theory in reading comprehension, the writer
examines whether the test questions actually reflected the means of reading
comprehension or not. Reliability refers to the extent to which the test is
consistent in its score and gives us an indication of how accurate the test score are.
(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:244). Reliability of the test can be determined by using
the Spilt half method in order to estimate the reliability of the test. The writer
computed the students’ score in order to find out the students’ achievement in
reading narrative text through Contextual Teaching and Learning using the
following steps: Scoring the pre-test and post-test, tabulating the results of the test
and calculating the score of the pre-test and post-test and drawing conclusion from
the tabulated results of the pre-test and post-test administered, that was by
statistically analyzing the data using statistical computerization i.e. Independent
Groups T-Test of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 15.0 for

After collecting the data and analyzing them, the writer arrived at some findings
in relation to using CTL and translation method in teaching narrative text on her
treatment. Firstly, in this research, the results indicates that in try-out test all items
that were tested to the students had good discrimination power and positive value
since large knowledgeable student than poor students got the item correct. The
writer dropped 15 items that were unsatisfactory (has less than 2.00 index) to be
used in pre-test post-test. The writer only used 35 items to be used in pre-test post-
test that were satisfactory (has higher than 2.00 index). Secondly, after conducting
the try-out test, the writer deals with the pre-test. It showed that there were eight
students (30.77%) got score ≥ 70 and 18 students (69.23%) got score ≤ 70. In
general, the result both classes were poor since many students have score below
70 and only small number of students got above it. After that, the writer due the
post-test in order to see the students’ score whether it increases or not. The test
was conducted simultaneously in experimental class in 45 minutes. The mean of
the post-test was 72.32. From the post-test in experimental class, there were 20
students (76.92%) got score ≥ 70 and only 6 students got score ≤ 70. From The
score we can know that the score was gain with the increase 9.42. In conclusion,
the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text had improved so it could be
said that CTL can be increase the students’ score. The writer also used control

class was used to prove whether the increase of the pre-test to post-test in
experiment class caused by the treatment given by the writer. Meanwhile, in the
control class the distribution score of pre-test and the post-test were equal. It
showed from the same frequency of the students who can pass the KKM (score
70). The results of their post-test were eight students (30.77%) got score ≥ 70 and
18 students (69.23%) got score ≤ 70 it were almost the same results as the pre-
test score because; the increase was not as significant as in experiment class. It
means that there was no improvement in control class. From explanation above,
there is significant improvement of students’ ability in reading comprehension of
narrative text through CTL. It showed from their average score was gain from
62.88 up to 72.32 with the increase 9.42. It could be concluded that the CTL
technique applied by the writer was more effective in teaching reading narrative

In this section, the process of the research is reviewed. The first meeting in the
experimental class, the writer gave them some questions leading to the topic. She
asked the students about their problems in comprehending the text. For the first
step, the writer discussed the narrative text. As she discussed the material, she
observed the students’ learning activities and teaching learning process itself,
some problems were found related to her technique, she started to ask the students
about the definition and generic structure of narrative text. For example when the
writer asked them about the reference of the text, the students said that sometimes
they could not understand about the meaning of the text. Some students had lack
of vocabulary. They would spend much time to looking up their dictionary to see
the meaning of the unfamiliar word then after they know the meaning, they are
able to understand the text. The students seemed lazy to read the text. Only few
numbers of the students enjoyed the activity. The next step, the writer explained
the CTL in reading comprehension. Firstly the students confused about that, so the
writer explained the material clearly by giving some example about narrative text.
To make sure the students understanding about each text, the writer gave the
exercise. Based on the text, the writer also gave the questions about five aspects of
reading comprehension that are the main idea, the specific information,
inferences, references, and vocabularies according to the text. After that, the
writer made some group consists of 6-7 students. Each group was given a text and
some question based on the text that they had gotten. And they could discuss
together with their friends to answer the question below the text.

In the next meeting, the writer gave narrative text. Before starting the learning
process, the writer gave some questions related to the topic to encourage the
students’ motivation during the learning process. Some students could answer the
question enthusiastically. They were very enthusiastic to learning the material.
After that, the writer made some group that consists of 4-5 students. That group
must be different from their group in the first meeting. During the learning
process, the students worked together to solve their problem and they could help
each other to answer the question correctly. CTL is a technique of teaching and

learning that helps teachers relates the subject matter to real world situation and
motivates students to relate what they know already and its application to their
lives as family members, citizens, and workers (Newman and Wehlage, 1997). In
line Depdiknas (2002) defines “students involved CTL’s entire component, which
is constructivism, inquiry, learning community, questioning, modeling, reflection
and authentic assessment.” The students were able to relate their schemata with
the text so they could comprehend well and got the gist from the text.

After finishing the treatment, the writer conducted the post-test to find out
whether CTL can improve the students’ ability to read in reading comprehension
of narrative text or not. The results, there were 20 students (76.92%) got score ≥
70 and only 6 students got score ≤ 70. From the result of students’ post-test
scores in the experiment class, it can be concluded that CTL can be used to
improve students’ ability to read in reading comprehension of narrative text. After
the writer gathered the data post-test, the writer distributed the questionnaire. The
aim of the questionnaire was to know how the students’ response about before
being treatment and after being treatment.
After the students using the CTL, the students got higher result, it considered that
CTL was better and gave some beneficial. Besides, the CTL could make the
students more active to build up their ability to read because they solved the
problem together by provides real situation to them. Although, during the learning
process, the writer found some students have less attention to the subject. In other
word, the technique applied was effective in increasing reading comprehension of
narrative text achievement.

Above all, the discussion throughout this paper has shows that there is a
significant difference of students ‘achievement in reading comprehension of
narrative text between those who were taught through CTL and those through
translation method. This can be identified from the gained score of students’
reading comprehension achievement of narrative text between students who were
taught through experimental class and those who were taught through translation
method. The test shows that students who were taught through CTL get higher
score than those who were taught through translation method. It can be seen from
the mean of students’ score pre test and post test in experimental class increase. In
the previous research Moffit (2001) also claimed it can be used to enhance content
knowledge and foster the development of communication, problem-solving, and
self-directed learning skill as it requested by CTL. It proves that CTL is better
than translation method in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text
because CTL could make the students more active to build up their ability to read
because they solved the problem together by provides real situation to them. It is
also infers that Contextual Teaching and Learning can be used as an alternative
way for the teacher in teaching reading comprehension.

Although not all the issues presented and discussed in this paper might be of
interest to the teachers and experts, the teaching result by using CTL investigated
and described above undoubtedly have influential impacts on what we plan to
implement in reading teaching-learning contexts and how people maximize the
learning outcome. Further researchers may apply other kinds of texts, i.e.,
descriptive, exposition, spoof, recount, report text etc. and can conduct this
technique on different level of students. For the use, the English teachers are
recommended to apply CTL as one of the ways in teaching reading
comprehension of narrative text because it can help the students in comprehending
the text easier. However, it is needed that all students are well organized into
group of four in order the discussion could run well and the condition of the class
is controlled and did not bother another class. And it can be done if the teacher
moves from one group to another to control and check students’ activity. For
example, when the students do the discussion, the teacher can check the students’
work with stand up beside them and moves from one group to another.

Berns, Robert G. and Patricia M. Erickson. 2001. Contextual teaching and
learning: Preparing students for the new Economy,
From: , Retrieved on April, 25 2010

Depdiknas, 2002. Pendekatan kontekstual (Contextual Teaching and Learning).

Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Hatch, E and Farhady. 1982. Research design and statistic for applied linguistics.
London: New Bury House Production, Inc.

Newman and Wehlage.1997. What is contextual teaching and learning?

From:, Retrieved on March, 23 2010

Moffit, S. 2001. Toward a realization of psycholinguistic principle in the ESL

reading class, in methodology TESOL. New York: New Bury House

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