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Pratiwi, Dina. 2009. The Teaching of The Simple Past Tense for Junior High
School Students Through Task-Based Learning (An action research
conducted at year VIII of SMP N 1 Gubug). A Final Project. English
Department, FBS. Unnes. Advisor 1: Widhiyanto, S.Pd. M.Pd. Advisor 2:
Drs. Suprapto, M.Hum.
Key words: Task-Based Learning, Teaching Simple Past Tense, and Action
Simple past tense is one of the grammar topics taught to Year VIII students of
junior high school. They may have problem in studying simple past tense since
English is not their mother tongue and it has different rules from Indonesian
grammar. Therefore, in teaching simple past tense, a teacher needs a good
The main problem discussed in this study was to determine if the use of
Task- Based Learning was effective in teaching simple past tense to Year VIII
students of junior high school and the objective was to know the students’
achievement during teaching learning process by using this method.
This study has used through action research consisting two cycles of
action research in which each cycle consists of four steps; planning, acting,
observing, and reflecting. The study was begun with a pre-test, cycle 1 and 2, a
post-test, and questionnaire.
The result of the students’ achievement in pre-test was 38. 26 %, in the
first cycle was 78. 5 %, in the second cycle was 78. 3 %, and the result of the posttest
was 81. 03 %. From the result, it showed that the use of Task-Based Learning
as a method in teaching simple past tense gave significant result for students in
learning simple past tense. In addition, the questionnaire showed that the students
was interested in the method used in teaching learning process, as a result they
were motivated in learning simple past tense.
It is concluded that teaching simple past tense through Task-Based
Learning to Year VIII students of junior high school is effective. In addition, it
was recommended to be applied in class regularly and continually.
One of the grammatical tense is simple past tense which taught for students class VIII in
Junior High School . They are difficult to understand about simple past tense because it has
different rules from Indonesian grammar . So, a teacher needs best technique exactly in
grammar .

Doing a research with the teaching learning process simple past tense using task based
learning must perceive that was effective for student class VIII in junior high school . the
goal was to know how far the skill of students using this method .

The research based on two cycles with four steps ; planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting. The study was begun with a pre-test, cycle 1 and 2, a

post-test, and questionnaire. In the post test ,Task of based learning is good outcome .
Moreover , the questionnaire give an evidence that the students were liked in the method ,
therefore they have high learning spirit.
Journal of English and Education 2013, 1(1) 133-141



Merli Puji Handayani*

*Merli graduated in 25 June 2013 from English Education Study Program of Indonesia
University of Education

Abstract: The study informs the use of children short stories in

teaching reading comprehension in one of junior high schools in
Bandung. Due to their length, vocabulary, and storyline, children short
stories were selected for the purpose to increase students‟ motivation
to read. A classroom action research was conducted in this study in
form of three cycles of treatment. The data were collected through
various sources: observation sheet, reading test, questionnaire, and
interview. The data then were analyzed through triangulation method
and reported in qualitative descriptive analysis. The findings revealed
despite some limitations, the use of children short stories helped the
students to improve their reading comprehension. The result of
reading test showed a slightly improvement on the students‟ average
score from 61.09 in diagnostic test increased to 76.28 in Cycle 3
therapeutic test. The result of observation implied that the
employment of reading strategies and the characteristic of children
short stories gave influences to the improvement of students‟ reading
comprehension. In addition, the results from questionnaire and
interview indicated that students were aware of having progress in
terms of vocabulary and comprehending the text generally. It is thus
recommended for further studies to minimize the challenge found in
this study and to vary kinds of children short stories used.

Keywords: A model of teaching, children short stories, reading

comprehension, EFL students
the study tell how they teach reading comprehension using short stories at one of Junior High
School Bandung . The objective of this study is encouraging the student more likely to read.
A classroom action research included three cycles and many sourches ; observation, reading
test , questionnaire , and interview . They were analysed of the data through triangulation
method and informed in qualitative descriptive analysis . Although a few problem of using
children short stories but this method give a make out to improve their reading skill.
The result of reading test estimated a slightly improvement on the students‟ average score
from 61.09 in diagnostic test become 76.28 in Cycle 3 therapeutic test.
The results from questionnaire and interview showed the student have increased in
vocabulary the text generally . For continuing the researchers should be able to make an easy
comprehending on the research and to share kinds of children short stories used.
the effectiveness of using short story towards reading comprehension of narrative text at the
second grade students of Mts AT-TAQWA Batu Ceper Tangerang is the goal of this study.
the sample of this study was 80 students where 40 students were from the experiment class ,
and the others were from the controlled class with the method was a quantitive method that
arranged a quasiexperimental . The experimental class was a class which could special
training or being taught by using short story and the controlled class was taught by using the
subject which often using in the class.
In collecting the data , the writer did the test twice to both the class , the pre-test have done
to know the students ability in comprehending narrative text before they were special
training and the post-test have done to know whether there was the student increasing in
comprehending narrative text after giving short story as special training. Type of the tests
used multiple choices which consisted of thirty questions but in analysing the data , the writer
used t-test formula focus on a significant difference between two variables in this study.
According on the result of statistic calculation , it could be concluded that the effective
Towards students reading comprehension of narrative text than without using short story.

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