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The area of the Arung Palakka tomb is located at Bonto Biraeng, Katangka, Somba Opu, Gowa

Regency, South Sulawesi. Next to Arung Palakka’s tomb is his wife’s. they are decorated with "
Lamming" in yellow and the tomb has a white dome on top.

In addition to Arung Palakka's tomb, inside it there are many tombs that are long and large which
are arranged by bricks to resemble temples that have strong historical nuances. As shown, the building
material of the building itself is made of ancient stone bricks that looked strong and old. The tombs has
been there for tens of years where there had been a lot of moss that filled the tombs so that the name
on the tomb was not clear but still well preserved. The tombs are also unique and there are several
carvings that adorn the tomb.

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