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This study aims to find out how to improve students' speaking skills using the jigsaw type
cooperative learning model that can be applied to improve the speaking skills of junior high
school students and to identify the role of the jigsaw type cooperative learning model in
improving students' speaking skills. To achieve the objectives of this study, the authors designed
an experimental method using pre-test and post-test. The population of this research is the
seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Suranenggala. The sample of this research is 7th grade
students in the 2020/2021 academic year. The number of students is 20 students. There were four
encounters during the experiment. Before the experiment was conducted, students were given a
pre-test. At the end of the experiment, students were given a post-test.



In learning English in junior high school, the application of learning is a very important
factor for a teacher when teaching. But the fact is that teachers are still found who do not
understand and have not carried out learning using applications that are in accordance with
learning objectives. the application is still centered on the teacher, namely lectures, so it is still
passive. Interaction and communication between teachers and students is still lacking. can the
application of the approach is not in accordance with the curriculum. Starting from the statement
above, this research is an attempt to collect information on the extent to which the jigsaw type is
implemented in learning English, especially in learning to speak.

Speaking,kooperative model,jigsaw

Identification of problems

Based on the background of the problems above, the following problems can be identified:

1. The objectives of learning English in grade 7 of SMPN 2 Suranenggala have not been fully

2. Students in grade 7 SMPN 2 Suranenggala lack mastery of English, especially speaking skills.

Pembatasan masalah

Based on the background of the problems and initial phenomena, the problems studied are
about how to implement learning to speak using a jigsaw cooperative model approach in grade 7
SMPN 2 Suranenggala

Rumusan masalah

Based on the problems above, briefly the main problems that will be studied in this
research can be formulated as follows:
1. How is the implementation of learning speaking with a jigsaw cooperative model to improve
speaking skills in grade 7 SMPN2 Suranenggala?

2. What are the difficulties faced by the teacher in implementing the jigsaw cooperative model of
speaking learning in teaching English in grade 7 SMPN2 Suranenggala?

Tujuan penelitian

In line with the problems raised, this study aims to understand and describe:

1. Implementation of speaking learning using a jigsaw cooperative model to improve speaking

skills in grade 7 SMPN2 Suranenggala.

2. The difficulties faced by the teacher in implementing the jigsaw type of cooperative learning
in teaching speaking English in grade 7 SMPN2 Suranenggala


The results of this study can be used as input for English teachers regarding the learning
that has been carried out whether it is in accordance with the communicative language teaching
approach in choosing a jigsaw type cooperative learning approach, especially speaking learning
to achieve the target learning objectives in grade 7 SMPN2 Suranenggala.


Speaking Skills

a) The Nature of Speaking Skills

b) Types of speaking skills

c) speaking extensively (Extensive speaking)

d) speaking intensively (Intensive speaking)

e) Purpose and Benefits of speaking skills

f) Process Speaking Skills

g) Assessment of Listening Skills

Cooperative learning

a. Definition of cooperative learning

b. Characteristics of cooperative learning

c. Cooperative Learning Objectives

d. Basic Principles of Cooperative Learning

e. Elements of Cooperative Learning

f. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning


i. Definition of jigsaw type

ii. Characteristics of jigsaw type

iii. Principles of Jigsaw Type Teaching

iv. Problems in jigsaw type teaching

v. The benefits of jigsaw type teaching

Relevant research

Research that is relevant to the research that will be conducted is research from Brother
Agus Rudi Purwanto (2010) with the title "Implementation of English Language Learning with a
Contextual Approach in Class X at SMA Negeri 3 Wonogiri. This study aims to describe how
learning English uses a contextual approach. This study uses a descriptive method because this
research aims to obtain information about the implementation of learning English with a
contextual approach.

Kerangka berfikir

Effective learning is inseparable from the use of the approach that is most suitable for the
purpose of learning English. The purpose of learning English in class can be achieved if the
approach used by the teacher is in accordance with the learning objectives. There are still many
approaches centered on the teacher lecture model. This will limit the interaction between
students and teachers in the class so there needs to be significant communication between
teachers and students in the learning process. If viewed from the applicable curriculum, the
communicative language teaching approach will be more dominant in the process of learning
English, especially learning to speak.


Place and Time of Research

This research was conducted in 7th grade of SMPN 2 Suranenggala. The determination of the
junior high school was based on the consideration that in Cirebon district the school is known as
a school that has high discipline and is known to the public as a superior school in various

Research Approach

This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach. The use of the above research
method because the nature of the problem being studied implies that direct research will be
carried out in the field to obtain data relevant to the research problem. Researchers also want to
collect information and describe learning to speak with a jigsaw cooperative model in grade 7
SMPN 2 Suranenggala.

Research Data Source

The source of data in this study is information collected to be studied in the form of
qualitative data. The research data can be extracted from several sources, namely the 7th grade
English teacher, documentation in the form of lesson plans and the 7th grade teacher's speaking
learning syllabus.

Data collection technique

1. Observation (observation)

2. Field notes

3. Questionnaire (to find out the extent of student motivation)

Data Validity
In this study, the researcher used two data validity techniques, namely continuous
observation and triangulation.

Data analysis technique

This study uses interactive analysis, namely the Miles and Huberman qualitative data
analysis technique which consists of three activity lines: data reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion drawing/verification.


Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy. New York: Logman.

Brown, Steven. 2006. Teaching Listening. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Littlewood, William. 1981. Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Nunan, David. 1989. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Ricard, Jack C. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today. New York: Cambridge
University Press.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. UK: Longman.

Ricard, Jack C. 2008. Teaching Listening and Speaking: From Theory to Practice. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

Field, John. 2008. Listening in the Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University

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