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Nama :
Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Tadris
Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris
No.HP :
Tanggal Pengajuan : 2022
Dengan ini mengajukan judul penelitian/skripsi/tugas akhir dengan tema :

The effect of Grammar Application Toward Students’ Achievement in

English Classs (Qualitative A Case Study of College students at UIN
Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu City in Academic Year 2022/2023)

The object of this research is students at UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu in
academic year 2022/2023.

Grammar knowledge is defined as knowing the rules, the structures, and the
regulations of the language. Grammar refers to the way language users order or arrange
vocabularies to build correct and appropriate sentences. There has been a controversy
over the impact of grammar on learning English in recent decades (Kumar et al., 2015).
In fact, the positive role of grammar in English language learning is undeniable; in other
words, grammar has a vital role in learning a second language. Learning a language
includes mastering the four main skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading.
Therefore, if the correct grammar is not used, it is not possible for speakers to speak and
use English properly or correctly. Canale and Swain (1980) proposed that grammar
knowledge is a basic component of our competencies that helps us to communicate
properly and successfully. There is no effective communication without knowing
sufficient grammar.
According to the significance of grammar, Richards and Renandyo (2002) found that
individuals are aware that grammar is very important and we should not overlook it, and
lack of sufficient grammar knowledge makes students’ language enhancement seriously
restricted. There is not a common consensus that grammar should be taught or not.
In this paper we have to examine the role of grammar in language before, we can
consider the position of grammar in English language teaching; every language has its
grammar. The grammar of the language is important. Therefore, Grammar is primarily
concerned with the study of language. It explains to us the difficulties and problems
involved in learning a language and it guides us to know how language is effectively used
in our day-to-day life. Grammar tells us how words are formed and why they are
classified into various categories. It also instructs us how words are combined and
grouped into sentences. Grammar makes us familiar with sentence structure. It enables us
to understand how sentences are patterned and how they are used in our practical life for
proper and effective communication.


The research problems are formulated as follows:

a) How is Grammar Application Toward Students’ Achievement in English Class of

UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu?


a. Investigating How is Grammar Application Toward Students’ Achievement in
English Class of UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu
The researcher also seen from three previous studies. The first study is Aliya Tazeen
(2021) entitled: The Efficacy of Integrating Grammar and Content: In the Perspective of
English Language Teachers and Students. The purpose of the study is The present paper
attempts to highlight the extent to which the present teaching techniques are helping
students to construct, produce and retain basic language structures. It focuses upon both
teachers’ attitude towards the effectiveness of pedagogical styles adopted for grammar
teaching and students’ perception of difficulties in learning English grammar when taught
through the existing method of teaching grammar.
The second study is Dr. Christian E. C. Ogwudile (2022) entitled: the Position of
Grammar in English language teaching. The purpose of the study is discuss the position
of Grammar in English Language Teaching. English Grammar as one of the subjects in
schools, always plays a good role in helping students of English language in order to have
better understanding of the language. Today, the role of English grammar in teaching
children at their schools should not be neglected because, grammar represents the
students’ linguistic competence. The pupils who speak and learn English language should
know English grammar in order to know the English rules to get better meaning of words
and sentences in their language. Language is used as one of the important features of
human life in order to help human beings to communicate with other people in their
society. Grammar is a key to their understanding of verbal communication, and helps
people understand themselves and how to communicate. This paper examines the
methods of English Language teaching grammar in detail: deductively and inductively,
with focus on form, and meaning. The paper also examines briefly Descriptive and
Prescriptive grammars.
The third study is Mashudi Mashudi, Dkk (2021) entitled: The Impact of English
Cultural Awareness on Indonesian Advanced EFL Learners’ Grammar Knowledge. The
purpose of the study is the impacts of English cultural awareness on Indonesian EFL
students’ grammar knowledge. To achieve this objective, 40 advanced participants were
chosen according to their performance on the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT).
Then, the participants were equally divided into two groups of 20; an experimental and a
control group. A grammar pre-test was administered to assess their knowledge of
grammar prior to applying the instruction.

a. Research Design

This is research using a case study and this research use the qualitative method.

Qualitative research is an approach carried out with a holistic and realistic

manifestation of nature such as the environment where the approach is carried out by

collecting data, observing, interviewing, analyzing documents. The purpose of

qualitative research is to know and study social life by understanding one's

perceptions and experiences in society about a particular subject. In this study,

researchers will focus on An Analysis Students’ Self-Directed learning Strategies in

Improving English speaking ability During Covid 19 Pandemic. This is related to the

statement that qualitative research is the study of people's lives that are meaningful

about their real situation.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the study will use

qualitative methods for the research design. This research will be conducted with

students at UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu for the 2021/2022 academic year to

find out how An Analysis Students’ Self-Directed learning Strategies in Improving

English speaking ability During Covid 19 Pandemic.

b. Observation

To collect the data, the researcher used the observation checklist. Giving a

checklist symbol on the observation sheet is the process of the observation of this

research. This is a way to find out how the teacher's strategies of teaching vocabulary
to young during the Covid-19 pandemic. Observation was the first thing to do before

giving the participants the observation sheet.

c. Interview

To get clear information the researcher will be using interviews as an instrument.

The interview is the technique to collect the data to get the information that takes

from the data sources to face through conversations or questions and answers. In the

interview, there are two types of interviews are open interview and close interview. A

deep interview is like Interviewing give the researcher a means to gain a deeper

understanding of how participants interpret situations or phenomena than can be

obtained through observation alone. Therefore, it is mean that deep interview is

about the researcher take the deep information from the participant and this procedure

cannot researcher take from observation. Then, an open interview is about the

question designed to get a lot of information and a wide answer. This situation makes

the interview can control the interview.

In this procedure, the researcher will be face to face with the lecturers and

students to get more information about Teachers’ strategies in teaching vocabulary to

young learners through interviews. In this research, the researcher will be using a

close interview. It is because the researcher wants to get clear data from the

participant. The point is the researcher wants to ask about An Analysis Students’ Self-

Directed learning Strategies in Improving English speaking ability During Covid 19


d. Documentation
Documentation will be using to get data from all of the procedures to verify the

data. In this research, documentation can we get from an observation checklist,

interview, and photograph. The photograph is about the activity between the students

and the lecture in class activities when they are learning about Reading

Comprehension. Documentation data is to support the valid data from the primary

instrument. The procedure of this instrument is the researcher will be recording the

An Analysis Students’ Self-Directed learning Strategies in Improving English

speaking ability During Covid 19 Pandemic.


NOTE : Mahasiswa dapat mengajukan proposal skripsi apabila telah memenuhi syarat lulus mata
kuliah: Research Methodology dan Language Teaching Research.


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