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Research No.


Validation and Utilization of a Developed

Contextualized Learning Module

for Science Five


Jacquilyn O. Alovera, Tanzang Luma Elementary School

Eden A. Bacsal, Tanzang Luma Elementary School

Juvelyn T. Perez, Tanzang Luma Elementary School

Research No. 1019027


Title: Validation and Utilization of a Developed Contextualized Learning Module for Science

This study aimed to determine the validity and effectiveness of utilizing a developed
contextualized Learning Module in Science Five for the First Grading in Tanzang Luma
Elementary School for the School Year 2019-2020. The respondents of this study were 60 Grade
5 pupils of the school selected randomly. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following
questions: (1) What is the level of validity and effectiveness of utilizing the contextualized
learning module in Science 5? (2) What is the significant difference of the two groups? (3)
Based on the finding, what action plan could be proposed?
The researchers found out that the Pre - Test MPS of experimental group was 44% or
Moderately Acceptable (MA) and the Post -Test MPS was 65% or Acceptable (A). The
significant difference is 21%. The Pre - Test MPS of the Controlled was 62% or Acceptable (A).
The Post Test MPS was 78% or Acceptable (A). The significant difference is 16%.
Finally, the study suggested that using developed contextualized learning module
enhance learning and remedy the least mastered skills of the learners thus attain growth in their
academic performance specifically the experimental group. The result of this study can be
published, disseminated and discussed with all concerned for information purposes and to elicit

Keywords: validation, contextualized, utilization , academic performance

Research No. 1019027


Elementary Education is the foundation of learning. It prepares and introduces the basic
skills of writing and reading. This is where the introduction of different subjects are taught.
Teachers are the best instruments to fight illiteracy. The tasks on the shoulder of a teacher are
superior compared to those other professions.
Academic success has a great influence on learner’s self-esteem and motivation. Learners
poor academic performance may result negatively to the different aspects of their lives. The poor
academic performance is evident in the result of their examinations, assignments, quizzes and
other graded points related to the subject.
Tanzang Luma Elementary School is trying its best to meet the standard of education in
order to produce competent and skillful learners. To achieve this, the school is doing different
innovations and intervention strategies to improve learners’ academic performance.
Science is one of the interesting subjects but learners find it difficult to study. Though
Science five has module it is suited for first quarter. Thus, the researchers developed a
contextualized learning module in science for grade five learners.
According to Romulo (2015), students have hard time to relate the topics they learned
from their previous years to the present topic. They even had less retention to the previous topics
that needs for a teacher to introduce and discuss the concept.
As cited in the study of Corcoro ( 2009 ), deteriorating performance of students is one of
the many problems that science educators had been facing. They tried to focus on what is lacking
to student such as subject matter mastery, attaining mental and cognitive skills, appropriate
structures in the classroom and others in order to address the problem.
Research No. 1019027

The quality of teaching in Science suffers when learners failed to apply the life-skills and
the relevance of science concepts in their daily activities. In addition, based on the result of the
Quarterly Exam SY 2018 – 2019 in the Division of Imus City elementary level, only one school
got 75% MPS. As respond to this problem and to provide access and quality education, the
researchers made Learning Module for Science Five First Quarter adhering the parts of the
lesson: competencies, objectives, pre-test, presentation of the lesson, summary, post-test.
The use of the contextualized learning module in Science Five was the proposed
innovation and intervention, evaluated by the participants in terms of validity. Descriptive-
quantitative analysis of data will use to further determine the validity of the learning module in
Science V. Descriptive quantitative research defined as a purposive process of gathering,
analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs,
processes, trends, and cause effect relationships and then making adequate and accurate
interpretation about the data with the aid of statistical methods (Calderon and Gonzales, 2012).
To further validate the content of the module, an experimental study was conducted to test the
effectiveness of the contextualized learning module. The research study was limited to the
findings of the researchers within the level of validity and significant difference between the
pretest and posttest of the learners participation. Furthermore, the study provided empirical data
as a basis for adaptation of the learning module in Science Five.
Moreover, the study could be a significant innovation, and intervention strategy that can
be utilized and adapted in teaching Science Five. This study will benefit the Science teachers to
effectively deliver their lessons in Science. The material has the following parts: competencies
( least mastered ), objectives, pre-test, presentation of the lesson, summary, post- test and key to
correction. The content of the pre – test and post – test is the same to measure the retention of the
learners on the given concept. The utilization of the contextualized learning module in school
might be an indicator to sound teaching-learning practices that might be adopted by other
institution. This intervention would be helpful to the teachers who are teaching Elementary
Science especially in Grade Five. Perhaps, the successful implementation of the module in
school will depend upon the increase on students’ learning outcomes.
Research No. 1019027

Review of Related Literature

It can be said that the use of the learning module can help students improve their
achievement level and motivation to the subject. According to Estremera (2017) module should
meet the quality and acceptability standards set for the concerning instructional material
development. Hence, the provision of a learning module determines its validity and quality.
The concept of module development and implementation provided comprehensive
information and adequately explained the learning objectives, learning content, learning
experiences, and learning outcomes, knowledge, skills, and concepts. The learning module must
be contextualized or localized based on the needs of the learners in response to the learning
environment (Estremera, Hizon and Claridades, 2017 and Gianan, 2016).
Instructional materials motivate students to learn more about the concepts by providing
challenging activities that require them to move to the next content (Clevado, 2017). Both
teachers and students perceived the effectiveness of contextualized concepts and activities as a
tool for teaching and learning (Hizon, 2017). According to Claridades, (2017) the utilization of
localized and contextualized module was deemed effective in uplifting the performance of grade
8 learners in teaching science. Localized and contextualized materials should be reproduced and
immediately distributed, upon the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum (Gianan, 2016).
Educators in any field should try to apply or integrate localization and contextualization
of learning materials in teaching any subject because it shows a positive effect in the
performance of the learners and it is an effective means of imparting lifelong learning outcomes
(Ballesteros, 2015).
Moreover, educators have been enthusiastic about contextualization for many years,
trends in the available research have been positive, and it is consistent with contemporary
theories of learning and motivation (Perin, 2011).
Research No. 1019027

It is in this context, the researchers wanted to conduct the study, seeks to determine the
level of validity and effect of utilizing the contextualized module to learners’ performance. Thus,
this study is geared towards the continuous utilization of the module that will serve as a guide for
the learners and teachers in Science Five.

Research Questions

This study aimed to determine the validity and effectiveness of the contextualized
learning module in Science Five . Hence, it provides an avenue to further improve the content of
the learning module.
Particularly, it wanted to answer the following questions:
1. Determine the level of validity of the contextualized learning module in terms of the
following components:
a. Lesson Objectives
b. Pre-Test/Post-Test
c. Presentation of Lesson
2. Determine the significant difference between the pre-test performance of the control and
experimental group?
3. Determine the significant difference between the post-test performance of the control and
experimental group?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what action plan could be proposed?
Research No. 1019027


The participants were oriented to ensure that the study is for educational research purpose
The pre-test and post-test instrument was administered during the first quarter of the
school year. Both the experimental and control group of student participants were engaged in the
used of the contextualized learning module in Science. They answered the pre-test before the
lesson proper in each learning competencies. After the presentation of the activities, post-test
was administered after the whole duration of learning competencies covered in Science
exploratory for the experimentation. The results of the assessments would further conclude the
significant difference between pre-test and post-test of the experimental group and control group.
The findings would serve as the basis for plans for dissemination.
The study strictly followed the P4A model in teaching Science wherein the class starts
with a pre-test, presentation of concept, summary, and post-test. After all necessary instructional
delivery, students will be assessed using the post-test. The presentation and analysis of data
interpreted the significant difference of the pre-test performance and the post-test performance of
the experimental group and control group. The results served as the basis for drawing out
accurate statements for conclusions, recommendations and action plan.
The research instrument to be used in the conduct of the study is the pre-test and post-
To evaluate the module, three main components intend to measure the validity the
learning material namely: Lesson Objectives, Pre-test/ Post- Test and Presentation of the Lesson.
The module was approved by the research coordinator before it was distributed to the student
Research No. 1019027

The researchers used the pre-test and post-test. The two tests were based on the learning
competencies prescribed by the K-12 Curriculum Guide for Science V. A summative type of test
which composed 30 items pre-test and post-test which are parallel to each other that covered the
topics about matter. The study assured the test items constructed were according to content and
performance standards specified in the K to 12 Curriculum of Science V. The test questions were
presented and validated by the school head. Upon the approval of the self-made pre - test and
post test research instruments, an assessment was administered.
To show the statistical presentation of data on the validity and the effect of utilizing the
contextualized Science V learning module, the following data interpretation, and statistical
treatment was employed:
To interpret the level of validity of the contextualized learning module in Science five ,
the following scale was used:
Table 1: Population of the study.
Respondents Population Percentage
Experimental Group 30 100
Control Group 30 100
Total 60 100

In this study, there were groups of respondents for total of 60. It is divided into two groups of
respondents such as experimental group 30 or 100 percent and control group 30 or 100 percent.
Both group of respondents were all grade five pupil 2: describes the arbitrary scale and the verbal
interpretation of the data.
Response Arbitrary Scale Verbal Interpretation
5 81%-100% Excellent – Highly acceptable (HA)
4 61%-80% Acceptable – (A)
3 41%-60% Moderately Acceptable– (MA)
2 21%-40% Least Acceptable – (LA)
1 0% - 20% Not Acceptable – Not Valid (NA)
Research No. 1019027


Research Question 1. Determine the level of validity of the learning module in terms of the
following components: a.) Lesson Objectives; b.) Pre Test; c.) Presentation of Concepts; d.)
Summary; and e.) Post Test

Table 3: Control Group the data showed in table and graph presentations.

Test LS HS S Me MPS Verbal

Conducted D an Interpretati
Pre-test 10 27 4 19 62% Acceptable –
Post -test 13 30 5 23 78% Acceptable –
Significant 16%

Controlled Group
30 27
25 23
15 13
4 5

Legend: Blue- Pretest Gray: Post test

Table 3 shows the summary result of the evaluation for controlled group according to the validity

of the contextualized learning module in Science V. As far as the validity of the learning module
is concerned, both pre-test and post-test registered as Acceptable (A). It is also shown on the

table that there is 16% significant difference from the tests conducted.

The pre-test and post-test signifies that there is significant difference before and after the conduct

of validation process of the developed contextualized learning module in science five. It is

clearly determined that using contextualized learning module is valid and effective.

Research No. 1019027

Table 4: Experimental Group the data showed in table and graph presentation.

Test Conducted LS HS Mean SD MPS Verbal Interpretation

Pre-Test 9 9 13 3 44% Moderately Acceptable–

Post- Test 23 28 19 5 65% Acceptable – (A)

Significant 21%

30 Experimental Group
25 23
15 13
9 9
5 3

Legend: Blue-Pretest Gray:


Table 4 shows the summary result of the evaluation for experimental group according to the

validity of the contextualized learning module in Science V. It is shown that 44% or Moderate

Acceptable for Pre-Test and 65% or Acceptable for the Post-Test conducted. It is also shown on
the table that Experimental group of pupils got 21% significant difference from the tests


It is clearly determined that using contextualized learning module is valid and effective. As

Ballesteros ( 2015 ), studied and stated, that applying contextualization learning materials

showed a positive effect in the performance of the pupils and it is effective means of imparting

life-long learning outcomes.

Research No. 1019027

Table 5: The graph shows the MPS of controlled and experimental group during the pre –
test and Post test using learning contextualized module.


70% 62% 65%
50% 44%

Legend: Blue: Pretest Gray: Posttest

There was a significant difference in the performance of the two groups in the pre -test and post
test. The MPS in controlled group was 62% during pre – test and 78% in post – test. The
difference is 16%. In experimental group, the MPS was 44% during the pre – test and got 65%
in post - test. The significant difference is 21%.
There was a positive transfer of learning in the two groups. However, higher MPS was observed
from the experimental group after the presentation of the contextualized learning module.
The contextualized learning module was effective based on the MPS gained in posr – test of the
experimental and controlled groups.

Research No. 1019027


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The researchers found out that the Pre - test MPS of experimental group was 44% or

Moderately Acceptable (MA) and the Post -test MPS was 65% or Acceptable (A). The

difference is 21%. The Pre - test MPS of the Controlled was 62% or Acceptable (A). The Post –

test MPS was 78% or Acceptable (A). The significant difference is 16%.

2. The researchers found out that using contextualized learning module will help learners
improve their academic performance especially in experimental group or the hetero group.
3. The researchers noticed that using contextualized learning module will increase the retention
and mastery of the science concept by the learners.

Based on the stated findings the following are hereby recommended:
1. Use contextualized learning module to improve the retention and there will be mastery of the
science concept by the learners.
2.. Science Teachers should develop more contextualized learning modules to improve the
academic performance of the learners.
3. Result of this study can be published, disseminated and discussed with all concerned for
information purposes and to elicit feedback.

Research No. 1019027


Ballesteros, J. O. (2015). Localization and Contextualization of Science

Activities in Enhancing Learners’ Performance. Capas Integrated School Agoo, La Union
Philipphine Retrieved from:
Calderon, J. F., and Gonzales, E. C. (2012). Methods of Research. An
Introduction. Retrieved November 11, 2017 from
Carreon, J. R. ( 2018 ). Validation and Utilization of a Developed Contextualized
Entreprenuership Learning Module for Technology and Livelihood Education
Claridades, K. C. (2017). Utilization of Localized and Contextualized Instruction
About Biodiversity among Grade 8 Learners of Dagatan National High School. Dagatan
National High School, Quezon Province. International Conference of Basic Education
Estremera, M. L. (2017). Acceptability and Quality of the Developed Reading
Module Entitled “Read To Lear, Save the World”: An Instructional Materials Used for
S.Y. 2014-2015-2016. Marinas 1 Elementary School, Sorsogon East, Sorsogon City.
International Conference of Basic education Researchers.
Corcoro, T.D. (2009). Active learning in the conceptual understanding of Physics by college
students , Unpublished dissertation , Notre Damme Marbel, Koronadal City

Research No. 1019027

Gianan, SJ. F. (2016). Attitude and Problems of Garde 1 to Grade 3 Teachers in

Virac on the Implementation of the K to 12 curriculum. Catanduanes State University.
Action-Research Action Learning (ARAL) 2017. De La Salle University, Manila
Hizon, I. R. (2017). The Use of Contextualized Materials and its Implication in
Teaching and Learning Mathematics. Division of Calamba City. International Conference
of Basic Education Researchers.
Perin, D. (2011). Facilitating Student Learning Through Contextualization.
Community College Research Center. Teachers College, Columbia University. CCRC
Working Paper No. 29
Romulo, J. ( 2015 ) Issues on the Implementation of the K-12 Curriculum, Cugman, Cagayan De
Oro City

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