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Kendriya Vidyalaya, Nagercoil

Class : 1 Subject : English Chapter : Sundari

I . New words

1 . Smiled 2. Beautiful 3. Fair 4. Band 5. Everyone 6. Little 7. Tune 8. Space 9. Grass

10. Hold 11. High 12. Wind 13. Along 14. Mouth 15. Shooed 16. Away 17. Leaped
18. Tugged 19. String 20. Please

II. Opposites

1 . Beautiful x Ugly 2. Hold x Drop 3. High x Low 4. Long x short

5. Everyone x No one 6. Open x Close 7. Away x Near 8. Cry x Laugh

III. Write the past tense.

1. Make - Made 2. Look - Looked 3. Leap - Leaped 4. Run - Ran 5. Start - Started
6. Tug - Tugged 7. Give - Gave 8. Cry - Cried 9. Fly - Flew 10. Want - Wanted

IV. Write the ‘ ing ‘ form of the following words.

1 . Play - Playing 2. Smile - Smiling 3. Carry - Carrying 4. Hold - Holding

5. Start - Starting

V. Answer the following.

1. Who made Sundari ?

Bobby made Sundari.

2. Why did Bobby call his kite ‘ Sundari ‘ ?

Bobby called his kite ‘ Sundari ‘ because it was beautiful.

3. Did Sundari fly very high at the first ?

No, Sundari did not fly very high at the first.

4. What made Sundari really happy?

Sundari had tugged. Bobby let Sundari free. That made Sundari happy.

VI. Draw a kite and colour it.

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