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Kendriya Vidyalaya, Nagercoil

Class : I Subject : English Chapter : Clouds

I . New words.

1. Hot 2. Sky 3. Cloud 4. Rain 5. Sing 6. Dance 7. Cool 8. Again

9. Bring

II. Write the names of the seasons.

Summer season Winter season Rainy season

III. Identify and name the following pictures.

Cloud Singing Rain Puddle

Umbrella Dancing Sky

IV. Fill in the blanks.

1. My name is ……………………….
2. I am …………….. years old.
3. My father’s name is………………….
4. My mother’s name is………………...
5. I am studying in class …………….
6. The name of my school is …………………. It is in
7. The name of my school is …………………….
8. My principal’s name is ………………………..
9. My class teacher name is……………………..
10.My address : ……………………………

V. Answer the following.

1. What is the colour of the sky?

The colour of the sky is blue.

2. What do the clouds bring?

The clouds bring rain.

3. What is the colour of the clouds that bring us rain


4. Do you like to sing and dance in the rain?


5. What keeps you dry in the rain?

Umbrella, Rain coat.

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