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ISBN: 978-978-989-829-9
Copyright © 2020
Publisher: Anne Robert
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An undiscovered idea cannot be accomplished
It takes discovery to experience recovery

Annie Robert
To everyone out there, craving to step out of their dark and uncertain moment to
the realm of self-re-discovery channeled to making a global impact.

My gratitude goes to God Almighty who has redeemed me through his Son and
given me evolutional ideas through the Holy Spirit to put this book together.
Can't thank my family enough for their love and support. To my
fathers{mothers} in faith, mentors, and loved ones, can't love you less.

Annie Robert


W hen you read this book, read it as if the author is your

companion and it was directed to you and you alone….
Memorize quotations…. Open your mind and be
motivated by the sentences and captivating words that can change
your life forever.

Some great men (women) developed the habit of trying to learn

from the books they have read, the people they have met and the
places they went…These gave them the idea for reflection and thus,
they were able to relate, assimilate and use them. And you too can
convert your mentality, physical and spiritual energy into success..
And accomplishment..And result.

Life is a one-way-street, no matter how many detours you take,

none of them leads back. So, construct your life daily by taking and
making positive decisions while enjoying every moment that life
presents as none of them will happen the same way again.
“Carefully watch your thoughts for they'll become your words,
manage and watch your words for they'll become your actions,
consider and judge your actions for they'll become your habits,
acknowledge and watch your habits for they'll become your
character, understand and embrace your character for it becomes
your destiny and your dreams”.

As you read, get the message that is for you and never let it go until it
finishes its purpose in your life and destiny.


“Get the secrets of making your ideas fulfilled”

Annie Robert

Chapter One - What is power? 1
Chapter Two - Important Personal Qualities That Build Power 4
Chapter Three - Idea and Sources 7
Chapter Four - The Necessity of an Idea 10
Chapter Five - Idea {Thought Master} 12
Chapter Six - How to Master your Mind 15
Chapter Seven - Techniques on how to master your mind and
get rid of worry and anxiety 18
Chapter Eight - Who is a Poor Man? 21
Chapter Nine - Great men (women) of Ideas 23
Chapter Ten - How to motivate yourself and others 30
Chapter Eleven - Live out your inside 34
Chapter Twelve - Tips from Other authors 39
Chapter Thirteen - Conclusion 43


“Nearly all men can stand adversity.

But, if you want to test a man's character,
give him power”.

Annie Robert What is Power

T he power of a thing or an act is the meaning and the

understanding. Power is not only what you think but what
the enemy thinks you have. The greater the power, the
more dangerous the abuse. It is not power that corrupts but fear.
Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the
scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.

The word “power” is derived from the French word “Poeir”

which means “to be able to act”. Power is defined as the ability
or capacity to perform or act effectively. The biblical context in
Proverbs that “knowledge is power” is true. It is what you know
that determines the extent you can go in life. And the right
application of knowledge produces outstanding results. You can
never be greater than what you know… thus, the bible
encouragers us in 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV to “study to show thyself
approved” when preparation meets with opportunity, desired
results is inevitable.

Knowledge is power in the sense that knowledge decides which

power is produced. Knowledge is needed because there are
problems as a result of “the fall” knowledge that is true allows
problems to be solved and avoided. If a car breaks down,
mechanical knowledge is useful; otherwise, it is unnecessary. It
is same with all life's problems. God gave us knowledge to help
“fix” broken people, protect ourselves and allow love to express
itself in good works.

You have superpowers- it is absolutely true. You have the power

to do things so far more than what you can imagine right now. In
fact, you are capable of things that you would probably consider
bizarre or even maybe supernatural. Your mind is a vast
unexplained source of energy and power. Certainly, your
thoughts even have the power to alter reality. Unfortunately,
because we don't understand how these powers work, most
people dismiss them. In so doing, we limit ourselves and success
in life.
Annie Robert What is Power
There are so many powers of the mind that are not fully
explained or understood. Things like “telepathy, psychokinesis,
and extrasensory perceptive (Esp.) falls in this category.
J.B Rhine a researcher at Duke University back
in the 1930s did extensive and rigorous lab tests
on the subjects to evaluate the existence of the
'Esp'. He concluded that many people did seem to
have powers beyond the five senses to detect the
thought and feelings of others. However, Rhine
was not the only researcher that came to these
conclusions and many others think 'Esp.' is the
sixth sense”.

This is just one area that suggests the mind has power and
emanates energy beyond our current understanding. So, what is
it that will unleash the super powers of your mind? It is belief.
You have to believe without doubt in the deepest recesses of
your heart and mind that you can and will fulfill your desires.
You have to believe so deeply that it creates a level of intensity
in your thinking so that your desire becomes a burning
obsession. You have to be able to visualize it and emotionalize it
vividly. It has to consume you. You have to believe at the level
where you know that you can overcome any obstacles that may
arise, that you can pay any price, you will give and do whatever
it takes to achieve your goals. When you believe like this, you
invoke the super powers of your mind and you will alter reality.

Your intense thoughts and belief when focused in this manner

will create in the physical world exactly what you desire.

James Allen in his book; 'As a man thinketh'

says” Nature helps everyman to the gratification
of the thoughts which he most encourages and
opportunities are presented which will most
speedily bring to the surface both the good and
evil thoughts”.

Annie Robert What is Power

In order words, these authors confirm that whatever it is we most

deeply believe will come to be in our lives, and that outside super
forces in these instances called intelligence and nature will assist
us. Of course, as the quote above alludes, this principle works in
both directions of thought. We must therefore focus our thoughts
on the positive to move in the direction we must. We must
eliminate all negative thinking and fear. Use your power for
good and not evil.


Knowledge is power -
· to change the past
· to change situations
· to fight new obstacles
· to make better decision
(Ben Carson)

Annie Robert Important Personal Qualities that builds Power

P ower has a right use and a wrong use. The wholesome use
of Power does not assure Success in achieving objectives,
but is in itself Success. Both the common purpose and
your integrity are served when core values guides us. The
exercise of power presumes the hope for success and the
willingness to risk failure, but a values-centered use of power
assures that even if goals-achievement failure occur they will not
be compounded by failure of human decency.

The two fundamental dimensions that distinguish people who

rise to great heights and accomplish amazing things are “Will”
the drive to take on big challenges and “Skill” the capabilities
required to turn ambition into accomplishment. The three
personal qualities embodied in will are ambition energy and
focus. The four skills useful in acquiring power are self-
knowledge and a reflective mindset, confidence and the ability to
protect self-assurance, the ability to read others and empathize
with their point of view, and a capacity to tolerate conflict.


It does not take much power for good people to do
uncharacteristically bad thing. We need to develop the skills to
recognize and confront our own weakness with power before we
become powerful enough to do real damage to ourselves and

We need to surround ourselves with people we can trust to tell us

what we need to hear, not what we want to hear. When these
courageous peers help us see the integrity gaps in our behavior,
we should thank them and encourage them to continue to help us
stay true to our shared purpose.

Change is hell, and it hurts to admit to ourselves and others that

our behavior is not what it needs to be. With the help of others, we

Annie Robert Important Personal Qualities that builds Power
can learn to keep our personal power demons subservient to the
better angels of our future.

Power has earlier stated, has a right use and a wrong use. The
time to think about power is before you get it. Seneca's caution
that “
those with great power should use it lightly if you
haven't first established your personal view of
and relationship with power”

Power can be taken the wrong way and applied in ways that will
eventually cost you power or even derail you. Then again, it can
be applied in constructive and other focused ways as well. If you
execute these power strategies at the expense of others, you're
sowing the seeds of your own destruction. If wisdom isn't part of
your agenda, you will end up where you never intended.

History is littered with lessons from those who have used power
to advance selfish agendas. However, if you use it with humility,
if you use it to free others to lead, you can build a lasting legacy.
Humility resolves the problems posed by power.

How you build it is as important as why

you are building it (HoomanHamzekloui).



“You cannot lead people beyond
how God has lead you”

Annie Robert Ideas and Sources (The Mind is Never Idle)

W hat we see is always an interpretation of the mind. We

have to train the mind to interpret what we see. Great
proportion of this observation is backed up by silence.
Seeing is not done by the eyes at all says Samuel Renshaw, In
describing the mental process of seeing, the eyes acts as hands
which reach “Out there” and grab meaningless things and bring
them to the brain. The brain brings the things over to memory. It's
not until the brain interprets in terms of action that we really see

When there is something you don't understand ask yourself.

Why? Look at it closely; you may make a great discovering. To
see mentally is to think.

The oxford dictionary defines idea as a plan, thought of

suggestion, especially about what to do in a particular situation.

It is the insight you have or that strong desire seeking for

expression. It is the picture of a thing in your heart in which you
build upon for your desired future. You are what you think. You
thoughts are evaluated by whether your attitude is positive or
negative. So keep reason and emotion in proper balance when
you want to make a decision.

“Direct your thoughts control your emotions and

you ordain your destiny”(Napoleon Hill).

It often takes only one idea, followed by action to turn failure to

success. It takes only one idea, followed by action, to succeed
when and where others fail.

The definitions you give to life give you the identity of your life.
What you think of life is what it will deliver to you. Idea gives
you direction of what you are born to do not what you want to do
or what you are trained to do. The bible is God's dream book for
Annie Robert Ideas and Sources (The Mind is Never Idle)
men (women) waiting to be discovered. Once you know your
inheritance in the kingdom, you are unstoppable. Again,
“Knowledge they say is Power”. Many have not discovered the
kind of blessing that awaits them once they discover their true
identity in Christ. You can accomplish anything when you are
born again. Your life in Christ gives you access to unlimited flow
of ideas. When you walk with Christ in the Holy Spirit, you don't
lack ideas. They flow freely: “You shall be like a tree planted by
the rivers of water(Psalm 1:3 KJV)”.

The Lord will be your shepherd and you will not want any ideas.
You can't discover yourself in the book of psychology. They are
good but not perfect.

When Jacob discovered his purpose from the word; he had the
understanding that he doesn't need gifts from his Uncle Laban:
but an idea that will settle him and his generation forever
(Genesis 30:25KJV).

Note: That idea started with a very vital comment “If thou wilt do
this thing for me?. Laban thought Jacob suggestion was
foolishness which will bring more gain to him. Unknowingly to
him that God was involved in it. Take God alongside your ideas
if not you and that idea will crash. Wisdom is required in
bringing your idea to lime light. “Wisdom is the principal thing”
(Proverb 4:7KJV) without wisdom, you will misinterpret idea
and misuse it. Applying wisdom to your idea exposes you to your

Jacob had an idea to paint and wisdom told him how to go about
it. When you don't know what you have, those that knew will buy
it from you cheaply. One man with an idea is morebetter than a
nation without an idea. People will define you according to their
opinion when you have lost your identity. When you know who
you are, nobody can mold you to his / her ways. When you know
who you are, jealousy, guessing, assumption etc. cease


“A vision makes a leader, not a leader
making a vision”.

Annie Robert Necessity of Ideas

I dea is a plan or mental impression. Nobody has ever invented

anything or nothing has ever happened in the world today
without first having an idea. Everything that has happened is
as a result of idea. The world is worthless without idea. It is idea
that makes the world meaningful.

Idea as a tool to success in the world today cannot be

overemphasized that is why I have found it so imperative to talk
about it. A man without an idea is a man without a vision and such
person has nothing to contribute to human existence or his world.

It is ideas that form the basis of political and economic theory.

Whatsoever that have happened in the world today is as a result
of the ideas of great men and women. Why are they referred to as
great men and woman? It's because of their idea that led to great
impact to them and the world at large to generations unborn.

Anthony Enahoro is celebrated in Nigeria today because of the

idea he gave that led to Nigeria independence. It was his idea and
the contribution from others that gave Nigeria independence that
we are enjoying today. It was a plan, a mental impression in his
heart and he worked towards it by vocalizing it when needed and
it became a reality. Don't keep quiet when you are supposed to

Barack Obama the then President of America ambition to

becoming the president started with an idea. Even when the
Americans thought in time past that no black can rule them but
they forgot to know that mere talk does not rule the world but
“Idea Rules The World”. And today idea has broken the barrier.
Idea dictates for the world. Many things have change in this
world because of idea.

Theological advancement, economical theories, educational

development and other reforms came as a result of ideas of
people and today these idea has come to reality.



“Don't be moved by any storm because
it's an Instrument to move you forward”

Annie Robert Ideas (Thought Master)

T hought mastery is so important to an individual's success

in life. However, most people are not fully empowering
themselves with incredible edge because they are not
ready to commit to the mental make over required to achieve this
unbelievable wisdom known as thought mastery. People are
afraid to make changes once they have become comfortable in
their routines. We are creature of habit, so it is imperative we
teach ourselves the most empowering habits instead of self-
sabotaging beliefs.

If you want to be creator of your destiny, then you must be in

total control of your thoughts. When you achieve this level of
wisdom, your life will never be the same again. As thought
master or as a master of your thoughts, you will never be afraid of
the greatest challenges because you will be inspired to achieve
anything you desire to achieve. As a master of your thoughts you
will never be afraid of failure anymore because you will
understand that failure is just a chance to begin again more
intelligently prepared. Thought masters don't ever say “I can't” or
“I don't believe”. Thought masters don't ever let a negative
thought enter their head. Thought masters know that as long as
they are in control over their thoughts, they will always be in
control over their future.

All experience in life is a direct result of your dominant mental

thoughts. Your thoughts will become your reality. Focus on the
future as you condition your mind to only believe that you are a
powerful force that can manifest anything that you desire. I want
you to practice becoming a master of your thoughts. I want you to
take this as serious as you can because when you achieve the
status of a thought master, your life will never be the same again.
Take this exercise one day at a time until thought mastery
becomes your everyday reality.
(1) Reset your mind of everything negative in your life.
They must be forgotten because every day is a new

Annie Robert Ideas (Thought Master)
opportunity to make great things happen. Never think
anything negative again. It will seem hard at first, so if you
catch yourself being negative, simply remind yourself
that you are conditioning yourself to be a thought master.
Think of something empowering to focus on.
(2) Focus on the future and all of the great outcomes that
you desire. Focus on your empowering belief system that
you are currently creating that is going to allow you to
achieve all of the future outcomes you desire. The new
version of you will be so much better than the old version
of you. Keep giving yourself positive affirmations as
much as you can. Visualize everything that you want to do
in your life. Your actions will come from your
visualization as your thoughts become things. Visualize
everything as if it is your current reality.
(3) Remind yourself that you don't believe in failure
anymore. Failure is just a chance for you to begin more
intelligently. Remember, win or learn there is no failure.
(4) Be flexible in your action plan, if you don't get the results
that you desire, be willing to keep trying different
solutions. Until you achieve your desired outcomes.
(5) Condition yourself to believe you can achieve anything
you desire. Think big because if you set great
expectations then you will have great achievements.
Don't limit your abilities with limited thoughts.
(6) Be totally aware of your feelings because bad thoughts
equal bad feelings. Great thought equals great feelings.
You will find everything in your life getting better because
of your awesome new attitude towards life.

The goal for you should be to become a thought master. This will
empower you to be in total control of your thoughts and actions,
allowing you to become the master of your destiny. Make it
happen now, I know you can!



“You either control your mind
or it controls you”
MEZZ 2009

Annie Robert How to Master your Mind

U nless you learn how to be the master of your mind, you

will never find the place of mind that you so dearly want.
The mind is an amazing tool but just like with any tool,
you need to learn to use it. The mind is a great servant but a
horrible master. Many come to think that their mind is something
they cannot control, but with proper discipline, you will prove to
yourself that this is untrue.

There is one law of the mind; this law is that, whatever you draw
attention to is what you become conscious of. So, if you have
never perfect any attention to how your mind works, you will
never have conscious control over it. Once you begin to try and
understand and pay attention to your mind, you come to see its
positive and negative tendencies. You come to realize that your
identity is not your thoughts and mind. You true nature is beyond

You realize that you are pure consciousness and not what you
consciousness had identified itself with (thoughts and mind).
This is why people who are not aware of this their life experience
is determined by the quality of thoughts they have. People who
are not conscious of their thoughts will just keep recycling the
same internal dialogue. If you constantly have thoughts of worry
and anxiety, your mind will be robbed of its vital energy.

The quality of your mind is determined by the quality of your

thoughts. You must learn to consciously choose which thoughts
you allow into your mind. On average, we have “50,000 to
60,000” thoughts that run through our mind. If you really pay
attention, you will see that about 95% of those thoughts are
thoughts that you had from the day before. This will help you
realize that how you think is simply a function of habit and
conditioning. If you are always worrying, this is simply from a
negative thinking habit. “Reality reflects back to you what you
think commonly, change your common thought and change
your life”.

Annie Robert How to Master your Mind

You just need to take full responsibility and understand that mind
management is essential to life management. Here is the amazing
thing about being conscious human being, you have free will.
You are the one who ultimately gets to decide what you pay
attention to. The problem is that, if you are not the master of your
mind, you current mental habits will be the one to choose.

In all circumstances, your free will boils down to what you

choose to pay attention to learn, to watch at all times where your
mind is placing its attention. If found that it is not conducive to
your growth, change it.

The more you do this, the stronger your will power will become.
You will have the power to direct your mind towards your
intention. When you know your personal intent, it helps you stay
centered and let you know when you are not centered.

Cultivate your mind: The way you think stems from habit, so
your mental mastery will come from the conditioning you give it.
No matter what happens in your life, you alone have the power to
choose how you respond to it. Learn to form the mental habit of
looking for the positive in every experience you have. This will
develop the habit that will allow you to overcome challenges and
support your inner growth.

Just remember that in life, there are no mistakes only lessons.

Learn not to judge situations as either good or bad but just as
learning experience. If you truly learn from it you will not
commit the same thing you label as a mistake. If you keep
committing the same mistake you will know you have really not
learned from the experience. You are still allowing your old ways
of thinking dictate how you act in a given situation. Learn to get
in touch with the silence within you and know that everything in
life have a purpose.



Annie Robert Techniques on how to Master your mind to get rid of worry & Anxiety
1. Concentrate on an object: Pick an object that you will use
for your daily ritual. As an example, you can use a flower
or a statue. Everyday take some time to just observe it.
Learn to keep your attention only on the object. Notice
everything you can about it. When your mind wanders off
and think of something else, bring your attention back to
the object.

Your goal here is to each day be able to increase the time

you are able to concentrate solely on the object without
deviation from it. At first, this will be very difficult to
many. Don't get discouraged, just realize that the more
you exercise the easier it will get. This is a mental exercise
for your mind. Just like with the body, if you don't
exercise the mind it becomes lazy and unfocused.

You either control your mind or it controls you. Once you

have the power to concentrate through your will power,
you will be able to banish the thoughts of worry. As soon
as you notice negative thoughts bubble up within you, you
will have the power to refocus your attention on thoughts
that will better serve you.

2. Opposition thinking: By nature the way that our brains

are wired, we are only able to focus on one thought at a
time. Learn, watch every negative thought that comes into
your mind. Before you give any power to it, unclutched
from it and replace it with an opposite positive thoughts.
Learn to mother your thoughts. Carry a notebook with
you, each time you become aware of your negative
thinking, write it down. This will simply be a friendly
reminder of how many negative thoughts you had in a day.

Take time to reflect on your day every night, making it a

habit of running through your day in your mind. What was

Annie Robert Techniques on how to Master your mind to get rid of worry & Anxiety
the general theme? How were your thinking? How did
this influence your day and ultimately your interpretation
of it? This is very important because if we don't take the
time to analyze our thinking we will not be conscious of
any problems and then make the appropriate changes.

3. Magnetic visualization: The difference between your

imagination and visualization is this, in visualization, you
can only see it in your mind, but in your heart, you can also
believe it is possible. Take out the list of all the negative
thoughts you had for the day. What was the opposite
positive thought to counteract it? Now, visualize that
thought in the theatre of your mind, live it out in as much
detail as possible. If you had a sad thought and then
replaced it with a happy thought, mentally see how you
act and feel when you are truly happy. What kind of things
do you do? What kind of energy do you feel?

Try to really live it in your mind. Your mind thinks in

pictures. Your goal is to get your thought in alignment
with your positive mental slide show. Your mental picture
serves as a target; remember that without target we can't
focus our energies towards a specific outcome when we
can clearly see it in your mind, we will find a way to bring
about its fulfillment.

The best times to visualize are when you wake up in the

morning and are in a drowsy state. Don't wake up fully,
stay in this drowsy state where your brain is on a slower
alpha wave length. In this state, you are able to
impregnate your subconscious mind directly with your
visualization. Do this each morning and see how your
visualization affects your day. Did this influence the
theme of your day? I think you will have many lovely
surprises from this technique.

Annie Robert Techniques on how to Master your mind to get rid of worry & Anxiety

4. Daily meditation: Make it a habit to meditate once in the

morning and before going to sleep. Meditation will help
you to develop a calm mind. It will help you become a
witness to your inner world. It will help you to identify
yourself from your thoughts and mind and allow you to
question all your thoughts.

Practice these techniques without fail for a month; one

month should be enough to make it an habit. If you skip a
day, start all over. Making this commitment to yourself
will yield amazing results.


Once you are able to direct where you place your minds attention
through your free will, you will be able to concentrate all your
energies on one task at a time, until you see it to competition.
Through your mental habit of opposition thinking, you will be
able to maintain a positive mindset. It will direct your attitude
and ultimately how you respond to situations and decisions that
shape your life. Through your magnetic visualization each time
you summon a positive thought in your mind's eye,you will see it
in its entirety and keep you focused on your target.

So, the secret of your happiness is to find what you truly love to
do and then direct your mind, focus and concentrate your energy
to its attainment. I am sure you see how important it is to learn
how to master you mind. Once you are able to direct your mind,
you are able to direct the path that will lead to your destiny.



“Without wisdom you will misinterpret
vision and misuse revelation”

Annie Robert Who is a poor man

T o be money master, you must be self-master. The man

who wastes today lamenting yesterday will waste
tomorrow lamenting today.

Men who serve God only for money is spiritually bankrupt.

Beware of little expenses; a little leak will sink a ship. Without a
rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar. No man can tell whether he is
rich or poor by turning to his account. It is the heart that makes a
man rich. He is rich according to what he is not according to what
he is not.

People become well-to-do by doing what they do well. If your

riches are yours why don't you take them with you to the other

The poorest man is he whose only wealth is money. Life is like a

coin, you can spend it the way you wish but you can only spend
it once. Proverb 22:1.See yourself as God sees you. Genesis.
1:26 KJV

The way he is, is the way we are. The dimension of the people we
are is the number of dimensions of God we have. He has made
you, don't add to it. The way you are, is the truth, it is the
knowledge of who you are that propel you to achieve great
things. Don't ever wish to be like someone else, because if you
do, you will only limit your part of God's dimension. The
strength of your idea is the strength of you and Him. The people
you want to be like will look for you if you find yourself, God is a
spirit, He made me in His image so that when he wants to show
himself, he uses me, and God cannot use you and dump you: You
can't be a vessel in God's hand and be poor.

In your journey to wealthy living learn from others but be

yourself. Be all of you in you, until you are all they want to see.

Annie Robert Who is a poor man
You are a form of God: There is no need for competition. I am
looking to add to what I know but; I am who I am. Why will you
be that expensive and want to be a copy. As a form of God, it's not
where you are but, who you are. When you receive knowledge
don't give it back the way you received it, put yourself. Your
uniqueness is in your specialty. Improve on that ability, don't
change it. Without the powerful hand of Jehovah supporting your
daily work, your labour is but in vain.



“Don't be moved by any storm
because it's an Instrument to
move you forward”

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and
small minds discuss people”. I used to like that quote because it
was often effective in stroking my ego. My natural inclination
has always been to debate ideas, to devalue stories, and to detest
gossip. Oh, what a great mind I must be! Yet what disposition of
curiosity is actually revealed here? Apparently, I'm highly
interested in abstract thinking, less interested in concrete events,
and least interested in individual people.

Throughout the years, history has seen some fiercely intelligent,

powerful, inspirational men and women who have been pioneers
for rights and racial equality and have defined the worlds of
science, mathematics, aviation and literature. These were
inventors, scientists, leaders, politicians, etc.

1. Thomas Edison, 1847-1931

It is astonishing what an effort it seems to be for many people to
put their brains definitely and systematically to work.

Kicked out of school for being easily distracted, Thomas Edison

received only 3 months of formal schooling. The rest of Edison's
education came from his mother's homeschooling and his
reading of classic books. Though he lost nearly all of his hearing
at a young age, Edison did not let this disability hinder him. His
early age showed a tenacious entrepreneurial streak; he sold
candy and newspapers aboard trains as a youth and then won a
position as telegraph operator when he saved a station agent's son
from being run over by a train. As a telegrapher, he worked 12
hours a day, 6 days a week. Edison requested the night shift so
that he could read and do his experiments during the slow
evening hours. His constant tinkering paid off; Edison (often
with help from his partners) came up with a myriad of inventions,
including the phonograph, stock ticker, fluoroscope,
kinetoscope, and most famously, the first commercially viable
incandescent lamp. “The Wizard of Menlo Park” was both a

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
genius inventor and a savvy business man; he filed more than
1500 patents during his lifetime and founded 14 companies
including General Electric.

2. Larry Ellison, 1944-

The most important aspect of my personality, as far as
determining my success goes, has been my questioning
conventional wisdom, doubting the experts and questioning
authority. While that can be very painful in relationships with
your parents and teachers, it's enormously useful in life.

Larry Ellison was born in the Bronx to an unwed mother; he

never knew his father. While still an infant, Ellison was shipped
off to Chicago to be taken care of and eventually adopted by, his
mother's aunt and uncle. Ellison grew up in a two bedroom
apartment and attended two years of college before dropping out
when his adoptive mother died. Interested in computer and
software design, Ellison went to work for Ampex Corporation
before founding what would become the database company
Oracle in 1977 with $2000 of his own money. Greatly successful,
the company made Ellison a billionaire many times over and
continues to secure his place as the 9th richest man in the world.

3. Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by
those who hustle.

Lincoln lacked connections, charisma, good looks, and formal

education, and yet became one of the greatest presidents in
United States history. Famously born in a one-room cabin to
uneducated farmer parents, Abraham Lincoln's rise to the
Presidency has long been the stuff of legend. Lincoln was almost
entirely self-educated; he received only 18 months of formal
schooling. He offset this disadvantage by voraciously
consuming any book he could get his hands on. At age 22,
Lincoln packed his meager belongings in a canoe and paddled

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
out on his own. He taught himself the law and became a
successful attorney and state legislator in Illinois. Losing his
senatorial campaign in 1858 to Stephen Douglas did not deter
him from his goals; he persevered against this very same
opponent to win the presidency. The rest, of course, is history.
Lincoln went on to guide America through her darkest and
stormiest hour.

4. Clarence Thomas, 1948

Clarence Thomas was born in the poor community of Pin Point,
Georgia. Abandoned by their father and left homeless after a fire,
Clarence and his brother moved to Savannah. They moved in
with Clarence's grandfather, who would have a profound effect
on the boy. He taught Thomas the value of hard work by taking
Clarence on deliveries for his ice business and having him
regularly work on a farm from sunrise to sunset. Thomas became
the first person in his family to attend college when he headed off
to the College of the Holy Cross. He then received his JD from
Yale Law School. After law school, Thomas steadily attained
more and more prestigious positions, starting as an assistant to
the Attorney General of Missouri and becoming Reagan's
Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office of Civil Rights.
GHW Bush appointed Thomas to the Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit. He finally grasped the legal world's
brass ring when he was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice in

5. Sam Walton, 1918-1992

I think I overcame every single one of my personal shortcomings
by the sheer passion I brought to my work. I don't know if you're
born with this kind of passion, or if you can learn it. But I do know
you need it.

Now a big-box retailing behemoth, the idea for Wal-Mart came

from the mind of an unassuming farm boy from Oklahoma.
Walton spent his early years living on his family's farm, and then

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
moved to Missouri when his father decided to become a farm
loan appraiser. Despite growing up during the Great Depression
and working odd jobs like delivering newspapers to help support
his family, he excelled academically throughout his school years.
He paid his way through the University of Missouri by working
as a lifeguard, newspaper delivery boy, and waiter. When he
graduated, he took jobs at JC Penney's and at a DuPont's
munitions plant before serving in the army during WWII.

After the war, he pooled the substantial amount of money he

saved while in the military and with a loan from his father-in-law,
Walton then opened his own store, “Walton's Five & Dime” in
Bentonville. In 1962. That store, like all his others, turned a nice
profit, and Walton began to expand the franchise across the
country, making it the world's largest retailer by 1991. He
reigned as America's richest man from 1985-1988, and were he
alive today, he would be the world's richest man, with wealth
double that of Bill Gates.

6. Walt Disney, 1901-1966

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
The man who would one day create the “happiest place on earth,”
experienced a less than idyllic childhood. Walt Disney's father
wandered from one job to another looking to find success, and
often needing to rely on his brother to stay afloat. Walt lacked not
just financial security, but for affection; his father was a cold and
abusive man. Walt was determined to blaze his own path of
success and not end up like his dad. At age 16, he dropped out of
high school and served in the ambulance corps during World War
I. After the war, Disney found work creating ads for businesses in
Kansas City. He was fascinated by the emerging field of
animation and decided to set up his own animation business.
Unable yet to manage money effectively, the business went

Then Disney set up a studio in Hollywood and began turning out

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
cartoons, culminating in the enormously popular Steamboat
Willie in 1928. Over the next several years, Disney introduced
equally beloved characters such as Donald Duck, Goofy, and
Pluto. In 1934, Disney began to work on his most ambitious idea
yet: a full-length animated feature. Dubbed “Disney's folly” by
his critics, most thought the idea would spell the demise of the
Disney studio. Instead, Snow White and the SevenDwarves was
a smashing success. The film was followed by a myriad of other
beloved full-length features and animated shorts. In the 1950's
Disney expanded the work of his company to include the
production of live-action films. Disney also completed an
ambitious project few believed could be a success: the 1955
opening of Disneyland. Disneyworld followed in 1964. Walt
always understood the desires of average people. While critics
lamented the artificially wholesome world depicted in his
family-friendly movies and theme parks, the public fell in love
with it and bought into Disney's vision completely.

7. Aliko Dangote's 1997 - till date

“You'd like to be remembered for things that you've actually
done, We Africans are the only ones that can make Africa great”.

Aliko Dangote's journey to fortune is not a rags-to-riches story.

He came from a wealthy family that was able to provide financial
assistance to start his business. Over the years, Dangote has
expanded into new business segments, including
telecommunications, real estate, and steel manufacturing. Today
his holding company, Dangote Group, is the largest
conglomerate in West Africa. Born in 1957, Dangote grew up in
an entrepreneurial household in Kano State, Nigeria. He was
raised Muslim and lived an upper-class life. Dangote's
grandfather, Sanusi Dantata, was once named one of the
wealthiest people living in Kano. He made his fortune selling
commodities like oats and rice. Dantata became Dangote's
guardian in 1965 after the death of his father at his early age.

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
Dangote graduated from Egypt's Al-Azhar University, one of
Islam's prestigious universities in 1977. It was there the budding
entrepreneur furthered his education in business. Dangote
managed to convince his uncle to lend him money to start a
business. The funds from the loan allowed him to import soft
commodities at wholesale prices from international suppliers.
Two of his main imports were rice from Thailand and sugar from
Brazil. He then sold those items in small quantities to consumers
in his village at a lucrative markup. The venture quickly became
successful and turned into a cash cow. Dangote claims that on his
best days, he was realizing a daily net profit of $10,000. That
allowed him to repay his uncle in only three months.

In 1997, Dangote realized that acting as a middleman was a very

costly endeavor, so he built a plant to produce what he had been
importing and selling for the previous 20 years: pasta, sugar, salt,
and flour. Around the same time, Dangote was awarded a state-
owned cement company. Dangote significantly expanded the
operations of the company in 2005 by constructing a
multimillion-dollar manufacturing plant. The construction was
financed with $319 million of Dangote's own money in addition
to a $479 million loan from the International Finance
Corporation, a sister organization of the World Bank.

Dangote has always reinvested the majority of his profits back

into his businesses, which is one reason the company has grown
so much since inception. AlikoDangote explained, ''We
[Dangote Group] are not doing like other Africans who keep
most of their money in the bank. We do not keep money in the
bank. We fully invest whatever we have and we keep on

8. Queen Elizabeth I (1533 – 1603)

“Though the sex to which I belong is considered weak you will

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
nevertheless find me a rock that bends to no wind.”
Elizabeth called herself 'The Virgin Queen' because she chose to
marry her country instead of a man. It might seem like ancient
history now, but Queen Elizabeth I is one of the most successful
monarchs in British history, and under her, England became a
major European power in politics, commerce and the arts.
Elizabeth had a rocky road to the throne and technically should
never have been allowed to reign, both because she was a woman
and because her mother was Anne Boleyn, the much-hated ex-
wife of Henry VIII.However, Elizabeth I proved all the
naysayers wrong and has become one of the greatest female
leaders. Known for her intelligence, cunning and hot-temper,
'The Virgin Queen' was one truly one of the great women in

9. Catherine the Great (1729 – 1796)

“Power without a nation's confidence is nothing.”
Catherine the Great is one of the world's great historical figures
and the Prussian-born Queen is one of the more ruthless women
to make this list. Stuck in a loveless marriage to the King of
Russia, Catherine orchestrated a coup to overthrow her wildly
unpopular husband Peter III, and then named herself Empress of
the Russian Empire in 1762.Catherine is credited for
modernising Russia and established the first state-funded school
for girls, reeled back the power of the church within the state and
encouraged the development of the economy, trade and the
arts.She is also known for her healthy sexual appetite, having
numerous lovers right up until her death who she would often gift
with an abundance of jewels and titles before sending them on
their way to make room for their replacement. Now there's a
woman who knows what she wants.

10. Sojourner Truth (1797 – 1883)

“Truth is powerful and it prevails.”
Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
Sojourner Truth is one of the most inspirational black women in
America's history and her words belong to one of the most
famous speeches by any woman. An African-American
abolitionist and women's rights activist, Truth delivered a now
famous speech at the Ohio Women's Right's Convention in
Akron, 1851, that has come to be known as “Ain't I a Woman?”

Truth was separated from her family at the age of nine and was
subsequently sold for auction as a slave along with a flock of
sheep for $100. In 1829, Truth escaped to freedom with her infant
daughter Sophia, but her other two children had to be left
behind.Truth began to advocate for the rights of women and
African Americans in the late 1840's and was known for giving
passionate speeches about 'womens rights, prison reform and
universal suffrage. Truth, who died in Michigan in 1883, is
known as one of the foremost leaders of the abolition movement
and one of the earliest advocates for women's rights.

11. Ada Lovelace (1815 – 1852)

“That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal; as
time will show.”
Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and the world's first
computer programmer. Lovelace was born into privilege as the
daughter of a famously unstable romantic poet, Lord Byron (who
left her family when Ada was just 2 months old) and Lady
Wentworth. Ada was a charming woman of society who was
friends with people such as Charles Dickens, but she is most
famous for being the first person ever to publish an algorithm
intended for a computer, her genius being years ahead of her
time. Lovelace died of cancer at 36, and it took nearly a century
after her death for people to appreciate her notes on Babbage's
Analytical Engine, which became recognised as the first
description for computer and software, ever.

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas

12. Edith Cowan (1861 – 1932)

"Women are very desirous of their being placed on absolutely
equal terms with men. We ask for neither more nor less than
Her face is on our $50 dollar note and she has a University named
after her in Western Australia, but what you may not know is that
Edith Cowan was Australia's first ever female Member of
Parliament and a fierce 'womens rights activist.Edith's childhood
was traumatic, to say the least. Her mother died while giving
birth when Cowan was just seven years old, and her father was
accused and then convicted of murdering his second wife when
she was 15 and was subsequently executed.
From a young age Edith was a 'pioneer for womens rights, and
her election to parliament at 59 in 1921, was both unexpected and
controversial.During her time in parliament Cowan pushed
through legislation which allowed women to be involved in the
legal profession, promoted migrant welfare and sex education in
schools and placed mothers on equal position with fathers when
their children died without having made a will. Edith died at age
70, but her legacy remains to this day.

13. Amelia Earhart

“Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail,
their failure must be but a challenge to others.”
Amelia Earhart was the definition of a rule breaker. An American
aviator who became the first woman to fly solo across the
Atlantic and the first person ever to fly solo from Hawaii to the
US, Amelia was a pioneering aviator and a true female
trailblazer.Earhart refused to be boxed in by her gender from a
young age, born in Kansas in 1897 Amelia played basketball
growing up, took auto repair courses and briefly attended
college. In 1920, Earhart began flying lessons and quickly

Annie Robert Some great Men(Women) of Ideas
became determined to receive her pilot's license, passing her
flight test in December 1921.

Earhart set multiple aviation records, but it was her attempt at

being the first person to circumnavigate the globe which led to
her disappearance and presumed death. In July 1937, Earhart
disappeared somewhere over the Pacific, her plane wreckage has
never been found and to this day, her disappearance remains one
of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the twentieth century.




“You can fear yourself to

failure or you can fire yourself
to success”

Annie Robert How to motivate yourself and others

W hen you are working towards your goals, more often

than not, if feels like the world is against you,
knocking you down every chance it gets, and you will
be alright. Obtaining your goals is not easy. It's not meant to be
easy. Why because, through the trail of failure comes two
decisions: (1) Will you continue? (2) Will you give up? Yes,
these decisions are filters designed to test your conviction, and
each time you choose to continue your journey each proceeding
decision to continue will get easier. Yes, no matter what; the
decision is to continue because giving up is never an option for a
winner. Despite the number of years the Israelites spent on their
way to the promise land and the difficulties they faced, though
their delayed was as a result of their disobedient, they didn't stop
until they made it to the promise land. On their way, they
conquered hunger, thirst, serpents, tough battles etc.

Peter Ducker says: The best way to predict

the future is to create it. Lay aside every
atom of fear and confidently create your

What is Motivation: Motivation is gotten from the word

Motivate. Motivate in the dictionary concept means: To be the
reason why somebody does something or behaves in a particular
way. Or to make somebody want to do something especially
something that involves hard work and effort.

Motivation is what persuades action or determine choice. It is

what provides a motive. A motive is a reason for doing
something. An inner urge built in an individual which move him
to action such as an idea, emotion, desire, or impulse.It is the
hope or other force which starts an action in an attempt to cause a

In order for you to successfully motivate others, you must first be

Annie Robert How to motivate yourself and others
motivated and conversely motivate others for yourself
motivation. Therefore, to motivate yourself, try to understand
principles that motivate others. To motivate others, try to use
your understanding principles. Hope is the major ingredient you
need in motivating yourself and others.

Hope is the desire with the expectation of

obtaining what is desired and belief that it is
obtainable. A person consciously reacts to that
which to him is desirable, believable and
attainable (Napoleon Hill).

Hope is the major weapon against the suicide

impulse (Karl Menninger)

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir

men's blood. Make big plans aim high in hope
and work (Daniel Hodson Burnham)

When you say a situation or a person is hopeless.

You are slamming the door in the face of God
(Charlese L. Allen).

Hope is putting faith to work when doubting

would be easier (Mekenzie).

Every result has a given cause. Your every act is the result of a
given cause. Your motive.Great ships always ask for deeper
waters, so great men are always perfected by trails.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. In motivating yourself
and others, shun negative emotion. The more civilized, cultured
and refined you are, the easier you can control your emotions and

Emotions are controlled through the combination of reason and

Annie Robert How to motivate yourself and others
action. When fears are unwarranted, or harmful, they can and
should be neutralized.

Franklin's theory on self – motivate for self-suggestion.

Temperance: Eat not to dullness, drink not to elevation.
Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or
yourself avoid trifling conversation.
Order: Let all you things have their places; let each part
of your business have its time.
Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought.
Perform without fail what you resolve.
Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or
yourself that is, waste nothing.
Industry: Lost no time. Be always employed in
something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions.
Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit, think innocently and
justly, and if you speak, speak accordingly.
Justice: Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the
benefits that are your duty.
Moderation: Avoid extremes, forbear resenting injuries
so much as you think they deserve.
Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes
or habitation.
Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents
Annie Robert How to motivate yourself and others
common or unavoidable.
Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring
never to dullness, weakness or the injury of your own
or another's peace or reputation.
Humility: imitate Jesus and Socrates..

You can direct your thought, controls your emotion and ordain
your destiny for you are the product of your mind.



“We cannot see the idea of other minds,
therefore the idea that you see are in
your path and it can be reached by you”

Annie Robert Live out your inside

Y ou are the most valuable living person on earth. Victory

is built into every living person. Stop and think about
yourself. In the entire world and its history, there was
never anyone else exactly like you. And in time to come, there
will never be another you.

You have the power to become whoever you choose to become

irrespective of the 'where' and 'how' of your birth. You have the
power to change your heredity, environment, physical body,
conscious and subconscious mind, experience and particular
position including power known and unknown. “You can direct
your thought, control your emotions and ordain your destiny;
for you are the product of your mind. When your mind and body
works together or agree in pursuing one thing; success is sure.

Live out your inside; it is more powerful than all the I can't you
see. The I can't is a shadow; your inside is REAL. Whatever
comfort you wish yourself with the manifestation of your inside,
you can bring your wishes into reality. Live out your inside. Now
the inside like the Jinn must be muster with power. But, you
possess this power when you have the potential of greatness
inside you and that treasure is too great to be neglected. However,
you cannot be great if you don't discover what it takes to be great.
Every great man the world produced are people that were able to
discover the unexposed ability and develop it to benefit
themselves and mankind, until you genuinely develop an all-
consuming passion for success you can never make a change.
The highest idea of man is the will of God.

Every factor in the fate of man respond to the life of man; and
every element in the life of man governed, directed, changed or
modified by the thought of man. Therefore, as thought goes, so
will the creative cause of fate go also. For this reason, if fate is to
be improved, thought must move upward and onward; and since
thought follows idea, to him who would master his fate, ideas
become indispensable.

Annie Robert Live out your inside

But, it is not only necessary to have ideas, it is also necessary to

make real our ideas. This, however, seems difficult for the
average person to do, because between the real and the idea there
appears to be a gulf that he does not know how to bridge. Even
many of the greatest philosophers in the world have failed to
realize in a practical way what their finer perceptions had
discovered, though this is not strange, because it is the prophetic
faculty that see the idea and the scientific faculty that make the
idea real, and these two faculties are not always found in the same
man. The complete man, however, has both, and he who would
master his fate must be complete.

By the prophetic faculty we do not mean the power to discern the

future, because with the future we are not concerned; we are
living in the eternal now and in the eternal we shall always
continue to live. The prophetic faculty is the power to look back
of things, within things and above things, thus discerning basic
laws, fundamental principles and the unbounded possibilities
that exist everywhere, it is seeing the idea and the idea is not a
mere mental picture but the discovery of something higher,
something better and something greater than what is actually
realized now. The prophetic faculty discovers what can be done
now if we choose to do it.

This faculty is developed through the constructive use of the

imagination, the constant use of interior insight, and the practice
of looking for the greater possibilities in everything with which
we come in contact.

The mere discovery of the great is not sufficient; the idea must be
made real. It is not the dreaming of things, but the doing of things
that produces a better fate and a larger destiny. But we must
perceive the greater things before we can do the greater things,
and to perceive the greater thing is to have ideas. To make real the
idea, the scientific faculty is required; and this faculty develops

Annie Robert Live out your inside
through scientific thinking and through the practical application
of every principle and law discovered.

To make real the idea the first essential is to remove from

consciousness the gulf that seems to exist between present
attainment and the greater possibilities. Refuse to think of the
gulf, because to think of it is to impress the mind with the idea
that the greater is beyond us. This impression will prevent mind
from reaching the greater and will also produce frequent states of
despair. Such state not only weaken mind but cause man to give
himself up to the influence of environment.

A discouraged mind, submitting itself to environment is

impressed with failure, weakness, inferiority and the tendency to
go down grade; while the mind that is to master fate must go the
other way. To remove the seeming gulf from mind. Turn attention
not only upon the idea you desire to reach but try to see the idea of
yourself as well. By so doing you impress the idea of yourself
upon your mind, thoughts like the ideal self will be created and
your personal self becomes like the thought you think.
Consequently, by a simple process, the personal self is made to
improve constantly, daily becoming more and more like the idea.

To realize constant personal advancement is to prevent all

thoughts of discouragement, and also to enter the power of that
law through which gain promotes gain, and much gathers more.
The law is that you begin to realize the idea in your personal life
when the personal self begins to grow into the likeness of the
idea. Therefore to yearn for idea while nothing is being done to
make yourself more ideal is to continue to keep yourself away
from your idea.

It is like that attract like, and only those who are alike will be
drawn into the same world. Consequently, to live in the same
world with your idea you must become like your idea. The idea
cannot come down to you; idea never move that way but you can

Annie Robert Live out your inside
go up to your idea and that is the way for you to move to make any
part of the personal self-idea, place before the creative powers of
mind the corresponding idea of your true self and it must be
remembered that your true self is not something distinct from
your ideal self, because the tow are one.

The idea of yourself is you; you are the ideal side of yourself; the
actual or external side of yourself is only a partial expression of
the idea of true self. The ideal side of man is the complete side;
and the complete side is you. You are not the incomplete side,
because if you were, there would be no source for anything in
your being, not even the incomplete or external side would have a
source and consequently could not exist. Incomplete cannot
come from incompleteness because an incompleteness is a
partial effect of a complete cause. Incompleteness can come only
from completeness, therefore, the fact that the personal self is
incomplete proves that it comes from a self that is complete and
since you cannot be complete and incomplete at the same time.
You must be the complete self, while the personal self is but a
partial expression of the completeness that exists in you.

When you see this clearly, you will know that you are already
ideal, that is, complete, and in possession of unlimited
possibilities, and when you know that you are ideal, you will
think of yourself as ideal. You will impress the idea, and the
greater the possibilities upon mind and your thought will not only
be ideal but will contain the power of greater possibilities. This
power will be expressed in the personal self, because the power
of every thought is expressed in the personal self.

Consequently the personal self will become larger, greater and

more perfect constantly making real the idea.

To realize your idea, it is not necessary to change your present

environment or to adopt some radical mode of living, nor is it

Annie Robert Live out your inside
necessary to be transported to some other sphere. The ideas that
you see are in your own path, directly before you and will
positively be reached through a forward movement. We cannot
see the idea of other mind; therefore, the ideas that you see are in
your own path and can be reached by you. The secret is to move
forward in your own life, be yourself and bring out all that exist in
yourself and you will gain both the power and the ability to reach
what you have in view.

There will be no waiting time, and it is not necessary to become

absolutely perfect to make real the idea. The very moment you
begin to develop the personal self into the likeness of the ideal
self, the ideal life will begin to become real in the personal life;
and the mind that impress itself only with its own selected and
superior impression; will develop the personal self with the
greatest rapidity.

To make real the idea, the principle is to make everything in your

life more and more like the idea. Ideal friendship brings ideal
friends, refinement in action, thought and speech brings refined
people, greater ability bring greater results in the world of
achieving and better environment comes when we develop the
power to create the better. A beautiful mental life produces a
beautiful physical existence, and by giving the best to the world,
the best will surely return.



Annie Robert Tips from other authors

I. BEN CARSON – THINK BIG: “The world is full of

'everybody else; you know that? But only a few make a
significant achievement. Why do I have to prove that i am
smarter than anyone than anyone else? God will help you
if you'll help yourself by giving your best. Reading is the
way out of ignorance, and the road to achievement.
Education is the only way you're ever going to escape
poverty; it's the only way you're ever going to get ahead in
life and be successful. I am the type of person needs to
have a reason for the way I react; and I couldn't jump and
shout just because everyone else did. I can do whatever I
make up my mind to do. Hard work won't hurt you. “The
mind is not a vessel to be filled but, a fire to be ignited”-
Plutarch. The knowledge gained from errors contributes
to your knowledge base. Life is ever a series of partings.
Nobody can hinder you from doing what you want, if
that's what you set your mind to do. You're the captain of
your ship. I believe that if we have something inside our
heads, nobody can take it from us. Good enough isn't
perfect. So, if it isn't perfect, it's not good enough. Do it
again! No one is truly self-made”.


“You are not a failure, until you look for who to blame for
it”. I believe we are backward largely because we are
blind. We must strive to become the change we want to

Annie Robert Tips from other authors
see. Example is not the main thing in influencing others; it
is the only thing. Information is both the gateway for
man's advancement and the cure for all frustrations. You
cannot go beyond the information at your disposal. The
news you acquire determines the moves you generate, and
the moves you generate determines the waves you cause,
which will determine the news you make. The greatest
thing in life is to keep your mind young. You don't become
a man of impact by wishing; you only become one by
learning what it takes to do exploit. Without references
you don't become a reference. If you leave your life to
chance, you don't have a chance. Life becomes like a
lottery, and when life becomes a lottery, the future
becomes a mockery. Purpose is what gives meaning to
life. Not every good idea is God's idea. Preparation entails
planning, programming and seeking necessary helps. We
plan with facts, programme with sense, and pray with
faith. Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think.
Ideas answer to only those who have time for it”.


MAKER: “There is a little difference in people, but the
little difference makes a big difference”. The little
difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is
positive or negative. The big five attitude obstacles
everyone faces: discouragement, change, problems, fear,
and failure. Your attitude colors every aspect of your life.
It's hard to see anything in the world as positive if you see
Annie Robert Tips from other authors
yourself as negative. Every thought you have shapes your
life. If you think you can do anything, that's confidence. If
you can do it, that's competence. Both are needed for
success. They always say that time changes things, but,
you actually have to change them yourself. No matter
how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back.
Problems are wake up calls for creativity. Success each
day should be judged by the seeds sown, not the harvest

iv. M Y L E S M U N R O E – U N C O V E R Y O U R
POTENTIAL: “You are more than what you have
done”. But we must remember that one person's junk is
another person's jewel. One of the great enemies of your
potential is success. The greatest tragedy in life is not
death, but a life that never realized its full potential.
Potential never has a retirement plan. What would the
world have lost if had not been born? Purpose and
fulfilling our potential are keys to life. Purpose gives birth
to hope and instills the passion to act. Nothing – and – no
one – should die until its purpose is fulfilled. Busy people
are chosen people. You don't have to try to be somebody,
because you are somebody. You will never discover you
were meant to be if you use another person to find
yourself. There is something in you more precious than
what others have said about you. You have the key that
allows all the dormant power within you to come to life.
The search for relevance in life is the ultimate pursuit of
Annie Robert Tips from other authors
humanity. If you feel good about yourself, you will feel
good about other people. Self-acceptance is the key to
healthy self-esteem. Everything is possible if you
abandon yourself to an idea enough that you are willing to
lose your life for it. Progress requires a plan of action. You
have a skill or ability the world needs. We have the
potential to believe impossibilities into possibilities”.


you on purpose for a purpose”. The biggest enemy most
of us will face is ourselves. When you are trying to be like
someone else, the best you can be is second best. To be the
person He intended you to be, use what He has given you.
Failures are experts at making excuses. Don't make
excuses, make progress. You carry with you the world in
which you must live. Don't let your problem take the lead-
you take it. The difficulty you face is simply an
opportunity for you to do your best. I never had a crisis
that didn't make me stronger. White lies leave black marks
on your reputation. No one finds life worth living. You
must make it worth living. There is something for you to
start that is destined for you to finish. Abandon yourself to
destiny. Doing your best at this moment puts you in the
best place for the next moment. When can you live if not
now? Success begins the moment we understand that life
is about beginning. In trying times, don't stop trying. The
choice is simple. You can either stand up and be counted,
or lie down and be counted out. Life's heaviest burden is
Annie Robert Tips from other authors
to have nothing to carry. If God is your partner, make your
plans big. When you dare for nothing, hope for nothing.
Time flies. It's up to you to be the pilot”.


Annie Robert Ideas Power for Creativity

I will draw my conclusion from Sam Adeyemi's book “Ideas

Rules the World”. Every idea, like a seed, has a divine time
to grow to maturity. The moment a maize seed is sown, it
begins to grow and matures in ninety days, so different kinds of
ideas have different maturity periods. The moment you catch an
idea, your future success is absolutely guaranteed, because
people with seeds have a harvest waiting for them in the future.
The most miserable of all men is the man who does not have any
idea that he is pursuing.

Not having any hope of a harvest in the next three or six months is
the greatest source of frustration in this world. The man, who
sows cocoa seeds, knows that it will take years for it to mature,
but that hope keeps him alive, while he waits for the day he will
sell this cocoa to make money. But the man who is not busy
sowing any idea must be a frustrated man; he does not understand
why he needs to wake up every morning. He will find his job very

Those who do not generate ideas will always have to serve those
who do. Because we only rise to the level of our idea, seek to
become an idea generator yourself. The best workers I have
found around are those who have built their minds or cultivated
their imaginations to produce ideas for themselves. I have found
out that those who produce ideas never lose hope; their minds
keep producing ideas in the jobs they are given to do. We need
more of such people who are not just seeking jobs but can create
jobs for others. If you see a man who has a productive mind, he
creates more work than he himself can handle.

One other thing, ideas never end, they keep on reproducing. Just
like a maize seed will reproduce other maize seeds and those
seeds will give birth to other seeds. That is exactly the way it is
with ideas. Ideas hardly terminate. I have discovered that when
you work on an idea, it produces other ideas. Ideas hardly die;

Annie Robert Ideas Power for Creativity
they give birth to new ones. Dr. Robert Schuler once said "We
may be able to count the number of seeds in an apple, but we can
never count the number of apples in a seed." It is the same with an

Henry Ford got an idea to produce a car that the common man
would be able to ride. However, as his idea was becoming a
reality and he began to churn out thousands of cars, there was a
new idea that was growing alongside- the petroleum industry.
The car had to use fuel. So all over the world, the number one
industry was the automobile industry and then the petroleum
industry. Henry Ford was not looking for petrol. That was not his
idea. His idea was a car but that idea gave birth to another one.

Now in a bid to get petrol from under the soil, gas was
discovered. Also while refining petrol; it was found out that
crude oil could be refined into so many things like diesel,
kerosene and gas. You see, ideas keep giving birth to new ones.
People decided to sew clothes to sell. They began to sew and sell
the clothes by themselves. But somewhere along the line the
business became so large that they had to leave the selling aspect.
Today, some create clothes, others concern themselves with
selling. Ideas keep producing other ideas. My prayer is that
heaven will give us such big ideas that many generations after us
will benefit from.


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