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1st Personal Reflection on Value Education.

Name: S. Ma. Elisabeth Ngewi, RVM

After learning the value of education with some topic that has discussed I
understand that value education is a curriculum given by the school to a
student in order for student to reflect of what is happening in the world,
what is good and bad base on mind, heart and soul. Most importantly this
value education will make me and each student aware to put value in
everything we have. In family, jobs, relationship, vocation, education,
religions, things, events, experiences and many more. Value education
will help a student grow in loving and caring for themselves, family, and
people in large community and nations. In short I could say we became
people with spirituality. People who reflect upon the thing surround.
People who again recognize his or her nature as what was created by
god. At last day of His creation God saws: “all is good”. This value
education for me is a way of bringing me back to what I am supposed to
be as children of God. As nature we are all born with Value and because
of Value God see us all His children, every one of us is precious in His
eyes. No one is left behind. When we are loved then God also wants us to
Love his other creatures. To feel valuable is very important on this very
challenging time. It is to say that I love others but actually quite difficult to
love myself. It is very important to feel that I am loved so that when
everything happen, disappointment, discouragement, dissatisfaction and
other helpless situation, I will not hate myself but I can still stand and not
give and feeling bad about myself. I would be forgiving people if I know
how to forgive myself. I would value others people if I value myself first.
Feeling bad or not good enough towards self is a door to miserable life.
When I didn’t value myself then don’t expect other to do the same.
As a teacher the implementation of Value in education is actually a big
help and at the same time challenging. Many millennial generation in now
a days, needs a strong foundation of value. In the school most of the
problem or challenge as a teacher is how to embrace and to convince
them that they are loved and valuable. Some of millennial generation are
even commit suicide when the will useless and not good enough, but if we
value our self, we will not destroy our self.

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