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Summative Test

Agricultural Crop Production 12

Quarter 1

I. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following monocotyledonous plant that is the largest herbaceous plant in the world?
A. Dragon fruit C. Gabi B. Banana D. Strawberry

2. It refers to banana cultivars in the Philippines that gained popular export to Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan and the
Middle East due to its nutritional significance. A. Cavendish banana C. Morado banana B. Cardaba banana D.
Bungulan banana

3. Which of the following banana cultivars that is NOT intended for dessert type? A. Musa acuminata (Lakatan) C.
Musa acuminata (Morado) B. Musa acuminata (Tindok) D. Musa acuminata (Señorita)
4. A tissue-culture derived planting materials of banana may have the following characteristics: I. Can be obtained in
bulk and disease free. II. Higher survival rate during field establishment. III. Uniform plant growth, early to harvest
and bigger bunches IV. May have narrow leaves and vigorously grown sucker.
A. I,II and III B. I, III and IV C. I,II,III and IV D. IV only

5. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE in propagation of banana? A. Banana can be propagated by
corms and suckers. B. Shoot-tip culture technique is good for production of banana.
C. Asexually propagated banana can be a disease free planting materials. D. It can be propagated sexually to have
uniform plant growth.

6. It refers to a preparing land that includes the removing of shrubs, stubbles, weeds and other materials that
hamper the growth of the plants A. Primary tillage C. Zero tillage B. Land clearing
D. Land cultivation

7. Which of the following is NOT an ideal characteristic of the soil suitable for banana production?
A. Fertile loam with high humus content B. Soil pH ranging from 5.0 – 7.0 C. Saturated clay soil with a standing
water D. Deep and well-drained soil

8. Why drainage canal is very important before establishing or planting banana? A. Because it can prevents water
logging and spread of soil-borne disease. B. Because it can minimize the accumulation of salt and other toxic
substance. C. Because it can promote extensive root development and proper aeration. D. All of the preceding

9. Which of the following statement is NOT true in selecting site suitable for banana production?
A. The area with no history of Fusarium and Moko disease. B. The area with adequate system of drainage and not
water-logged. C. The area with an elevation between 100 to 500 meters above sea level. D. The area with more than
3 months of distinct dry season.

10. What methods of preparing land that employs plowing the field in 2 to 3 times in order to loosen the soil and to
remove weeds? A. Primary tillage C. Zero tillage B. Land clearing D. Land cultivation
11. Which of the following is to be considered in lay-outing and design system of planting of banana plantation? A.
Size and kind of banana cultivars C. Development program of farm B. Distance of farm to market roads D. All of the

12. What system of planting is recommended if you intercropped banana under coconut plantation? A. Square
system C. Triangular or hexagonal system B. Single row system D. Quincunx system
13. Which of the following planting distance (meter) is suggested for Lakatan cultivars? A. 3 x 3 B. 3.5 x 3.5 C. 4 x 4
D. 2 x 2.5

14. If Giant Cardaba cultivars be planted with a distance of 5m x 5m, then how many seedlings are required for 1.5
hectares? A. 600 B. 500 C. 400 D. 833

15. When is the best time for planting banana cultivars? A. During dry season C. Beginning of the rainy season B.
During rainy season D. Beginning of the dry season

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