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Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________

The Flocabulary Formula to Master Any Fact

Step Example Your Rhyme
1. List an important fact The Boston Tea Party Your fact:
to remember. happened in 1773.

2. Write the first line It was the year 1773

using this formula: ______________________________________________________________________
_____+ Most important Line with Key Fact at the end
part to remember

3. List possible perfect Perfect rhymes Slant rhymes: Perfect rhymes for your word: Slant rhymes for your word:
rhymes and slant for 1773:
rhyme words. free tea peeve
see handy sleeve
fee candy plenty
tree monopoly mystery
flea etc. etc.

4. Complete your rhyme Good example:
from Step 2 with a It was the year 1773, ______________________________________________________________________
related line. The Americans dumped Line with Key Fact at the end
a lot of British tea.
Bad example:
It was the year 1773, ______________________________________________________________________
but my dog wasn’t born Context + Rhyme
till 2003.

5. Perform the rhyme. Repeat your rhymes to yourself as you leave class, a few more times as you’re falling asleep that night, and a few times
next week. If you do this, you’ll remember your key rhyming fact forever.

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