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1. E

Uncompromised. Ordinary physical activity causes no discomfort. No symptoms of cardiac insufficiency

and no anginal pain.

2. B

Slightly compromised. Ordinary physical activity causes excessive fatigue, palpitation, and dyspnea or
anginal pain.Slightly compromised. Ordinary physical activity causes excessive fatigue, palpitation, and
dyspnea or anginal pain.

3. C

- Markedly compromised. During less than ordinary activity, woman experiences excessive fatigue,
palpitations, dyspnea, or anginal pain. According to the Classification of Heart Disease which class does
the patient belongs to class 3.

4. B

- A vasodilator drug used for the treatment of chest pain and high blood pressure are not correct
statement regarding Nitroglycerin.

5. C

- ECG, Echocardiography, Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart).

6. A

- Valve Damage due to Kawasaki Disease or Rheumatic Fever, Congenital Anomalies such as ASD or
Uncorrected Coarctation of Aorta, Aortic Dilatation, and Marfan Syndrome Most Commonly Cause
Difficulty During Pregnancy.

7. C

- Safety alert: presence of severe dyspnea, syncope with exertion, hemoptysis, nocturnal tachycardia
and angina require prompt evaluation.

8. A

- A pregnant woman w/ heart disease should avoid infection, excessive weight gain, edema and anemia
because these conditions increase the workload of the heart.
9. A

- Diuretics. If Potassium-excreting (e.g. Furosemide (Lasix). SIDE EFFECTS: hypokalemia increases the risk
for digitalis toxicity; report signs like bradycardia, N/V, diarrhea, colored vision deficiency (xanthopsia).

10. C

- Markedly compromised. During less than ordinary activity, woman experiences excessive fatigue,
palpitations, dyspnea, or anginal pain.

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