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SAS 7 NUR 145

1. C

- Abruptio Placenta is not cause of Spontaneous Miscarriage.

2. D

- Gestational trophoblastic disease is abnormal proliferation and then degeneration of the trophoblastic
villi. The embryo fails to develop beyond a primitive start. At approximately week 16 of pregnancy,
vaginal bleeding will begin as spotting of dark-brown blood accompanied by discharge of the clear fluid-
filled vesicles. The pregnant patient who begins to miscarry at home needs to bring any clots or tissue
passed to the hospital because the presence of clear fluid-filled cysts identifies gestational trophoblastic
disease. The patient needs to seek immediate medical attention and not stay at home on bed rest, count
perineal pads, or continue with normal activity and count pulse rates every hour.

3. A

- Her vaginal bleeding is scant, usually bright red there is slight cramping or backache but there is no
cervical dilatation are the sign and symptoms Threatened Miscarriage.

4. C

- Bleeding, cramping & part of the conceptus (usually the fetus) is expelled but the rest are retained and
her cervix is dilated is the best definition of the patient’s diagnosis which is Incomplete Miscarriage.

5. D

- Missed Miscarriage/ Early Pregnancy Failure Symptoms the fetus dies in utero but is not expelled & the
client experiences decreasing signs of pregnancy.

6. B

- Incomplete Miscarriage the entire products of conception (fetus, placenta, membranes) are expelled
there is bleeding, cramping & expulsion of conceptus.

7. D

- Save any tissue fragments passed is not management of Threatened Miscarriage.

8. C

- Infection are fever higher than 100.4°F (38.0°C), abdominal pain or tenderness, foul-smelling vaginal

9. A
- Septic Abortion- an abortion complicated by infection occurs in women who have tried to self-abort or
whose pregnancy was aborted illegally using a nonsterile instrument such as a knitting needle.

10. B

- Isoimmunization the complication of Miscarriage is the patient experiencing.

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