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SAS 8 NUR 145

1. A

- PLACENTA PREVIA it is the low implantation of the placenta in the uterus; as the cervix softens &
begins to efface & dilate, placental sinuses are opened causing progressive hemorrhages.

2. D

- Grade 3 Abruptio Placenta is a extreme separation; without immediate interventions, maternal

hypovolemic shock and fetal death will result.

3. C

- Grade 2 Abruptio Placenta is a Moderate separation; there is evidence of fetal distress; the uterus is
tense and painful on palpation.

4. A

- Grade 0 Abruptio Placenta is a No symptoms of separation are apparent from maternal or fetal signs;
the diagnosis is made after birth, when the placenta is examined and a segment of the placenta shows a
recent adherent clot on the maternal surface.

5. B

- Grade 1 Abruptio Placenta is a Minimal separation, but enough to cause vaginal bleeding and changes
in the maternal vital signs; no fetal distress or hemorrhagic shock occurs.

6. B


the normally implanted placenta after the 20th week of pregnancy, typically with severe hemorrhage.

7. D

- COUVELAIRE uterus (UTEROPLACENTAL APOPLEXY) if the placenta separates first at the center,
bloodpools under the placenta & is hidden from view, blood then may infiltrate uterine muscles forming
a hard, board like uterus with no apparent bleedin

8. D

- Total Placenta Previa implantation that totally obstruct the cervical os.

9. C

- Marginal Implantation the placenta edge approaches that of the cervical os

10. B
- Low-lying Placenta implantation in the lower rather than in the upper portion of the uterus.

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