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SAS 5 NUR 145

1. D

Vitamin B12 Anemia, Anemia due to Blood Loss, and Folate Deficiency are Anemias of Pregnancy.

2. E

Elevated hematocrit due to hemoconcentration are not risk factors of Anemia.

3. B

- Folate is the common form of vitamin B9 present in many whole foods, including leafy greens, beans,
eggs, citrus fruit, avocados, and beef liver. Folic acid is a synthesized version of vitamin B9 that is added
to processed foods and the common version used in supplements.

4. D

Multiple pregnancies because of the increased fetal demand, Women with secondary hemolytic illness,
Women who are taking Hydantoin, and Poor gastric absorption due to gastric bypass for morbid obesity
are Out Patient Department with Iron Deficiency Anemia.

5. D

Complications of Anemia are Premature labor, Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), Dangerous
anemia from normal blood loss during labor, requiring transfusions, and Increased susceptibility to
maternal infection after childbirth.

6. E

All of the choices are true regarding Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

7. D

24-hour Hospitalization. (I & O, blood chemistries & rehydration), NPO; IVF ( 3L Ringer’s lactated
solution+ vitamin B) to control vomiting, If no vomiting after the 1st 24h, sips of clear fluid gradually
advanced to a soft, then normal, diet and If vomiting returns, TPN or enteral nutrition may be
prescribed are part of management for Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

8. D

An ectopic pregnancy is one in which implantation occurred outside the uterine cavity. The most
common site (in approximately 95% of such pregnancies) is in the fallopian tube.
9. C

referred shoulder pain (KEHR’S SIGN) due to blood in the peritoneum irritating the phrenic nerve.

10. A

- CULLEN’S SIGN ecchymotic blueness around the umbilicus indicating blood pooling in the peritoneum.

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