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SAS 6 NUR 145

1. D

-“Continue normal activity, but take the pulse every hour” action would the nurse instruct the woman to

2. A

- Prepare her epidural anesthesia prescription would the nurse do.

3. D

- All of the above are true about the Hydatidiform Mole.

4. B

- Complete Mole all trophoblastic villi swell & become cystic; embryo dies early.

5. C

- Partial Hydatidiform Mole that some of the villi form normally and rarely leads to choriocarcinoma.

6. A

- Premature cervical dilatation is when the cervix dilates prematurely and cannot retain a fetus until
term. After the loss of one child because of premature cervical dilatation, a surgical operation termed
cervical cerclage can be performed to prevent this from happening in a second pregnancy. This
procedure is the use of purse-string sutures placed in the cervix to strengthen the cervix and prevent it
from dilating until the end of pregnancy. Evidence that this procedure is effective would be the client
delivering a full-term fetus at 39 weeks' gestation. Spontaneous rupture of the membranes could
indicate that the procedure was not successful. Vaginal bleeding could indicate another health problem
or that the procedure was not successful. This procedure does not impact the patient's respirations or
amount of abdominal pain while pregnant. These manifestations could indicate another health problem
with the pregnancy.

7. B

- McDonald’s cerclage- nylon sutures are placed horizontally & vertically across the cervix & pulled tight
to reduce the cervical canal to a few millimeters in diameter.

8. C

- SHIRODKAR PROCEDURE is asterile tape is threaded in a purse-string manner under the submucous
layer of the cervix & sutured in place to achieve a closed cervix.
9. D

- Uterine contractions begin and after a short labor, the fetus is stillbirth are not true regarding
Premature Cervical Dilation.

10. D

- Chest X-ray is done to detect early lung metastasis is not management for Premature Cervical Dilation.

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