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Bill Gates

How do you empower others?

How do you make decisions?

How do you care about your team and about yourself?

How do you find your co-leadership partner?

How do you become successful and stay on track? 

The first lecture of our new online course on co-leadership starts

today, Monday, 17th January at 17:30 CET.

The course will be held in English. There will also be plenty of time for Q&A.

Join us and read more here.

"I need a job where I can reach my full potential."

Do you enjoy being responsible for various agile teams?

Do you have a university degree in computer science, telecommunications, or a

similar subject? 

Do you have experience as a Scrum Master and in coaching employees?

Are you fluent in both German and English?

Are you looking for a position that makes an active contribution to solving
complex challenges?

Swisscom is looking for a SCRUM MASTER in JOB SHARING.

Don't miss this career opportunity and send us your CV and motivation letter by
the 25th of January.

We will be happy to help you create your dream application and find you your
job-sharing partner.

If you decide to apply directly, please indicate that you have learned about the
position through our newsletter. Thank you!
Contact us to talk more about how we can support you in achieving a fulfilling
career and having a real work-life balance.


Do you want to hear more about our coLead course?

Are you looking for a part-time job or a job-sharing partner?

 Are you a company looking to recruit highly-skilled and motivated talent, while

enabling and building a healthy, sustainable work environment?

Or, do you simply want to chat? 😀

We are opening our Zoom meeting room every Monday from 17:00 to
17:30 CET to give you these opportunities and meet you. 

Mondays Sharing Tribe Calls

We thank you in advance and we are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Stay safe and kind regards from

Maja, Boban, Aleksandra, Rachel, Anamaria, Sarah, Carolyn and the Sharing
Tribe team

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