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Ecology of The

If you have a monster ecology idea please see the "Ecology Project" post for more details. Please don't
fear submitting even if you just do one!
Hawks, eagles, falcon, parrots- bah. Lets base the Aarakocra on bearded vultures because
(1) 90% of the diet is bone dropped on rocks digested in a stomach with a pH of 1, (2) Lay
two eggs but encourage the chicks to fight to the death, (3) dyes its white feathers with
blood and iron oxide dust, (4) very territorial. Seriously look this awesome bird up.
No one knows exactly how Aarakocra came to this world. They could be exiles from the
plane of air, creatures born in high mountain regions, devotees of a long forgotten bird
god, or failed experiments in humans or elves learning how to fly.
Physiological Observations
They are vulture-like in appearance with black and white striped faces, red eyes, and black
beaks. While their faces and heads are feather free, the rest of their body is covered in black
and white feathers head to toe. Its is not uncommon to see Aarakocra dying their feathers
with blood, iron oxide dust, or be adorned in red gemstones. Rubies, especially being
valued. They live in a woven nest and are mated for life. Each season the females lay two
egg, but encourage the chicks to squabble and fight for choice food. Usually one chick gets
pushed out of the nest. But such is the way of nature, life, and the winds say the aarakocra.
Social Observations
These lawful neutral birdmen generally occur in bands of 5-10 pairs mated for life (+ 1d6
young) in mountains, deep craigs, and plains regions that sit next to steep rocky features. 3-
5 bands make up an aarakocra flight centered around 1-2 wing-less holy individuals- storm
callers. Aarakocra cultivate and encourage predators like giant eagles, drakes, wyverns and
large cats to make homes with in the flight’s range and prey on deer, sheep, ect. The
predators take the meat and the aarakocra farm the bones. Therefore aarakocra territories
are already remote, but also become wild places difficult for human settlement. An
aarakocra’s duties are to the storm caller, their mate/chicks, the flight, and independance.
They are wary of outsiders and will consistently track movement through their territories.
Stormcallers (Warlock class) were pushed out of the nest to die by a more powerful sibling,
but survived through sheer force of will, cunning, and sacrifice. While young, these
individuals cut off their wings in a last sacrifice to air elemental and spirits. The young
stormcaller staves off death, is bonded to an air elemental regaining flight, and gains
magical ability. Becoming a stormcaller is a painful, tragic experience and to human eyes it
can create aarakocra rulers disposed to cruelty and lack of mercy but not always the case.
Behavioral Observations
Not too much is known about the exact behavior of these beings. However shepherds have
reported establishing light trading with flights. Travelers crossing wastelands or remote
areas have been known to be saved by an aaracokcra after sucumming to injury. At the
same time, caravans and attempted settlement in some of the fertile grasslands near flight
have been met with destruction, death, and the periodic storms suspiciously centered over
villages. Aarakocra have been known to keep giant eagles as pets or “war dogs”. And the
little bits of lore that come from shepherds and dwarves comment that the birdmen praise
rocs as agents of gods and view the phoenix as a symbol of greed, vanity, and trickery.
Some sailors report a much crueler populations of sea-borne aarakocra that are prone to
raiding ships from island bases. Or piloting commandeered ships (sometimes with slaves)
and raiding trading vessels and port towns. These attacks don’t seem to be preceded by any
weather changes, but somehow the raid do seem to occur at the most opportunistic time.
These leads some to ask if the aarakocra have learn divination and scrying.
Combat: Aarkocra are not afraid to fight, but prefer to do it on their terms which involves
maximizing their time in the air. They generally use spears, claws, and even hooked blades
to dismount opponents or drag them off cliff faces. They also will drop heavy, arrow shaped
stones from above in order to break or destroy more fortified structures. Giant eagles can
be used like war dogs. If need be, a Storm Caller might lead a group, bring the might of
huge storm systems or powerful air elementals.
Intra-species Observations
Aarackocra tolerate small human settlements and will trade openly with shepherds for
bones, good spears, and gems, especially rubies. Aarakocra come in contact with dwarves
in the mountains and trade rare herbs, spices, and tobacco for gems, metal work, and
lightweight armor that allows flight. Aarkocra have a hatred of harpies, orcs, and ettins who
eat too much of the local wildlife. Aarakocra will hunt the undead, especially those primarily
composed of bone. They feel that the magical properties give them strength and
communion with the gods. Druid and Ranger PCs will have the easiest time negotiating
with aarakocra as they understand their more neutral viewpoints.
Variant Species
Rattletails: Because not many live to see the other side of a Rattletail attack, reports of these
aarakocra are scant. Sailors and merchants report that some make their home on chains of
island where goats can be raised for meat but there is little else that can challenge them.
From these island, they will raid shipping lanes and ports. Worse are rattletails that have
ocean going vessels they will fly from and attack ships near by. These birdmen are
equipped with clay jars of fire to drop from the air. As the ship burns, they will then swoop
in knocking sailors off with heavy clubs and enslaving the rest. Should a daring captain
instead turn and attack the Rattletail ship, they will find the birdmen chum the water to
attract sharks and worse. The birdmen will then leave their own ship and bait an attack.
Once most of the crew is on board they will knock them off into the water and burn the
other ship. Finally as if their taste for wearing finger and toe bones is not enough, Rattletails
will also seek alliances with evil fishmen for added support or shock troops.
DM's Toolbox:
1. Two aarkocra males grab one of the PCs and carry them into the air by the
legs. With the help of a third, they proceed to shake any gems, trinkets, and
jewelry loose to catch in a net. They will drop the PC in a river or tree.
2. Local shepherds are being driven away or killed and their flocks taken by
birdmen. Also the weather has seen strong winds that are destroying roofs
and tall crops. Rumors has it that high in the mountains a new stormcaller
has taken hold and wants to destroy the local town.
3. After witnessing a brave fight the PCs put up against harpies/orcs/ettins, an
aarkocra tosses the PCs a crude map that points out a haven and two local
4. Shattering Sheep! The PCs are caught in a storm of dropped sheep skulls and
bones. DEX save or be knocked unconscious by the mass of falling bones.
5. A small band of aarkocra approach the PCs about helping defend an injured
young roc- a holy bird. The PCs will need to stave off attacks by
ogres/giants/orcs until the stormcaller arrives. The roc is in pain and may
attack the PCs periodically.
6. Pieces of the local mountainous landmark are floating off! Rumors abound
that the local aarkocra have gems from the plane of air and are either (a)
terraforming to open a gateway or (b) actually fighting off a slaad/undead
assault by changing the landscape for max advantage.

Aarakocra are the avian humanoids of the D&D world. The most shown types are eagles or
falcons, who act as fierce warriors for their tribes. Unfortunately, they are usually depicted
as either peaceful people who want to be left alone, or agitated about the party intruding
on their land. These five NPCs are meant to show a more diverse cast of our favorite birbs,
not only in bird "species", but also in personality.
Grif Grif
Descriptors: alienated, kooky, brilliant
Grif Grif is a flamingo aarakocra who has spotting light grey and white feathers, rather than
the usual pink. When standing idly, he picks at his feathers and spits them on the floor. He
is avoided by his feathered compatriots due to his eccentric mind and strange behaviors.
He currently resides in a small tree house, probably belonging to an elf child at some point.
He is a brilliant alchemist who is developing special lightweight and heat-resistant wax. This
wax could allow for non-aarakocra to fly for short distances by coating aarakocra wing
bones in this wax to create bat-like wings. He believes he has finally perfected the wax, and
uses it on himself, but needs a good supply of bones in order to get his business up and
running. His goal is to create an extra-planer courier service.
Descriptors: driven, free spirit, eager to learn
With only some acacia wood, nails, a cliffside, and an apron; Jutle has created the new
hotness when it comes to serving beverages: Shakes and Ladders. A multitude of platforms
sprawl along the canyon, even stretching between both walls, with a series of stairs and
ladders leading down to differently themed levels. They can be things such as "underwater"
with fish tanks, "Hell" with illusory fire and random maniacal laughter, or "frost giant" with
larger than life dishes and cutlery and fake snow. A crew of 8 aarakocra bus the tables,
cook, and serve breakfast and shakes all day round.
Jutle has quail-like features and wears an apron most of the time. She often has enough
hired hands to sit and share stories with the patrons from far far away, but will pick up any
slack if needed. She is known to be the person to go to for questions about aarakocra
culture and history, and uses S&L to host rituals regularly.
Descriptors: inquisitive, loud, oversharing
Kyuck, an egret, is one of the few aarakocra that have abandoned their heritage and tried
to integrate into other humanoid society. He owns a shop, The Taxidermy Tester in
Waterdeep (change this to whatever bustling city you wish!) that specializes in taxidermying pets
in heroic poses. He uses extra money from this business to hire adventurers to gather
mythical creatures to taxadermy.
His aarakocra brethren frown on his work because he "falsifies" many creatures by adding
wings, such as turning a regular housecat into a tressym or a knight's horse into a pegasus.
He is very up front that these creations are fake, and charges more to create additions, but
the "disruption of nature" is troublesome to his old tribe.
Descriptors: Tired, frightened, skittish
Most mallards find their home near ponds and lakes, and so does Shirlf, but she is
literally on the lake. Shirl was once cursed by an otherplanar being to never touch the
ground. She believes this was done by a Djinni when she sold its vessel. She experiences
crippling pain when walking on solid ground and bone-chilling winds whenever she find a
lake to roost in.
Shirlf does not have much, as she must travel light, but will give an "I owe you" to any party
that clears her of her curse. Years ago, she was a brilliant leatherworker, and knew her way
around the loom. She offers her services to create light armor or matching insignias for any
party that she warms up to, though this is difficult because she rarely stays in one place
long enough to chat.
The Daring Phoenix AKA "Phoe"
Descriptors: daredevil, brave, foolish
Underneath the flame painted wings, helmet, and goggles, Phoe is a pelican aarakocra. She
seems to have a date with death that gets moved up every day. While her short-term goals
are clear; live everyday like it is your last, her long term goal is to find the highest peak on
the continent in order to set the record for longest glide.
Her accolades include but are not limited to: Being fired from a cannon into another
cannon, and back again. Eating a pepper cooked inside a fire elemental without crying.
Longest time hanging upside down in a bat costume: 135 hours and 12 minutes. Deepest
dive from Death's Ridge: she got to 113 feet down, but passed out on her way up.

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