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Data Frames

➢ Data Frames are generic data objects of R which are used to store the tabular data.

➢ A data frame is like a matrix, with a two-dimensional rows-and columns structure.

➢ However, it differs from a matrix in that each column of a matrix can be of the different data

➢ Or data frames are the heterogeneous analogs of matrices for two-dimensional data.

# Create a data frame : Eg1

Data_Frame <- data.frame (

Name = c("Jack", "Jill", "Robert"),

Score = c(100, 150, 120),

Age = c(60, 30, 45)

# Print the data frame


# Create the data frame : Eg2 <- data.frame(

emp_id = c (1:5),

emp_name = c("Rick", "Dan", "Michelle", "Ryan", "Gary"),

salary = c(623.3, 515.2, 611.0,729.0, 843.25),

start_date = as.Date(c("2012-01-01", "2013-09-23", "2014-11-15", "2014-05-11",


stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# Print the data frame.

Summary of data in the data frame

In R data frame, the statistical summary and nature of the data can be obtained by
applying summary() function.

Extract Data from Data Frame

Extract specific column from a data frame using column name.

Data_Frame <- data.frame (

Name = c("Jack", "Jill", "Robert"),

Score = c(100, 150, 120),

Age = c(60, 30, 45)

print(summary(Data_Frame)) <- data.frame(

emp_id = c (1:5),

emp_name = c("Rick", "Dan", "Michelle", "Ryan", "Gary"),

salary = c(623.3, 515.2, 611.0,729.0, 843.25),

start_date = as.Date(c("2012-01-01", "2013-09-23", "2014-11-15", "2014-05-11",


stringsAsFactors = FALSE

print(summary( )
# Extract Specific columns.

result <- data.frame($emp_name,$salary)


# Extract first two rows and all columns.

result <-[1:2,]


# Extract 3rd and 4th row with 2nd and 3rd column.

result <-[3:4,2:3]


# Extract 3rd and 5th row with 2nd and 4th column.

result <-[c(3,5),c(2,4)]


Add Rows

Use the rbind() function to add new rows in a Data Frame

Add Columns

Use the cbind() function to add new columns in a Data Frame

Remove Rows and Columns

Use the c() function to remove rows and columns in a Data Frame

Data_Frame <- data.frame (

Name = c("Jack", "Jill", "Robert"),

Score = c(100, 150, 120),

Age = c(60, 30, 45)



# Add a new row

New_row_DF <- rbind(Data_Frame, c("Steve", 90, 25))

# Print the new row


# Add a new column

New_col_DF <- cbind(Data_Frame, salary = c(1000, 6000, 2000))

# Print the new column


# Remove the first row and column

Data_Frame_New <- Data_Frame[-c(1), -c(1)]

# Print the new data frame


#dim() function to find the number of rows and columns in a Data Frame

#ncol() function to find the number of columns and nrow() to find the number of rows



Combining Data Frames

Use the rbind() function to combine two or more data frames in R vertically

And use the cbind() function to combine two or more data frames in R horizontally

Data_Frame1 <- data.frame (

Name = c("Jack", "Jill", "Robert"),

Score = c(100, 150, 120),

Age = c(60, 30, 45)

Data_Frame2 <- data.frame (

Name = c("Steve", "Alice", "Bob"),

Score = c(95, 150, 120),

Age = c(40, 35, 55)

New_Data_Frame <- rbind(Data_Frame1, Data_Frame2)


#Combine using cbind()

Data_Frame3<- data.frame(

Name = c("Jack", "Jill", "Robert"),

Score = c(100, 150, 120),

Age = c(60, 30, 45)

Data_Frame4<- data.frame(

Salary = c(3000, 6000, 2000),

BloodGroup = c("B+", "A+", "O+")

New_Data_Frame1<-cbind(Data_Frame3, Data_Frame4)


# merging column without cbind()

Data_Frame3<- data.frame(

Name = c("Jack", "Jill", "Robert"),

Score = c(100, 150, 120),

Age = c(60, 30, 45)

Data_Frame3$Salary = c(4000,5000,6000)



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