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First Year Negotiations Competition


Quarter Finals - Divorce

You are either:
a. Solicitors at Nilsson LLP acting for Mrs Amelia Fenton.
b. Solicitors at Gordon & Barry LLP acting for Mrs Lowana Fenton (maiden name

Following 10 years of civil partnership followed by 7 years of marriage, Mrs Amelia Fenton and
Mrs Lowana Fenton (maiden name Horne) are looking to divorce. They have now entered into
negotiations over the division of assets.

Both Amelia and Lowana are professionally qualified, Amelia as a city solicitor and Lowana as a
clinical oncologist, although in 2008, Amelia decided to quit and focus on her artistic passion.
Amelia has received a steady but insufficient income over the past years, but is excited by the
prospect of her art pages recently going viral on social media since the pandemic.

Amelia currently runs a small business but is wholly financially supported by her wife. They
have both lived together in Sussex in a house inherited by Amelia in 1995, then worth £53,000,
now worth £1,960,000 thanks to renovations paid for on account of Lowana’s bonus, as of
January 2021.

Lowana is now renting an apartment in London as it is closer to her workplace and Amelia wants
to remain in their home in Sussex. Their cat, Milo, will stay with Amelia post-separation. Most
of the furniture in their house was bought by Amelia between 1995-2005, as Lowana’s salary
went towards paying off her student debt loans at the time. This includes a £3,800 grandfather
clock, a £4,200 sofa, and other pieces valued at £16,780. Mrs Amelia and Mrs Lowana have
three cars total, one car belonging to Mrs Amelia and two new cars, both bought by Mrs Lowana
as an anniversary gift in 2020.
Gordon & Barry LLP (Lowana) Confidential Information

Lowana is aware that Amelia would like to have sole-custody of Milo, but would prefer
having joint-custody, even if Milo is to stay in Sussex. If Amelia insists on sole-custody, then
Lowana does not want to keep paying Milo's vet bills. This is essential.

Lowana knows that Sussex is an increasingly popular area for new families and hopes to be able
to sell the house at a profit. This is especially after Lowana’s sole investment in renovations on
the home to increase the property’s price.

Furthermore, Lowana is hoping to not have to pay regular instalments to support Amelia, but
would much rather pay her one lump sum (preferably with the return on the house, if sold). If she
cannot pay in one lump sum, Lowana would like to pay for as little time as possible and does not
want to have to pay for longer than 5 years. This is essential, as Lowana is convinced that
Amelia’s growing social media presence will very soon generate the income that her ex-wife

As Lowana has just paid for the renovations, she is concerned that she will be unable to afford
the furniture and necessities in her new apartment that her income would usually allow her to
purchase. Therefore, as well as selling the house at a profit, Lowana would like to resell both
the two new cars as she no longer has need for hers, living in London, and Amelia still has her
old car. She would also like to keep the grandfather clock.

Having worked hard to build up her career and her wealth, Lowana would like to keep the
entirety of her pension.

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