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1. Use an array to solve the weather problem.

Get the input from the user for the city you live currently, the temperature
for last 2 weeks in the month January 2022 (14 days). Write a java
program to find the 3 hottest days, 3 coldest day and Average for the
month. Print the values with the city details.

Optional: Use math.Random Values ranging from 25 to 45 for

temperature values.

2. Develop a java application that creates 10 Rock objects and saves these in
an array. Randomly select a mass between 1 and 10 kgms for each rocks
as it is created. After all rocks have been created, display their individual
mass and the total mass of all rocks.

3. Write a java program to get the cgpa of ‘n’ students and find whether the
entered cgpa is found or not.

4. Write a java program for the conference registration using string array.
The number of sessions conducted is 2. Name the sessions according to
your conveyance.
Get the Register no for students for Session 1 and store it in one array.
Compare with the registrations done for Session 2 and check for duplicate
entry. No students are allowed to register for both the events, IF so kindly
throw an error message and print the same.

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