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Premise travel log 3

ble island
I just earned my way into the aquatic research department. I've always been scared of water,
but the major benefit of this specific role is that you have clear communication through to
international parties.

We did some investigating of coral reefs near an uninhabited island, for those more prone to
land knowledge there are four variations of coral reef, those being: Atolls (located in Lagoons
sea center), Barrier(located in parallel to coastline), Patch(located in continent shelf) and
Fringing(located in border of islands). We found something extraordinary, we found the four of
them overlapping in one spot, as if a patch of each just fused together. The multi patch was only
an inch, but out of all the primary research conducted that day, that is the only thing I wanted to
focus on and my request was granted.

The international parties that worked with us were Germany, known for their top 10 ranking
globally of research departments and Japan known for their super fast bullet train.
Microscopic drones have positives and negatives, some have been disguised as dragon flies to
poison people while some have saved animals trapped in tall grass from farming machinery.

We got to explore the microenvironment of the land from the sample of the coral reef through a
microscopic drone. How was it possible that a civilization was built here, and one that smells like
marine life too. Both drones have different HUD settings and are both in their native language,
for example the German minidrone has: battery, map and picks up on atmosphere pressure and
can pick up on soundwaves while the Japanese mini drone has a timer for how long it can be
active, thermal sensor which can also be reduced if damaged and it has a map along with
pressure sensitive cameras that chip if the environment is to toxic.

The German mini drone has six square shaped cameras, on the top, bottom and on its sides,
there are virtually no blind spots when it comes to their surveillance technology, however it was
quite heavy so took longer to move.

The Japanese mini drone had a triangular shaped camera and only had them on the top, bottom
and front, which meant if anything was incoming it would not be prepared, but as it was
lightweight it was faster than the German mini drone.

A team of 5 including me were the research team, I was the lead microscopic drone
commander/drone controller, my other teammates edited the research and asked for multiple
tests, I used the drone over a three month period. On the date the 17th of December 2021 at
4pm and each month at the same time I would use the drone to explore the world, something
changed each time, and as many other departments had to use the drone, so we booked our
exploration far in advance.
If I were to compare the culture and environment to the outside world, and some of these
comparisons might be a stretch I detected ancient religious culture similar to the Egyptians with
indented and pushed up hieroglyphics and barbarically cut, rough edged shark teeth and fish

The mold makes these amazing spirals like spilled water left too long. There is no structure, it's
splattered everywhere, I couldn’t find any part of the world without mold on it at all. The climate
has toxic gasses and acidic rain, it’s always raining and the mold is worsened by the stains,
most of it is derelict.

Mold needs moisture or a poor hygiene to grow, it can be carried by the wind, latching on to
anything hairy. The microscopic drones detect the smells emitted from the mold, some are less
present, some are very dominant.

Some molds we have picked up are Penicillium and Aspergillus, which can survive in space and
infect planets, which is why it has to be contained in a room far away from the most populated

Some areas do have bone jaw shelters, so there is some unaffected ground, but they still have
invisible mold growing, which means it’s not strong enough to be extremely visible yet like
particles instead of a combine.

The mold behaves like a symbiote making a clear indication where it spawned onto, tweaking
what remains of the fragments. I believe there are inhabitants, like slugs because there are wet
trails but instead of being parallel they are oval shaped and unequal making me believe the
creatures jump and quite far at that.
The mold has spread rapidly inside cracked bones leaking out their center, to the point where
you don’t know the base of what it infected.

The building’s structures are interesting shapes like field goals in the NFL, the Gherkin in
London, the Shard in London, the Lotus Delhi in India and the Ostankino Tower in Russia.

I see bone statues of the beings are celebrated, on podiums but we could only see glimpses of
them as going too close to them showed static from our camera receivers, there’s some part of
this world that are unsurvivable, i’m guessing even for the inhabitants, they seem deserted and
have smells that chip at the glass of our drones. There are probably carcasses there but we
cannot guarantee that.

I feel like this world is male dominated, mostly due to the statue being muscular and I find it hard
to believe a unique civilization like this is culturally sensitive and cares about the current
acceptance of the world.

I also feel there is a severe lack of personality in the buildings apart from the hieroglyphics and
there is no smoothness, or curves, traits normally derived from femininity to represent women.
OHHH NOOOO The Japanese drone’s screen just went black, but it still had 15 minutes left on
its timer. We told the German drone to find the Japanese drone by tracing it’s tracker, wait we
found the remains of the Japanese drone, but the tracker is still a distance away, it’s too dark in
this area, I feel like we're being set up, NOOOO we just lost our second drone.

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