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I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 1


The campus of the Imperial Academy is beautiful.

Also known as '10 tourist attractions on the continent you must visit before you
die', it is even called the peak of its beauty in the spring of summer.

“It’s also summertime.”

"beautiful… … .”

From the main gate, along the wide boulevard, cherry blossoms are in full bloom and
the gentle wind blows through the lake, and the distinctive old-fashioned buildings
harmonize like a painting.

“Oh, look over there. This is Rox!”

"really? where?"

“Wow, how did you get so handsome?”

“I’m seeing the real thing for the first time.”

And even on this bright campus, where youth and vitality are being added for the
new semester, a boy suddenly caught the attention of many girls.


Did God even sculpt it himself?

White skin like a field of snow in the middle of winter.

Black hair as shiny as lacquer.

With a sharp curve that does not allow even a single point of error, the deep blue
eyes full of excellence seem to embrace the entire expanse of the sky.

“How can you be so beautiful even with a sigh… … .”

“Oh, I thought you just said something.”

“Your mouth was like ‘please’!”

“Obviously, we are going through a lot of anguish that we can’t even imagine.”

While the girls scream and let their imaginations run wild.

Sitting on a bench by the lake, he looked up at the blue sky and murmured.

“X Epal.”

X arm. X arm. X arm.

How many times did you repeat it?

“Give me back… … .”
Roxtrin Aindalocke... …

So, 'I'.

It had only been an hour since I fell into this damn world.

* * *

<Academy Summertage>.

If it is the beginning of an event, it is the beginning.

A new game that I was ambitiously prepared for, who had managed to gain popularity
as a single indie game developer.

It was a royal academy that unfolds on the stage of the magical academy
'Summerturge' in a fantasy world that everyone is familiar with.

If there is a difference, is it that my color as a developer is not so light as it

is dark?

So that's what I thought.

'Wouldn't it be nice to have at least one gag character?'

The heavy atmosphere was often mentioned as my strength, but the role of licorice
to evoke the atmosphere was also important.

I thought that it was because the story was too heavy for the rating to stay in the
8-point range every time, and as a result, this character was born.

It was Roxtrin Aindalocke.


Roxtrin Aindalocke (1st year)

Attribute: None

Affiliation: Longrt Empire, Aindaroch Territory

Position: Count

Personality: stately color, extraordinary

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 3 Spirit Lv 3

Agility Lv 3 Wisdom Lv 3

Stamina Lv 3 Magic Lv 3

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 3 Talent Lv 3

Insight Lv 3 Charm Lv 10
Charisma Lv 3

To be honest, I didn't even think about it for long.

All other stats were set at level 3, which is the average of freshman in the
academy, and only 'charm' was fixed at level 10, which is the maximum.

Level 10 is the pinnacle of this game.

It is safe to say that he is the strongest in the world, and there are not even a
few people to control the difficulty. Even that happened when all the growth limits
were met.

Among freshmen who have just entered the school, the only absurd character with a
level 10 ability is this 'Roxtrin Aindalocke', but... … .

Of course, it's useless.

'Why is it a boy?'

There are many variables in <Academy Summerturge>. The key element is, by far, the

Who plays and who gets hurt in tons of random combat events. In many cases, it is
even impossible to recover or even die.

In the meantime, it means that there is no room for a face genius character who has
only 'average' all abilities.

If this guy appears anywhere in the game, it's only a joke. Of course, that doesn't
mean it's bad, in the sense that just seeing your face will make you smile.

As it was not initially conceived, there is almost no involvement in the story, and
there is no real reason for players to recruit as colleagues.

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

Literally, a supporting role for the purpose of 'laughter bell'.

“… … Why is that me?”

I slowly turn my gaze.

Summerturge's freshmen, who are just about to start school, are spying on me.
Regardless of gender.

I made eye contact and raised my hand to say hello.

“You saw this!”



The freshmen ran away.

This is the guy who originally made it like this.

I woke up laughing in dismay.

You can't just sit idle.

The campus where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom is beautiful, but the
reality I am in is not beautiful at all.

“It doesn’t even end.”

The main menu cannot be called up.

Status is a random topic, and there is no end game button anywhere.

“It’s full of bugs.”

It would be a bug if it was a bug to immerse a normal person in the game.

Anyway, I only realized it a few minutes ago. Because I looked through all the
freshman list posted at the front door.

“It’s like mangem.”

There are players in this world—


there is no protagonist

* * *

“Roxtrin’s bar and room is the Tower of Truth Room 1203!”

"thank you. I forgot.”

“Hey, that’s pretty common. Yes! it's okay! I also sometimes confuse my room with
the bathroom! Ahahaha!”

I left the reception desk behind the woman with an ecstatic expression on her face.

You shouldn't be smiling with this face. I got some good information.

“It’s high.”

I had to walk uphill for a long time.

If you look up with your head bent, you can barely see the tip of the dormitory

Tower of Truth. To put it bluntly, it looked infinitely close to the tower.

All Summerturge students live in dormitories. The first tuition fee includes
dormitory fee.

Of course, the treatment is very different.

Equality is an important principle in summer, but outside the academy is a strict

class society.
Therefore, each background can be seen as an important characteristic of a

In that respect, Roxtrin was treated well.

[Tower of Truth]

[Wisdom is towards the sky. Everything you think is clear and clear like the clear

I passed the sign and entered the entrance.

Tower of Liberty, Tower of Justice, Tower of Truth.

This is because the room was assigned to the most aristocratic 'Tower of Truth'
with the most excellent facilities among the dormitories divided into three towers.

The luxurious atmosphere felt from the exterior continued, and the red carpet was
spread all the way from the entrance to the front of the elevator.

Even in such a tower of truth, 10 or more floors belong to the upper floors, and
only the great nobles and royalty are allowed to stay.

[No. 1203]

[Roxtrin Aindalocke]

Therefore, Roxtrin Aindarok is a great aristocrat.

“Aindarok… … .”

A family famous as a martyr who protects the northern tip of the empire and a
famous magician.

In the early days, Earl Aindaroke - the father of this body was set to have no
children, but when Roxtrin was finally made, this family had no place to beat it.

This part was kind of comforting.

Spacious room and great tactile bed. There is also a heavy money bag in the desk

No matter how talented he is, he has a strong background, so he doesn't have to

worry about starving right away.

There are many students who cannot afford the murderous tuition in Summer Turge and
starve themselves.

<Monthly Summer Tage No. 594>

I sat down on a bed adorned with loud gold threads and opened the newspaper I had
brought from the lobby.

'Monthly Summer', a student newspaper created by summer students.

There was nothing like this to understand the general situation.

[A large number of topical freshmen are admitted!]

[…] … As always, this year you need to be extra careful with your actions. Of
course, it is said that three royal families from other countries have also entered
the school!]

[Q. But still, he is the one who cares the most, right?]

[A1. Roxtrin Aindalocke!! The master of Count Aindaroke, who was well known in the
social world, entered the school. I saw it before, and it seemed like I was really
going crazy~]

[A2. I'm not saying it for nothing. There was a saying that there is no wish if you
see it once in your life, but starting today, you can see it every day. Isn't that
a dream?]

[A3. Father, thank you for sending it to Summerturge. I will study hard... … ]

- I decided to stop watching.

Trying to organize my thoughts turned out to be dizzy.

Was he like this?

The second princess of the empire, or the prince of a neighboring kingdom. It was
the story of Roxtrin Aindalocke on the whole page, beating out the giants to jump
into one or two lines.

Maybe I overlooked charm level 10 too much.

The laughter bells were exaggerated.

'What if there is a bad ending?'

If it's a game, that's it.

The screen goes black, and there are two options: 'Restart from the beginning' and
'End the game'. Either way the ending is the same.

“I can’t even try to die.”

pinch your cheek


Will this be only one life, will the game be over, will I be able to return?

- I don't know anything.

He wasn't stupid enough to die as an experiment with a body that could feel the

First of all, I'm Lockstryn, not the main character, so death doesn't go straight
to a bad ending.

Before that, even the system of such a basic game is highly likely to not work

“If you die, you really die… … .”

It was an easy conclusion.


I. broken peace

: D-14

There are only two weeks left until the first main episode begins.

At first glance, the atmosphere of the campus, which seems peaceful and bright, is
close to a trap.

<Academy Summerturge> is by no means a light game. In the same genre, it probably

has a heavy story to count on.

The choice of every moment determines the life or death of countless characters,
including the main character. Although it is rare in this genre, death is also

“I have to live.”

I thought back to a small sigh.

wondering what to do Even if you roll in a field of shit, you're better off here.
There was no other option for survival.

Laughing Bell from <Academy Summerturge>.

I have no choice but to become Roxtrin Aindalocke.

[…] … All new students, please gather in the auditorium. Let me know again... … .]

I was slowly thinking that the time had come.

A speaker hung in the corner of the ceiling—a voice emanating from something that
looked roughly the same.

I didn't even think about that in detail, so it's just round. looks reckless It is
a setting that was somehow created by magic.

I got up from bed and picked up the hood that was on the hanger.


Scholar's Hood

: Has the effect of lowering the attractiveness of the wearer wearing a hood.
However, if it's too close, it won't work!

- Charm Lv -1

It seems that Roxtrin, the original owner of this body, didn't like to stand out
too much.

Even just one step is perceptible. Anyway, it's important to cover your face.

There were a lot of things that were muffled like 'there are many magical things'
like the speaker, so it wasn't strange to have something like this.
“Wow, the auditorium is like a palace.”

“Hey, is this all gold?”

“Hey, hey! That’s the real princess over there.”

“Then somewhere here… … .”

The freshmen have already formed a group of three or five.

Most aristocrats build relationships in the social world from an early age, so even
if it's their first official event, they're already close friends.

If you have a talent for magic, you may receive an honorary title by receiving
sponsorship unless you are a slave.

But Roxtrin is a loner. That's because it's a mystery.

“Hey there!”

“Wow, the seat next to you is empty.”

"Crazy! How do you get there?”

Like this.

So, even in the large auditorium, I found a seat in the back row, the most cornered
place, and sat down.

From behind, the colorful hair looked like paint that had been randomly spread on a
drawing paper.

It's said that they are the characteristics of the characters in their own way, but
when you put them together, they don't look good at all.

For reference, black hair is the unique color of the Aindarok family, so I am the
only one.

“Would you mind paying attention?”

While the children were chatting for a while, someone came up on the podium. The
voice resounded through the entire auditorium.

“It’s not enough, but it’s Wee Lane who took over as the dean of Summerturge.”

Weraine Mage Bruntelli!

The power of the Empire's mage science circle, there is no one who does not know
the Emperor's name but does not know his name.

His distinctive sharp eyes and graceful voice were revealing the weight of the

“Please, kindly forgive me for the blasphemy that summons the precious body.”

The beginning was a light bow.

murmur murmur. Even then, the commotion in the hall did not subside. They are
children who have grown up in their own unique ways.
“However, I would like to inform you first that the environment you have been
living in is meaningless here.”

"What is he saying now?"

“It’s obvious, what?”

Princes and princesses of foreign countries, children of war heroes, descendants of

target people, and even princesses of empires.

In this auditorium, all the children of the family called Naero are gathered. No
matter how difficult it is, it is impossible to treat it recklessly.

Obviously, that's what the kids thought.

“So, shut up.”

“What… … .”

“Be polite. You cheeky chicks.”


The cane lightly struck the podium.

Even the boy who was trying to retaliate could not speak any more, and the inside
of the auditorium became cold in an instant.

A tremendous pressure swept over the children.

“We are your teachers.”

“Since when did that worthwhile authority and authority belong to you?”

“Know the subject.”

Absolutely outrageous remarks.

However, no one present could refute this.

“You, as just one young chick wizard, have entered Summerturge, the great sanctuary
of magic.”

Wirain came down the stairs with a leisurely pace. The place he stopped was right
in front of the boy who opened his mouth.

The eyes of Werain and the boy meet.

The adjacent kingdom, the boy of the royal family, experienced a fear he had never
felt before in his lifetime.

“Don’t try to learn magic lightly.”


A white flame rose from the tip of Werain's index finger. Even from a distance, a
faint haze could be seen.
“Even the simplest one-star magic can easily kill a person.”

“Huh… … .”

“You must know how heavy your strength is.”

From his face turned as white as a flame, Werain turned his body.

Just not having to pee was something to be considered great.

“Be humble.”

“Be in moderation.”

“Be patient.”

“Have a goal.”

“Have passion.”

It was as if every single word that went on slowly was pounding into my ear.

This script is definitely well written.

"More than."

Tock, tock.

Only the sound of We Lane's shoes coming down from the podium echoed through the
spacious auditorium.

But after a while.

clap clap.

In the front row, someone started clapping lightly.

Everyone sitting in this seat must have looked at it at least once, so the ripple
effect was not small.

Clap clap clap!

The children, who had only noticed, started following her one by one, and the
auditorium was filled with thunderous applause.

Dazzling gold is the color of the imperial imperial family.

'I'm not von Rongrt.'

The second princess of the Empire and, of course, a girl who is the main character
in <Academy Summerturge>. I've been watching him from the beginning.

Unless there are no players, it will be the most powerful of all available powers.

“Wow, I thought I was bored.”

"really. Because I am not a mage for nothing.”

“What is the power… … .”

“Hey, how about lunch?”

Whoops, I stayed still while the students were leaving the auditorium.

There was nothing good about being caught in the midst of a crowd of students with
this reckless face, but it was because the child who had been watching over and
over had not yet woken up.

'Is it early yet?'

Although Roxtrin is said to be a great aristocrat, there is no particular reason

for making contact in the first place.

Moreover, like a princess, the setting is that there is always an attendant by your
side... … .

what. suddenly realize

Why not?

“Reveal your identity.”

A low-pitched voice pierces my ears.

It's too much to be a student of the lush Summer Tung, and it's that of a mature

I asked briefly.


“Even if a knife came into my throat, there was no movement.”

Sneakly looking down, a gleaming blade occupies just below the uvula.

Well, so.

I hadn't noticed at all.

Because this body doesn't really have good sense of the body. Now that it's
something to be surprised at, I decided to just keep quiet.

“Do not move.”

I was originally going to do that.

again. again.

Only then did I see a child who got up late and walked towards me.

Stretching all the way was a gait that didn't feel very elegant for a princess.

“Maria, again?”

“He’s a suspicious guy. Dean Yu Lane was not at all discouraged, and I only watched
the princess from the beginning to the end.”

“Is that right? that's interesting. Could there be such a thing as an assassin in

“You must have gone through the formal admission process.”

“Ugh, but isn’t it too obvious?”

As if it wasn't interesting, the child pouted his small lips.

In fact, Summer Tough believes equality is important, so all attendants except the
student are prohibited from entering.

However, this is the first year that the Imperial Princess has entered the school,
and the only exception is that she can accompany an attendant... … That fact is not
yet known.

"really? really?"

The child asked as if urging.

“If you’re a freshman, you’re saying that I’m the same age as you?”

“I’ll take the hood off.”

“Hehehe, how did it come about… … .”


The hood came down without any resistance.



The child took a small breath, and Maria, who was behind me, immediately checked my
profile and took a step back in amazement.

Perhaps it was because of the black hair that there was only one person on campus.


“I see you, Princess.”

Maybe it's because of this formidable face.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 2

“I was rude!”

"Nope. Fine."

Actually, I don't really have much to say.

Maria bowed deeply and apologized. For them, the safety of the imperial family is
the top priority, so even the great aristocrats are not a source of reproach.

“Uh, so. Long time no see! Yes!"

Ainim von Longrt (1st grade)

Attributes: Fire (5-star), Wind (3-star)

Affiliation: Longrt Empire Systematic Territory

Status: Second Princess

Personality: genius, natural

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 1 Spirit Lv 6

Agility Lv 2 Wisdom Lv 7

Stamina Lv 1 Magic Lv 7

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 4 Talent Lv 4

Insight Lv 7 Charm Lv 6

Charisma Lv 7

Also, a child princess.

It was impossible to even dare to compare it with Lockstrin's shabby status.

Except for the physical aspect, all abilities are set to be superior.

“Rocks! It's been 5 years! Are you very tall? Still a scary face!”

What else does it look like?

She had dazzling blonde hair that seemed to glisten on her own, and eyes that
looked like they had a large pumpkin embedded in them.

The breasts did not fall out and the plump cheeks retained the cuteness of that

"Hehe. You were like me at the coronation ceremony... … Rocks?”

It was just thrilling to see the 275x300 pixel characters taken by hand one by one
come alive and breathe like this.

There is no such thing as mediaization in this industry, but if it did, it would

look like this.

Oh, I'm happy.

“Roxtrin… … ?”

I suddenly realized that I had been staring at Ai-sama's face without saying

Of course, I couldn't really hear what he was saying, so I answered roughly.

"sorry. Stop losing your mind.”

"sorry! I was being too friendly!”


“Um, is it still summer here? You can’t be too polite.”

"Is that so?"

“That’s it!”

The child, who had been fiddling with the curled hair under her ears, suddenly
turned around.

"So goodbye!"

And then he walked out of the auditorium with frequent strides.

Most of the main characters have high innate mental power. Fortunately, no matter
how attractive Roxtrin is, they can have a normal conversation.

If that's the case, it wasn't bad for a first meeting.

* * *

“I guess I wasn’t the only one.”

Walking through the pink campus, Ai-nim expressed her disappointment.

Maria seemed terrified.

Coltman, head of the Earl of Aindarokee, was obviously the first time Eindlocke had
brought Roxtrin into the social world at the coronation ceremony, but Ainim was not

That is, the two are first faces.

“… … Yes."

There were also many assassins who approached by changing their faces at will.

Was he right, and if so, did he have something to do with him?

In that brief moment, Ai-nim was thinking of Roxtrin casually.

'My son.'

Words spit out like a spit.

Coltman was a human being who was not involved in affairs outside of his realm, so
there was nothing special about it.

He was a strange boy.

He did not speak to anyone, and no one knew who his mother was. He wasn't even sure
if he had any talent for magic or not.

Coltman, even after introducing himself, was not happy with his passionate interest
in Roxtrin.

'I'm not a big deal, so turn off your attention.'

Magical aptitude is innate.

Because it is considered reasonable for anyone with a talent to start socializing

from an early age, receive support and build a supportive force.

It was close to a journey in Aindarok, a magical family comparable to the imperial


Only her literally fantastical beauty was floating around like a word of mouth in
the whole social world.

“I think it’s one of the two.”

“You either got the talent late, or the Marquess Coltman deliberately hid it.”

The child accepted Maria's words lightly.

I wasn't even tempted by its climactic appearance. Everything was smoke.

What is inside the head of this 16-year-old girl who seems innocent at first
glance? It was something that Maria had no way of knowing.

“Definitely an unusual beauty, but she is an unpredictable person. Maybe he really

is an assassin.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Anyway, either way is interesting. Investigate—”

“Ugh, don’t do it.”


The child frowned and waved his hand.

“Don’t do that to your kids. No enemy, are you Eindarok?”

“I do, but… … .”

What if that's my job?

Maria kept her mouth shut, knowing that there was no point in responding.

“The golden shield that has always been at the forefront of protecting the Empire.”


“If they had changed their minds, if there was something else to weigh against the
comfort of the Empire.”

I'm von Rongrt.

This ferocious 16-year-old princess said so with a smile on her face.

“The empire already has no future.”

“I will not consider the latter.”

“If you say that you have a talent later on, it will come out of nowhere from the
Sorcerer’s Society. You are not going to touch it.”

Saying so, Ainim throws stones into the lake. A few unnamed birds fled.

“But there is.”


“You were incredibly handsome! right?"

His golden hair fluttering wildly following his master.

“… … Even so.”

“You can’t do anything bad with that face!”

But sometimes, I just wondered if what I was looking at might be the real thing.

* * *

The second floor of the Tower of Truth.

Jinridang (堂) in the student cafeteria.

Summerturge's student cafeteria is more like a restaurant than a restaurant.

There is no set menu, and you only have to pay the appropriate amount for the
restaurant, and the dish will come out.

“It’s something to live for a long time.”

I first found out

Truffles smell like this.

There were so many precious foods in front of me that I had never eaten before in
my life, so it was hard to think where to reach out.

As it is the Tower of Truth with the most excellent facilities, it boasts unrivaled

However, the price is also very irrational, so students who actually live in the
Tower of Truth rarely use Jinri-dang.

Thanks to this, I was able to finish my meal quietly than I thought. If you are
eating and someone is staring at you, the taste of the rice will deteriorate.

“Wow… … .”

“Roxtrin-sama eats rice, too.”

“Are you going to poop?”

"You idiot, Lockstrin can't afford such a dirty thing!"

“Is that so too?”

It means that the taste of rice is inevitably deteriorated when you hear such a

I returned to my room quietly because there were many students who did not
understand even the simplest truth for a tower of truth.

I found out within a short time, but surprisingly, no one talks directly to me.
Even if I try to ask something, the other side avoids me.

So, when I forcefully grabbed one and asked, the answer was nothing.

'I, like me... … You can't tamper with the art displayed in the museum. What should
I do, what should I do?”

He said, and then ran away.

Even though it was a good idea to write a script similar to that directly, it was
treated absurdly.

Anyway, there's a lot we've learned about this body, Roxtrin Aindarok.

'Once the past is unclear.'

It's a rough cut at the end of the day, so it's because I didn't consider the front
and back stories.

I just made the game, I didn't create the entire human life of Lockstrin

I will have to keep looking into this part, but fortunately, I have also confirmed
that no one has built up a relationship like this even after entering the social

As for the abilities he possesses, there are some distinctive features compared to

[Attribute: None]

This one has no special properties.

It is normal for wizards to specialize in one of the four major attributes of fire,
water, wind, and earth.

However, Roxtrin never appeared in battle events, so he didn't even have a special
attribute set.

It will probably have a huge negative impact on learning magic in the future.

'But the overall flow is the same.'

There is no change in the academic schedule even though the 'player' who will take
on the main role has disappeared.

The first place in the entrance exam must have been the main character, but the
existence was erased neatly and the vacancy was filled by the child.

Immediately after We Lane's freshman orientation, there was no event in which the
protagonist, who was a commoner, and the son of another noble family had a small
argument in front of the auditorium.

“I’m tired.”

So what's the conclusion?


really messed up

Talkative, average, can an inferior student without a single attribute to get

through so many adversity?

What is the 'Class A disappearance situation'?

What is the 'Magic Core Theft'?

What is the 'crisis of the northern wall'?

What is a 'predicted civil war'?

Prepare for a vicious episode in which all bad endings lead to death, and who will
stand up against it?

yes of course

“I am the only one… … .”

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

A boy with an incredibly flat face with just one face. I am the only one


I buried my face in the crevice of the soft blanket. I want to run away alone, but
I can't.

In the Empire, no, because the safest place on this continent is in Summertergy.

So the answer is fixed.

have no choice but to do it

But no matter what I think, I can't. So conclusion.

In this barren world without a protagonist, the only way to survive and see a happy

He draws all the characters and all his powers from <Academy Summerturge>, where
numerous circumstances are intertwined, into his allies.

That's all.

“Let’s make friends.”

* * *


That's really nice to hear.

But if you dig a little deeper, it's quite vague. This word tickled when you put it
on your lips, my friend.

What kind of relationship do you have?

“Are you listening?”

Since the boundaries of intimacy are different for each person, this inevitably
works relatively.

Some will consider it as simply sharing a meal together, while others will be
willing to sacrifice their lives.

“I have a request.”

In that sense, the friend Roxtrin needed had to be 'a relationship where trust and
friendship are as thick as an iron wall, so that with a single word, you can give
away your liver and gallbladder'.

Breathtaking, but just below life.

How can you create such a relationship?

"Yes. Yeah? Yeah? Yes?"

“You don’t have to answer me four times.”

“Did you tell me?”

Her scarlet bob trembled just above her shoulders. There was a strong sign of
trying to stay calm.


Hira Yuksila (1st year)

Attribute: Wind (2-star)

Affiliation: Rongrt Empire's Yuxilla Territory

Position: Marquis

Personality: Ambition

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 1 Spirit Lv 3

Agility Lv 1 Wisdom Lv 3

Stamina Lv 1 Magic Lv 4

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 4 Talent Lv 6

Insight Lv 4 Charm Lv 3

Charisma Lv 5


This marquise, who devours the mining districts of the West, has established
himself as the center of the aristocratic aristocracy using his enormous wealth.

But other than that, nothing special. His appearance is normal, and his fighting
power is not very good, so it doesn't matter much.

So it is suitable

"that's right."

Old-fashioned tea tables are set up all over the lawns of Summerturge.

The perfect place to enjoy the warmth of spring as an aristocratic woman's meal.

It was not difficult to find Hira Yuxila because it was set to always be the center
of the crowd.

Despite the unexpected visit, the girls held their breath and couldn't find
anything to say.

Because he is none other than 'Roxtrin Aindalocke'. Because it is the embodiment of

living beauty.

“Hira Yuxilla.”

I whispered the name lightly, and sneakily took the seat across from me.

“My name… … You know.”

Although her voice was still trembling, Hira had to keep her mind even conscious of
the gazes of other students around her.

The academy is, after all, an extension of the society. These are the words I heard
from my father and mother until my ears were worn out.

The morning star of the social world, Hira Yuksila.

For her, this was a unique opportunity.

If only I could show my boldness in the face of the very Roxtrin that everyone
wants to share a word with. His position will be further consolidated... … .

I would have thought so.

“I heard it. Because Yuxilla is famous.”

I don't know the etiquette of recommending tea. I poured tea into two glasses and
held out the cup.

I found out in a restaurant, Lockstrin looks 'plausible' no matter what he does.

No matter how greedy you eat, you feel elegant, and even if you put your nose on a
tissue and put it on the table, you can only see it as a graceful gesture.

It is thanks to the 10th level, the charm that reached the extreme, and the
'extraordinary' personality that supports it.

“Do you have anything to say?”

done! You did it!

This time he didn't tremble. It made me want to stroke my own hair.

Even though Aindarok has a high reputation, Hira is definitely the daughter of a
higher-ranking marquis.

The momentum doesn't die, and it doesn't get hesitant.

I raised my voice to the best of my ability.

“It’s not that great.”

He takes a sip of tea with a shy smile. put a brief pause

It is the margin that puts weight on the horse.

“If you don’t have an appointment in particular tonight, could you spare a minute?”


The female students who had retreated unawares exclaimed. I don't know how far
their imagination goes, though.

No answer was needed.

I have to survive.

There is not much time.

All I have is a flat face.

So, how do you create such a close relationship?

If time is the most solid foundation for bonding with each other, there is only one
way to do it.

"8 o'clock."

Very simple.

There should be no one left by his side.

“I’ll wait for you in the Garden of the Tower of Truth.”

I have to survive.


“… … Yes."
'Hira Yuxilla' is a must.

You must fall into the abyss and be destroyed.

Academy Face Genius Episode 3

late afternoon.

“Hey, really.”

The library is called the flower of summer turkey, and on the first floor, only the
basics of the basics are carefully selected.

[Basic Property Theory]


I nodded and closed the book. understanding is over.

“Have you ever seen such an asshole?”

Wisdom level 3 is not like this.

As the situation was not easy, my mouth became more and more difficult, and I came
to realize that sometimes it doesn't matter if I say things like this.

“You must be very frustrated.”

“It’s cool to be angry too!”

“I want you to curse at me too… … .”

You seem to think that harsh words coming out of my mouth are like thorns on a

'It doesn't come into my head.'

Anyway, I've never heard of people saying they can't study anywhere.

I went to college with a proud signboard, and I've never been disappointed with my
parents at home during the holidays, that's what it means.

Still, it took me over thirty minutes to master one of the most basic theories.
One, not one. two pages by page number.

At this point it is certain

'This guy is a dunjae.'

Maybe it was normal.

This is Roxtrin, who must have received an unremarkable education from Eindarok, a
noble and noble of magic.

Since he has a definitive 'setting' that all his abilities are only level 3,
Roxtrin had no choice but to become a blunt to fill the gap.

There are even bigger problems.

I made the game, but it wasn't me who studied the magic in the game.

In other words, I have no memory of Roxtrin. You have to learn it again from

My eyes went dark!

“Why are you holding on to the theory of basic properties?”

“Isn’t it a review?”

“No, look at that uncomfortable expression. I think you must have found something
big wrong!”

"Ugh! It was used as a textbook for 300 years?”

“Leiden bastards, I knew that.”

It was the conversation I heard as I was banging my head against the pillar with a
gloomy face.

The only physical advantage of this body was that. The ears are unnecessarily

“I will rent it.”

“Basic Attribute Theory, Introduction to Basic Magic, Understanding Fire,

Understanding Water, Understanding Wind, and Understanding Earth. Do you have all
six volumes?”

“Do I really need to say that?”

“Ah, I made a big mistake… … . sorry!"

I borrowed 6 basic books.

If you go like this, you will become a freshman at the Magic Academy who can't even
use magic.

Even though it may not be possible for one person at a big event, it cannot be
burdened with a minus.

have to study

“Yes, all four attributes?”

“The double attribute alone is incredible!”

“Or maybe you’re trying to come up with a whole new theory?”

“Ah, anyway. Same freshman... … .”

make up your own mind

The bigger the misunderstanding, the better.

That will increase my chances of surviving. When Lockstrin's poor talent is

exposed, it's all over.
The top priority is to be able to use even one proper attack magic.

'Even with the simplest one-star magic, a person can be easily killed.'

Just like Wirain said.

It's a word that anyone in Summer Turge uses lightly to say magic or magic, but
it's actually quite terrifying.

Before the episode starts, shouldn't I have enough force to protect my body?

'That's also a problem.'

They are only about sixteen boys and girls now, but if you look at it, each
individual has more than one rifle's firepower.

I'd rather have a rifle

Some of them are grenades without bolts and perhaps even without a safety pin, let
alone a rifle.

If you touch it, it pops-

Bad ending straight away.

If you want to resent the game, you have to blame the creator for making this game
so difficult.

i hate myself too

“The procedure is largely divided into three stages: attribute, form, and solution…
… .”

Returning to my room, I began to read the theory book.

I don't know what the original owner of this body must have been like, but I'm
confident in my ass and studying.

Classes start only three days later, and there is no schedule in the meantime.

Going outside more than this will not produce good results.

Studying itself is difficult, but I know the answer to the question 'how do I do

It's enough to beat the time so that even a stupid brain can understand it.


* * *

7:55 p.m.

The Tower of Truth Garden is on the 10th floor.

Not only the Tower of Truth, but also the Tower of Freedom and the Tower of

In all three towers, there are no rooms on the 10th floor, and there is a spacious
garden, resting space, and convenience facilities for students. This is also the
reason why the 10th floor became an open boundary among students.

Because it's good to be close to the 10th floor.

“You look tired.”

“Oh, you came first. sorry. I said I'd wait."

"it's okay. I just came.”

Even in spring, the night breeze is cold.

The garden on the 10th floor is open to all sides and is very spacious, so there
are funny situations where they find each other after they have decided to meet.

Perhaps that's why the cheeks reminded me of having just arrived. how about

“That’s because, as I said before, it’s not really that great.”

“But did you mean you needed to get a seat?”

“It happens.”

Actually, I didn't think about what I was going to say when I called him out at the
time. It was the same until 5 minutes ago.

Because there was no need.

I thought of the excuses I was going to give while I was going down from the 12th
to the 10th.

It doesn't really matter what you say in the first place.

“I heard something from my father.”

I stood with my arms on the railing.

Summer Tudge was carved out of a mountain, and the three dormitories are located at
the highest elevation on the site. Of course, the Tower of Truth is the highest.

Therefore, if you look down, you can see the entire campus and even the city in the

[A faint light glimmered over the mist. It was like a star floating on the ground.
The lights at night are precious, but there is so much emotion that it makes my
heart even more heartbroken.]

The main character was assigned to the Tower of Liberty, but if the scenery I see
now is more than that, it will not be worse or worse.

“Are you a changer?!”


Hira was genuinely surprised.

Who is Coltman Aindalocke? Lieutenant General Coltman Aindarok, the commander of

the Imperial Magician Corps.

He is the undisputed leader of the imperial army, and with one word from him, he is
a tycoon who can say that even a mountain disappears overnight.

The very Coltman who said that he would never have anything to do with a central
politician like Yuxila, and earned the title of 'the black wolf of the north'?

“Equally, in the position of guarding the border, you said that it’s not good to
keep your distance too much.”

"that… … .”

not the same

weight is different.

The western part of the empire is the sea, and the northern part is a mountain hell
infested with monsters.

Although it is impossible to see them being vigilant about the ocean, comparing
them to the North is not even worth half a penny.

“Well, my father is such a person, so even if there is nothing I can do about it,
it means that I should get along with my friends.”

Hira Yuksila is the daughter of a great aristocrat and a marquis.

It is said that the politics of the center are vicious and insidious, and dozens of
spear knives move after every word.

Looking into someone's eyes, seeing hand gestures, capturing smaller movements, and
discriminating between truth and lies, or hidden intentions.

Finding loopholes and stabbing them.

I have always been taught that way.

“Yeah, that’s right.”

but not visible

can't see

He builds a friendship with the Eindarok family, who say that even the imperial
family does not dare to do anything recklessly. Perhaps it is the dream of every
politician in the world.

only at the age of sixteen.

It is cruel to cross the wall of such a happy dream and the wall of demonic nature
in front of you to determine the truth of a word.

Above all else, you will think that there is no reason to deceive yourself. Except
for the fact that she is a marquise, her appearance is not particularly pretty.

“In a nutshell, this may sound a bit silly. We just want to be friends.”

Reach out lightly.

Hira suddenly grabbed her hand. I never dreamed of what was going to happen next.

It's not because my conscience doesn't prick me, so I just pointed over the railing
and said.

“What do you see?”

"Yes? well. I do not know… … .”

To think of something else, because the presence of Lockstrin right in front of him
is so overwhelming.

The light of the stars on the ground goes out one by one.

I laughed bitterly.

“The wind is cold.”

“It’s not that cold… … .”

“Go in first. I'll wait a little longer to get in."

“Go, be careful not to catch a cold!”

He seems to understand the extent to which he wants to be alone. Hira walked out of
the garden with high expectations.

It was cold, too, but it felt like I just had to get some cold wind.

Could there be another good way... … .

Well. If there was, it wouldn't have been more efficient than this. I'm at a
disadvantage where I always have to choose only the right answer.

I need money.

Another powerful means to make up for the lack of force for the capture of the

There is no character more suitable than Hira Yuxilla.



There was a voice piercing through the back of his head. This was unexpected.

I looked back, smiling brightly like a child caught in a bad deed.

“See you again.”

A child in a pompous pajamas seems to like a princess's body.

Although she was on the 15th floor, the top floor, she was also staying in the
Tower of Truth, so she was able to come down to the garden on the 10th floor.

So, I purposely made an appointment late at night, but how did the guy who sleeps a
lot came down?
“I thought you wouldn’t do anything bad. I was betrayed before the sun went down.”

“What is it?”

“Do you really not know? I know, but am I pretending not to know?”

Her hair, which had been curled up nicely during the day, was half loose.

The child walked over, brushing her frizzy hair, and jumped onto the table rather
than a chair and sat down.

Ai-nim's gorgeous blonde hair, shimmering in the moonlight, clearly contrasted with
my drab hair color.

It won't change anything since it would have gone into the child's ears by tomorrow
morning anyway, but I'm a little upset because I feel like I've been arrested on
the spot.

“Are you sure you can fix it?”

"There is not."

“You don’t lie.”

By the time you're a kid, you'll know what I've done.

Unfortunately, Roxtrin's charm is at level 10, which is a shame. It was not strange
to receive contempt.

"do not do that."


“Hira is my friend. It seems a little mature, so it's cute? Are you going to buy
clothes together? Do you sometimes do hair for Maria?”

I didn't answer.

for me to live

Also, to save everyone.

Do you understand the deep meaning of this, kid? That's not a friend.

“So, don’t bother. Understand?"

“My nose has grown.”

“What are you talking about, that?”

“There is such a thing.”

It didn't feel very urgent, considering it was laid out lengthily. Or maybe you
know you won't listen to me.

Waving her legs that did not reach the floor, the child was looking across the
“Can I ask you just one question?”


“What are you looking at now?”

“Heaven, I came out to see you, but you’re covering it up in front of me. Move."

As soon as I saw the waving hand gestures, I burst out into laughter. I don't know

“I think we can be friends.”

“Oh, I don’t like it! go away!"

I smiled and returned to the room. Get closer and the knife comes up around your
neck again.

* * *

Three days passed.

In the meantime, I haven't left the Tower of Truth. There was nothing difficult.

If you are hungry, there is a Jinri-dang on the 2nd floor, and if you are in the
wind, there is a garden on the 10th floor.

All the time given was devoted to understanding the six books I had borrowed.

Roxtrin was a fucking blunt.

Or maybe because I'm a little older, I've lost my youthful intelligence. Could it

It's because they're all 3 levels of wisdom.

“Uh, Lockstrin?”

That is clearly different.

Roxtrin was truly a flower that bloomed on top of a cliff. A being who cannot
approach hastily because no one tried to get close.

But now things have changed.


Roxtrin has now come down to earth on its own.

The fact that I recommended Hira to a secret meeting in the middle of the night
first must have been well known for the past three days.

Even if there weren't many eyewitnesses, Hira herself would have come forward and
spread it. So, gradually, students started talking to me.

“Is the time okay?”

Someone approached with blushing... … After all, someone

I only looked at the status for a while, but it wasn't a memorable name.

I don't have time to write to this guy.

"sorry. busy."

“That, right? Sorry!"

He responded coldly without even having a business smile.

It's already the tenth guy we kicked out like that. Among them, there were
definitely people I desperately needed and who could help me with my powers.

Sorry but it's on hold for now.

“Isn’t the first class at 1 o’clock?”

“That’s right. There are no classes until the first semester, so I guess everyone
listens in the large lecture hall.”

There are about 500 students per year at Summer Thurs.

It seems like a simple scale for the gathering of dreamers of excellent wizards
from all over the continent, but being a wizard is rare.

Also, there is no magic academy in summer.

Ahead of the first class to be commemorated like that.

“Kanin Mage Artine… … ? Is this the person I know?”

Students gathered in front of the bulletin board in the 1st grade lecture building.

I only overheard the conversation from afar.

Professional lectures do not take place until the class is completed. It is simply
for the purpose of stimulating students' interest or enthusiasm for learning, so
there are not many.

Instead, only one faculty member was able to open his mouth.

“There are several people who have been given Meiji’s middle name. would be the
same person It's amazing that you're still alive."

"Why? who?"

“Canin? Kanin from that fairy tale?”


An old man with white hair writes his name powerfully down.

Kanin Mage Artine.

Among non-students, he is the most important character along with the dean, We

I drew an impression that looked nicer and warmer than We Lane, but it looked just
as expected.
“It’s Kanin.”

The introduction was brief.

In a way, it was natural. There is no one who has touched magic and does not know
its name.

"I don't really like Summerturge's cowards."

Kanin raised the topic lightly.

The children were stiff. It was because the memory of the orientation was still

Fortunately, Kanin's voice was gentle, unlike Wee Lane.

“Of course I am not talking about your students. Those who call themselves
teachers. Including Werain.”

It is undeniable that they are both great wizards, but Kanin is a senior 20 years
older than Yurain.

Truly a legendary archmage in existence itself. No one dared to vomit in spite of

that arrogant remark.

“I am eighty-two years old this year. I was guarding the Confederate Front until
three months ago.”

Kanin joined Summerturge for the first time this year.

“Today is no different. This old man can go back and fight right now. But all the
professors here are decades younger than me.”

“I have nightmares every night.”

“Thousands of young people die in vain to the rubbish that will be swept away with
one move of this old hand.”

“Also, while I am awake, I worry. My vacant seat would have taken away the bright
future of a certain young man.”

“Heh heh, isn’t it a body to die of old age anyway? As to what is more important,
this life is insignificant compared to any one of you.”

Kanin let out a light laugh, but no one sympathized with it.

He said looking around the crowd widely.

“Have you ever watched the battlefield colliding with monsters? Let me raise your

No one willingly raised a hand.

The Empire does not tolerate the invasion of monsters, so it is not easy to see

However, in other kingdoms, it is common to see monsters while traveling between

cities. It meant watching.
“What is good? I heard that here is the son of Marquee Eindarok, the proud shield
of our Empire.”

From here on, I'm very used to it.

It's the first part where Roxtrin Aindalocke appears. I recently inserted the

It's better to follow the truth than to miss a few scenes and let them affect the
story I know.

“It’s Roxtrin.”


It will not be a conscious sound.

All the students in the classroom exclaimed. Now that I'm used to it, it doesn't

Maybe even if I fart right now, the same reaction comes out?

"okay. Have you ever watched If it was Coltman, he would probably have done it.”


“What did you see?”

It's a simple setting that Lockstrin doesn't go out for a while, but Coltman forced
him to go to the front line when he was young.

“It was terrible.”

“Hmm, is that all?”

“There were raids all night, and many people were killed or injured while my father
was away.”


Excluding the formidable appearance, this is the only character of this body.

Even if it's only a laugh bell in the game, a memory engraved like a trauma to
Lockstreet. It was as simple as reciting the script.

“Empty vials roll around.”

[Occasionally, if you look at the contents, it seems that there was no effect.]

“Red bandages are strewn like garbage.”

[I don't know if it was hemostasis or if blood was sucked. Or was it originally a

red cloth?]

“A soldier carries a cross section of his severed right arm with a torch held in
his left hand.”

[Blood flows from the bitten lower lip. Surprisingly, the soldier did not scream.]
“An old woman is crying while holding her head that is only her neck.”

[It was only after a long time that I realized that it was a human head that was
half crushed and charred.]

By that time, I was also engrossed in it.

Even after a few hours pass, these innocent children will quickly walk around the
campus with bright faces.

“I couldn’t tell if those lying on the bed were corpses or still living humans.”

“Because a man with nothing below his waist was constantly screaming.”

“The man who thought he was asleep with his limbs intact was because his chest had
a large hole in his chest when his father took the cloth out.”

“My father just ran out of the barracks, and I was left alone.”

“I covered my ears.”

“Fortunately, neither the screaming nor the crying lasted long.”

A heavy silence fell in the classroom. maybe someone will know

“Because the barracks were quiet in less than ten minutes.”

That this is the future they must face.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 4

'This year, the freshmen are excellent.'

'Yes. Those who have reached the fourth star are said to be four. But, that, the
Meiji told me to find out… … .'


In the dust of the battlefield, he lived a life far from nurturing juniors, but
Kanin had only one disciple.

Coltman Aindalocke.

Since he is a prestigious family recognized by everyone, it doesn't matter if he

learns from his father.

He even came to the Confederacy of the Confederacy, the exact opposite of Gu Tae-
yeo's territory. At first, of course, he refused.

'I will not leave.'

Coltman was a genius.

Kanin was a person who was terribly concerned about the safety of the country, and
he taught for three years because he could not afford to sabotage Coltman's
brilliant talent.

That cheeky face still looks good in my eyes.

Deep blue eyes, as if saying, 'You have no choice but to teach me'.

It was already 15 years ago.

'Yes, that Roxtrin Aindalocke. No matter how you look at it, it's normal.'

'Is it normal?'

'That's a good thing I said. It means that it was the worst result among the
descendants of the Eindarok family who took the Summer Turge entrance exam.'

'is it.'

'Is it true that God is fair?'

There is no way that a son will necessarily resemble his father, but Kanin felt
regret in his heart.

northern wall.

Since the former head of the Aindaroke family passed away early, Coltman's weight
was heavy. Otherwise, there will be no time to be absent.

But when it comes to children, it's a different story.

Coltman is still young, and there is plenty of time for his son, Roxtrin, to grow
up and become a full-fledged wizard.

In addition to its mysterious appearance, the expectations of the public,

especially the Magic Society, reached their peak.

'Don't make fun of your mouth.'

'Of course not.'

'It means that I shouldn't have heard it either. It's just one guest lecturer.'

'Hey, you're a lecturer! It's not even worth it.'

Summer Teach's admissions scores are kept secret. Kanin lightly rebuked the
professor for bringing the information.

“Because the barracks were quiet in less than ten minutes.”


The lecture hall became as quiet as a dead mouse.

If Welane's orientation was a coercive silence, it was voluntary.

It didn't even require a single ounce of magic.

It was just the story that made the children shut their mouths.

“… … okay."

Kanin was speechless for a long time.

To some extent it was intentional, but what Roxtrin saw was far more catastrophic.

It was sad but also happy. If the professor he had scolded had been by his side, he
would not have been able to learn without telling him.

'Did God say it's fair?'

A smirk came out.

No way.

Those who were taken hostage by the blood of the weak kingdom, the slaves in the
mining village who are still being stabbed in the back with a whip at this moment.
How much less are those who have been driven into that barren land.

Are you saying they are cursed with something?

'God has favoritism.'

It can't be normal

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

The young wolf's eyes must have resembled my father.

“Thank you. Let me sit down.”

Anyway, what I was trying to scare in moderation caused panic.

I could see children trembling all over the classroom. Kanin coughed lightly.

“Hmmmm. Not all battlefields are like that, but there are a few.”

an undeniable fact.

Some of the guard posts in the front have already retreated and lost their
functions. The accumulated damage draws a meaningful curve day by day.

“There is not enough power. The number of monsters has increased dramatically in
recent years. It’s double what it was 10 years ago.”

The devastation Roxtrin witnessed was probably just before reports of it spread
throughout the Imperial Army.

After that, the Empire immediately doubled the number of defenses on its borders.
Except for the Hana Empire and Riden, the other kingdoms did not have enough room.

“I submitted a research report that the damage would be reduced to at least 30% or
less if half of the academy faculty and mage society elders were mobilized to the
front, but it was not accepted.”

Kanin laughed bitterly.

The development of solemn magic was not in safety, but a senile wizard who just
went crazy about battle.

From that moment on, such a nickname circulated behind him.

“We cannot see the future. I can't say for sure which one is right, so it's
unavoidable. The choice is over.”

Eventually, Kanin withdrew from the front line and accepted a position as a
professor at Summerturge, which had been delayed for decades.

“I’m sorry to put a burden on you, but it’s something I have to convey clearly.”

With a kind but powerful voice, Kanin's wrinkled fingers pointed forward.

“The continent.”

“The future of mankind.”

“I walked on you.”

* * *

Early moning.

“I am a firefly~♪”

Summerturge's campus is beautiful, but there is only one place that is not

“I have no friends~♬”

It's this playground.

Even the bright scent of spring could not reach here, so it was a place where the
sand and dust were blowing grass.

At the beginning of the establishment, there was a knight academy together, but it
fell apart after a while, and the setting was that there was only a playground that
the wizards had no use for.

I hummed and hummed along the track.

“Heh, heh… … . Kek!”

But after three laps, I was exhausted.

I can't breathe.

“Oh, I’m going to die.”

I'm going to die like this

I overlooked the 3rd level of stamina again.

This average is the average of academy freshmen. And wizard defaults to weak bones.


There is no such thing as a nobleman's body.

After barely filling the three laps, he lay flat on the dirt floor.

After all, no one is here

Even the doorknobs are not used in the rusty warehouse, and wizards usually do not
train their stamina. Because it is not physical strength that is consumed to use
magic, but mana and mental strength.

If you don't have to run around busy anywhere, you don't need to grow your stamina.

In other words, I have to build up my stamina because I have to run around all the


After resting for a while, get up again.

Thirty laps a day.

It's close, but you can try to reach level 5 in about three months. The default
setting is level 3, and it is not fixed, so it grows.

I'm thirsty, so drink some water.

““Io (water)”


He placed his palm on top of his mouth and cast a spell, and a handful of water
flowed out as the magical energy escaped into a clump.

As a result of the effort, although simple, he was able to use magic.

At first, it was just an average level, and it wasn't that he didn't have any

However, the attribute is still blank.

It's a pity that you can't get bonuses for attributes, but that's another

Rather, I was faced with a completely different problem.

If you slowly turn your eyes.

'When are you going?'

I thought there would be no one, but after about ten laps, someone appeared.

He was a student because he was wearing Summerturge's student robes.

I always wear a hood when I go out of the tower, so I wondered if there would be
any problems.


Even after taking a short break after turning the 27th lap, he did not leave his
seat. It looks like he is yawning because he is bored.

If it was a guy I didn't see much, I wouldn't mind if I didn't, but it wasn't.

Euril Mashhma (2nd year)

Attributes: Ice (4-star), Water (3-star)

Affiliation: Mashu Kingdom

Status: Princess

Personality: Winter blessing, cynicism, pessimism

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 2 Spirit Lv 7

Agility Lv 3 Wisdom Lv 6

Stamina Lv 4 Magic Lv 6

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 6 Talent Lv 3

Insight Lv 5 Charm Lv 6

Charisma Lv 4

'Are you sure?'

Euril Mashhma.

This girl, the princess of the Mashu Kingdom, is also the main character of
<Academy Summertage>, which has a great influence on the story.

But right now, I'm in a state where I shouldn't be in contact with other people.
Especially if your partner is a woman.

I thought it would disappear on its own if I walked around the playground in

moderation, but what the hell. Been sitting there for over an hour.

'I can't ignore it... … .'

Of course, you have to build a good relationship with the main characters of the

Because of this guy's face, we've made eye contact several times since before,
isn't it far from polite to leave casually like this?

Euril is the princess of a country.

In a way, it’s something to pay more attention to than Ainim, and Euril ranks
second in the order of succession.

“… … after."

After circling all thirty laps.

I cleaned my clothes and wiped the sweat with the towel I brought.

"Nice to meet you."

He came first and spoke to me.

Euril, who was sitting in the shade of the tree, slowly got up.


It is an appearance that is faithful to the setting.

I was quite impressed. I've never seen silver hair in real life. It was a mystery
that contrasted with the splendor of Ainim.

Because of his personality, 'winter's blessing', he wraps his body tightly all year
round, so he can only see half of it, but that adds to the sense of mystery.

"there… … ?”

But instead of answering, Euril passed me by and headed towards the playground
where I was running.

After a while, I stopped and stood a little distance.

“Here, this is where I write.”


“Don’t come forward.”

“… … what?"

Then he hurriedly went to the playground.

I made the original personality a little cold-hearted, but it's not that bad with a
script. In short, I was completely ignored.

Considering Euril's personality, I wonder if it's natural, but I feel


'It should be friendly.'

Shall I watch it for a moment? I think it will be fine as there are no other people
around here.

this is where i write What are you going to use this playground for? Do you want to
do physical training like me?

'It's magic.'

I was wondering what to do while standing in the middle of the playground, but
looking at the flow of magic, it seems like he is trying to practice magic of the
water attribute.

Up to that point, all my worries about the report had completely disappeared.

Anyone can easily bring up the word genius, and they clearly show decent results,
but there is always a lot of effort behind the scenes.

I know well.
In <Academy Summerturge>, there are no protagonists who neglect their efforts.

“Ehh. work hard."

He sighed lightly and turned around.

I have no desire to interfere with the growth of the main characters.

'It's extreme training.'

The magic of water properties requires a certain amount of moisture in the air to
operate smoothly.

Although there are trees all over the campus in Summerturge, there are usually no
problems as they are managed by first-class gardeners.

The area around this playground is exceptionally dehydrated. The soil is dry, and
the forest is far away.

The performance of the practice will certainly be doubled in this harsh

situation... … It is.

I quickly stopped walking.

moisture in the atmosphere.

Didn't I use it all before?


I thought this was mine

When I came back, it was no different.

Euril fainted, and her pretty silver hair was scattered randomly on the grain of

He knows that if he tries to use magic when the conditions are not met, that will
happen. Probably two or three hours without moving.

'Should I call the ambulance... … .'

No, it's not good to get involved with anyone else right now in any way.

So do you just throw it away?

It's not likely that Euril will die, but if you leave it like that, it will
probably put a big strain on your body. It's because of the 'blessing of winter'.

contemplate and come to a conclusion

“I’m sorry.”

* * *

'… … That's the only way.'

'Did you say empire? Are you crazy now? What is the reason we are like this!'
'If it's summertime, you'll be fine. You never know what will happen if you leave
it like this. Fortunately, the princess also has the qualities of a wizard.'

'I don't know if it will be accepted or not. My daughter wouldn't be able to get
close to anyone else.'

'I'll take care of that part. There is a connection at the top of the Imperial
Magic Society.'

Euryl opened her eyes.

It couldn't even be called a nightmare, but now it's become dull enough to just
call it a memory.

It reminds me of Abamama and her attendants who will be in a kingdom that is close
but far away, and the face of the minister who is no longer able to meet.

It's a memory of my childhood when I used to play with dolls. Sometimes it is

difficult not to forget.

'… … It was too much.'

admitted right away.

For some reason, I felt like my daily practice was clogged up today.

Even so, I should have given up for a day or practiced another magic, but it was

'The weather was bad.'

It's a big mistake.

In spring, the temperature sometimes drops sharply. Since he was lying on the
playground, it became difficult to practice magic for a while.

There is very little warmth in this cursed body, so if you fall asleep on the dirt
floor as you do now, you will soon ruin your body.

Let's check the status first. Euryl tried to get up.



Something was covered over her body.

Even after covering the entire body, it remained, piled up so heavy that it was

[Monthly Summer Turge No. 594]

[Monthly Summer Turge No. 592]

[Monthly Summer Turge No. 591… … .]

what is this.

Student newspapers were inexhaustible.

There were dozens without exaggeration. Euril got up, removing the pile of
newspapers from his face.

It wasn't even a cold playground.

It is a sunny flower garden. The scarf is properly wrapped for a person who
collapsed helplessly.

Looks like someone moved it.

“Go… … .”

A strange guy running around the playground panting like a crazy dog.

There was no overuse, let alone exercise.

I couldn't look closely at the face, but I didn't forget the nameplate I saw once.

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

He has no ties with the nobles of Rongrt, and since Euril is a sophomore, he
doesn't really have any encounters. I've only heard a few rumors.

“He’s a strange kid.”

A small laugh burst out as I looked at the crumpled-up newspaper at the end of
carrying it all at once.

It was a long laugh.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 5

“Wow, that much?”

“Fufu, Yuxilla’s mine is the best on the continent. My mother sends me money with a
letter every week... … Look at this.”

A voice that shows pride while making a face that seems to be in trouble. Hira
gently pulled out a thick envelope.

It doesn't feel bad to be pretending, so it's worthy of being looked at cutely.

A check stamped with Yuxilla's seal. Naturally, the amount is nothing but gold

“You are enjoying yourself. If only you could write me a letter every week.”

“It’s overprotective. I have a lot of money at my age, but there is no place to

spend it. It’s just like buying clothes for friends.”

“It’s just embarrassing.”

“Doesn’t Aindarok send you letters like that?”

Seeing that, yes

I searched all over my room, but there were no envelopes.

The only traces of the Aindarok family were the money bags in the drawers.

“I never received anything like that.”

"Ah… … After all, Byung-baek is very famous.”

“In that way.”

Even after the semester started in earnest, my life hardly changed. Since the
exercise time was postponed to lunch, there was no need to run into Euril.

Class, exercise, study, sleep.

Living on a wide campus, only going to and from the lecture hall, the playground,
and the Tower of Truth.

In the end, he spent most of the day in his room, so another strange rumor spread.

[If you run into Lockstrin, you are lucky that day!]

Wearing a hoodie made me less likely to get too much attention, but everyone knows
that it's Lockstrin anyway, so somehow it's become something like a symbol of good

Sometimes my 2nd and 3rd year seniors also show their faces in the 1st year lecture
building, to see me.

“I am comfortable now.”

“I think so.”

“Still, maybe my father is taking care of me in a different way. Because it gets so

much attention. It all got boring.”

“Are you still annoyed?”

Hira pretends not to be, but gently glances over the teacup.

Somebody's not the daughter of a central politician, you fox.

"no. You sound stupid. You are friends.”

“That, right? Heh heh.”

Your face will soon loosen up.

okay. I don't have any interactions with anyone else, but there is one exception.

Just like this, he is the only one who talks with Hira Yuksila, and spends quite a
bit of time together almost every day.

I didn't have a separate appointment, but roughly after the sun goes down, I just
come down to the garden on the 10th floor of the Tower of Truth.

At some point, they became mutually exclusive.

“I see you sometimes. You or me, you are in a situation where you can’t talk to
anyone recklessly.”
“It’s nothing compared to the Rocks.”

“It’s not the same, what? Do you have to think twice to get a word out? I don't
want to be so tired, at least 24 hours a day.”

I thought countless times in my head.

My heart is the same age as that of a flower garden on a sunny spring day, but
surrounded by crowds, I always live fiercely. You must stand out

You must not cause trouble to the family.

“… … I. I think the same.”

“If there is a guy who is annoying, I want to hit him, and if there is a guy who
goesssips from behind, I want to go to him and argue. Of course.”

that's right. That's right.

Maybe it's the same with your own heart.

It's something I want to say, but it's a cool way to tell a story that I couldn't
get out of my mouth.

'cause I know

It's as simple as creating a consensus in the same position as this foul.

“Oh, you know where I can go and say that I shouldn’t say this?”

“Please. Do you want to confuse me too?”

"right? But sometimes, listen to these kind of complaints.”

“Yes, you can.”

I looked into Hira's brightly smiling eyes and smiled, then I turned my head first.

It's time to slowly go back.

I brought up a story that I had been putting off until the very end.

“Hey, what happened with the kids in front of the classroom?”

In the past few days, the number of social followers who stayed by Hira's side has
decreased slightly.

It's like I'm watching you every day, but it's nothing. I ask lightly as if I
discovered it for the first time today.

“Oh, that’s it. actually… … .”

Hira hesitated.

I stood still, unnoticed. With an innocent expression on her face, she tilted her
head slightly.

After a while, Hira shook her head.

“It’s nothing. Because it was soon reconciled! Never mind."

"okay? I'm glad."

They are only sixteen years old.

There are not many children as courageous as Hira. Is there any way to properly
discriminate? In the first place, they must have tried to attach themselves to
Euxilla and eat them because they felt sorry for them.

It must have been my parents' will, not my own. They will fall down more easily
than sand castles.

“It was fun today.”

“Yes, me too.”

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

It's probably no wonder you're putting your hands in places you can't even reach.

This little event about Roxtrin is unlikely to happen, and although it's far from
the main episode, it doesn't seem to matter.

If you ignore it and leave it alone, it divides the students and arouses anger.

I was planning to use this event by making it on purpose.

“I’m glad you are there, really.”

It starts with mild jealousy.

When jealousy towards one person becomes many, they often mistake it as if they had

The sense of inferiority created unwillingly comes back as a double oppression.

I don't know if the reality outside the academy hasn't changed even a handful.
Yuxilah will soon take a devastating blow.

In that way, Hira Yuxilla would be thrown off the cliff without any fuss.

“It is the same.”

Not much left.

when that time comes

we'll be good friends

For sure.

* * *

“Oh, so… … Roxtrin?”

Roxtrin's presence in the classroom shines.

It may be the case for anyone, but it is bound to stand out even more for a
professor standing on the pulpit.

When there are about 500 people, that guy is unique even in the same classroom as
him. Inadvertently, it will be cocked and picked up.


“Come out and deal with this… … .”

"I do not know."

“Ah, ah, ok. All right."

Cleverly raising his glasses, Professor Katon resumed the lecture.

Among the professors at Summerturge, he was a professor who could be called 'good
enough' because he did not have enough authority and backbone.

“I am not joking.”

"There's no way Locks-sama can't solve that. My dog will unpack that too.”

“Because I dare to sit in the back and pick it up. Even if you’re like me, you’ll
say you don’t know everything.”

“That’s why it’s called every time.”

Sorry, I can't even have a dog.

I still can't solve it!

For me, who just read the basic magic theory yesterday, it was a long way ahead.

There is a symbol in the arithmetic expression written on the blackboard, but I do

not know the meaning of the symbol at all.

The professors take their progress with established textbooks, but they deepen the
lecture on the premise that the students' prior learning is taken for granted.

'It's been two weeks since I learned magic.'

Professors, who are not aware of my circumstances, say, 'You know all this?'

I couldn't understand a single word, so I just jotted down the professor's word
without missing a word.

I'm used to it anyway In the past, if you were caught bringing in a recorder, you
would give it an F in class.

“Always so hard… … .”

“What are you writing down?”

“You seem to be writing a whole new theory.”

“Hey! Isn’t that the content of the class?”

“You idiot, can you see? You don’t even look at the blackboard.”
What was initially a rumor turned into a fact.

The reason I don't look at the blackboard is because I'm so busy writing down every
single thing that I don't have time to acquire visual information.

Fortunately, as a freshman, there weren't many classes that took away progress.

“I thought I was going to die of boredom.”

“There are four classes. Aww!”

“Hey, would you like to go to the pool?”

There are many cultural facilities where students can play in Summerturge. After
class, it's common to find things to play around and disperse.

I was busy following Jindo, so I thought of returning to the Tower of Truth as soon
as possible.

“Ah, right. Lockstrin students, please stay for a second!”

Belatedly, I was called to become a professor. Was there anything worth calling

It was a waste of time to just wait, so I looked at the notes I had taken and
looked back at the contents of the lecture. Even if you don't understand it, this
way you remember it for a long time.

After taking a few questions from the rest of the students, finally Professor
Katon… … .

“No, where are you going?”

I packed up and left the classroom.

What. to stay? Have you eaten yet?

Maybe it's because he's a professor who doesn't have a very good reputation among
students... … Still, the professors are all elite.


I looked up in surprise at the sound of the voice above my head.



“What are you doing?”

“Look at Lockstrin. It has a reputation for being some of the best things to do in

Bright blonde hair ran down both cheeks as if it were mine.

The child rested my chin on top of my head, regardless of the bump.

I closed the notebook I was looking at and said.

“It’s too close.”

“Aren’t you all going out?”

“If anyone ever sees—”

“What did you just write in your notebook?”

It doesn't matter if I show it, but I didn't want to show it.

"'Yes. The etymology of the word tas (fighter), which is most often used as a
solution, comes from the same stele... … ' It's the chatter Keiton was talking
about earlier."

He seemed to have memorized the whole paragraph as soon as he saw that short bird.

Although there are differences between professors, lectures are not 100% full, as
is usually the case with lectures.

The students are sure to be bored, so they sometimes leak to the side and make
other noises. I even wrote them all down.

“Are you a secretary? Why are you doing this?”

“My child.”

"okay okay."

When I spoke in a low-pitched voice, the child pretended not to win and quietly

No, he didn't retreat. He pulled out the chair next to him and sat down.

“That Maria… … Aren't the attendants watching?"

"no. did something else I'm really alone, so no matter what happens, no one will

Spread your arms out wide.

Laughing all over the place is like steamed buns.

I want to pinch

Not because it's cute, but because it's funny.

As you stare at me with pitiful eyes, I feel embarrassed, so my momentum quickly


Why weren't you confident?

“If I die here, there will be no witnesses.”

“Ah, I have no ambition.”

“I know that life is precious.”

“It’s not like a man.”

Whoa, I thought you were really touching it! Mumbling, the child adjusts her
clothes belatedly.

The future of the empire is very dark.

This guy shouldn't grow up like this. I should have given him a more serious
character... … .

“Anyway, it is true that Maria is not there.”

None of it mattered.

Ainim has by far the best skill among freshmen, and in fact, he is still one of the
strongest among all Summer Turge students.

Five-star magic is powerful enough to blow up an entire classroom.

Moreover, in terms of its destructive power, it specializes in fire attribute,

which is the best among other attributes.

In comparison, I can make as much as drinking water. Can't even blow it up.

“Why did you tell me to stay?”

At this point, we can see that it was Inim, not Professor Katon, who told me to
stay in the classroom.

“He helped.”


“The kids are arguing outside.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

It's okay to ignore anything and pass it on.

At the beginning of the semester, there is an event where freshmen usually fight
each other. It is only natural that nobles and commoners are seated in one place.

There are two ways to deal with class conflict.

Either actively intervene and mediate, or turn off attention and pretend not to

Intervening in the middle would be like pouring oil on a burning house, so I

thought I'd leave it alone unless there was a main character in the first place.

But this case was different.


“… … So?”

"I don't know why you're trying to harass Hira, but it looks like fun!"

When were you friends?

He seems to be a little mature, so he's cute, and he goes to buy clothes with him,
and sometimes he even does hair for Maria.

“Once everything makes sense, sometimes everything gets really boring.”

There are many people who are called geniuses in <Academy Summerturge>.

Right now, this Roxtrin is known as a genius for a subject that hasn't been shown
anything, and Euril, whom I met a few days ago. Numerous leading characters
including them.

But 'genius' as a personality rather than such a light modifier.

There was only one target that we were aiming for from the beginning of production.

I'm von Rongrt.

An undisputed genius.

“Do you know why I was able to master magic up to 5 stars?”


“Because I only studied up to 5 stars.”

If you had studied 6 stars, you would have become 6 stars, and if you studied up to
7 stars, you would have become an archmage and given the mage's middle name.

It is natural.

Unlike Roxtrin's dull brain, Ainim is perhaps the smartest person in the world.

That's what 'personality' is.

“Can I help you? I'm not going to ask you to tell me. That's no fun.”

Well, the child said while nodding his head.

The amber-colored eyes hidden in the bright face glowed red.

It must have been very enjoyable to live the curiosity of such a character.

“It’s as easy as encouraging-”

“Don’t do it.”

"Huh… … ?”

This time, he wasn't pretending to be angry.

The words came out reflexively. It was a voice so cold that I thought that I could
have made a voice like this.

Even if it was a blasphemous act of interrupting the princess in the middle, Ainim
must not intervene in this.

“Leave it alone.”

"Are you mad?"


I gave a short answer and turned around.

In <Academy Summerturge>, Ainim plays a huge role.

It's important to get to know each other, but it's also necessary to keep the
spirits down a bit so that you don't create variables arbitrarily.

… … Well.

I don't know if that was all.

* * *

“So, how was the single?”

“I was scared!”

“What are you doing forcing yourself to do that?”

The child who was hugged by Maria shook her shoulders.

Maria, who had now managed to recognize Ai-sama's actions, could see that it was
not just her outward words.

It seemed that Roxtrin Aindarok had something to do with it.

“And, after all, he was a really scary kid.”

"Is that so?"

“I knew I was a five-year-old.”

“Yeah… … Yes? Majesty?"

Maria's hand, which had been stroking her hair as usual, stopped. just what?

“I’m not surprised if you tell me. Even Kanin would have noticed it, but he hid it
pretty hard.”

“No, did you say 5 stars now? Five stars out of sixteen? It's only March now! More
than Meiji Kanin… … .”

“Yeah, I got five stars three months ago.”

“Anyway, did Roxtrin notice that? The future of the empire is bright.”

“It’s a good thing.”

pooh. Exhaling, the child threw herself onto the bed.

I didn't tell anyone.

Even among the current students, let alone freshmen, there was only one student in
the third year who reached 5 stars.

Having revealed that, Roxtrin was not at all surprised. As if you knew it from the
How important is the public reaction? It's only natural for you to do what you can,
so it's just annoying to rush to each and every one of them.

Then I just came across something I didn't know.

“I must have made a mistake.”


Have I already bought hate?

It was the first time things didn't go as planned since his hair was a little

“What are you going to do?”

“A person like Rocks, the further away you are, the more dangerous it is.”

Still, it wasn't always unsuccessful. I just made up for all my failures with more

It was the same this time.

To Maria's question, Ai-nim answered with an innocent smile, as always.

“I want to be friends too!”

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 6

A deep night when everyone is asleep.

Even the selfish and troublesome students of Summerturge do not stay awake until

When only the sound of grasshoppers tickled my ears from the occasional open front
door, it was none other than my mouth that suddenly broke the silence.

“I want to go home.”

want to go home.

Just like yesterday, I stayed up all night reviewing the theory book of wind magic,
and suddenly I wanted to escape from reality.

so desperately

I wanted to go home.

Exactly within 30 minutes.


I. broken peace

: D-1

“Give me back… … .”
Even if you try not to be conscious of it, you keep looking outside.

The time indicated by the clock tower.


In 30 minutes, the first episode of <Academy Summerturge> begins.

It's called 'The Nightmare'.

It is an unprecedented situation where the invasion of monsters is allowed for the

first time since the founding of Summer Turge, and it is the starting point of the
full-fledged weight of the story.

Despite the fact that the imperial barrier was still holding strong, from now on,
it became known that the barrier alone could not deal with the monsters.

'For now, the tower will be safe... … .'

tak, tak.

I tapped the floor with the tip of my index finger. It was a habit that came out
when I was anxious because my mind couldn't calm down.

Nydus Worm (Underpass).

This monster discovered for the first time has a gigantic earthworm-like
appearance, although it is rarely encountered on the ground.

As they say, deep and wide tunnels remain in the place they passed, and the
continents are already full of complex burrows like anthills.

Small, low-level monsters can freely move around, and the moment when the tip of
the tunnel touches the inside of Summer Tung is midnight today.

“Let no one come out.”


It was my little wish that I climbed down to the first floor and sat on my buttocks
in front of the cold stairs.

Until the sun rises, please don't let any students go out of the Tower of Truth.

The reason why it is limited to the Tower of Truth is because some characters
staying in the Tower of Freedom, including the original protagonist, have not
already left the Tower at this point.

It has also been confirmed that related events are proceeding normally.

Don't move too hasty.

Because every little movement of mine will become a variable and act.

'There is no problem yet.'

Of course, there can be no change at all.

There are no protagonists in this world, and I am not the main character, I am
Roxtrin. What is important is whether I can handle the variables that have

In that regard, there should not be any variables in the Tower of Truth, where the
main characters of <Academy Summerturge> are clustered together.

According to the rule of thumb, students staying in the Tower of Truth do not
participate in this event at all. It means they were all asleep.

Even if you actually play the game, in general, the main character can only talk to
the child for the first time after a month has passed.

Until then, there are very few events where you can meet the Tower of Truth

What if the main character staying in the Tower of Truth gets hurt anyway?

'I can't handle it.'

As a producer, I do not know how the aftermath will come.

From this first event, 'night attack', casualties occur. It's because of
Summerturge's rules.

In particular, attack magic, which is the mainstream, cannot be used recklessly

unless it is a specially permitted space in class or on campus. Because nothing is
not without risk.

In the beginning, magic has been researched and developed as a weapon to fight

If caught, it won't go well even at the minimum, and depending on the scale of the
magic, it can even be expelled immediately. There are also plenty of precedents.

But I soon realized.

"what are you doing."

That said, it shouldn't have been done.

I also overlooked the fact that I am one of the characters in this game.

The so-called flag was hoisted.

“I came out to cool off for a bit.”


“I have some circumstances. Hahaha."

Even without looking back, his cold voice is very characteristic. First of all, the
air was really cold.

“That’s right.”

Even though I was wearing a hood and squatting on the stairs in the dark dormitory
lobby, Euryul didn't show much surprise.

No, if you ask me first, it seems like you have responded quite well to Euril. The
problem was that he just passed me and tried to get out.

“Are you going to say thank you?”

I spoke to Euril, who was about to walk past me. It was clearly silliness.

“As much as a newspaper cover.”

“Where did you even do that?”

“It was hard to let go.”

“It is also folded.”

"Ok, thanks. okay?”

“You look heavier than it looks.”

“Are you arguing?”

Euril stopped walking.

And no joke, it was really heavy. Euril herself is a little tall compared to her
age, but the clothes she's wearing are incredibly thick.

It was still the same today.

“Will you get some wind?”

Why does Euril, who should be sleeping, go out of the tower at this hour? It was a
question that had to be answered first.

“I woke up Someone kept knocking on the desk downstairs.”

“He’s such a bad guy. Is there a lake?”

“Room 1303.”

Oh, it's because of me.

It seems that he inadvertently knocked on the desk while studying. I also stayed in
the room until 11 o'clock and came down. Habits are so scary.

The fact that Roxtrin is staying in the Tower of Truth #1203 is publicly published
in 'Monthly Summer Terror'.

Isn't this an invasion of privacy?

“Be careful next time.”

“Yes. But if you go out like that, you will get hurt.”

The conversation must not be interrupted like this, I said, pointing to Euril's

Contrary to his mysterious and cold impression, Euryl has a setting that is
surprisingly dull.

I can't change clothes by myself, or I can't use a knife to rip a steak with a

I can't even tie my shoelaces properly.

it's not good

“Can I tie you up again?”


“Because I’m a professional at this.”

I had to force myself a bit here.

I quickly grabbed Euril's foot, who was about to step back, and untied all the
loosely tied shoelaces.

“… … what are you doing."

Euril was perplexed.

It was so sudden that I couldn't even step out. I didn't know you would get caught
in the first place. A white face was buried under the scarf.

I knelt down on one knee and bowed my head. It was a posture that could only be
seen at the traditional knightly ordination ceremonies. Such an old hoodie is not
meant to be used.

Euril is also a princess, so he must have remembered what he did to his escorts
when he was young. Of course, there are no swords and no vassals in this place.

“It took too long.”

Judging by the expression on his face, luckily, he didn't seem to be in a bad mood.

“It’s done.”

“Something is strange… … .”

That's not natural.

By the time Euril's face, who had grasped the situation, gradually became
distorted, I had already taken five steps back.

I had to tie a string.

The inside that needs to be tightened is left loose.

The anti-suicide knot used for combat boots at the military boot camp was tied very
much outside.

“It’s tied well.”

It's been tied ten times, so it'll take quite a while to untie it.

Especially for Euril, who always wore thick gloves, it was a disaster.

“What are you doing!”

“Wah ha ha ha. Wow.”

Even if Euril stared at her with a bitter gaze, there was no way to explain it. I
just laughed out loud.

Just think of it as crazy.

“Mr. Lee… … .”

Acknowledging that I was insane, Euril gave up the conversation and whined, trying
to untie her shoelaces somehow.

But for a while.

Realizing that it was too much, he quickly sat down. Euril's feat level is 3. equal
to the average Roxtrin.

I would have been able to unlock it if I took the gloves off, but there is no such
thing. Even if it's late, this is the top lobby where people often come and go.

I have no choice but to go back to my room.

“… … Sigh."

“I have a terrible disease that makes me want to tie a knot just by looking at the
string. So, come back soon.”

“I woke up. because of whom."

“What are you going to do with class tomorrow? It seems that the second graders
have morning classes.”

“I’m not listening.”

I pretended not to know and asked.

Euril rarely attends classes.

Also, since the events assigned as options are very rare, it is very difficult to
make friends and recruit them as colleagues.

I'm not particularly interested in the achievement of magic, and I don't want to be
noticed by others, so I can only meet occasionally in the early morning or late at

“You must be cold.”

“I think so.”

“You don’t know because you’re a freshman.”

From birth, Euril harbored a chill, not warmth, in her body.

It was a terrible curse.

He had an immense magical power that he could not even control, and he made
everything around him freeze without even realizing it.

I never wanted to study magic or write anything like that, but I got a 4 star

It was to protect the people around him as well as to keep the rare warmth.

“I have a cold.”

Of course, it was only a temporary measure, and the cold air surrounding him was

Thinking it would be convenient to show, Euryl lowered his scarf for a moment and
took a breath.


The cherry blossom petals picked up near the stairs froze and crumbled in an



I clapped as if I had seen art.

I didn't intend to sit for long anyway. Because the intended purpose of keeping
Euril from going out has been accomplished.

As a result, I blew away the favorability that I had only built up by working at
the previous playground, but as long as I stayed in the Tower of Truth anyway, it
would not be difficult to meet them.

“It doesn’t make sense.”

It was a subtle expression. When I see the corners of my lips rise, I think I'm

Anyway, you have to return it.

The reason why Summerturge's dormitory and three towers are safe is because they
are built on high ground.

As it was unstable from the beginning, there was a need to strengthen the
foundation construction. Therefore, the underground underground in this area cannot
be penetrated by the Nydus worm.

However, there is no guarantee that the monster that crawls out of an exit
somewhere close will not reach the edge of the tower.

And they won't miss the smell of humans nearby.

“There may be other dangerous people like me. Wouldn’t it be better to climb up
before the other shoe is also tied?”

“I thought so.”

“Be careful. Don’t fall.”

“You say those words with your mouth.”

It was Euril who got up first.

The time is 11:55. Slowly, it was time for me to move, so I got up.

what. However, Euril could not take her feet off of it at all.

“Why are you standing still-”


The moment I heard the sound of laughter.

An unpleasant rubbing sound like scratching iron, obviously not human.

Something's head popped out of nowhere, squeezing through a crevice in the garden's

A look that does not assimilate at all with the beautiful scenery of Summer Turge

When the large, out of balance head wobbled and swung his arms around his small
gray body.



I don't know how it was made possible with Roxtrin's blunt physical abilities.

Without a moment's hesitation, I threw myself away.

He pushed Euril down with one arm, stretched out the other arm, and recites a
phrase that he has practiced more than a thousand times.

""Will Troy Tas (wind, compression, projection)""

Average level of talent.

Average level of horsepower.

Without even a single piece of basic knowledge, the only magic that I learned by
squeezing my poor head for two weeks.

"Wind Blade".

[The procedure is largely divided into three stages: attribute, form, and solution.
However, this process, which seems simple at first glance, is difficult enough that
it takes months to accept each one... … .]


The wind compressed to the limit rushed in.

His gray head, which had been smiling bitterly, flew away and blood gushed out.

At the same time, a terrible agony came. it's on the arm

It would hurt more if I looked at it, but I couldn't help but look down while
thinking about it.
“Shut up.”

it hurts.

I'm sick.

Since I designed it, it's ironic. That small, low-level monster, Gremlin, has a
setting of [carrying around a small cutlery that I don't know where I picked it

And when it enters a battle event with a player, it takes the motion of throwing

“Why is the demon… … ?”

While Euril sat down and muttered in confusion, I tore the other sleeve with my

You can see a lump of iron penetrating deeply through the forearm. A rough day
ripped apart her skin without mercy, and the flowing blood stained the student
robes bright red.

I bite my molars hard, but I'm not used to the pain in the first place.

I hate being hurt, I hate being sick.

just an ordinary human

“So what did you say? They said it was dangerous.”

“Are you all hurt?”

“Don’t worry, go upstairs and get a good night’s sleep.”

It will all be over in the morning.

Swish, he pulled out a dagger spanning a span and threw it to the floor. Despite
her personality, she is a princess, so she doesn't have much tolerance for things
like that.

Anyway, there's no problem since Euril wasn't hurt. I just ran out of the tower.


this is how it happens

There were already monsters everywhere. That's because the main character isn't in
the tower.

Even after hundreds of tests, I, who played only from the perspective of the main
character, do not know what happened here.

Oddly enough, I bit my lip as I saw the last word change after it had happened so


It seemed that the sense of disparity would make you goosebumps.

It is no longer NEXT.

A full-fledged episode, the beginning of a terrifying story I made.


I. broken peace

- 1. Night raid

: Many years have passed.

In this age when peace has become a sweet drink that makes humans drunk, and when
old barriers and broken watchtowers are no longer a concern.

You will have to fear the coming future more than you can imagine.

As I read down the phrases I had written, I re-thought the thoughts I had just 30
minutes ago.


want to go home.

Academy Face Genius Episode 7

[…] … Repeat. Permission to use magic within the campus until the situation is
cleared. Students return quickly to the nearest faculty building or dormitory… … ]

“Hey, be quick too.”

It was broadcast 10 minutes after the incident occurred. I'm not blaming anyone,
but I was getting grumpy for nothing, so I tried to mumble.


I. broken peace

- 2. Six children

: A demon has appeared in Summer Tage's campus. The safety of isolated students
must be ensured. Hurry up.

Each episode is assigned a sub-episode subdivided.

For example, a goal for each moment given in detail. It gives direction to what the
player should do now.

Of course, the method is different for each player.

“Could you even match the specs?”

The player and the main character can freely use at least 3-star magic during this
period. Since it is set as 1st in the grade, it is possible to get up to 4 stars if
you take a special route.

On the other hand, the only magic I can use is one-star magic.

“I am the most dangerous.”

If you objectively judge it, yes.

What then? There is no protagonist.

With a body that can't be the main character, you have to do what the main
character has to do.

Making the impossible possible, even laughing at it is a story when life is not at

“No, it really hurts.”

I'm not kidding. If there was nothing else to do, it was so painful that I wanted
to sit down and cry.

As you can see, I stopped bleeding, and I found out that the pain was irrelevant
with it or not.

Cursing came out of my mouth at the pain that seemed to come from my bones. When
was the last time you felt sick? It was two years ago when I cut my finger while
cutting a melon that I received as a gift.

""Will Troutas""


Still, if you can keep your concentration, you can use magic.

A grotesque lump of slime that had been wriggling so much had split in half and

It's a slime, but I thought I'd design it a little more cutely. feel like vomiting.

““Will Troy Tas” “Will Tro Tas””

Wind magic has many advantages.

As the medium is air, there are relatively few restrictions.

The range is also moderately long. I moved while catching and killing monsters one
by one from a distance.

On the contrary, the range of action is narrow and the lethality is mediocre, but
most of the monsters appearing in the Night Attack episode are low-level. That's
the first episode.

In addition, only low-level monsters appear in the space where students come and go
the most, that is, in the area facing 'Jungang-daero' that runs from the main gate
to the tower.

So I was able to go out with confidence. Once the broadcast is heard, it's not very

“All students go back to the tower!”

“Follow Professor Bertol!”

“Is the number of people properly identified?”

As I went down Jungang-daero, I was able to meet other people. There has never been
a time when the extras who had never talked to each other were so happy.

“No, where are you from!”

“It’s the way down from the tower.”

"What? That long way alone?”

I ran into Professor Bertol, who was leading a group of students. He looked at my
arm and was horrified.

“Your arm… … .”

“The central road leading to the tower is safe.”

“Wow, you did a good job.”

“Did you come near the ambulance?”

“I will be in the first lecture building. There are injured students there.”

I nodded and headed to the first lecture hall. Here, my arm injury was surprisingly

The professors wouldn't have allowed the students to move on their own, but without
relying on Lockstrin's charms, there was a need to go to an ambulance.

“It’s also Roxtrin-sama!”

“It must be 300m from here to the tower!”

“You said your magic skills would be bad, but you weren’t even at the level of a

“Who is it?”

Even among the seniors, the stock price of Roxtrin is rising day by day.

Did you catch about 10? As this goes up, it will be identified by the number of
corpses, so there is room for a slight reputational loss.

how about anything

“The bandage is over there!”

"Yes, thank you."

1st lecture building.

It was a place I often come to take classes, and it was a building I would visit
more often after the midterm exams of the first semester were held.

On the floor of the large central hall of Lecture Building 1, where expensive
flowerpots and sculptures must have been scattered, students and insiders were
lying and moaning, and the number of people reached thirty.

When I asked if I could get a bandage, the man in a robe answered without turning
his head.

At the same time, the disinfectant next to it was also poured into the affected

“Great… … .”

terribly bitter

Medicines in this world are unrefined. There is no consideration for the patient as
it is made with only ground herbs.

The atmosphere around him was much more serious than that.

“Senior, I no longer… … .”

“Wake up, you bastard! If you fall for it, I can’t afford it!”

"Next! You are vomiting blood!”

““Lumen Rudel (Light Restoration)”!”

Healing magic is a magic of the light attribute that is completely separate from
the main four known attributes.

Without innate talent, even the most talented wizards could not even imitate magic.

Naturally, there are only a very small number, and the number of first aid teams is
small, and it is not easy to cope with such a situation as students are still

Conversely, it is summer, so this is enough to respond.

'Everyone is busy.'

If possible, I was going to get some healing magic here too, but what happened?

Now I'm not sick enough to die. Just in case you didn't know, I poured enough
disinfectant to make it wet.

“Have you not seen Professor Kanin?”

I asked the person who seemed the least busy. Now that my wounds have been healed,
it's time for a full-fledged mission.

“If it’s Meiji Kanin, I’ll deal with the monsters alone… … You said you went around
the outskirts, so by now you will be in the Agricultural Research Building.”

"thank you."

You need to find Kanin.

In the first episode of the Night Attack, the main character was not in the tower.
But because I'm Roxtrin, not the main character.

While securing his own safety, he had to follow the main role of the main

'It's easy to say.'

it's difficult.

terribly difficult

If there was a button to adjust the difficulty, he would definitely be a Super

Extreme Nightmare. It's over once you die, so it's hardcore.

“Ah, there… … .”


“Your arm, everything, hurt… … .”

As I was leaving the dark lecture building, someone spoke to me. The funny thing is
that he speaks first and lowers his head.

Looking at the white robe, it looks like an ambulance team, but I wondered what
they were doing here, leaving their busy colleagues in the concourse.


Miro Ramshik (1st year)

Attribute: Light (3-star)

Affiliation: Rongrt Empire's Yuxilla Territory

Status: None

Personality: phobia of blood

Yes, there was also this guy.

Although he has only one personality, it is not a major character, but he is the
first person he encounters with the main character in the Night Attack episode.

To be honest, it's okay to have this guy, it's enough without it... … .

“Can you treat me?”

It doesn't take long.

I stretched out my injured arm.

Miro shook her head vigorously and pointed her finger at the central hall.

"I'm sorry."


There was no need to force it.

Healing magic is important, but there are other students in the paramedic who can
use it just fine.

Even in the game, I didn't have high expectations because he was a single player
until episode 5.
“I, I mean, it’s not going well… … .”

“It’s not okay. That’s what magic is.”

"Yes… … ?”

However, as a courtesy, I have to say at least one word.

The main character encourages Miro by saying that he is always cheering for him and
saying that he is cheering him on, but it is something that anyone who doesn't know
about the situation can say.

“It is said that magic works miracles. It’s about making things that shouldn’t be
done in the first place, and if anyone says they can’t do it, that’s weird.”

"Yes Yes. That's right... … .”

“Shut up if you don’t know, just. How difficult.”

cancer. How many nights did I spend learning one-star wind magic?

It's at a level where you can't even give a business card to a wizard wherever you

So what?

I've done enough. He's a bad guy, but if he worked hard, he at least has the right
not to be insulted.

Even that timid girl works hard every day. no one knows

In a way, it was a comradeship.

“Then fight.”

It's good to play in moderation.

I left the Gangnam Building and headed to the Agricultural Research Building.

Jungang-daero is a long road running from north to south, and the agricultural
research wing is at the western end, so there are also non-lower-class monsters.
From now on, you must not relax.

If I had been the main character, I would have easily navigated through it with my
own force, but I had to find another way.

“Are you Baeller-senpai?”

"you… … .”

“This is Roxtrin. I know it's rude, but I don't have time to explain it."

The 3rd grade representative, Baeller Rongrt.

A long-haired boy with gorgeous blonde hair tied behind his back.

He doesn't have a middle name because he's not a direct descendant, but in any
case, Rongrt's bloodline is overflowing with magic. In short, he was Ai-nim's
Actually, there is a small setting that, even before entering Roxtryn, he was
gaining popularity as the most handsome boy in Summer Tine... … This is not
something to be considered now.

“Is there anything urgent?”

“We are looking for Professor Kanin.”

“I didn’t see it.”

“He said he would be in the Agricultural Research Building.”

“Anyway, if it’s you… … .”

The mainstream opinion would be that Lockstrin's ability to spread on campus is

'three stars if not better', but the scar on the forearm played a big role here as

Baeller frowned.

“It’s not very good.”

"Yes. As you can see, I'm a little hurt. If it's not rude."

“It would be important enough to find Meiji Kanin. Follow."

I quickly caught up behind Baeller.

Baeller is just wandering around this time of the year and meets the protagonist
for the first time.

Baeller, who reigned as the head of the aristocratic faction, is at odds with the
main character, and thus creates a conflict, but Roxtrin is a great aristocrat who
will not be discouraged even in front of the imperial family.

There was no hostility from the beginning, so getting help was simple.

As a result.



Roxtrin's thin voice was drowned out in the wind.

The student representative of Summer Thurs.

With a skill worthy of the imperial family's fame, Baeller swept away all the
monsters he could see and marched forward without hesitation.

“Uncle. Your compliments don't sound good at all, Eindarok."

“Then don’t hold back.”

“It’s better to be naughty than known.”

It was a heartfelt admiration rather than a father.

How long do you keep your 4-star magic?

Dozens of blades of the wind, which I can only use with one, swept through me like
a storm.

It's not a scam, that's it.

Not even a drop of blood could reach Baeller for the monsters that were torn to
shreds, no matter how low or intermediate they were.

It was the powerlessness of the normal 'main characters', which Roxtrin's talent
could not even dare to approach.

“You guys?”

Even from afar, it was a shadow with an unusual appearance. Baeller and Kanin found
me and walked with a cane.

“Didn’t I say I will take care of the exterior, Baeller? next to it... … Is it

Kanin's face brightened significantly.

One was Baeller Rongrt, who was the representative of Summerturge's third-year
student, who had no doubt about its golden path, and the other was Roxtrin
Aindarok, whose potential was shrouded in mystery and whose potential no one could
easily guess.

“I was looking for the professor urgently. So I brought it.”


I nodded.

Kanin Mage Artine is an earth-attributed archmage.

It was his role to go around the campus and close the tunnels dug by the Nydus Worm

Until I heard this news.

“What’s going on?”

Just before answering Kanin's question, I glanced at the clock tower.


just matched

From now on, this ridiculous black-haired clown, Roxtrin Aindalocke.

must be the protagonist.

“The children are locked up in the basement room.”

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 8

[Huh, do you want to do it now?]

[There's nothing you can't do. Why are you even afraid to hang out with that

[What is it, a bout is going on?]

Although Roxtrin Aindalocke has been excluded from the freshman's horde, she has
never witnessed what was going on.

The main character is also able to jump on the flow without intervention, so this
part was progressing on its own.

Somerset doesn't discriminate where you are from.

If you have a talent for magic, pass the entrance exam and pay the tuition, that
will determine your admission.

Disputes between nobles and commoners.

It's an obvious story.

“Is this a practice room?”

Kanin asked.

“There was a fight between the boys. Six people.”

The training room is one of the spaces where the use of attack magic is
specifically permitted.

Because if you can't use magic in class, you can't learn. Even if you use attack
magic in the lab, it doesn't matter.

However, there are conditions.

“Who is the observer?”

“There will be none.”

“At times like this, I don’t think Werain is necessarily wrong.”

When students use magic in the practice room, there is a condition that there must
be a full-level observer.

Fighting between students was unacceptable, so it became a secret from the

professors. late at night so as not to be detected.

One of the two rules was followed, so even if caught, he thought he could avoid
punishment to some extent. They were like immature children.

“The exit to the lab was blocked by demons. It was overkill at my level.”


“Hey, don’t hurry.”

Kanin's face hardened.

Does that mean that there were enough monsters to declare that Lockstrin was a
'It's a senior.'

Kanin had encountered only one high-level monster while circling along the

He didn't know which tunnel he had come into, but it was crazy because he ran into

Advanced monsters are not easy to see, even for professors who have reached 5

The lab is located on the northwest side of the center. Luckily it wasn't far.

However, the vicinity of the training room we arrived at was already swamped.

"what happened… … .”

“Maiji, be careful!”


Something like a tentacle flew in.

The barrier of wind that Baeller had unfolded repulsed it for a brief moment. Hana
Kanin couldn't take her eyes from below.

“This, this is something.”

It was an absurdly large hole.

Can this really be called a tunnel? It would have been better to say it was the
entrance to some kind of hell.

Kanin asked cautiously.



“Were there any advanced monsters?”

"there is."

high-level monsters.

It is a terrifying monster that can destroy at least one small city in an instant.

There is no place to set foot on the unrulyly dug up floor, and the famous Summer
Tough trees are scattered like millet trees.

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

Does that mean he fought here?

Even then, he barely survived with that size of an injury and requested assistance.

“It was hard.”

“… … Yes."

“You have done enough.”

Since the monsters have magical powers, when they reach the advanced level, they
cannot hide their presence, so they scatter them around.

As I got closer, I could feel it. Two high-level monsters.

“Wait a minute.”

"All right. Be careful.”

Baeller nodded and stepped back.

Down the dark stairs, Kanin smelled the faint smell of blood. The lab, which was
spaciously built to accommodate hundreds of people, was quiet.

close. close.

However, the only sound was the loud clash of the monster's teeth. Kanin's hand
holding the staff trembled faintly.


There were no children.

* * *

“You are crazy, you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you fight against your superiors? And that's just how it ended?"


Let's put it like that for now.

It seems that the traces in front of the practice room were thought to have been
committed by me, but the truth is this.

[Wait, what are you talking about outside?]

[Uh, hey. I don't think now is the time for us to fight?]

[It's a monster!]

Just before the fight begins, an untimely roar is heard nearby. When I came out, I
saw that the outside had already become a swampy field.

Inevitably, children of all ages will join forces to face the great threat of a
higher-level monster together.

So the traces of magic in this area were not made by me, but by other children.

Of course, freshmen say that the only way to earn time by attracting demons into
the practice room is to have a player who was caught as a spectator summon a
And why the time had to match.


Not long after, Kanin showed up.

Baeler exclaimed, startled at the sight of Molgol covered in dark red blood.

“Don’t worry. It's not my blood."

“All right, I’m glad. First of all, I'm quick, so I'll call the ambulance... … .”

“No need.”

Kanin's voice was terribly cold.

He has a habit of forcing himself to be cool when he is not calm. Perhaps it was
the aftermath of the battle, his steps seemed precarious.

But above all else, what Baeller felt was strange.

why no one

won't you follow me?

“There were no students inside.”

"Yes? Hey. Aindarok. I'm sure there are students inside... … ?”

“I told you there was.”

“What, what are you talking about?”

I didn't have enough time to answer them one by one. Even though I knew this was
going to happen, my heart raced like it was going to explode when I faced the



Kanin's feet rolled to the ground.

A pile of dirt with a radius of 20 m all rose and filled the hole. It was a magic
manipulation worthy of the Archmage's prestige.

“Go back and tell me for sure.”

“What, you mean?”

It was obvious what was going to come out of his mouth. Still, the voice and the
reaching out hand are trembling.

Kanin stretched out the left hand he was holding tightly. I took it carefully with
both hands.

Aldin, Cromwell, Jigsen... … .

It's a name tag with a name that's all too familiar. These are the names I found
while browsing foreign sites.

six in total. Since we are new students, we see each other every class.

Seeing them chattering with each other even from a distance made me laugh for

To think that I will not be able to see you in a few days at most was a pity, maybe
it was a feeling of guilt.

“… … No students survived.”

His voice buzzed dizzyingly.

From the first episode, these six children die.

it is so determined

If I had brought Kanin ten minutes earlier, of course, the children could have been

I was able to stop them early in front of the Tower of Liberty.

The fight itself could have been stopped long before that.

- I didn't do that.

Because it will change the future.

Because I don't know what the consequences of the six surviving students will be
because they are out of love.


no one can blame me

“You have done your job.”

It doesn't matter how many supporting actors die, what's the big deal?

I played the game a few times, but nothing happened. A material for creating a
gloomy atmosphere.

It was meant to be consumed like that, and it went as planned.

“None of the students can face two high-level monsters.”

"Is that so."

“Go back to the tower and rest. I've woken up all the professors, so it'll be over
soon. Your contribution will be conveyed with certainty... … .”


It's because I've been up frequently these past few nights. Or was he fucking
selfish and stopped even thinking about it?

I clenched the nameplate in my hand, in case I ever forget it.

“Baeller, Roxtrin to the Tower of Truth—”


The voice was cut off.

* * *

It was quite an age.

The vague anxiety about the future came at first glance.

'How long will you live like this?'

Not a single word was wrong.

The indie game market is unstable.

It is not uncommon for a game that has been made with great care without receiving
any special support and is buried without anyone's attention.

But money has been a secondary issue for me throughout my life.

'Listen, this noble guy. In fact, he was an asshole who almost got kicked out of
his family... … .'

It was just fun.

I was satisfied with just being able to do what I wanted to do, and I was happy
with the fact that I was living my life with it.

Watching the handmade little world.

Is there anything more enjoyable than that?

To tell the story I made with my own hands, and to love the people who live there.

Is there anything more willing to do than that?

"Oh. I opened my eyes.”

It was an unfamiliar ceiling.

Soft curves calmly. The red and gold decorations look gorgeous but not too noisy.

The top floor of the Tower of Truth has a more aristocratic color than any other
room, so that even if the royal family stays, they will not be dissatisfied.

“… … why."

“Magic depletion, exhaustion, dehydration, weakness, low blood pressure,

hypothermia, I wondered what kind of strange rag Baeller had brought, but it’s

It was a child's voice. Hearing that lively voice should have cheered you up.

His body felt heavy as if he had fallen into a swamp.

“Your Majesty's bed always has three-star healing magic. The ambulance team was
called here because there was not enough manpower. It’s six in the morning.”

"thank you… … .”

“Thank you, not me.”

The child is nodding his head vigorously as he turns his eyes slightly. He just
bowed his head.

Maria's communication was concise and clear, making it easy to understand the

So, is it your child's room?

Except for the location, the steps are the same as the stupid protagonist. Even if
it's later to meet Ai-sama in person, he'll pass out there too. I didn't mean to
follow up on something like this.

I forced myself to stand up.

“It caused trouble.”

“I like not going out. Because it was crowded.”

The boy pointed out the window and said.

It was only getting dark now, and the campus was full of people who had gathered
around the campus.

It is only natural that Summertage, the cradle of Imperial talent, has been
attacked on a modest scale.

“It’s just like this today.”

Although there is still a lot of work to be done, I lay down for now. Healing magic
needs to be accepted. The softness that makes you feel like you're addicted is an
added bonus.

Then suddenly you realize

“Hood… … .”

“Maria said to wash it and lay it out. It was a strange thing.”

“Are you okay?”

“Are you worried about me? Ugh, I don’t think it’s okay.”

Could I have been hurt?

It must have been the first time seeing a monster in person, so even a child could
have been confused. Appearance is fine... … .

“Just looking at it makes my heart tickle, I want to reach out, and above all, it’s
so much fun to put up with that urge.”

No, that's not what I'm talking about.

The child murmured as he closed and opened his fingers. This guy's charm is

“Is this love?”

“No. never."

“It hurts.”

Let's talk jokes for a while.

Now I had to face reality.

Ai-nim saw my expression change even though I didn't ask, so I spoke up. After all,
he's like a ghost.

“Eight people are dead.”

Then, he glances at his eyes. are you okay? Check it out and continue talking.

“Six freshmen, two employees.”

“And yes.”

“About 70 people were injured. Fortunately, there were no outsiders, so there won’t
be any major friction.”

It was past midnight, so there must have been no outsiders. It was highly likely
that he would have to pay huge compensation in that case, as the empire-owned
academy and Summerturge were responsible for negligence in management.

So, fortunately, that's the conclusion. to this princess.

“You are ruthless. It’s the same freshman.”

“Have you never shared a word? So are you.”

"I am… … .”

I tried to smile, but only the corners of my lips went up and my expression became

“It’s a slightly different case.”

"Know. You said you were trying to save me? Isn't it your fault? Forget it."

I didn't do anything wrong.

What the child said is not wrong. The 'Roxtrin Aindarok' seen through this guy's
eyes may be like that. The guy is not guilty.

But for 'me'.


The child was confused.

Yes, it was like a dog barking. I thought about it for a while because I was not
expressing my expression, but then the child reached out his hand.
“Not good, not good… … .”

swag, swag.

What I thought was a puppy was reversed, and on the contrary, the child was
stroking my hair. There was no need to ask what he was doing.

The hand suddenly stopped.

"Ouch! I couldn't stand it!”

screams scornfully

In the end, he could not resist the charm of level 10. My defeat, I wonder if I was
even thinking about something like this.

I couldn't hold back my laughter, so if it was meant to cheer me up, I succeeded


"Anyway! If it were me, it would have been difficult for both of them. Don’t be too

“Not even one. Majesty."

Even that high-level monster was not Kanin, but if another clumsy professor was
brought in, it was a bad ending right away.

I emphasized again with a firm face.

“Never. You must not get hurt.”

"Yes? okay… … .”

Even the meek Euryll managed to save by throwing herself.

I wonder if it will be of any use to a child who has no idea where they are
shooting. I had no choice but to ask.

“I had a letter addressed to Count Aindaroke. It looks like it came from the

“A letter?”

By that time my heart had calmed down, and I calmly accepted the letter from Maria.
Shiny golden shield.

It was the emblem of the Aindarok family.

In particular, the black wax seal means that the letter was sent directly by the
head of the family.

“Looks like it was sent by Marquee Coltman. Even that rocky human seems to know how
to write letters.”

“Anyway, don’t go anywhere and rest comfortably! I guess I'll have to go


It is not polite to spy on such a letter. The child left the room with Maria, and I
was left alone and carefully opened the envelope.

Would you like to send me some money?

[Roxtrin Aindarok.

The courage to steal the heirloom and run away is imaginary. You paid ten times the
price to buy back the goods you sold at a bargain price.]

From the moment you read the first sentence.

It was only for a short time, but he lost his mind that he had barely regained.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 9

[Roxtrin Aindarok.

The courage to steal the heirloom and run away is imaginary. You paid ten times the
price to buy back the property you sold at a bargain price.

You, who can't even understand my teachings, have you entered Summerturge to learn
what? Did you even want to put this Aindarok's name to shame?

I won't talk long. If you're not coming back, show results worthy of your
irresponsible determination.

As soon as the midterm exam is over, don't go directly to me.]



I couldn't believe it even after seeing it with my own eyes, so while I was reading
it again, the letter burned down.

“What kind of bullshit is this?”

Because Roxtrin didn't establish how he got into Summerturge.

what? Steal the heirloom and run away?

sell at a bargain price?

To say this directly, given the character of Coltman, it means that he is quite
angry. From what I could see, I was doing some shit.

“This is not crazy.”

There was no point in getting angry unless you looked in the mirror and pointed. Is
there a lightning bolt like this in the dry sky?

In particular, the last line is the point of fire.

Are you coming directly? Summerter?

Father Coltman may be the only person who knows about Lockstrin's lousy talent.

This was just a gentle declaration that they were going to be caught and dragged
“I’m going to die because I’m busy… … .”

There were a lot of problems at hand.

First of all, the event that leads to the follow-up of the night raid episode. I
can't rest like this.

From today onwards, Hira Yuxila must be properly taken care of, and she must learn
the two-star magic by reading the theory every day.

Meanwhile, Coltman goes to Summerturge. Since I pointed out the midterm exam, it
means that I have to get good grades.

'This is not the time.'

I got up from my bed, a body that was heavy as if it was about to melt.

My child told me to take a good rest, but if I do, I will die.

The trauma to the arm leaves only a few scars, but it moves just fine. It was the
power of healing magic.

The shoulders of this poor fake protagonist are heavy. I put on the hoodie lying by
the window and went out of the tower.

“It’s crazy.”

As if they had just started the investigation, the corpses of monsters were still
scattered here and there.

Near the Tower of Truth, there were more corpses than expected.

I killed only 10 animals while passing by Jungang-daero, but the number of corpses
in the area was ten times that number at first glance.

'Is it Euryl?'

The air was dry.

I told him to go up and get a good night's sleep. It seems that while I was looking
for Kanin, I took the place and cleared out the nearby monsters.

It was after encountering a monster, so if it was at the level of Euril, he

wouldn't have been hurt.

“How could there be so many monsters… … .”

“I have no face to see the students.”

“Hey, it’s dangerous, step away!”

Excluding the outsiders who flocked to the spectators, it seemed that the manpower
was not yet available, and the professors themselves took the initiative to remove
the corpses of the monsters.

The beautiful spring campus was all over the place, and only blood and flesh were
everywhere, and the stench was stinking.

Professor Bertol, whom I met briefly last night while going down Jungang-daero,
pretended to know him.

“You suffer.”

“You suffered. Thanks, that's just how it ended. You took care of the monsters
around the tower, and the students were safe.”

“Oh, yes. What… … .”

Most of them are Euril's balls, but even in the face of denying it, I nodded my
head in a haphazard way because I had my share of ten.

“Is the wound on your arm okay?”

“You have received healing magic.”

“It’s good. that… … .”

Professor Bertol, who had been watching the horse for a moment, placed his hand on
my shoulder.

“Hey, don’t be so heartbroken. He said he had been dead for quite some time. No
matter how fast you moved, it would have been difficult.”


“Um, yes. That’s it.”

I bowed lightly and left. He is a young and capable professor, but his fault is
that he is too meddling.


I. broken peace

- 3. Dirty work

: The sudden raid has come to an end, but it will go down in history as the most
horrific event since Summerturge was founded.

However, some professors have a gut feeling that there is something elusive about
this raid. You may learn something by examining the traces of the monster.

It was a script that meant success anyway.

If you take a clumsy professor other than Kanin, or if you don't arrive on time and
the monster leaves the lab, the player will die or even more casualties will occur.

That didn't mean it was over, I headed back to the northwest corner of the campus.

“This way, this way!”

“Can I prune all the branches?”

“Move with care! Because it is expensive!”

The training room was the place where the higher-level monsters appeared, so it was
also the place where the manpower gathered the fastest.

The work of removing fallen trees and debris is in full swing by mobilizing
external personnel.

Kanin is in control of the scene. Even though he would be tired from dealing with
monsters all night, he seemed to keep his seat.

“Uh, it’s dangerous here… … .”

“Let me in.”

“Oh, yep.”

I was briefly stopped by the worker moving the tree, but Kanin let me in.

I crossed the border and strode inside. There is no such mess. The completely
overturned floor looked like a place swept away by a typhoon.

“You must be tired, but you are not resting.”

“I came here as soon as I woke up. The wounds are all healed.”

“It hasn’t been finished yet.”


Kanin didn't hold back any further.

Seeing that he came back on his own feet even after going through a lot of
hardship, he must have hardened his heart. No matter how hard I tried, it would be
of no use.

“I didn’t understand.”

Kanin was looking at the floor.

The place where there used to be a huge tunnel.

I filled it up right away because I was afraid that more monsters would attack me,
but now that I think about it, there was no lack of hasty.

I looked at the same place as Kanin.


“It could be the raid itself. They said something similar happened all over the

"okay. That mysterious tunnel.”

Quite recently—it happened just before the episode started, so the news came
shortly after the night raid had taken place.

It is a time when the imperial leadership is just now facing this bizarre
phenomenon and is suffering from headaches.

“But this is the first of its kind in Summerturge. Anywhere on the continent.”
“It is.”

“It’s surprising that three high-level monsters appeared even in the northern part,
which you had to go far to see, but above all else.”

Unless it's about the Northern Endarok Spirit, advanced monsters are usually born
and rarely seen.

Isn't the case too excessive to simply view that the bad news overlapped? So there
are pods to hold onto and hang.

“They were all starving.”

"It did."

Higher-level monsters are certainly a huge threat to call a disaster, but when they
are encountered in a foreign country, there is a high probability that they will
not be attacked unexpectedly.

Demons are not particularly hostile to humans. It only contained magical powers
within its body, but its head was no different from that of an animal.

When hungry, if the thing in front of you is a human, it will eat the human.

If it is an animal, it eats the animal, and if it is a monster, it eats the


They even eat herbivores. That's it.

“You saw it too.”

Doing so raises questions

The season is spring.

Not even in winter, when many other prey's areas of activity are narrowed.

Higher-level monsters who will rule in a position to devour everything they

encounter at will.

Why were you so hungry?

“It may be a pretentious statement, but.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“I wonder if I was overthinking that it was some kind of attack with a strong

The old wizard closed his eyes.

Roxtrin sees the same places as him and thinks the same. It's a word that shouldn't
come out of your mouth hastily.

“Attack on the Empire, Ira.”

“Of course, it is still close to speculation. We don’t know what the environment is
inside that tunnel.”
For that reason, Kanin was still looking down at the ground. All the tunnels were
narrow and rough enough for small demons to come and go, but there was only one

The tunnel in front of this lab was huge enough for high-level monsters to come and

“I was in a hurry.”

“Even if it had remained, I wouldn't have been able to go deep anyway. But the
traces are not confined to the tunnels.”

“… … did you say The cleanup is not finished.”

“That makes sense.”

The cleanup wasn't finished.

In other words, the bodies of the students have not yet been recovered.

Kanin killed two high-level monsters and left the training room as it was. This is
usually because such an event must be recorded as a video.

“It’s not a very pleasant scene to show to a student who has just become a
freshman. I thought I'd check again."

Kanin took the lead in a calm voice.

The entrance to the training room was strictly controlled until the video recording
tool, a magic tool, was brought in, but Kanin, in charge, was able to come and go

Tock, tock.

It was a stairway leading to a deep basement.

The light of dawn disappeared in an instant. Originally, the light inside would
have been brightly lit so that it could be used day or night, but now many of them
are broken.

Soon after, as soon as the stairs were over, I saw a leg sticking out of the

“You are the first student.”

I felt dizzy for a moment, but I didn't show it.

Where Kanin referred to as a student.

protruding legs.

That was all.

“It’s Aldin from the faint remaining magical energy of the fire attribute.”

“The badge is… … How did you get it back?”

“It’s not like I’m hiding anything, but it seems like everyone hasn’t told me. The
nameplates on your conquests are made of special materials.”

This was a detail I didn't set up. too much

“There are three holes in the back. It’s a place where magic stones are embedded.”

“I first found out.”

“Thanks to it, it does not burn or rot in water. Even if it is eaten by monsters
and the bones melt, the nameplate remains intact.”

“… … okay."

“If it was supposed to be like this, it could be called a bad taste. I took it out
of the intestines of a dead monster. I see you over there.”


Covered in gray fur, this monster is skilled at stabbing and killing its prey by
swinging its eight awl-like legs at random.

Now, on the contrary, he died with his whole body pierced by hundreds of pointed
piles of dirt that rose from the ground. It was Kanin's work.

“There are three more nearby.”

The situation was the same.

Only one arm left, or only one leg left. Or only the head is left.

“The head is Cromwell’s, but these arms and legs all feel the earth’s magic.
There's no way to tell if it's a jigsen or a droian. All you have to do is try it

If it hadn't been for Kanin's calm tone, he would have been upset.

It's also because I didn't eat anything for lunch yesterday.

“The rest was all in that guy’s stomach, so there’s nothing left. I just got a

'Dirty work'.

It was not named for that purpose.

However, this was clearly 'dirty' in a straightforward sense. The heavy footsteps
were not for any great reason. Blood that hadn't dried up was clinging to the soles
of the shoes.

I barely made my way forward, leaning against the blood-splattered wall.

“Be careful. There is still acid.”


It is characterized by a lumpy body with an unusually enlarged abdomen, and has a

habit of swallowing prey that have been neutralized by squirting digestive juice
that melts even steel.
Kanin ripped the skin off completely, so the inside was open. A few pieces of black
bones that had not yet melted were scattered on the floor.

The clue of the event lies with this guy.

If you're not conscious of it, you can't help but overlook it.


“Is there something?”

“I have marks left on my ankles.”

I lowered myself flat and pointed at the ankle of the man as thick as an elephant's
leg. Kanin narrowed his eyes.

The marks of filling the furrows.

It is clear evidence that the saboteur was being controlled by someone.

“Huh, this is absurd… … .”

“But, Professor. These can be found at any time. When the video recorder is created
and the investigation is conducted, anyone will find it.”

Since the site is under control, it is impossible to enter unless it is a Kanin.

Of course, Kanin is not the culprit. Because he is a good man who terribly cares
for this country and does his best for the students of Summertown.

“So what if I am the culprit? Before the video recorder arrives—”

I raised my index finger and pointed to the ceiling. It was just the right time.

“They would have tried to destroy the entire lab.”


At the same time, the ceiling collapsed.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 10

[He must have tried to destroy the entire lab.]

It was the main character's line without a single mistake.

Originally, it was an option that opened only when conditions were met, but Roxtrin
had an open mouth, so she could talk freely.

“Everyone back off! Collapse!”

“Oh, there’s Meiji Kanin inside!”

“If it is him, there is nothing to worry about.”


A pile of dirt rose from the wreckage of the collapsed laboratory. It's Kanin and
nobody else. An earth-type archmage given the mage's middle name.

The fact that he was buried alive is a joke that cannot be used as a joke.

“The video cannot be obtained.”

“Did you know that you are also on the suspect list?”

“Would you like to investigate?”



Kanin smiled sadly and struck down his staff. The dust and dirt that rose up all at
once settled.

The workers showed signs of surprise or relief, but it was natural for the other
professors at Summerturge who knew Kanin.


Kanin looked down at the boy in front of him silently. When it comes to Roxtrin
Aindalocke, I have a lot of questions about it.

A freshman with everything wrapped up in a veil.

I was only able to see some of it now. There are more than one hundred corpses of
monsters scattered around the Tower of Truth.

There was only one student who came down from there, Loxtrin.

Even after dealing with a large number of monsters alone, he faced higher-level
monsters and escaped to find himself. When it comes to scoring, there is no
deduction factor in either combat ability or situation judgment ability.

“What do you think we should do?”

I'm not a fan of putting students on the test bench, but Lockstrin was an

Obviously, the answer to this question is beyond the level of the student. Even an
excellent high school student would find it difficult to answer. Because what you
are asking is complex.

A considerable amount of time has passed since the magic has been cast, and the
still faint traces are now covered with his own magical power, making it even more
difficult to find.

Will Roxtrin really understand this?

“It is a non-attribute magic with a difference in time. It would have required a

level of sophisticated manipulation that would have been impossible for a 5-star or
lower level, but it would be meaningless to blockade the area now.”


“If I had to look up a list of external personnel who were mobilized in a hurry,
what would be left? Even if it is Meiji Kanin’s words, there is a high probability
that it will be concluded that we should bury it.”

"is it."

Kanin shook his head slowly.

Even if it takes a certain amount of time, I will definitely get a perfect score
just by understanding it, but it was the realm of the criminal.

Even though he is called the Archmage in the world and praised as the Meiji, he
himself is such a person.

This test is out of tune.

An immediate answer without even a second of hesitation. There is no natural

process of interpreting it by pouring magic power into it.

For Roxtrin Aindalocke.

It's just 'visible'.

“I was in vain.”

Well, the old wizard was right.

The world is sometimes cruel, and the death of the innocent is not often

After witnessing the deaths of as many as six students, the reason that sadness
can't overcome this excitement is because he doesn't have the qualifications to be
a teacher.

Did I say it was nonsense?

“I am not.”

“Is there something more?”

It's been a decade since I've felt the same feelings I had from my cheeky father.

I'd rather hit the player.

“Are you thinking of becoming my disciple?”

"There is not."

“Good luck.”

Kanin chuckled.

similar but different So I like it even more. A talent that surpasses that of

He doesn't have enough vessels to hold this boy. And I know it too.

“Are you passionate about your studies?”

“Cleaning up the garbage would be a job for a lazy old man like me.”

So now is the time to fully express your anger.

* * *


I. broken peace

: The unprecedented raid has been completed.

Your performance is excellent.

Although the number of monsters could not be reduced significantly, there were a
lot of casualties, but Professor Emeritus Kanin successfully defeated the advanced

They also found important evidence to speculate on the whole of the incident, so
Kanin set out to pursue it.

[Comprehensive evaluation: Rank B+]

[B grade or higher additional reward: Special stat points +1]


The first episode ended safely and successfully. this is what it's gonna be

I breathed a sigh of relief only after checking the script.

Even if it's a special ability, the ability doesn't go up at all.

Therefore, if you miss even one additional reward given when you are at grade B or
higher, the loss is enormous. If you can't take what you give, you use it.

One Coin.

When it comes to episodes, even a single failure is unacceptable.

“There are no lectures at all.”

“If something like that happened, how would you conduct the class normally?”

“Aren’t you going to be at Meiji Kanin right now?”

Today's class was canceled, so I walked down Central Avenue and headed for the

Despite the end of the episode, the feeling of disappointment was greater than the
sense of accomplishment.

It would have been only 30 minutes, but it felt as if I had survived a week.

“It’s crazy, really… … .”

It was a miracle he didn't faint.

All the lights in the lab were broken, so it's a pity, but if I had a clear view of
all directions, I wouldn't have been able to walk out.

When it comes to the magical level of the six dead male students, not one of them
was lower than Lockstrin.

There's no guarantee that it wasn't Roxtrin's smooth face that was dumped in a
place like that.

In this world, death is so close.

“Did you not hear me? Because of your damn mine, our company owes 600 million won.”


It wasn't just death that was near. A fiercely sharp voice resounded through the
center of the correction.

For a conversation between the ladies of aristocratic families sitting around the
tea table, it was quite harsh.

“So? Did someone threaten you with a knife to your neck? I don't have a
relationship with the company, so I'm not interested in playing with cheap money."

“What, what… … .”

“I know that investing is taking that kind of risk. What do you mean by that?”

“It’s up to you!”


A steaming teacup flew through the air. Hira poured hot tea over her eyes with only
her eyes closed.

“No education.”

tuk, tuk.

After wiping the tea spilled on her face a few times, Hira got up from her seat.
Even the child who committed the crime was embarrassed and could not speak.

At this point, it is clearly an act of hostility.

Yuksila was a marquise, and throwing a hot teacup was not a joke, no matter how hot
it was.

“Well, so this is… … .”


Hira turned and ran out of the lawn. Because of last night's events, the whole
campus was in a mess, so it didn't attract much attention.

yes, this is what i have to do

Since there are some scattered here, the story must be progressing. I turned and
killed time for a moment before returning to the tower.

'10th floor?'
Suddenly, I looked at the number of floors that were lit and the elevator was
stopped on the 10th floor.

It may have been written by other students, but there are not many students who
stay at the Tower of Truth in the early hours when there are no classes.

just as expected.

“Is there anything bad about it?”

He spoke smartly and approached him.

Hira, who was blown away by the wind from the railing I had always leaned against,

I guess I needed to bring my sleeve to my face before looking back.

“Do you see that kind of thing just by looking at the back?”

“It’s usually the case with people who are like this in the morning.”

“Fufu, yes.”

Looking back a little later, Hira showed a smile that was obviously forced.

“It’s cluttered outside too.”

“I heard it. Six people... … It's a disaster. This is what happens in Summer

“Are you sad enough to cry?”

“Do you have tea?”

As I nodded, Hira shook her head slowly with her eyes closed. The orange bob
wiggled weakly.

“I am not very interested in men. There is absolutely no affiliation with that

family. I'm sorry, but I'm not sad."


“This is just. just… … It’s personal.”

Ironically, you can't blame Roxtrin or him for the cause.

If you want to resent it, first, it must be yourself who dared to touch the flower
on the cliff; second, it must be the wind that accidentally dropped the flower; and
third, it must have been an untimely disaster.

“Can you tell me what’s going on?”

Lying on the subject of Descendants of Politicians is clumsy.

No matter how you look at it, while making a face that I want you to ask me. It was
not convincing.

“Meiji Weraine is right.”

Hira's gaze turned downward.

Hira Yuksila, who was always full of confidence, was nowhere to be found, and there
was only one girl with the grass.

“The same thing happened at our estate a few days ago.”

“… … a monster.”

“As you know, politicians like us don’t have many standing troops.”

What drives Yuxila is the enormous capital that comes from the continent's best
mine, no matter what anyone says. There is a problem.

Who would even attack the imperial marquis and mines inland?

Although it has defenses, it only monitors the number of shoplifters and escaping

There was no way to prepare for a sudden monster attack.

“The work has been completely halted, and the contracted companies must be running
rampant. As long as my mother, who was always confident, told me, 'Be quiet'... …
It doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon."

What Hira took out of her arms was a letter she had received from the lobby on the
way up the tower.

It would have been nice if it had been a weekly greeting as usual, but the morning
was not mere hysteria. It would be better if it ended that way.

The situation of Yeong-ji, which she received from her mother, was much more
serious than that.

“So, Rocks will be with me for the time being.”

- I'd like to keep my distance.

What I was about to say got stuck in my throat. It shouldn't be like this. Still,
this was my last pride.

As he was about to raise his head, a shadow was cast in front of him.

“What are you doing with me for the time being?”


As he approached, Lockstrin reached out and wiped his wet hair with a handkerchief.


It's the hair that got soaked in the car earlier. I was going to dry it with some
air, but the water was still dripping.

"what is this. It's not water."

“If it is like this.”

“It’s still warm, but who poured tea on you? Kids these days are not afraid.”

“I can’t… … .”

The words I was trying to say didn't come out.

After you let go of everything, what will be left? After you let go of this hand


nothing is left

He took everything for granted, but in reality, he didn't have anything of his own.

"therefore. who's at fault? First of all, I know you didn't do anything wrong."

“No, de… … .”

tock. tock.

I thought everyone was crying earlier, but apparently it wasn't. Damn, this time
was real.

Unfortunately, it rained profusely. I didn't even know I could cry like this.

“… … Yes."

It wasn't that Yeongji's situation became difficult.

It wasn't even that he succumbed to the jealousy of immature children.

“It’s my fault, it’s not.”

I used to get caught up in a bit.

I heard gossip about things I never did.

For the first time in my life, I was slapped on the cheek.

The moment the hot tea was poured on his head, on the contrary, it became
surprisingly cold on its own.

Roxtrin carefully wiped away any excess moisture from his hair. I straightened my
messy hair.

To be honest, I hated it.


“No, no.”

you've been talking to yourself

“It was my fault.”

“Not like that.”

you are bad

Even if you didn't say it out of your mouth, it was clearly meant to come out. When
I came to my senses, I couldn't pick it up and hold it.

Roxtrin certainly understood.

Still, he silently moves the handkerchief. The hand that had been stroking his hair
suddenly covered the corners of his eyes.

“I am duller than I look. Not as delicate as others. If you don't tell me, I don't
know. So I often make mistakes. Everyone knows it's not a mistake."

A soft gesture lowered her bangs behind her ears. Rather than messing it up, it was
only to cover his unsightly, swollen face.

“I’m not pretending not to know. not me If you know, you must be responsible.”

Roxtrin took the letter Hira was holding in her hand. I turned over the contents
inside and started to scribble out the pen I took out from somewhere.

[To my father.

I know you've been busy lately, but could you lend me some strength?]

“What, what… … .”

The powerful font contained a clear will even when viewed upside down.

[This is the first friend I made, but I made a big mistake. If there are any
remaining troops, I would like you to send them close support.]

Yuxilah has already suffered a blow from the inability to recover, but if that fact
is revealed, more disaster will come.

Right now, even if they respond by cutting off their own flesh, they need to let
them know that they are in good health. If you don't do that, all sorts of wolves
will definitely come and bite you on the nape of your neck.

That is the nobility of the center.

Roxtrin saw through all the circumstances with just a few words from Hira.

[Sender: Roxtrin Aindalocke]

[Recipient: Northern Aindalocke Tarum, Coltman Aindalocke]

And without hesitation, he puts the sealed letter into the mailbox in the corner of
the garden.

“Tell me if you need anything more. I will do it as long as I can.”

The wind blew.

Suddenly, the strength in his legs was released, and his head, which had moved
freely, tilted forward. Still, I didn't want to show my face.

“Would you like to stay like this for a moment?”

“I can’t reflect on things that are good for me.”


Taking one big breath in.

With her head buried in the chest of someone, neither her parents nor other family
members, Hira cried out loud for the first time.

The thing that these two hands can hold is the first thing he made.

called 'friend'.

I didn't doubt it.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 11

“I have a letter from the Islands, Your Excellency.”

“Let it go.”

“The sender is the master.”

“Bring it.”

The butler with white hair handed the letter without moving an eyebrow.

Coltman, the head of the Aindarokee, had always been that way.

Depending on what is attached to the front and back, it is certain that it is

connected and disconnected, so sometimes it was a little entertainment for the old
butler to add a little late.


It was a one-sided notice.

It must have already been late, but the notice to come back without making things
bigger any longer.

I wasn't expecting a reply. If he came back, it should have been Roxtrin's body
rather than a reply.

After receiving the letter, I discovered something even more absurd.

“This is something.”

“I checked to see if it was a forgery, but it is a valid seal.”

The envelope is engraved with the seal of the head of the Yuxilla family.

A central politician who has no contact with Eindarok. These were the chisels that
Coltman was known to be so disillusioned with.

Why did Yuxilah's seal arrive at the estate with the sender of Aindarok on it?

Coltman rubbed his forehead.

“You must be tired.”

The method was clumsy, but I didn't think it was stupid.

Perhaps the affection as a father was blindfolded.

Even if it rots, it was called Junchi.

Was that even a vain hope? It looks like he was playing at the hands of this

Coltman ripped open the letter.

[Dear daughter.]


I narrowed my eyes. It was a rare expression of emotion for him.

[Sorry for the bad news. The mines around Dempel, Cadecas, and Fosoti were all
raided and closed. The garrisoned soldiers were defeated and defeated, and 183 out
of 191 contracts had to be compensated… … .]


It is undoubtedly the seal of Yuxila even if we check it again.

It was undoubtedly a letter from the head of the Yuxila family, Shiileen Yuxilla,
directly to his daughter, a student at Summerturge.

“What is the situation with known Yuxilla?”

“I've heard that Dempel's mines have been hit hard, but other than that, they say
the hired troops are enough to handle it. The foundation is still strong.”

"is it."

It is false.

The truth was in these hands.

The fatal situation of Yuxilla, which is extremely private and should never be
leaked to the outside.

I don't know how the dumb Roxtrin learned this letter, but what was the intention
of conveying it to him?

It was also very timely.

tock. tock. tock.

Intermittently, the index finger tapped the desk. What only the two of them need to
know, Wilgen and himself, the butler who has guarded the Aindarok family all their

Since it was never composed into a single sentence, there was no plan to leak out.

'No way.'

It's an abbreviation.
Coltman dismissed it and put the letter down.

As I remembered, the letter was meant to be destroyed by burning. However, the

content did not end there.

[To my father.]

There was also writing on the back.

Was the gist here? Coltman held the letter with both hands.

[I know you've been busy with recent events, but could you lend me some strength?]


It's obvious bullshit. Although several areas were attacked, this is the northern
part of the Empire, the Eindarok Territory.

This is because Roxtrin, who grew up seeing the strength of her estate with her own
two eyes, has no reason to worry about the safety of this place.

'But it's not an impersonation.'

It was Roxtrin's beautiful handwriting, which even the literary artist of the day
could not easily touch. No one dares to imitate this.

In a strange place, strangely, only a talented Roxtrin can do this, so the person
who wrote this is correct.

[This is the first friend I made, but I made a big mistake.]

I heard that Yuksila's eldest daughter entered Summerturge, so the connection may
have been reached.

Yes, just one face is worth looking at. It's been two weeks since Roxtrin entered

However, it means that the guy who had no talent other than that has lured the
descendants of that short-lived new politician.

The fact that this absurd letter arrived in his own hands is proof of that.

[If there are any remaining troops, I would like you to send close support.]

By then, Coltman had been thinking deeply.

Not busy is called busy.

In Summerturge, there must be many families of distant kingdoms and empires.

Among them, it is Yuxilla.

'Tight' support.


The moment he thought about it, the hand that was beating the desk stopped.
Suddenly, my spine became chilly.
“… … This guy.”

A letter with the name of Yuxila, who is said to be the ruin of the empire. There
are only three sentences written on the back.

Eventually, one conclusion is reached.

'I know.'

Roxtrin knows.

That face, who always seemed to be somewhere blank, and the childish self-
righteousness of staying in the corner of the room and not talking to my father
were also in vain.

I just wanted to act as if I was wearing human skin, so I was just observing.

- It wasn't.

Even in the narrow corner of the room, he was already seeing clearly enough to be

your own brain. the future of this continent.

“He’s a scary guy.”

Coltman got up with the letter in his arms.

Unfortunately, he is a son who gives advice to his father and then gives orders. I
was willing to listen to one.

Was that your first step?

good. It was heavy enough.


If it's Eindarok, you should. Because that is the mission given to them.


“Yes, sir.”

“Procrastinate. We will be able to afford to mobilize troops.”

In the aftermath of the large-scale inland attack, the northern wall area has fewer
monsters and has more room.

Although he tried to stop the vassal from going to subjugation with a hundredfold
of courage, it was impossible to let the noble talents drink the dust of the
training ground.

“Yes, to some extent… … .”

“Special squad, hire one company.”

“Is it official?”
"no. Don't do it in secret. I will leave as soon as the sun rises tomorrow.”

Magical corps exists in any country, and usually consists of wizards intervening
between general units.

However, the northern part of the Empire has a number of wizards who differ from
other borders due to its danger. Thanks to this, it became possible to use unusual
forces that were normally impossible.

The Empire's strongest firepower unit made up of only 5 or higher wizards.

That was the special squad.

“I am going to Yuxilla.”

* * *

Three days have passed since the night raid.

Classes scheduled until the weekend disappeared, so I increased the training time

So even today, the summer turquoise playground is full of dust.


sniff I wiped my nose with my sleeve.

After shooting all night and dawn, I finally caught a cold. It's a cold spring day
today or it's a cold day. It will be cold for a while.

Still, having an average physical ability is an area of strength. I was able to


“Hey eh.”

But the fifth lap didn't last!

Compared to the past, when it was exhausted after only three laps, it was a major

The baseline was right in front of me, so I crawled on all fours and completed 50
laps. As a result.

[Health level rise!]

[3 → 4]


I couldn't speak because I was out of breath, and somehow it sounded something like

Hell's Stadium Jumping really worked. It was a splendid achievement that was
accomplished in just over a week and a half.

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 3 Spirit Lv 3
Agility Lv 3 Wisdom Lv 3

Stamina Lv 4 Magic Lv 3

Level 4 stamina. Now I can shout out loud.

Above average!

From the common and common to the talented, about half a finger and a half knuckle
had been removed.

Of course, the higher the level, the slower the growth rate. At level 5, it would
take at least two months.

It was hard work trying to enter the 2nd castle as well. Having achieved this level
of achievement, I should be compensated for going to bed 30 minutes earlier today.

“… … Have you been doing this every day?”

As I was wandering, a voice mixed with sighs suddenly leaked out from afar.

Not having the strength to get up, I turned my head to lie down. Somehow, my body
felt numb.

Euril was sitting on the stairs, looking down at the playground.

He's not the first person to talk to others, but there's no way he can ignore the
charm of level 10.

“It’s inconvenient when time overlaps.”

“A wound?”

“It was all right.”

"I'm glad."

And suddenly, the conversation was cut off.

Should I keep my seat? Anyway, I had just finished my workout, so it didn't matter.
It seems that Euril overslept today.

I woke up wiping my sweat-drenched hair. There is a moving air conditioner here, so

there is no need to cool off.

It was time to go up the stairs with such useless thoughts and pass by Euril.



“Why did you save me?”

Surprisingly, it seems that Euril had a business for me. We haven't met since then.

“Is it okay if Euril doesn’t get hurt? Are you a princess?”

“No, I didn’t do anything wrong—”


It's a calm tone for asking persistently, and the face you sneak into is calm.

What if it's true

I didn't mean to tell you that you shouldn't get hurt because you'll need your
strength later.

“I have a natural sense of justice.”


“That’s right!”

She let out a cute scream like a girl.

It was because Euril pressed my left forearm with a branch that she had picked up
at some point. Euril's expressionless eyebrows twitched as much as that time.

are you laughing now

“Look. The wound wasn't even healed."

“My dear, it will be better. It's in full swing. Is it because of tying shoelaces?
Be quiet too.”

If I was going to say that I knew it, did I even have to stab him? I groaned and
patted my forearm.

It was a deeper wound than I expected.

The child's judgment was correct. To be completely cured, I had to lie in the
child's bed at least until the sun went down that day.

Even with 3-star healing magic, he barely gained weight in half a day. Even now,
the bandage was still tightly tied inside the robe.

It's colder after sweating.



Surprised by my sneeze, Euril reflexively took a step back.

Like a frightened kitten, at times like this, it also puts on a cowardly

expression. I can't even get angry.

Seeing that he has also missed the branch he was holding, he seems to be quite
conscious of the street.

“At first, I had a cold. Not because of the princess. really. This is not a lie.”

“That’s Aindarok. North.”


“Because I’m used to being cold. sniff ぁ.”

Oh my, there was no point in talking while sniffling a runny nose. It's not a good
time to talk to Euril. I need to go back soon... … .

The moment I was thinking like that.


I felt like I couldn't miss it, so my eyes followed it by itself.


Euril untied the scarf she had always wrapped around her neck. The hidden hair fell

Shiny silver hair flowed down like a waterfall.

"take it. It’s cold.”

It was only a pity that the bright red scarf suddenly came out in just a few

“What about Euril?”

“I have one more.”

Saying so, Euril shoved her hand into her thick robe. The sky blue scarf popped out
like magic.

'It's like Dora X Mong.'

Soon again, the sky-blue scarf wrapped around Euril's neck was savage, but the
chill that flowed out in that short time was not something to be ignored.

I already had goosebumps on my forearms. It's really cold now.

“I’ll return it to you later.”

“You can just take it.”

“It will warm up soon. I have to go to that class, see you next time.”

I tied the scarf I received and turned around.

I had to shed a runny nose, trying not to sneeze until Euril went away.

* * *

“… … lie."

Euril has good eyesight.

In general, beyond the level that can be called 'good', the distant objects are
reflected in a strangely clear and clear way in the eyes.
Of course, it was also clearly seen that Roxtrin went around stroking her forearms
like a fly's hand. It sounds like you got chills.

It's always been like that.

Everyone around was hurt and in pain.

The loved ones left one by one. Because there is nothing left in the illusory royal

It was natural, and it was painful for young Euril to understand.

By the time he threw himself into the cage of an evil enemy, he had already
realized it.

- does not change

The kingdom is a small country.

The lives of the famine-stricken people have not improved at all, and the royal
family is constantly under pressure.

Euril just ran away.


just being there.

I was comfortable being alone because I was always causing trouble to those around
me. The nobles of the Empire were the brightest in sari, so they treated themselves
as non-existent people.

got used to it

There is no such thing as pure favor.

Motives that move people are gains and losses.

But why?

'Is it okay that Euryl doesn't get hurt? Are you a princess?'

called a princess

It wasn't that I didn't know myself.

The princess of the ruins.

A vicious curse devoured the warmth from his mother's womb, and the king lost his
temper and ruined the kingdom.

After she lost the power to defend her own borders, she became a de facto hostage
in return for stationing the Imperial Army.

Even after graduating from Summer Turge, he is unable to return to Mashu.

“It’s just a weird kid.”

Just look at what you're doing.

He's got a little bit of a weird head.

I was captivated by that foul face for a while.

So I decided to understand.

'Then I-'

to such a weird guy.

What did you want to come here... … .

Thinking about it, I came down the stairs involuntarily.

I haven't been able to practice magic for the past few days because of the
cluttered campus. Maybe I can do the practice I've been putting off. Maybe that's
what I came here for.



The floor had been dug. it was letters

Lockstrin and you are the only people who come here, so maybe Lockstrin's words
were engraved on it. Naturally, I read it side by side.





Did you leave me to see?

Another stupid laugh came out.

Squatting on the floor, Euryll took off her gloves and reached out. If it had been
a human hand, it would have froze in an instant.

Sand does not freeze.

Euril was staring at the floor for such a long time.

There would have been no warmth in the dry sand.

Academy Face Genius Episode 12

“The basics of wind, an introduction to attribution studies, an understanding of

representative forms, and a solution theory that even a ten-year-old can
understand. You have four, right?”

“… … Yes."

I think I've been asking you not to recite it before, but looking at the sloppy
look, it doesn't seem like it will be of much use this time.

“Is this the next step?”

"Yeah. These are the books I use to learn 2 stars.”

“Have you already made up the theory?”

Even if you avoid the conspicuous time, if you want to go back and forth to a place
with frequent traffic such as a library, there is no shortage of spectators.

Now that you've just mastered the first wind magic, it's time to learn the second.

“There, guys.”

"Yes Yes? us?”

I called the students who were hiding behind the bookshelf and spying on me.

Even as a freshman, commoners treat me as an honorific. These were the faces I had
seen a few times in the classroom.

“I have a question for you.”

"four! Oh, you can tell me.”

“How long will it take for a wizard who has just mastered one-star wind magic to
reach two-star with these books?”

“Aha, I was just trying to teach someone else.”

No, that's my story.

The possibility that Roxtrin was one-star did not seem to be considered at all.

“Well, they are all famous.”

“Still, 2 stars is about a year if you work hard. It took me a year and a half.”

“I am two years old!”

"like that. Thanks for letting me know.”

“You can ask any questions! It’s always in the library.”


I haven't been to the library for a while.

As soon as I returned to my room with the borrowed book, I washed my face. My brain
went white.

What, two years?

'The game is almost over in two years?'

Most students stay between 2 and 3 stars. If we had to average that achievement, it
would be about 2.5 stars.
However, in this worldview, a child with a talent for magic begins to learn magic
from the age of ten.

However, it was comforting to know that it was recommended not to learn magic at a
younger age.

Because the body has to grow enough to accept the movement of magical power.

“Isn’t it helpful for the rest of your life, you?”

He muttered as if lamenting towards his half face in the mirror.

In other words, there is a six-year gap between me and the other students. Even the
one-star wind magic that I barely learned, I started from the ground up and did it.

If there's something to look forward to though, it's that it didn't take as long as

'Because there are a few things that I envisioned.'

Some of the theories that appear briefly in the script are easy to understand
because I came up with them myself.

According to the 'Introduction to Basic Sorcery', which I borrowed from the library
for the first time, it would take months for a person with no knowledge of magic to
accept any one of the three elements of magic.

If that were true, the Night Attack episode would not have progressed properly.

It took me two weeks to understand all the basics. I slept a little less though.

After that, I just practiced dying.

'It's getting better and better.'

I don't think there's any way to just die.

Even reading was slow at first.

It has never been so frustrating to turn a page as slowly as a sluggish cow. Now,
speed reading is possible to some extent.

Feeling a little caught up

I feel that my natural talent, not Roxtrin, is reviving.

I don't know if I should call this adaptation.

“Two months.”

It is better to make a decision out loud. But it's a good word, it's a decision,
it's like a time limit.

In June, in order to proceed as planned for the third episode with the midterm
exam, you must have reached at least 2 stars.

That's the theme of the second episode in the first place. There is plenty of time

II. prematurity

1. innate talent

: 'There are few cases of failure due to lack of wisdom. There is a saying, 'What
is lacking is sincerity.' … .

There was nothing more to read.

This is an episode where you have to go through events and adapt to life at the

There is no clear reward for this.

Instead, in terms of the main character, no matter how badly he does, he reaches a
point where there are only four of the four-star freshmen. Because that's the main

“I am Roxtrin.”

natural talent? none.

It's not premature, it's full.

It's not even a game where you just pick a few options and go through a few
scripts, a month or two goes by, and "Roxtrin has reached 4 stars!" Reality.


What difference does complaining make?

I pulled up a chair in front of the desk and sat down. There is about 70 days until
the midterm exam, and you have to make the most of it.

“What makes it so thick?”

It was twice the level of the basic theory.

Fortunately, except for the process of reading this old-fashioned theory book,
learning magic itself is fun.

It's amazing to see the magic wriggling that I've never felt before in my life. In
the first place, things that could only be imagined on Earth, such as spewing fire
from one's hands, become reality here.

“With nothing but killing everyone.”

In <Academy Summerturge>, magic has been thoroughly developed as a weapon for


No matter how noble the study is, the fundamentals are simple, so there is no
reason to accept it as difficult.

'Wind is freedom, indulgence, unconstrained flow, escape from the foreordained


I shrugged and turned the bookshelf one by one.

One read (一讀) comprehends the overall flow.

Memorize titles, subtitles, repeated sentence structures or key words, and draw
abstract images.

The author's subjectivity is always hidden in the composition of paragraphs and in

each investigation within a sentence. The sentence I want to emphasize is obvious.

[The wind has no form, so it is difficult to articulate the concept clearly. So, if
we look at the form of the example… … .]

The sound of turning bookshelves continued in my room until the night deepened and
dawn came.

* * *

“Look over there, Maria. Rox has dead eyes again.”

Summerturge's canteen.

A child with an unruly sleep pattern often misses meals.

So, there are many days when I go to the kiosk in the late afternoon, and whenever
that happens, I secretly run into Roxtrin.

“When I was in training, I often looked into the eyes of my colleagues.”

“What kind of training was it?”

“It was a sleepless training.”

“Is that necessary?”

“I do not judge the need.”

just do it if you do it

It is a very unusual case for Ainim to walk on the campus side by side like this.

It is disrespectful to open one's mouth in any way other than answering, and even a
minor mistake or clumsy movement is often a reason for disqualification.

It took Ai-nim's effortless effort until Maria became like this.

“During the training I went through… … Arguably the most terrifying.”

I still remember vividly.

It was a nightmare day.

'Only one. don't sleep That's all.'

It sounded simple at first glance.

Surprisingly, he didn't ask for anything other than that. The best food prepared by
the chefs of the royal family was also enjoyed to the fullest every day.

As a bodyguard under the immediate control of the imperial family, Maria has
received high-level training that is different from that of any brave knights.

These are the days I endured in the fiery pit of hell. By that time, she was
confident that she would not yield to Maria or her colleagues or anything.

“It was also my last training.”

“Did you pass?”

“Oh, it was a pull-up.”

Sleep is the most fundamental need along with appetite. Everyone overlooked it.

Since they are the ones who have endured the training to control their appetite,
would it be different if they only reduced their sleep?

“This body, in fact, is not entirely mine. For example, it is possible to die of
starvation by refusing to eat, but it is not an idiot to cry out to a beating heart
to stop.”

"I don't know why you're only thinking about suicide, but you're right."

“In that sense, sleep was the most vicious desire.”

Even a merchant who lifts a thousand keuns lightly has nothing to do with the
weight of my eyelids.

Even a person with the will of an iron man loses his mind after five days and
becomes an idiot.

Seven days passed and no one was sane. I stopped thinking, stopped moving, and
focused on just staying conscious.

so barely survived.

"Anyway, Rox hasn't slept in days?"

"Yes. At least four days or more—"


There seemed to be an incomprehensible darkness on that dry face, but Roxtrin's

head turned to the child who was running, waving her arms vigorously.

slowly come alive Light shines in the blue eyes. Maria looked smart.

So you can rest assured.

He certainly cherishes His Majesty. More than worrying about the safety of my body.


There was no easy answer to that.

Even the most loyal knights who were born and dedicated their bodies and minds to
their masters can do difficult things. That boy is so glad.

It is a journey that can never be achieved with clumsy emotions such as love.
“You come to a shabby place too often.”

“What are you eating? Is that delicious?”

"This one? It's tasteless. Don't eat it— No, don't take it away. I bought it with
my own money.”

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. After that, you’re going to have a baby
(but why are you eating this)?”

“It’s just like my situation that it doesn’t sell every day and remains miserable…
… .”

“Ah, I’m reading a book here too! I saw it while walking yesterday and fell and saw
everything up to my knee!”

“It was eight o’clock in the evening, how do you know that? Go to bed early. I am
not tall.”

A smile did not leave Roxtrin's face throughout the frivolous conversation.

It is said that she is a child who makes people around her laugh with her
overflowing energy, but this time it was different.

“If you look at it, you look like the old Obama.”

“Please don’t go anywhere and say things like that.”

“Wow, Rocks is a nag.”

If you are watching them from afar, you may feel that way at first glance.

Isn't it like a couple?

From that point of view, Roxtrin's was infinitely close to paternal love.
Surprisingly, if you think that way, all your actions will fit.

Of course, that's absurd. The two are the same age.

“It’s a cold day, but you wear all the buttons on your robes. How did you even
think that the head was curled up and then ran away?”

“Wow, how did you know? So Hira did it often.”

“Oh, well. Yes."

The hand that was unintentionally going to put it on the child's head stops. If
there had been any ill will or selfishness, Maria would have stopped it right away.

It wasn't.

“But I can’t do it, so call an attendant.”

“Mary knows how to wield a sword and a sword, but she can't touch her head. right?"

Only then did Maria approach the child. He wasn't good at touching his hair, so he
was going to make buttons instead.
“Isn’t it better to stop sleeping?”

As she buttoned the button on the child's sleeve, Maria spoke first. It was a

Roxtrin replied calmly.

“Do you drink a lot of tea?”

“It is not.”

“Yeah, I think I’m fine!”

You won't know unless you look carefully.

Blood-drenched eyes, dark shadows, and heavily contracted facial muscles.

Everything is cleverly hidden with its climax appearance.

“… … Yes. Fortunately, the."

I'm happy.

How can you hide your tiredness while telling your child something you are worried
about every time, on the contrary, so that she does not worry about you?

“I’ll just go back.”

“Aren’t you going to the tower?”

“I have to return the book.”

That way, Roxtrin exited the kiosk.

It was a precarious step.



“Isn’t that still dangerous?”

“It is very dangerous. It was a rash remark. The world is wide.”

“The Rocks are unique.”

are overworked

It is not a story that will simply end there, but I am so absorbed in it that it
burns my life. He doesn't seem to know that.

That's the most dangerous thing you know. What Maria said just a few minutes ago
was wrong.

“He is in control.”

Roxtrin is of its own will.

He was the one who could stop my heart.

Academy Face Genius Episode 13

There are moments in life when everyone faces a test. Roxtrin is no different.

“Hey, Roxtrin.”

The semester is 3 weeks.

Despite the unprecedented attack, Summerpop quickly regained stability.

Not much has changed except that the seats of the six freshmen have become vacant
and Kanin's lecture has been replaced by another lecture.

At first, the three were commoners, and the other three nobles were not very
influential families, only walking around among themselves. The atmosphere only
subsided and the children became quiet.

“What do you think, uh, what do you think?”

Hence, the name of the course was replaced.

<Creative Thinking>.

The lecture room was also a new type of lecture room, not the main lecture hall
where I was always taking classes.

The process is simple.

Groups are assigned at random, and the teaching assistant brings and distributes
items that have recently become an issue in the magic world for each group.

Four students are seated around the round table.

As a freshman, I don't expect results. The purpose of this class was to promote
friendship and at the same time cultivate proactive thinking skills.

“Because we’ve all been told… … .”

by the way.

How do I do that?


Fellowship. It's fine at this point.

Since Yuxila has already been hit, it doesn't matter how much I talk to other
students from now on.

The boy I spoke to was crying as if he was a criminal, so I opened my mouth with a
calm voice before he burst into tears.

But in the previous class, I was just copying the professor's words and writing
them down in my notebook.

Can there be any creativity?

“The world is a series of ironies.”

In times like these, you need to put an iron plate on your face. Let's believe in
the 'extraordinary' personality.

“At the time when the chastity belt was in vogue, keysmiths made great fortunes.”


“After the war that refined the technology that killed the most people, medicine,
the technology that saved the most people, developed.”

“Uh, so.”

A male student who was quietly listening next to him raised his glasses and said.

“What does that have to do with managing the firepower loss of projection type
magic… … . Oh, I don't mean to ask! Because I don't understand... … .”

This guy is annoying.

Fabian? Let's remember the name first.

It is because he is an excellent student.

“I, I think I know!”

Fortunately, reinforcements arrived from the other side.

It was a girl named Camilla, who always sat three blocks away from me in the
lecture hall.

“Well, actually, I don’t know about the first one… … Because I am also the most
severe fire attribute. Generally speaking, there are two causes of firepower loss,
right? Friction and loss of median area.”


“In the past, there was a lot of effort to minimize the power lost from friction,
but now it has faded a lot. Noting that the energy lost from the projectile was not
dissipating, but rather warming the surrounding atmosphere.”

When a fire attribute mage is paired with a wind attribute mage, synergy occurs and
the power of magic increases.

It's called fusion magic. It is also an important strategy to achieve high

efficiency with low consumption.

“Because now it has become the norm to combine wind attribute magic… … If there is
always something to be gained on the opposite side of what you thought you lost.”

“Will there be anything to gain from loss of median area?”

“It makes sense.”

“Uh, how are you?”

It is fortunate that there are so many bright children.

I replied with a small smile to the members of the crew, who were watching me in a
long way.

yes you are right I think that's right.

“Ehehe… … .”

But this is what happens when you don't wear a hood. Most of the students who are
not the main characters have low mental abilities.

let's not laugh forced to settle

“This group is moving fast.”

“Ah, teacher.”

“Unfortunately, we don’t score points. Well done.”

The teaching assistant, who sneaked in, handed out another handout. Three times the
amount initially received.

“What I am sharing now is what was discussed in the 3rd Library of the Magic
Society last November. <Study on the phenomenon derived from the loss of the area
of each projectile>.”

“Did you have the right answer?”

“Only the first one. Instead, this is an ongoing research issue. These are the
papers that Meiji Kanin personally selected.”

When a valuable discussion about magic arises, each branch of the Sorcery Society
decides the location by first determining the value.

If it is the 3rd library, it ranks quite high in the 3rd place, but the fact that
the research in November last year was still in progress was a curious part.

“We are looking for ways to utilize eight phenomena that occur in a complex manner,
and there have been many possible proposals, but the problem is that they all have
similar efficiencies.”

“There were too many correct answers.”

“Or maybe the answer hasn’t come out yet? Please submit your comments as individual
assignments by next week. The four of you may leave the classroom and continue to
exchange opinions.”


I stood up as soon as the assistant had finished speaking.

“Everyone did a good job.”

There aren't many opportunities to have a conversation with Roxtrin at such a close
distance, so the team members looked sad, but I don't know.

<Creative Thinking> is a two-hour lecture. It's only been 30 minutes since the
lecture started. In other words, there was an hour and a half of spare time.

'Go back to sleep.'

Actually, I slept less these days.

There is no body left just to prepare for the previous episode, and there is also
the burden of having to pass the midterm exam.

I thought I was overdoing it a bit, but whenever I had free time like this, I
managed to survive if I made up for the lack of sleep.

I just came out of the lecture hall with a smile like that.


A familiar voice caught my foot.

It was Hira who was waiting on the bench near the back gate of the lecture
building. This is the first time I have spoken to someone other than the Tower of

“Are you out early?”

“Our group solved it as soon as your Highness Ai saw it.”

“I think so.”

I don't know what the agenda was because the groups were different, but Ai-nim
would have found the answer in an instant.

The second task given to you will certainly be done with ease.

“What were you doing here?”

“I didn’t mean to do anything… … .”

“I can’t hear you well.”

It was a voice that crawled hard enough to be heard by Roxtrin's unnecessarily

bright ears.

“That’s it, Your Majesty. The Rocks will come out in a little while, so I told you
to wait here.”

“Oh, I’ve been waiting for you.”

“… … Neet.”

“But it would have been better if I had been late.”

“I thought Rocks would solve it quickly.”

The reason I came out early was purely because my teammates were smart. It would
have made me wait for a long time.

“If I’m bored, would you like to talk?”


I still can't make eye contact because I'm still ashamed that I cried so much in
front of me.
In any case, the plan to go back to the room and rest immediately was thwarted in
an instant. It's a pity, but how to distinguish between public and private life.
This is a public thing.

“The garden is also crowded these days.”

“Because the Rocks are frequent.”

“Shall we go somewhere quiet?”

“It sounds a bit dangerous to say that… … Rocks?”

Still, it just follows along. That is to say, there is no other place to turn to.

“The summer solstice is unnecessarily wide. There are a lot of weeds here.”

Overgrown weeds brushed my ankles.

It is said that it is beautiful overall, but it is not necessarily so if the

management is perfect. They often deal with nobles from all over the world, so even
a mere janitor selects people.

Since there are not many people, it is impossible to cleanly manage even the
sparsely populated areas.

Some say that it is more beautiful because it harmonizes with nature in that

“I’ve only been to Jungang-daero, so this is the first time I’ve been to a place
like this. There really is no one there.”

“Come on, this way.”

"Yes? I don't think there's a road there... … .”

He reached out to Hira, who was looking around.

A narrow street between the Professor and Research Building and the Agricultural
Research Building on the west side of Jungang-daero.

On the half-passed stairway, she suddenly stepped on the low railing and climbed
onto the wall.

After pulling up Hira, who was holding hands in an awkward way, I proceeded to cut
off the twigs that were the cobwebs that reached my head.

'It's really useless.'

very regretfully.

There is not a single hidden piece in <Academy Summerturge>. All the games I've
made are like that.

Cheat eaten raw?

Hidden class in legend?

A scam that says it's over when you just eat it?
A secret room that gets ten times stronger just by going in and out?

Why do you have such a dog?

"Look out. The grass is a bit rough.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust the Rocks, but… … . It seems like something that
shouldn’t be coming.”

To be honest, I wouldn't be embarrassed.

He simply overcomes those who are living with blood and sweat without making any
effort, and easily ridicules the weak.

That's the reason my game has become difficult.

The wall was built in double or triple so that the weak bastards who are accustomed
to such a play could never break it.

Even the country I am today is stumped because I am blocked by that wall and can't
even learn a single two-star magic.

I don't regret it.

“It’s all here.”

So all I know is knowledge that has no place to be used except in times like this.

“Wow… … .”

When you come out through a shady crevice, you can see a wheat field spread out in
blue in an unobstructed view.

[A wide wheat field. There were no splendid flowers, it was just a green wheat

Beauty is hidden everywhere in Summer Tung.

perceptions are different.

Someone will splendidly hit the cherry blossoms on the central street at its best,
and the tea table in the lawn garden where the sun shines is no less than that.

And this is my second favorite place after the evening view from the tower.

The weather was just right.

[But sometimes on a windy day, it's a little chilly and it's better if the sky is

Wheat also blooms. At the tip of unripe ears, there are flowers that fall down
shyly like the first snow.

It looks like a very wide and mysterious magic carpet, if you watch it sway side by
side in the wind. If I get on it, it seems like it will take me somewhere.]

“It’s a bit like there aren’t any chairs.”

I took off my robe and laid it out on a moderately flat surface, and sat down
beside it with weeds. Are there no worms?

Hira looked over the wheat field as if possessed, then gently knelt down on the
robe I had laid on her.

"You are pretty."


Actually, I don't think it means much. Because Roxtrin's face is right next to him.

Still, it was worthwhile to see that I couldn't take my eyes off the wheat field
for a long time. What should I say at a time like this? … .

I do not know. it will work out somehow.

It's charm level 10 anyway. No matter what you say, you will burst into laughter.

“When I was young, when my relatives got together, everyone called me rice cakes.”

“At Aindarok Street?”

“Ugh. Yes."

Of course, I'm not talking about Eindarok.

Even in this worldview, rice is cultivated, but rice without improved varieties is
difficult to mill and not as tasty as wheat. It is only grown on a small scale in
areas where wheat does not grow well.

So even if there is rice cake, it is the food of ordinary people. It would not be
easy to pick up and eat from the great nobles Yuxilana and Eindarok.

“Fufu, why did you have to see the rice cakes?”

“I mean, I like rice cake that much. But I didn’t like rice cakes, but sweets or
candy, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, everyone is like that. So?”

“In a way, that’s a mistake.”

I said looking down at the wheat field.

It is literally a memory from a long time ago. Everyone has one or two of them.
Nearly 20 years have passed, but somehow vivid memories.

“My grandmother gave me the rice cake, so I just ate it, but I can’t say that it’s
nothing because this guy eats rice cake well, he is a general, and has been

“Um, I think I know.”

“So, when my relatives see me, they like rice cake differently from kids these
days. Because I brought rice cakes as a gift that I haven't seen in a long time. Oh
my gosh."

I remember the name. Myeongga Alley Cake Shop.

In particular, the rice cakes that were filled with red beans and were not very
sweet were the worst.

“Eindarok was a more interesting family than I thought.”

“Don’t talk. The piled-up rice cakes were secretly brought to the river at night.
When I found out, my father was very angry. He said that he threw away what he
received as a gift. I was so sad that I cried.”

"Yes? Did Rox cry?”

“I don’t cry, huh? That's when you were young. I cried very sadly. it's not tasty I
don't like rice cakes. Then I got even more mad.”

“What are you mad about?”

My father was a strict man.

Come to think of it, even after I moved out of the house at the age of 20 and
started living alone, I hardly remember having a deep conversation with my father.

Then he sat me down in front of the sofa and my father said to me.

“How do you know what I didn’t say?”

If you don't tell me, you don't know.

By that time, there was an assortment of stories to fit in properly.

“It must have been my life, but I was actually living up to my expectations.
Parents, teachers, friends, anyone.”

entered business administration.

The more reputable the university, the better. The guys around me were so

The library was not empty at all, and there was no one sleeping in the spacious
lecture hall.

I wonder if this would be enough, but it's difficult to find a job.

Then I found out about it when I graduated from school.

“I’m not living my life.”

It wasn't fun.

What do you do when you earn money? I drive a nice car, live in a nice house, eat
good food, and sometimes travel when I have spare time.

- something like that

It wasn't my dream.

“From then on, I think I did what I wanted to do. I cut off all unnecessary
relationships and stayed at home.”

started studying.
At twenty-five, I opened my first programming book. My head, which I thought had
been stiff, moved swiftly. It was fun even though I slept. Graphics, sounds,
scenarios… … There was more that could be done.

Fortunately, the world was good.

Engines and tools were standardized, so there was nothing that could not be done if
there was the will to do it.

When a year passed, one or two small finished products came out. I couldn't make
any money from it, so I took tutoring and part-time jobs in my spare time.

After about three years, the results were satisfactory to themselves. At some
point, he was being recognized by those around him. I was earning enough to make a
living without having to do anything else.

Somehow, I met a good person.

“Oh, did you just talk about me too much?”

“… … Nope."

When I glanced around, I noticed that Hira was looking towards me, not the wheat

I don't know if you heard what I was saying. Would it not have mattered if I was
reciting Hunminjeongeum?

“No one will ever tell you that.”

“Because they are friends.”

“Friend, Rado.”

“It’s embarrassing, so I don’t go anywhere and talk recklessly. Whoa.”

Without realizing it, I yawned. It was also difficult to hide the tiredness.

“I must have wasted too much time.”

“I was the one who brought you here. are you okay. Are you busy with anything?”

“It’s not like that.”

Hira's gaze turned to the wheat field in the distance again. The clouds have lifted
and the sun has risen. If the sunlight is too bright, the white flowers are hard to

In that case, autumn is good.

“It’s pretty here even in the fall.”

Well, after I said that, it seemed like a bit of a mistake.

It is too obvious that wheat fields are beautiful in autumn, and the land of
Yuxilla is fertile and wide. You must be tired of such a landscape because you are
not used to it.
Routines are no fun... …

“Bring me back in the fall, then.”

Oh, but I was Roxtrin. It doesn't matter.

“It doesn’t matter at any time.”

“You shouldn’t see this too often.”

“Isn’t it better to see them every day?”

“Anyway, promise me.”

“What’s wrong? okay."

He said it as if nothing happened, but he was actually upset.

“Then I will tell you about me.”

Do you know that you won't be able to keep this promise?

“Why don’t you just do it now?”

“I have too many thoughts right now, so I think I’m going to say something
embarrassing. I will prepare and tell you.”

“It’s shameful.”

The wind has stopped and the wheat field standing upright is not very interesting.
I lay flat on my back. A weed, a span of a span, tickled his cheek.

Can I close my eyes for 10 minutes? That would be fine... … .

squeaky. A sound came from the side.

“There will be worms.”

“I’m not really afraid of that.”

“I also bury the soil.”


I brushed the dirt off Hira's hair. Anyway, Roxtrin looks good no matter how much
dirt it gets.

It doesn't matter who sees you, so you don't have to worry about your grooming,
because you wouldn't... … It was time to say that.

I didn't ask in the first place.

“I was looking at these things.”

Hira was looking up.

"Huh… … Yes."

When I woke up late, it was just as interesting. Fortunately, there were no bugs.
Contrary to the open wheat field, you can only see the leaves covering the top of
your head.

“Not much fun.”

“Whoa, rather than sitting around and drinking tea with wild-eyed kids.”

Lying side by side on the dirt, Hira suddenly turned her head toward me and smiled

“Whoa. fun."

long eyelashes.

Dusty scarlet hair.

Bright yellow eyes like spring flowers.

A bright smile without hiding anything.

It looked so pretty, it made me laugh unintentionally.

What, the charm is the 3rd level theme.

… … budgie.

Academy Face Genius Episode 14


I closed the two-star magic theory book I was reading, 'Understanding the
Representative Form,' and muttered.

“It’s ridiculous.”

A thought that came to mind again.

At some point, it became natural to study magic.

3 p.m.

It was not a sunny day today, and the spring rain whispered outside the window.
There are no classes on the weekend.

I have been studying the sound of raindrops as music since dawn, but at some point
my motivation suddenly dropped.

If you do this, it will last you a long time.

In short, the wise time has come.

This was often the case even before becoming Roxtrin. After sitting all day, it's
natural to feel aches.

“… … Shall we take a break?”

The head is overheated.

Humans are truly adaptable animals, and surprisingly, it has already been a month
since I fell into this world.

Come to think of it now, I haven't had a rest without my mind for even a month.
Even if you are not in a position to ask for a break, if you only do what is
necessary, your efficiency will decrease.

okay. I can't live like this.

A refresh is needed.


but what do you do

He leaned back against the backrest and fell into trouble.

I have my own manual to deal with the intermittent lack of motivation.

or play online fighting games.

View overseas sports topics.

Or go for a drive to the Han River blindly.

If even that bothers you, eat limitlessly spicy food or… … .

“Isn’t there anything?”

Unfortunately, none of them are possible in the worldview of <Academy Summerturge>.

There are no games, no internet, there is a river, but there is no car to drive,
and it is difficult to find spicy food because most of the food is Western.

Are you going to give up though?

A light bulb seemed to flash in my head, and I led my creaking body out of the

Without going too far, we headed to the second floor, the student cafeteria Jinri-

"sorry. It's not dinner time... … .”

Mealtimes in all restaurants in Summerturge are strictly limited to 7-9 am, 12-
14:00 lunch, and 18-20 pm.

This is to provide students with the best possible meal, but at other times, there
is no food available even when visiting.

I didn't know that either.

“I didn’t come here to eat. Can I go inside and have a look?”

“It is possible.”

The student cafeteria is strictly managed so that you do not feel embarrassed
whenever you show it.
As if to prove this, the setting that students using the restaurant can look inside
the kitchen at any time.

There are also events where some picky bastards are scolding, but I didn't come
here for that.

“There are no others.”

“It is not difficult for Jinridang to clean up. This week I'm on my turn. Dishes
will be clean.”

Fortunately, the cook who remained in the kitchen was a man, and unlike the
library, it was not too difficult to converse with a man who was far older than

However, even first-class chefs are mostly commoners, so they treat students with
respect. Suddenly, I got used to it.

I strode through the long kitchen and stood in front of the closed door.

“Is this a warehouse?”

“Yes, but sometimes things like fishy smell can be unpleasant.”

There was no musty smell of dust that is common in warehouses.

Various vegetables, fish, dried meat, etc. The prepared ingredients are neatly laid

On a wet and rainy day like today, it would have to be thrown away quickly, but
white steam was gushing out from the shelf.

“It’s cold, so be careful.”

Don't think too complicated about this.

There are magic tools that have a refrigeration function. That's why magic is

“Aren’t there any spices?”

“Powders and non-bulky items are kept separately in this drawer.”


When the cook opened the drawer, a variety of smells came up at once.

Although it was not set up to this extent, the main dishes of Jinridang for ten
days did not overlap once.

To cook such a variety of dishes, you must have everything you need.


found it right away

A bright red, pointed fruit, the length of a finger. Even when I picked it up with
tongs, the sweet smell pierced the tip of my nose.

It is a kind of chilli used in Western food, and it was the ingredient I was
looking for.

“Can I take some?”

“It doesn’t matter, but I don’t know if there is any place to use that spicy

How much is the summer tuition fee?

It's not used very often anyway, and it was only a handful if I had to take it with

“I will also use the kitchen utensils.”

“Yeah… … ?”

“I will clean up, so go in and rest. If it's not very hot, you can watch."

“No, I have to keep my seat anyway... … Are you planning to cook for yourself? I
can make anything.”

“It’s grandiose to call it cooking. Because only I know.”


The chef looked embarrassed.

Wow, Roxtrin looks like he grew up without a drop of water on his hand. I don't
think it's causing any problems, though.

In any case, he had to endure any coercion, and Roxtrin had an 'extraordinary'
personality that seemed plausible no matter what he did.

“Dried pollack, fresh pasta, onion, garlic, shiitake mushroom, leek and
peperoncino… … With my short knowledge, I have no idea what this combination is.”

Is there any terrible food that does not match the balance of nutrition and the
harmony of ingredients? The cook swallowed the horse.

Ingredients with strong individuality tend to ruin a dish when used together.

Even though the northern part of the empire where the Aindarok family is located
was rough, it was pathetic to grow up eating such poor food. A sense of patriotism
that had never been seen arose again.

“Come on, I’ll cut it!”

Anyway, the precious master is helping out because it's a big deal if he has an
accident while handling the knife with his hand like a bracken, but the process is
not unusual.

“Are you mixing all of this?”

“It’s good to make it as fine as possible.”

The material was not enough and overflowed.

As I said, the cook put all the ingredients except the pasta noodles and leeks in a
ball and grinded them finely. It was a hundred times better than what I was doing
at level 3 strength.

About the time the spicy smell spread all the way here, I pointed to the pot of
boiling water over the small fire pit.

“Put… … are you?”


The cook poured the finely ground ingredients with a frown on his eyes. The
peperoncino must have been spicy.

A little later, after adding the pasta noodles and large cut leeks.


Tal Tal Tal!

At last, when he took and poured a whole bunch of salt, which was enough for one
teaspoon, it seemed that no matter how he was, he didn't look extraordinary.

“Can’t it be delicious?”

At my prompt, the cook nodded reluctantly.

This bright red broth and a salty smell. It was only then that he seemed to be

how can i forget

“It’s called Ramen.”

“Hmmm. I will engrave... … .”

“It’s raw noodles, so if you boil it for another 2 minutes, it’s done.”

It's good that the rain keeps pouring down.

In this faraway land, I was cooking ramen!

It sounds like a lie, but in reality it tastes similar. I lived alone for quite
some time in Guinea, so as a hobby, I often cook dishes that I learned from
watching the Internet.

I can't survive without this.

“What is that plate?”

After waiting for three minutes, I was free, but I saw a silver tray covered with a

All other dishes were neatly arranged, and I wondered why only that tray remained.
to eat later?

“Ah, this is today’s lunch menu, but I made it a little late. The owner is

“I just came.”

Suddenly, I heard small footsteps, and a familiar face took a seat in a luxurious
seat in the corner of the Jinri-dang hall.

The cook carefully set the tray down in front of her. Although it is simplified and
served together with appetizers, mains and desserts, it is not a small amount.

“Because chowder is best eaten warm. I made it as late as possible.”

“Even if you don’t mind.”

“There was salmon from Mashu this morning, so I was very careful. It would mean
more to the princess.”

“… … okay. thanks."

Despite the relatively warm indoor temperature, he is still dressed in tight


Even if it wasn't for those things, the air became cold from the moment I entered
the restaurant.

“Does he always come at this time?”

"Yes. I have to avoid the time with people.”

It's the weekend, but the time shifts like that every time, so the meal looks like

I've seen them a few times recently, but for some reason, they didn't want to make
eye contact with Euril. I put only the boiled ramen in a bowl and quietly brought
it out.


This time, our eyes met for a moment.

It seems he was puzzled to come out of the kitchen wearing a student robe, but as
soon as he sees me, he turns his head again.

What. Why.

There's nothing wrong with that right? First of all, I sat in a seat that was
reasonably far away.


open soon.

He rubbed his hands and placed his hand on the lid of the pot. Slowly, steam rises.


I was already salivating at the sweet scent. Pasta noodles were used instead of the
familiar noodles, but the soup tastes like ramen noodles anyway.
I took a sip of the soup that was placed on the plate in front of me.


Yes, this is the taste.

This is proof that you are alive.

If this spicy and thick exclamation doesn't come out, it's fake ramen. With my eyes
moistened, I inhaled the puffiness and noodles.

It means that I miss this aggressive spicy taste to the bone. But as I eat it, I
feel like crying.

Because his peperoncino is spicy.


“Collock! Cologne!”

I was eating like crazy when I heard a coughing sound from afar. Euril was staring
fiercely at this side.

“What are you eating?”


"what is that… … Spicy.”

Spicy food is not my taste here, as I only smelled it, but with a frown on my face.

“I will eat and leave soon.”



Surprisingly, it didn't look like he hated it. Euril snorted once and started
eating my dishes again. Chowder or what?

When I took a peek, it was said that the soft-looking thing was neither yours nor

“Is that delicious?”

"not really."

“This is delicious.”

The answer to the face that seemed to say what to do was only to show.

I took a plate of steaming hot ramen and set it down in front of Euril.

“It’s a bit too much.”

It is better to make contact with the main characters whenever there is an

And in <Academy Summerturge>, the most difficult thing to attract as a colleague is
none other than Euril. As a producer, I can assure you.

Ten stars for difficulty.

The school year, the gender, and even the meal times are different.

If we follow the set schedule, there are few events where we can meet Euril, and he
doesn't open his heart easily because he has such a picky personality.

Even so, you have to choose at least 10 encounter events and 5 correct answers in
individual events to get close to each other. Luckily, I'm not the main character,
but Lockstryn, so I met him inside the Tower of Truth.

This means that you have to score points as steadily as possible. Still, it's
attractive, so I won't need it up to number 10.

“Spicy. make."

“It’s still not enough to spit, is it?”

I asked confidently.

It's not clearly revealed by his facial expressions, but Euryl has a certain
setting that he likes 'hot' food.

Although warm dishes were served with the chef's consideration, if they were placed
in front of Euril anyway, they would cool down in less than 10 seconds.

But, of course, hot food beyond that is not served in Summerturge. What if precious
students burn even the roof of their mouth?

“Who eats these things… … .”

"Iknow, right."

Still, he eats well.

I don't think I've ever seen a fork go towards the silver tray. It was definitely
spicy, but Euril was also wiping away tears.

“The cold is over, and it seems to be getting warmer now, so I will return the

"Do as you wish."

I returned to my seat, finished the rest of the ramen, and arranged the dishes. Not
a drop of broth was left behind.

A little while later, Euril also finished eating, so I waited and climbed the
elevator together.

It didn't move fast enough, so the silence felt quite long.



“Maybe I did something wrong?”

Euril glanced up at me and turned back to the wall.

It's cold if you're close. What are you doing looking at the wall?


Ding. After stopping on the 12th floor with a sound, there was only an answer.

A naughty boy by the way.

Yes, this is because the conditions are not met yet. You'll definitely make
friends, so wait and see.

“Stay here, I will bring it.”

“You won’t be bothered to come back.”

“It is, but… … .”

Euril dared to follow me to the front door of my room, room 1203.

This guy's room was unnecessarily large, so it was a matter of coming out with a
scarf that was placed by the bedside.

But there is a problem.

“Why is the hallway on the 12th floor like this? Anyone who sees it would think I
used earth magic? Yes!"

“Sin, sorry! Obviously not an hour ago—”

“Is that important now? I told you to pay special attention from the 11th floor
onwards! That's your job. In an hour, ten people have already passed through this
dusty hallway!”

A shrill voice echoed from the other side of the hallway. I've heard it two or
three times already.

Tower of Truth Inspector, Melida Noah.

He has a reputation for being the most strict and hysterical among the three

Thanks to this, the Tower of Truth always shows off its elegance, but the timing is

'No, that's good.'

Melida occasionally checks the condition of the dormitory. Lobby, hall, hallways on
each floor, as well as students' rooms. It's polite to be careful going up the 10th
floor, though.

Anyway, even-numbered floors are used by boys, and odd-numbered floors are used by

If a male student gets off the odd-numbered floor or a female student gets off the
even-numbered floor, it is a violation of the school rules. It is also quite large.
“Isn’t there any room for demerit points?”


“I knew it would.”

It's a face that couldn't even hide her embarrassment. I'm skipping classes in the
first place.

No matter how dire the circumstances, demerit points are steadily accumulating
without exception, and whenever they accumulate, they occasionally do volunteer
work at the school.

The princess is cleaning everywhere, and that's what she's good at. is there any

“Come in for a second.”

Academy Face Genius Episode 15


“Hmmmm, check. Lord Roxtrin.”

Where did the voice that had been resounding in the hallway a while ago went, and a
polite and dignified voice came from the other side of the door. After experiencing
this a few times, I got used to it.

I naturally opened the door.

“Hello, Mrs. Melida.”

“Oh ho ho, as I said last time, I haven’t married yet because I don’t have a

“Oh, I’m sorry. Melida. You are working hard.”

“Of course, for the sake of the Lord.”

“Haha, you’re joking around too.”

It's a good example of how Roxtrin's violent appearance worked for the worse. I
can't understand this lady with the vulgar expression.

I mean, I didn't want to remember.

“Today, Kyung’s beauty seems to have no way of fading. How did you feel about any

"There is not."

“Hmmmm, where? I think the room is a little cold for the fact that you caught a
cold before... … Maybe the stove is broken!”

“The stove is fine. I’m used to the cold, so I lowered the temperature for a

“Ah, like that! It must be magic that requires a considerable level of water
properties... … After all, there is no doubt about his brilliant talent—”

Then I heard a sound from inside the room.

The sound of something like a book falling to the floor. Melida pushed her head
into the door.

“Who is inside?”

A guy who isn't very active gets into accidents at times like this. what did you

“… … We are picking up cats and raising them.”

“No, a stray cat? I told them to catch and kill the people they saw, but there must
have been some left. If it is dirty, even if the noble body of the lord gets


I said as I shook my head.

“I am very tired right now, but I want you to go back.”


“I have less patience than I can see.”

Melida's flaccid face hardened a little only after she showed her blatant
complexion. At this point, you probably notice.

“Because we will see each other often.”

After a few seconds, Melida bowed her head.

“… … All right."

The authority of the superintendent at Summerturge is enormous. He is also an

institutional aristocrat.

Entering a student's room at will is not nominally reproachable, except at very

rude times. Even if it's your child's room.

Still, Melida takes a step back because I am Roxtrin. Because it is easy to get a
favor from anyone.

“Caution, you will have to. There are many more eyes than mine.”

“Thanks for the advice.”


What are you staring at? I can't see any dust in the corner. As soon as the door
closed, Melida's nervous voice filled the hallway again.

Should I even call it caring?

I locked the doorknob and came back. Euril was frozen, squatting under the desk
where the book had fallen.

Didn't your body freeze?

“Ah… … .”

“I know what you want to say. I sent it back after noticing it, so I’ll be back

The 'understanding of the representative form', which had fallen to the floor, was
restored to its original position. At that moment, Euril's stiff limbs moved.

“It went well, so don’t worry. I just need to be careful. There is no one else to

As if to no avail, he shut his mouth tightly and buried his face under the scarf.

It's okay if I send it back later, but Euryl seems to have a corner for nothing.

“… … Why am I always?”


“Am I only causing trouble?”

"Iknow, right."

I think I know a little bit now.

I owe you a debt and you must pay it off. That is the motive that moves Euril.

The reason why I had to close my eyes because of my work on the playground and
borrow a scarf instead.

So I guess I'm going to end it now. Because I've always been hurt by things like

-Whoever likes it.

“Well, there’s a bit of a computational side to being human.”

It's about to fall off the cliff right now, so we have to catch even a straw, but
we have no choice but to hold on to a big rope called Euril.

In order to survive, this guy's strength is desperately needed.

“For example, this scarf. Do you know how much?”

"I do not know."

“I don’t know. But you borrowed it for quite some time. How much is it to pay with

“… … I do not know."

“I can’t live by counting all those things. Even if it seems like giving and
receiving, surely someone will give more. Good or dull, there is always someone who
He held out his scarf.

In this case, it is of course on the side of Euryl to suffer. The value of

Lockstrin in the course of the episode cannot be compared to Euril.

The point is to cleverly hide it.

To make Euryl always feel owed to me.

“Then what do I do?”

“What can’t you do?”

Just be quiet, I mean.

With a little bit of regret and not being able to return the petty favors I

“Oh my God. Sometimes there is a word that is cowardly and irresponsible but very
warm, and it is a pity that Euryl does not know that.”

"what is that?"

"'Help me.'"

Euril crouched and raised her head.

“Where is that?”

Since that day, we barely made eye contact, but his expression was very angry. I
can't seem to admit it

I just shrugged my shoulders.

“That’s… … .”

ask for help

Father had already cried countless times.

no one listened

Will it be different now?

“… … It's too late."

Euril got up without receiving the scarf. I sat down and looked at Euril, who was
moving away.

“Aren’t you going to take it? I think I will take it out again in winter.”

“You take it.”

Ouch. It's not easy either.

It was an expression of the will to pay off the debt somehow. Of course, it's only
one scarf, and Euril has a spare.

Still, it wasn't long before I saw the reaction.

Before leaving the door, Euril left a word. This is the only achievement for me,
since I don't level up at all.

“Still, thank you.”

thud. The door is closed.

i'm nothing

It is a body that is bound to become a villain.

* * *

“From now on, we will have private practice sessions twice a week.”

The use of offensive magic on campus is strictly controlled.

However, most of the spells—the ones called several stars—are based on attack
magic. Therefore, students need a space to periodically check the achievement of

“Sometimes time overlaps with other grades, so it would be a good study to learn
the magic of seniors. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like they overlap now.”

Despite being underground, the interior is bright and spacious. A soccer field
seemed to fit comfortably.

“A wall like that can hold up to 4 stars?”

“You said you did a new repair this time.”

“I heard that Meiji Kanin personally led the construction… … .”

It was the site of a terrible incident just a few weeks ago, but the lab has been
neatly rebuilt.

Even freshmen are allotted time to use the lab on a regular basis after just one

At this point, you can actually use the attack magic and train it.

“Most of the seats are open to the public, but there may be a lot of magic that you
are shy to show or are studying in secret. You can use the room with the barrier
over there. Of course, we can’t see it, so we can’t correct it.”

The total class time is 3 hours.

Four professors, one for each of the four attributes, walk around the lab, and see
and correct each student's magic.

This large-scale correctional map, which is only possible because of summer turf,
is the essence of magic academy education.

There is no right answer to magic, but it is a different story that there are
incorrect answers. Thanks to this, it is not an exaggeration to say that the level
of the students' magic almost rises when they breathe.

So I.
“Rox-sama… … ?”

“Of course you went inside the barrier.”

“Anyway, we wouldn’t understand.”

“I’m still curious!”


magic practice? Of course I have to Because getting used to it obviously means a


'「Will Troy Tas」

But I can only use one-star magic.

You can't even tell anyone else about it. So, I could only make a small voice that
was close to the sound of breathing.

Whew! Tung!

A single ray of wind smashed against the wall and scatters helplessly. At times
like this, I feel helpless again. The object of comparison is also clear.

'The magic that Baeller used... … .'

If it's a drink, I remember it.

It has the same properties, but it is much more complicated like a 4-star magic.

Magic using the quadruple chain form (compression, continuity, overlap, rotation)
and double independent solution (expansion, forward). The name given in the second
library of the Magic Society,

"Blade Vortex".

““Will Troe Les Lipe Lute—”

“Wow, stop it, Rocks!”

A hand protruding out of nowhere covered his eyes.

Blocking the line of sight was a classic way to neutralize a wizard. Because it
makes it impossible to solve out of the three elements of the rite.

“… … Surprise.”

“It’s a big deal! If you use something like that!”

A child who disturbed her magic by waving her arms proudly stood in front of me.

Why is there a barrier?

“I was just pretending.”

“Did you raise your magic power as well?”

“Because it can withstand even 4-star magic.”

“Still, if someone like Rocks uses it, it will wear out quickly! It is truly an
imperial asset.”

It was made using precious materials, so you need to be careful.

But that's not the point. I don't think the day will come when I will even scratch
this wall with my magic.

“Are you by my side?”

"Yes. I happened to be nearby!”

“I came all the way to a corner where no one was around on purpose—”

"Yes! by chance!"


Oh, you will.

You care too much about me.

Of course, since Ai-nim is the main character that you should be friendly with at
any time, pretending to be friendly in the first place is definitely a good thing.

It was still too early for Roxtrin's poor magic talent to be exposed.

“Aren’t you coming back?”

“I have nothing to practice.”

“I have to.”

I'm pretty weak

One room in the lab is not small, but Ai-nim was absolutely not the right person
because there were only the two of us in an enclosed space.

“But is it the same with Rocks? It’s not fun to control your power in a place like

Tak, Tak, Every time Ai-nim flicks her finger, a small fireball is created and
flies away.

After all, it's a two-star magic, so whenever it hits a wall, it explodes loudly.
This is a magic whose power was halved by not chanting the rite.

Just in case, check the status.


Ainim von Longrt (1st grade)

Class: Fire (5-star), Wind (4-star)

Affiliation: Longrt Empire Systematic Territory

Position: Princess

Personality: genius, natural

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 1 Spirit Lv 7

Agility Lv 2 Wisdom Lv 7

Stamina Lv 1 Magic Lv 8

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 4 Talent Lv 4

Insight Lv 7 Charm Lv 6

Charisma Lv 7


it's not funny

The wind attribute, which used to be 3 stars, has now become 4 stars.

The mental and magical abilities, which were designed to be the most difficult to
climb, also rose by one level. in one month.

I get jealous.

“I see only what I can see.”

“Can you see it?”

“Your Majesty must be working hard behind the scenes. I don’t really know.”

I'm squeezing my hair hard in places you can't even see, but you don't know.

Well, squeezing it out like that won't make any noticeable difference.

“My wish is one. Even if I eat a lot and sleep all day and wake up, I hope that
tomorrow will be better than yesterday.”

"You're too greedy, Rocks."

“Then we start negotiating little by little. Sometimes I eat bad food, study
boring, or sleep less.”

Maybe there's no room for compromise, you know?

“But if tomorrow is still the same, what will your majesty do?”

“It’s terrible. I will die.”

"is that so."

I laughed softly.
A child with even a great imagination would never have to face such a situation,
but it seems that he understood what I was saying.

To the point where he decided to commit suicide without hesitation.

"Fortunately, the."

So I'm happy.

It's me, not you, here.

“You do all the leveling up, Yo-seok… … .”

“You’re saying a lot of strange things these days, Rocks. Who are you talking to?”

“Sometimes I have a disease where nonsense comes out. Don't worry. Gangdong River
Parkville, 568 Cheonho-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul… … .”

'Cause I'm still strong enough to survive

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 16

“Sir, it seems unreasonable any longer.”

“Get away.”

“The knights are exhausted, and your power has reached its limit. Even if the
number of monsters decreases beyond this, we cannot proceed.”

“I told you to step back from the diagonal line.”


easy profit. The fire was extinguished.

The head of the Yuxilla family, Shilin Yuxilla is a four-star wizard. It would be
helpful enough with full power, but it was too much to reverse the situation.

It has been a week since we gathered our troops and started marching. I still
couldn't get out of the mountainous area along the highway.

The mines of Fosoti were far away.

“How many days will it take for restoration?”

It was a voice with a tight molar.

“Oops, Gonghao Hwang, if this trend continues, it will take at least three months
to get Fosoti back. Regardless of whether the mine can be moved again—”


The first time after having a daughter, and again after becoming the head of the
family. It was said that it would be reduced, but the world affairs did not go as

It's a curse I've endured for decades. Once it was pierced, it poured out without
“Hey, you bastards. Do you guys still call themselves knights? Are you afraid of
demons? Isn't the pride you wore on your lips as small as those on your crotch?"

Her scarlet hair drenched in sweat shook violently. The butler was unable to speak.

Shilin Yuxilla became head of the household at the age of 20. He was too young to
bear the absurd burden of a marquise.

Nevertheless, she survived the jaws of snakes and toads. They tore their tongues
and parted their snouts and came all the way here.


There was ambition and pride.

“This is what it is.”


I lost strength in my legs and stopped sitting down.

His vision was blurry because he consumed too much mana. I knew I shouldn't show
weakness, but I didn't have the strength to stand up.

There were corpses of monsters all over the place.

Rotten me vibrated.

This is because the advance was so slow that the back of the head could touch the
dead bodies piled up yesterday when lying on their back.

Light-spoken mercenaries could not be hired. If it wasn't for the loyal knights of
the family, Yuksila's ignorance would be exposed to the world.

I'm actually afraid.

Perhaps even now, this pathetic bare face is still exposed.

maybe it's already too late

“… … dismissal."

“Why, you bastard!”

“Did you call the reinforcements?”

“What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?”

The butler's wrinkled fingers pointed far beyond the corpse. It was a mountainous
region, so in the middle of the fog, many shadows were gathering.

This is the heart of the Yuxilah Territory. Such numbers of personnel have never
been delivered.

“Enemy, huh?”

Hot, I laughed out loud.

If it leaked, it's also not strange. It is known that the restoration of Posotti
has already been completed, so it was a secret expedition.

Nominally, he is not here. So, even if you are attacked here, there is no doubt
about it.

Yuxilla's enemies are not alone.

The fact that the politicians of the empire survive for a long time also means that
they make enemies that much.

“We need to organize the display—”

"done. Stay on your back.”

The knights who were about to get up quickly, Shilin raised her hand and stopped

“What are you going to do to fight? It’s dog death.”

The knights were exhausted from the week's march. There is no chance of winning by
facing a perfect enemy.

In the midst of that, they think of getting up and fighting, but they are stupidly

“It was hard.”

like this

It ends in a bad way.

Well, if you're going to complain that it's unfair, you have no choice but to go to
hell. you are a sinful woman

Shilin threw her wand and stepped forward. The wind blew.


But something is strange.

I closed my eyes for a while.

I thought it would be like a rain of arrows pouring down, or my throat flew away at

You're going to come all the way here and take me prisoner?

“What are you doing?”


It was a voice from a distant memory.

A voice that strangely draws people in, even though it is heavy, hard, and looked

“You have an ugly face, Shilin.”

open your eyes

The first thing I saw was the identities of the black things that came out of the

It was a flag.

Golden shield on a black background. The pattern that couldn't be here.

“Aindarok… … ?”

“In the old days, one pride was bought high. Now even that has been lost.”

Coltman walked past Cylin and bent over. Coltman picked up a wand that had been
wrinkled on the floor and brushed the dirt away.

Then he turned around and took out a letter.

A letter engraved with Yuxilla's seal.

The last letter he had sent recently was sent to his daughter, who was admitted to
Summer Thurs.

“Why is that… … .”

“The situation is well understood. Brought one of the special squadron companies.
It was kept secret, so no one knows.”

The Empire's strongest firepower unit, a special task force.

Each one of them is a five-star wizard who can destroy each village in half a day.

These are today's heroes who defended the empire against the infamous northern

One hundred of them.

“If you want-”

"Help me."

I do not know. let's wipe it out

“I will do anything!”

“… … Looks like you're in a lot of hurry. good."

Coltman, who had put the letter in, this time pulled out a round thing from his

video recorder. Even if you can't see your face, your voice remains the same.

"'anything'. I definitely heard it.”

“Put down the video recorder. Undo what you just said.”

Surprisingly, Coltman meekly handed the video recorder to Shilin.

After accepting it, it actually didn't work. Shilin threw the video recorder at
Coltman's back.
It was like that in the past. He was the guy who joked around with that blunt face
countless times.

“Hey, you motherfucker… … .”

I hate to die

Shilin mumbled in a crying voice or not.

Coltman reached out to the sky. That was the signal.

The wind blew in in an instant.

The earth let out a deep cry.

Dozens of red and blue rays of light rose high through the thick fog.

“Negotiation is done in two days.”

It took exactly three days from the arrival of the Aindarok family's special forces
to Yuxila's recapture of the three mines.

* * *


Ⅲ. Midterm exam

: D-10

“… … done."

Stretching her wrinkled shoulders, she finally jumped up from her seat. How long
have you been sitting My ass was about to flatten out.

and exclaimed bitterly.

“It was X.”


Failed failed failed failed failed failed failed... …

No, it's not really a complete failure.

""Will les Lipe Ver""


The wind that tickled on the palm of your hand quickly flew away.

Two-star magic, "Wind Curtain".

The advantage was that it was not an attack magic, so it could be practiced
anywhere in the room.

“What is the matter?”

How can it be reproduced up to the double chain form, but I couldn't fully develop
the solution.

When it comes to writing, I have confidence.

I already have eight notebooks piled up on my bookshelf. It is a transcript of the

professors' lectures, written in raw and full-bodied form. It's memorizing, you
just have to beat the time.

The problem is the thread.

[1st year midterm exam contents]

2. Practical

: Demonstrate 1 confident magic.

Scoring by evaluation item (out of 40 points)

- Magic level (4 points)

- Magical understanding (12 points)

- Magical perfection (15 points)

- Magical progress (9 points)

A total of four criteria.

First of all, they are generous with their grades, freshmen.

1st year students receive 3 points as long as they have 2 or more stars. It's like
a basic score.

There is no student who can't get it, at least among the students living in the
Tower of Truth. If I don't finish "Wind Curtain" properly, I'll be the first. Not
even proud!

If it went according to plan, even if that happened, there were no major problems.


'As soon as the midterm exams are over, don't go directly to them.'

Coltman Aindalocke.

A giant who should only appear in the eighth main episode, 'Crisis of the Northern
Wall,' comes to Summerturge.

It was something that was not intended at all during production, but Lockstreet
remains in Summertage until just before the ending two years later.

I mean, if I were a real Roxtrin, there wouldn't be a problem. Roxtrin can use 3-
star magic.

'Anyway, it should only be 2 stars.'

What if I don't get recognition?

After being caught by Coltman on the back, it leads to a terrible development in
which I return to the Northern Territory of Endarok.

The main stage of <Academy Summerturge> is, of course, summertime.

Most of the events taking place outside are the result of Summerturge's academic

There is a high possibility that a significant part of my knowledge will become

useless the moment I step out of this campus, and clearing the difficult episode
will be infinitely farther away.

Ten days left.

“Isn’t there such a thing as enlightenment?”

It is said that in cheap martial arts fields, I would suddenly attain enlightenment
even if I took a short walk.

I took heavy steps and left the room. I wasn't going far, and I was planning on
going around the tenth floor garden.

“There is no wind… … . "Will"

forced the wind

Cooling off your burning hair, looking down at the campus through the railing,
revisiting the concepts you memorized during the day, and examining the flowers in
the flower bed in full bloom... … .

oh what's the name of this

It's an orange flower.


it was dry

Instead of realizing it, there were only miscellaneous thoughts.


“Ugh. Hira.”

I put my nose in the flower bed and waved my hand lightly. Because we met often,
there was no need to say goodbye in a grand way.

This smells good.

“Here, crane, there! Sigh."

“Anything urgent?”

“It’s all thanks to the Rocks. I don’t even know how to say it.”

Then he turned his head.

It's blushing and the sound of breathing on her right cheek is harsh. With her hand
on her chest, Hira had a very happy face.
There wouldn't be anything to be happy about... … .

come to

“Hey, wait—”


I was squatting in front of the flower bed, so I couldn't do anything about hugging
her. The only thing that almost fell over was the focus.

"thanks. Thanks, really… … .”

“What’s going on?”


“No, don’t cry.”

Even in the late afternoon, the sun was still up, so there were no other students
around. In particular, the eyes of the female students were sharp as if they were

can you afford this I do not know?

I couldn't separate the crying, and I patted her on the back a few times until it
calmed down.

It smelled similar.


After calming down for a while, Hira snickered and pulled out a letter. This time,
it was a letter with Yuxilla's seal.

no way.

I opened the letter, already wet with tears once, and opened it.

[Dear daughter.

You saved Yuxilla. All three mines have been found, so they will probably be
operating normally by the time this letter arrives.]

No way.

It was a rough scribbled letter.

I know how Coltman handles letters from the Islands. Even touching them is
considered disrespectful, so I don't do business with them.

What's more, it's a pathetic son's reply.

It must have been a useless excuse, and it should have been burnt in the bag.

Even if you read one, it is meaningless. This is because there is no reason for
Eindarok to help the central politician.

[Aindarok's Special Forces have arrived.]

Expectations that were close to certainty were wrong.

Coltman Aindarok had sent reinforcements to the real Yuksilah Territory.

Secretly, in a timely manner, with sufficient power.

[It was my son's request, so I don't know if that's all. Because he's such a
ignorant guy. However, thanks to this, there was no compensation for the contract,
and we were able to meet all deliveries. This is also a good thing, as we took this
opportunity to uproot even those that corrode the family.]

“What should I do?”

“… … Good.”

“I haven’t done anything. Just by taking it without hesitation. How can I repay
this favor to Rox?”

don't ask me

I do not know.

Hira quietly fell as if it had finally calmed down. Yes, it's probably about an
inch or so.

Even though she sheds tears like that, the feeling of embarrassment still rises in
her eyes when she looks up.

"thank God."

There was nothing to answer, so I wiped the tears from my cheeks with a

It didn't mean anything. Hira quickly filled with tears again, so I took a firm
stance so as not to fall over.

“Hey hey!”

Anyway, that's how I made friends.

Unintentionally, a little early.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 17


It is foolish to hold on to it even after being blocked once.

Putting aside the two-star magic that didn't work, as of yesterday, I turned to
simple memorization. Just looking at the notebooks I took notes on gave me peace of
mind when I was studying.

Oh, I don't know.

'it will work out somehow.'

I honestly think so.

If it didn't work out, I was willing to ask for help from others. By the way, Hira
is also specializing in wind properties. Of course I wouldn't refuse.

However, I needed extra time to think about things other than the midterm.

'Yuksila has succeeded in recovering... … .'

in just 3 weeks.

This is an unexpected development.

Nevertheless, I can remain calm because it is not a fatal variable that will twist
the whole future.

Anyway, it was planned to recover on her own within a year due to the bloody
efforts of Shilin Yuxilla, the head of the Yuxilla family.

That was moved forward a long time, and he received the help of the Eindarok
family, not on his own. Judging from the letter, it seems that some kind of close
relationship has been formed... … .

Yeah, let's say we find out when Coltman comes to Summerturge.

'The problem is that the time is too short.'

Tock, tock, tock.

I think while beating my desk.

One year until Yuxilla's recovery. At least to the level of not losing his position
as a marquise, the mines in the Fosoti area will be restarted for 4 months.

If all goes according to plan, for those four months, Hira should have been
completely turned away from the children and isolated from everyone except me.

That way, when Yuxila regains her power, I can completely erase the doubts about
me, who has been completely by my side.

'I received an apology yesterday.'

'Did you accept that?'

'I can't help it. Wouldn't it be better to have a relationship with such debts
rather than erased? I like it.'

'It's bad, Hira.'

'Then, shall we just be friends with Rocks? That's good too.'

'No, good job. It means you did a good job.'

That didn't happen.

4 months is not a very long time. How about 3 weeks? Hearts are coming out of my
eyes right now, but I'm not sure.
'Class A disappearance situation'.

The fourth episode, immediately following the midterm exam, is the most fatal
turning point in the beginning.

An episode in which there is no choice but to face a bad ending if it is the first
play, or if there is no strategy prepared by playing without much thought.

There are two effective solutions.

1. Attracts Ainim von Longrt, who is not normally involved in the event.

: In this case, the child will awaken to 6 stars, and students can work together to
solve the case on their own. The combat ability of freshmen will definitely grow
through actual combat.

However, since no external force is involved, it may result in the loss of

important power if done incorrectly.

High risk, high return.

this is out of topic

As the main character, it is an option that I can choose when I am confident in my


Also, raising Ainim's magic level higher than necessary raises another problem.

There are a lot of things to be wary of, so it's not a good option for the current

2. Ask for support in advance.

: You have to know the situation in advance, you need a huge amount of money, and
you have to go out of Summerturge and hire mercenaries.

Summerturge is located in a mountainous area a bit far from the Islands. As it is

strictly a systemic ordinance, knights cannot move recklessly.

After the episode started, monsters began to infest the inland, so limited
mercenary activities were allowed, and they were used.

There are several ways to raise money, but all of them require a lot of time. It's
because you're choosing an option other than magic training from the options.

I can't afford to do that because I'm pressed for time every day.

Here, there is only one possible way because it is Roxtrin.

It's one of the reasons I picked up Hira Yuxilla and touched it.

[She has a blank check of the Yuxilla family. Shilin's trust in her daughter is
that strong.]

The ransom of the mercenaries who came up to the system was expensive. It also
means that you have reliable skills.

The disappearance of Class A is a bigger event than the night raid. Assuming the
safe return of all personnel, a whole large mercenary group must be borrowed for at
least a fortnight.

'10 billion.'

Just cut it and you need 1 billion G.

Since mercenaries usually do not trade bills, there is a high possibility that they
will call more than that, no matter how much Yuxilla.

As soon as he receives the check, he will try to cash it, and if he is second to
his wealth, it is difficult for even Yuxilla, who is sad, to give out 1 billion G
of cash right away.

From there... … .

It's not up to me.

you'll figure it out

“… … money."

Seeing that, yes

I opened the drawer and pulled out a pocket. Funds raised by selling the heirloom
of Aindarok.

Although there is still a long way to go to become insufficient, there is a feeling

that it is steadily decreasing. Because meals at Jinri-dang are quite expensive.

Even if Coltman's visit is safely passed, whether he has enough money is another
matter. Coltman is a great person who can say things like 'solve it yourself'

Shall we visit the Liberal Party now?

Slowly, it was time to meet other characters.

“Oh, it’s Rox-sama!”

“Hurry up and make a wish.”

“Why a wish?”

“Because you are a hundred times more beautiful than a shooting star.”

“Yeah, you’re still shining today… … .”

Such. It's because I have my back on the sun.

I thought it would be okay to walk around without a hood, but I guess it was

It was a perfect spring.

All of the cherry blossoms along the main street are not falling, but the tall
shrubs and flower beds are filled with a dizzyingly colorful scent.

The time is 1:30 PM.

He raised his hand and covered it from the sun. It's hard to keep my eyes open when
I'm locked in the corner of the room and just look at my notebook. I hate bright

'Again, don't turn on the lights again!'

… … It's a bad habit.

I forced myself into the Tower of Liberty with my eyes wide open. Apart from the
excellence of the facilities, the towers have different sizes, but the Tower of
Liberty is the widest.

This is because more than half of the students live in the Tower of Liberty.

“Hey, hey! Look at that.”

“What is it, Roxtrin?”

“Is this the Tower of Liberty?”

“How could that be the same face… … .”

“I have eyes, nose and mouth, too, because the world is really unfair.”

As it is the Tower of Freedom, his words are light.

The student capital was much more than the Tower of Truth, so the response was
refreshing. It's good to get a reaction rather than a primal compliment like

So it smells a bit like people here. I made my way through the splitting crowd.

Student Cafeteria Freedom Party.

When I first visited this place, I smelled a very familiar smell.


[Special menu!]

[●Ramen in progress●]

It smells a bit like a human, so I didn't know it would smell like this. Seeing
that they even put up a banner, it seems that they were planning to sell in

The Tower of Liberty sometimes offers special dishes that show off the skills of
the chefs.

Some tables already had a dish of red soup, believed to be ramen, on the table.

'Can I do some personal research?'

There is a place to hang out.

In the meantime, I ate several more times at Jinridang, and each time I got help
from the same cook, I was asked that question once.
'This one? who eats it.'

'Sometimes there were people like that when I was making food in my hometown. Most
of the time, when I go on an expedition, I find something that is particularly
spicy and salty.'

'It would be bad for children's health, regardless of likes or dislikes or taste.'

'Haha, you have to control that part well.'

'Do whatever you want.'

That's when I found out the name. I said Oliver.

He was from the Confederacy of the Confederacy, and unlike in the North,
expeditions to subdue monsters are frequent, so mercenaries and knights traveling
long distances were common.

Since you have been eating your meals with dry or jerky for a long time, you
naturally get a stimulating taste.

“I’m selling ramen.”

“Yes, this is a new development… … Oh, were you Lord Roxtrin? You just came.”


“If I don’t mind, could you spare me a minute?”

I was just about to order, but was guided into the kitchen. In a separate room,
there was Oliver, whom I had not seen at Jinridang the past few days.

"long time no see."

“Are you in the Liberal Party?”

“Haha, it’s experimental, so it would be difficult to serve it at Jinri-dang.

Still, I think we will be able to show it officially at Jinri-dang soon.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

"It's not like that."

Oliver shook his head resolutely.

“It’s a dish with a story.”

“A story?”

“The North is a barren land. The farmland is small and the climate is cold. If the
planting itself is insufficient, there is no room to question harmony. My knowledge
was short.”

That's half right.

Still, it's not that Coltman can't feed the northern wizards, knights, and
soldiers. Half of the estate's finances would be used.
“Harmony is, in a way, a wild thing. Some ingredients that are too strong in flavor
will brag about themselves by crushing off-flavored sub-ingredients. We are always
looking for sub-materials that go well with our main ingredients.”

“Yeah… … .”

“But this is different from the 'Ramen' you made. Even in the finished state, each
material calls for life by itself. It pops out of your mouth. Yet it is not

Picking up one small peperoncino. Oliver vomited.

There were some materials scattered around the desk. As you can see, it seems that
the ingredients for the ramen were selected and selected again and again.

“In one pot, no one died. It was truly Eindarok’s dish, with all the ingredients

"Five… … .”

not really.

That's not Adarok.

According to the original, it is in a faraway land, even in a neighboring country.

Only spicy helps.

“This has many implications, and has already been approved by the dean. We are also
planning to apply for a patent right, so if it goes well, we will be able to spread
the recipe widely.”

“What is it, it’s fine. Yes."

“But isn’t this the dish the Lord invented? The entire empire benefits from
Eindarok, how dare you take personal advantage. so."

Even if you look at Summerter, this country treats those with power or ability

In particular, the soldiers guarding the borders are treated with certainty
everywhere, and even a few nobles use honorifics for their soldiers.

It is no wonder that even a mere cook has a seething patriotism.

“How about filing a patent in the name of Sir Lockstrin?”

“It’s something I need to think about… … .”

“If you decline, I will remain anonymous.”

It is an unexpected path, but it seems that it may be of some financial benefit.

Yes, I wonder how much it will be.

'Can I?'

I wonder what Coltman will think when he sees this later.

It's like a vulgar mess that defiles the dignity of the noble Aindarok House,
because there's no way it shouldn't be.
But again, Oliver's zeal for historicity and other things is quite convincing, so
it seems like he'll be treated like that.

Eh, it's hard to think about.

Is it when you are thinking about something like this in a leisurely way?

“Please post in my name.”

"thank you."

“May I give my opinion sometimes instead?”

"of course. Don’t be.”

“I should try it first.”

I got out of the kitchen and finished my order.

Since lunchtime was over, I could only order ramen, which had a short cooking

Although it looks similar, the result was quite different from mine.

The temperature that was too hot was lowered and the spiciness was reduced
considerably. Bukdo is also highly disliked, so it seems that they used a light
chicken broth instead.

Come on, this was popular enough at one time. I like spicy and hot.

“But does this sell well?”

Rolling up the noodles with a fork, I asked the user who had been serving the dish
without much thought.

"Yes? Did you not know?”

The reaction was quite surprising.

Even the Liberal Party does not come up with crappy dishes. It can't be compared to
the ramen that comes in one bowl... … .

“One-third of ramen for lunch and half for dinner.”

"Ah… … ?”

“It's rare for a new menu item to be popular. It is not for nothing that the chef
is making a fuss.”

I paused for a moment with the fork in front of my mouth.

It must have been an accident.

Academy Face Genius Episode 18

In fact, I have been given two weapons to face the threat of a vicious episode.

One is Roxtrin itself.

An unmatched worldview, the strongest, attractive level 10 appearance, and a strong
family called Aindaroke that supports it.

this doesn't change No need to worry.

The charm is innate, so it won't change, and Aindarok won't be destroyed unless I
eat a lot of porridge.

What's important is the other weapon. it's information

As the producer of <Academy Summerturge>, I am aware of the numerous events that

follow and the branching developments that follow.

this is variable

I don't know if there was a main character, but the main character of the story was
empty at first, so I have no choice but to fill it.

If the plan goes awry there, <Academy Summerturge> is no longer the game I know.
That means you will lose one of your only two weapons.

'You can't do the same thing at all.'

I thought so from the beginning.

I am not the main character.

No matter how hard you try to imitate the main character, you cannot create the
exact same result as the story of the game.

Also, there is no guarantee that it will necessarily be the best. Unlike a game
where options are limited, there will be a more comfortable way now that it has
become a reality.

The point is to create a predictable future in a line that does not deviate from
the flow of the episode.

Creating only 'controllable variables'.

In that regard, while neglecting the night raid episode and leaving six students to
die, he made contact with Hira, and developed early acquaintances with key
characters that would otherwise have been premature.

“You have a knack for cooking.”

“Because I cried while eating.”

"me too! Thinking of the people who are still fighting bloody in the North... … .”

“Isn’t it just because it’s spicy?”

The impact is not small.

The 4th period lecture is from 16:00 to 18:00. The professor gives a brief break in
the middle, so this is the kind of story that goes back and forth between students.

However, in a broad frame of view, it is a variable that can be barely controlled.

This will not change the academic calendar.
'It can be used enough.'


If used well, you have a new third weapon. It's worth investing a thousand dollars
in your time.

“Did the real Rocks make it?”

“I was just giving out ideas.”

“In the North, that’s what they eat. I need some more support. Why don't you say
that? Others are begging for more.”

“There is a bit of a misunderstanding, but it will be difficult to find people who

eat it even in the north.”

After the lecture is over and the students leave, I stay alone in the spacious
lecture hall and immediately review the notes I took.

At that time, the child would often talk to me.

“Are you ready for the exam?”

“Aren’t you watching?”

“History is not interesting.”

Every time in the classroom, Ai-nim puts her chin on top of my head, but I can
ignore this as I get used to it.

This lecture is about the history of empire.

It is a simple memorization subject. It is a journey that even a child can listen

to and memorize once, so I carefully took notes in my notebook as I have always

“Actually? What was it that you were going to use in the practice room back then?”

"Nope. I'm going to make it a little simpler.”

“Why? I'm going to use 5 stars, then I'm the only one who draws attention. It's

“I can’t use five stars, Your Majesty.”

“Don’t lie~”

squeaky. Stab the crown of the head with the chin.

If I was 5 stars, I wouldn't be in Summer Tough now. I must have smashed all the

Ainim demonstrates 5-star magic in this midterm exam and is recorded as an official
5-star wizard. Actually, it was 5 stars long before that, but it is said that Kanin
was taken into consideration.

“So, what are you going to use?”

“It’s a “Wind Curtain.””

“Hey, no one got high marks for that! To show you how great it is. It’s also

“I don’t know why you think I’m going to get a high score, but if it’s two stars,
I’ll start with one point deducted.”

“If everything else seemed to be perfect, wouldn’t it be nice to give it one more

“Please. I never got a perfect score.”

For reference, there is only one case in which the main character gets a perfect
score in this midterm exam.

If you just build a wall and study magic in the corner of the room, you can get a
perfect score, but it usually has a bad ending due to stress and poor health.

… … But I don't think it's that much of a difference. It's just that there's only
one person to talk to.

“But if the Rocks said they would use two stars, wouldn’t everyone expect it? It's
so simple. "Will Les Lipe Ver""


The child waved his arms lightly.

The magic that flows through the body is mainly formed at the fingertips, which is
the manifestation part, but if you use the solution of 'deployment', it takes shape
in the air at a certain distance.

A solution that is absolutely required for magic that has a dangerous radius like
“Blade of Blades”.

“You can’t even get 30 points for this?”

The "Wind Curtain", which unfolds naturally as if breathing, is perfect in height,

width, and speed of unfolding.

He realized the difference in talent, but he couldn't help but be discouraged.

“Sir, how do you use 'deployment'?”


“It’s ‘Ber’.”

I'm not good at it, so please explain in detail. That's roughly what it means.

Actually, I didn't expect much.

Geniuses are people who don't understand beomjae, so it's almost impossible to
learn something from a genius.

If not, you should ask Hira.

“By extending the magic further and faster… … ?”

Sure enough, that's all the explanation is.

I smiled and replayed.

“Far, fast.”

That was not the case.

Magic is volatile.

The concentrated magical energy that escapes from the body tends to be equal to the
concentration of magic in the air, so if you don't inject the information of
'attribute' and 'form' quickly, it will be scattered.

Therefore, the speed of mana handling, independent of star rating and innate mana,
is often an important measure of a wizard's skill.

“Is that weird?”

asked the child.

It inputs information into the magical energy that has escaped from your
fingertips, and sends it to the place where it will be 'deployed'. Then the magic
will be manifested there.

“No, that’s right.”

Since the loss of magical power occurs as much as the delay time, the important
thing is speed. In other words, how much are you used to magic?

That was the reason I couldn't develop. It's only been two months since I started
using magic.

In fact, it does not move as much as the mind.

like a sluggish tortoise

In the first place, if it is a 'fighter' whose speed is applied to the grass

itself, my magic that is too slow is simply radiated out of the body and dispersed
while moving.

Of course, this isn't because Roxtrin's magic is level 3, it's my problem.

For me, magic is a completely new sensation, like a tail that didn't exist. It's
rather strange that it moves properly.

“Is there any other way? Nearby, for example, it doesn't matter if it's slow."

Being close is me too. I can use the 1-star magic "Wind Blade" without any

But it can't be like that.

A theory established in Liden, a republic that has refined today's magic system,
where the first library, the headquarters of the Sorcerer Society, is located.

To summarize the theory of 'deployment' presented in 'Understanding the

Representational Form', in the end, that's all Ainim said.

far, fast.

“Close… … ?”

The child slowly retreated from above my head and murmured.

He furrowed his eyebrows as to what he was thinking about, but he had a serious
look that is not often seen. I want to poke the big cheeks.

“I’ll just go.”

In any case, you need to get used to magic. If you think of it as chopsticks,
you're right. It will be faster as you write.

I'm not very hungry, so let's go buy some bread from the kiosk. If I go back and
look at it one more time from the beginning, I think history will be well-
prepared... … .

“Wait, Rocks!”


The child was passing by and grabbed my collar roughly. I held her so tightly that
she became choked for a moment.

“Look again.”

“Yeah… … .”


The child stretched out his hand.

This time, the drinking ceremony was not celebrated.

However, the “Wind Curtain”, which was the same size as before, unfolded at twice
the speed.

I asked in admiration.

“Hey, how did you do it?”

“I made a very small “Wind Curtain”. in the palm of your hand.”

Originally, it was a simple magic, but if it is small in size, it does not need to
be sung.

“What next?”


Although it is small, it throws a “Wind Curtain” as long as it is complete. It

takes less resistance and is as fast as a pointed arrow.


“Even if you just send out magical energy that doesn’t have any information there.”
「Wind Curtain」 expands by accepting the caster's magic.

It is a simple magic with no information entered in the first place. One step has
been added to the process, but it is so easy that it cannot be compared to before.
It's like blowing air into a balloon.

“It’s not far. You don’t have to be fast.”


“… … Did the Rocks find out about this?”

“Did your Highness just find out? Thank you for helping me.”

“Will Les Lipe” and “Tas”.

I tried it as well.

Fortunately, the completed “Wind Curtain” was spread out a little further away.
Even though it's slower than yours. If you get used to it and increase the speed a
little, the midterm exam score will not be bad.

“Are you going back?”

It relieved me of one worry and made me feel at ease.

I left the 1st lecture building with the child with a blank face. I thought I would
go straight to the Tower of Truth.

“Would you like to go to the library? Rox goes back first.”


Come to think of it, if you walk along Jungang-daero with your child like this, it
becomes a bit strange. Hira once asked.

'Are you close with your Majesty your child?'

'Uh, maybe... … Why?'

'no. anything.'

Even though I laughed and said it, I got goosebumps without knowing why. I thought
the cold would be better.

Because I have a lot of thoughts, I often miss such trivial details. This means
that the child was well taken care of.

From today onwards, I think we need to focus our attention on the practice of “Wind
Curtain”. If you repeat it 1,000 times a day, wouldn't it be okay?

… … too little?

* * *

“It’s dizzy.”

The child touched his forehead.

Accidents roll in like waves.

The theories that have been learned over the years are piled up one after another
and the foundations built up are collapsing from the very beginning.

Again, from the beginning.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s not okay at all. Wrong.”

As soon as she reached out her hand, she was supported by Maria who approached him
in an instant, and the child struggled to walk.

Early Leiden's theory was theorem.

For 300 years, no one doubted him, and he was accepted by all wizards. It could
even be called a textbook.

“It’s all wrong. The interpretation of 'deployment' is the wrong answer in the
first place... … .”

gaze was high.

It was so easy for me, there was no need to doubt or look for another way.

I just did what I was told to do.

Conversely, those who did not reach this level would have no doubt about it.

Time has become poison.

Although not much has improved in 300 years, no one can deny it. That time has
become an authority and has hardened.

“The Rocks knew everything.”

One day, such a rumor circulated.

'It seems that you are writing a new basic theory.'

Aww, that's an exaggeration.

Kids these days are so fussy that they laugh at it.

Rumors are often exaggerated.

In fact, Roxtrin, of course, thinks that he is of a similar class to himself, but

Ani-nim was convinced that he would be better if he dared to compare.

He didn't seem particularly interested in magic. But when I talk to him, he

responds in a funny way, and he works hard enough to be frightening.

Even though it didn't look like fun.

- Is it necessary?

Passion is born of lack.

If Roxtrin had as much talent as a child, there would be no room for such
relentless hard work. I was quick to

“See you, Princess-”

"The book Loxtrin Aindarok borrowed."

“… … Yes?"

“Check it out.”

That is very personal information. Of course, it shouldn't be given.

However, the one in front of the librarian now is the dazzling blonde. The imperial
princess who is none other than Ainim von Rongrt.

When I met him a few times on campus, he always had a smile on his face, but now he
has a terrifyingly firm expression on his face.

In this case, it is right to do what you are told. The librarian fumbled through
the documents in a hurry.

“Introduction to basic witchcraft on the theory of basic attributes, the complete

volume of individual attribute theory, the basics of wind, and understanding of
representative forms… … It is usually about concept books or one- or two-star
magic, but in total there are 16 books.”

“Did you borrow it all in two months?”

"Yes. You did all the due diligence... … Oh, you extended the rental period once
for ‘Understanding the Representative Form’.”


It wasn't a conscious voice.

I opened my mouth without realizing it.

“I, I am an idiot!”

His face heated up from embarrassment.

Although it is a form that is close to review, it is no different from first

reading if you deny the fundamentals. Rather, you have to ponder each one and
constantly doubt.

Without being sure of anything, 16 theoretical books in just two months?

Of course. I can't sleep properly.

'I see only what I can see.'

'What do you see?'

'Your Majesty must be working hard in an unseen place. I really don't know.'

Roxtrin said clearly.

There are things that I haven't seen before.

I said it so delicately, so as not to hurt my self-esteem.

But I didn't even notice it, so I didn't really know it until I said it so
blatantly that it was embarrassing.

I am a fool. Stupid idiot.

Ten times worse than Roxtrin.

So my heart is pounding

Rocks, how far are you going?

How long will it take to catch up?


I feel desperately lacking.

“I’ll borrow everything.”

That day, the child reduced sleep for the first time.

Academy Face Genius Episode 19


Midterm exams are approaching.

Even if you study every day, preparation and inspection are different. Preparations
are complete, and now it is in the inspection phase.

“The Myth Revolution of 997… … The Magic Society was founded in 1001… … Founded in
1012... … 1120 annexation, declaration of empire... … .”

There is only one continent that appears in <Academy Summerturge>. World history is

The history of Rongrt, which was described as the strongest country, is less than
200 years old, so there is little to memorize.

The complicated one was on the wizard's side.

“Why are you memorizing something like this?”

Magic in the early stages of development is not very effective.

After improving and standardizing it and publishing it in the library of the Magic
Society, it is officially registered.

However, I had to memorize all the registered magic by year. It's an amount that
can't be memorized at the level of cramming, so it's extremely rare to get a
perfect score in the written test.

At this point, if there are any students who are eagerly looking at something on
campus, they are all wizards. If it is its own distinctive power, it is a
differentiating power.
Ah, once I memorized everything.

Why are you doing something like cramming? You should usually do it consistently.



At the age of 16, my neck and shoulders are stiff. When I stretch, I hear a chewing

However, since the written test was over, it was time to check the actual skills.

「Wind Curtain」is a magic that can be practiced even in a room, but at the same
time, I had to solve even a small event, so I left the Tower of Truth.

“Oh, hello! Roxtrin!”

“Hello, Camilla. The weather is nice.”

“That’s right!”

“Do well on the test.”

“Oh, thank you! Wow!”

Now, new students that they pass by occasionally greet them.

She is a girl who listened to my nonsense in the previous <Creative Thinking> class
and came up with the correct answer.

He studies well, and after the midterm exam, he enters class A, so it's good to
talk in advance. I just bit my tongue.

“The lab is now full. There are about twenty people waiting... … .”

“Wait, what?”

“I’ll put it on the list.”

Of course, during the exam period, the lab is crowded, and even the afternoon of
the day before, anyone would want to check magic like me.

'Perhaps he will be there too.'

On a nearby bench, there were many students like me waiting for a seat in the lab,
but there was an empty seat nearby.

“Wow, whoa… … .”

“Does anyone have a video recorder?”

“Who carries that expensive thing?”

“Shut up and just put it in your eyes!”

murmur murmur.
Suddenly, the sound of conversations around them increased. A muffled scream rang
out from everywhere. These days, everyone is used to this face, so it's hard to see
a reaction, isn't it?

I slowly turned my head to the left.

“I should have been sitting here.”

Baylor Rongrt.

Before Lockstrin, he was the representative of Summerturge's 3rd year student, who
was at the peak of popularity as Summerturge's most handsome boy.

“There was only one seat here. I didn’t even know you were a senior.”

“I see.”

“Will it happen?”

“Then it would only look like the one I kicked out. I don’t want to look like a
narrow-minded person, so let’s talk for a while.”

I heard it and it's true.

There was no reason to pretend to be with this talented guy. There is also a debt
that moved me, who was previously unconscious, to the Tower of Truth.


Baeller Rongrt (3rd grade)

Attribute: Wind (5-star)

Affiliation: Rongrt Empire Leesen Territory

Position: Count

Personality: perfectionism, insomnia

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 4 Spirit Lv 7

Agility Lv 5 Wisdom Lv 5

Stamina Lv 4 Magic Lv 7

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 6 Talent Lv 6

Insight Lv 6 Charm Lv 9

Charisma Lv 6


It's attractive, even though it's fixed at level 9. All other abilities are very
good overall.
It was an ability that was close to the ideal I was hoping for. envy.

“How are you?”

“It’s all right now.”

“I didn’t mean arms.”

Baeller said as he tapped my temple with his index finger.

“I was tired, too light to say. I felt like I was on the run. It still doesn't look
very good."

“I can only survive.”

“… … Hey Aindarok. This is the academy. It's not a training ground. Don't you think
there's something wrong with the expression "to endure?"

Baeller smiled bitterly.

“I’ve seen a lot of hard-working people. Everyone quickly gets tired and goes out.”

“Time is precious to me.”

“It’s a bit harsh for me to say this, but you’re young. Do you need to be in such a

“He speaks the most comfortable words.”

Anyway, let's sell without worrying, and if we live a good life, we become that
kind of person.

what? perfectionism? tuberculosis?

hey, baby

How easy would life be.

Even if I knew you were going to die in the 8th episode, would you say that? I want
to bang one.

“It is a human being who stumbles on a stone and stumbles and dies. You will die if
you roll down the stairs, and you will die if you drink poisonous mushroom soup.”

Even if people forget you, you die.

“Haha, yes. More than this would be an over-the-top meddling. I hope you have
someone to pick you up the next time you fall.”

“Baeler Rongrt, you may come in.”

He came first and was waiting, so Baeller was also called first. But instead of
getting up, Baeller slapped me on the shoulder.

Even with such a trivial act, there was a loud noise all around.

uh huh, this guy.

It's not like you're touching each other recklessly.

“You go in.”

“I am Roxtrin.”

“Is time precious?”

Can you wait for your order instead? If so, there was no reason to refuse.

In the game, he is a guy who is unconditionally opposed to the main character, but
this kind of treatment is quite refreshing.

“Then what? Thank you.”

“Oh, come to think of it, haven’t you seen Child these days?”

“I’ll see you in class.”

As soon as the lecture was over, he quickly left the classroom, but I think it's
because he's so unpredictable.

“I can’t see the guy who came to me when I was bored and insisted on playing chess.
Anyway, good luck with the exam.”

When I asked him what he was doing to pass the time, it seems that bullying his
cousin was his hobby. Anyway, thanks to you, I saved even ten minutes or so of

I was guided by the user and found an empty seat. Since the space provided for each
individual was large, it was still comfortable even if there were many people.

“It’s Roxtrin!”

“You have nothing to respond to now, do you?”

"no. always new Exciting.”

“Please make it class A… … .”

This time, unlike before, there was no barrier.

After all, the practical exam for the midterm is held in an open place where all
freshmen are watching.

It didn't matter if it was known now that I was using the "Wind Curtain", which was
only two stars.

""Will Les Lipe (wind, continuous stacking)"


The "Wind Curtain", which was about 1m in length, spread quickly over a moderately
distant distance.

As I continued to practice, I realized that there was no need to recite “Ver”.

However, if you chant “Tas (fighter)” together, something sloppy comes out, and an
independent implementation is needed to separate them.
In the same rite, chant and chant cannot coexist. So, only 'fighter' is silent. It
was the fastest and easiest way I could do.

“What just happened?”

“It’s the “Wind Curtain”.”

“But so fast!”

“Isn’t it like warming up?”

I thought I would be disappointed with casting a relatively low level of magic, but
that wasn't the case.

But unfortunately, it's not a warm-up, it's the main story. I opened the “Wind
Curtain” more than a dozen times and returned the seat.

The purpose of coming to the practice room is different.

“Fried, how long are you going to do it?”

“You’ve been there since morning.”

“Did you eat lunch?”

As I slowly looked inside the lab, I finally found it.

A large male student with reddish-brown hair soaked in sweat, practicing the two-
star earth magic "Extrusion".


Fried Rasp (1st year)

Attribute: Soil (2-star)

Affiliation: Longrt Empire

Position: Baron

Personality: dunjae, hard worker, atmospheric chronicity

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 5 Spirit Lv 7

Agility Lv 4 Wisdom Lv 4

Stamina Lv 6 Magic Lv 5

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 8 Talent Lv 3

Insight Lv 4 Charm Lv 4

Charisma Lv 2
3 personalities.

Of all the characters I've met so far, Euryl is the only student with three

In other words, this guy has an important role in the episode, on a similar level
to Euril.

I don't know if I'll be able to play that role normally.

Freed Rapid.

A classic repertoire not to be missed in this genre. I want to become the main
character's rival.

'Weaker though.'

Should I say it's a bit of a twist?

At first, Fried is called a rival, so he is weaker than the main character from the

He is a commoner who only received honorary titles from the main character and the
East, and he is constantly ignored by the nobles, but nevertheless he does not
neglect his efforts. Because Will is a whopping level 8.

At first, he feels sympathy with the main character and becomes a friend, but
naturally, the main character grows rapidly, whether it be magic or whatever.

'Why not me? Why me!'

'You were the same guy.'

'It's different from someone like me.'

The sense of homogeneity becomes a feeling of inferiority that is more than twice
that, constantly tormenting and corroding Fried.

In the end, he even plans to harm the main character, and the main character later
finds out about it and forgives Fried even in the midst of a crisis... … .

No, come to think of it, what do you know?

There is no protagonist.

“Go and eat first. I will follow you later.”

“You said that at lunch too.”

"done. I'd rather buy you some bread, so I'm waiting for you!"

“Why all of a sudden— huh!”

The boy who unintentionally looked back and made eye contact with me was terrified
and backed away.

“Lo, Sir Roxtrin.”

“You’re working hard, everyone.”

“I just finished… … .”

“Has Fried been here since morning?”

“I didn’t listen at all. He must have used up all his magic.”

Fred had not yet noticed that I had come, so he was engrossed in the chanting of
the ceremony.

““Terra Fin Arphon Dura””


The 'earth' attribute, the double chain form of 'thorn' and 'raised', the
interpretation of 'wave'. Although the rite is simple, it consumes not a small
amount of magical power.

If you've been practicing for that kind of thing all day, it's not strange if you
collapse right away. The fact that it is still intact means that the amount of mana
itself is not insufficient.

I sat cross-legged on the chair at the back. Sometimes it was a place for
professors to sit.

“Four points.”

And score proudly.

After making a pretty loud voice, Fried's head swung back. It was then that our
eyes met for the first time.

“4 out of 40.”

“… … I beg your pardon?"

“It’s just like I said. The “Extrude” you just cast will get 4 points if it stays
the same.”

Fried's face hardened.

Roxtrin isn't originally like this, but what's the difference? A body ready to take
on a villain at any time.


“Rating 3 points, understanding 0 points, completeness 0 points, development 1


“I don’t understand.”

“First of all, it’s 2 stars, so 3 points.”

“And yes.”

there is nothing Because it's enough if you recite it according to the script. It
was originally developed while discussing with the main character, but I don't have
time for that.
““Extrusion” is done through the ground, so why do you extend magic power from your

“What’s wrong with that?”

“You are walking with your palms on the ground. If it weren't for a dog, the
closest thing to the ground for a person would be their feet, right?"


“Understanding 0 points.”

It does not appear in the theory.

It's not that it's not known. It comes naturally as you write, but the problem with
this guy is that he doesn't have any tips.

“If it is a well-made 'protrusion', it should be as sharp and thick as a piece of

paper. At least a dozen of them will come out. Look in front of you now.”


Only three thorns protruding. To put it bluntly, it had no lethal power.

“Aha, you made a chair. I can sit down. No matter how tired you are, can't you see
that? It's useless even if you practice a thousand times for a magic that's not far
off. nothing gets better Completeness 0 points.”

“… … Why is the level of development 1 point?”

“If that score is 0, I feel like you’re going to punch me. Why are you asking? Did
you think that there was at least one point that was better than others? It’s fun.”

He said with a thin laugh.

I'm actually a little nervous. What if you suddenly run away? He's strong.

The reason for doing this is simple. Because I, Roxtrin Aindalocke, are nobles that
Fried hates.

Intense hostility is replaced by will, igniting Fried's passion. He's also a guy
who doesn't have the guts to touch a nobleman.

Now, the evil gate Fried will cast a spell once more—



Fried slumped down.

Holding her face, she began to cry loudly enough to make the practice room ring.

… … Isn't this

“Ouch, heh heh… … .”

I think I hit it a little hard.

Academy Face Genius Episode 20

“Wow, this is the first time I’ve seen Rox eat with anyone.”

“But who is he?”

"I do not know. First time seeing it.”

Jinridang student cafeteria.

With Fried sitting across from the table for two, I waited for the dishes to come

“I’m sorry.”

“… … Nope. That's all right. You don't have to apologize. Rather, I should be

There wasn't much to see as the bulky, distracted guy was crying. Once pulled out
of the lab.

I decided to buy him rice as an apology. I don't have much time to spare, but at an
expensive Jinridang.

There were few eyes to see, and I skipped lunch, so no matter how sad I was, I was
still hungry.

“I was so impatient because I thought that tomorrow was my exam. Your words are

“Condition control is also important.”

“It’s a place I’ve been dreaming of for a long time. I didn't expect to see you in
such an unsightly way... … haha."

Fried rubbed the corners of his eyes.

He must have hated the nobles who persecuted himself and his family more than
anyone else, but even in front of me, Fried said that.

“Did you dream?”

“My parents died from a monster attack. It has already been eight years.”

Fried is a member of Rongrt by status, but he is not from Rongrt.

“Mashu’s Northwest Cotton… … It was the border.”

In the upper part of the northern Eindarok Territory, there is a dangerous remote
area overflowing with demons, and to the east is the neighboring country, Mashu

It used to be a strong country in the past, but now it has declined and has become
a weak country. It was also the reason that Euril entered Summerturge.

Since the outpost of Aindarok protruded sharply, the attacks of the demons were
usually directed in that direction.

“Actually, it was safe to say that I was indebted to the Eindarok family. In a way,
it is self-evident that it was not our strength that had endured until that day.”

Eight years ago, one day in the winter of 1309.

A moment that was Loxtrin's trauma, Euril's wound, and Fried's despair.

All of them are connected.

'There were raids all night, and many people were killed or injured while father
was away.'

A sudden increase in the number of monsters attacked the outpost of the Aindarok

It is said that the high-level monsters have reached a thousand times, and no
matter how strong the firepower, the northern troops were not confident enough to
face them in an all-out war without guerrilla warfare.

It was natural to abandon the outpost with a wide radius and retreat, and Eindarok
suffered considerable damage in the process.

“It was terrible.”

"Yes. They were absurd monsters.”

Eindarok's outposts retreated in unison.

Naturally, the radius of action of the demons expanded, and the aftermath
immediately reached the northwestern part of Mashu.

At first, Mashu did not have the ability to defend the border on his own. In the
meantime, I have only received indirect support. The wall collapsed overnight, and
demons attacked the middle of the city.

“When I was young, I was small.”

In the port town of Cotton, Fried's parents owned a tavern.

When the demons attacked the city, young Fried hid in a small underground warehouse
where precious alcohol was kept. The small body fits just right.

“Even if I hear my father’s cry and my mother’s screams. I didn't do anything.

Three days passed with my eyes closed, my ears covered, and crouched. Suddenly the
door opened and light poured in.”

Black background, golden shield.

It was Eindarok, not the Royal Capital's reinforcements, who found him.

“Mashu… … It was already rotten. I don't know if you're up here. We haven't met
yet. I may not be able to stand it.”

Fried turned his head upward.

Euril Mashhma.
The cursed princess who drove Mashu into the abyss of destruction. She is the root
of all evil.

“You better be patient.”

"Yes. If you touch it, it will turn to powder in an instant.”

“No, like that—”

I'm not a bad kid. I stopped what I was about to say. It was meaningless to Fried.

After the queen's death, the king went crazy.

Since the royal capital did not have any influence at all, the viciousness of the
local nobles grew worse day by day.

Youngjoo had a bad temper, so he would come to him whenever he had a chance to do
things. I couldn't count the number of times Freed was kicked in the shoe.

That's why Fried hated the nobility.

“I am always grateful for Kyung-Keok.”

Coltman Aindarok mobilized all his forces to quickly clear the outpost, and as soon
as he could afford it, he sent support to Mashu's Cotton.

So, there was only one thing, Eindarok, who had a favor. I can't hate even the

It was thanks to Eindarok that the city was able to survive during that time.

“I was going to tell you after I became a little bit better… … .”

"no. I haven't done anything Did you tell your father directly? You will be here

“Are you talking about Byeon-baek himself?”


Fried's eyes widened.

It was none other than Coltman who recognized Fried's magical talent and secretly
brought him to the Empire and gave him an honorary title.

The admission fee also came from a foundation sponsored by Eindarok.

Of course, such a treatment deserves strong protests from Mashu, but the kingdom
that was only in debt did not have the strength to rebel against the empire.

Before that, Mashu would not even know if Fried was alive or not.

“… … But I will only disappoint you. It's still two stars.”

"Well. I have a different opinion.”


“Have you ever thought about why the midterm test scores are set that way?”
Freed, who can only use two-star magic, has this conversation with the main
character right before the midterm exam at the Liberal Party.

“If it’s a score… … .”

“Magic grade. Only 4 points. No matter what anyone says, as long as you can use 5-
star magic, there will be no comparison, but if you're twisted like you, you'll
only get 4 points."

“Haha, there is no other fool like me.”

“It’s kind of a difference.”

The point is different.

Summerturge's faculty hide clues everywhere, hoping students will realize for

Still, not many people find out.

“Do you know what is most important to us when evaluating the abilities of a wizard
in our estate?”

“Isn’t that firepower? There are many strong monsters in the north.”



The most important thing is to be different.

“Can you cast the right magic when you need it, with constant and predictable

It is not too late to think about how strong the firepower is. The enemy is the
overwhelming majority.

Even if an individual's firepower is particularly excellent, the effect on the war

situation is insignificant unless there are a few 'Meiji' with 7 stars or higher.

In other words, it can be said that magic that can be completely controlled is
suitable for dealing with monsters.

“The Sorcerer Society gives a pretty high star rating, but the Imperial Magician
Corps doesn’t. Same goes for Summerter.”

“I had no idea.”

“It doesn’t have to be great. If you understand it, complete it, and develop it, it
will be great.”

The first midterm exam for Summer Thurs.

For freshmen, writing is simply a measure of sincerity. The point is in practice.

- Magic level (4 points)

- Magical understanding (12 points)

- Magical perfection (15 points)

- Magical progress (9 points)

Notice the meaning of the number, and demonstrate the magic.

“Now, think about it. You are a two-star wizard, but you must be confident
somewhere. There must be a reason your father brought you here.”

“… … Yes."

It is also revealed in the status.

Fried's personality, atmospheric chronicity.

Large bowls are made late. Fried's bowl is special.

A person who can use magic more 'fastly' than anyone else in the world.

Freed La speed.

He is earnestly wishing to become a talented person worthy of the name that Coltman
gave him.

“I believe.”

* * *


on the day of the midterm exam.

“I can’t believe it.”

Regarding the subject that I had flirted with to Fried yesterday, I muttered as I
looked up at the ceiling.

can't really believe me


Ⅲ. Midterm exam

- 1. exit ticket

: A strong first impression brings more results than any other proof. It goes
without saying that if it is expressed as a clear number.

Summerturge's midterm exam is the first publicly assessed qualification for a

wizard. I hope the two months you've been building up were not in vain.

Being confident in the exam and being nervous are two different things.

Moreover, the memories of having a stomachache and ruining the first exam and
taking a bad luck come back to mind, so I found myself fiddling with my stomach
even after I woke up feeling refreshed.

“Ah, maybe.”
I didn't pay a high price for dinner at Jinri-dang for nothing. Get up and get

“The exam is held three times starting at 9:00, with an interval of 50 minutes and
10 minutes for each subject. Please wait in your assigned seat.”

When I arrived at the main lecture hall, the place for the exam, I was blown away
by the colorful hair. Once again, I feel that this is in a game.

'Especially pink.'

We haven't seen each other since we met during the night raid. It's an ambulance
class, so there are many separate classes.

Thanks to you, the tension was relieved.

Thank you, Pink.


First, hand out a blank sheet of paper, and when the time comes, the text will
appear. There was a brief burst of laughter, but it didn't last long.

Silence subsided in the lecture hall filled with 500 people. The only sound is the
creaking of the pen.

‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5…….’

Five-choice multiple-choice.

While checking out the answers without hesitation, I suddenly stop. The answer to
the next question was also number 5.

I didn't even look at the problem again because of that. Instead, I went back to
the first chapter and found the name of the professor who devised this vicious

[Submitted by: Werain Meiji Bruntelli]

'This man.'

He was the dean of Somerset.

The difficulty of the problem is normal, but why are you so anxious that you can't
bully the kids? tttttttttttttttttttttttttt

As soon as I finished writing my answer, I got up from my seat.

Characteristics of the Summer Turge Written Test.

If you complete and submit the answers, you can go ahead and check the next test
subject with the time saved.

It is another suggestion that it is more important to make and break a certain bond
than to reconsider lukewarm.


I thought I would be the fastest. But isn't this a foul?

The seat assigned to the test was also in the front, so even though I got up first,
Ainim submitted the answer faster.

As soon as I left the classroom, Ai-nim turned around and shouted hurray.

“I won!”

“Ah, congratulations. Yes."

“You know I’m joking, right? I didn’t write anything that didn’t come out of


“I didn’t study at all!”

"why not… … ?”

what are you talking about

Some memorization subjects, such as wizards, have exams without classes, so you
have to memorize them from books.

Still, it should have been a perfect score for Ai-nim, who crammed for a while the
day before.

The actual skill is a whopping 5-star magic, and even that is perfect, recording a
super high score of 76 points.

it should have been

“It’s all because of the Rocks.”

“Don’t catch a living person.”

“Every day I think of only the Rocks, I think only of the words of the Rocks, and I
only think of the things that the Rocks did, so I can’t study at all.”

What are you talking about, are you crazy?

There was no need to be shaken by the extravagant words. Everything you say
seriously is a joke. Because he's a guy who tells the truth with a smile.

As I frowned, the child burst into laughter.

“Uh-huh, I’m scared!”

“Are you having so much fun making fun of me?”

“But that’s only half true. I want to stay like this for another month or so.”

“What did I do… … .”

Suddenly, the wind blew from the back and swarmed at the tip of Ai-sama's fingers.
Small petals are also mixed.

"Wind Curtain".

The child messes it up. The rushing wind quickly lost its shape and collapsed.


coercive destruction.

Pours high-density magic in an enormous area to neutralize smaller magic.

It's ignorant, but it's a skill that a Kanin-class archmage can do.

However, Ainim did not move that much magical power. It was the same level of
magical power that destroyed the “Wind Curtain”.

“It’s not a parfait.”

"Yes. I don't have a name yet. Shall we call it inverse acid?”

The torn down "Wind Curtain" did not end there. Losing information on form and
solution, the wandering magic power moves again.

At some point, the petals that had fallen on the floor rose and began to spin on
the child's fingers.

All of that was clearly captured in his eyes.

The world's greatest genius, perhaps for the first time, presents a new magical new

“It’s cleverly hidden. 'Solution' and 'Form'. Some spells fit the rite perfectly,
but some don't make sense in the first place.”


The swirling petals gathered together, and then burst out in all directions with a
small crackling sound. Once again, the form and interpretation have changed.

“A little, did you catch up?”

“Are you talking about me?”

[―From the theory established by the Magic Society, magic has set its own limits.]

This is the last thing I set about magic.

After that, it has not been decided, but when the game enters the second half,
characters who have reached 7 star will no longer use magic.

I shook my head slowly.

It is not me who decides from now on.

“It’s still a long way off, my lord.”

Whether it was the expected answer, Ai-nim was very satisfied with my answer.
"I knew it."

Of course, there is still a long way to go.

Still, it's okay to expect it, isn't it? A child who is no one else

I've been looking forward to this from the beginning.

If this guy can't make something, honestly, I'm not confident either.

How many episodes will it stop? How long can this non-trivial scam be postponed?
Can you survive the very next episode? Should I just run away?

- I don't believe in God.

Unless it's some bad-tempered demon, I'm afraid someone will throw people into the

“Will you continue to show me?”

“Yeah, whatever.”

It's enough for me to bother you, right?

“What the Rocks taught me anyway!”

So, before this lousy swindler gets out, show me some hope.

prayed to the devil

I guess it worked.

Academy Face Genius Episode 21

“My son von Rongrt.”

In the afternoon, the practical test center outside the campus.

The use of offensive magic is permitted in the test. Even with 4-star magic, the
range of action is usually quite large, so it is not usable within the campus.

The test started, and a few students demonstrated their magic first, and now it's
Ai-nim's turn.

“My dear von Rongrt. Don't you?”

“Where have you been, Princess?”

“I haven’t seen it since the written exam.”

"me too."

Even when the children looked around, they couldn't see her.

"I'm here."

A voice was heard from the other side.

It was a child walking from the campus side with a leisurely gait. There are four
professors in this position, but to be reprimanded for being late, she is an
imperial princess.

“Are you right on time?”

“… … Yes. I will start the test.”

""Rama Trole Gran-"

There was no tension, no deep breathing. Even as he walked in, he was chanting

There was no surprise there.

Ai-nim's bubbly and lively voice continues.


incredibly long

“Hey, how many chains?”

“Eightfold chain form?”

“Does there have such magic in 4 stars?”

“No… … .”

It wasn't just the students.

Rather, the reaction of the professors was more intense. The same is true for
professors with quite a bit of age. Everyone raised their voices in surprise.

"no way."

“That is obviously… … !”

“Aren’t my ears wrong?”

nothing is visible

While the students were bewildered, Ainim's chanting was over.

““Adia (fall)””

After hearing the last explanation, all the heads turned to the sky in unison.

Red starlight embroidered the sky in broad daylight. The number reached thirty.

Five-star magic of the fire attribute, "Rain of Fire".

Two out of four professors in this position are five-star.

A 16-year-old student can unleash a level of magic equivalent to that of a

professor at Summerturge, who is not lacking enough to be called an elite.

“Oh, what day is today?”

“It’s June 1st.”

“Oh my God, isn’t that a week earlier than Meiji Kanin?”

“I’m not even sure about that. It’s not like we just reached 5 stars today, isn’t

“No, talk about that later and help me. It’s hard for me to stop by myself.”

It doesn't matter if the surroundings become dizzy by casting attack magic. That's
the reason why I deliberately set up a test site outside the city.

However, if you are bombarded with 5-star, even fire-attribute magic, it doesn't
take much effort to clean it up.

There are still many other participants left. The professors gathered their magic.


The flames that had fallen with a fierce momentum were crushed by the magic of the
professors and scattered. It was coercive destruction.

“Magic rating, 4 out of 4.”

“Ability to understand magic, 12 out of 12.”

“Magic perfection, 14 out of 15.”

“Magic progress, 3 out of 9.”

“Rain of Fire” is a magic that drops 100 flames like rain.

At the time when the name was given by the Hana Magical Society, it was a 6-star
magic, not a 5-star. Today, it is difficult to drop as many as 100 flames, and the
rating was lowered at the time of re-examination due to poor magic efficiency.

Thirty or so was very good.

“A total of 33 points. Thank you."

Usually, even after their turn is over, I tend to stay and watch others. Sometimes,
if there is a student who uses the same magic, it is a comparison.

However, there was no other freshman who could use 5-star magic other than Ainim,
so Ainim ran back to the campus at a trot.

I wish it wasn't too hard.

“Wow, 33 points.”

“Isn’t that the highest point?”

“He must have scored 33 points when he was a freshman.”

“The royal family is also different.”

It is said that the perfect score is 40, but in reality, it is extremely rare to
reach 30.
This is because it is virtually impossible to get 9 points assigned to the fourth
evaluation item, 'magical development'. It wasn't just about freshmen.

Magic has been developing for hundreds of years.

Discovering things to improve there is only possible if the excellent wizards in

the mage world have done their best to research.

Ainim and Baeller only got 3 points due to the magical talents unique to the Rongrt
family. There is no universality, so a higher score cannot be obtained.

“Shall we go soon?”

“Where are you going? There are highlights.”

A few students followed up with a magic demonstration. There were no special


Excellent students stayed in the mid-to-late 20s, and they were usually in the mid-
to-late 10s or barely reached 20.

“Roxtrin Aindarok.”

The moment my name was called, there was silence.

The noise stopped as if it had happened.

As if the sound of someone swallowing their saliva could be clearly heard, the
spacious vacant lot became quiet in an instant. I got up slowly.


“You haven’t demonstrated your magic yet, Professor Katrina.”

“Ahaha. Yes, it is.”

For a brief moment, laughter blossomed among the students. It was as if the female
professor had eased the tension of the children with an appropriate joke.

“Are you ready?”




I took a long deep breath.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes filled with enthusiasm and anticipation point down


It was an empty can from the start. From now on, it will gradually go downhill.

Still, it's good to leave room for something to appear. It's not a cliff, it's a
""Will Les Lipe""


The dinner ends with that.

It took me less than 3 seconds to recite. The surroundings became so cold that it
was embarrassing.


Still, I poured a lot of magic into it, and the “Wind Curtain” that spread out
about 5m in front of me was far beyond my height.

Unfortunately, I have only 3 levels of magic, so making it this size makes my heart
ache. I haven't been able to practice much. About 300 times.

"That is all."

That's very disappointing.

Say something, the professors keep their mouths shut and say nothing... …


No, it was the other way around.

When I turned around, my mouth wasn't closed, but wide open and not saying
anything. Wasn't it that crazy?

I prepared hard on my own. 2 adults.

“Now, what… … ?”

It was a simple magic, so I thought the score would come out right away, but it

The old professor asked in a trembling voice.

“What kind of magic did you just demonstrate?”

“It’s a “Wind Curtain”.”

“I am old and my ears are deaf, but how did you chant the ceremony?”

“Wind properties, double chain form of continuity and overlap. It is "Will Les
Lipe". I just added the fighter as a silent window.”

“Why did you do that?”

At first I didn't understand the intent of the question.

But eventually, they draw conclusions from their facial expressions and their
enraged voices. The two professors jumped up from their seats.

“It’s not like that in 「Wind Curtain」.”

“There was no solution. It's the wrong drink. There is no way such magic can be
“I am asking why it was completed.”

“In its most perfect form.”

I wasn't disappointed.

When the vaguely cherished expectations returned with results that far exceeded
their imaginations.

The professors were perplexed.

'It's cleverly hidden.'

What suddenly came to mind at that time were the words that Ai-nim had left behind
just a few hours ago.

'In both the solution and the form. Some spells fit perfectly into the rite, but
some don't make sense in the first place.'

Come to think of it, it was Ainim who invented this method. Seeing that he even
called me up and showed it to me, it means that there was something meaningful.

What was the child trying to say?

A conclusion was soon reached.

“Ver, the interpretation of ‘deployment’—”

Even if one method is superior in every way, it is still not called the correct

Instead, one thing is certain.

“Because it was wrong.”

All other methods are incorrect.

After a brief silence, a young professor struggled to open his mouth.

“It’s a dangerous idea.”

“At the same time, it’s a great idea.”

The magic itself is only a small part.

It was enough to show only two-star magic. in the eyes of the professors.

“Magic rating, 3 out of 4.”

“Wind Curtain” is a two-star magic. I can only give 3 points. The young professor
swallowed a saliva.

“Ability to understand magic, 12 out of 12.”

This is a basic step.

It was cast stably, and the number of consecutive and stacking was uniform, so the
magic was as hard as a wall and did not waver. I understand for sure. The middle-
aged professor said calmly.

“Magic perfection, 15 out of 15.”

Distance, size, and casting speed are all perfect.

Its impeccable perfection is comparable to that of the student representative,

Baeller Rongrt. Although it is a tricky grading system, the female professor
declared 15 points.

“The degree of development of magic, out of 9… … .”

The old professor closed his eyes.

What does this mean?

The Empire has constantly challenged the authority of Riden, who claims to be the
mastermind of magic. So far, no results have been produced.

But at this very moment.

A flame ignited in the fuse.

So, the old professor contemplates what will happen in the future with his eyes
closed. shake your head


cannot be trimmed

“Nine points.”

scoring is over.

The teaching assistant, who received the sharp gazes of hundreds of people,
exclaimed hurriedly.

“Second, total score 39 points… … !”

Out of the perfect 40 points, only one point is not enough.

Only 1 point, and that's a grade. Even if it was cut, who could call it a blemish?

The highest point since the founding of Summer Thurs. I'm glad we don't have
children here.

Sorry, child.

I'll tell you later about your achievements.

“… … For now, let’s move on.”

“I do.”

There weren't many left.

My turn, the highlight, was over, and the all-time high was reached, so many
students left the exam hall refreshed.
I stayed until the end.

“You worked hard, Hira.”

“Did you wait? I was almost the last... … .”

“Ugh. To be honest, I am humble. Why are you disappointed?”

“Please! Not so.”

Hira was unlucky and her turn was delayed a long time ago. Um, but actually, it
wasn't a coincidence, and I didn't really care.

Then he carefully took a seat next to me. It was a subtle distance about three
spans away. it's clear he's screwed

“There is someone I must see.”

“Fried Rasp.”

Even a tiger would come if I said it, so Freed's name was called just in time.

Now there are few students left.

I don't think there are any students left to see, so at best it was just a few of
Fried's commoner friends.

“I'm curious too. How great is it that the Rocks care?”

"Well. You want to be great.”



I gave a thumbs up to Freed passing by. Fried accepted it with a light glance.

Be strong, sasha... … .

But where are you going?

“Fried RAPID? It’s hard to evaluate if you go that far.”

The comments were immediately dropped.

Fred stopped only after walking farther away from the other students taking the

And he smiles and says

“Well, actually, it’s because I’m anxious. It's my first time trying. It may not

"Hmm… … It's not going to work positively anyway. Are you okay?"


Is this your first time?

This is the guy who practiced “extrude” until his magic power was exhausted in the
lab. It would be meaningless to tell such a lie to the professors.

Professors don't take into account any other non-magical factors, so they don't
affect your score. Did I push it too hard?

““Terra Fin Arphon Dura””

Earth properties, the double chain form of thorns and bumps, and the interpretation
of waves.

After all, it was the chant of "Extrude".

Taking my advice, Freed's unique quick magic moves from the foot side in the form
of a 'wave'.

Even the professors briefly admired it.

The change happened shortly thereafter.

'Come back?'

The magic that had stretched out for about 10m came back in an instant. Because the
operation of the magic was so fast, the uplift did not start.

Waves split from under your feet.

Again, with the waves extending in each of the six directions, the uplift begins.

It all happened within a second.

bang! Bang bang bang!

The thorns rise from the ground, which rises in five directions first, then in five

The thickness is a bit disappointing, but the hundreds of sharp thorns are full of
lethal power.

“What… … .”

It was dangerous.

If it hadn't been far away, it was within the range enough to get caught up in it.
Could it have been prevented if it was the first wave?

None of the professors in this position were confident.

“… … This isn't "Dura", though."

Furthermore, it is a different type of magic from “Protrusion” in the first place.

There's no way this could only be a 2 star.

A wide-ranging destruction magic that devastates a 10m radius around itself. Such
magic is rated at least 4 stars or higher.

“That’s why I said it might not be possible. Fortunately, it's fine. I saw Lord
Roxtrin’s magic and tried it.”

Fred took a deep breath and turned his head to meet his gaze. Well, it was
ridiculous, so I laughed.

After all, everyone but me are bastards.

Seeing my "Wind Curtain", Fried noticed it too. It must have been close to
gambling, though.

“That’s great.”

You don't have to stick to a fixed solution.

So I turned on the magic solution that I had been practicing until I collapsed from
exhaustion for a month. I shouted "Dura" and thought in my head.

After all, only Fried himself can use that kind of thing, but the fact that he
created a new magic doesn't change.

“How do you see it?”

“I will spare no words. Maybe I became a wizard to be here. Couldn't be the main
character. haha."

“It’s the same opinion.”

“I want to run to the mage quickly. It's good to see the dean's face."

So the midterm exams are over.

[1st year senior]

Roxtrin Aindalocke

Handwritten: 40/40

Practical: 39/40

Total score of 79 points (No. 1 in history)

The next day, an announcement was posted on Jungang-daero, and as expected, he was
proudly the first-year senior.

It's also number one.

I became the first-year representative of Summer Thurs.

Academy Face Genius Episode 22

From the archipelago follow a well-maintained road to the beautifully manicured

main gate of Summerturge.

Ainda Locke's four-wheeled carriage boasts a unique presence from its black
The refined and luxurious black color and the understated splendor of gold were in
harmony with each other, and the beautiful and majestic appearance was enough to
catch the attention of students spending time in the garden near the main gate.

“Hey, me, me, that.”


“I saw him at the coronation ceremony.”

“Call the kids!”

A model for all wizards and all nobles.

The black wolf of the north, Coltman Aindarok, announced its appearance without

“Bar, did you schedule a visit? … ?”

“No, I didn’t catch it.”

“Then for what purpose… … .”

“It’s a purpose.”


The user who manages the front door must always record the access control list.

As the people of the imperial family came and went quite a bit, I thought that even
if the emperor came personally, he would not be embarrassed. It was a mistake.

The body was majestic and fearful, and the black hair that seemed to be sucked in
and the expressionless face had the power to crush other beings around.

He was a man who took control of the northern part of the empire. Suddenly, your
shoulders shrug and your back bends.


“I came to see my son. Is that enough?”

It was a gentle voice.

At that moment, the user swallowed his saliva and with trembling hands he wrote
down the ledger.

“Face Roxtrin Aindalocke, yes. recorded.”

“Take care.”

It has been a while since the classic carriage has been turned into something that
can only be seen at traditional events.

It is said that there is no aristocratic family without horse-drawn carriages, but

Eindarok's was characterized by its smooth movement without any noise or highs and
“Long time no see.”

“It’s been almost 20 years. The feeling is new.”

Coltman got off the parking lot and looked around the campus once.

Cherry trees lined up along Chuang-daero. The colorful flower beds, the calm lake,
the tea table and the lawn where the ladies chat.

“It has not changed.”

“It is considered one of the most popular tourist attractions on the continent.
Isn't it beautiful?”

“I just think beauty is right.”

There was nothing to succumb to.

Due to the early death of the former head of Aindaroke, the young Coltman returned
to the estate without graduating properly and assumed the count.

Even at that time, I never regretted not leaving my name on the list of graduates,
so I am still not impressed.

"You're a real Coltman changeback!"

“Isn’t that a lie?”

“Hey, can I ask for your autograph? … ?”

eyes are drawn

Even every step you take is as noble as you can breathe.

Coltman was worried about the safety of the Empire and never showed up, no matter
how big the event.

It was a natural reaction as he appeared in Summer Tough, not the system.

Most of all, it was due to the legendary position of Lockstreet on campus.

After all, looks are hereditary.

Coltman also had an unusual appearance.

“It’s noisy.”

“This old man envys such youthfulness.”

Coltman walked down Jungang Boulevard with his butler, Wilgen.

In the meantime, I thought that students would flock to me little by little, but
suddenly a line of people formed along Jungang-daero.

These young people will be responsible for the future of the empire and further the
future of the continent. Thinking like that makes me sad, but what can I do?

Among these, there must be a boulder, and it will shine.

“There must have been a notice posted nearby.”

“Looks like it's over there. It's hard to see with my eyes."



Summer Turge assigns a rank for each test, calculates it, and selects a
representative for each grade level. Decades later, it hasn't changed.

At this time, freshmen have only taken one midterm exam, so the representative is

If you are a 2nd or 3rd year student, you are familiar with them, but freshmen do
not. Coltman only intended to keep the name of the boulder in his eyes.

Of course, if the child von Rongrt was written on it, it wouldn't have much

There was a completely different, familiar name there.

[1st year senior]

Roxtrin Aindalocke

Handwritten: 40/40

Practical: 39/40

Total score of 79 points (No. 1 in history)


“Yes, sir.”

“Do you see the same thing in your eyes?”

"That's right."

There is no foolishness to doubt even what you see.

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

1st place in history.

That sense of incongruity made his eyes doubtful.

He knew that Yuxila was hiding his extraordinary head, but obviously he had no
talent for magic.

His natural magical powers were poor, and he didn't even have anything to call a
special talent.

He taught all four attributes, but he failed to specialize in any of them. He

showed no will to learn magic.

[The representative inauguration ceremony will be held shortly. Students, go to the

auditorium until 14:00... … .]

Just then, the broadcast came on.

representative's inauguration.

It's not an official event, but it's been a joke since then, it's become a

It was because a lot of students went out during lunchtime.

Coltman made his way towards the auditorium, which remained clear in his distant

* * *

"You're getting nervous here, you."

“I have to. It’s normal.”

Behind the stage in the auditorium.

I was memorizing the script scribbled on a piece of paper the size of the palm of
my hand as Baeller sat leisurely, cross-legged.

'This is the route, but... … .'

things got bigger

Even the main character can become a student representative if he just studies and
neglects everything else.

It is not a very good route as there is a high probability of a bad ending due to
stress or poor health, but it is a good route as long as you solve it.

The advantages are several.

A child who has fallen into second place burns motivation by disassembling it, it
becomes easier to make friends with the main characters by leading various events,
and it gives them the authority to control the students.

However, there are clear downsides as well.

'A good route to go to hell in one room.'

People have to be careful with their mouths. Especially the higher up you are.

Falling to the bottom after making a mistake is common everywhere. The same is true
of <Academy Summer>.

“More than that, why is the order like this?”

“Well. I go first.”

Leaving a meaningful laugh, Baeller first turned the blackout and stepped out onto
the stage. Applause poured in.
There was nothing I could do but a stinging glance at the back of his head.

'You accepted it, motherfucker.'

Most of the 4th graders in the graduating class do not leave the academy, so there
is no student representative.

Therefore, only 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders have representatives, but in the original
inauguration ceremony, the 3rd graders were the last in the order. However, the
known order was reversed.

It's not that I don't understand. Loxtrin Aindalocke's talkativeness in Summerturge

is mouth-watering to say the least.

The guys in charge of these school events are also guys who know how to roll their
heads. The highlight is at the end.

“Hey, Lockstrin. You can’t do it if it’s a burden.”


Lenny Berry (2nd grade)

Attribute: Fire (4-star)

Affiliation: Longrt Empire, Berry Territory

Status: Viscount

Personality: gentle

Lenny Berry, 2nd year student representative.

A gentle temperament and large, round glasses. She is a girl who has the atmosphere
of a model student in many ways.

He has a good personality, has enough talent, doesn't lack effort, and is
moderately popular.

However, he is a character of misfortune that does not attract attention because he

is compared to Ainim, who became the representative of first-year students on most

Fortunately, that doesn't happen. First of all, I'm definitely a guy worse than

“Seniors are doing everything, but you can’t miss it. What did you do last year?”

"Nana? uh... … .”

Lenny, who was asked a question from me, smiled shyly and twisted her hair.

The first-year representative usually becomes the second-year representative in the

following year. If nothing goes wrong, grades don't suddenly drop.

Last year, Lenny was the first-year representative.

“I don’t really remember. I hope everyone works hard and produces good results... …
it was like this But I was gibberish too, so it’s okay to make mistakes.”

With a friendly smile, Lenny patted my shoulder. Then, ah, in shock, he released
his hand.

“I’m sorry if I offended you.”

"Nope. Fine."

I laughed bitterly.

Because of this damn face, I think I'll take good care of it.

I'm going to die of embarrassment because I can't go anywhere. I shouldn't even say
a word.



Soon after finishing the order, Baeller returned. I wonder how time can go so fast
10 minutes have already passed.

After looking through the script for the last time, I secretly looked into the

“Those professors.”

there's nothing to do

There were twenty professors standing with their backs on their backs and
chattering. They are adults who do not pay attention to where students are playing.
Oh my gosh, there's also Kanin... … .



'Black color?'

Suddenly, startled, I hurriedly hid.

I didn't see it wrong. There must have been black hair among the dogs.

I am the only one on campus, and there is no black hair on the continent other than
Aindarok. That's one thing to say.

'As soon as the midterm exams are over, don't go directly to them.'

Coltman Aindalocke is here.

It's a name only inauguration ceremony and it's a half-joking event, so I thought
it was just a joke in moderation.

At least now?

Compared to the past when there was nothing like that, there is one big achievement
of being number one in history, but the burden has increased a hundred times.
You can't talk nonsense with Coltman right in front of you to pick up Lockstrin...
… .

Maybe this is an opportunity.

“Roxtrin! Fighting!"

Soon after turning the blackout, Lenny came back.

The content is heavy to talk in such a light place, but I had no intention of
holding an official place anyway.

Things are better than I thought.

There may be some professors, too, so I kept this inauguration ceremony in a video
recorder and kept it for a long time, so all the conditions were met.

'In my name?'

'Did the Rocks find it? It was also Rox who gave me the answer whenever I got
stuck. Of course it's the Rocks.'

'that… … Even so, isn't this the result of your hard work?'

'Okay then, let's do it together! Or burn it!'

Last night Maria secretly came to my room, and I was called closely to Ainim's room
on the 15th floor of the Tower of Truth. It happened often.

What the haggard child-nim held out was a notebook full of handwritten notes. The
guy who likes to see the sun so much stayed in his room for a while, and then he
was using it.

Although the crooked handwriting looked ridiculous at first glance.

[Imagination Theory]

It was a bizarre theory that denied the foundation of all magic in one day.

'Can I do that?'

To be honest, I worried a lot.

It was an uncontrollable variable.

However, it is a variable with a very high probability of being positive. Isn't it

simple? It was a way to make magic more intuitive, faster and stronger.

What's more, if Ai-nim was going to ruin what she created, there was no need to get
to know her more than necessary in the first place.

“This is Roxtrin Aindarok.”

The amplified voice resounded in the auditorium.

At Baeller, there was a mixture of applause and admiration, but I didn't get much
applause. Everyone has their mouths wide open. a bit scary

“How lucky I have come to this position… … I can't say that. To be honest, I think
it's a natural result. I studied 18 hours a day.”

I mean don't be sad. I didn't want to buy jealousy and make enemies.

wow It was then that a little bit of resentment came out.

“A lot of people will be curious. I used the 2-star magic "Wind Curtain" in the
practical test and got 39 points. I extend my deepest condolences to you that
Professor Grey has seen a lot of cursing these days for deducting one point from
the star rating. I have no complaints.”

At the same time, Professor Grayle was standing behind him, and as he nodded his
head vigorously, laughter erupted from everywhere.

So far, rumors have spread. So, that's what everyone is really curious about.

“How about 39 points? Just in case you're curious, let me show you the same magic
once more. “Will Les Lipe””

The completed "Wind Curtain" unfolded.

Most of the freshmen see it for the second time, but it was a journey that the
grades above and other professors saw it for the first time.

“What… … ?”

“You don’t have a solution?”

“No, what is that at the end? Was it like a 'fighter'?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

There was a student nearby who had just said the right words, so I pointed to him
and said,

“It’s a fighter, “Tas”. Generally, it is a grass that does not work with wind
attribute magic. Because there is so much resistance. So this magic must have been

Actually it's not stupid.

“This simple logic of flowing magic that does not contain information on form and
solution was buried in the 300-year period of 'deployment' and 'Ver'. well. Is this

Deploy, project, fall, wave, advance.

Numerous interpretations are destroyed by a similar principle. There was no need

for that. It could have been simpler, could have been faster.

“Who would have started like that?”

Everyone knows the answer.

“The Riden, who claim to be the mastermind of magic, have monopolized the ancient
language from which their magic originated. Only a small fraction of the original
stone stone has been revealed. Interpretations published every year are published
by the Magic Society they are affiliated with. They say they held hands after the
war ended, but at one time they were aiming knives at each other's necks.”
It has been a long time since a peace treaty was signed, but the emotions
accumulated at that time are blooming everywhere in the lives of the people of the

Most of the time, people who were born and have never been to a country they have
never been to are called 'Leiden bastards'.

“I have been doing this research with His Majesty Ainim since the start of the
semester. He took the time to look at things that I had not seen with my
insufficient insight, even in personal time. I would like to take this opportunity
to thank you for your hard work.”

I'm von Rongrt.

Now that the name of the imperial family is mentioned proudly in Aindarok, no one
can take its weight lightly.

“As of yesterday, the theory was completed. It will be distributed soon as it is

going through a reunion, but it is limited to Summer Tage.”


Suddenly, the lights in the auditorium went out, and only the blackout behind the
stage where I was standing was lit.

I haven't decided when I will do it, but it seems that the child prepared it in
advance so that I can do it whenever a seat is available.

Roxtrin's beautiful handwriting is enough to attract people. That's why I chose to

show it rather than tell it in person.

“The first page starts like this.”



the magic

Wrong .

“I, along with His Majesty, will dare to declare here.”

At a gathering of young nobles, prospects, bloodlines from other royal families,

and students who will lead the future of the empire.

Kanin Maisie Artine, Coltman Aindalocke.

In front of the professors at Summerturge who led a page in the history of magic.

I exclaimed proudly.

“You have to learn all over again.”

I Became a Facial Genius Episode 23

I bowed my head once.


After the inauguration ceremony, the students left the auditorium.

All that was left were the professors at Summerturge, Coltman, and me.

First of all, I had to apologize to Coltman. It is better to hit the hawk first.

“I will be sweetly punished for selling the heirloom without my father’s


“… … Is it serious now?”

“Isn’t there something that must be done first?”

“I saved it again, so don’t worry. It was just something that shouldn't be passed
on to others. It was something I gave you in the first place.”

"Is that so."

No, then why are you writing a letter like that? You could have done less studying
for the written test.

The professors in the back seem to have a lot to say with their lips twitching.
Coltman's situation was not much different from theirs.

“I have a lot to say, but there is one thing I need to ask you first.”


“Did you tell the truth?”

He meets Coltman's eyes.

don't tremble I have confidence.

It's not me, it's my kid. A child may make a mistake, but he does not lie.

“There was not a single lie.”

The professors who were listening were uproar instead of Coltman.

“Well, how is that… … .”

“Explain details, Sir Roxtrin.”

“It was a statement that could not be taken lightly. It must be explained.”

“There is no need to rush. The finished copy will be distributed to the professors
before anyone else.”

“What time is it?”

“We will make about ten copies within three days. Right now, I am concerned about
the health of your child and His Majesty.”

“Your Majesty… … .”

Even though I didn't sleep for a few nights, I didn't know that even my child would
lose sleep.

I handed him the finished notebook and came out watching him fall asleep with a
happy expression on his face. He's probably sleeping well even now when the sun is
up in the middle of the sky.

“What is the purpose I have revealed here?”

It was Coltman's second question.

This is entirely a result of my will. The answer was not difficult.

“I think Meiji Kanin is well aware of this part.”

“I mean?”

"Yes. As for the recent raids you've investigated, I think it would be timely if
you would share them with us when this theory is made public.”

“… … haha. Were you looking there? It's scary now."

“What do you mean, Meiji?”

Neither the other professors nor Coltman will understand, so I need an explanation.

“To put it bluntly.”

Once the professors gathered here, of course, they can be trusted.

The inauguration ceremony is a semi-playful event. How much you care and love your
students. They are so full of love that they even sit down to watch these kids play
in the middle of a busy day.

So it can be revealed

“Summertown is under attack.”

Now, summer surge is under threat.

“Are you talking about the attack of monsters?”


“Isn’t it something that happened simultaneously across one continent? Of course,

it is unusual for a higher-level monster to appear... … .”

“They were in complete control.”

The answer was replaced by Kanin.

“There were traces of restraint on the ankle, and he was starving. The collapse of
the lab was completely different from the aftermath of the raid. The former Summer
Turge practice room was not built so lightly.”

“So you mean someone was trying to cover up the evidence? I need to track you right
now... … .”

“I’ve already chased you and killed you.”

This is why Kanin's lecture was replaced by another lecture after the night raid.
It took about a week, which means that they couldn't even get out of the empire.

“He left nothing. Since the road is blocked, he burns himself, leaving no body
behind, so it's awful, isn't it? I left that alone as a video recorder.”

“But, ironically, there are no countries left on the continent that will face the
Empire head-to-head. Also, if you wanted to inflict devastating damage on the
Empire, you should have attacked Yuxilah. I could have done that.”

I followed Kanin's words.

Even if Coltman hadn't helped, it's too much to say that he inflicted a serious
blow if he could restore the territory on his own in one year.

In fact, Yuxila suffered a lot of damage, but the place where the higher-level
monsters appeared was strangely in Summer.

“If there are three high-level monsters, they will be able to destroy a city, but
this is Summer. There are professors who are so noble, it is difficult to give a
meaningful blow. In the first place, the purpose was not to even cause harm.”

It's an obvious, petty craft.

“To lower the status of Summerturge. That's it. Who will benefit from that?”

Each country has one of the magic academies, but there is no doubt that two of them
are the best.

One is the Empire's Summer Tage, and the other is Riden's Sorus. If only one eyelid
is removed, it will be revealed so clearly.

The academy, the master of learning, is attacked out of nowhere, and accidents
happen one after another. Every time students get hurt or die.

No matter how good the faculty, no matter how small the damage actually occurred.
No one wants to send seeds or precious children to an academy where such dangers

“They are crawling… … .”

“Six students are dead!”

“Have you seen such wrathful things!”

“Shouldn’t we have a hearing and protest right now?”

So, how do you do this?

don't do anything Mostly it leads to a bad ending.


“Not good.”

Me and Kanin answered at the same time.

After the matter is brought up to the faculty meeting, a trial will be held. Kanin
thinks he needs to be more cautious, but the other professors push hard.
Of course, Riden's Knapuul is among them.

"Yes. Pointing out outright is probably what Riden wants. It would be like biting
the bait.”

Throwing away good looking food. Riden has her mouth wide open.

'The Empire has made its own play!'

They will show off as if they have waited for a lot of fake evidence that they have
prepared in advance, and the kingdoms that have worked together will drive Rongrt
at this time.

By the time he refutes them one by one, the situation is already leaning towards

Monsters are pouring in from east to west, north and south every day.

The main character, who first grasped the trend, tells them to send troops as soon
as possible to prepare. Sending reinforcements.

'How can I trust Rongrt?'

'Aren't they the ones who wielded spears and stole our land 200 years ago?'

'Can you guarantee that you won't hit the back of the head while we shut up the

'I don't know. The king has shut the gates and locked them.'

Even when these twins talk, they don't eat them with their ears. and crashing down
It would be another kingdom that would be destroyed first, but it is a matter of

In short, if we all want to live together, we have to endure even being hit in the
face. You have to hold on tight and then burst the bread later.

“So we only announce the fact that we have been attacked, and do not interrogate
them. It would be even better if the conclusion was completely false. Well, there
was someone who had a personal revenge on the dean. It should be concluded as a
matter within the empire.”

have to admit

Riden has already penetrated deeply throughout the Empire, and it is almost
impossible to thin out them now.

If you're going to go up on a stage made by someone else, is there any way you can
do such an idiot?

“So here it is.”

So this is the inauguration ceremony. This is the answer to Coltman's question.

If you set a schedule and give it time, it is clear that there will be repairs in
the middle. There is a strong possibility that you and I will be in danger.

So it was blown up without notice at this trivial event. This sudden news reached
Riden, and it took quite a while for the order to return.

There was only one thing that was disappointing about this place. He was a 'person
with public trust unrelated to summer', and Coltman Aindalock filled the vacancy
just in time.

“It has always been so throughout history. After the war of swords, a darker and
more detailed war between the horse and the pen begins. But will it be a fight only
if our old weapons are provided by our enemies?”

This is what I should have said after securing the original text of Riden's
monopolized ancient language, not Ainim's theory after the midterm exam was over.

Right after the midterm exam, you can find it in a room in the faculty building,
but I didn't go to steal it.

The event can only be resolved when 4 or higher magic can be used. If you want to
bring it, you need to bring Kanin. I made something similar, so there's no need for

“The Empire must have its own weapons.”

“Is this old woman having to become a freshman at the age of eighty-two?”

“… … haha. I am sorry.”

“It’s fun. I am looking forward to it.”

'You have to learn from scratch' means... … .

Well, actually, now that I think about it, it was a bit exaggerated. Stop being
immersed. Alright, let's forget about it.

Besides, it's not that hard of a theory. Because I figured it out overnight. Also,
you are a genius.

“Is there an answer?”


Coltman nodded.

The professors left, and I left the auditorium and walked around the campus briefly
with Coltman.

Meanwhile, an episode clear script came to mind.


Ⅲ. Midterm exam

: The first midterm exam is over.

You became the representative of the freshman by setting a record that will remain
in the history of Summer Thurs, the first place in history with a total score of

The Student Representative at Summerturge has considerable powers. If used

properly, it will be of great help, but you have to be careful.
Also, keep in mind that studying too much is not good!

[Comprehensive evaluation: Rank S+]

[B grade or higher additional reward: Special stat points +1]

The reward was the same as in the previous night raid.

I don't have any special stats to increase right now, so I decided to save it for
when I need it.

If it was the main character, I would have invested in charm, but Lockstrin is
already maxed out at level 10.

“Aren’t you scheduled to visit?”

"okay. I thought there was no need to talk long.”

If I had scheduled a visit, I would have been able to use the meeting room, but
from the beginning, I guess I just wanted to see your face for a while.

Coltman made his way down Central Boulevard to the main gate, and I followed him.

I was just passing by the lake in the main building, and students alike were

"beautiful… … .”

“This is the real imperial spot.”

"Yes. I think so."

“It’s okay to die now… … .”

Looking this way, not the lake.

Since it's spring, there are two black haired people in the middle of a colorful
campus with chromatic colors, so it's natural to draw attention.

Shouldn't he be dead though?

'It's really big.'

While Roxtrin is of average height, Coltman is 190 centimeters tall. So if you walk
side by side, the picture doesn't come out.

My eyes were focused, so I lowered my voice and asked carefully.

“What happened to Yuxilah?”

“It was decided to station some of the special forces for three years. They say
they are nurturing troops to defend the territory on their own. I was told to do it
right away.”

“Did you have any friends?”

“Siileen was a junior for a year. Each of us was a student representative, so we

only talked a little bit.”
18 years ago? If Coltman was a student at Summertau, I have no way of knowing.

“What did you get?”

What's important is this.

Why did Coltman, who had been building a wall with work outside the North, help
Yuxilla? It wasn't like they were close friends.

“It’s what you thought.”


Five… … .

So what is it?

I have no idea.

“I was planning to go out next year with a little more time to prepare, but I saw
your help. If it's Yuxila, I'll be able to get proper help."

“How specifically?”

“Isn’t there a difficult way for others to ask why?”

Then I understand a little.

Solitude is not so good.

It may be good for your reputation to do things quietly and silently, but it's not
good for the good of your land.

This is evident in the episode 'The Crisis of the Northern Wall'. The northern
magic corps, despite its heavy responsibility, actually received little support
from the center.

'I need a little more support. Why don't you say that? Others are begging for

It is also related to what Ai-nim said about ramen. This is because Coltman spends
all of his estate's finances on defense without any extravagance.

Now I can't stand it and I'm trying to get into politics.

Unfortunately, Coltman's setting is not very bright in this area. The public
sentiment is good, but there is no foundation to put forward.

In addition to the natural cause of protecting the North as a martyr, there is a

way to build relationships with other politicians… … .

“I will marry Shilin again.”


“… … I will not tolerate it.”

“I will only pretend.”

“Are you your father’s father?”

"No way. It's a trick from Shilin."

The Yuksilah Territory holds enormous wealth and control over the western part, and
the Northern Eindarok Territory is virtually an independent territory.

You're going to get a huge push.

Central politicians, of course, would not like the Rongrt family more than anyone

“I didn’t know you would do that.”

“If you are shaving your face to make money, it is also worth calling it magic.”

Then I'll pretend I can't win and accept it.

Since they forcibly parted the coalition, Eindarok and Yuxil also conceded once.
You are given the right to say a word.

It was a number like Shilin Yuxilla.

“Take it.”

As we approached the front door, Coltman suddenly handed me something.

“Next time, even if you pay a hundred times the price, you won’t be able to get it,
so think carefully.”

“… … Yes."

Oh, that's it.

The heirloom of Aindarok, who was secretly stolen by Lockstrin and ran away.

It was a ring studded with dark blue gems. Artifacts imbued with magic by the sense
of magic.

It's something I don't know how good it would be. After all, there is no such thing
as a scam to turn the situation around in <Academy Summerturge>... … .


[Typhoon's Devotion]

: A relic of the Aindarok family handed down from generation to generation.

Increases the wearer's magical power and increases the power of wind attribute

- Magic Lv +1

… … is there

No, was there such a thing?

“You don’t have to worry about things outside anymore. It will make you even
“Perhaps it will.”

“You don’t have to come back until you graduate.”

It doesn't mean that you're ruthless, but that you're trustworthy. That's a pretty
blunt bastard.

Still, it saved me an hour because I gained trust. Because there is no time to go

back to the estate even on vacation.

We arrived at the parking lot where the butler Wilgen was waiting and greeted him
lightly. The horse carriage was much nicer than I thought and I was amazed.

“Are you going back to the estate right away?”

“I have to attend an audience with the Emperor, so I plan to stay in the system for
a while.”

"Is that so."


Coltman's stay on the Isles was unexpected. It is still too early to step forward.

You must not ask

“Even if I am in danger.”


IV. enemy

: D-5

“You have to pretend you don’t know.”

Academy Face Genius Episode 24



It's an unfamiliar ceiling... … .

I think as I hit the water drops falling on my forehead. It's been a really long
time since I slept soundly.

It means fainting.


IV. enemy

- 1. Confinement

: When I wake up, it is an unfamiliar ceiling. where is this place?

You'll have to be careful.

Where are you?

It's a village in the kingdom of Areas in the southwest of the continent.

The episode has already started.

"Eww… … .”

My head was pounding.

It was the aftermath of unstable spatial movement.

It's not magic. Ancient artifacts with mysterious power are collectively called
'relics', but they were caught up in the power of such artifacts.

The course of the case is simple.

After the midterm exam results were released, the assignments were made as
scheduled. Naturally, I, who came in first place, became Class A.

After waiting while sitting in the classroom room 201 of Lecture Building 1 used by
Class A, the first class finally started and the professor opened the door and

The light flashed,

come to your senses here

'Will I wake up soon?'

open your eyes

There are about 30 students per grade in Summer Turge's A class. The last time I
checked the number of people in the classroom, there were only 30.

Everyone must be quietly fainting... … .

'Arab show.'

Why is there only one

There is also a guy who shouldn't be here.

“Wow… … yum.”

As if the scattered blonde hair is like a bed sheet, the child is asleep with a
happy face in the world.

why are you here

Even though the score on the written test was bad, I was assigned to class A
because of demonstrating 5-star magic, but it would be normal to not attend the
first class due to the family's schedule.

Because it bothers me too, if I just blow in the wind, 'Why don't you go?' I could
be kidnapped with you during the first class, but I didn't say anything.

You may want to hear the situation yourself.

First you need to untie the rope.

My hands and feet were tied, so I spit out the pouch I was holding in my mouth. All
belongings are taken away, but they do not even open their mouths.

I took a small cutlery from my pocket and broke the rope.

“Get up.”


“This is not the time to be like this.”

When I woke up with a quick shake, the child barely got up, but fell to the side
again as his wrists were tied.


I opened my eyes brightly only when I put my cheek to the cold floor. Amber eyes
quickly looked left and right, and grasped the situation.

“This is it, so.”

“Are you out of your mind?”

“I think it’s a bad thing… … ?”

The child shrugged, clenched both fists tied with ropes, and covered his face.

what are you doing

“Yeah, even Rocks would know. Can I use magic even if I'm tied up? It would have
been okay if I had gone through a bit of a normal procedure in the first place... …

“Don’t say anything strange and be still. I'm going to cut the rope."

"Yes? Ah."

Belatedly, finding the rope marks left on my wrist, the child reached out.

“I don’t think you were in the classroom.”

“I slept more and went right in time. I went in just like the professor.”


When the professor came in through the front door of the classroom, it seems that
the child entered through the back door at the same time.

“It must have happened to the Imperial Family.”

“I am tired from studying at night. I didn’t go because I was too lazy to go to the

“Yes, well done.”


It was because I got tired of making theories.

If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with that.

'My, my room? Rocks?'

'Just curious. The room was empty, but I was thinking about how to decorate it.'

'What if I get caught?'

'You can't hear it. There are a lot of kids walking around at night anyway.'

I have already committed It was so easy that the pain I had been struggling with
was overshadowed.

Even with such a forceful excuse, he was able to steal Yuksila's blank check from
Hira's room. The mercenaries should have departed by now.

Then, you just have to keep the child calmly so that the child does not overdo it.
I'll have to find other kids first though.

“So where are you?”

“I don’t know.”

"Huh? Rox knew.”

I know what the situation is.

Even if they were kidnapped in the same way, the child was brought up uniquely and
preciously. Since the values of hostages are different, they are locked up in
separate rooms, but it seems that I have been treated similarly.

Well, if Roxtrin is more than a child, it's not an ugly face.

“Oh, and no magic.”


“Try it.”

Push... … .

The sparks that Ainim had created were extinguished in the blink of an eye. This is
because it is impossible for magic to form here.

“That one in jail.”

I've even heard of it.

If a very rare rock called Chama-seok (遮魔石) is finely ground and sprinkled, even
the most excellent magician's magic cannot form in that space.

It was a must-take action if the prisoner was a wizard.

“Even though I knew it, I let it go.”

“What do you see me as?”

Anyway, now is not the time to share such frivolous jokes.

“Anyway, it seems that I have been dragged to a somewhat dangerous place.”

“Yeah, I see.”

“You must find other friends.”

It's a dull gray room.

A window slightly larger than the palm of his hand is on a high place, and the
flowing moonlight is faint.

Magic cannot be used. The tightly closed stone wall does not seem to move.

It doesn't show, but it's pretty serious.

“Mary… … .”

“If we had been dragged along, we would have already saved us. Perhaps the trigger
condition was inside the classroom.”

The bodyguard under the direct control of the imperial family is one of the
strongest powers on the continent in one-on-one combat.

Such a lousy kidnapping play would be nothing more than a children's prank, but if
you look at the unresolved issue, Maria is not here.

“You don’t know where?”

“I can guess.”

I picked up a leaf that had flowed through the window. In the corner of the floor,
dried leaves of a similar shape were piled up.

“It’s Acacia. In the Empire, now is the time when it has just blossomed.”

Acacia from which the bud fell off.

It is a subtropical plant. In the first place, in the Empire, it only grows wild in
the southern part of the country, and it is difficult to see it only in the
vicinity of the islands.

I flipped the leaves back into the corner and blown them away.

“Hopefully, it's the southernmost tip of the Empire, but let's think about it a
little coldly. I think we will have to go further south than that.”

If you play as the main character, this is information from the bright-looking guy
in Class A.

Kingdom of Areas.

This small kingdom, which also contributed to the Confederate Front, is a quiet
kingdom famous for its resorts and mainly growing sugar cane and tea.
That's the problem.

The villagers here don't know anything about the situation of the Empire. Had I
known that Ai-nim was the imperial princess, I would have been terrified and
released her.

Even if I say it now, I don't believe it.

“Is that possible?”

“What about what happened? Or is there anyone who dares to put His Majesty on a
stone floor like this? You don’t even know who your lord is.”

“Two weeks, it would take.”

“If you run fast, you will be there in ten days.”

Although the supply of horse-drawn carriages has been activated, horses and
carriages are still the fastest means of long-distance transportation in this
worldview, with good efficiency.

Follow the traces left in the classroom until the Imperial Rescue Team arrives.

Ten days left.

But after ten days, a lot of bad things happen in many ways. To get away from the
bad ending, you have to escape early.

“Wake up at once. I think we need to find the kids.”

I stood up first and held out my hand.

However, the fingertips of the child raising her arms were trembling to the extent
that it was dangerous. So much so that I don't think I've seen it wrong.


“Rox, I don’t think it’s scary.”

in a dark room.

Although she grew up being treated with respect as a princess, she is a child with
a high name as a genius of non-payment. It is rare to have such a crisis.

In a distant land, there is no light, and the floor is cold and hard.

I was a little surprised. The script in the game always maintains a youthful
appearance, but this was the story behind it.

After all, she is only a 16-year-old girl.

In fact, the child is also afraid.

“… … Nope."

He grabbed the hand of the smiling child and lifted him up.

Isn't it scary? can it be

“I am afraid too. But it’s okay.”

“Are you okay?”

“I was originally afraid of living day to day.”

I guess I'm used to it.

Anyway, from the time I fell into this world until now. I've been scared all the

“How painful it is to wake up and move when you open your eyes, and to think about
tomorrow before going to sleep. How terrifying and terrifying it is to know that
and not be able to stop.”

maybe you don't know

So I shouldn't be afraid. At least one person must remain calm here.

Fear spreads quickly and reduces reason and ability to judge situations.

“So I’m rather quiet about things like this.”

“No consolation at all.”

“Then let me say one more thing. We will leave safely.”

“I will.”

At that moment, the child grabbed my hand and stood up.

“I had my ear on the floor for about thirty minutes, but it was late at night, so
there was no sound.”

“Can you open this door?”

“Let’s open it.”


I pushed the heavy stone door. don't even blink

It has nothing to do with Roxtrin's strength. It's locked outside. There was a very
thin gap, and I could see a latch on it.

The cutlery I brought with me was of no use because it was shorter than the
thickness of the stone gate.

“It is locked.”

I took a step back and looked around.

If Ainim rides the route where she was kidnapped, she escapes this room by herself
and comes to the place where the children of Class A gather.

It means that I was able to escape somehow just by being in this room—

―Is there nothing?

I tried to wiggle the place where the leaves were piled up earlier, but there was
really nothing. You can't do anything with the leaves.

In this gloomy cell, there are literally only you and me... … .

“Why? Can't you go out?"

"Nope. Well, I found a way.”

I stared at the child.

Yeah, it's Roxtrin, so don't worry about it. The fact that you have a child here is

'It's the hair.'

Hair is enough to fit into the gap, and children especially put a wave with large
curls in the front.

The gently curved shape is also appropriate, so I think you can lift the clasp by
pulling out several strands.

“I can’t control myself.”

“Ro, it’s okay if it’s Rocks! maybe?"

"Yes? Why do I have to do it myself?”

“Because I am ashamed… … .”

pulling your hair?

If it hurts, it can hurt.

Ummm, but I can't see my own hair so I guess this is better.

“Would you mind staying still for a moment?”


The child closes her eyes and spreads her arms wide. I don't know if that's

Let's see. I need something to bend a bit.

I carefully pulled out my hair. The back of his hand rubbed the back of his neck
for a moment, and the child shuddered.

“It’s tickling… … .”

“Pick it.”

"Yes? Ouch!"


She pulled out her well-chosen hair and pulled it out. The startled child let out a
small scream.

hey, be healthy too. Thick hair has deep roots, so it takes a lot of force to pull
it out. No worries about hair loss.

“What are you doing? it hurts."

“Let’s try one or ten strands.”

“I again… … It was hair.”


“If you look at fairy tales like this, you often tear curtains or clothes long and
tie them up.”

The child with tears in his eyes pointed towards the window and said. Are you going
over there?

“I don’t know how to do well, but I don’t think I can go.”

“Ah, that’s right. sorry."

“I would have tried if the windows were a little bigger.”

I became a fool because I had a guy who would have taken care of himself if he was
alone. Sometimes having someone to rely on is what makes people weak.

That's not necessarily bad.


“I picked them all up.”

Five strands on each side left and right. It's pretty hair that shines like gold

I push one by one on the top of the latch, and the child pulls it from the bottom.
With ten strands, it was quite strong.

sooner or later. The latch was released.

“You must be calm.”


“No matter what happens, don’t panic.”


“Don’t even scream.”

“… … I am not stupid.”

“If you’re still scared, hold my hand.”

“Can I catch you now?”

“Catch me when you’re scared.”


The child grabbed my hand. A thin tremor was transmitted. it's still scary

“Don’t tremble, Rox. Not even a dog.”

“No, you are wrong.”

“I have no will at all.”

“Then let me repeat what I said before. Some things were wrong.”

Since it is an important part, I corrected it once more and repeated it.

“All of us will get out safely.”

“… … Yes."


The stone door opened.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 25

It was a narrow and dark hallway.

A flat melted candle is burning after it has been replaced for a long time. The
flickering light is so dangerous that it seems like it will go out at any moment.

'This must be the 8th floor.'

I walked slowly, leaning against the wall.

Often, prisons are built by digging underground, but this is a tower-shaped prison
built high on the contrary.

Since ancient times, there have been many people who dig and run away. Even the
earth attribute magic is good. Chama stone is also quite expensive, so it cannot be
used unless it is indoors.

“They are all empty.”

There was a gap in the stone door as thin as a mailbox, so you could see into the
room. No child, and I barely reached my height by lifting my stilettos.

“What about a room with no gaps?”

“I have no choice but to open it.”

Sometimes, there are rooms where there is not even such a gap. You should check the
inside though.

The children are on the 7th floor, and in the game, the child comes down with a few
small daggers. If you don't have children, you have to go to the 8th floor to find

Put your ear to it and hold it for 30 seconds.

Being unnecessarily bright with my ears helped quite a bit here.

If no sound is heard, scrape the stone wall with the knife used to cut the rope.

snuggle up.

It sounded creepy. That's the sound I make when I scratch the blackboard. The child
whispered softly.

"what are you doing?"

“This is the method the mercenaries use. If there is a closed room in a place like
a ruined ruin, they tell you to scratch the door with your fingernail.”

high-pitched sound.

In general, monsters with much more sensitive hearing than humans respond to this
sound, even if they are asleep.

Adventurers also carry an optimized iron plate and chisel, but there is none.


“I can’t open this. I will pass.”

There is a monster inside.

Why are there monsters in this place?

Because it's set to show a battle scene when you open the door.

If you encounter a monster in a situation where you can't use magic like now,
you'll get terrible results in all likelihood.

I wonder if there were about ten rooms that I checked like that?

“Here… … .”

I entered the room with the candlestick hanging in the hallway. Rusted and broken
chains, dry bloodstains, irons, daggers, and more.

The pieces of iron scattered on the floor are all sharp and pointy.

“It’s a torture room.”

The Empire has laws against physical torture, but other older kingdoms do not.
After leaving the candles to the child, I picked up the things that were scattered
on the floor. There was even a sack to hold it.

In situations where magic cannot be used, they are all valuable weapons.

“I’ll take it.”

Among them, I kept one of the daggers that looked most useful. Although the tooth
has fallen out, the tip is sharp.

“I see outside. It's a landscape I don't know. It seems to be in the mountains, but
I can't see the village. Let's take a look.”

Even in this room, the window was on a high place, but when I stepped on the chair
and climbed up, I could see the outside. It would be good for children to see what
kind of place it is.

But there was a problem.

“I can’t see well… … .”

Even though the child tried to jump with his feet up and jump, it seemed that this
subtle difference in height could not be filled.

It's fun to mumble in dismantling.

"Can I help? It's made of iron, so there doesn't seem to be any worries about it

“Are you okay? Rox has thin forearms. You are a sick person.”

“Hmmm. It will be fine for me to tell you.”

It's true that it's strength level 3, but it's not a sickly constitution. I'm just
living a bit tired.

The child is chubby but not very fleshy. Would it be okay to lift it up? I reached
out with a light heart... …


“Look, I’m going to fall. If you get hurt, I'll tell you it's because of the

“Legs, let go of your legs. I'm out of breath... … .”

I thought I would ride on my back, but I ride a horse.

Like a princess, putting people under her feet even in this kind of place is

I was worried about falling, so I wrapped my neck around it, but for a moment my
head felt dizzy. I couldn't even dare to touch the roof, so I tapped out the wall
three times.

“What do you see?”

“It’s definitely a terrain I’ve never seen in the Empire. And it was going to be a
disaster. I can't go out the window."

“It looks high.”

“8th floor? 9th floor? I think that's about it. I'll have to check the height

Also like a child

Knowing the number of floors is quite important.

The numbers are intuitive. You can imprint hope by going down one level at a time.
It will be of great help in calming the children down.

“But come down slowly.”

“It reminds me of the past.”

No, don't say anything else and come down.

my shoulder hurts

“When I was young, Maria supported me a lot.”

“What’s wrong now?”

“I won’t say no, but I will nag. Your Majesty, you are now sixteen, you must be
polite... … .”

“You only say the right things.”

“But it’s nice to be in a high place. It looks good.”

I couldn't bear it and my lower back was bent, and then the child jumped down.

“Do you like Rocks too? I stand on the garden railing every day.”

“It’s only half right.”

I said pat on the shoulder.


“You lack observation skills. I always look down.”

“Do the stars rise in the sky?”

“I don’t really like that.”

It is a story that requires a certain amount of modern knowledge to be understood,

so you will not be able to understand it.

“They are too far away.”

“Ugh, I don’t know.”

“When you go back, take a look below. It’s fun.”

“I will.”

I left the torture chamber and looked around the rest of the room, but nothing came
of it.

Most of the rooms were empty, and even if there were traces of it, it was too old
to be recognized. I could only infer the fact that it was used as a prison of some

“… … I am no help.”

After examining all the rooms in the hallway, the words came out of nowhere.
“Is that possible? Without me, I would have done well.”

“Looking back, I think the Rocks value me too highly. Could it have been that I was
locked up in that room and crying?”

"Yes. Surely it must have been?”

“… … See, he said he did everything well.”

“After you cry like that, you will get up bravely and find a way. That will always
be the right answer.”

I cowardly imitate the child.

It is not out of pure goodwill that a child should not be put in danger. In the
first place, what I solve first is the weak mentality that I have to get a score in

“The Jeon I know is such a person.”

“Rocks is a bummer.”



Instead of getting a score, he was devalued as a scoundrel. Did I make a mistake?

“Only say sweet things.”

… … is not it?

Only the boy's hair is visible when he turns his head. It's dark and I can't see
well. you know what you know Fool. I only heard muttering.


When there was nothing to answer, the hallway just ended and the stairs came out.
It was the stairs going down.

I suddenly had a thought.

'What's on top?'

There are stairs to the 9th floor.

Except for the cutlery I took from the torture chamber, there is no script written
in <Academy Summerturge>. The kidnappers all live on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

You can check it out if you can afford it, but first, find the children on the 7th

“I think it was on the 8th floor.”

“Then this is the 7th floor.”

Ainim, who has even excellent spatial perception, is convinced that the height of
the floors before and now is equal.
Therefore, it became clear that this was the 7th floor.

“You have to find it again.”

“They're not stupid either. In the midst of this, I made a loud noise—”


“—It won’t. I almost thought.”

these idiots

I grabbed the child's hand and hurriedly ran towards the source of the sound.


different from the game.

large blank. punched hole.

There is no protagonist in Class A now.

I don't have a role to play. Even so, I didn't think it would cause an accident in
the first place.

That was an obvious mistake.

Class A is in order of grades. Studying a little harder and having a talent for
magic is completely different from the ability to cope with crisis situations.

“Everyone, calm down!”

“Are you serious now? Is this Rongrt's way? A cheap play like this?”

“Why are you mad at us? To the kids who just woke up and lost their mind, would
that make things better?”

"Do not be ridiculous. A kidnapping in the middle of summer, do you think something
like that is possible? What has your empire done!”

It was loud enough to be heard outside the room. I quickly released the latch and
opened the stone door.


“Law, Lockstrin… … ?”

“Tell me your child!”

“The door has been opened!”

I quickly pushed the boy in and entered the room. The stone door, which had been
tightly closed, opened and the children jumped up.

But after I lifted the clasp I had loosened half way.

bang! Clap!

“What are you doing!”

“You’re locked again!”

The latch fell with a rough closure, and the door was locked again.

It may already be too late.

“What are you doing… … .”

“Shut up if you don’t want it to happen, you idiots.”

It seems that this is not covered even with charm level 10. For a moment, the
children with puzzled expressions kept their mouths shut.

It's scary when a guy who doesn't get angry has to do it.

Tick, tick, tick.

The sound of footsteps approaches.

My heart is pounding.

How many? two people?

-no. is one I was lucky.


catch your breath Don't make a mistake.

You only have one chance.

Standing with my back against the wall right next to the stone gate, I gripped the
dagger I had prepared in the torture chamber.


footsteps stop

Soon the latch was released, and it snapped.

"What's wrong with these little ones... … .”


He waved his arms as hard as he could. It aimed precisely at the throat and pierced
it deeply.


A voice mixed with phlegm and blood.

But my forearms, thicker than my thighs, grabbed my waist in an instant. While

being dragged helplessly, I walked and knocked him down.


He never let go of his right hand holding the dagger even while rolling half a lap.
The sound of crackling, scratching the skin came up through the skin.
Human life is so boring.

Even after the knife was stuck in my neck, my strong hand ruffled my hair
violently. I wondered if the whole scalp was peeling off.

I don't know how many times I've been kicked in the back and punched in my chest.
Fortunately, it was the tough skin of his neck that came off first.

Although I couldn't see well because of the vaguely gushing blood, the strength
that gripped my wrist slowly loosened.

The missing dagger was only easy to pierce, but it lacked ingenuity to rip through
muscles. The neck was cut sideways like a saw.

spatula. tuk. The knife blade protruded outward.

"Sigh… … .”

Tengung. He dropped the dagger on the floor and leaned against the wall.

30 seconds?

Those who had just been alive were shattered. blood was leaking out. I was also
drenched in red blood. An unpleasant warmth soaked his body.

His head was torn and his face was bloated from being hit by a couple of blows. I
said with all my heart.

“Please, please don't scream. I have to do the same thing again.”

He was in a panic right now, so there was no one making a sound. I stared at it for
about a minute, and no scream came out.

I was just reassured.

"it's okay… … ?”

“Yes. It's ok. Don't come close. Because it is dirty.”

It was Ainim who opened her mouth first.

 He spat out the torn flesh from his mouth. I haven't been able to eat ramen for
a while. I'm glad I ate it yesterday.

I unpacked the bag I had on the 8th floor. Throw it away so no one will pick it up.


“Yes, yes. Roxtrin.”

“Come and take it.”

called names one by one.

Fried was also assigned to Class A.

This guy is not as big as 16, so he's a strong will. He also had high strength and
agility, so he gave me the most useful looking, long, pointed skewer.

He's the smart guy who pointed out my nonsense to me in the previous class. He has
a calm and prudent personality, so I believe he will do it when he needs to. She
gave me garden shears.

There were at most eight handed out like that. The rest are empty handed.

"I am?"

“You can’t tell.”

When the child asked the question, he flatly refused.

In the episode, he is a great man who will lead the empire in the future, and
furthermore, in the distant future. It wasn't a role worthy of being entrusted to
such a guy.

“Everyone wake up. 'Cause I'm going down This is the 7th floor.”

not even evil

This event also has a time limit.

You must get out before dawn.

Perhaps frightened, the children listened.

“Those who just got it, keep one thing in mind.”

I wish that didn't happen.

If a battle event that we tried to avoid as much as possible occurred, we had no

choice but to borrow the hands of the students.

I can't solve everything.

I fell weak. You can't survive without someone's help when it's really important.

“If I see a guy not wearing a robe, I stab him. Recite.”

This is a simple peer identification method.

All but the 31 abducted Class A members are defined as enemies.

A brief silence followed.

With such a lukewarm attitude, someone is sure to get hurt. I said again.

“Sing back.”

“Ro, if I see a guy not wearing a robe, I stab him… … .”

“With all my might.”

“With all my might.”

Fried took the first verse away.

Controlling children with fear and coercion isn't a good idea, but for now it's the

I took the hair I had used on the 8th floor again and unlocked it. There is no time
to procrastinate.


The 'Class A kidnapping case' has just begun.

Academy Face Genius Episode 26


IV. enemy

- 2. Escape

: I got out of the locked room.

It is an old prison in the form of a tower. Magic cannot be used, and the students
who fell to a distant land overnight are terrified.

Can you lead your students to escape from this strange land safely?

The first part of the episode is the tower, but the longer you spend in the tower,
the more dangerous it becomes. More specifically, several people die.

My goal is one. Saving all 30 people and sending them back to Summerturge.


A large number of important forces are concentrated in Class A.

When a proper class starts, every single one of them does their job. Losing even
one person is a huge loss.



“I will stand in front.”

Fred approached with a stiff face.

There was no need to refuse. Fried's physical abilities are far superior to
Roxtrin's. The environment I grew up in is much rougher and harsher, so I can leave
my back no matter what happens.

“The Lord makes people… … .”

have you ever killed It seems like he wanted to ask such an obvious question.

“Eindalocke sends thousands of people to their limbs every morning.”

“… … Yes."

“Nothing new.”
He looked down at the dagger, which had not yet dried up blood. I thought this
would happen anytime.

<Academy Summerturge> has an obvious 'enemy'. Not only monsters, but humans as

If possible, I would like to kill them only with magic from a distance, but there
are times when things are not easy.

To prepare for this, I did image training several times in my head. It was very
helpful to witness the scene firsthand during the night raid.

“Were you upstairs?”

“When I opened my eyes, I was together with my child. How did you guys become like

“Three of Enpirians, including Sir Broman, worked.”

It is a kingdom located in the southeast of the continent.

It was also published in the monthly Summer Terror. Broman, the third prince of the

Being the exact opposite of the Empire, and being strong enough, there is a
tendency in the royal family to secretly build pride against the Empire.

Then what are you going to do?

I, the great nobleman of the empire, became like this. If you still think of it as
acting, it's not even human-level intelligence.

"for a moment."

giggle. giggle.

They stopped the children and scratched the wall as they did on the eighth floor.

There were not many rooms without gaps on the 7th floor. Here you can stock up on
some of the medications you need.


After unlocking the latch, I found a room littered with various vials.


[Old Potion (Lesser)]

: Poor quality medicine. The effect remains. Excellent for trauma

Effective items are classified into items and information is displayed.

Even though I complain that I don't have a talent to use every time, I feel like
there's something vaguely needed at times like this. be sensible

"what's this… … .”
“It’s all covered in blood.”

“Black, huh.”

A squeak is heard.

I couldn't even scold you for that. It is natural for young children who have grown
up preciously that they do not understand this situation.

"Wake. If there's nothing you can do, don't get in the way. Drop!”

“Ugh, my lord.”

“So is the royal family. There are a lot of people who don’t do anything, but they
don’t get kicked out.”

I entrusted it to the child.

Still, they say they're just men, and boys tend to become stronger in front of
girls. It's okay to pretend to be humble. Rather than shivering in outbreaks.

“This tower is strange.”

Fred, who was checking the room then, said:


“It would have been a prison if the room was locked from the outside.”

"that's right. It was the same on the eighth floor.”

“Then I will be sure. But I don’t know if Mashu’s prison and other prisons are the

Fried was often imprisoned in prison as a child. Most of them were released quickly
because the cause was not a big deal due to the evil of the lord, but he could not
forget the scenery inside the prison.

“Why isn’t there a toilet inside?”

"Well… … ?”


It's a very valid point, so I haven't been able to find an answer for a while.

I roughly drew a background illustration of the inside of the prison. But I didn't
want to express something like a dirty toilet, so I didn't draw it.

'Even so.'

This is reality, not a game.

It knows the parts that I haven't been able to express before, so it fits into
reality. Right now, even in the Tower of Truth dormitory, there is a toilet in the

“Roxtrin. Look at this too.”

It was Fabian. I squatted in the corner of the wall and wanted to do something.

“Can you make something like this with human fingernails?”


There were three big lines, a hard stone wall with scratches. The dent was thicker
than a finger.

A person scratched it with a tool, or a demon scratched it. In terms of form, it is

probably the latter.

“There was even a room where the demons were trapped. I think they made it.”

“Hey, is there a room with demons?”

“Yes. There are three rooms I haven’t opened since I was passing by.”

“Hey… … .”

“I’ll have to check it out as I go down.”

Fried said confidently.

“It doesn’t look like it was built from scratch to contain people.”

It makes sense.

Even if these things won't help you escape, it's well worth the effort to find out
what I didn't know.

Those things will pile up one by one and build up to create positive variables.

“Hey, Lockstrin… … .”


“Do you really have to look all over the room? Can’t we just go downstairs?”

“What if the same guy appears before?”

“Yeah, but that… … .”

“I know it’s urgent, but even two people with a dagger like this is too heavy.
Well, I don't know if all 30 people run. I just got lucky. What if they even have

Guys are careless.

He didn't even bring a weapon, thinking that the other party was at most thirteen-
year-old children. He doesn't seem to have thought that a knife would stick to his
neck at first.

However, I put the first button wrong.

'Three awake personnel.'

Even if it roughly scares those who go up and run, it is surprising that they don't
come back until the shift time has passed.
Before they go up to the 7th floor, we need to find a more reliable weapon.

'This is probably random.'

It's not fun to have the same item in the same place every time you play.

Somewhere on the 5th, 6th, or 7th floors, there is a large hammer. It is an item
with an explanation that it can kill you instantly if you make a surprise attack.

Rather than a dagger that can't be used properly, a hammer that can send even a
strong adult male with one blow to the back of the head is a hundred times better.

The problem is that.

'There may be a hammer in a room with a monster.'

Then, you have to deal with the monster with the useless tools you obtained from
the torture chamber.

The main character will fight monsters and win even with this crude dagger, but I
am Roxtrin. I never learned any martial arts.

Right now, I have no choice but to open every room without monsters, praying that
it doesn't happen. Unfortunately, it was not found on the 7th floor.

“It goes down.”

Unusually, the stairs do not follow one after another. Once you go up and down the
floor, you have to go to the end of the hallway on the other side to get to the
next staircase.

There is no need to be particularly careful about the stairs, but seeing the
children sprinting down like a chick following a mother chicken was breathtaking.

30 people.

too many.

horribly many

“There is no magic here either.”

The magic still doesn't work.

If that was the case, I would go straight down to the first floor right away. I
have a child.

So, once you go outside, you will be able to avoid the biggest crisis. Because it
can be solved even if you don't bring the original child.

“It’s like a water bottle, so let’s take one.”

“Is this edible… … ?”

The 6th floor has many rooms that are used as storage.

Most of the rooms were safe without locks, so we could pack our food and water.
“Give me.”

I chewed something black in my mouth, picked up by one of the boys. It smells and
has no taste, but it can be chewed.

It's good to be young.

“Even if it tastes a little sour, it’s like dried lamb, so keep it all.”

“Uh, uh.”

It is best to keep as much preserved food as possible in prison.

If you go out, you have to hold out for two days. It won't be difficult to set up
properly and hunt, but I can't afford to make a preservation meal.

“I think this is probably alcohol.”

It was a room full of oak barrels.

Usually, alcohol in these oak barrels is a luxurious wine. It's normal to keep it
underground, but if you don't even know how to store it, you can tell that the
people living here are stupid.

Many of the students were aristocrats, and even if they say they drink around
fifteen, they don't see it as strange, so there were not a few people who noticed

“It’s all broken.”

“They are ignorant.”

“It’s like seeing that you don’t even know your son or Lord Lockstrin.”

“Areas is a rural area.”

You cannot negotiate with someone who does not know your values.

Ironically, in this faraway land that is not even in Summer, the children come to
realize what Dean Wiraine emphasized so much.

Meaningful authority and authority are useless. Their values are so easily denied.

The enlightened ones will go back and sharpen themselves diligently. Then it will
be my role to watch it.

But now,

You have to watch, not watch.


[Rusty Hammer]

: It is heavy. One room if you look back.

I was lucky.

I found a hammer in this wine cellar. They were placed together in a pile of wood.
One room if you look back. It was a reassuring phrase just by looking at it.

“You write this, and give it to him.”

But it's too heavy for me to write.

He entrusted the hammer to Fried, who had high muscle strength, and handed the
skewer to another male student.

In front of the stairs going down to the 5th floor.

“Everyone, be quiet.”

I raised my left hand to stop the children.

At times like this, there were always people who knocked things down, sneeze, and
trembled with the plague, but that didn't happen. Seeing you hold your breath makes
me feel proud.

As I put my ear to the floor, I heard a faint voice. It's probably on the 4th
floor, not the 5th.

“Why doesn’t this bastard come after he wants to eat? Shall we just eat together?”

“Well, see if even a young Ae is holding onto one of them. leave it alone Seeing
how quiet it is, I think he gave me a bit of fear.”

"You're fucking boring. After all, the people of Areas Academy are all nobles,
right? The cubs of nobles should all be pruned.”

“You don’t get paid, you idiot.”

There were stories like that.

It looked like he was getting ready to eat something. I repeated their

conversations verbatim.

“It seems they don’t know that we are imperial citizens.”

"that's right. I heard that commoners cannot enter the academy of Areas.”

“Are we summertime?”

What should I do to complain about regret? It doesn't make sense to ignorant


“Can’t you convince me?”

“One has already died… … .”

"There's no room for discussion, but if it does, there's nothing good about
revealing it."

“I think so.”

My son and I agreed.

If they accept that it is the truth, it will only become harsher for them.
He kidnapped the princess, Ainim von Rongrt, and Roxtrin Aindarok. Can you survive
if you plead for mercy?

'No way.'

They will die more terrible than the worst imaginable, and no one will argue with
the annihilation of the old people.

It would be more merciful to die here.

“Fried, come with me.”


“Wait here for the rest.”

A good opportunity has arisen.

The majority need not move. I brought Fred down and went straight through the
hallway to the fourth floor.

little by little, little by little.

The sound of scratching the bowl is already deafening. I told Fried to make loud
footsteps on purpose, and I silenced the footsteps.

“Can you?”

Fried nodded heavily.

A sweet smell emanated from the room that looked to the kitchen. The door was wide
open on both sides.




came with a hand signal.

“What if I come now?”


The head he was holding and eating was crushed and buried in a bowl. While the guy
on the other side had his mouth wide open, I dig through the back door and thrust
my dagger.

“Oops! Cock!”

I'm just uncomfortable only me.

Fortunately, unlike the one on the 7th floor, this guy was skinny and had no
strength. It's good to be certain, so I kicked him off and backed off.

bang. The hammer fell without any reason.

In an instant, the surroundings became quiet.


This is the main character. That's why it's rewarding to bring them up.

“Heh heh, heh heh… … .”

Freed, who was relaxed after a while, let out a rough breath. The hand holding the
hammer trembled.

He didn't move much, but a cold sweat was running down the back of his neck. He
taps Freed's stiff shoulder.

“Don’t make a fuss, ma’am. A big, distracted guy.”

“Okay, are you done?”

Finally, put your ear to the floor.

The noise wasn't that great. Those who slept on the second floor hadn't woken up

I nodded.

“Let’s take the kids.”

Academy Face Genius Episode 27

“Aren’t you hurt, Rocks?”

“Well done.”

“… … There was a lot of blood again.”

“Fried can’t control his power.”

I said, tapping the hammer on Fried's shoulder. There was hardly any blood on him.

So I went down the stairs with the children on the 6th floor. Now, there is only
one thing you need on the 3rd floor.


A contract that will give you a large amount of cash if you keep the students of
Areas Academy sent through the relic for a week.

It is a document that will be destroyed as soon as students escape, so it is

important to keep it in advance. This will have a significant impact on future

“Isn’t everyone in this country crazy?”

“The idea of kidnapping students from our own academy is horrendous.”

“What is the royal family doing?”

It was the sound of gossiping among students.

Areas is a small kingdom in the military and weak Xinjiang (君弱臣强). In the eyes
of aristocrats from other countries, it would be just a beautiful resort, but the
conditions in which the people of that country lived were extremely poor.

In the meantime, the episode begins and the number of monsters increases.

Proper governance is not possible.

The backcountry is infested with bandits, and looting is frequent. The system
collapses in an instant. The Areas that students know has become a thing of the

Rebellions and uprisings ensued in various places, and the level of kidnapping was
frequent . Above all, it is the first kingdom to be destroyed in <Academy
Summerturge>. They have no way to save them.

In other words, it is impossible to save.

“Who is giving you money? … ?”

"therefore. It's unimaginable in the Empire."

It was a big company that was rapidly raised in rent in such an area that offered
an absurd contract.

Sanghoe, who has grown in size by supplying weapons from a country that is steadily
going through the process of exile. It may seem common in some ways, but if the
Imperial Investigation Team persistently digs for them, traces of Riden can be

If you do not catch Riden's tail here, you will have to postpone the opportunity
until the eighth episode, 'Crisis of the Northern Wall'.

Naturally, away from a happy ending.

“People with a bad stomach don’t look to the right.”

Meanwhile, reaching the fourth floor, the children had to pass by the kitchen area
where Fried and I had been working.

But if you tell me not to see you again, there are guys who dare to stare at you.
Is it a child, or a child.

“It’s not good for your mental health, my lord.”

“It’s not fair to only look at the Rocks.”

“Happiness is halved when we are together, and suffering is doubled when we are

“Is that right?”

"of course."

3rd Floor.

From now on, I really had to hold my breath.

The second floor is right below where they sleep, so even the sound of footsteps
moving around 30 people will wake you up.

A little forward.

I've been doing well so far, so I thought I'd be able to get out safely. The
contract was also found in the room in the middle of the hallway.


It was then.

In the distance, at the end of the hallway, a person suddenly popped out. He yawned
as if he had just woken up, and then his pale eyes turned towards him.

“What else are these… … .”

The guy's eyes grow bigger.

Children filling the hallway with blood-stained weapons. No matter how stupid you
are, you understand the situation.

Too far to deal with.

“Mr. X! Everyone wake up!!”

The guy raised his voice.

His voice was so loud that it echoed through the hallways and stairs.

And he disappeared straight down the stairs.

“Are you chasing me?”

“You don’t have to.”

I grabbed Fried's back as he was about to run away. It's already late.

Now I can't go down to the second floor.

'At the end of the candles.'

I didn't make any mistakes.

It's not the students' fault.

You may have been lucky to find the hammer, but you could have been so unlucky... …
Should I think so?

But this is a bit embarrassing.

There is still a long way to go before shift time.

The bathroom is on the second floor. If you're going to drink water, it's on the
second floor.

Why the hell did he wake up in the middle?

“Uh, what should I do!”

“Go back to the other end of the room.”

When I panic, the kids get scared. Let's act as if we knew everything, as if there
was a trick prepared in advance.

Of course, there is no such cemetery.

In this case, there is only gambling left.

“Is there a way?”

“Someone needs to see the blood.”

“Sir Roxtrin… … . This time it is really dangerous.”

“It’s neither you nor me that sees blood.”


An all-out war cannot be avoided when caught.

You have to defeat all the enemies with the objects you find while coming down from
the prison.

Then, someone must die.

How to avoid that?

At least not in the game.

“Just loosen the locks. You are that way, I am this way.”

I looked all the way down the hallway and unlocked the latches of every room.
You'll know that this one is also holding a weapon, so you won't be able to open it
up hastily.

Then he returned to the room where he sent the students and closed the door. how
much time is left

He pushed through the children who were endangered on the cold floor, and knelt in
front of them.

Above his head, there is still a small window.

“Now the only thing I can trust is Your Majesty.”

Perhaps he hadn't noticed until this point, so he tapped Freed's knee, who was
standing next to him. Only then did I get down on my knees.


It's not me, nor Fried, who needs to see the blood.

is a child

“It will hurt.”

"it's okay."
The boy reached out and touched my cheek.

The seat was beaten on the 7th floor, but there is no mirror, so I don't know for
sure, but I think I got bruises.

“Rox would have been much more sick.”

I'm glad that the charm is level 10.

His nosebleeds and his swollen cheeks look like his hair is being ripped apart,
making eye contact. It doesn't matter that the ribs were broken.

He lifted the child up by supporting his knees and palms. This prison has a high
ceiling. Even the third floor is over 10m tall.

There is no magician in this world who can concentrate and use magic while falling,
and what will happen to a child who does not know how to fall.

I held out something along with the contract I was holding. The child's eyes

“I don’t know how things will turn out.”

“… … I will give it back.”

“Count 30 seconds from the moment you jump.”

Suddenly, I can already hear the sound of the rooms on the other side opening one
by one in the distance.

An eerie sound of iron permeates the heavy footsteps that pound the hallway.



The child crumpled through the small window and disappeared.

“6, 7…….”

I started counting and collected all the male students with strength level 3 or
higher. I am included

“18, 19…….”

"we are here!"

“Stop it!”


push to power

The gap between adults and children is too wide. Even with a dozen or so people
hanging on it, they couldn't handle the force of the strong three Nuts over there.


The door, which had been pushed out little by little, finally couldn't bear it and
opened wide. Some of the boys who had been holding the door until the end were
thrown out.

Eight men who can't beat their anger and are ferocious. With a resigned look, I
dropped the dagger in my hand.

“It’s no use getting down on your knees and begging.”

“You were together.”

27, 28…….

When the time came, I threw my middle finger at the man who was looking at the
children with a terrifying expression.

“Look at what, you idiot.”

“What, what? This bastard—”



at the same time as the voice. The students, including me, fell on their faces at



A loud noise hit my ears. It buzzed as if the eardrum was torn.

A small lump of rock that popped out pounded hard on the back. It looks like
something is stuck in your back.


Even in the heat that seemed to burn me at any moment, I stood up with the hammer
that Fried had missed. That big guy is surrounded by other kids in the meantime.

“Aaaaah… … !”

It's Abigail

In the midst of flames fluttering everywhere, the men who had been hit by fragments
of the shattered outer wall were screaming and struggling.

Quietly lifted the hammer.


one guy


two guys.

three guys... … .

Oh, he's not flying anymore.


So, after smashing the heads of all eight people, he threw down the hammer. I don't
need this anymore. I don't even want to write it again.

i'm a wizard

"wake up."

Fried's robe had all the backs torn off. Dude, I jumped up when I knocked it out

Even though there are a few stones and blood is flowing.

“It’s okay, are you… … ?”

“No, it really hurts. you?"

“I was whipped when I was young, so I didn’t have much sensation in my back.”

“It’s proud.”

I giggled and lifted the rest of the children to their feet.

There were quite a few stunned ones, so I had the less injured students take over
and support them one by one.

All 30 are unharmed.

“Let’s go… … .”

* * *

I do not know.

That's what 'sick' means to a child.

The prickling or stinging of something was all I remember.

Even at that level, the imperial family was in an uproar, and people who were
seeing it became invisible. I wasn't interested.

it hurts.

it hurts. it hurts. it hurts.

It was as if someone had driven a chisel into his shin and banged it with a hammer.
It seemed to keep beating, whether it was a hundred or a thousand times.

There is no sensation below the ankle.

Rather, I thought it was fortunate.

From the moment I fell, my mind went blank and I couldn't think of anything.
But unforgettable.

It counts.

to come up with

―You have to break that wall.

“Twenty days, twenty-two… … .”

Tears covered my eyes, so I couldn't see well. Still, he gathered his magic. His
legs were broken or not, and he was overflowing with magical powers.

His gaze turned to the palm of his hand. It was a ring studded with blue gems like
Lockstrin's eyes. The boy clenched his fists.


Aindalocke's Walk.

I heard that it is an artifact that is unique to the continent. I thought Coltman

Marquess had it, but I think Lockstrin had it.

'I'll give it back.'

The dual properties of fire and wind.

He can handle two attributes that boast the best compatibility, but he has never
used fusion magic alone.

Two magics must be performed at the same time with one head.

I thought I could do it.

No, I have to.

"Fire Typhoon".

It was named after the first library.

An outstanding magic that can only be used when both of them have 5 stars. There
was also a restriction that firepower should be focused on one point.

The wind was 4 stars, but you can jump over it at any time. He was not alone, he
was himself.

Flames erupted from his clenched fists. Her golden hair fluttered in a mess, and
the flames covering her son-in-law drove away the darkness.

“… … thirty."


The outer wall shattered and flew away.

I don't know how it would have been.

If it was too weak, it would not have worked as Roxtrin had hoped, and if it was
too strong, the children who fell inside would have been injured.
All I had to do was cry and wait.

if it doesn't come out What do we do.

“No, I broke my ribs. can't pick it up Ask Fried.”

“Are you saying that even when you look at me?”

“Hey, I’ll give you some support.”

it was rain

Even if one or two people are carrying them or supporting them, they all have
bright faces. I saw Roxtrin's face in the front.

“Rock, S.”

A very thin voice came out.

there's no light

I couldn't even hear it properly.


Knowing how, Roxtrin ran right away and found the child who had fallen in the

“You suffered. Are you sick?”

ask the obvious

“… … Yes."

“Thanks, everyone is safe.”

"thank God."

power ran out.

The child's head fell.

“It hurt.”

"Me too."

“It hurts!”

“Can I get you some medicine?”

“It hurts!”

back. A cry broke out. Yes, it was a weak voice.

“You’re in so much pain, how can you pretend to be so fine? Rocks is an idiot.”

“You look fine? Is it like this?”

"I do not know. He is still very handsome.”

“Ahaha. If it wasn't for me anyway, your Highness would have taken care of

Say it again, Rox.

“… … Why. You keep saying that.”

Even if he conceded a hundred times and it was helpful in the end, he really didn't
do anything other than that.

From start to finish.

Everything was Roxtrin.

“I can’t even use magic, but my strength is weak. I can't even fight well. I can't
even use a knife properly. But how did you do it? Finding a way out of the room.
Leading all the kids alone. Killing people with trembling hands. Save everyone by
squeezing their heads. how do you do that I can not."

“Then just say so.”

don't say a word

“I am.”

What excuse are you going to use this time?

Turning around and sticking her back, the child calmly lifted her up. said
Lockstrin, who staggered and stood up.

“I wish I could become such a person.”



He hugged his neck and hugged him.

My back is not wide, but my mind is relaxed and my eyes are closed. do you want to
laugh? I can't see your face anyway.

The child muttered a little.

yes again

Rocks is a nerd.

Academy Face Genius Episode 28


IV. enemy

- 3. Forest

: Surprisingly, you succeeded in killing all the hijackers in the tower.

Outside the tower is the deep forest of Areas. The road back will certainly be long
and difficult, but it will be safe for the time being.


Outside the prison was the vast forest of Areas. They laid the injured children
nearby and distributed medicines they had obtained from prison.

I sighed in relief and lay down on the grass. 'Safe for the time being'.

Then my mind relaxes a bit. It was a rather rare and successful script.

Events usually go like this.

As long as they somehow get out of the prison, they can use magic, so the students
destroy the entire prison.

Then there is a secret passage somewhere, and even if the prison collapses, some of
the surviving people run away.

'Follow them now! Letting them live puts us in danger.'

'It's a forest nearby anyway.'

If they hire a pursuer, they will be pursued even in the forest. From then on,
their purpose is not money, but murder.

Of course, since you can use magic, there is no problem with combat power, but it
is difficult to control fatigue and stress.

Now you don't have to worry about that.

Eleven people were killed with this hand. Oh, the two were done by Fried.

There will be no reinforcements unless those who have broken their heads come back
from Hell.

'For the time being' was also a meaningless premise because I had summoned
mercenaries in advance.

“The sun rises.”

Dawn was coming in the distance.

You can move as soon as the day dawns.

“Sir Roxtrin.”

“Ugh. Need more medicine? I have some left.”

Fried walked towards me.

It hurt the most, but he took care of the students together until the very end.
Neither child nor Fried.

What would have happened without these two? I feel like I want to kiss you a
hundred times.

“I’m going to take a look around just in case.”

“Don’t wander around too much. You hurt the most.”

"Yes? what the hell is that... … .”

Fried let out a laugh.

what did i say wrong?

“The one who got hurt the most is Sir, Roxtrin.”


is it?

“Are you resting?”

“No, I have an idea.”

I might be resting until the sun rises like this, but suddenly I have a question.

Apart from killing the kidnappers, there is one more thing worth noting.

'The prison did not fall.'

A part of the outer wall of the third floor was only broken by Ai-nim's magic. I
said, pointing to the still intact prison.

“To come back in.”

You can go up to the 9th floor.

“No, are you going in there again?”

“There’s something I didn’t check properly. There's nothing to do right now. There
could have been more to pack on the second floor.”

The 9th floor of the prison is obviously a meta element outside of Academy
Summerturge. There is no option at all to go up from the 8th floor.

There is one thing I am skeptical of.

“If there is something that brought us all the way to Areas, wouldn’t we be able to
go back?”

I know it's impossible.

The name of the artifact is 'Warpstone'.

The same thing is in Riden, it is one-way and one-time. The same goes for the
warpstone used in 'Class A Kidnapping Case'. After writing it, it turns into an
ordinary stone.

However, it was the same in the game, and even now, I have not been able to confirm
its existence in the prison.

It is certain that it was used, but the warpstone was not found after it exerted
its power. It wouldn't be small enough to move 31 people.
“Then I will go with you.”

“Looking around?”

“Come to think of it, wouldn’t everyone use magic better than me?”

“It is.”

Although he showed a fresh side during the midterm exam, Freed still has a long way
to go to awaken. The level of magic is far superior to the class A students. Above
all else, I have a child.

“I’m going to take a look around with Fried.”

“Are you still okay?”

“Don’t push yourself too hard.”

“It will be about 30 minutes. I am resting.”

At the beginning of the semester, it was difficult for everyone to talk to me, but
now I can have conversations casually. It is a positive change.

Of course, it is limited to male students.

I went back into the darkened prison with Fried. The fire was almost out because
there was no way to burn it.

“I don't think I stayed long.”

Second floor. One of the things I saw was a large room. Perhaps the place where the
kidnappers were staying.

I noticed the bedding that had been messed up by rushing out. It's clean for stuff
used by scruffy guys.

“Ah, I think I was in regular contact with someone else.”

A pile of letters stood out in the corner. Seeing that there were dozens of them,
it seems that they were in regular contact with each other.

Yeah, I mean, that's important.

Perhaps it can be more convincing evidence than a contract. I pulled out one of the
letters at the bottom and unfolded it.

[Dad, did you go far again? Where's my dad who comes home once a month? After all,
Dad doesn't have much strength, so it's not dangerous to do anything, right? How
long will it take this time? My mom says I can buy and eat sweets every day... … .]


Tak, Fried snatched another letter he was reading next to him. I never thought that
fast reading would be a disadvantage.

“Don’t look.”

“… … Roxtrin.”
Looking at their facial expressions, they seemed to have similar contents.

I didn't mean to see this.

I kicked the letter into the corner and left the room. I silently climbed the

Go through the corpse on the third floor.

Pass the body on the 4th floor.

Pass the body on the 7th floor.

Fred barely spoke until it was time to climb the stairs to the 8th floor.

“They… … He must have been a villain.”


Most of the people you encounter in the mountains of Areas are defectors. They were
unable to withstand the exploitation of the local lords, so they fled, looking for
work to somehow find a way to live.

Whether you become a bandit or receive an unidentified quest.

In a trading city with frequent exchanges with the outside world, such extortion is
not prevalent, so you can leave your family behind. Things will all be the same

“It’s not Nanda.”

But sure thing.

They are enemies.

It becomes a threat to the characters I cherish, a threat to the clearing of the

episode, and a threat to my survival.


Couldn't it be convincing?

I do not know.

After plucking the neck of the guy who first came up to the 7th floor. I no longer
shake my hands.

The 9th floor was the last floor.

It had only a roof, and it was a wide open terrace in front, and as expected, there
was a large warpstone in the middle.


[Warp Stone (unusable)]

: Ancient relics. power was consumed.

The warpstone, which has already lost its light, is nothing more than a flat stone.
Fred looked at it, but didn't notice anything. Because I don't feel any magic or

Other than that, there is a flower bed filled with only dry soil, and it seems that
in the old days there was a garden like the Tower of Summer Tuji.

Don't make a garden on the rooftop of the prison.

“It wouldn’t have been used as a prison as you said. Those torture tools. It must
not have been used for people.”

“Is there anything you can gain by torturing a demon?”

“Because it seems pretty old. You're still doing research on monsters, right?
Wouldn’t it be similar?”

I've been thinking about something else.

The higher-level monsters that attacked Summerturge were under control. What if you
were in a place like this?

'It is possible.'

A warpstone is composed of a large stone that serves as a destination and a small

fragment that serves as a trigger.

The professor, who brought the students here, must have brought a trigger to the
class A classroom, and the moment he injected magical power, the power was
transmitted to the roof of the tower.

Likewise, if the Warpstone is buried in front of the training room in advance, it

is possible for a starving high-level monster to appear in the campus at once.

That large tunnel would be nothing more than a trace of a higher-level demon who
dug up the area.

Warpstone's identity has not yet been revealed on the continent. Because only
Leeden has it. The Empire learns of the existence of the Warpstone only after being
hit in the back a few more times.

“The sun has risen.”


It cannot be used as evidence that it is merely a heavy stone. I sighed and sat
down on the warpstone.

Because of its height, I could see far away. Now the sun is up and it's bright

“I think we should follow the river over there. You can even eat animals.”

The other students measured the north by the constellation, and after walking along
the river for two days, you can meet the mercenaries called in advance.

I could see the river. There was no need to wander in search of the river.

“There was salt in the 4th floor kitchen.”

“Ugh, I have to go back there.”

“I didn’t know that I could only see the forest until the end of my view.”

“Let’s go down. There is not much of a harvest.”


Fried smiled and got up.

tuk. Degur. Kicking stones on the floor for nothing. I passed by involuntarily and
narrowed my eyes.

What, I didn't see anything wrong.


Why do you feel the magic?


[Dimensional Fragment (1)]

: Relic, small fragment of warpstone. Power has not been consumed yet. two are a

- If you inject magic into the piece of (1), it will move to the place where the
piece of (2) is located.

- No distance restrictions

- Limited to 1 person

- 1 time limit

“Why are you picking up rocks?”


“… … Yes?"

“Wait a minute.”

Freed looked at me with strange eyes or not.

Digging hard on the wide floor, I found the rest of the pieces with the (2) on
them. It looked like it was a fragment from the original.

The size is the same, but the description is different.


[Dimensional Fragment (2)]

: Relic, small fragment of warpstone. Power has not been consumed yet. two are a

- If magic is injected into the piece of (2), the piece of (1) will sparkle.

Because it is unidirectional, (1) becomes a trigger and (2) becomes a destination.

As long as you keep the pieces of (2) in a safe place in advance, you can escape
immediately in any danger.

Although the glitter seemed useless at all, it was practically a spare life.


“… … It's a bit scary. You just thought you were going to die. If you pick up rocks
and suddenly smile.”

Because it's hard to make a living.

Like the ring, I didn't know that the world would make a hidden piece that I didn't
put in. I don't know how many more there are.

I seem to be getting a little bit motivated.

“32 minutes have passed.”

“… … Yes."

“I was wrong, I didn’t.”


“The kids are worried.”

As soon as I returned home, I was scolded by the child.

It took some time to find the stones. I said about 30 minutes, I didn't say exactly
30 minutes.

Of course, what he said was not wrong.

Right now, my presence in Class A contributes significantly to the psychological

stability of the students, so it is important not to cause any concern.

But because you did something wrong, you should be punished.

“I need to wash some clothes.”

"it's okay. Anyway, I didn't put much on my back. I don’t care.”

“I found a river from above.”

A child with a severe leg injury cannot stand up at all. You have to be carried by
someone until you return and receive a healing spell.

So what I was carrying was punishment.

Another point is that there are no students who can carry the Imperial Princess
around without hesitation. Unless you're like Aindarok.

“But tell me.”


I feel it now.
“When you get back, you should do some exercise.”

Strength 1, Agility 2, Stamina 1.

The child's physical abilities are of low quality. My head is so high that my study
time is short, and if I don't have class or work, I just sleep.

When I rode the horse, my posture was uncomfortable, so I thought it was just that.
He raised his stamina to level 4, so damn it.

This guy isn't that light.

“Hey, I don’t like people who say the right things.”

soggy sogon.

I get goosebumps when I say these things right in front of my ears. scary.

“Such. I’m sorry.”

"They think they're smart, but I've always been more right."


Just do mouthwash.

“It’s like a feather.”

"that's right."

It was a very confident field.

* * *

“What the hell did you do?”


When Shilin Yuksila visited Summerturge, the campus was already in turmoil.

All assigned to Class A disappeared.

He didn't hide anywhere, nor did he go to corrections.

Since there were no traces left, there were even rumors that a funeral should be
held, let alone a search.

That was two days ago. Summerstuff fell into a blitz. I even heard the news that
Professor Kanin was lying ill.

“Did your mother hear the news?”

“What are you… … no way."

Hira didn't know anything.

He seemed to have gone out of his mind, and even if he was angry, he didn't seem to
understand the situation at all.
Shilin calmed her anger and said.

“Do you have the check I gave you when you entered the school?”

A blank check of Yuxilla.

It's summertime, so I wonder if that's the case. Since there are many enemies in
Euxilla, I thought that I might be kidnapped at any time.

He gave me to offer to negotiate when such a crisis arises. Of course, it shouldn't

have been used.

“I never took it out. It's in the closet."

“Bring it.”


Hira opened the bottom drawer.

The drawer is empty.

“… … Huh."

“I need to borrow 1 billion won in cash right now. The famous mercenaries in the
Empire have them. I just wanted to restore it... … .”

There's no point in rebuking what you don't know. You just have to find the cause.

Shilin asked softly.

“In the room, who came in?”

Academy Face Genius Episode 29

Hira Yuxilla.

Shilin Yuxilla.


'Coltman Aindalocke.'

In Yuxilla's VIP room where the three of them had gathered, Hira swallowed her
saliva. At the representative inauguration ceremony, I watched his face from a
distance for a while.

It was only a brief glance from a distance, so he had a dignity that could not be
approached. Should I say that it is similar to the original Roxtrin?

I'm going to sit around the table with him. I never even dreamed of drawing it.
What's even more surprising is that.

“Ashes, ashes, remarriage… … .”

My mother decided to remarry with Marge Coltman!

Did you have a connection with helping to restore the estate? It felt as if my mind
had been half-laid.
“Hey, you have to listen to the end. You’re just pretending to do it.”

“It’s not good, Shilin. First of all, it has to be sincere so everyone can believe

“Are you not even ashamed? Now I am in front of my daughter.”

“Aren’t you two supposed to be friends anyway?”

So what's my relationship with the Rocks?

siblings? Who is above and who is below?

no, more than that.

“You are… … My son disappeared overnight, how could he be so fine?”

“I knew.”


“I didn't know exactly what was going to happen. But he just told me.”

Coltman didn't blink when he heard that thirty students had gone missing in broad

did you know

“Even if you are in danger, be sure to pretend not to know.”

"what… … .”

Coltman said it was Roxtrin's will that sent support to Euxilla.

Although it is said that he was immediately looking for Coltman's political career,
which had only been in his head and had never been revealed, and it is unfortunate
that he took advantage of my daughter, it is thanks to Roxtrin that Yuxilla was
able to recover.

Now, once the estate is stabilized, we will announce the fact that we have received
support from Eindarok, and we plan to say that we have developed a relationship
through that.

Can it be this smooth?

It was absurd, but even that Yuxila was attacked by demons was to the point that I
wondered if it was Roxtrin's intention.

“So, if it’s a barrier, I don’t have it. You know how to do it, right?”

“Not because of that. Your son stole a check from my daughter.”

“Don’t make amends. How much?”

“Billion G.”

Coltman leaned slowly against the backrest. The teacup is lifted once, but it is

Shilin let out a smirk.

“Do you have a billion in Aindarok?”

“… … Hmm."

“Tell me, child.”

Aindarok may hoard grain in barns, but not wealth.

The property of the estate is transparent and accurate with no leaks, but most of
it is consumed by the northern wall in real time. There's not much room to spare.

“What happened?”

Coltman's eyes turned to Hira.

It meant that I wanted to hear the answer directly. Hira opened her mouth with a
trembling voice.

“… … The Rocks came to my room.”

“You let him in knowing what he is going to do. girl.”

“Me, I’m not that prettier than the other kids, so… … . He said he needed some
reference to decorate the room.”

“Do you decorate the room?”

"Yes Yes."

Coltman asked curiously.

“Roxtrin hates having anything in my room. There is nothing in Tarum's room except

“Well then, what does it mean to be an excuse? So, Hira, you mean that he didn't
particularly touch you or anything?"

“Rox is not like that.”

“You’re not that kind of person, but you’re stealing a check and spending a billion
dollars as you please?”

“There must be a reason, maybe.”

“You are too.”

Shilin sighed.

I don't want to disappoint my mother.

But I don't know why he said that.

I wanted to believe that Roxtrin wasn't wrong. Was it simply because I fell in love
with that face? Because he sent a letter to save the estate?
'It must have been my life, but in fact I was living up to my expectations.
Parents, teachers, friends, anyone.'


Because he told himself what he was made of.

'It's not much fun.'

It was because he showed himself what those dark blue eyes were looking at.

There was strength in his voice.

Hira said once more.

“There must be a reason.”

I thought you would be angry.

Shilin raised her hand, and Hira closed her eyes. Shiilin only gently stroked
Hira's scarlet hair.

“When you look at it like this, you look like my daughter.”

“What kind of quest did it cost the mercenaries to cost 1 billion?”

“I told you to find out. It is time to come soon.”


Just then, I heard a knock on the door. The servant handed over a piece of paper
and quietly left the room.

As she was reading the document, Shilin narrowed her brow.

“You left for Areas five days ago? All 120 people?”

“It wasn’t even before he disappeared.”

“Then you are in Areas right now, Class A students? Second, how it is possible. You
know, why didn't you tell me?"

I couldn't reveal the details of the quest that was originally entrusted to me in
secret, but I was able to find out because the check belonged to Yuxilla.

It doesn't matter now how Roxtrin found out. If I had known it was going to happen,
I could have prevented it.

'I could have avoided it, but I did not avoid it.'

Coltman was also contemplating.

Numerous nobles of the Empire, including the princess Ainim, neglected the case of
the disappearance of children of other royal families in the middle of the campus.

'Because I decided it was right to be treated.'

If so, that's for sure.

All 31 missing persons are unharmed.

Roxtrin would have saved it. Looking at the fact that the mercenaries had departed
five days in advance, they counted the time.

disappeared, and all of them returned safely. What do you gain from it?


Coltman shook his head.

In reality they get nothing.

'It's the opposite.'

'Who' caused the incident?

that someone must. lose everything

You can't even cover this. The princess was kidnapped. The Empire will eventually
find those who perpetrated such an outrageous incident and destroy the Gu family.
Roxtrin wants it.

Hana Eindarok has no enemies.

There is no way Lockstrin could hold a personal grudge against anyone for not
leaving the estate.



“Who is the enemy of the Empire?”

It was a random question.

Shilin didn't think long.

Who would dare to stand up to the Empire, but in fact, it is a question that can be
answered simply by any wizard who has graduated from Summerturge.



“What are you talking about, all of a sudden?”

"Riden was the mastermind of this case, Roxtrin says so."

It was already shown at the inauguration ceremony.

Roxtrin knew exactly what the Empire was in. Most exclusive rights to magic belong
to Riden.

'Summertown is under attack.'

Even if I am certain that it was Riden who attacked Summerturge before, it is only
circumstantial evidence. So it was just like Roxtrin thought.
The Empire ended the attack of higher-level monsters as a chaos within the Empire.
He left no room for doubt about Riden.

The scale of the two incidents is similar, if you think about it in that way.

you'll never find out

Riden is proud of himself.

“That means… … No, I came to a conclusion like that no matter how I did it. They're
a bit annoying, but they don't go out."

“George, I crossed the line this time. It could have happened at any time.”

There is a high probability that the child will not be harmed directly. However,
there is no guarantee that the other students will also be safe.

They raise the water level like that and eventually cross the line. If you thought
that you were only 16 children, you will surely pay the price for that pride.

There will be gaps.

Among the 31 class A students.

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

“Are the kids in Areas?”

“Areas is not close, but there are also Enpirians on the other side of the
continent. There must have been Leiden's home country as well. But if I could
designate a place, I would choose Areas too.”

Class A students can return on their own from Areas.

Rather than dropping it too far or in a dangerous place to make a big comeback,
create only a moderate crisis situation. It is very suitable if the purpose was to
lower the status of Summer Turge from the beginning.

They are the culprits that will be revealed on the surface. Of course, they too
will be slaughtered by the Empire.

“Then are you going to leave me like this?”

“You need to think about whether a billion G was necessary.”

“I don’t know if the mine could not be restored. You can do it to set up Your son
did it, so I'm going to borrow the name of Aindarok. Don't mind the money.”

“Good luck.”

“Everyone in the system knows that you are wretched. I just don’t want to give you
my bowl.”

He was convinced that if he saved the kidnapped students with the money, he would
at least do no harm. Rather, it is more of an investment.

Already, using the magic of the Special Forces, it was possible to further expand
Dempel's mine. I was just complaining to Coltman that he was sick, and the burden
was not huge.

“He doesn’t even know that there is a special task force in my estate right now.
Why did I have to steal the check from Hira's room? I can just ask you to help.”

Since they hired a mercenary corps from a non-Southern system, I understand why it
costs more in terms of distance.

But it's 10 billion.

A large-scale mercenary corps was hired as a whole, not just a part, and sent down
to Areas. Were the special forces worse than them? Isn't it a much stronger and
more certain force?

While they can't use Aindarok's special forces, a crisis that requires enough power
arises while they return... … .

“Did you ever hear what Roxtrin had to say at the inauguration this time?”

"no. why? What were the rumors about?”

“I know the distributed copy, which Kanin showed me. It is an independent theory
created by the Second Princess and Roxtrin.”

“Did two freshmen come up with a theory? Smart.”

It was rare.

The world is wide and there are many talented people, so new progress is sometimes
made in the hands of students. Perhaps it was the extent to which the effectiveness
of frequently used magic has increased.

“It is a basic theory.”

“… … Basic theory?”

“I don't need attributes, forms, solutions, none of that. It's a whole new way to
unleash magic. I think I've read it 30 times already, since I'm reconsidering it
whenever I have time."

“Is that possible?”

Coltman nodded.

It is impossible for wizards who have already hardened their methods. He himself
failed. Mage Kanin only succeeded in a one-star magic.

But it was definitely successful.

What about students who have only learned magic for a few years? How about the
children who are not even a year old? What if you learn it that way from the

imaginary theory.

Even Coltman could not lightly guess the value of that quirky theory.

“If only it leaked.”

Lockstrin said he believed the professors at Summerturge, but immediately Kanin
showed him a copy. This is because there is no restriction that only you can view
the distributed copies.

By now, the news would have flowed into Riden's side as well. However, there is no
time to wait for the orders of the Liden home country.

“Even if the target is a princess, Riden can be killed.”

The Empire's new weapon.

It is an urgent matter that cannot be considered. There is no time to thoroughly


It may steer it from the head rather than the tail. if you induce it. If only I
could grab that hair and pull it down.

The situation on the continent changes overnight.

'The movement of the special task force is great.'

It was possible to move secretly for Yuxilah's aid going through the interior, but
even moving overseas through the Confederate Front could not be kept secret.

If the Special Forces move first, there is a high probability that Riden will
withdraw. But what if it was just one mercenary group? Isn't it worth pushing it?


―From where?

Where were you looking from?

He entered Summerturge, which was unplanned, stealing his fortune, and became
friends with Yuxila's child, and by moving a special commission, Eindarok
established a cause for entry into politics.

At the same time, his grades were the highest in history. After noticing Lee-den's
hostility, he made him careless, and created a basic theory with the princess to
induce Lee-den's hasty attack.

out of the narrow corner,

just over two months.

made it all

“That’s it, what the heck.”

Shilin was also speechless.

Even the words of a genius can't explain that.

Are they the same person?

“What the hell are you doing? huh? How did you teach your son?”

“I didn’t teach anything. I ran away.”

He was a guy who only learned magic one by one by forcing him to memorize the
theory book.

In the meantime, no one knows that Roxtrin's status is only three stars. It was

“I don’t even care about my father’s feelings.”

finally come to now.

Now, I risk my life and even the life of the princess to walk the tightrope.

If successful, the empire will become the undisputed loser of the continent, and if
it fails, it will die.

“Did you say that the mercenaries left five days ago?”

“What are you going to do? I hate it even if you pretend you don't know. You don't
even know Riden's power."

Even a mercenary corps hired with 1 billion won was not enough, so if the students
were to get angry.

Even the 10 billion won would be meaningless. For Shilin, Ainim and Roxtrin had to
be brought back to life.

“You are right. It would be appropriate by now.”

It was time for Riden to make a decision.

He told me to pretend not to know, so I waited quietly for three days. I didn't
tell you not to do anything until the end.

The talents of the mercenaries and the students are enough and he could come back
with a smile if in vain, but Coltman can't imagine losing Roxtrin.

“I will go to the imperial palace.”

“Wow, it’s coming out loud.”

“As much as you love your daughter, let me tell you that I also love my son.”

3 days after disappearance.

About 1,000 knights directly under the imperial family crossed the Confederate
Front and headed for Areas.

* * *

"tiring… … .”

“My feet hurt.”

In fact, the physical strength of the students is not good enough to be looked at.

Even I, who was at level 3, couldn’t even properly run three laps of the
playground. I mean, that's average.

“Rox, how much more do we have to go?”

That means half can't even do that.

Before they even reached the river, there was a sound of sickness. To some extent,
this was an expected result.

Commoners are usually level 3 or 4, but even nobles, male students learn
swordsmanship lightly when they are young.

On the other hand, the physical condition of female students was not significantly
different from that of Ainim.

“I’ll go and rest for another ten minutes.”

I think I'm glad I didn't get chased again. There is no need to make it difficult,
so I decided to move slowly.

"Whew. At this rate, it will take about 31 days to get the system. I'm going to
take the final exam as soon as I get back!"


“Gee, really?”

“Why are you scaring me, my lord? If you go to the Union Front, you just have to
take a car. We will arrive there in ten days at the latest.”

"thank God… … .”

The child sitting next to me secretly drew a V so that only me could see it. He
doesn't even say a single little thing.

It's not something I just came up with.

In fact, ten days is an incredibly long time if you just move. However, if you
mention the 31st before that, the meaning is different.

Isn't it ok in ten days? thought at first glance. This is quite effective. Best of
all, it only takes two days, not ten days.

Two days is like camping.

making a fire? There's fire magic. water? There's water magic. Wind magic is good
for hunting, and dragonflies can be made roughly with earth magic.

If you follow the river, you will never get lost, and there are many animals to
hunt in that area.

The mountains are good, the air is good and the water is clear.

If this isn't camping, what is it?

“You look bright, Rocks.”

Five minutes later, the students were scattered around the area. I put him down and
made him lean on a rock.

“I feel like I’m taking a little break now.”


“At a time like this or when can I take a break?”

If I stay in the room, I have no choice but to read a book because it's a waste of
time, but now I can't help it, so I'm forgiven.

Even if it doesn't work, I ate it up for two weeks, so wouldn't it be okay if my

final exam scores dropped a bit?

“… … get some sleep Every time I see Rox, my eyes are dead.”

“Your Majesty sleeps all the way to my share.”

“What? what does that have to do with me And I haven’t slept much these days
because of the Rocks.”

Ainim patted her ankles, then tilted her head for a moment and added a few words.

"Well. So ah Theory, because?”

"Yes. It must have been a mess by now, right?”

“Still, I thought it would be much easier, but I was a little disappointed because
everyone found it difficult.”

“You can’t change your left and right hands overnight. If I write with my left hand
now, I will go back to when I was three years old.”

"Aha. You are right when you say that.”

The child let out a shallow laugh.

do you laugh?

“He must still be sick.”

"that's right. You're pretending not to be sick."

Fortunately, on the second floor, I tore a blanket or something and applied a

splint, but that alone could not have been a cure. Even if it is trauma, there is
no medicine to cope with the fracture. There is no such thing as painkillers.

It's red and it's swollen, and it looks like it, but I'm so sad that I'm frowned
upon. As the will is only level 4

“Please be patient.”

If I had been more careful, the child could not have been hurt. What if you didn't
bring all the children down and moved one floor at a time by yourself?

Even if we ran into each other, if I had only seen myself, I would have run towards
you. Well, could you win?

“I’m sick, but why is Rox grimacing? Make an impression.”

“Originally, when children get sick, parents get sick too.”

“That’s what Abamama said when I was five years old. Rocks isn't Obama?"

It would be the emperor who gave birth to a child.

Because I made the child.

“It might be similar.”

To be honest, before arguing about the event or anything, I didn't want to see my
child get hurt.

If I say this, Fried will feel sorry for him, but he's a bit of a rolling guy. It's
not about willpower level 8. It also makes sense to use it.


"Good night. The kids were sleeping.”

Even though it was still lunchtime, everyone was tired from work since they woke
up. I was thinking of taking a break for an hour or so.

“Then sit here.”

"Huh… … .”

Tuk-tuk, Ai-nim tapped the seat next to me with a warm voice. I know roughly the

But wouldn't that be too close?

“Are you calling another kid? Camilla or Daisy... … .”

“Sit over here, Rocks.”


After all, I hadn't thought of that.

It's good to get close and get to know the main characters. If you listen
carefully, you will be able to use it in the right place when you need it. It's

… … What if we get too close?

“Good night, Rocks.”

The boy rested his head lightly on my shoulder. I can't sleep if you're like that?

I had to curl up tight, lest it be uncomfortable. Anyway, let's be content with

being able to sit back and relax.

“I will be back soon.”


No answer.

yeah go to sleep
The southern part is mild and the wind blows warm even in the shade. Sometimes,
when the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, her bright blonde hair sparkles
like jewels.


It was pretty, so I inadvertently put my hand on my head, but the child was already

“… … sorry."


With a small voice that will be buried even by the sound of your pounding breath.

It was something I had to say someday.

Academy Face Genius Episode 30

““Will Troy Tas”!”

Whirick! puck!

The “Wind Blade” that flew through the bushes hit. Lowering the level of
compression makes it suitable for hunting.

More like an air gun than a blade.

“Rox, is this enough?”

“How many?”

“Eight. There are quite a few big ones too.”

“Well, I can go back.”

Thirty-one students were divided by attribute.

All wind attributes were hunting groups. He made them hunt using only one-star
magic “Wind Blade”, and caught 8 rabbits in an hour.

“But what does rabbit meat taste like?”

“Once upon a time, I went hunting with my father and ate a lot, but it didn’t taste
particularly good. Deer meat is delicious.”

“I don’t see any deer around here.”

Among the students, there were aristocrats who had a hobby of hunting, and there
were not a few commoners who often hunted if their territory was in the mountains.

“The hunting team is back!”

"What, we're late."

“Are they all rabbits?”

Hunting was with me, but I didn't know how to groom, so I wondered what to do, and
as many as three people were able to groom the game.

“It’s easy for rabbits to care for.”

A commoner student with large hands stepped forward. Maybe someday it will be
useful again. I decided to take a look too.

Draining the blood from the river and grabbing the droopy rabbit's neck. pull it

Slowly, the intestines came out through the anus.


“Wow, that’s amazing.”

“It looks really easy.”

“You still need some strength.”

Surprisingly, there was no sign of getting tired of seeing the scene. Maybe it's
because all the blood has been drained, or maybe it's because the target is a

Or did the hurdles rise because the sight in prison was so shocking? First off, I
guess I am.

“Then you can split the boat and take out some of the rest. He is a little old.”

The dagger that had lost its teeth was grinded hard on rocks here and there, and it
became usable. There was no difficulty in trimming even one.

“You’re good.”

“Well, the Berry estates are all mountains. There was nothing else I could do about

“Were you from Hoendo Berry?”

“In the gathering group, Hoen recognized almost everything. Since it’s the South, a
lot of similar things are growing.”

Gatherers also came out along the river to wash fruits and mushrooms.

From here on, I have very little to do. Because there are many friends who know
better than me and are more skilled.

“Did you not catch any fish?”

“You can catch it with water magic, but when I tried it earlier, there were only
such things.”

“I’m sorry.”

It was midstream, so it was difficult to catch fish that were big enough to eat.
Still, it seemed that the things I brought were enough to fill my stomach.

“If you go downstream, you will probably find some edible fish, and there will be
"Hey! The house has been built!”

Smoke rose from nearby.

When it comes to a house, it is just that the ground was dug up with the magic of
earth and water properties, the ground was leveled, and the inside was filled with
leaves. It was just a place to sleep for one night anyway, so that was enough.

I made a fire with fire magic on the firewood I had picked up a lot, and properly
grilled it on a skewer. Smoke billowed out.

Since it was too much trouble to bring a skewer, some students with fire properties
just grilled it with their fingertips.

“It tastes strange.”

“Meat is meat, but it tastes just like chewing.”

“Come on, eat with salt.”

“Are mushrooms tastier than meat?”

"okay? There’s a lot left.”

“Let’s eat tomorrow.”

It only took about an hour to prepare, but it was enough to fill the stomachs of 30

Magic is also convenient.

“Someone to go to wash.”

As I was about to finish my meal, I raised my hand. Everyone raised their hands.
There were many especially dirty guys in hunting or gathering groups.

“Shouldn’t I be washing some clothes too?”

“Then let’s go all the men first.”

“It was a little cold when I was showering. Can you heat some water?”

“Who can write 「Mild fever」?”

“Oh, is that okay?”

To wash the river by heating it with fire magic. Now I'm almost enjoying it.

how about It was a funny comment, so I laughed along with it.

“We’re together, so let’s just take it off.”

“Is that so?”

The crisis easily made solidarity.

They come from different backgrounds and backgrounds, but seeing them splashing
around and playing in the river doesn't really make any difference at all.
There were a lot of dirty places, so I went down a bit and washed myself. The
reddish water was washed away. I think I'll live a little.

“Did you come down too?”

“Because there was a lot of blood.”

Fried was the same.

The guy's robe back was blown away, revealing his wide back.

“It will be convenient when you do the laundry.”

“It’s frustrating. Aren’t robes expensive?”

“Ah, Summer will give you that much. If you don't, I'll give it to you. I think I
will have to get a new one too.”

“Then thank you.”

My robes aren't very good either.

Selling ramen at a restaurant is making quite a bit of money, so it was not

burdensome to prepare two robes at my own expense.

“How did you get here?”

“Yes. It's only been a day."

“I think there was too much going on for that… … .”

“It really was.”

I said rubbing my robes tight.

I don't think the red marks left on the white parts will be completely erased.
There is no way to do this with magic... …

with a plop.


There was a big rush of water. When I turned around, the large Fried was gone.


He immediately lifted Fried's head, which had been thrown into a river that wasn't
deep. It's no use slap on the cheek. I was stunned.

It was very difficult. by the way.

“You should pass out in your clothes, child… … .”

He washed the clothes he had taken off on the rocks and put them on. i can't live

“Ugh. Guys, help me!”

"what? Why is Fried like this?”

“I passed out while washing this guy.”

I called the students upstairs.

It was too big for me to carry. Dolph, a boy who took care of the rabbit, had the
best strength and was able to lift the freed.

The girls also had to wash before it got darker, so everyone returned to their

The girls who were waiting were surprised to come carrying the freed like that, but
they were relieved to say that they were not hurt but just fainted.

“It will get dark soon, so don’t worry, you guys go and wash up.”


After sending all the girls to the river, Fried was placed on the back seat.

One bonfire in the center and four in the corners. I smoked a total of five, so the
surroundings were warm.

“Don’t even faint.”

“Fried has been through a lot.”

“No, it’s still too much, isn’t it? I even put on my underwear. Do you know what it
feels like to put on this old man’s panties?”

“Uh-huh, more than that, I’m Roxtryn, because it’s strange that you didn’t pass
out. Aren't you tired?"

“I’m fine after washing.”

Moan, I turned around my wrinkled shoulders.

“How are you guys? Can you stand it?”

“I’m fine.”

“If we go like this, ten days will be enough.”

"I'm glad."

Not ten days, but two days, so tomorrow is the end. I won't regret it though.

“But where are they going? There, stop!”

They caught the three men who were about to sneak into the bushes over the bonfire
and stopped them. Broman and his crew, the third prince of the Enpirian, who had a
fight with the children on the 7th floor of the prison.

Did you know I didn't know?

“Where are you going, man? You washed everything.”

“Ugh. that… … .”
“Aren’t you supposed to be thinking about stealing girls at that age?”

“Hmm… … .”

This is an original event.

I don't do this on the first day, but it's been like this since the first day
because things are so good.

“Ehh. uhh uhh.”

swish, swish, swish. threw branches

Of course, it did not touch Broman directly, but fell at his feet.

“This burn. You know that I saved my life.”

“You saved me.”

“I don’t think imperial law will work here. Are we all nationals?”

More than twenty witnesses.

Even half of them become victims. It is fortunate that such an idiot is the third
prince far from the throne.

I said, tapping my neck with the blade of my hand.

“If you even make eye contact with your majesty your child, you will be sentenced
to death as soon as you return, ma’am.”

“I, I am the prince!”

“Well, I’m not really going to impose the death penalty.”

I'll have to look into the situation in many ways.

The Enpirians never engaged in direct combat with the Empire, and they still have a
good relationship. If that guy doesn't make an accident.

“After all, it’s vacation soon, so don’t be patient. You should go back to your
home country and enjoy it to your heart’s content.”

“That’s right.”

“I understand. We are men too, man. you are all patient Yes?"

“… … okay. My thoughts were short.”

Many male students nod their heads.

One event resolved. It's that simple. If Broman is left alone, there will be a few
minor accidents like that and a male student and a female student will fight, but
even if that happens, there is not much to gain.

Broman, who sneaked up to the place where I was sitting, said in a soft voice.

“Yeah, but Roxtrin, you think the same thing. Hehehe.”

"not really. Because I like being older.”

“Um, that’s definitely good too.”

“Okay, let’s go to sleep. I will be leaving as soon as the sun rises tomorrow.”

After putting the male students inside the site.

I plucked the thread one after another from the hem of the torn robe. Last thing to

“Hey, Roxtrin. Can I not pick up the non-compliance number?”

“Why do you want to stand?”

“It’s not like that… … .”

I've seen it a few times in the hunting group, but there are monsters in this
forest. Of course, ordinary animals such as wild boars and wolves are also

“Don’t worry, I’ll stand.”

“Isn’t that too much?”

“At first, I didn’t sleep much. We must have all been asleep all day when we were
brought here.”

I am not very sleepy now.

Roughly measuring the amount of time I slept with my body, it seems that I had
passed out all day in prison. Maybe I'll be fine even if I don't sleep until

It's not even on campus, so you can practice attack magic to your heart's content.
Then the time will pass quickly. Cutting down trees is also quite fun.

“Isn’t it cold?”

"it's okay."

“You sleep all over in a place like this.”

“Hey, step aside.”

Less than five minutes later, a gurgling sound began to come out. Even the guys who
grew up being treated with dignity just spread their robes and spread them on the
floor, but they sleep well.

It must mean that you are tired.

“What about the other men?”

Not long after, the girls who had gone to wash returned. I said looking down.

“Everyone goes to bed.”

“Sleep well… … .”

There must have been a lot of things to complain about, but the child was the first
to go in and lay down, so everyone went in and found a place to lie down without
saying a word.

In the meantime, I went around the outside for a long distance, weaving and untiing
the thread I had ripped from my robe. Place it on a rock or a branch and lift it up

'Is this right?'

Tie the end of the thread to your little finger so you'll know when you're near
something. There are no special events on the first night, but there is no
particular reason not to do it, so I tried it.

If there's a guy who wakes up in the middle and goes to work, I have to tell him to
be careful.

"what are you doing?"


After turning around once, the child's head popped out of the pit.



“You have to stand still.”

“I didn’t let the other kids do it. You didn't find someone to take a shift anyway,
did you?"

“I will do it from tomorrow. Today I am just going to do it.”


Slowly, it seems to sink again, and only her eyes are sticking out. I think that's

tap. widely.

The sound of a bonfire burning was deafening.

The sun had set completely and it was dark. Occasionally, an unidentified cry can
be heard from far away. I see a lot of children tossing and turning because of the
uncomfortable seats.

Still, there were no sleeping pills, so I ended up falling asleep.



“Tell me something funny.”

Except for children.

The guy who sleeps the most, even with an expression written on his forehead saying
'I'm sleepy'.

“Don’t wake them up for nothing, go to sleep.”

“You slept during the day.”

“It’s a face that wants to sleep a lot even now.”

“No. 2021, 108, Gangdong River Parkville, 568 Cheonho-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul.”


The hand that was throwing the firewood into the bonfire stopped.

“I suddenly remembered. What does this mean?”

“Why are you memorizing that?”

“Why, is there such a thing? It’s like speaking in another language.”

“It’s just bullshit.”

I just memorized it

I only said it once.

“I feel like I’m saying something that makes sense even if I don’t understand it at
all. That's what Rocks said."

“Hey, I can’t even talk nonsense in front of His Majesty.”

“Ah, does that make sense?”

“There is.”

It has a very deep and profound meaning that you, an unspoiled genius, will not
even notice a speck of.

No, not exactly.

“… … There was.”

"What does that mean?"

“Uh-huh, I don’t know either. Forget it right now. hurry."

I slowly walked over and patted the boy's head. Why?

go to sleep soon yo naughty boy

… … I don't know why.

“Now that meaning is gone.”

Academy Face Genius Episode 31

The night passes and the dawn comes.

Even the familiar twilight that I have seen many times outside the window comes to
me as a vague fear when viewed from the world outside the window sill.

Cold, moist air that picks up the lungs. The sky of the garden is dyed red. It was
enough to realize that the day had just begun.

"restroom… … .”


“Ugh… … .”

At dawn, one or two woke up one by one. It was almost eight o'clock and everyone
fell asleep, so it was too early to wake up.

people are like that When you eat well and sleep for about 10 hours, the energy you
didn't have comes up when you wake up.

At the same time, Camilla, who was a fire attribute, got up and caught it and made
it a new fire. If I make it, it lacks firepower.

“Camilla, when you wake up, light a fire in front of him.”

"Yes. “Lama””


“Hehehe, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Lockstrin. It must be a
dream... … .”

So I fell asleep again. Isn't that a dream?

Anyway, I left it alone because it would wake up quickly if the surroundings became
noisy. It will take another hour or so to brighten up.

In the meantime, I have been digging wild vegetables that the gathering group had
seen yesterday. It will be served for breakfast.

Two commoners from Berry-ryong, the whole of the territory, gave strength this time
as well. I was the first to get up.

“Is this all you can eat?”

“It is rather expensive. Even in the Empire, you can eat some salted things, but
you can't get them raw. Let’s smell it.”

“Oh, that’s fine.”

"Yep. To clean it, you only need to remove the large leaves, and just trim off the
roots that are too thin.”

He was a man with a bittersweet scent. It is similar to cold, but much thicker.

Other than that, there are ordinary bean types, and there are those that are soft
to the touch with a bamboo-like motif. The names were all things I had never heard

“I am already preparing.”
“What can I do?”

Students who got up early continued to join in and prepare breakfast.

I didn't really have any intention of doing it, but everyone was curious as me and
Hohen were fussing around.

The herbs washed in the river are trimmed as Hoen taught, and the mushrooms are
rolled up in large leaves and placed on the burning bonfire.

“Something comfortable.”



After a while, the children just squat and watch the firewood. Because there is
nothing else you can do.

There are a lot of things that people pay attention to only within the family or
the academy, but it is rare that they have experienced such a sense of liberation.

“It’s like that when women wake up from sleep too.”

"Shh. It is manners to pretend not to know.”

“Appearance is also a product of hard work.”

“But if you look at Sir Lockstrin, it doesn’t seem like it.”

“Ah, that is out of the question. Aren’t we supposed to compare people with the
same person?”

Hell, I wasn't treated like a person.

On campus, everyone dresses up pretty, but after a day of homelessness outside,

everyone's hair was a mess.

There was no such thing as a comb, so I had no choice but to touch it with my
hands. Now, many children don't even care about that.

“Shouldn’t I be waking up soon?”


“Still, when I wake up… … .”

Until the morning was ready and the sky was bright. There was only one person who
didn't wake up.

Whoever woke the child carelessly did what. No matter how much the wall was torn
down, I wouldn't be able to come up with a princess.

“Shall I wake you up?”

“Can you please?”

I jumped down into the hollowed out pit after all the students had escaped.

Considering the child's soft bed in the Tower of Truth room, it must have been
normal that he couldn't sleep properly because it was uncomfortable... … .

“It’s morning.”

“Hello, Rocks!”

open your eyes right away

There was a clear light in the eyes like the sunset. There was not even a speck of
good luck in sleep.

“Why are you pretending to sleep?”

“I also wanted to feel the feeling of seeing the Rocks as soon as I woke up.”

Ha, Camila, who was listening next to her, coughed slightly because she was
embarrassed. I think it's been over 30 minutes since I said that. He's a funny guy

“How do you feel?”

“There are two suns in the sky.”


is severe

I came out of the pit carrying the fussy child. The breakfast was just finished.

It would have been nice to have carbohydrates, but it's a bit disappointing that
it's a poor diet because it's all grass and mushrooms.

“Let’s organize it as much as possible.”

All traces of the camp, such as burnt wood and skewers used for roasting, were
buried in the pit and filled with soil.

There will be no tracking in two days, but I'm the only one who knows that. It's
not a big deal, so I've done my best to deal with it. If you drag the leaves with
wind magic and lay them down neatly, the outside is barely visible.

“Let’s go.”

The second day of the march began.

It was definitely faster than the day before.

The terrain was also gentler than the day before, when the uphill climb on the
mountain road was severe. However, there was no other way, so the students who took
the lead had to suffer.

The twigs were pruned and the clumped vines were removed, and there were no proper
tools, so scratches were common here and there.

“The grass is tough, so everyone should be careful.”

This time, it was Fried who took the lead.

I did not stand in the front because I had the cause of carrying the child. If it's
less difficult this way, it won't be.

[Increased strength level!]

[3 → 4]

My strength level also went up.

Even at a slow burst, it is growing.

If you think of this as a kind of training, it is rather good. I think I will be

able to reach level 5 within this year, as I have done what I have done so far.

The difference between level 3 and level 4 is quite noticeable. Yesterday, my arm
hurt when I lifted it for about an hour, but today I was fine without resting for a
long time.

“It’s tickling, my lord.”

“Shall I tie my hair?”

“You might as well go down a bit.”

"no. This is comfortable.”

On the first day, there was a sign of shyness, but now there is no such thing. The
child clings to her like a cicada and doesn't want to fall off.

It's easy to center. I guess I'm bored because I'm still up there.

I draw a picture on my shoulder with my finger, and I try to pull a few strands of
my hair for nothing, but it still doesn't respond, so the wind blows in my ear.
When I get startled and shudder, I laugh out loud.


Then, when he gets tired of it, he falls over on Pick's shoulder. I feel like I'm
six years old, not sixteen.

“You have to keep your face.”

Aren't the kids watching? … When I glanced back to speak, the atmosphere of the
procession was strange.

“No one cares?”

“How did that happen?”

"Yeah. All right.”

Most of the time, it's a male and female couple.

Well, if you say you become close during the event, something like this will
happen. There is something called the swinging bridge effect.

In the game, it doesn't go that far, so it's not displayed separately, but I think
it's more normal than that.

So, there was no way the eyes were actually directed in this direction.

“Still, I will tell you.”

Roxtrin is sixteen years old.

At this time of the year, noble families, especially women, are slowly starting to
decide their marriage. It's not a good picture to have Roxtrin's name up and down
in any way.

No matter how attractive you are at level 10, if you reach out and walk around,
good words will not come out. Reputation is also my precious weapon.

“When I go back, I will make sure that the rice paddies are sold.”

“Would you like some support for the estate?”


This time, I sighed deeply.

After all, the marriage of the imperial family is a part of diplomacy, so Ainim
will soon be engaged to the Enpirian royal family. you will know it too

“Why didn’t you take the ring?”

“I think it would be better for His Majesty to wear it than what I am wearing. I
will return it to you when you arrive.”

“I have to wear it and show it to Abama. Rox gave it to me~”

“Ahaha. A joke too.”

He removed the ring from the ring finger of the child's left hand and moved it to
his index finger. I don't want to meet the emperor yet.

Currently, the child's magical power is level 8.

If you wear Aindarok's Heirloom Ring, it's a whopping level 9. It would only be
level 4 if someone like me had to wear it, but level 9 is different.

At this point, Kanin, the strongest wizard, had level 9 magic power.

Of course, the original ability and the operation of the item may be exactly the
same efficiency. However, there is a high probability that I will not be the one
who will continue to use this ring in the future.

Anyway, time is passing, and the feet are moving steadily. Lunch was simply filled
with what I had brought from prison, and only had a short break in between.

After walking for 10 hours like that, the energy quickly ran out, and it was about
time for everyone to lose their minds.

“Gee, it’s a road!”

A student who climbed up a tree to see the direction shouted loudly. Tired children
raised their heads.

“Are you talking about roads?”

“Where, which one?”

“Isn’t that wrong?”

"this way!"

Until now, I had been walking through the forest without a single person, and at
last a paved road appeared.

It was a road that crossed the wide sea of water in Areas. The road is wide and
flat enough for a wagon to run.

“Looking at the direction, it looks like it’s even connected to the Confederate

“If you’re lucky, you might even get a carriage!”

“I lived… … .”

“Still, there is still a long way to go. For now, let’s rest nearby.”

When I turned towards the road, it was far from the river. Today, I just walked, so
it didn't get dirty.

The children dug a pit and made a fire, just as they did yesterday. There were many
cases of conflict between hunger and fatigue and then stop falling asleep.

'If you've come this far, it's over.'

Arriving on the highway, this is the end of the 'Class A kidnapping case'.

If I had moved more on the first day, I would have run into a mercenary this
evening. how about anything

It will feel better if we sleep for a day more and see each other when it is bright
when we wake up. After leaving the dinner table, a non-night number was decided.
This time, I was also thinking about falling asleep and going to sleep.

doo doo doo.

I was just lying in the pit and the sound of the ground rattling was deafening.

“Roxtrin. I hear hooves.”

“Uh, I heard it too.”

is it ascending? It was too late for that. It was just before the sun went down.

Since it was the road coming from the other side in the first place, stopping it
didn't mean much. I went out to the roadside with some students who were awake,
wondering if I could get anything I needed.

“… … mercenary?"
Someone with good eyes said

As it was said, their outfit was more like a mercenary than a top. It's like riding
a horse without a carriage.

Soon the horses that were running slowed down.

Even large mercenaries have their own symbols. It had the same pattern as the
mercenary corps I hired.

Why have you already arrived?

The number is a bit small.

Why is there blood?

Anxiety creeps in

The man who got off his horse staggered towards him. A rough beard revealed the
storms of life.

He was a mercenary of the Empire, so of course he recognized my dark hair.

“You, Eindarok. Are you the representative?”

“Yeah… … Whoops!”


My body floated up and down without even having time to grasp the situation left or
right. I was strangled by the tight grip on my neck. That's a rough treatment for
recognizing Aindarok.

“Wow, what are you doing!”


“What the hell did you do, you bastard?”

Smells like oiled leather.

The man's voice was deep and gloomy, biting his molars tightly. There was plenty of
evidence that something was wrong.

“We lost 80 people while we were here. To those who do not know their identity.”

"what… … ?”

Although not comparable to knights, they are a mercenary group with excellent

knew and hired 10 billion was spent

It was a power that could be asserted as a definitive means of clearing the game.

Hired 120 people.

80 people dead?

The man answered my question.

It was a growling voice.

“We are being pursued.”

A long night has begun.

Academy Face Genius Episode 32

The request was made through an agent.

They do not know that I was the one who placed the order. By now, Shillin must have
departed for Summerturge to investigate Hira, and it was only then that it was
concluded that I was the one who submitted the request.

“That’s how it happened.”

“… … Now that I'm seeing it with my own eyes, I can't help but believe it. Even the
princess will be there.”

"Yes. I'm sorry, but we don't know anything. I am exhausted from coming all the way

One day, he was kidnapped from Summerturge's classroom to Areas, and barely escaped
the prison until he reached the highway.

Explaining the process step by step, even the mercenary leader barely got excited.

“The situation is bad.”

Achilles drohiten.

Since it is a collateral of the countess, first of all, it is a nobleman, so it

does not need an honorific title. He ran out of his family from a young age and
started working as a mercenary, so in short, he's like an idiot.

By the way, since I'm Aindarok, I've purely spoken as much as possible.

“What kind of guys are they?”

“It was magic. We are not ignorant of magic. There are ways to respond.”

Wizards are basically slow to move.

If it's a surprise, it's not easy to gain an edge in a face-to-face battle that
isn't even a monster. Some mercenaries also have a lot of experience dealing with

“… … It wasn't good enough to do anything.”

Mercenaries don't always have a job.

It was a request to hire all 120 people for a long-term employment of more than two
weeks. On a check for 1 billion dollars with Yuxila's name, the request was
'Student Rescue'.
He knew that the atmosphere in Areas has been horrendous recently, and when he
asked to rescue the students, he had something to guess.

Even if monsters are riding around this area, there is no one in the mercenary
group who fears it.

Since we left with plenty of time to spare, we set up the campsite leisurely. The
miracle happened at night.

“There are wizards among us, so we noticed the magic and tried to respond, but it
was different from the ones we have dealt with so far. Even after an all-out war in
the forest, there was no victory.”

The whole camp was blown away in one blow.

It was a six-star magic that I wanted to see once in a lifetime. There were only
ten people who even checked.

Their magic was so fast that it was not common sense, and their movements were not
as agile as a wizard.

'Battle Mage?'

It was the name that came to mind as soon as I heard the explanation. It is
undoubtedly the core strength of Riden.

If the Empire had a special squad and the royal guardian magician, Riden had a
battle mage.

Unmagical mobility and cast speed that surpasses common sense. It is an anti-
personnel force specialized in interception and guerrilla warfare.

'The purpose has already been achieved.'

The fact that the kidnapping took place in the middle of the Empire does not

Riden's purpose to lower Summerturge's status has already been accomplished.

The mercenary corps is needed to deal with the pursuers of Areas who have been
chasing after the third day.

Even if you kill all eleven prisoners, from the third day onwards, the chaser hired
by Sanghoe from the city will catch up with you. It's a contract they put their
lives on. Even the contract was stolen, so the only answer is killing and

Since there are about 100 of them, I thought that if I secured more power than
that, the children would not be hurt.

After a brief thought, he asked.

“What is the distance?”

“They don’t say anything, but at least half a day is worth it. They seem to have
come from the Confederate Front, so they're definitely not the Areas."

Caught up in half a day

If so, it must have been the Battle Mage who was hiding within the Empire, not the
Liden's home country, and the number was up to 20 in addition to the 10 confirmed
by the mercenary group.

“Why, why is this happening?”

“If it’s not Areas, what is it? Are there any others?”

“What the hell did we do wrong?”

As for the reason, there is only one

'Theory of Imagination.'

Because of the theory I presented.

At the same time, I and Ai-nim, who invented the theory, left Rongrt at the same

No matter what I do with my child or me now, nothing will change.

'They're like nerds.'

The draft has already been distributed.

It's not that there's no room for digging deeper, but it's something anyone other
than the genius Ainim will find out someday. Because it's not difficult.

I didn't even look at it properly.

The Empire created a new basic theory, the professors' reactions were raucous, and
they said it would open up a new horizon of magic... … .

have no choice but to admit It's a mistake.

You overestimated your opponent's intelligence. They were much more hasty and

“Anyway, the best thing is to complete the quest.”

“… … thank you. You would be upset.”

“If you make a request this big, one or two will die. No one thought that
everything would be all right when I got 1 billion.”

Achilles declared with a face that had cast a lot of shadows. I have already lost
80 colleagues. It's impossible to go back because you're being chased.

There is only one way left.

“Can you guys fight?”

If you leave the students alone and run away, your life may be saved.

But that life is everything. You lose the trust you have built up, and most of the
money you receive has to be spit out.

I left the answer to the child who was quietly listening to the story.

“The request was definitely our rescue.”

Ainim had a different atmosphere when it was official or dealing with outsiders.
His tone, which had been infinitely light, had also changed, and even his thin
voice carried the dignity of royalty.

"That's right."

"first. Under all circumstances, the protection of our students is our top
priority. Anyone, including me.”

“… … That is."

"second. In discussing different opinions, this side must always take precedence.”


"third. We aim to bring all our students back to life up to the Imperial Territory,
and we cooperate as much as we deem necessary in the process.”


Achilles' face hardened.

It is said that he was hired, but this is the same person. I did not know that I
would share the weight of my life so calmly.

Soon the child spoke.

“However, if you meet the three conditions and come back to life, the Empire will
treat you appropriately. If you don't have a title, I'll give you a title including
territory. I will bury the dead and take care of their families. If you want to
become a knight of the Empire, I will accept it unconditionally. If you carry on
with the mercenary corps, the imperial family will guarantee your trust in advance.
We will positively accept other reasonable requests.”

“Eh, even in the Enpirian! I promise to treat you with certainty!”

Each one was exceptional.

If only I could resurrect.

Achilles glanced over the students' status, then looked back. The 40 surviving
members nodded their heads. I never dreamed of the future so far.

“I will accept it.”

“The order is… … .”

The boy's eyes turned to look at me. From the moment he faced Achill, Ai-nim stood
up with a broken leg.

To hide that he was hurt. Both sides are holding hands, but this is the limit. The
hand holding the hem of his left hand is trembling.

well tolerated
“I will get off.”

I took one step forward.

Outside of Summerturge, Aindarok's prestige is also comparable to that of the

Imperial Family.

“Anyone can appeal at any time if they believe it is inappropriate. We will accept
reasonable opinions.”

There must be only one conductor.

For a quick and accurate response, we prevent differences of opinion. At first

glance, it may seem that you are very cornered, but in fact, there are some
advantages left here as well.

It's also a very lethal advantage.

“From now on, I will leave the road. I bet you as bait.”


The fact that all 31 class A students had escaped from prison long ago—

“I will sell the trap.”

―They are completely unaware of this.

* * *

“So, you mean you read it?”

“Tell me for sure. It's okay to move like this, right? What is that theory?”

“No matter how much we do, sanctions will come from our home country.”

“It was the original text.”

original text?

Everyone tilted their heads for a moment, but then they were astonished. This is
because only one context of the word original came to mind here.

“Yamma, say something that makes sense!”

“It is the original text of the tombstone. How much are you talking about? How many
did you even reveal?”

The magical homeland.

The reason why there is no one who claims to be so self-proclaimed is that the
'stonestone', which was actually the beginning of all magic, is located in Riden.

From the age of faith to the age of war, from the age of war to the age of magic.
It was because it was Riden who studied it and led it.

The man in the black robe said in a stern tone.

“It’s like being on the first three stele.”

“What… … .”

“Does it make sense? really?"

“Just saying this is an immediate feeling of execution, but since it has already
spread throughout the Empire, it doesn’t mean anything.”

“Are you saying that the imperial spies even infiltrated the upper floors of the
Sorcerer Society?”

"no. It could not have been leaked.”

The first 3 tombstones can be viewed only if all administrators of the 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd libraries of the Sorcery Society approve it at the same time.

It hasn't been opened in the last 20 years.

“I realized it myself.”

It's so terrifying that it makes you goosebumps.

Leaked tombstones and written ancient texts are intentionally left to do so. There
are talented people in the empire, so development should be made, but the pace is

In the meantime, Liden has conducted independent research through the tombstone
that it has monopolized, so the difference in the level of magic between Liden and
other countries reaches a hundred years.

Riden's magic is much faster, more efficient, and more powerful. It's just never
been revealed.

'There is no other monster.'

However, as it is the case, those who had been able to remove the veil that had
been covered for hundreds of years with the utmost effort by our ancestors

I'm von Rongrt.

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

It's unbelievable.

Children who had never read the original text invented the same theory as the
original text written on the first tombstone. This was not the time to cover the
back and forth.

"They're both 16."

“I have heard that the second princess of the Empire is a genius, but… … .”

“No, we were not geniuses. Where are the idiots who invent the original text?”

“So is a guy named Roxtrin. Have you been quiet until now?”

“So there was no time to wait for a response from my home country. No matter how
much we can infiltrate Summerturge. There is no chance like this.”
A man in a black robe lowered his posture. A faint trail left the road and headed
for the forest.

The horseshoe still runs along the highway, but this is a very well-made lie. You
can't fool your own eyes.

“Yeah, that’s it, though. Why did the mercenaries say we should attack? They don't
seem to know the right direction."

“How are you? They're the Empire guys."

“The contract must have leaked from the Areas side. It seemed like it, though.”

The kidnapping case has already been going on for a long time, and the company that
was supposed to wait for the funds is opening a deal with the Empire, so
information seems to have leaked out in that way. He must have been trying to save
the academy students in Areas and take good care of them.

Even if I let it go, it wouldn't be a big deal. Because if we only dealt with the
two targets, we didn't know the rest.

“I was just a little skeptical.”

The party followed the man in the black robe off the road and into the forest.

It is a prison sprinkled with tea horsepower. There is no ingenuity that even 16-
year-old children who can't use magic can get out of.

Just the terribly annoying part.

'Why was the client anonymous?'

It was a huge request worth 1 billion G.

In fact, there are only a limited number of people who can pay that much money, and
if you ask the source of the money, it will be revealed quickly.

Unsurprisingly, it was revealed within an hour that it was Yuxila's check.

He saves students in crisis with his own money. Yuksila, a central politician with
no enlisted soldiers, must have hired mercenaries.

Was anonymity necessary for this act full of legitimacy and dignity?

And when the mercenaries departed.

this is insanely fast No matter how poor the management of Areas was. Even though
Yuxilla's intelligence-gathering ability was excellent.

'I knew I was going to be kidnapped... … ?'

However, once he reached that question, the man in the black robe had no choice but
to shake his head.

It's impossible.

Warpstone is Riden's dagger. It is not as much as the first three stele, but it is
also an ancient relic that has never been revealed in the history of the continent.
“I didn’t go far.”

“Because I was very tired of talking.”

“You may run away, so go to the other side.”

“No, really annoying… … .”

It was a dark night, and it was a campsite with no bonfires lit so as not to be

However, the battle mages are unmatched masters in tracking people, and as many as
40 people escaped alive, they have to stand out somehow.

Even a dark tent is useless... … .

“What is that guy?”

“Are you going to go to the bathroom?”

Then, suddenly, a man came out of the tent. It was strange to see him taking off
his shirt, but that was all.

“I’m coming this way.”

“Are all the others in there?”

“I will. Well, shall we shoot first?”

However, upon closer inspection, it is not a man. Although he is large, his face is

Yes, at most sixteen-

"Huh… … .”

for a moment. His magic power moved.

soil property.

Dangerous. The sensation sounded the alarm.

Among the mercenaries, there was no earth attribute wizard.

"everyone… … .”

defense magic.

It was before I even screamed. They all perceived it sensibly. The physical
abilities and casting speed of the battle mages are the best on the continent. It
can be stopped-

'does not make sense… … !'

In an instant, magical power passed through my feet.

No, not even that.

come back It was a round trip.

Magic is faster than you realize.

It was an unbearable speed.

* * *


Picking up and carrying the child in the pit under Fried's feet. I cried a little.

Fatal advantage, second.

The magic of Fried Rapids,

Unless you know in advance.

Cannot be defended by magic.



bang bang bang!

With the world's fastest "extrusion".

A bright red ball of fire poured down.

Academy Face Genius Episode 33

“Damn, I thought I was going to die!”

“Don't panic! The magic itself is not strong!”

Suddenly, I broke the thorn that soared.

He couldn't deal with it, but his magic level was definitely low. If it's a battle
mage's equipment, it can block blind arrows.

「Extrusion」 was just fast and didn't do much damage. It is for disturbance.

“Wow! The real thing is in the sky!”

“Is that the child’s magic?”

“How many, huh?”

Hundreds of fireballs are pouring out. A dual-property magic that links the 5-star
fire magic "Flame Rain" and the 2-star earth magic "Coal".

"Shooting Star".

One, “Shooting Star” is a wide-range bombing magic. Such things are valid only for
demons. If you are a 5 star wizard, you have enough time to prepare to defend it.

It might have been dangerous if the soil magic had been a little more powerful, but
it was a clumsy connection made like a young student.
“It was a little dangerous.”

“How did you get out of that?”

A variety of defense magic unfolded towards the indiscriminately falling fireballs.

A rapidly deployed seven-layered shield. The whole area will become a sea of fire,
but not even a handful of flames will reach inside the shield... … .

““Yeoksan (逆算)”

third there.

The child holds hands

“What… … .”

“Sarah, you lost?”

In fact, even “shooting star” is fake.

The bright red fireball that covered the sky disappeared in an instant. This is an
art that only Ainim who fully understands 'Imagination Theory' can do.

It is midnight, and it is in a dense forest where not a single ray of moonlight


What came to them was a sudden difference in light intensity.

cancer adaptation.

For a moment, vision is blocked.

If you can't see properly, you can't cast a proper spell.

The mercenaries were told to keep their eyes closed until a signal was given, so
they are now opening their eyes.



With Achill's thick, low voice, the mercenaries jumped from the trees.

The weapons of the mercenaries were swords and spears, and cold metal that could
tear the skin apart.

All defense magic that was fully developed becomes useless.

In the first place, dealing with the Battle Mage with the magic of the students,
there is no way that would be possible.


“Oh, I can’t see it! You motherfuckers!”

“X-arm, where are you? Cuckoo!”

“Everyone retreat!”

Screams erupted from everywhere.

Eight men were moved to the retreat, so there were only twelve Battle Mages.

Even if they unite and face each other, there is no chance of winning a field
battle in the forest, fighting a forty-year-old mercenary who is fully prepared.

The surviving battle mages retreated, widening the distance.

“Wait, are you successful?”

“It’s not safe yet.”

There are three people in the narrow pit where I am.

The child-nim and me carrying the child, Broman, the 3rd prince of the Enpirian, a
3-star earth magician who helped cast “Shooting Star”.

This guy has a lot of accidents, but his magic skills are at the top of the list.

“Are you all right, Roxtrin?”

“Ugh. Take some out.”

I got out of the pit with Freed's help. Achilles dragged a man in rags.

“Don’t put that out in front of the kids.”

“It’s still breathing.”

“What are you talking about? It's not like you're going to save someone's life,


puck. The kick in the face is unbelievably bloody. Achilles bent over.

“I will not ask for much. Just find out who you guys are. Then I will kill you with


“If you keep your mouth shut, that’s fine. I've been rolling on this floor for
about 30 years. We know very well where a person gets hurt, and no matter where he
gets hurt, he doesn't die. Are you interested in learning?”

Achilles swung the dagger spanning a span from his bosom on the palm of his hand.

After not hearing a response for about three seconds, Akil raised his hand.


“Have you ever heard of a fairy tale with one eye? Surprisingly, at this depth, a
person won't die even if they are stabbed in the eye."

“80 people died. Don't worry, I'm willing to pay for 80 people's pain."

Flip-flop, limbs trembled at random. It was a desperate struggle.

“Rox, I can’t see you.”

“What do you do when you see something like that? Even if we live with only the
pretty things in our eyes, we die without seeing everything. And under the imperial
law, such torture is prohibited.”

“Can you hear everything with your ears?”

“Because a king must understand even the lowest level. Please listen.”

I covered the eyes of the child who was carrying it. He only has two arms, so he
can't cover his ears.

Torturing someone who is still alive even if they have already become a corpse is
not a very good spectacle.

Broman, who was standing next to me, screamed ah-ah-ah, and then I shut my eyes
tightly on my own, and he must have been watching the shit.

Fortunately, the answer came out quickly, whether it was patience or patriotism.

“Lee, Den… … .”

“Are they Riden guys?”

The crushed man nodded hard.

After reciting some of the other things I asked, Achill killed the man without
further torture as promised.

“Battle Mage… … Can you think of it as a magic corps exclusively for people?”

“You can think of it as similar to Aindarok’s special mission. It seems like all of
them are more than 5 stars.”

“If that is enough, I will be able to enjoy wealth and glory in my country. If you
aim for Summer Turge students, it doesn't seem like you're going to face the Empire

This is incomprehensible behavior.

He had the ability to kidnap students from the heart of the Empire, and from
amongst its talented faculty.

In that case, it would make more sense to definitely kidnap the first prince or
emperor. Neither this nor me, I only nurtured hostility.

“Captain, what about the rest of them?”

“Did that stinky guy run away earlier?”

“I think so.”

Two killed, seven captured.

There were 11 battle mages who survived.

“The evidence alone will suffice.”

“What is the value of being a prisoner of war?”

“Would it be dangerous?”

It is difficult to gain more than this.

Like the Special Forces, most of them are 5-star wizards, and there are a few 6-
star ones.

If they want to take them as prisoners, they may regroup and attack again. From
then on, there is no guarantee of victory.

compromise is needed

The justification for them to attack the students again should be reduced. The
wizards of Riden, who have strong self-righteous tendencies, don't particularly
provoke revenge, even if they're allies.

Achilles nodded.

“Kill it.”

“Kill it.”

Life or death was decided by that.

The corpse, which had grown to nine, was lumped together and burned. It was sad at
the same time.

'It would have been better if it was further reduced.'

The Battle Mage is a valuable power even in Riden.

Some of them escaped alive, so as scheduled, an event to strike the northern wall
in the back of the head will occur in the eighth episode.

It's easier to proceed with the episode if you kill them all before that, but
unfortunately that went over the water.

“Everyone can come.”

“Okay, are you done?”

“Sniff, I smell something savory.”

The rest of the students hid in a pit dug at a distance so as not to get caught up
in them. So, there are quite a few people. 71 people including me.

“Once again, the Rocks did it all.”

“I can’t deny it.”

It was thanks to Ai-nim who trusted me and gave me the right to command. There is a
saying that if you are tired, you will win a hundred battles.

“Camping is conducted near the road.”

The students, who were disturbed by uninvited guests, and the mercenaries who had
been chased the whole time were also tired. After setting up the camp by magic, he
fell asleep within ten minutes.

All the mercenaries decided to stand up for the night.

"You'd better sleep too."

“It’s hard to catch someone nearby.”

“It’s cumbersome.”

I was nervous for the first three hours or so, but the Battle Mage seemed to have
completely retreated.

From then on, I was wasting time with the mercenaries and chatter.

Like most mercenaries, there are many interesting stories to tell as life is rough.

“Three years at Areas, 5 years at Credia. Up until the beginning of this year, who
would have known that I would serve as a mercenary in the Empire?”

“To be honest, Eindarok, that is the problem. Are there any mercenaries in the

“It can’t be.”

"okay! There are monsters all over the place, and people get hurt. That’s how
people like us are fucking living.”

Because the barriers of the Aindarok Spirit were still standing, the demons could
not cross the Empire's land.

However, from the start of the episode, demons began to infest the inland as well,
and Akil quickly dug into the gap and established a position in the system.

It's good enough to be called a resourceful person.

“Well, since this is such a big deal, there were a lot of people saying that they
just did this and quit.”

“It’s all gone.”

“Aww, nigga.”

Whoops, a full-bodied mercenary spit into the fire.

Chii-ik, the bonfire trembled.

“Tell me what it is like. Even if we can't take the share of the ones we bought, we
do take care of the ones we lost, but this guy is dead, so don't look for any
more... … I have to tell my family about it.”

“What kind of words, write 80 letters. eighty? X arm. Heh heh.”

“I don’t write. The captain will do it.”

And there was silence for a while.

Five people took turns standing, but no one spoke.

It's a pretty old mercenary group. The feeling of loss is indescribable as the
years have passed.

“… … Do you always do that?”

“It’s something the captain pays special attention to. But, well, most of the
mercenaries send money home, leaving only about the price of alcohol every time a
quest is completed.”

“Actually, you don’t even need a letter! It's a problem because I've been waiting
for a long time, wondering if I've survived."

“Anyway, if you run out of money for about a year, it’s dead. It's simple, isn't

From then on, I kept my head down without saying a word. I don't know why I was so
sleepy that I said I could endure it.

“Sleep, wake up!”

When I woke up, it was already morning.

By hunting deer and large wild boars, the mercenaries were able to eat the food
they cooked with their skill.

The boat was called in a short time.

“No, you mean you’ve been like this all the time?”

“It was completely shattered… … .”

“The princess is also quite an iron man.”

“If you eat this, you will feel better.”

It was only then that the condition of Ai-nim's legs was revealed to the
mercenaries. Surprisingly, there was a painkiller that I thought was not there.

Thinly sliced and dried willow bark, along with some fruits, was a simple pain

“What exactly goes in?”

“For starters, even just the peel is effective, because it is usually edible to mix
with fruits. I mainly use cherries. But aren’t there light attribute wizards in

“There is nothing wrong with knowing. Boil for at least 20 minutes… … .”

I have a notebook to take notes, but the pen must have been taken from prison. I
took notes with a pen borrowed from a mercenary.

“How do you feel a little better?”

“It’s a lot better.”


“I don’t really like it.”

“It’s wider than my back and it’s nice.”

Ai-nim got on the horse brought by the mercenaries.

Horseback riding has traditionally been a basic skill for nobles, so there is no
problem riding a horse alone.

It's been a while since the wind was blowing through my back, so it's cool. It
seems that my bent back is being stretched out.

“How long will it take to get to the Confederate Front?”

There were 71 men, so even if there were horses, the march did not speed up. Some
struggling students would take turns getting on.

“If you give yourself enough time, it will arrive in ten days.”


Originally, you could ride the wagon brought by the mercenaries, but it was said
that all of them were smashed by Riden's attack, so I had to walk for ten days
without moving.

The students didn't show any reaction because they knew it, but I was the only one
who had a bad taste.

Two days of walking was enough.

“Well, if you’re lucky, you might even meet a carriage on the way.”

“I can’t take 70 people, right?”

“I don’t know. On the Areas Highway, even large-scale uphills go well.”

After such a tedious march, two more days passed.

A grand procession was approaching down the hill on the highway.

“What’s the use of coming from the front?”

“Haha, that’s funny.”

“There may not be any snacks.”

“For now, everyone should be nervous.”

You can't get it and ride it because it's going in the opposite direction. At least
if they dealt with food, it would have been possible to save these and other

If it's another enemy... …

I didn't want to assume that much, but I did warn the tired children to prepare


“Isn’t that uphill?”

But as the distance got closer, it became clearer. not uphill It wasn't a wagon
loaded with goods, it was just an empty escort wagon.

As we got a little closer, some savvy people shouted.

“Isn’t that the imperial emblem?”

“Are you a knight?”

“What, what happened?”

“Are you still here?”

“It took ten days… … .”

The voices of the children, who were tired of the long march, rose. The troops
escorting the wagon were not like mercenaries hired in the upper reaches.

The Knights Templar under the direct control of the Imperial Family, who were
heavily armed with glistening silver armor.

“Stop for a moment.”

The child stepped forward on horseback.

chuck. chuck. chuck.

The knights lined up in front of the carriage knelt all at once. I couldn't see it
at first, but the knights suddenly popped out from the forest outside the road.

How many people are there, this? At first glance, there are hundreds.


The child let out a sigh.


“It’s too late!!”


Even after being hit by the first pitch, the loyal knight corrected his posture in
one second.

“I am sorry. I have nothing to tell you.”

No, it's never too late.

Rather, it is surprisingly fast.

It had to be at least a week later for the Imperial rescue team to arrive in Areas.
Couldn't you have analyzed the traces left in the classroom yet?

“I’ve come to know you for a long time.”

“The Marquess of Eindarok asserts that it is an attack from Riden, and was
convinced of the belated departure to Areas. There is no face.”

“The children are on the verge of collapse, so get on the wagon. Even the


Guided by the knights, students and mercenaries got on the wagon one after another.

I was going to go to the carriage behind the students on the right, but I was
caught by the child and I ended up sitting in the same carriage. Seeing how
gorgeous it is, I think it was only for the royal family.

That's it anyway.

'Chillin met Hira and Coltman.'

If it goes according to schedule, there should be no time for Shilin, who is busy
preparing 1 billion G right away, to meet them.

'Is it because of the special squad?'

Because Euxilla was quickly restored. Even with 1 billion G, the burden was not as
big as I thought.

They even made a fake remarriage plan in the first place, so it's not a normal

Your son and our daughter came into the room... … What kind of story would have

'No matter what.'

laughter came out.

Even so, all Coltman found out was that I had hired a mercenary group for 1 billion
G. With that alone, he was convinced that it was Riden's work, and sent troops.

Anyway, there are a lot of smart people in the world.

Oh, then maybe?

“Didn’t anyone run away this way?”

At that moment, Ai-nim asked the driver who was nearby.

From the distance, it seems that the knights were scouring even the forest.

“There was.”

“How did you do it?”

“I was camping in hiding, and I was surprised because I thought he wasn’t from
Areas, so his actions were suspicious.”
"Well done. They are the ones who tried to kill us.”

“… … I'm sorry. They were supposed to be captured, but all eleven of them committed
suicide. My body burned down.”

“That is enough. Because you all watched.”

This is a huge harvest.

You don't even need to be alive.

The Battlemages committed suicide in the same way that they were behind the night
raids that Kanin had previously tracked down.

Kanin said it was recorded, so if you combine the testimonies of the imperial
knights, tracking down the background becomes very simple.

“Abama Mama hasn’t written anything recently, so I hope you can use it well.”

“What do you mean?”

The boy answered with a broad smile.

“A declaration of war and torture!”

The fourth episode, 'Class A Kidnapping Case,' ended like that.

Just 12 days after the kidnapping, 31 class A students safely returned to


About Akil's mercenary corps, who had all 40 of them been given titles, and about
the imaginary theory that has sparked a riot among the Empire's wizards.

The spring breeze that belatedly visited the campus, Yuksila's foresight, Roxtrin's
heroic story, Ainda Locke's remarriage news, the ramen in the student cafeteria
that has been selling hotly... … and so on.

Many things have changed, but in the end, one thing is the most important.

[…] … Therefore, as of this time, Riden is regarded as an obvious enemy of the

Empire, and war is declared.]

Finally one step.

Take the first step towards a happy ending.

Academy Face Genius Episode 34

“This is the income generated from the student cafeteria.”

“All of these?”

"Yes. As Kyung said, we have pursued diversification. Even a small change in the
ingredients gives a completely different taste.”

It was a pocket full of gold coins.

I had to pay for the tuition for the second semester, so I was thinking of adding
some money for selling ramen, but it wasn't an addition, it was more than enough to
pay three times.

“Ah, now I’m coming out of Jinri-dang.”

“Are the students satisfied?”

“It is highly praised. The trend was to leave the ramen for a while and pray for
Sir Lockstrin’s safe return.”



Ramen, which I used to eat alone, suddenly became a traditional food of Eindarok.
The Confederate Front is also said to have just begun, but the response is said to
be explosive.

“You don’t have to come here anymore. We will send you to your room.”

“How much will it come out?”

“I am not versed in the business side, so I was only saying that. Probably because
it is difficult to procure materials in the South... … .”

“Well, it is.”

“Unfortunately, it seems that only 1 million G will come in every month right now.”

I doubted my ears.

1 million g per month?

It was the same when I was studying my major, but I didn't want to worry about
money for a long time. I made it thinking that adding one more 0 would be just the
same value.

With just a single branch without any publicity, it is not sales and the net profit
that falls to me is 10 million won every month.

“At first, rumors spread, so they are lining up, but they say that they will expand
significantly if they secure a separate distribution network from next month.”

“… … I wish you all the best in the future.”

"of course."

I won't have to worry about money in the future.

There's nothing wrong with overflowing with money. Some episodes can be easily
solved if you have a lot of money. 'Class A Kidnapping Case' should have been like


IV. enemy

: All 31 class A students succeeded in returning to life safely.

I commend you for the wit and wisdom that saved the students from crisis.

Your heroic story is being circulated throughout the campus, and you have also
received a promise from the Emperor that you will receive a reasonable reward
sooner or later.

[Comprehensive evaluation: Rank S+]

[B grade or higher additional reward: Combat stat points +1]

As it was a large-scale and dangerous episode, the rewards are huge.

What a combat ability point!

If you use this point when the ability reaches the growth limit, it will ignore the
limit and increase unconditionally.

I'm a Roxtrin, so I'm not greedy, and I can use it when I'm roughly at level 5 of
magic power.

It's been the second day since I returned to Summerturge. I returned to my room
with my purse and opened the book as usual.

An ambulance team came to the room from time to time to receive healing magic, and
surprisingly, there were no more calls except for writing a report.

Not only me, but all the class A students were like that. It was Summerter's
consideration to keep up the body after suffering.

Classes have also been canceled until this week, so I'm lying in bed and memorizing


But can you focus?

At this point, I have to go down to the garden... … If you did something wrong, you
should be punished.

'Maybe he wasn't very angry?'

Suddenly, there was a story saying, 'Siileen Yuksila, who obtained information from
the Areas Chamber, hastily hired a mercenary corps.'

Shilin did not dare deny this.

The wealth of 1 billion G was fully compensated by the imperial family, and thanks
to this, Yuxilla's prestige was further enhanced.

All of those things were buried because of the remarriage issue. Now the
institutional aristocrats were outraged.

'Go... … .'

Nothing will get better if you procrastinate.

I left the room and went down to the 10th floor.

Up until the kidnapping, it was routine at the end of the evening to catch the wind
in the garden.

After that, Hira often comes down to chat and chat about nothing. Now it's probably
the opposite.


Her bright scarlet hair was neatly arranged. It looks like you paid a lot of
attention. Hira replied as if she had been waiting.

“He said he was hurt a lot.”

“It’s not that serious. He continues to receive healing magic. that… … .”

Can I sit in front of it, or I could put an iron plate on my face and say that?

But I probably won't be able to do that.


“Fufu, I’m not mad. sit down please."

A thin laugh broke out.

Hira, who turned around with a bright face, suggested a seat, so I took a seat on
the opposite side of the chair.

It is awkward.

Is it because I always just stand on the railing? Rarely have I ever sat on a chair
in the garden. It is uncomfortable because there is no backrest.

There was no teacup or anything on the table, and there was nowhere to look.


Finally our eyes met.

“Uh huh.”

“I know I'm not that great.”

“No, what… … .”

It's okay to have an insignificant supporting role.

However, I can't really nod, and there's nothing else to say to deny it outright.
So I had no choice but to blur the end of my words.

be afraid

You remove it from the corner where you can escape.

“I'm not that clever, so maybe the Rocks didn't understand when he tried to explain
it. It’s also about international relations, and like an idiot, I didn’t know

In the wake of the sudden disappearance, all Hira could do was pray for a safe
return. The professors are also in a rut because they can't figure it out, but they
say what they can do.

Then, Shilin came to Summerturge and found out that the check in the drawer was

The only ones who have entered his room since entering the school are the
superintendent, Melida and Locks.

hair turned white

“If I had been in Class A, I would have been a burden rather than a help. I'm not
even capable of using magic like Your Majesty. Well, if I could have used magic, I
wouldn't have had the courage to jump."


“Where it came from in Rox’s head, I can’t imagine. I didn't want to. Still. I
think you should ask this.”

It was Hira who avoided his gaze first.

I pretended to be okay, but I guess I couldn't say anything after making eye

“From the beginning, was it?”

Why did you say it on purpose?

Was it because of that?

'If you don't have an appointment in particular tonight, could you spare a minute?'

These were the first words I gave to Hira.

I didn't worry.

"that's right."


Whoa, something like a sigh came out. Hira closed her eyes.

"okay. Absolutely. It's Rocks. There can be no mistake.”

He is the genius of the century who rewritten the basic theory.

He is a hero who safely restored 31 class A students from a prison where they could
not even use magic, from the distant Areas.

It was a flower on a lofty cliff.

What kind of result would be the result of speaking out in front of so many

I couldn't have known.

“It’s also possible that a demon attacked the territory.”

“I knew.”
“An excuse for Eindarok to enter politics.”

"That too."

“The class A students are going to be kidnapped.”


“There was a check in my room.”



Hira Yuxilla was thoroughly used.

Charm level 10, Aindarok.

Because that was the most effective option for my situation.

After that, I had no idea what was going on. Things went well, and Yuxilla
survived, but at first I thought it would be even worse.

“Are you satisfied?”

it's scary to laugh

Since I didn't answer, Hira used a more direct expression.

“Did I have any use?”




Hira kicked off the chair she was sitting on and got up. I kind of expected this to

Shilin and Coltman's remarriage will soon come to an end. There is no reason to
continue the relationship anymore.

Hira Yuxilla may leave alone.

I waited for Hira to leave first. If I wake up together, I have to take the
elevator together, but that's difficult... … .

“I have to hate you.”

A voice came from right behind me.

“I must be angry.”

A warm feeling touched his shoulder.

Standing behind her back, Hira put her hands on my shoulders. His voice trembled.
“It’s strange. just… … It's just laughter. Look at the Rocks. No way, that's it.
It's too much. I guess I have no pride.”

A warm feeling touched his back. The trembling grew louder and louder, and
eventually it became a crying voice.


It smells like spring flowers.

“… … I was worried, I mean.”

12 days.

He visited the garden every single day.

'Cause I've always been there It's a silly story, but I thought maybe I could find
Lockstrin looking down the railing like a lie again.

There's nothing I can do about it other than being stupid.

Then I found out

“Now I know because the Rocks told me.”

If you don't tell me, I don't know.

that's what i said anyway

“When the sun goes down and it gets dark, everyone falls asleep right away, so it’s
not that long. An hour or so when the Rocks are always down in the garden. Yes,
only then.”

This is my favorite scenery.

“The stars also rise on the ground.”

It is a beauty that made me realize every day that this dreary world is not fake. I
just couldn't give up because of that.

that made me live

“It’s far away, and it’s different from the stars that rise in the same sky every
day. That it is a star that moves freely along the road and shakes because of
anxiety. I just found out. So you're looking at the same thing. I wanted to say...
… .”

“Now I’ve heard it all.”

“Yes, really. I'm glad you're unharmed. I wish I could have told you if I was so

Black, it's hard to hold back crying.

It's already the third time. He cries really well. However, this time the recovery
was quick.

“I’m not as smart as the Rocks, so I won’t think too much about it. No matter what
the Rocks were thinking, my benefactor is the same.”
I thought he would be an enemy, but he's a benefactor.

Look into my dirty mind and forgive me. It is a treatment full of minutes. how good
are you

“I will ask you one more question.”

said Hira, who was smirking.

I nodded quietly. No matter how many questions I asked, I had no choice but to
answer them all.

“Am I of any use after this?”

“… … no."

there is no plan

Hira Yuxilah lived up to its worth.

You can't expect much from a supporting actor. It's a good tool to use, and that's
all it takes when you use it to its full potential.

The remaining episodes are not satisfactory enough to leisurely think of something
else. The people I need to pay attention to right now are Ainim, Fried, and Euryl.

“I am broken.”

“He said he wasn’t angry.”

“I can’t see your face now. It was better.”

Oh, so that's why you went backwards.

While smirking, Hira did everything she had to say. It would have been more
convenient if I had swear coolly.

There is no separate thorn cushion. pain.


[There are changes to the person concerned.]

In the meantime, it was a script that suddenly came to mind.

why is this here

This is a notification that appears only for the main characters who change over
the course of the episode. Other than that, I have never designed a case that


Hira Yuksila (1st year)

Attribute: Wind (2-star)

Affiliation: Rongrt Empire's Yuxilla Territory

Position: Marquis

Personality: ambition, aspiration (new!), longevity (new!)

'What… … ?'

A new personality was born.

That's two too. One of them was like that of Fried, the main character and his

Considering the ripple effect of each individuality, this was impossible.


for what?

“Plan, I’ll make it happen.”

It was a powerful voice.

Hira took a step back, loosening her arms around her shoulders. I asked, not
knowing English.

“To make it come alive… … .”

“Not now, but I will try to make it useful. It will be. But it’s a different



I was hit hard in the back of the head.

How painful would it be to hit a guy with level 1 strength? It seems that all the
anger has been resolved.

“Until then, we will continue to be friends.”

Looking back, Hira was smiling broadly again.


He suddenly nodded his head.

Hira hummed and ran out of the garden. I blankly followed the missing figure for a
long time.

“… … Is it summer?”

My cheeks are hot Looks like spring is over.

I even checked the status that I hadn't checked before.

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv ? Spirit Lv ?
Agility Lv ? Wisdom Lv ?

Stamina Lv ? Magic Lv ?

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv ? Talent Lv ?

Insight Lv ? Charm Lv ?

Charisma Lv ?

Look, it's a bug.

It's like a mango.

Academy Face Genius Episode 35

end of June.

From A to F, after the division into six grades, intensive research is conducted.
The real lecture had just begun.

The title of the lecture became more complex and the content deepened. The
reference material alone was insignificant.

“As everyone knows this well, it is called 「Repe」, and it is a very useful
solution regardless of its attributes… … .”

square square.

Now, in addition to speed reading, I have learned to write fast.

I was able to keep up with Lockstrin's elegant handwriting, but still keep up with
the pace of the professor's words.

But then, suddenly, the classroom becomes quiet. Every time the child stabs me in
the side.

how many times is this

“Keep talking.”

“… … Do you have any problems with this?”

“I am not going to challenge the theory that has already been universalized.”


Even if the achievements left at the Sorcery Society aren't good enough, the
elderly professors of Summertage, who will have ten lines at a time, come out and
look at the child.

That's because I declared that everything was completely wrong. Ai-nim answered the
first one or two times, but now it spreads saying that it is annoying.

The validity of the theory was notarized by Kanin and Werain, two mages. It was
planned to discuss future policies at the regular faculty meeting after this class.
“Are you ready?”

“It’s just me, my lord, to help out.”

“The only person who can truly understand and explain is Rox. I mean, I don't have
the talent to say things easily."

Classroom after class.

Geniuses usually do.

Because thinking is a leap forward, if you listen, the link in the middle seems to
be broken. It was like that when I was writing the theory, but it was my job to
fill it in.

“How old is the Rocks now?”

“Barely 2 stars.”

“Eh, I’m still in the final stages of 1 star.”

“It’s because I’ve been busy getting treatment. I was locked up in my room all the

“Why are you so good… … Oh, Hira!”


I took a deep breath in surprise as the child waved her hand toward her back.

In fact, it's the first time we've seen each other since then. I went down to the
garden at the same time every day, but Hira never came down.

“It’s hard to see because it’s split in half.”

“Can I look for another child?”

“Among the central aristocrats there are no good kids, and the local nobles are
very difficult on me. I thought we were friends though.”

Summerturge's faculty meeting is an official event.

He woke up just in time for the first class and needed someone to tidy up his
frizzy hair, but apparently he called Hira.

Class B is right next door, so it's close.

“Why are you turned to stone, Rocks? Do I have to eat anything?”

“No, I just have nothing to do… … .”

“I’m comfortable.”

Whoops. Whoops.

Only the sound of brushing was heard.

I sat still like a borrowed barley sack. The child who had closed her eyes with a
happy face broke the silence.

“But which of you two is Wee?”


“I am remarried. So, aren't they siblings anymore?"

“Fufu, well. I was born in October.”

“You know what, what are you asking? I'm not really going to do it.”

“Why, that’s funny.”

The child giggled.

Of course, Ainim, the princess, knows Shiileen, the central nobleman, well.
Remarriage is just an excuse for Eindarok to get into politics.

If she were to find a suitable marriage partner, Shiilen would choose a lower
family than Yuxilla.

There is no reason to choose Eindarok, which will be strongly opposed by the

imperial family and the nobles.

“So what about the Rocks?”

“It is February. They were born in the same year, so what do you do with the top
and bottom?”

“Eight months is the same as a year difference isn’t it?”

“That’s right, Rocks.”

Roxtrin was born in late winter in February.

I don't know the exact date. The birthdays of non-main characters are recorded only
roughly the month they were born.

"It's all done."

“As expected, I like what Hira does the most. Pretty!"

“There is still time until the meeting.”

“I’ll go with you.”

The meeting lasted close to an hour.

If you arrive in advance, you are sure to suffer from the baptism of questions.
That was the specification for me too.

I was thinking about reviewing the class content I took notes. I'll have to sort it
out in my head or theories I'll talk about later... … .


Then, Hira tapped her shoulder.

“… … Brother, would you like to do it too?”

It was ridiculous and I laughed out loud.

“You really do it.”

“That’s because the look on Rox’s face is funny. I've been thinking about it
sometimes. Because it's my only daughter. Rocks is the only child.”

“… … uh.”

Roxtrin is the only child.

He forced his son to be attached to Coltman, who had no affiliation with anyone, so
he had no children except Roxtrin.

Roxtrin, yes.


"still. What do you do with a man’s hair?”

“There is a difference.”

“Have you ever done it?”

“No. Stay still.”

At first, I decided to leave it to you.

It's been three months and my hair is long.

I used to cut my bangs roughly with scissors to cover my eyes, but that has its
limits. It's just that the charm is level 10, so it doesn't show, but it probably
won't look good.

“Is it okay?”

“Are you carrying scissors?”

“I don’t know much about Rocks. Do you know that Hira is popular for nothing?”

I thought it was just because of Yuxila's high prestige, but I guess it wasn't.
Haha, when I first saw you, you were at skill level 6.

It doesn't even look like a question mark now.

“Where did you learn this?”

“My mother taught me one by one. At this age, beauty is the biggest concern.”

It is said that Shilin herself used this method even when she was a student at

Professional hairdressers only exist in the imperial family. In Summer Turge, you
have no choice but to straighten yourself, but it is not easy for you to touch your
own hair.

There was a reason why there were always so many female students around Hira. The
game doesn't even cover beauty, so I don't know about it.

square. square.

There was no need to move the rest of the hair after cutting it, as it was enough
to blow it away with wind magic later.

“If there is anything that comes to mind after seeing your Highness, please tell

“Well, wouldn’t it be better if the sides were shorter?”

"right? Rocks have pretty ears too.”

“Your eyebrows are nice too.”


As I listened, my body itched as only embarrassing words continued. But that's what
I thought when I looked in the mirror.

Scissors continued for about ten minutes.



Their faces were placed side by side on the desk. I think I'm watching some famous

Come to think of it, these two have opposite hair and eye colors.

I averted my gaze and slowly got up from my seat.

“I have nothing more to say.”

"Yeah. You just want to keep watching.”

"It's not possible. Now let's go slowly. You worked hard, Hira. Much better.”

I picked up the cape I had taken off.

Summerturge's student robes are considered aesthetically superior. Certainly I feel

the same way. This is enough, no matter how stupid you say it, it doesn't seem like
it's missing.

“Good job. It will be fine.”

After leaving the lecture building, Hira went back to the tower.

I don't think I've ever seen Hira at an outdoor tea table these days. There are
some things I'm not very good at, though.

“You’re working hard these days, Hira.”

“What do you mean?”

“I made another copy, secretly Rox, and gave it to Hira. You must be studying.”
"okay? It would not be easy to understand.”

“Well. I don't know~"

And the gun runs forward.

Ainim has a unique gait of her own. If you look closely, you don't walk straight,
but always walk in a zigzag. It looks like it's flapping, so it's a little funny
from behind.

“You’re in trouble, Maria.”

“I am used to it now. It seems like he does it in front of Lord Roxtrin.”


“It is difficult for me to speak with my mouth.”

“Hey, just tell me secretly now. You wouldn't even hear it."

Ainim's attendant, Maria, was often in an inconspicuous position, but now she is
always attached to her because she was not in the classroom at the time of the

“You said that.”

“What did you say?”

“'Otherwise the Rocks won't smile'.”

“Ummm… … .”

Well, at 16, it would be funny to see a flying sparrow's asshole, but it's not like
I can live the same hahahoho.

“I am always thankful for Kyung-Keok. If His Majesty had not returned safely, my
neck would have been blown away, so it is safe to say that I am a lifesaver.”

“What happened?”

I have no intention of denying it.

Getting closer to the child means getting closer to Maria, but there is nothing
wrong with having a personal relationship with Maria. The truth is that

protect me too scared.

“Then can I ask you a favor?”

“Is there anything I can listen to?”

“It’s nothing.”

After cutting the dandelion in the flower bed, I see a child blowing it. Then it
doesn't work, so I use magic to blow it away.

He nodded as if satisfied.

“Please keep doing that.”

There is no way to get it back if it goes wrong.

I've already seen a lot of things I couldn't see in the kidnapping case, but I
tried as much as I could. Ai-nim did not commit the murder 'directly'.

“I don’t know what that means.”

“It’s honor. If there is no comparable object in the first place, I don’t think it
can be damaged without special effort to protect it, I think.”

“It’s not wrong, though.”

“If there were people like Your Majesty in the world, there would be no war.”

"Ah… … Yes. I agree."

“It’s like that.”

In the meantime, we arrived at the main building in the very center of the campus.
The antique buildings surrounding the lake have a classic grandeur.

The faculty meeting room was modeled after the conference room of the National
Assembly. Most of the professors were seated in the long, semicircular seats.

The number of people is about 120 people.

“Now that the garden is gathered, the meeting will begin. There are a total of
three agendas for this week, which are outlined in the materials distributed.”

In principle, there are no special ranks above the full professor at Summerturge.
What matters is age and achievements. It was the dean, Wirain, who stepped out on
the podium.

“This is the first agenda. I would like Meiji Kanin, who submitted the agenda, to
speak first about how to resolve the distrust of the faculty after the kidnapping

In 'Class A Kidnapping Case', the main mother is Riden, but to identify the
culprit, it is the professor who brought the Warpstone's trigger to the classroom
in the first place.

He was a trusted professor, but disappeared after the incident. Everyone is

speculating that he was naturalized in Riden, and it is true.

“It won’t be long. We need to check the competence of all faculty members and
verify transparency.”

“Do you have any specific plans?”

“Most of Summerturge's faculty buildings are old facilities. This closed form...
… .”

The first agenda didn't last long.

It was because the plan that Kanin had prepared was detailed and appropriate as he
submitted the agenda himself, and no one raised any objection.

Second, it was my turn and I.

“This is the second agenda. His Majesty Ainim, who is a freshman at our school, and
Roxtrin, have verified the suitability and validity of the newly invented theory. I
would like Roxtrin, who submitted the agenda, to tell me how to use it


why me

He turned his head to the child.

It's kinda funny I asked with a mouth.

'Am I going to do it?'

Since the regular meeting is an official place, there is a big difference even if
both names are called.

When I become the presenter and speaker of the agenda, my attention is drawn to me.
Even if something great ripples through, Ainim's balls are buried.

I left it to Ai-nim to submit to the main building, but it seems that they changed
their name.

'The Rocks do it.'

Now that I'm here, I can't do anything about it, so I have to do it myself.

“… … It’s Roxtrin who submitted the agenda.”

It's not difficult either.

There is no need to cumbersomely raise the face of professors. I took it right out
of the box.

“'Theory of Imagination' replaces all magical realization principles with thinking

rather than logic. But preconceived learning and knowledge have a huge impact on

It is the basis of the theory of imagination.

Do magic as you think.

It sounds like a dream, but it's surprisingly not impossible.

“Humans do not have the ability to erase memories. For a wizard who has already
firmly envisioned an established theoretical system, including the three elements
of magic, this theory is not valid at all. So you in this room have no way to use
it. You just don’t have to look.”

That said, old people are out.

I'm already strong enough. The protagonists of <Academy Summer> were originally

“But if you’re a student at school, or if you’ve only been learning magic for a few
years. I will assure you.”
If it's a young chick wizard who's only been three months now, it goes without

I said in a calm voice, as if talking about the obvious.

“Without one exception, up to six stars. It can be reached in 15 years.”

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 36

murmur murmur.

There was a small commotion in the hall.

Rather than sitting professors or key figures, it was mainly the voices of
onlookers watching from behind.

“Six stars… … .”

“There are only eleven of the wizards in this position with a 6-star or higher

“Does 15 years make sense?”

Even if you become a 3-star wizard, you won't get discouraged wherever you go. This
is why today is called the Age of Magic.

In the case of the Empire, anyone can receive a title by joining the magic corps
and accumulating achievements.

“You mean twenty-five is six stars?”

How about a 6-star wizard?

It is also called the limit of effort.

It is an orthodox theory that if a talented wizard or higher devotes his entire

life to magic, he will barely reach 6 stars by the time his head turns white.

I answered the question calmly.

“I said the lowest.”

“Hmm, not all wizards in the world are like lords or sires.”

“Obviously, there was no exception. In some cases, it can be as short as 10 years

or even shorter. If it were me, it would be like that.”

I also denied it at first.

that you can do it I don't think it would be that fast. The child clenched his


Surprisingly, it wasn't wrong.

One of the most important conditions to get used to magic based on the theory of
imagination. You must not be familiar with the existing magic theory.
During the six days I returned in the carriage, I learned a new one-star magic of
all attributes. After returning, I reached 2 stars. It was phenomenal growth.

The speed, range, and power that couldn't be achieved with just average level 3
magic came out.

Said it was a phone scam.

'Is this going to happen?'

I've only been learning magic for 3 months.

“The current education system is independent. Although there is a magic sanctuary,

Summerturge, from the age of 10 to the age of 6, when you start learning magic, you
have no choice but to rely entirely on the teachings of your parents. One essential
theory book is expensive, and most cities do not even have one.”

That is the reality.

The cost required to raise a single wizard is insignificant. Even if you have
talent in magic, the task of discovering talented people is not easy.

If you are a commoner with a difficult background, it is virtually impossible to

become a wizard without the support of a powerful family. Fried is an incredibly
lucky case.

“However, there is no need for the costly theory books, so if the proper system is
supported, the power of the Imperial Wizards can more than double within 20 years.”

“Have you thought about it?”

“Your Majesty will explain this part.”

A means to create a happy ending with external influences without significantly

changing what is happening inside Summerturge for the progress of the episode.

I passed the right to speak to the child. The gorgeous blonde hair trimmed by Hira
showed off her presence.

“Compulsory education.”

It was a clear voice that did not go well with the heavy atmosphere. The immediate
imperial family does not exalt others unless they are of the same imperial family.

“The non-magical magic theory still needs to be spread. Still, anyone can explain
that to even two stars. You can learn enough without advanced knowledge or theory.”

“You mean to teach everyone?”

“The essence of this theory is to make imagination a reality, but most criminals
cannot imagine what they have not seen. So will you So it’s simple.”

The reason why I, who is not a genius, can learn magic faster than a child.

“If you show me, I can follow you.”

The magic in numerous video media that I referenced while making <Academy
Summerturge>. You can think of anything outside of this world.
“People to teach, facilities, and maintenance. It will cost you a huge budget. But
it's not impossible. It’s an empire.”

The imperial people basically lead a prosperous life. Even commoners can afford to
enjoy cultural life, and even slaves have at least the minimum rights.

“The reason why it was brought up on the agenda in Summer. Without the cooperation
of the wizards here, it will be difficult to achieve. Teaching others is important
not only academically, but also human literacy. It is too difficult to verify

In short, it means that the balance calculation is not correct.

“You all have disciples. It'll probably be around 4 stars this time of year. It’s
just a time to relax.”

From 4 stars, the time required to raise one star increases exponentially. The
shortest is 2 years and the longest is 20 years. Individual differences are also

It was not solved by recklessly learning the theory book, so there were many
wizards who wasted their time. You can make full use of them.

“We’re going to build 2,000 classrooms, and we need 10,000 wizards at the very
least. To the Magi Weraine, and to all the excellent wizards of the Empire, whether
or not they are here. Please."

It was a plan that could not be implemented without them in the first place. This
is only possible when wizards of this level are gathered in the eternal magical
sanctuary called Summerturge.

“Gather the wizards.”

* * *



I left the main building with Ai-nim and headed for the lake shore. No matter who
came first, he sat down on the bench and sighed.

“What do you think, Rocks?”

“It was completely ruined.”

“Why? I think it will be fun.”

everything worked out

A spokesperson from the imperial family received a positive response that they
would review the budget adjustment, and the professors all expressed their
willingness to cooperate in gathering the wizards.

Everything I was worried about went well, but the conclusion turned out to be

“I want to learn from Rocks myself.”

“ That doesn’t make sense. How do students teach students? I am a freshman.”

“The Rocks can do it!”


The sound of pain came out of nowhere.

Several times during the Q&A, I went through the process of explaining the theory
in an easy-to-understand manner.

When I explained with a few suitable examples, the response was very good, and the
professor who listened to the story and nodded his head said so.

'The Lord said that even a few years can be effective.'

'Yes. Compared to several decades, the efficiency is still quite good. At least
it's better than following an existing theory.'

'If so, isn't it right to teach students right now?'

'Oh, yes. However, those who have mastered this and have the capacity to teach
others… … .'

'Now we are all watching. Lord Roxtrin.'


'I think the most important thing is to get rid of old and inefficient things as
quickly as possible.'

Bertol is a professor with strong radical tendencies. But no one objected there.
That's right, you're right. No need to delay… … .

So I had a badge on my chest.

“Wow, that’s what Kanin has.”

“It is terribly heavy.”

“It’s okay to be proud. The only thing that the mage barely receives is the Medal
of Honor as Professor.”

Summerturge has only one professor emeritus.

If you have not taken the procedure to become a professor, but you have been
appointed as a professor through your own invitation at Summerturge's regular
faculty meeting.

Kanin Mage Artine.

There are only four 7-star wizards in the Empire.

The legendary wizard who served as the corps commander of the Confederate Frontline
Magic Corps became an emeritus professor in that way.

But the second is me.

this is right?
“They won’t take into account your magical theory grades. How good.”

“Then what do you do? It doesn't give you the right to miss class. The exam is not
just about magic theory. I just lost my weekend.”

I'm going to set up some time from next weekend and hold a special lecture in my
name. Participation is voluntary.

'Who's not coming?'

The declaration of the start of the war has been pushed aside as the third agenda
item. This has already caused an uproar inside and outside.

In addition to the students, it is obvious that the professors will also attend.
You can tell just by looking at the designation of the lecture hall as the

Damn it's Saturday.

There are no changes to the academic calendar.

To be honest, no matter how well I explain it, it takes about 0.3 or less to see
the effect.

One star again, I have to learn it again from the beginning, but who would like it?
The problem is that.

'No, the game is over in two years.'

The ending of <Academy Summer>, which I am eagerly waiting for, is only two years

The end of 3rd grade based on the main character. Of course, considering the events
that will take place in the meantime and the many difficulties to overcome, I don't
want to say 'only'.

Students enrolled in Summerturge are students who have mastered existing theories
for at least six years.

Erase it all from your head, learn a new imaginary theory, and learn magic
efficiently? That's right, the smart guys will be able to reach 4 stars by the time
they graduate from Summer Turge.

But they were going to be 4 stars by the existing theory anyway. So, based on the
time frame of the episode.

There is little change in power.

It means that the increase in power that I desperately need does not happen only if
I prepare hard and perform a passionate performance.

But why did you accept this... … .

'Can I use the lab by any chance?'

'Since the Lord has already contributed many things to this empire beyond
Summerturge, there will be no restrictions on the operation of all facilities,
equipment, and rental properties, not just a fancy title.'
'Oh, then I'll do it. I'll do it.'

So I swallowed it.

The dean, Wirain, endorsed it.

Considering Kanin's position in Summerturge in the first place, it should be seen

that he has much higher authority than a general professor. Then it might be

'I want to eat me.'

I'm very tired these days.

The episode you dreamed of eating raw. i want to do it too It may be possible if
you are an emeritus professor. That thought swung like a snake.

“I want to help, but I don’t think everyone understands what I’m saying. Rocks

“Looks like I’m half way through, huh?”

“Maybe it’s a long way up.”

“It’s done. Don't burn the plane."

"Yes? airplane?"

“… … It was said that it would be burdensome if it floats too much.”

I shook my head.

Well worth a try. Also, I can't help thinking about the distant future at all.

“I’m going back soon.”

"Why? Is there anything urgent?”

"Nope. Isn't it time for His Majesty to be asleep right now?"

“Hey, how did Rox know that!”

“Because I’ve never met him at the Jinri-dang at lunch.”

The child sleeps at lunchtime.

Of course, I overslept in the morning, and I also sleep during breaks between
classes. In the evening, he probably annoys Baeller.

“Just a little bit more.”

“That’s right.”

I wanted to eat ramen at Jinri-dang, but I have no appetite. On the way home, I'll
have to buy some cookies or eat at the kiosk.

I sat and stared blankly at the rippling lake.


Ⅴ. Daedongje

: D-21

3 weeks left.

Fortunately, this section is a bit more stable. Since the previous episode was so
dangerous, this episode isn't particularly dangerous.

I will continue my studies, but there are few times when I can get psychological
stability... … .

“The Rocks.”


“You don’t look at me when we’re together.”

“… … Yes?"

I listened and turned my head. Suddenly, her hair was shaking. There is no wind.

“I just did it.”


It was a shrill voice that anyone could hear. Rocks is stupid. Rocks is stupid. It
is undoubtedly a voice that everyone wants to hear.

“I am watching from a distance.”

“I’m right next to you right now.”

“I am also restraining myself. Don’t worry.”

how do i solve this

I don't have the talent to comfort children. Even the 'extraordinary' personality
that seems to have something is useless in this case. Let's just tell the truth.

Ai-nim is Charm level 6.

“There are few people as pretty as the Emperor.”

“When I was in the Imperial Household, I listened to it a hundred times a day.


hello. It seems to give you a lot of opportunities.

“Well, sometimes it’s like a child, and it’s cute.”


“I respect it because it’s cool to be serious when you need it.”

“… … next."
“I envy the cleverness of taking what I have for granted and understanding and
acting on what made it possible.”

"Hehe… … No, next!”

too much greed

I watched it because it was cute.

“Your Highness may have been joking about what you said, but I think of Your
Highness every day. It’s like I’m going to be more specific about what I said


“I hope you do not lose the innocence and wickedness you have now.”


“I don’t want you to lose your warm heart.”

“… … and."

“Don’t be like me, who has nothing to see. I want you to value love, friendship,
passion, and sacrifice. I want you to remember that not all are good, but not all
are evil. I hope that the current clear mind will not be stained with malice.”

There is a future that cannot be changed no matter how hard we try.

The most powerful character in <Academy Summerturge> and the final boss of the last
15th episode two years later.

My son von Rongrt.

There is no way you can edify it with just a few words. Maybe it was just to
relieve the guilt.

“Haha, that’s too many. Would it be difficult?”


“Yes, then, shall we go back?”

In a blink of an eye, a red-hot ear could be seen through the fluttering blonde
hair. After a while, the child who took a deep breath exclaimed.

"I like you!"

Then, afterward, he ran away.

I think I know well that I don't need to hear an answer. Did you make too much tea?


I don't know if it's more than that.

I Became a Facial Genius Episode 37

Roxtrin Aindalocke (1st year)

Series: None

Affiliation: Longrt Empire, Aindaroch Territory

Position: Count

Personality: stately color, extraordinary

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 4 Spirit Lv 3

Agility Lv 3 Wisdom Lv 4

Stamina Lv 4 Magic Lv 3(+1)

Remaining points: 1

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 4 Talent Lv 3

Insight Lv 3 Charm Lv 10

Charisma Lv 4

Remaining points: 2

“Hmm… … .” “Hmm… … .”

I looked at the status after a long time.

It's not in vain that I've been enduring so far, and in addition to strength and
stamina, there were abilities that leveled up subtly.

But it's literally subtle.

In <Academy Summerturge>, there is a separate way to raise all stats.

Strength, agility, and stamina are increased throughout all physical activity and
with intuitive training such as jumping on the playground.

Mind, wisdom, and magic power increase when you invest time in studying and
practicing magic in general. You can get good grades.

The will is probably due to a lack of sleep, and the charisma is raised by speaking
in official places such as representative inauguration ceremonies or regular
faculty meetings.

However, in the end, the most important ability is one.

“I want you to increase your magic power.”

You've been working hard on your magic.

I practice a thousand times a day, so why doesn't it increase? I created wind magic
on the desk for nothing. The hair in the front of the eyebrows fluttered in a

My chest was pounding, so I couldn't gather any more mana. Even wearing a ring has
its limits.

It was late evening.

I must have used up all my magic. Shall we go see if Fried is doing well? At this
point, I have something to say. After a long time, I put on my hood and left the
Tower of Truth.

The place we headed for was a canteen where many students gathered.

“Ah, Sir Roxtrin!”

"Hi. Have you ever seen Fried?”

“Are you going to be in the lab? Would you like one?”

“Oh, this is hard to find. I will eat well.”

I met Hoen, a class A student.

Summertage's canteen bakes and sells bread and cookies daily, with a mill and a
bakery nearby.

There are many kinds, but most of the popular ones are sold out because they only
make a certain amount.

“But it might not be because I went an hour ago!”

“Thank you for letting me know. Still, maybe?”

I put a cookie in my mouth and headed to the lab. It's hard. Now, all the class A
students pretend to know one word at a time. The guys who are watching me in hiding
don't scream and run away when I talk to them.

Roxtrin is finally starting to be treated like a human. It is the evolution of the


"free… … .”

I found Freed who had just escaped from the lab. I was trying to talk to him, but
he was walking away from me, so I followed him.

Isn't that the top direction?

“Where are you going, you bastard?”

The lab is located northwest of the main building, the center of the campus. The
lawn and garden, which were damaged during the night raid, were completely

There, Fried was moving in the opposite direction, not on the main street, and if
you follow the promenade outside the campus like that... … .

'It's a playground.'
There is a playground that I use every morning that is not used now. Considering
Freed's excellent physical abilities, it's not unusual to train on a regular basis.

When it comes to places, the playground is quite appropriate. It was good to have a
friend to exercise with, so I followed after thinking that.

His legs are unnecessarily long, so chasing him isn't easy.

“Why did you come to Summertown?”

When he arrived near the playground, he heard Freed's voice, which had sank

Anxiety suddenly ran through my mind.

Can't you be here at this hour?

“Should I have called you?”

“Isn’t that too shameless? Isn't the face too thick? I can't count the people who
have suffered because of you. whether they lived or died. Are you interested?”


Euril replied indifferently.

Fried's clenched fists trembled.

"At least. There must have been guilt. If you were going to live on this land, you
should have left for some distant island by yourself.”

"why me?"

“Am I the only one from Mashu? Just looking at your face, your marks, and at least
the three letters of your name makes your teeth dent. The king was once blinded by
wrath, but he had ample opportunity to recover.”

“What are you going to do by pointing out that person’s incompetence to me?”

“As an eight-year-old, I realized that being hit with a whip doesn't hurt if I keep
my back straight. I also realized that if I snored heavily on purpose, I could use
the prison wide. When my father was kicking me in the shoe, I knew he had to stand
still and do nothing so he wouldn't be beaten further. They enjoyed my reaction
above all else.”

At Freed's stinging words and furious cynicism, Euril did not respond any more.

“The wonderful princess has at least gained more enlightenment than I did. It would
have been more than enough to separate them. You did nothing until the life of the
people was ruined by that damn curse. Is that the king's incompetence or your


“I just wanted to say. You are a terrible human being. The fact that everyone but
you knows... … .”

“Hey, you bastard.”

“Lo, Sir Roxtrin… … ?”

“Come here.”

I slapped Fried hard on the back and dragged him out.

was X.

“Did you want to commit suicide?”

“It had to be said.”

"Know. know. I know how much you hate him, and I know that Mashu was ruined because
of him.”

I touched the temple.

This is the grenade without the safety pin.

A direct ticket to the bad ending that pops up when touched. If you leave it like
this, the game will end without end.

“Is he really that weak?”

“Why didn’t that weak heart turn to us?”

“No, not that.”

It's called glass mentality.

So, no matter how much I am, I tried not to touch sensitive parts as much as
possible. But, completely unexpectedly, Fried stabbed the knife.

I recently joined Class A, and it's nice to have regained my confidence. It seems
that it was expressed in this way.

“It would be nice if only you died, but we are all dead.”


“It means that the entire thermostat correction will be in the freezer when it gets

“Isn't that impossible? Unless Meiji Kanin uses even 7-star magic.”

“Do you think I’m bullshit now?”

“… … Are you serious?”

It's an actual ending.

If you bother every time you meet Euril, whom you can't even meet a few times,
you'll end up with an ending that freezes all your summer surges as your mentality
explodes on your own late at night.

That is the power of individuality, the 'blessing of winter'. The reason why Euryl
has to be the main character.
“But it’s strange. He doesn't come out during busy hours... … .”

“That’s what I called by letter.”


i can't live

I want to hold my head, but it's inconvenient because I'm taller than I am.

variable. GNOME Variables.

“Anyway, you should go back.”

“What are you going to do?”

“You have to get rid of that cheap shit, kid. If I don't go to class tomorrow
morning, I'll look for an ice cube the size of my height."

"that… … .”

“It’s a joke. Come down quickly.”

I took a deep breath as I sent Fried down the boardwalk. Still, there are some
things that we have accumulated over the course of a few encounters. I hope you
don't get angry with me.


Euril was sitting on a nearby tree stump. When it comes down, there is no emotion
reflected in the eyes. are you okay?

It was Euril who spoke first.

“I didn’t leave it alone.”

“Because he’s my friend.”

“It’s good to have friends like that.”

Auril took off his gloves from a distance.

Challe, small pieces of ice poured out. This is what happens when Euril gets angry.
Fried means that if he snapped, he was really close to death.

Now I see that white frost has settled down near where I was sitting.

“I should have warned you in advance.”

“What do you say? I didn't say anything wrong."

“Even if I tell the truth, there is a law.”

“… … What about imperial law?”

“Anyway. I will apologize for you.”

Fortunately, Euril only brushed off the ice and put the gloves back on. Hira said
that, seeing my face calms my anger.

I lived at level 10 charm.

“Isn’t it great?”

"what… … You were kidnapped.”

“I haven’t seen you in quite some time.”

“When did you decide to see each other? Why are you curious about my well-being?”

“It's a personal interest. it can not?"

No more excuses now.

I do not know. let's just go out It's not a lie, since Euril is Charm level 7. In
terms of appearance, it ranks in the top five of Summer Turge.

The students from Mashu hate them so much that no one can say anything recklessly.

“… … I thought you were smart.”

“Geniuses sometimes go crazy.”

Euryl slowly stepped back. This time, the shoelaces are well tied.

“I wouldn’t be bored if I was alone every day. Actually, you need someone to talk
to, right?”

“I was just worried.”

“Me? I thought you were completely different.”

“Because I can’t hear the constant sound.”

"sound… … ? Ah."

It's the sound of knocking on my desk when I'm studying.

Euril was awake at the time everyone was asleep, so I must have been listening to
the sound from Room 1303, just upstairs from me.

“I couldn’t sleep well because it suddenly disappeared. Just, yes.”

His voice was calm as usual, and Euril secretly avoided his gaze.

what is it, cute

It's refreshing to see this kind of textbook response. Ai-sama is so smart and Hira
is so clever that I can’t relax when I’m with her.

Euryl is not like that.

“Next time, I should even sing a lullaby.”

“Then close the window.”

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re conscious of it.”

As I perched on another stump next to me, Euril adjusted her clothes and tightened
her scarf even tighter. thank you too There is nothing more troublesome than a
summer cold.

Now it's time to get to the point.

“I know because I heard something from my father. My father is also supporting


“His name was Fried.”

“Why is Fried so angry?”

King Mashu's riot is cited with great praise as an example of a country headed for

As Fried said. There was a chance.

The king of Mashu, who was tyranny after the queen's death, came to his senses at
some point, but eventually he robbed all of the country's finances to heal young
Euril, asking famous doctors and wizards in the continent, even fortune tellers.

Still, there was no driveway.

The blessings of winter were not granted.

Shortly thereafter, the national treasury ran out, and there were no nobles left to
obey the orders of the royal family who had lost their power.

In fact, there were only a number of independent city-states under the name of

“I must have sinned a lot.”

Euril laughed bitterly.

“I should have told you to give up when Abamama came to her senses.”

“Did you tell me?”

When the eight-year-old Fried managed to survive, the nine-year-old Euril was also
at a crossroads of choice.

Mashu, who had been a strong power, had a possibility of reviving up to that point.

“I couldn’t.”


“I didn’t like it. to be left alone.”

So the kingdom fell.

All the students from Mashu, including Fried, say that it is Euril's
responsibility, and he admits it.
“Euril did nothing wrong.”

“Some people said that.”

“Did they all turn around and leave?”

Yes, Euril nodded her head slightly.

After that, I couldn't find anything to say for a long time.

Are there any words as meaningless to Euril as the promise? However, after thinking
about it, I took out a small stone from my arms.

“I have it.”


“You can’t lose it. It's my treasure. It’s like exchanging for the scarf Euril gave

“What is this?”

In the eyes of Euril, it was just a bare stone. Still, it is the most precious
thing I have right now.


[Dimensional Fragment (2)]

: Relic, small fragment of warpstone. Power has not been consumed yet. two are a

- If magic is injected into the piece of (2), the piece of (1) will sparkle.

“A stone that grants wishes.”

I smiled broadly and placed the stone on Euril's glove.

Too much has already been done I have no choice but to correct them one by one by

“Then I beg you to get rid of the monster.”

“It grants only very small wishes.”

“It’s very insignificant.”

Euryl burst into laughter.

It seems like he only took it as a joke, but I won't throw it away. Because it's
something I exchanged for a scarf.

“Later, when it’s really hard. Hold on tight for once.”

After all, I am a sinful man.

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 38

[Dimensional Fragment (1)]

: Relic, small fragment of warpstone. Power has not been consumed yet. two are a

- If you inject magic into the piece of (1), it will move to the place where the
piece of (2) is located.

- No distance restrictions

- Limited to 1 person

- 1 time limit

sparkle. sparkle.

“I’ll do it later.”

Back to my room for about three hours.

The stones placed on the desk were sparkling throughout the study.

What wish are you making like that? Whatever it is, it's probably a wish I'll never
grant. It's hard to keep watching... … .


I tried to put the dimensional fragment into the drawer, but I just put it back on
the desk. I have to prepare for a lecture or something on the weekend.

The stones that were placed on the desk like that were shining through the day.
Boom upstairs! After one sound, there was no more flashing.

… … with character.

* * *

“Can you tell me your purpose?”

“I’m preparing for my special lecture.”

"Yes. You can come in.”

Wei Ying, the automatic door opened.

The Professor and Research Building of Summerturge is the building where the
essence of witchcraft is concentrated within this worldview. So compared to the
old-fashioned exterior, the interior is very stylish.

Numerous fixtures illuminated by bluish magical lights. From the moment you enter,
the pure magic that overflows tickles your skin.

The upper floors of such a professor and research building.

The 4th to 6th floors are all research labs, and in principle, students are not
allowed to go up. It was thanks to the medal on my chest that there was no problem
even when I came here.
A place that all the scholars in the mage world would want to visit. Most of the
independent theories and studies of the Imperial Wizards are made within this area.
It is quite encouraging that I, who is only a freshman, has entered.

'I don't know the detailed way.'

I gave a good excuse to prepare for a special lecture, but my purpose has little to
do with that.

I went straight through the round hallway and found the elevator. The destination
is on the 6th floor, the highest.

“Heh heh, are you in the lab already, Lockstrin?”

“Oh, Professor.”

A familiar and generous appearance stood together in front of the elevator. He has
the same medal as mine. Kanin smiled kindly and spoke to me.

“I was looking around. I have heard the rumors.”

“It’s been less than half a year since I took office, so there are still many
strange places. Be careful not to get lost.”

“Anyway, this medal is probably at the level of just looking at the period jenny.”

“It’s not that I don’t know. Is there any other place you are looking for? I will
guide you.”

I nodded.

The 6th floor of the Professor's Research Building, where professors who have just
been appointed or who are in poor standing are noticing and rarely go in.

The most dangerous and most powerful thing in <Academy Summerturge>.

“I heard that Summertage contains artifacts with ancient powers.”

“Are you talking about magic core?”


Hundreds of years ago, the ruins of Riden, where the first magic was born.

As it was a large-scale exploration, talented mercenaries and adventurers were

hired from all over the continent, so they had different nationalities.

First of all, the tombstone, which is the basis of today's magic, was so huge that
it was difficult to move it far, so it was owned by Riden.

The rest was now shared by each country, and it was said that it took several
months to distribute the numerous weapons that were sleeping in the warehouse.

These are what are now called artifacts. The ring I'm wearing, [Typhoon's Devotion]
must be one of them.

'The rest is a problem.'

'If you look at what was at the center, wouldn't it be the most important thing?'
'But there is no guarantee that it will be useful... … .'

'We're not interested.'

'Then we'll take it.'

'Is there any objection?'

Rongrt, who was not an Empire at the time, returned with something shining the
brightest in its center. It was something I didn't know if it could be dangerous or


[Magic Core of Origination]

: A marble of huge magical power. Magic is leaking out little by little, but the
condition is stable.

A feeling of intimidation as if crushing the whole area.

It's not that big, and a ball the size of a fist floats in a glass tube. At first
glance, it was dark blue enough to look black.

“It will be heavy.”

“It looks more ordinary than I thought.”

“I thought so too when I first saw it.”

Riden interprets the words of the monument, which is said to be the original text,
and sorcery was developed and developed.

At the same time, a lot of research on this marble was conducted in the Empire.
Now, the identity has become clear.

“In terms of the concentration of external magic that we normally encounter, it

holds magic that is twice the size of the empire.”

“It’s terrifying.”

“It is a “compression” beyond cognition. I tried to reproduce something similar,

but only to a millionth.”

“Oh, can I touch that with your hand?”

Kanin suddenly put his hand on the glass tube and took out the magic core.

“Don’t worry. It's very stable. Just as our body is still intact even if it
contains more magical power than in the air, this marble is still intact even with
half of the continent’s magic.”

“Is there a separate place for it?”

“If you want to write, you can write anything. I just hope not one will be used.”

It is said that use was once considered when the outpost of Eindarok collapsed 8
years ago. Of course not used, so here it is.
“I wonder if it will be used if there is a crisis enough to cause the northern wall
to collapse.”

“Then, as the professor said, it would be better for me to stay here forever. It’s
a treasure trove.”

"haha. It’s not useless at all.”


Kanin lit a large flame on the palm of his hand. He is an earth-type wizard, so he
shouldn't have been able to cast it at that size.

“The inside of this secure warehouse is full of magic that has flowed from the
magic core. My body is getting heavy, so I’m scared.”

“Does that make any sense?”

I pretended not to know and asked.

“What. If you are going to practice magic in a hurry for a day or two, there is no
better environment than this. It's okay to use magic hundreds of times here. Old
people like us are blocked by the wall, so they never come.”

That's it.

A space where the concentration of magic in the air is much higher than the
concentration of magic in the body.

There is no shortage of mana because mana is constantly injected. No restrictions

on practice. Is there a better place to raise the magic level than this?

“It was used by the imperial family until it was brought to Summerturge. There is
nothing I can’t write as you.”

“Can I visit often?”

"often… … ? First, let me tell you that I allowed it. Don’t worry.”

"thank you."

accredited by Kanin.

If there is something to lose, there must be something to gain. I decided to eat

more raw.

Actually, this is how the 'culprit' of the sixth episode has trained magic for two

Anyway, it went well. Now there is nothing to fuss about.

It was the next day.

“See you again, Professor.”

“Heh heh, don’t overdo it.”

third day.

“No, why the blankets and pillows… … ?”

Fifth day... … .

“Good morning, Professor.”

“I looked at the access list, but didn’t go out at all?”

“Because it was the weekend.”

A few more days passed, and the weekend finally came when the lecture was


“Yes, Professor.”

“Are you really practicing magic all the time you stay here?”

“So I am sleeping here.”


Kanin let out a stupid laugh.

But actually, I didn't sleep much. The floor was cold because I was sitting, so I
put it on it.

“I thought it was strange to say that I visit 'frequently'... … You probably know
it too. Magic doesn't come out just because it's magical."


Two materials are required to use magic. It's magic and mental power.

“Just as your heart hurts if you don’t have enough magical power, if you use too
much magic even if you have enough magic, your mental power will be exhausted and
your head will hurt… … .”

“It’s not like you can’t use magic just because you’re sick.”


Kanin clicked his tongue.

Thanks to you, for the past few days, I've been really restless and clinging to
magic. Except for classes and meals, he stayed next to the magic core and used
magic all day.

As a result.

[Spirit level rise!]

[3 → 4]

[Magic Level Increase!]

[3 → 4]

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 4 Spirit Lv 4

Agility Lv 3 Wisdom Lv 4

Stamina Lv 4 Magic Lv 4 (+1)

Remaining points: 1

[Special details (▲)]

Will Lv 4 Talent Lv 3

Insight Lv 3 Charm Lv 10

Charisma Lv 4

Remaining points: 2

The magic ability, which had been rotting inside for a long time, has finally risen
one step since yesterday.

In a way, it was a natural result.

If I practiced every single day as soon as my magical power was restored, I could
only practice 1,000 times, but here I was able to practice ten thousand more times.

Of course, I met Ainim several times and talked about the contents of the lecture.
Rox was blind again, and heard nagging.

“It’s not strange to faint in the middle of class.”

“So I slept three hours today. The condition is perfect.”

“… … I'm looking forward to it. Sometimes I wonder if genius is just a term for
crazy people.”

After two days, I went outside and got some sun.

It was dazzling. Although he was a little tired, his body was rather light because
he had been weighed down by magic the whole time.

I've practiced this much, so there's nothing to be ashamed of. I met the child who
was waiting in the auditorium.

“Are you ready?”

"of course."

“Ugh. If it was the usual Rocks, I would have said it was close or barely finished.
This time I saw that I was overflowing with confidence... … .”

The quick-witted kid noticed it right away. Amber eyes widened in surprise.

“It’s three stars!”


“Also, the Rocks are always ahead. Don't take it once. I worked hard too!”

“Then you have to be more diligent.”

"Of course. Don't give up.”

Despite his dissatisfaction, Ai-sama had a happy face. As of yesterday, it has

surpassed the status based on existing theories.

That being said, it's only a 3-star, average-level magic. Only one person can do
it. It is a trivial achievement for an achievement in four months.

“Yes. The official notice came in yesterday.”

“An official notice?”

"Yes. I think I should go to the first library of the Magic Society.”


The center of witchcraft, the first library is located in Riden.

No, how long has it been since war was declared? Does it make sense to send the
princess to the enemy country in a situation that is not strange even if an all-out
war is waged right away?

“Didn’t you plead guilty?”

“I admitted it and surrendered immediately. What should I do if the original text

that I requested is disclosed and I am compensated for everything? But that and
this are different. We will discuss a new theory.”

“Are you going to tell me?”

Imagination theory is divided into two parts.

Those that were first distributed and spread widely are, for example, the basic
edition, and those that have not yet been distributed are the advanced editions.

If you read all the basics, you can see that there are some vaguely lacking
explanations. Without an in-depth episode, it's hard to understand at once unless
you're a genius like Ai-nim.

“Um, I don’t really want to give it to you.”

They did not disclose the original text, and the Empire has no intention of
disclosing the theory.

“Would it be dangerous?”

“Hey, I’m sure I’ll do it.”

“No one knows in their heads.”

“But even if I die, the Empire won’t do much damage, right? Theory has the Rocks.”


The second princess, Ainim, has a long line of succession, and as far as it is
known, if I, the co-creator of the theory, remain in the Empire, the theory will
not be damaged.

“I don’t want to cause you worries, but do you want to be worried?”

“How much do you want to torment me?”

“Actually, I’m thinking of something else.”

The child said while curling her hair.

“If I can bring back the original text, I would like to put the theory in

“If it’s the first original text… … .”

“No matter how hard we try to hide, the theory will eventually leak. I'd rather
offer it in exchange for it. Anyway, the wizard of Sorus is less than half of

Even if Riden starts raising wizards based on the imaginary theory, it is difficult
to achieve as smooth education as the Empire.

However, since the urgent thing right now is Riden, there is a good chance that the
exchange conditions will be sufficient.

“I will be leaving soon. I can't listen to the Rocks lecture. It's recorded with a
video recorder, so I'll come back and watch it. I was waiting to tell you this.”

"How long will it take?"

“About three weeks? When I come back, it will be vacation.”

Week 3 covers both episodes 5 and 6.

Neither episode requires a child. It's even better to be absent. That's good.

“I must be bored.”

“Hey, Rocks has a lot of friends. Oh, it’s time to start class soon.”

Broadcasts were streaming from the ceiling. The lecture will start soon.

"I will be back."

"take care of yourself."

“Oh, right.”

The imperial family will take great care of it, so there is no point in worrying
about me.

okay. It's just that I haven't seen that stupid, bright guy for a while.
“You can’t get too close with other kids!”

As time ran out, Ai-nim left the auditorium waving while holding Maria's hand. 3
weeks is too long to say.

“I have to do my job well… … .”

pair. patted the cheek

Behind the scenes, clear your mind once. Preparations are already over. Push the
curtain back and step forward.

It's already the third time I'm standing in a place like this. Now that you get
used to the burden, it's time to enjoy it.

I became Roxtrin, and I became the main character.

Now I am also a professor.

there's nothing you can't do

“I will start the lecture.”

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 39

“It was nothing special.”

“I will tell you not to relax during your stay.”

"no. see you know I was very scared.”

The number of guardian wizards mobilized by the imperial family is 200, and the
knights are 2,000.

At this point, it is not the size of a single envoy. Even when all the heavily
armed troops entered the royal capital, there were no voices of dissatisfaction.

If an all-out war unfolds immediately, the royal capital of Riden will be

devastated. Even if he did not come back to life, there was little loss to the
Empire, and the damage that Riden would inflict was enormous.

It means that the tail is completely down.

“Abama mama was too much.”

Ainim said while looking down indifferently at Riden's greetings, who bowed their
backs until they were bent at right angles on the splendid carriage.

“You care so much about your Majesty.”

“Yeah, is it because I’m the youngest?”

“… … It will.”

Maria's reply came a little late.

The reason why he has suffered from numerous assassination threats in the past. It
was also the reason why she, who was the top of the overall evaluation among her
peers, was attached to the child rather than the other princes. It has nothing to
do with it.

In fact, the only thing threatened is the child.

He has been quiet since entering Summerturge, but he never knows when his tenacious
malice will target Ai-nim again. So Maria couldn't let go of the tension.

“Come in.”

The first library of the Magic Society.

From the arched gate, the grandeur was so high that it would have been three
stories high if the gate was an ordinary building.

Great beauty often puts pressure on people. Anyone can feel embarrassed from the
moment they step in.

Exquisite statues, patterns carefully painted even to the ceiling that cannot be
touched. The visitor's gaze will fluctuate violently up and down as they pass
through the hall.

It must have been built that way.

"in a bad mood."

However, all of that is insignificant to the child. It's annoyingly awkward

The one I saw every day was Roxtrin.

the pinnacle of beauty. The embodiment of living beauty.

They are rubbish who can't catch up with even a single drop of a face, whose heart
is pounding so much that it's frightening just to be by your side.

“I told you in advance that I would offer to negotiate.”

It was a gorgeous chair that was comparable to that of the imperial family. Since
she was short, she supported a cushion and sat with her legs crossed.

"It did."

It was a cheeky remark.

It's an open attitude towards the lower ones.

The 1st Library of the Sorcerer Society is the most honorable and high position for
all wizards. He is praised by all, and even if his name is listed on the first page
of history, no one doubts.

Hmmm, there were gurgling noises coming from all over the place.

“Are you all suffering from bone disease?”

“… … How about raising your horse? Even if all of those gathered here are emperors,
they should not be humbled.”

“Hmm. Even Abama Mara?”

“Zi, have you visited before the coronation ceremony?”

The old wizard who had put the emperor's name turned his head as soon as he caught
Ai-sama's gaze. He seemed to feel the heat in his eyes.

The child burst into laughter. it was a joke

“Don’t pick up on useless things. “Abama Mama did not have as a daughter a nerd who
treated each defeated country with respect.”

"that… … .”

“It’s funny to say that I have to raise my horse in front of those who tied my
limbs and broke my legs. If you want to keep talking, do it. Let me tell you
anything other than negotiation.”

Eight wizards sitting around the round table shut their mouths all at once. I have
nothing to say, so I can only show my discomfort with my facial expression.

The emperor's intention was to have Ainim visit Riden himself.

“I’ll tell you straight up.”

When it comes to being a 16-year-old princess at the very least, it was necessary
to find a break.

But being a genius was not an empty word. It is difficult to give more room than

Sitting on the opposite side of the table, if Ainim was removed from this seat, the
youngest wizard brought up the main point.

“Is there an intentional gap in the theory of imagination?”


“Does the Empire have a complete solution?”

"okay. One empire is not enough. There are only two people on this continent. Even
within the empire, I plan to select and guide those with clear origins and
excellent qualities.”

Silence subsided in the hall.

The child was very annoyed.

Is it okay to waste time like that?

What kind of bastard is hesitating to put up with a topic that can be seen clearly
in his head? On a topic that can't be said as funny as the Rocks.

“… … that."

1, 2, 3… … I waited 10 seconds.

Bored. Bored. Bored.

“… … Are you willing to provide it?”

“I appreciate the recognition of the value. But aren't you hesitating because you
know the answer too?"

“We are also concerned.”


The child pretended to be troubled and crossed her chin on the round table at an
angle. The boredom goes away when I think of what Rocks had to say at this time.

Well, just sell the Rocks name. sorry!

“I can't draw conclusions right now. However, Lockstrin, who co-created the theory,
had a positive view in spreading the theory. Because he is Aindarok.”

"then… … .”

“You should pay a fair price. You must have heard about the movement of monsters
too. It was never because I was satisfied with your compensation that I did not
enter an all-out war.”

“I know you well. Say what you want.”

Now the most important part.

“The first original text.”

From the moment he spoke, Ai-nim quickly glanced over the faces of the old wizards
with squinted eyes pretending to be sleepy.

The original text is kept in top secret. However, if they were of the same age, it
was only vaguely guessed because the wizards from Riden had always shown their
superiority everywhere.

How much value do you have?


“The original text… … .”

The old wizards subtly distorted their expressions. Is it smoke? no. Wizards locked
in research are not good at acting like that.

They also don't make decisions easily.

“The Empire knows it well that there were three stele in the first place.”


“And to this day, 300 years later, the original text has hardly been interpreted.”

“If it had been widely publicized, the reading could have already ended.”

“Ironically, it is because of that that the name Riden survived. I gave up on

everything else.”

“There is nothing else to consider.”

A young wizard sitting at the top, a young man named the administrator of the first
library, looked at Ainim.
It's blue, but it's not clear, so it's cloudy eyes. The child stared into her eyes.

“I’ll give you one of the three, completely.”

“Hey, look!”

“Deus! No need to go through Parliament!”

“What we haven’t seen properly yet… … .”

The young wizard, Deus, only smiled quietly until the commotion subsided.

asked the child.


“As you may have heard, even within Riden, it is strictly managed. Even after 300
years have passed, perhaps fewer than a hundred people have read the original text
with their own eyes. You can even take it whole with you. It’s heavy, but it has a
lot of articles.”

I can't figure out what's inside

Of course, you can defer judgment. It would be better if they hit a blank slate, so
it would be good to discuss it with the famous scholars of the empire.

However, there is something that cannot be known if it is not in this place. The
child spread his fingers.


"It's not possible."

It was a firm refusal.

“I couldn’t understand any of the three, not even a single sentence. Today's theory
is that only part of it was put together based on the later found tombstones. This
country cannot afford to give the foundation for the existence of the Sorcerer

“Then the negotiations are broken.”

“To take a little more time… … .”

“Isn’t the Empire’s opinion different?”

Is it cheating?

The possibility that all the original texts are interpreted and hidden cannot be

However, if it were, Riden would have been able to swallow the nearby Enpirians or
Mashu. This is because the status of a single wizard cannot be compared to that of
a single knight.

According to oral tradition, ancient magic is said to open heaven and earth and
divide the sea. If the original text was properly interpreted, Riden would have
more than ruled the continent.
'The fact that I hardly interpret the original text.'


The child thought

Still, the tombstone is being interpreted little by little over time. Then,
shouldn't we be obsessed with the imaginary theory?

'Imagination theory is desperately needed.'


Then, the value of the imaginary theory, whose ripple effect is clearly revealed,
is much higher.

He must have heard the news of a major overhaul of the education system at the
regular faculty meeting, but even if he gave away two of them, it was right for
Riden to agree.

'Did you not understand even a single sentence properly?'


That's a lie.

surrender immediately. Self-esteem was completely put down. I will keep my tail
tight and bend my back, but I will not publish the original text. Still, you need a

what are you going to do Idiot?

Accidents follow. draw conclusions


I laughed out of frustration.

'Imagination theory is the first original text.'

300 years have passed. Unless there were only idiots in Riden, I would have
interpreted at least one sentence.

That only coincided with some interpretations. While writing the flag, I am trying
to find the meaning by contrasting each letter of an ancient language.

The theory came out of the empire. An interpretation was presented. I can't help
but get bored.

'not good.'

There is a possibility that the interpretation of the original text, which had been
sluggish with only the theory that spreads, will be accelerated. Then time is not
on the side of the Empire.

The emperor completely trusts Ai-nim. Whatever judgment you make, you think it's
right. The decision rests with the child.
“If you want to have it, you can even go to war. okay. There is no need to

"what… … .”

“It’s bothering you, so I’ll just take a tombstone or something and take it with
me. shouldn't that be the case? All you have to do is ask Mashu to clear the way.”

“I’ll see you, see you, isn’t it rude!”

“Are you threatening us now?”

“You hide your words. They are the godfathers of the wizarding world who have lived
many times longer than you. Is there no such thing as respect?”

In an instant, the atmosphere in the hall became harsh.

At this time, Ai-nim thought that she was very fortunate to be young. Old people
are proud of every wrinkle, so it's easy to touch them.

“The declaration of surrender is for the sake of the people!”

“On the surface, we have no choice but to adopt a friendly attitude, but if you
think that Riden is the only one who is outraged by the evil of the Empire, you are

“Well, it wouldn’t be funny to call a country with less than 500 years of history
an empire arrogantly. A 16-year-old envoy representative!”

“We are Riden with ten thousand years of history. We do not yield.”

I have heard that other kingdoms are uniting against the Empire and preparing for
the time.

it's not scary I just decided that there was nothing good to increase the territory
beyond this. The reckless ambition to devour the continent whole is not included in
the cesarean studies taught by the royal family of Rongrt.


The child burst out laughing.

How do you get it to move as you think?

Yes, in his head, they are all dolls in human clothing. As I kept looking at people
who were not like that, I almost forgot.

“Do you think the length of time determines everything? It is an idea that seems to
come out of your shallow heads.”

“Gee, now what, what!”

“The history you love so much. How much have you contributed to the history of
magic today?”

"I am!"

“Falcott Dretley. A seven-star wizard at the age of 63. Invented the first 7-star
magic with water properties. Ah, only one line for 60 years. The theory I made when
I was 16 would be in the entire history book. Isn't it wild?"

A wizard who has been listed as a wizard (史) remembers both his face and his name.

The child jumped off the chair. My legs were not touching, so it was very

The child who walked slowly bent down and made eye contact with the old wizard.

“Your day is less than 10 minutes I walk.”


“The 100 years of your life is less than the 5 years I studied magic.”


“Is a thousand years different from ten thousand years?”


"Why? Can't you resist? Be pitiful.”


A flame that stretched out toward the floor without any warning opened the way.
Even when the flames reached the ceiling, it was still burning.

“Fireworks are beautiful. Because he burns his own body.”

The knights who raised their spears vigorously from the entrance of the conference
hall retreated in surprise. It seems that he wanted to get angry about a subject
that did not have the guts to inflict harm directly.

The child slowly moved through the flames. No one could block the path ahead.

“It’s time, you sluggards. Insects that do not evolve will only rot on the ground.
you will be buried We will survive and sprout.”

Tak, all the flames were extinguished with the flick of a finger.

Darkness fell in the conference hall.

“I will refuse surrender.”

It was an ultimatum.

Academy Face Genius Episode 40

The steps to leave the auditorium were heavy.


voice is sharp

The lecture, which was scheduled for two hours, has now started for three hours.
From next time on, the Q&A should be included in the lecture.

The more smart people gather, the more passionate students there are, and I'm
exhausted because I've only been asked more than 20 questions.

I think I can see why the professors ran away without asking questions after class.


I just got out of the exit and my name was called.

I was surprised that it was another question, but fortunately it was a familiar

“Were you waiting?”

During lectures, we made eye contact a few times.

Hira was almost in the back row. It was difficult to find the seat side because of
the poor lighting, but it was strangely conspicuous.

“All the professors were so busy that they didn’t seem to have anyone to talk to.”

“What do you mean?”

“Good job, lecture.”


There was one thing I regretted, but that was it.

"that's right. I worked hard.”

I thought I got to know the students a bit. I don't hate it when I see the guys
I've been paying attention to running towards the practice room.

But the professors do. Even if I learn it, it is useless, but I keep burning my
passion at a late age. Because I had such passion, I was able to become a professor
at Summerturge, but I would.

It is greed that I want you to know how hard I am working, but this is clearly
visible. give me some praise

“You didn’t say a word that you worked hard.”

Students would not know that lectures like this were difficult, but professors
would know... … .

“Isn’t that one enough?”

With a glance up at him, Hira asked. I'm weak daddy How do you answer that it's not
enough? I said with a smile.

"no. That's enough. I was impressed.”



“Thank you, um. Maybe Rox, are you busy right now?”

Hira replied as if she had been waiting.

what. worthy of an award He must have been planning something.

“I’m not busy… … .”

There wasn't much time left to use the magic core of the professor's research
building. In the meantime, I was thinking of pulling out the main story as much as
possible. Above all, bedding and all the books to study are there.

It's not even a dream to aim for level 5 with just a drop in magic power. Still,
maybe one or two decimal points that are not visible in the status will go up.

“Would you like to go outside?”

“Out? Where?”

“Out of summer.”

Hira gently raised her finger and pointed towards the front door in the distance.
out of summertime?

“Looking at the Rocks, even on weekends, they’re always in Summertau.”

“Aren’t there fewer people going out?”

“Okay, but have you ever left after entering school?”


In fact, I only went out once.

When you secretly hired mercenaries. In order to hide that the mail originated from
inside Summer Turge, I ran to the nearest village.

I don't think it's a very good idea to mention this, so I just said no.

“There are a lot of things in Summer Terror, but the essence is the academy.”

“The final exams are coming soon, are you okay?”

“Ah, am I studying hard when the Rocks aren’t seeing me?”

“Then I’m happy.”

Hagiya Hira is in class B, but even class B is high enough. He's not very good at
magic, so his practical test score probably wasn't high, which means he did well in
his notes.

Yes, magic that doesn't even go up. It's frustrating, so I might as well go for a

“I have a wagon ready.”

"Oh yeah… … ? Where are you going?”

“To the system?”

“You are going far.”

It's not a walk, it's a trip, right?

Of course, the road from Somerset to the Islands is very well paved, and the horse-
drawn carriages come at a certain speed per hour, so you can reach the Islands in
an hour. On a clear day, it's close enough that you can look down on it from the

It's not close though.

“It won’t be as comfortable as the Eindarok one.”

“Are we so comfortable with our family?”

"of course. Because it was handmade by Naiel Heindarok.”

Five… …

Naiel Aindarok.

who is that? There's an idiot with an Aindarok on it, a stupid bastard I've never
heard of.

I got into the car first and grabbed Hira's hand. When it comes to horse carriages,
only the manner in which these things are set has been set.

“Niel was famous.”

"Yes? Oh, maybe it doesn't make sense to Rox. They are cousins.”

Booung. The horsepower engine started to move with a sound. It wasn't until I heard
that it was a cousin I got a clue.

Coltman Aindalocke has a younger sister. She's like an aunt to Roxtrin, but it's
been a long time since she ran away from the family because she was scolded by the
previous head of the Aindarok family for not being good at magic.

It seems that Naiel is the child.

“I am known as a mage engineer of the century, but it is strange that magic is 2


“Because you need magic, not magic.”

Sorcery engineering is a tool that permeates this worldview—such as a speaker on

the campus, magic lighting, and a shower.

Things that are close to such a modern culture are nothing but fittings that are
roughly made by magic.

Therefore, I have no knowledge in that area.

“Um, now I see that Eindarok is full of great people.”

“Father and Naiel certainly do.”

“I think the Rocks are the best.”

“Won’t everyone think so?”

I tried to look like that, so it worked.

Then it would be good to know that it was like that, but sometimes I think that it
would be good to know one or two people.

“I am more ordinary than I thought.”

“Rox is afraid of such an ordinary part. It seems to be up there, but if you look
closely, there are stairs.”

"I do not know. What do you mean, that?”

“Fufu, there is such a thing.”

Hira laughed helplessly.

It would be fun to talk for an hour, but Hira took care of me, who was tired of
lectures. I was able to enjoy the scenery outside calmly for a while.


After descending from the mountain, the scenery outside the car window flows

Compared to modern cars, horse-drawn carriages are not fast. It doesn't come out
fast enough to swipe through. That's good.

In early summer, green is lush everywhere. The rustling leaves and the waving wheat
fields are all in your eyes. Peace of mind that cannot be found in a city that
rises irregularly.

It was too far to visit in person, so I used to look for pictures of wheat fields
in Prague or Palus.

“The only person who likes to see wheat fields every day is the Rocks.”

“Because it’s a precious landscape for me.”

This makes sense even for Roxtrin.

The Aindarok Territory is wide and there are wheat fields, but Tarum, where the
fortress is located, is a mountainous area that is biased to the north. It would be
hard to see a wheat field, but there is no horizon like this.

“Oh, I wanted to try that.”

“What is it?”

“Mercenaries sometimes get on the roof of their wagons when there is no space.”

It'd be much better than looking out the car window. Mumbling like that, Hira, who
was listening next to her, tilted her head and asked.

“Can I open it?”


Hira said something to the employee sitting in the driver's seat, and then a large
hole in the carriage's ceiling opened.

Was this an open car?

“Because a lot of people like it.”

If you think about it, Yuxilla's horse carriage is also quite a luxury item.
Something like a simple ladder protruded from under the seat.

I quickly climbed the ladder. No matter how well maintained, there was no dust on
the roof.


Admiration came out of nowhere. All sides were open.

Freedom that cannot be felt with only legs, a fresh sense of freedom that has only
been imagined by being hit by daily life.

"Pooh. You look like a child, Rocks.”

“No, it’s fun. You come too.”

“Is that so? It’s my first time too.”

Hirado quickly climbed up the ladder.

The seats were narrower than the seats, so they were almost next to each other.
Still, I wasn't worried about the handle.

“You didn’t come up with this?”

“Rocks, I hear it's not polite for a girl to go up there like this. It’s scary,

“I guess that kind of person is my taste.”

“Hey, I’ll try.”

From the top, it looks pretty fast.

Occasionally it rattles, so Hira was holding onto the handle with the force to
break it. Yes, my strength is level 1.

There was no need to look around hard. The surroundings are all similar. Clouds
follow, and the clear sky meets the ground in the distance.


“What is it, that?”

“This is fun.”

When you open your mouth, the air that passes by is stuffy and cool. A strong wind
blew and the hair flew violently.
It seemed like he hesitated several times, but in the end, Hirado opened her mouth
and was blown away by the wind. Then, when our eyes met, I burst out laughing in

“I came to touch my hair hard.”

“I didn’t care about that.”

"it's okay."

Nana and Hirana were blown away by the wind, so their hair quickly became sparse.
The bangs were pulled back, revealing the forehead.

People say you look ugly when you lift your forehead, but that's all a lie.

“Hey, you can touch it again. And I don't think the Rocks are looking at me that

“I’m sorry for saying that.”

"Never mind. It is self-satisfaction.”

“Men are like that. I don't know what has changed. I don’t know much about anything
other than hairpins.”

"Yes? That's it... … .”

Hira panicked and shook her head.

“Only one hairpin was changed… … ?”

Previously, it had a large pearl-like thing embedded in it, but the one I put in
now is in the shape of a flower, so it has a more modest design.

“What is it, then you got it right.”

“Even in the auditorium, we made eye contact four times, and everyone said it was
difficult to find me if I was among the other children. It was the same in the
church. My mother is the only one who finds me well... … .”

If the surroundings are dark, the hair looks like normal brown. It makes sense.

Hira, who was gibberish, made a hasty conclusion.

“Ah, I guess the Rocks were watching hard! sorry."

“I’m even going to apologize… … .”



A short scream escaped. It was because I, who was looking ahead, hurriedly grabbed
Hira's back and pressed it down.

“Why, why, why?”

“There are branches.”

A shadow flickered past him as he lay down. Gwando, through which wagons pass,
should be maintained so that trees do not grow upward, but it seems that they have
not been able to remove it.

Surprised, Hira was holding my leg, not the handle.

“I will tell you when I get to the island. Do you want to go down?”

“Yeah… … .”

I jumped off first and caught Hira coming down. Almost an hour had already passed
and the system caught my eye.

The outside of Summer Turge is not mentioned in detail in the game, so I can't

“But have you decided what to do?”

“Wow… … Yes Yes. These days, Rocks and Jinridang rarely eat.”

“It is not.”

Even more so since I stayed in the Professor's Research Building. Even though he
was awarded the Medal of Honor as Professor, he seemed to be stingy to even use the
professor's cafeteria.

Going up to the tower and using the student cafeteria is a waste of traffic. So,
lately, I have filled my meals with bread or cookies from the canteen.
Occasionally, I used it once or twice for ramen.

“Because the Rocks always seem exhausted.”

"no. I'm fine."

“You can see it if you look closely. Even more so because my hair is still like

Even when I entered the system, I moved by car.

On the outside, the roofs painted with various dyes rise, and the leisurely leisure
time for lunch and the smell of life in the streets are pleasant.

“People follow me.”

“The imperial welfare budget comes out in our name. It has a lot to do with it.”

Yuxila's prestige within the system was comparable to that of Aindarok in the
north, and in the midst of that, everyone seemed to bow their heads.

It is only at times like this that I realize that I am a noble again.

“Anyway, the important thing is the Rocks.”


“Jinridang food is not lacking, but I hope the Rocks will give them some energy. I
have reserved a famous shop among the aristocrats of the archipelago.”

“What do you want to sell?”

Although the political families are fierce, they enjoy a standard of living
commensurate with it.

How could he become famous because he was treated with the supreme feast of the
exclusive chefs at every meal and served to those who had grown up without any
shortage of food, clothing, and shelter?

Hira spoke confidently, to the point of feeling a little uncomfortable.

“It’s comfort food.”

This world is too wide.

there's everything

I Became a Face Genius Episode 41

I parked the carriage in the parking lot and got off. It wasn't crowded just
because it was famous.

The exterior looked plain, but once inside, the aristocratic interior, comparable
to the Tower of Truth, stood out.

“Welcome to visit. miss."

“I arrived a little early, please be on time.”

“I will. Ah, the name of the person who came with you… … ?”

I was a little behind as I looked carefully at the pictures hanging inside and the
marble flooring. It's more like an art gallery than a restaurant.

I turned my head slightly to answer.

“This is Roxtrin Aindarok.”

“Hey… … ! All right."

Seeing my face, the man in a suit bowed hastily and ran inside, flapping his

“Didn’t you put my name on the reservation?”

“Because the Rocks could not have come. I just said two people.”

“Well, there must have been a lot of friends who would come with me.”

“The one I wanted to bring was the Rocks. My friends don’t even eat much.”

First, we were escorted to our room.

I didn't know it from the outside, but the road to the inside was quite long. It's
a structure designed so that no matter what you talk about inside, you can't hear
it outside.

I put my ear to the wall as a test. I think there was someone in the room next
“I really can’t hear it.”

Only a faint gurgling sound is heard.

I thought my ears were on the bright side, but I couldn't hear it at all. The Rocks
seemed likely to do so, Hira continued with a smile.

“Stories that are difficult to share in the imperial family often come and go here.
We don't have anything to keep secret like that."

“It’s not. I haven't heard from my father. Did your remarriage go well?”

Dating rumors are by far the best gossip in aristocratic society. The secret that
only the two of us and our children know that the remarriage of Coltman and
Shiileen is a deliberately made up lie.

Coltman may have returned to Tarrum by now, but the time has come when the capable
Shillen has done the job.

“Ah, that’s it… … .”

But Hira answered with a shaky voice.

“It has become ambiguous.”

“Has it become ambiguous?”

“As expected, the institutional aristocrats opposed it. The imperial response was
strange. Great. How to do it quickly... … .”

“Why? Rather than the nobles, the imperial family shouldn’t have to keep them in

“According to my mother, I did not know that Eindarok had so much trust. They don't
give much support, so I thought you didn't like Aindarok very much."

In fact, Eindarok has received little support from the center.

The force it possessed was indispensable, and the imperial family would have to
keep an eye on its movements at all times.

Whether it's trust or trust, they're all just nice words to hear. Basically, power
doesn't come from lowering others and exalting oneself.

“Your Majesty’s Majesty even said that he would serve the martyr to the duke,
provided that Yuxilla was incorporated.”

“So, does that mean you want to turn your mind off? Dad will be mad if he hears it.
It's the exact opposite of your intentions."

I narrowed my brow.

It's not a good thing to ask a duke.

In fact, since it recognizes an independent territory, the imperial family can

easily evade responsibility.

It's your land, monsters and barriers, you all take responsibility, something like
The unfortunate thing from Coltman's point of view is that it wasn't like that in
the first place. Even the slightest bit of support can be cut off.

“Not even that.”

Hira shook her head.

“At the previous regular meeting, I was very tight on budgeting for the school that
His Majesty Ai mentioned, but when I asked the finance minister, it was because of
the support to send to Aindarok.”

“Thank you, but you really just believe in me. What is the imperial family's head
is a flower garden... … .”

Suddenly, I remember the smiling face of a child who stuttered. I couldn't really
deny it.

It seems that Hirado was thinking the same thing.

“Have you ever thought of His Majesty your child?”


“… … Huh. I am worried.”

Maybe it's hereditary

What if the child is smart enough to be a yangban?

How did these guys become an empire?

“It’s unlikely, but can we stop it if we rebel with rude words?”


Even with the Duchess on its back, if Yuxila, the imperial decedent, and Eindarok,
the shield of the Empire, work together to come up with a plan.

Without exaggeration, the empire could be split in half.

“Hey, it’s a little scary when Rox says something like that… … You know?”

“That’s what it means. in conclusion?"

“I rejected the transfer as it was unacceptable. The previous head of the family
told us to leave the name of Yuxilla to the next generation.”

Then the appetizers came out.

Only the legs of the young octopus were lightly blanched and tossed with colorful
vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, and paprika.

The round, dried shape is cute, and the refreshing lemon scent seems to tickle the
eyes and nose.

“I saw Jinridang made it with shrimp.”

“Isn’t it because octopuses have different likes and dislikes? It is a very good
ingredient for health.”

I couldn't help but appreciate food that looked good and tasted great, although it
wasn't cool to eat and it's hard to come across on a regular basis.

Fresh vegetables are crispy, and the unique chewy texture of octopus stimulates the
taste buds.

“Why are you just looking? It’s delicious.”

“Eat slowly. There are still many.”

There is a saying that you will be full just by looking at it, but Hira seemed to
enjoy watching what I was eating rather than eating my portion.

No matter how 'extraordinary' you have, there is something embarrassing about just
eating quietly.

So, let's repeat what we said earlier.

“Actually, they even do that, isn’t there anything wrong with remarrying?”

Hira, who had just picked up a tomato, opened her eyes.


“I think about what the transfer will be like later. If the imperial family had
expressed their position as clearly as that, the institutional nobles would also
turn to us one by one.”

“Is the Rocks all right?”

“The two doctors would be important, but I wouldn’t know if they didn’t even know
each other. I also know each other. I will do it if necessary.”

“It’s not like that, personally… … .”

Flicking the fork, Hira seemed hesitant and spoke up.

“My father was always under the pressure of my mother. The way he sighed in front
of me when I was five years old is still good in my eyes.”

Shilin Yuksila divorced her husband, whom she brought as her son-in-law, not long
after. Just to have children, the family must have fallen far short of Yuxilla.

And Coltman Aindalocke is a widower who lost his wife a long time ago.

“I didn’t get any bullying, but I didn’t get any love either. So it's okay if my
mother remarries. Rocks.”

As for Roxtrin's mother, nothing is known and nothing has been established.

There was only one line: she died shortly after giving birth to Roxtrin.

“I don’t remember anything.”

"iced coffee… … . It's a big question in the social world. I wonder if some fairy
in the North lived and got married.”
“Only my father knows. Even if I really do get married again, I don't feel much
reluctance. But, well, it's not our decision."

It's up to Coltman and Cylin to figure it out.

Since the imperial family welcomed it, there was no reason to view it negatively.

'There's nothing wrong with that.'

There are only a few areas that could be improved.

I don't know if the system is at a level where even a special commissioned unit can
operate at will.

He must have gotten the support he didn't have, but now that he's got the Battle
Mage, the 8th episode isn't a problem.

After that, the remaining episodes take place inside Summerturge, or bigger
problems take place in a kingdom other than the Empire.

“If you really do… … .”

“What if I do?”

In the meantime, the appetizer was followed by soft bread and a very clear
consommé. No matter how many times the oil had been filtered out, it was almost
flaky on the plate.

“I think it will be fun.”

"Well. Will anything change?”

“It’s mostly what I imagined if I had a younger brother.”

Sometimes we fight over things that don't matter.

They make up quickly and even joke around.

If I overslept until the sun rises in the middle of the night, I go to wake him up.

When the chefs complain that the hard-prepared dishes are not tasty, they nag...
… .

Hira must have dreamed of such an ordinary daily life unexpectedly. But the premise
seems wrong.

I asked, taking a bite of the soup.

“Um, is that going to happen?”


“If we get married again, wouldn’t we be separated?”

"Ah… … ?”

Do you really need to live under one roof?

“It’s hard to imagine your father not in Tarum, and your mother will have to stay
in the system.”

“Yeah, that’s right! right!"

Hira hurried in a voice that was clearly stunned. What I thought was normal, it
actually wasn't.

“I don’t know. After graduation, I won't be very busy. If my father allows me to

stay in the system, I can stay that way.”

“I wish I could graduate sooner.”

“If we are really going to get married again in the first place, wouldn’t we be
told to get engaged too?”

Both are precious children.

Since I also have the right to succeed to Hirado, if there is no one who doubts the
union between the two families, I can definitely take advantage of it. Your
Majesty, it's good to hear.

“I do!”


"why… … .”

He immediately responded to Hira, who shouted vigorously.

It wouldn't be a burden given that in the Empire, engagement is fairly lightly

abused, unlike marriage. Hira's pale shoulders drooped.

“Looks too pretentious. At least after graduating from Summer Turge, I don't know.
We've only been seeing each other for a few months."

"Yes? I think it's been a couple of years, huh... … .”

I laughed bitterly.

it makes sense That's not the real reason though.


Finally, the main dish came out.

Boom, an unusually large item was placed from the tray. When I opened the lid,
steam came out.

“Duck Eel Barbecue.”

The meat is red hot, and the eel is puffy on the side. Above all else, my heart
trembles at the familiar name.

"How amazing. There are neither ducks nor eels near the islands.”

“Ducks are caught in some parts of the East, and eels are caught and salted every
week from the Areas coast.”

“It’s great for rejuvenation.”

The meat prepared by the waiter even to the bones was placed on the front plate. My
mouth was full of saliva.

As I am dealing with the children of the empire's greatest nobles, I see that they
are cutting them with dignity in their own way, but I am dying of frustration. I
understand what Hira said earlier. Ten seconds equals an hour.

“You can dip it in salt or wine sauce.”

First, take a bite from the large duck.

Since ancient times, duck oil has been recognized as a food for its own sake, so it
drips. Oily taste without restraint. Wow, this can't come out of the Jinridang.

The flavor of the meat spread throughout his mouth to the point of paralyzing his
tongue. happy.

“I am so very happy.”

“I am happy to see you. I didn't know you'd like it that much."

“Excess is delicious.”

It's like that when you eat original food.

It's terribly spicy.

It's terribly oily.

It's bitterly sweet and salty.

Summertage's desirable diet considering the nutritional balance of students is a

pleasure without responsibility.

But expensive restaurants usually do. The quantity is not that much. The meat on
the plate disappeared like a crab.

“Can I give you mine too?”

“Are you okay though?”

“I came here to eat Rocks from the beginning.”

“It’s good for you to eat too.”

“From next time.”

Hira yielded to me the portion that was not even half empty. Twice did not refuse.
Because young girls often fill the lack of calories with dessert.

How plump is the eel? Thanks to the refrigeration magic, it did not lose its
texture even when imported. It felt more like I had my teeth stuck in rather than
chewing on lean meat.

When I picked another oily fish, my mouth became smoother.

“I am alive.”

said with sullen lips.

Charm level 10 is fine.

The salads and desserts that came out after that tasted great, but the meat that
remained in my memory was the meat. I'm sure there's something like this in the
outside world.

“I would have done it if I hadn’t brought it, really.”

“Thanks to you, I know good things. I thought all the Islands restaurants were all
rat tails and only served dishes with a few dots of sauce on the plate.”

“It was like that in the past, but these days, they say they prefer a lot of food.”

“It’s a world made right.”

The steps to leave the room with a thick stomach were heavy. Unless I can afford it
in particular, I won't be able to come again, so I had no choice but to make a
promise for the future. I'll have to leave the smell a bit longer.

“Were you satisfied with the meal?”

“It was great.”

“Take it.”

Hira handed something to the waiter. The waiter with wide eyes bowed his head.

“Go, thank you!”

“The next time the Rocks come, make sure to give them a lot.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

It's 3pm when the sun is shining brightly when we go out. With the weather getting
closer to summer, the stomach is full and the back is warm and drowsy.

It would be nice if there were only days like this, but if you think about the
future a little bit, rain and wind, storms, blizzards, and sand dust scatter. let's
not think

“Aren’t you going back?”

“Did you come to the system? I don't know much about Rocks, so let's go take a

“Anything fun?”

“I have a troupe performance this week.”

Hira led me in the opposite direction to the parking lot where I parked my car. It
was a narrow road that seemed difficult to move on a horse-drawn carriage.

It attracts attention when in the car, but it attracts more attention when getting
out of the car and walking. There were a lot of people who even bowed to their
“Is it okay to pass by like this?”

“It’s because it’s Rocks. Institutional aristocrats are frequent, and Summerturge
students are common. I don’t even do it like that.”


As I was walking, I noticed.

It's quite a long walk. It seems to have moved around, but I think I was able to
get around in a car and move on the main road.

“Is that on purpose?”

In a crowded system, nothing is faster than word of mouth. Just walking with me by
my side is showing off their friendship, which is a great benefit to Hira.

yo naughty boy.

“Oh, I got it.”

it's a funny laugh

I don't hate that I would like to do some service.

“If you’re going to do it, do it right.”


It seems rather subtle to just hesitate. I grabbed Hira's hand.

Hi, Hira flinched in surprise.

"Why? They would think of them as siblings anyway.”

"Yes Yes! It must be!”

He walked, waving his arms.

For some reason, it felt like I was going round and round around the theater that
was actually my destination.

Academy Face Genius Episode 42

After the troupe performance was over, I went out to the crowded streets to see the

Surprisingly, the food sold at street vendors did not taste as good as expected,
and the fruit tasted much better.

“Wait, I lost five rounds. One round must be won. If you all went, please help!

And I lost 1,000G in 10 minutes playing backgammon.

“Khahaha! Dice are honest!”

“Heh heh heh, if we keep winning against Kyung, the drawing will be bad.”
“It’s completely different from what it looks like!”

“Do you think I will win the next round? People are so cruel!”

“I’m not going far!”

“Long live Aindarok!”

With enthusiastic cheers, he was finally caught in Hira's hands.

You can deceive the world with your face, but you cannot deceive the dice. How do
you roll 3 dice and never get a 10 or higher?

I guess this is a bug?

“Puch, you’re having a good time, Rox.”

“It’s strange… … .”

I was going to die of shame, but Hira had a face that was funny and wanted to die.
It was Hira who took me.

“Is that a straight dice?”

“If you use rigged dice, you’re in trouble.”

“Am I unlucky?”

If you leave the horses to play, it's a gamble.

However, it is no fun if there is no stake at all, so the Empire enacted a related

law so that you can bet up to 200G.

Since there are usually up to four people together, the amount of money exchanged
per board is less than 1,000G. However, Summerturge absolutely forbids such a
thing, so it was a game that could only be seen until the system came out.

“It’s not good if you get addicted to gambling.”

“It’s not about money, it’s about pride. you just lost It was the same with rock,
paper, scissors.”

“Then will you win? I will use scissors.”

He gently made eye contact with Hira.

The smirk is unbelievably suspicious. How do I trust people who say they're going
to give me something first? I raised my fist.

One, two, three.

“I said I was going to cut scissors.”


I slowly pulled out the scissors that had been held out. Anyway, I didn't lose, but
it made me feel a little embarrassed.
I don't care, but I fell down and decided to receive me one more time, and this
time I paid a rock.

Hira kept her promise until the very end and drew the scissors.


“It’s not that I don’t trust you.”

“Wow, really.”

“No, because there was no good guy for the person who offered something first. It’s
been like that all my life.”

I thought he was in love, but then a giggle came out.

“I know. I know.”

“You say that knowingly.”

“So that’s what I wanted to say.”

Hira, who had been walking side by side, suddenly walked forward and turned around.

It was a wide street.

It was already evening, and the distant sunset was dyed a color like scarlet hair.

“I don’t lie to the Rocks.”


"Yes. I won't do it in the future. Seven o’clock?”

"Yeah. You have to go back soon.”

In the Empire, furthermore, there could be no bandits near the islands.

It is not good to go back and forth on the mountain road late at night for nothing.
Even now, when I arrive, it is barely night.

“The biggest blue light.”

These were the words that Hira came up with out of nowhere.

Eventually, I moved my gaze to follow Hira, who raised her head to the top. Street

“It was this.”


The light turned on.

If you look down from the tower, blue lights are coming from all over the place
just at this time. At 7 pm, it is the moment when the lights of the street lamps on
the island are turned on.

“I think this one has the strongest magic. There were many blue lights, but one was
particularly bright, right?”

"It did."

“The red one is over there. I wondered why it was moving, but I had no choice but
to move.”

The sunset is still bright, but it is dark between the alleyways. They were guards
carrying torches and patrolling everywhere.

Sometimes it moves along the road arbitrarily, it shakes because of anxiety, and
sometimes it disappears when it enters an alleyway.

everyone is a star

What I longed for, dreamed of, and finally made.

It was a world that was alive and breathing.

“If you look closely, it doesn’t matter, right?”


Because I didn't force it.

can only be petty

Just a tiny proof that someone exists in this world.

I stood there for a while and looked up at the lights of the street lamps.

“Ah, but I was a little sorry earlier.”


“I kept my promise not to lie.”

Secretly avoiding her gaze, Hira ran her hair behind her ear.

“Dice, that’s fake.”


there is no fox

* * *

The final exam is over.

It was worthwhile to spend almost the entire day. There was no other person who
studied writing as much as me in the first place, and I finished the practical exam
without any problems.

What was introduced was the 3-star magic "Twilight Wind".

I was the only one who could use magic using the imaginary theory right now, so the
result was obvious.

[1st year senior]

Roxtrin Aindalocke

Handwriting: 40/40

Practical: 40/40

perfect score

Perhaps a lot of people thought it was a planned result, and even though I got a
perfect score because I couldn't update the highest score, the response was less
than that of the midterm exam.

It's said that Lockstrin is a perfect score, but not everyone knew it, now you're a
professor, something like this. Did I study hard too?

“Treasure hunt?”

“It’s tradition.”

“Whatever you find, they give you a real treasure.”

“I gave them money, they gave me a shop, and rumors said there were artifacts.”

“Huh, really?”

Is it real, you idiots?

I know where artifacts come from when you dig. If so, would I be suffering from
this? I clicked my tongue.

“Anyway, the caterpillars are the problem.”

“Eat me… … ?”

“Don’t worry. Come on again.”


Freed, who answered vigorously, gathered his magical powers.

The weather is good and the exams are over, so the leisure facilities around the
campus are crowded. I took a break and took Fred out to the lake shore in front of
the main building.


"Five… … .”

A handful of water floated into the air.

Soil has good compatibility with water. Freed, who specializes in soil properties,
has never dealt with water before, but starting practicing from this point on, he
will be able to handle dual properties with the main character from the second
And the important thing.

“Think of the water in a glass.”

It is magic based on the theory of imagination.

If there is a specific memory, the more it resembles the shape, the easier it is to
implement magic.

“That’s because I haven’t touched a glass much… … .”



The barely rising water falls back into the lake. Oh my, my deepest condolences to
the earth-spooner Fried.

Glass is a luxury item.

"what is it… … . Just take a look.”

Since he used up almost all of his mana in the lab, his chest was tickling, but if
he included the ring, his mana was level 5, so there was plenty of room for that.


The water that gushed up following my gestures floated up into a sphere the size of
a soccer ball. A perfect sphere with no corners.

Wow, admiration flowed from the students around.

“This is the first step.”

“I think I can.”

“Then see you next time. In the conventional technique, it was called compression,
but I think it is pressed with the same force in all directions.”

Grab your outstretched palms

The squishy surface turns into a straight curve. A solidly fixed sphere of water
looks like a glass bead at first glance.

“Isn't there a big change? It’s water.”


Unlike wind magic, the volume of water does not change significantly when
compressed. A gap arises here.

Since they cannot see well with the naked eye, they are not aware of this

“But you have to keep in mind that it is definitely giving you strength. Now this
mass is being squeezed, it's being pressed tremendously, keep injecting in your

“Then, at some point, you make a small hole that doesn’t apply force on only a
small part.”


Water rushes toward the sky.

Another small fountain was created. Refraction occurs and a rainbow unfolds.

“What if the hole is narrow?”

“It will be sharp.”

“What if the pressing force is strong?”

“The water will flow a lot faster.”

“That’s the two-star magic “water bubble”.

If you go to that stage from here, it's considered an attack magic, so it's a
violation of the rules.

“If the mass of water is smaller than this, it will become a one-star Sutan. If you
move a lump while it is in a blistering state, it will be a 3-star “Water Slash”.
Is it easy?”

"this… … .”

“The important thing is that you understand the scene. If you forget the most
fundamental, the fact that you hold on, nothing happens.”

with a plop. The raised water fell into the lake.

Clap clap clap! Applause poured in. It's just a retelling of a lecture I took over
the weekend with only the attributes changed. It was fire then.

“It’s not class time. Don't clap.”

“Please do the soil attribute too!”

“I will keep it short at the beginning of the next lecture. This is a preview.”

“That’s the trailer!”

“Wow, then, what’s going on in the lecture?”

“Didn’t you listen to the last lecture?”

While the students were making a fuss, Fried vigorously picked up and dropped water

If you master it, you will be ten times faster than someone like me. It is also fun
to teach because if you teach it, you will understand it easily.

I see yes

Waiting chronicity is a funny story if you let it stand still.

'If you teach, you're just a genius, right?'

what are you waiting for

you can teach

As the main character's rival, I expect that he will be able to catch up quickly.

“I think I can.”

"okay. good luck You can do it.”

“It’s something I think about sometimes.”


I was about to go back to the professor's research building, but Fried said that.

“Sir Lockstrin, how can you trust me so much?”

You may have doubts.

When we first met, they put him down like that, and in Areas's prison, he entrusted
them with a greater responsibility than anyone else.

I left the weapon and handed the hammer.

made people kill

It was Freed who preemptively attacked the battle mages. I don't know what would
have happened if I had failed.

“It’s not something I want to believe in.”


“I believe because I have no choice but to believe.”

not how It is 'somehow'.

The part that I can't do other than the main character, someone else must.

I have to fill it up somehow. It's not a matter of belief.

Ainim, Fried, Euril, Kanin, Baeller, Jerome, Ramu… … .

all in place.

I have to do my part.

Can it be done by faith alone?

“If that’s betrayed, it’s my fault.”

The parts all fit together.

It's up to me to assemble it.

You have to take responsibility for making it tight without a single spare. If you
squeeze it, maybe oil will come out.

“Is it possible? betrayal… … That's a bit grandiose, but I believe in Sir Roxtrin."

"OK. Then set a goal. Fusion magic, how long do you think you will be able to do

Fried confidently answered.

“Two days is enough.”

damn it!


“This child is bluff. If it is that easy, the empire will unify the continent in
one year.”

“Well, about a week or so… … ?”

“Ten days.”

“It will be enough.”

"cheer up."

A pat on the back sent Freed back.

In the meantime, the place they are heading to is not the tower, but the practice
room. There's never a time when the guy's reliable back looks so wide.

“Roxtrin! Can you help me for a second?”


Time to get back to work.

As I entered the faculty research building to immerse myself in magic practice, I

met Kanin, who was wandering around with his two-handed basket full of debris.

“What is all this?”

“These are things that will be used in the treasure hunt.”

“It’s not funny to me.”

“Heh heh, isn’t it you, Professor? You just don't know where to hide. The list will
be made public.”

While I was climbing the elevator, I glanced at the contents of the basket, and
everything was flashing.

It's a small event, so there aren't that many, right?

“But is it really this many?”

“There are so many good students this year, so I robbed my private lab in the south
a bit.”
“Private lab… … ?”

Kanin Mage Artine.

Any wizard who has reached 7-star is widely recognized as an archmage, but among
them, Kanin's prestige is exceptional.

the age of eighty two.

There are two pages under the name in the history books, and the legend is alive
enough to be mentioned in children's fairy tales.

When it comes to subjugation on the Confederate Front, he usually takes the lead.
In its heyday, dragons were captured and killed, so rumors were circulating that
the private laboratory would suffice to buy an entire country.

“There have been some embarrassing incidents, so I want you to give me strength.
There is a little bit of self-interest.”

When Kanin lowered his gaze, in the basket, there was a jewel that had been
emitting a splendid light of five colors.

“Uh huh.”

I couldn't keep my mouth shut.


[Dragon Heart]

: The heart of a young dragon that Archmage Kanin of Rongrt defeated in his prime.
After lengthy research, it was processed for consumption.

[Effect when taken]

- Increases magic power operation speed

- Magic Resistance Lv +1

- Permanently Magical Lv +1 (ignoring growth limit)

“Are you willing to work hard?”

I nodded as if possessed.

It was not a trivial event.

have to find


Academy Face Genius Episode 43


Ⅴ. Daedongje

- 1. Treasure Hunt
: Summer Taj Festival, Daedong Festival has begun.

Allotted time is four hours. Find more treasures by optimizing your starting point
and route!

Here are some places you can visit… …

The reason why I thought it was a small event is because we already know where
important treasures are hidden.

Anyway, <Academy Summerturge> is a game. No matter how difficult the difficulty,

the more you play, the more you will accumulate know-how. strategy arises. It gets
easier to clear.

In that regard, the fifth episode 'Treasure Hunt' was an episode that gave a clear
advantage to multiplayer play.

Without any variables, it can be solved only with information.

“This year, there are so many precious treasures that I didn’t hide things myself.”

“You might find something with a three-digit number written on it instead.”

“All doors are fixed. If the door is closed, it means there is nothing in it.”

“Please note that the list of each seat is also on the banner on Jungang-daero.”

“There’s even a bang!”

While the young professors continued their explanations, I first went through the
distributed lists one by one.

[Item Exchange List]

[999. Shop +1]

[998. Shop +1]

[997. Shop +1]

[996. Shop +2]


The difference was right from the top.

Clearly, the entire 990s was counted as 1 point, but now it's 2 points from 996.

Overall, the quality of the product has improved, and nearly 20% of the names were
unknown to me. There were many expensive materials mainly used for magic research.

But the biggest difference is still.

[001. Dean's Recommendation]

[000. Dragon Heart]

bottom of the list.

Originally, the name was clearly written in the last place where the dean's
recommendation letter should be.

There were many students who checked the list in reverse order, and the auditorium
was already noisy.

“Hey, what is this?”

“Dragon Heart?”

“Isn’t that alcohol?”

“Is there a rule that if you bring in, you will be expelled?”

There seems to be a drink called Dragon Heart.

There is no law in the Empire that specifically prohibits drinking unless you are
an adult. Instead, alcohol is strictly prohibited to be brought into Summer Tage.

Even if you are a professor. I cannot afford to be on the product exchange list.

“Then what?”

“Is it really that Dragon Heart?”

“Meiji Kanin is here.”

“Isn’t that a rumor?”

"no. My father used to be on the Confederate Front, and he said he really

subjugated him.”

“No, that’s absurd… … .”

Commoners who lack money participate enthusiastically, and there are third-year
students who are struggling to find a recommendation letter from the dean, Wi-Rain,
a year before graduation. Other than that, it was a really fun and enjoyable event.

But this is a different story. Tension began to rise among the students.

“The starting point is decided by lot.”

“You can take them one by one and go.”

"Ouch! It's the front door!”

“What kind of agricultural research wing… … .”

“Hey, it’s a practice room.”

After the lottery was completed, the students moved along their assigned places.

During the treasure hunt period, outside personnel were not allowed to enter. Even
though all three grades of 1,500 students are outside, there is a sense of

[Tower of Liberty]
[The grand goal becomes the rising sun. Move forward without hesitation.]

The lot I picked is the Tower of Liberty.

This is also not a very well-received position. Since the event has been going on
for more than ten years, not much is known about it.

Traditionally, the closer to the main building, the better. This is because most of
the notes with the lower numbers were found near the main building.

This point doesn't really matter.

‘Above the trees on Jungang-daero, under the lake in front of the main building, in
the garden of the Tower of Justice… … .'

There aren't many options available in the game. Originally, I was thinking about
getting a few points or about a store.

There are quite a few things that I have to miss class because of the event, so I
have to make up for the penalty... … with such a light heart.

In the first place, this episode, the treasure given as a reward is not the main

The characters you can meet are different for each place you visit. In other words,
when you want to build a relationship with a specific character, you can definitely
secure it.

For example, if you want to meet Euril, which is difficult to meet normally, you
have to meet here. It is located on the roof of the Tower of Truth.

Baeller, who had a bad relationship with the main character, can meet and reconcile
by going to the main gate. I wouldn't need it now though.

But what? Dragon Heart?

I can't stand this

Where does something like cheat keep popping up? If you miss it, you will
definitely regret it forever.

“Lord Lockstrin!”

“Hello, Hoen.”

“Gyeongdo seems to be departing from here.”

met a friendly face.

It is not easy to overlap the starting point with the class A students, who have
only 31 among the freshmen.

“Have you seen the list?”

“I saw it. It wasn't a joke."

“Everyone seems to have their eyes burning.”

“Are you aiming for anything?”

“It’s my recommendation. It will be difficult unless you are very lucky.”


I know how to get recommendations.

I'm sorry for Hohen, but I thought I'd tell Fried later. Hohen also gives a lot of
support from the Berry family.

There is an event in which Fried takes away what the protagonist originally found
out, but now it's much more convenient to just tell Freed from the beginning.


ur ur!

The students gathered on the first floor of the Tower of Liberty ran out like a low
tide as soon as the professor's words fell. Hoen must have been secretly
considering my actions.

“Where are you going, sir?”



I took out a folded note from the mouth of the statue in the flattened lobby.

When I opened it, it was number 997. Shop +1.

“I don’t really want to get anything. To look around a little bit.”

"Ah… … I'll have to go around, then."

“Don’t overdo it.”

Lockstrin has enough money, and even if she gets a valuable material, it takes time
to use it.

The only things that are meaningful to me are the number 900 shops and the number
000 dragon heart.

I don't really have a bad relationship with anyone else, so all I need to do is
meet Fried and Euryl. Fred had left the auditorium and had foreseen going east.

'Dragon Heart is the problem.'

where did you hide it

It's vaguely conceivable that it's not something you can find out of the ordinary
with luck like other objects.

This is the recommendation letter number 001 right now.


“Oh, Sir Roxtrin.”

Less than ten minutes had passed and Fried was already sweating profusely. It seems
to be running around quite a bit.

“Have you already taken all the gin? 4 hours, it must be longer than I thought.”

“I am confident in my stamina.”

With that said, Fried was digging up the soil of the flower bed near the kiosk,
which was not a very good idea considering the circumstances of Summertage, where
many of them were aristocrats.

Anyway, he's a guy who doesn't have much of a clue. I didn't mean to say that it
doesn't come out of digging for nothing... … .

“I found it!”

Suddenly, Fried raised his arm.

“250 times… … Quite a high number!”

“Oh, congratulations.”

are you coming

but this is kinda bad There are a lot of nobles, and moreover, it is impossible for
young girls to dig up a pile of dirt without being educated.

“Hey, it’s a flower bed!”

“Dig a flower bed!”

“Where is the widest flower bed?”

“Damn, it’s right next to the main building!”

The students who watched the scene from the side were rather upset.

Since the items on the list were items, the pretty flower bed of Summertage was a
mess. The guys with the earth attribute were the most excited and ran wild. There
is nothing young or anything.

The garden in front of the main building is Kanin's favorite place, so maybe he
foresaw this... … .

“Hmmm. Freed. Are you looking for a letter of recommendation?”

“It’s not just me, it’s all like that, isn’t it?”

“I know where it is.”


I pulled Fried's ear.

“Go to the dean’s office and ask for a letter of recommendation.”

number 001.

The letter of recommendation from Weraine Maisie Bruntelli, the dean of

Summerturge, was taken for granted by Weraine herself.

“… … yes? what it is.”

“Isn’t it natural? The dean has the letter of recommendation from the dean, who has

“Isn’t that a treasure hunt?”

“It’s a treasure hunt.”

Anyone who is lucky enough to find a treasure can get it.

But professors don't like such a simple process. Even if it was an event to
announce the start of the festival, it was a sign of a sense of mission to teach
lessons to students.

precious things easily,

You can't get it by luck alone.

“Isn’t the letter of recommendation only given to the student representative?”

“A lot of student representatives get recognition just for being a representative,

so it’s not that desperate.”

“It is.”

“If a no-brainer finds number 001 in a hurry and writes a recommendation letter
using it, what will happen to the dean’s face? Is this student lucky? I can’t even
write something like this.”

So number 001 is in the dean's office.

At the very least, I am writing a letter of recommendation to a talented person

with the same confidence and determination, so I do not lose face.

“From what I’ve heard, it certainly is.”

“If you know, go before someone steals you.”

“Still, can you tell someone like me about this precious thing… … .”

Fried hesitated.

Although he enrolled at Summerturge with the support of Coltman, Eindalocke's

finances are not good enough, so Fried's foundation is still unstable.

Now that some professors are paying attention, if they receive a letter of
recommendation, even Frieda, a commoner, can build a solid support base.

“Yeah, it would be nice if you, who are sponsored by your father, get a letter of
recommendation. It turns out that my father was right.”

"Ah… … !”

I don't think I'd be able to understand that it was pure favor, so I made a good
reason for it.
Fried nodded his head and sprinted towards the main building. One event resolved.
It can't be this easy

Then the worries continue.

'Kanin himself?'

I quickly had to shake my head.

Kanin doesn't really like the authoritarian Wee-Rain. It is clear that he did not
want to resemble him in a similar way.

He tries to roll his head in his own way, but the whereabouts of Dragonheart are
still in a labyrinth.

[Tower of Truth]

[Wisdom is towards the sky. Everything you think is clear and clear like the clear

I walked slowly among the busy students and arrived at the Tower of Truth.

There is still more than three hours left, so I will continue to worry after
meeting Euril.


tick. tick.

I just stood in front of the elevator door, and the door doesn't open even when I
press the button. The light is off.

'All doors are fixed. If the door is closed, it means there is nothing in it.'


Isn't this too much?

“Yudori, no… … .”

I thought I wouldn't sweat.

Like the Tower of Truth, the floor height is incredibly high, so it takes a lot of
effort to climb one floor.

“Ugh… … .”

I took the stairs and climbed 15 floors. His stamina is level 4, so it's crazy.

It wasn't that Fried was sweating for nothing. At the end of June, the weather
becomes muggy and it is almost summer. Hopefully there won't be


As I reached the roof, exhaling harsh breaths, the voice I had been waiting for
came out.

"long time no see! Heh, Kek!”

I will die.

The most terrifying was the last 15th floor.

Of course, since it's the child's room, the 15th floor was not finished even after
going up and down the stairs. Even if it wasn't bright, it would have been a scene
from a horror novel.

“Why are you always being weird?”

Still pretty silver hair welcomed me.

The rooftop of the Tower of Truth is a place that does not consider students'
visits. There is such a thing as a water supply facility.

“The elevator is closed.”

“Did you walk up? So far?"

“Take off your gloves for a second. I'm going to die of heat."

“… … Be still.”

While saying that, Euril took off her gloves and fanned it softly from afar.

A little wind was created there with magic, and a cold wind poured out.

Huh, I think I'll buy some with the air conditioner on.

“Why did you lie?”

“What lie?”

“I didn’t grant any wishes.”

Euril pulled a stone out of his pocket.

It was a fragment of a dimension I had given before. I think I picked up what I

threw on the floor again. Do you carry it with you?

“It only grants very small wishes.”

“Have you ever fallen while climbing?”

“On the stairs? Nope?"

“Look, you didn’t even hear that.”

“… … haha."

Damn, I guess I was begging you to roll down the stairs.

There's no way it can be done Is it the same wish that the world is destroyed?

“I came here to find the treasure, what are you doing here?”

“I got kicked out.”

“To the manager?”


Euryl must avoid contact with others.

It was the person who wanted to stay in the room all the time, but there was a
reason that everyone participated in the Daedong Festival without exception, so no
one was allowed to stay in the dormitory room.

“It’s absurd.”

“There were a few people who came up.”

“Did you send them all back?”

“Send it back.”

There are also quite a few hidden treasures in the garden on the 10th floor of each
tower. Even if it's not me, the rooftop is worth going up to at least once.

But there is nothing on the roof. I came to see Euril.

“You’ve come back on your own.”

“It seems that there was no treasure.”

"treasure? this?"

At that moment, Euril opened a small note.


Was there any treasure here?

In other words, it was not originally, meaning that it was a new treasure put in by

The part I grabbed was subtle, so I couldn't see it clearly, but there are
definitely two zeros in the front.

'no way?'

I couldn't take my eyes off the note, so Euril asked with an expressionless face.

“Would you like to?”

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 44



He immediately stretched out his arm to grab the note, but Euril quickly retreated
and struggled.

It stopped after doing it two more times. I should have known from the moment I put
the gloves back on.

I narrowed my eyes.
“Give me.”

“I’m thinking about it.”

“Anything you want?”



Shall I think about it for a moment?

He moved Euril, who fell down on the playground for the first time, injured in the
night raid, hid it in a room, and gave me a warpstone that was like a spare life.

On the other hand, I only got one scarf. Even putting aside the warpstone, which
has no use for Euryl, it is objectively inconsistent.

“You just don’t want to give it, do you?”

"no. take it. I don't need it.”

"I'll give it to you sooner... … .”


Surprisingly, Euril threw the note at me without any regrets. Neither the throwing
hand nor the foolish laughter has power.

Even if this isn't a Dragon Heart, the treasure with two zeros in front of it is
not necessary or necessary.

At this point, I have no choice but to notice.

"sorry. Not 000.”


The moment I opened the note, my head went cold.

009 is 100 points for the store. It is the most needed treasure for Euril and no
one else. Because he is the student with the most points in Summer Thurs.

Even at this point, the score is already -80, and if you don't manage it, the
events where you can meet Euril are decreasing.

“Why don’t you need this?”

Euril turned back and leaned against the edge of the roof. It looked dangerous even
to pretend.

Unlike the garden, the railing on the roof is low. Euril's height is a railing that
only reaches her waist.

I continued speaking calmly and moved on.

“I probably won’t use it.”


"I do not know. What do I need now?”


This script comes out when Euril is pushed to its limits.

Even if I did nothing wrong, Euryll kept what Fried said in her heart.

'At least. There must have been guilt. If you were going to live on this land, you
should have left for a distant island by yourself.'

Even if everyone who sees Euril thinks the same, no one can say that directly.

'cause I'm scared

It's a terrifying curse that freezes your whole body just by touching it. Everyone
knows that life is precious.

However, Freed is the main character with a whopping level 8 will. That worked
rather badly.

'You didn't do anything until the people's lives were ruined because of that damn
curse. Is that the king's incompetence or your incompetence?'

A straight-forward character who doesn't feel fear and constantly moves forward
towards what he believes is right.

When it's good, it's straight forward, when it's bad, it's tactless. There is no
such thing as filtering.

Moreover, there was no such thing as eroding self-esteem by comparing himself to

the main character. If we could figure out the cause, that would be roughly the

At any rate, I can't relax even for a moment.

“You are so smart.”

Euril, who had been silent for a while, spoke to me at once.

“It’s like that.”

“Can you teach me?”


“What I want.”

While continuing the short question-and-answer, I slowly narrowed the distance.

“Then come here for a moment.”

"this way… … ?”

with a bang!

He quickly pulled Euril's scarf, which was holding his hand on the railing.

“I’m afraid I’m going to die.”

With a short scream, Euril, who fell and hit the butt wheel, hurriedly took a step
back and retreated. Confused eyes followed my fingertips.

“What are you doing!”

“I’m going to worry about myself.”

I'm just surprised that I pulled it myself.

Everyone knows that you shouldn't touch Euril with your bare hands. 'cause it's
gonna be frozen

“Isn’t it frozen?”

"as you see."

I held out my hand wrapped around the red scarf. I had stopped by the room for a
while when I came up earlier.

My purpose was to meet Euril in the first place, so I brought a scarf because it
would be cold if I thought I would be there for about 30 minutes.

“You’re surprised!”

“So, who is standing in such a place? It’s dangerous.”

I secretly pulled back my tingling hand. It's probably just a light statue.

Then he laid a seat about three spans away from Euril and sat down. As soon as
Euril widened the distance, he continued chasing him.

In the end, Euril, who was driven to the corner, opened his mouth. It's surrounded
by a wall, so it looks a little safer now.

“That, a little… … Sit away.”

“I don’t like it.”

“It must be cold.”

“It’s summer, but it’s cool and nice.”

Of course, even with the scarf wrapped around it, it is very cold.

It was long for what Euril was wearing, so it could cover her shoulders a little.
Maybe 30 minutes would be enough.

After that, every time you open your mouth, breath comes out. Seeing this, Euryl
sighed a little and said.

“Among the people who came up earlier, there was a person from Mashu.”

What if?
I have no luck There aren't that many people from Mashu in Somerset.

“You mean you’re back?”

"Yes. Our eyes met for a moment.”

Burying her face in the gap between her knees, Euryl seemed to recall what had
happened a while ago.

The student's complexion brightened as he looked at the note lying in the middle of
the roof, and the moment he lifted his head, it was distorted.

He closely watched the sequence of narrowing his brow, furrowing his eyes,
clenching his molars, and clenching his fists.

Soon he turned around.

“Leave it as it is… … .”

Euryl repeated it as if possessed.

Leaving those words behind, the student ran down the stairs. It was a bonus to
throw away the note saying it was bad luck.


what everyone thinks of you.

Still, I rarely saw and heard of it. Because I was always avoiding other people.

“I don’t know what I want, but I definitely have what other people want from me.”

It was too cold.

It felt different on the skin.

Although he had always lived in the cold, it was a raw hatred that seemed to bite
to the point of being unfamiliar.

"just. You can do that... … .”

“What will happen?”

"Hi-Hi. So I was up here earlier.”

Euril said, leaning her head against the railing. It felt like my heart was
sinking. Did you go up on this?

The Tower of Truth is a 15-story building. no safety net If you make a mistake and
your feet slip, that's the end of it.

No country had ever envisioned such a development.

“But I saw you coming in. If you want to come up to the roof, come down and wait
for a while.”

“What if I hadn’t come?”

how was it I wasn't even mad at the muttering.

“It’s because of you.”

“Why me?”

Then, suddenly, he points at me with his finger. why me? Well, even if it's because
of me.

Euryl said while fiddling with the Warpstone he had placed on the palm of his hand.

“I prayed to save my mother, who had been dead for 17 years.”

“It’s absurd.”

“I begged to bring back the wise old Abamama.”

“It’s difficult, too.”

"just in case. and."

I said that I would grant only very small wishes. Like it or not, Euril muttered in
a low voice.

“What if I don’t have a small wish among my wishes?”


After that, there was only a wind that could not be answered.

“I wish I could go back to 8 years ago, even before I enrolled at Summerturge.”

“One day, I suddenly woke up and wished the curse had been lifted.”

“I want people who suffer because of me to find happiness.”

“If you don’t hate me.”

“If so.”



With her hands clasped, a voice that seemed to be cut off at any moment, like a
fine thread, pierced her ears.

“Nothing works… … ?”

I reflexively lowered my gaze. I couldn't afford to make eye contact. Fortunately,

Euril did not raise her head.

So much time has passed.

One minute feels like an hour, I don't know exactly how long it's been since I
think it's a punishment seat.

It was Euril who broke the silence first. Coincidentally, even that was the first
thing I had to say.

“Again, you were just talking about me.”

"it's okay. That’s what I came here for.”

“It’s there.”

“A scarf?”


Euril raised her head and said, pointing to the scarf wrapped around my neck.

“Before I was born, my mother said it was hand-woven.”

“No, what if you give me such a precious thing? It’s a keepsake.”

"done. I have it.”

Euril waved her hand at me, who was about to untie the scarf and return it to me.

“I’m going to get cold a lot, so even if I grow taller later, they made it bigger
so that I can use it for a long time.”

“… … okay."

“It’s still too big. You have to wind it three times.”

Thankfully, his expression brightened up a bit when he spoke like that. There was
sadness in the hand that touched the end of the scarf.

Now that I've been listening, it was my turn to find out what to say.

“You tied your shoelaces before.”


“No, I’m not going to do it now. Do you still believe in it?”

“It wasn’t… … ?”

Surprised, Euril pulled her knees up. I believed it. Be naive too

“I’m talking about it now, but it actually has a different meaning.”

“Is there any meaning?”

"training school… … Well, there are special soldiers in our estate who are trained
very harshly.”

“Are you talking about the Special Forces?”

"It's similar."

I didn't expect it to be like this, but somehow it happened. Shall we add a bit of
“It's very tough training. I have been completely cut off from the outside world
for two years, so I can't go out, make contact, eat bad food, roll around without a
break, and live with more than 20 people in a small, dusty room. It’s about the
size of our living room.”

“So far… … ?”

“Is that all? You are constantly being watched by your superiors, and if you show
any laziness, you will be punished immediately. For example, having your head
banged on the floor for 10 minutes, or running around the playground with a load
about our weight. Even my co-workers look at me because there is such a thing as
solidarity responsibility.”

“Hey, can you all stand that?”

"Nope. There are some people who just can't. But you said you couldn't go out. It's
forcing you to do it. Then see.”

Euril swallowed his saliva.

“Sometimes there are soldiers who make extreme choices.”

“… … That’s right.”

“To prevent that, sharp objects are never provided. Of course knives can't be used,
and forks are blunt, so you won't be able to cut pudding properly? Then the means
left are quite limited.”

I said as I wrapped a strand of thread that was hanging down at the end of the
scarf around the knuckle of my index finger.

It seemed that Euril also noticed what it meant. Her fine silver hair trembled.

“So all the shoes issued there are tied in knots.”

“Is it enough to solve it?”

"long. It takes a very long time.”

Tightly tied knots, 5 on each side, total of 10. It takes quite a bit of time just
to solve it all.

“These decisions are usually emotional. The more time you have to think, the more
you end up giving up.”


“It’s my instinct to want to live. In fact, a lot of those soldiers were reduced.”

Quietly lowering her gaze, Euril remained silent for a while. I also had to choose
and choose what to say.

“Is it hard?”


Even to the sudden question, Euril answered right away. As if waiting for someone
to ask a question.
“It will continue to be difficult.”


“I wouldn’t even understand Euryl, and anything I could say wouldn’t be of much

“I know.”


I do not know.

I can't even imagine how painful it must have been for the subject who made Euril

Selfishly on such a subject.

There is no other way than this to devise my own way of living.

"done. Now, stop talking like this.”

Euril finally raised her head. It looked more comfortable.

“Are you calming down?”

"Thanks to."

“But what else… … I can't go down. For the time being.”

I said with a sly smile.

Students will be shooting all over the place, so Euryl needs to stay out of sight.
I have no choice but to remain on this precarious rooftop.

“You go looking for treasure.”

“No, I heard such a thing, but how are you going to leave Euril? I can’t even guess
the treasure anyway.”

“… … how."

Whoa, Euril continued with a sigh. You won't understand why I'm behaving like this.

“As I told you in advance, even if you do this, nothing will come back to you.”


“If you have to hang out with someone like me, it won’t do anything good for you or
your family.”

“Um, but if you cut it a little, it won’t make much of a difference. You seem to be
very proud of our family.”

“But it is… … . anyway! It won't help."

“Then, shall we pretend we don’t know?”


No answer.

No, actually, he only keeps his mouth shut, but his fingers are twitching hard in
the world, so it's easy to see that he's restless.

I smiled and asked again.

“You don’t like that?”

"I do not know."

“Just like it was today.”


This guy was no longer able to comfortably accept even trivial favors. You'd think
I'd be leaving soon, just like I've always been.

Of course, I don't have the option to leave Euril alone, but it's hard to convince
me of that yet.

Until one day you can tell me to help myself.

“If it’s hard, I’ll listen to your complaints. If there is someone to swear at, I
will swear at you too. If I get angry with other people, I can beat myself up too.”

“Hey, don’t do that.”

"okay? Anyway, just that much... … .”

what i can do

“At least a knot, I’ll do it.”

That's all.

Academy Face Genius Episode 45

It is currently 4pm.

At this point, there is only one hour left until the end of the treasure hunt at 5

“Can I stay like this?”

“I don’t think anything will change if I go around.”

“It is, though.”


I came down from the Tower of Truth and was sipping tea with Hira at the tea table
on the campus.

Euril said it was okay now and forced me to go down, so now that this has happened,
I have to come back to the point.
It doesn't fit the mood at all when a male student is sitting here, but it doesn't
seem to matter to me to see that he gets enthusiastic gazes while the treasure hunt
is in progress.

As a side note, I'm used to the taste of tea now. This is white tea.

"How about you? Did you find some?”

“I didn’t look for it very hard. I couldn't even watch the 0's."


There is no penalty for Hagi and Hira, and the money is so much that it would be a
shame if you were the second of the summer students, so you won't have to go out of
your way to find the treasure.

“I mean, this doesn’t make sense at all.”

The news that the Dragon Heart was found has yet to be heard.

I guess my prediction that I wasn't lucky enough to find it all was right.

But how do you find this?

It's something that doesn't even appear in <Academy Summerturge>. So far, my

actions have been well-founded and convincing, but I am vulnerable to these

“What if I can’t find anyone like this?”

Hira asked a question after I had my chin rested for a while and was in trouble.

“If it was Meiji Kanin, wouldn’t it be sent back to the lab as it is?”

“Rocks is exactly what he needs.”

“It’s a dragon heart.”

tak, tak. I think while tapping the table with my fingers.

Even if it wasn't in the plan, if I missed it, I'm sure I'll regret it forever.

Since it is a game that has a maximum of 10 levels in the first place, the gap
between each level is huge, and the value of being able to go beyond even the
growth limit and raise it unconditionally is indescribable.

It's a plan, once you've got it, you can make something up... … .

“Fufu, that’s fun.”


“I knew there was nothing Rocks didn't know. There is a blockage there.”

Hira said with a light smile.

“I don’t know if it will help, but let’s think about it together, shall we?”

“I am grateful. First of all, the conditions I’ve come up with are roughly like

Since he knows Kanin's personality well, he can bet on conditions with a high
degree of credibility.

So first. Opportunities are fair.

“Depending on the starting point, there won’t be a big difference between the good
and the bad.”

It was not simply hidden. By the way, so far undiscovered, so that the chances are
relatively fair. so anyone can get it.

As with the letter of recommendation from the dean, number 001, a unique idea is
likely to play an important role.

“But obviously he wanted students to be better than others.”

second. Nevertheless, a student who excels in magical achievement will surely have
an advantage.

Although Kanin cares for all students without exception, he is more devoted to
teaching better students. The main character is also taught separately.

There's no way Kanin himself doesn't know the value of Dragon Heart, so he must
have provided some clue... … .

“It’s difficult.”

“Honestly, I’m halfway to giving up.”

Because it wasn't in the plan.

Of course, if you can't find it, you'll regret it, but it doesn't mean that the
plan will be disrupted.

I was going to try as much as I could, and if anyone other than me finds it, I'd
like to pay close attention.

"Well… … . I'm not sure if it's related."

But Hira suddenly brought out those words.

“Do you remember the first time the professors explained it?”

“When the door is closed, there is nothing inside, or something?”

"Yes. At the time , I thought it was, but now that I think about it, there is
something strange about it.”


“Treasures found by the Rocks and other students. Was there any other form other
than a note?”

“It was all a note.”

You cannot hide the treasure itself.

In the case of expensive research materials, there are many things that are
difficult to manage, and above all, large ones cannot be properly hidden.

So I replace it with a 'note' with a number on it... … .

'You'll find something with a three-digit number written on it instead.'

The professor who was explaining the rules of the treasure hunt must have said so.

As Hira said, it is strange to think about it now.


“Why isn’t it a ‘note’?”

"right? I'd just say a note, I wouldn't have had to say 'something'.”

Since it was an early script, I remember clearly specifying it as 'note', although

it was quite old.

It's a minor detail, but it's definitely different from the game.

“It’s kind of embarrassing to say it out loud. In fact, this comprehensive

selection of words is a traditional trick of politicians.”

“So you noticed.”

“My mother often told me. Even if you notice it, all you have to do is make a
correction requesting a specific category, but if you miss it, you will have a big


It helped me a lot in an unexpected way. If that's the case, it's a different


“If there is something other than a note.”

“Something has to meet the first two conditions, as Rox said.”

a fair crack of the whip.

definite advantage.

There are other things that meet this contradictory condition. I'm going to add
some more questions that I've been putting off for a while.

“And so are the numbers.”

“000 times.”

"Yes. We could have just postponed the dean's recommendation letter to number 002.
000 is not usually considered an official number.”

He probably wasn't particularly interested in treasure hunting, but Hira also had
the same question as me.

“The number on the object could not be corrected. There is a special reason why it
must have been number 000.”
“It looked like 000 at first, but it wasn’t actually a number… … What about such a

I quietly close my eyes and think.

After hearing Hira's words, there was one thing that immediately came to mind.

'It's not like I'm hiding anything, but it seems like everyone hasn't told me. The
nameplates embedded in your conquests are made of special materials.'

lower your gaze It was a badge engraved on his left chest.


“… … That’s right.”

I let out a sad laugh.

I removed the nameplate fixed with a clip and looked at the back. Yeah, it's
definitely not meant to be seen as a number.

'There are three holes in the back. It's a place where mana stones are put in.'

'I first found out.'

'Thanks to you, it doesn't burn or rot in water. Even if the monster eats and melts
the bones, the nameplate is still intact.'

'… … okay.'

a fair crack of the whip.

It is given to all, without one exception. It's something that all Summer Turge
students have.

definite advantage.

The only person who showed Dragon Heart directly was me, and only one of Roxtrin's

The one who personally explained the nameplate was also one of Roxtrin Aindarok.

“You have to show favoritism.”

It is impossible for a student who has grown up in an ordinary way to find the
meaning hidden in such a trivial word.

I wonder if they are the children of the central political family who jump into the
social world at a young age and engage in political struggles.

Also, the fact that I, who is receiving attention from every move, is close to Hira
Yuksila is nothing new to non-students and professors.

“I hope it’s number 000… … .”

"okay. This is it.”

On the back of the nameplate, there are three round holes for inserting magic

From the beginning, Kanin was thinking of giving me a Dragon Heart.

* * *

“Please submit the found treasure here by number!”

At 5 pm, the treasure hunt was over. All the students gathered in the auditorium,
submitted the notes they found and recorded their names.

“The students who are called from now on are students who have found treasures
under the 10th class. Everyone will be wondering where you found it, so just tell

“Congratulations everyone with a big round of applause. After remembering it, I can
get Jinri-dang and eat it later, right?”

Wow, loud applause poured in.

In fact, the sales of Jinridang are expected to increase for the time being. There
is no other place to spend money in Summer Thurs.

The 009 note I received from Euryl had been dealt with separately, so my name was
not called.

So the students' names are called from number 10 to number 2.

“Number 001. Freed Rapid.”

Oh oh. This time, applause and admiration were mixed. Everyone was curious.

“Where was Treasure 001, the dean’s recommendation letter?”

“This is the dean’s office.”

"Yes? The dean's office? iced coffee."

The reaction of the students was not very different from the reaction of the
professor in charge of the process.

After hearing this, I can't help but wonder why I didn't know this. Of course, in
reality, it would have been difficult to recall even if much more time had been

At that moment, Fried met my eyes for a moment. I slowly shook my head.

Is it a secret I told you?

“The back door of the main building connected to the faculty cafeteria was open.

“As professors, we were kicked out of the main building, but it wasn’t that we
didn’t want to use it, was the main building still open?”

“Obviously, there were many students digging up the flower beds near the main
building! Could you please elaborate a bit more?”
In general, when a student visits the main building, where there is no way to enter
or exit, all the professors and staff are kicked out, and only the dean, Wirain, is
left alone.

“I looked around all the way to the third floor, but all the other rooms were
closed, and only the first floor was open.”

The Dean's Office at Summerturge is the office of Wirain Maisie Bruntelli.

In addition to the general work of a bachelor, he is a person who has a

considerable influence on the mage world as a wizard, so it is well known that his
work is constantly busy.

Do you have the courage to rush into such Weraine's office? … .

but what

I don't know about that.

“So I just went in.”

I told you, so I have to go in. right?

“Ahaha, that’s reckless.”

“It’s a bit of a forbidden place, so if you don’t have a business, you don’t go
anywhere near it.”

“By the way, it was four years ago. Have you ever been caught by Professor Katrina
for making loud shoes?”

“So since then, professors have stopped wearing shoes that make noise. If you hear
the sound of shoes on campus, don’t forget that you are the dean.”

The hall was filled with laughter thanks to hacks that were rarely used.

In any case, We Lane's position in and out of Summer Thurs is just that. Fried's
actions were enough to be called reckless.

“Is the dean in there?”

"Yes. But it was because I went in after searching the flower bed. It was hot, so I
was taking off my robe... … .”

In principle, the nameplate should be attached to the robe. To Freed, who was only
wearing a shirt like that, Wiraine, who was sitting and working, said:

'Fried Rapid.'

'… … Yes.'

'What did you come to this place for?'

“I was shocked for a moment by the fact that you knew my name.”

“Few people know this. The dean memorizes all the students' names. There are no

Is that possible? Or maybe my name? The same murmur followed.

“Ah, but graduates sometimes forget. When I took over as assistant professor, they
asked what your name was.”

“Haha, it’s not normal to memorize all the names of the incoming freshmen every
year. Does that mean that he cares for you that much? So what happened after that?”

“I told you frankly that I was here to find the treasure.”

'I'm here to find the treasure.'

'Are you sure you're here?'



'Because the door was open.'

'That's a good answer.'

Wirain said as she gently pushed the calendar on the desk to the side.

What was there was a small piece of paper with nothing written on it. However,
Fried, who had already found other treasures several times, knew immediately.

It is the same size as the opened note.

'Principles are important. But in reality, humans are easily dominated by emotions
in the midst of difficulties. Was it the right decision to enter this room?'

square square.

Werain picked up a pen and wrote the numbers on the spot.


'Planning and preparation are important, but when a situation arises, conflicts and
hesitation lead to mistakes. That is not prudence.'


'What you can do and what you have to do doesn't change. If you have the knowledge,
move with confidence as well. We call it belief. If you hesitated in front of the
door, this note would not have been made.'

“… … That's what you said.”

Fried recited what Weerain had said, and applause erupted without anyone saying
anything first.

In the game, it is the line that the main character directly makes, and it is also
quite important.

I have to recite it like that... … Everyone must have kept their mouths open, so it
would be better if Fried did it.

"okay. The principle that anyone can go in and out of any open door has not
changed. There may have been a few more who saw the dean's office wide open.
Congratulations, Fried Raspide.”

"thank you."

“I believe that one day you will all have your own convictions.”

Applause once again.

After that, even Fried sat down, it was finally the last turn. I almost fell asleep
while waiting. Glad you brought the book.

“Then there is only one left.”

“Yes, this is the time everyone has been looking forward to. You must have checked
it when you submitted the note, but there was no number that was the most talked
about, right?”

“Professor Kanin, who donated the product, will tell you about this.”

Only then did a familiar and reassuring appearance walk up the podium.

Kanin asked with a friendly smile on his face.

“Now, was the treasure hunt fun?”

Yes, the answers erupted all at once.

Needless to say, even if it wasn't for Dragon Heart, the treasure hunt of Daedongje
was truly at a level where treasures were scattered all over the world.

There are some that I picked up one at a time, so most of them must be happy.

“I would be happy if that was the case. It's just heartbreaking."

But in the next moment, Kanin continued with a bitter expression.

“Because no one has submitted Treasure 000 yet.”

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 46

Kanin scanned the crowd once. Their eyes met for a moment, and I just met them with
a calm face.

Is the corner of his lips slightly raised because he knows that I've already found

Probably not.

That inspiration is just laughing because this situation is funny.

“Rocks… … ?”

Hira, who was sitting next to me, gently touched my shoulder.

“You didn’t submit it?”

“Oh, it’s okay. Not yet.”

“Not yet.”
Anyone who realizes this fact late may miss out on the treasure they've ever found.

There was a sign of restlessness, but I also have thoughts… … .

No, that's not exactly my opinion.

“First of all, the dragon heart stated is the heart of the dragon that this old man
subjugated when he was young. The legendary treasure that wizards would sell their
country to have.”

The anecdote that he tried to own the country by selling it was a true story
recorded in the wizard.

I vaguely guessed that it wasn't alcohol, but when I heard the confirmation that
the Dragon Heart was indeed the right one, the commotion in the hall grew stronger.

“Of course, at that time, the subjugated ones were only in their infancy, so the
actual efficacy is far below the oral tradition. Still, if you have something,
isn't it something you should be prepared to run away from your neck several times?

He was laughing and talking, but the truth was that it was just creepy. There were
those who were relieved that they were lucky that no one could find them.

So still, the students are silent. To be honest, I was a little scared, but I put
it down for an hour.

“I’m sorry anyway. I don't like being held up like Weraine, so I didn't hide it in
such a cramped place."

Be kind too

It's their last chance, and they're giving out hints like they're patronizing.

A hint of 'not a single useless' hint.

It's like throwing a few small pieces of a puzzle to the students. You won't find
the answer, but after seeing the finished puzzle, ah, this is where it goes! would

The truth is different.

What to infer from looking at a puzzle piece that you don't know the original from
from the beginning?

Is there no way to know if this is a cloud floating in the sky, a part of a shirt,
or a white-haired dog with a single white piece without end?

'No, if you want to give, just give it.'

In fact, it was as if he had declared that he would give it to me, but what was his

- Finally, the test was made.

In <Academy Summerturge>, except for No. 001, which also serves as We Lane's tale,
and a recommendation letter from the dean, basically everyone who found the
treasure is anonymous. When submitted, of course, it is confidential.
This is because, as the dynamics between students are complex, conflicts arising
from this treasure hunt are innumerable.

'Please submit the found treasure here by number!'

That changed suddenly this year.

In a wide open place, with a little bit of attention, you can tell who has obtained
how many treasures.

Solving existing problems is easy.

As he robbed a private laboratory and almost sprinkled his fortune, the scope for
disputes was significantly reduced. Because fewer people didn't get it.

After that, those in the 10th and under are even called by name. The students
responded that it was fun, although it was different from before, and I have to
choke on my heart.

“Really not? The student who found '000'. I still think it's not too late."

still silence.

“I can’t help it. One day I will find the owner. It's a pity though, so let's count
to 10 seconds."

At that moment, Kanin raised both hands and smiled brightly. It was the exact
opposite of what he said was sad.

Because this was the ending he wanted, and everything went as planned.

“10, 9…….”

Was it fair chance?

okay. This was certainly a frighteningly fair opportunity.

It's a nonsensical problem, but it is here in Summerteo where talented people from
all over the continent gathered.

It cannot be concluded that there is no one who can infer the outcome from just
such a crude piece of the puzzle.

“6, 5…….”

I have a clear advantage.

So, I will make sure that all opportunities are given to students except me first.

Keep your mouth shut until the very last moment.


Kanin said.

“—I found it.”

Breaking the silence, a voice came from among the students. what, really? Who is
it? It's Rox... … .

After waiting for the murmur to subside, Kanin beckoned.

“Will you come forward?”

I walked slowly.

I had to perform an unexpected performance in front of so many people. Charisma

will rise. good is good

“Heh heh, I’m really looking forward to hearing that you found it with just one
second left, Lockstrin.”

“It was the last thing that came to my mind as I thought about the things the
professor said.”

"is it. It won't be fun to reveal it right away, so it'd be good to guess what you
found on the basis of it."

“It may not be the right answer.”

“It doesn’t matter. If not, it will be fun as it is. I think other students will
think so too. Isn't that right?"

Wow, there was a light cheer.

Maybe even wolves are good at lying, and if possible, they wanted to learn. Age is
something that cannot be ignored.

“First of all, before the first lot is drawn.”

“Hey, you mean before the treasure hunt even starts?”

"Yes. Actually, I'm ashamed that I didn't find out on my own. I got help. The
professor who first explained the rules said that’s what he said.”

Hira asked not to mention it directly, so this explanation was appropriate.

“Something with a three-digit number… … I only found out after the treasure hunt
was over. Why was it 'something' and not 'note'?"

This is the part I just didn't notice, enough to be suspicious of some attentive

Sure enough, I did! The same voice erupted everywhere.

“That’s right. I told you to explain it that way on purpose. First, it was
'something', not a note.”

"Yes. Next... … Because the donor is a professor in the first place. It may sound
flattering, but I think everyone will recognize it.”

I'm not standing still either. This is counter-attack.

“My respected professor cares so much about our students, so I thought he wouldn’t
have an advantage over anyone in particular.”
“Hmmmm. What my mouth is saying, but it is.”

hello. Be shy too

I continued, holding back the twitching corners of my lips. You must be feeling a
little bit of remorse.

“If you dig deeper, it will mean that, like other treasures, your starting point
won't determine your advantage purely by luck.”

Now all that's left is a scam.

The puzzles scattered endlessly at the bottom were actually this one! I just say it
in a plausible way.

“It was still difficult to guess from that alone, but there was a much bigger clue
in what the professor was saying.”


“'No one has submitted the 000 treasure yet'… … . That's what the professor said.”

“Obviously he did.”

“Why 'Nobody'?”

Kanin didn't answer and just smiled. I turned to the students. This old professor
doesn't seem to want to help me anymore.

“That’s because Treasure No. 000 is not one.”

“I didn’t even hide it in such a cramped place. Simple. It means being in an open

“At this point, the scope is pretty narrow. It's not a note, it's multiple,
physically fair distance, conspicuous place."

“Your last words were decisive. 'It's still not too late'."

Everyone noticed when I spoke up to that point. There were also some students who
rummaged through their pockets or sighed in search of the answer belatedly.

“Maybe the number 000 is something that we all have and are revealing at this

I said as I removed the nameplate from my left chest.

“Like this badge, for example.”

and turn over Everyone in the auditorium did the same thing.

There must be three round holes in which the magic stones are inserted. Moreover,
it is not a perfect circle, but an oval shaped like the number 000.

It can't be called forced, it's like a finished painting.

All conditions were met.

“Roxtrin Aindarok.”



So the scam, the puzzle is complete.

“Everything is correct.”

in the pouring cheers.

The two actors looked at each other and laughed bitterly.

* * *

"Never mind. I haven't really done anything.”

"still… … .”

“It’s because Mage was going to give it to Rox from the beginning. And if I hadn't,
the Rocks would have noticed. Or would you like to give it to me?”

“Uh, that’s not it.”

“Fufu, look.”

As I left the auditorium, I told Hira the details of the situation.

Regarding the nameplate, he had already heard from Kanin before.

I did get help, but I had only one Dragon Heart, so I was having a hard time
figuring out what to do.

“I received the greatest help, but why are you keeping your mouth shut like this?”

“Aside from such grandiose things, there are actually a lot of things I want from

"What? If possible, I would listen.”

“I will tell you later. You owe it anyway, Rocks. Hmmmm! Then I have more work to

Then, Hira ran back towards the tower.

Kanin told me to come to him right away to receive the Dragon Heart that was kept
separately, so I couldn't follow him.

Debt... … It's not like anyone else and I'm a little worried about what Hira says.

You keep procrastinating on something. I care about what the child said.

Anyway, aside from that, now was the time to be happy.


[Dragon Heart]
: The heart of a young dragon that Archmage Kanin of Rongrt defeated in his prime.
After lengthy research, it was processed for consumption.

[Effect when taken]

- Increases magic power operation speed

- Magic Resistance Lv +1

- Permanently Magical Lv +1 (ignoring growth limit)

A jewel the size of two fingers.

Despite its small size for the heart of a dragon, it is surprisingly elastic and
soft to the touch, unlike its appearance.

“Why but?”

Kanin asked as I was just putting the Dragon Heart on the palm of my hand.

“It doesn’t matter if you eat it right away.”

“I wonder if this is okay.”

“It’s not something that should be locked up in a warehouse. I think I gave the
other students a chance too.”

“Yeah… … .”

“I hope you understand.”

The value of an object may change depending on the person who owns it. Kanin
decided it was appropriate to give it to me.

Actually no guilt.

I was just thinking about how to use this.

“You don’t have to eat right now.”

“There would be no difference in efficacy, is there any reason to do so?”

“In case you don’t know, I’m going to eat after resting for a bit.”

“There is a point. Just be careful with management. There’s nothing good about
showing it off.”

The relief was greater than the joy.

When such a ridiculous object falls into someone else's hands, certain variables
may arise.

Because at least as long as the Dragonheart is in my hands, that won't happen.

That said, it's not worth it for me to eat this.

[Battle Details (▲)]

Strength Lv 4 Spirit Lv 4
Agility Lv 3 Wisdom Lv 4

Stamina Lv 4 Magic Lv 4 (+1)

Remaining points: 1

In this state, I had to eat a dragon heart to get my magic to only level 5.

Considering the artifacts, level 6 is not a low level, but it is difficult to see
it as a big advantage in power.

In other words, it would be nice to give it to someone with a high magic level.

'To whom?'

So who do you give it to?

Once you set the 7th level of magic as the lower limit, a few people will come to

The problem is that there are still no characters I can trust with certainty.

I want to give it to my child, but it will be comfortable right now, but

considering the distant future, it is a risky option.

A child will become an enemy someday.

'Jerome or Ramu... … .'

Ideally, it would be given to one of the two main characters who will be entering
freshman year next year.

But keeping Dragon Hearts for several months is another matter.

hey, what's so difficult?

It's like a mango.

“Chuckle, for a treasure like that, you have a dark expression on your face. Would
you like to give it back?”

“Please. Thank you very much.”

“I mean, I didn’t really put any pressure on you. If you feel cramped, even if the
wind blows you. The Great Dong festival is not over yet.”

“It should be.”

I was pushed out of the faculty research building by Kanin.

It seems he was worried about continuing to practice magic in the security

warehouse, but today I have a separate task to do.

From today onwards, practicing in a secure warehouse is meaningless.


Ⅴ. Daedongje
- 2. Festival Night

: Did you enjoy the treasure hunt?

The summer festival at night, where the Daedong Festival is held, is also well-
known for its beauty. You may come across an unexpected relationship.

The 'unexpected relationship' referred to here is Jerome. Like the main character
and Fried, he is from Mashu's Cotton.

To the protagonist, he is a close younger brother whom he often played with when he
was young, but the news was cut off because the protagonist left for Longrt first.

Then, belatedly, he realized his magical talent and had a supporter, and next
year's admission to Summer Thurs was decided.

That's why I came to the island for a while to visit Summer Thurji, and I can meet
you in the garden near the main gate.

But I'm not the main character.

Lockstrin isn't from Cotton, so you'll have to meet him now.

“Try a lottery and go!”

“Shall we go roll the dice?”

“I’ve eaten them all, but do you think those skewers are the best in the island?”

“The fireworks display was at 8 o’clock… … .”

The sun had set and the day was getting dark.

After the treasure hunt was over, outsiders were allowed in, and Jungang-daero,
lined with various stalls and game boards, became noisy.

Bam is also an extension of the treasure hunt, so depending on where you go, the
people you can meet are determined.

But now it doesn't make any sense.

There is no child, and Euril had already met during the day. Hira said she had work
to do and went back to the dormitory, and Fried saw him wandering around with his

… … is that all

It is indeed a poor human relationship. Anyway, I had a place to go, so it was


What I need to do now is not to build such simple relationships.

“What are you doing here?”

“So are you?”

“I was looking for a quiet place to rest.”

“I should have gone back to the tower.”

“I want to see fireworks up close.”

“It’s just like me.”

An empty classroom with the lights off.

The light of the light leaking through the window lit up the boy's gorgeous blonde
hair. It's been a long time since I've seen a face with admiration.

The representative of Summer Turge's 3rd grade students and the culprit of the
sixth episode 'Theft of Magical Core'.

Baylor Rongrt.

“Sit down.”

“Is that so?”

I slowly walked over and grabbed a chair across from me and sat down.

You probably didn't want to stand out at this point, but I recommend sitting down
without raising an eyebrow.

So what do you do?

I've known it all.

“Festivals are not so much fun—”

“Give me back the magic core.”

“—No, what?”

The perfect expression quickly collapsed. Once again, this has been nailed down.

“The stolen magic core, put it back in its place.”

I became a face genius at the academy episode 47

“I think there is some misunderstanding… … .”

“I am busy. I need to practice magic, so please return it quickly. I’ve seen

everything they carry and go out, how much to lose.”

“… … under."


Baeller chuckled and rolled a blue sphere over the desk. I've seen it almost every
day, so I'm used to it.

It was undoubtedly the magic core of the beginning.

“It’s strange. It was right after the treasure hunt started, so I made sure there
was no one there.”

“Of course it is a lie. At that time, I was in the Tower of Truth.”


“Hey, my magical achievements are low, so that’s helpful, isn’t it useless to you?”

Baeller's magical power is 7th level.

Unfortunately, he has already reached his growth limit. He himself will know it
vaguely, and the help of the magic core is no longer useful.

“You know.”

Baeller said with a sad smile.

“I know everything except what I don’t know.”

I answered leisurely and stretched out my hand towards the magic core.

It would be great if this ended.

“Then let me know.”


A thin crackle sounded in my ears.

Black hair fell from near his ears. "Wind Blade". Judging from the speed, it is
magic that applies the imaginary theory.

It's a threat to keep your mouth shut.


I could have cut my ear off if I made a mistake.

It wouldn't happen because it's a Baeller, but I had no choice but to stop the hand
that was reaching out to the magic core.

Anyway, the 'Magic Core Theft' is a dangerous main episode that is comparable to
the 'A Class Kidnapping Case'. I know it can't end this easily.

“I’m sorry, but I have no intention of giving it back.”

"That's too bad."

“Isn’t that a sad face at all?”

“It doesn’t mean that I can’t practice magic without it. It's helpful if you have
it. But I am a little worried.”


Baeller picked up the magic core lying on the desk again. It's a bonus to blow away
the cut off hair.

Since Baeller is a character who is opposed to the main character, there must be no
room for such a calm conversation. It's Roxtrin, so it's okay to have a
The resolution won't change, but it's still something to keep in mind.

“Only my name is written on the security warehouse access list, wouldn’t I be the
first to be suspicious?”

"it's okay. You wouldn't be the last to visit before you disappeared. Rather, there
is little room for suspicion of you, who visited regularly.”

“Then I’m happy.”

“Aren’t you curious?”

“Of course I’m curious.”


The sound of something popping came through the open window. The red light
reflected on her bright blonde hair was loud. It looks like the fireworks have
already started.

The lecture hall is only on the second floor, so the view is not very good. After
all, the two of us are watching fireworks, so it doesn't feel good.

It was a sad story at first.

“It’s probably something you, a genius, won’t understand.”

“Don’t bother with people who are similar to each other.”

“Haha, not at all. I'm different from you, Roxtrin. in the bad way.”

Roxtrin has only been on the rise recently, but Baeller was originally the number
one talent in Summerturge.

It is known that

“The bloodline of Rongrt, the representative of the 3rd grade students, the 5 star
wind magic… … . What if all of that isn't mine?"

Baeller said with a bitter smile.

A low-pitched voice echoed through the quiet classroom.

“I was made.”

All the main characters of <Academy Summerturge> were made with one word as a

The 'genius' child, von Rongrt.

'Effort' Fried Rasp.

'The Curse' Euril Mashhma.

'India' Kanin Meiji Artine.

And similarly, the motif of the main character, Baeller Rongrt.

"What do you mean?"

“It bears the name of Rongrt, but in fact not even a drop of blood has been mixed
with it. sexual? I submitted a blank sheet for every exam. Even 5-star magic would
not have been possible without this magic core.”


"I'm fake, Roxtrin. A fake that cannot keep up with the real thing like a child or
you for the rest of your life.”

“Can you elaborate on that?”

“It wouldn’t be much fun.”

I closed the window, which was noisy with the sound of crackling, fireworks. It was
a story that should not be leaked out.

Longing, jealousy, shame, and such emotions seemed to be mixed at random in the
eyes they met for a moment.

“My father is not His Majesty the Emperor. I was an orphan of the Enpirians.”

It's extraordinary from the start.

Baeller was an orphan whom the Emperor adopted eight years ago, while he was still
the Crown Prince.

The reason was extremely simple.

“This hair matched the Rongrt family. It was just that one thing that changed my

Brilliant blonde hair is the characteristic color of the Longrt family.

It's not uncommon, but it's because there are none at all except for the family,
and surprisingly, there were exceptions.

The emperor treated him as an accidental death and secretly brought him to the
imperial house.

“Baeler Rongrt… … That’s what I became.”

The name Baeller was born at that time.

At first, I was just happy. It could not even be compared to life on the poor side
of the road.

The spacious room, the luxurious bed, and the rare food on the table every day were
unbelievable even in a dream.

But that happiness didn't last long. Since it was brought in for use from the
beginning, it had to be 'processed' so that it could be used as it should be.

“I didn’t want to go back to such a poor life anymore. He was ready to accept
whatever he was asked to do.”

I forced myself to study magic.

I was forced to read a few theoretical books a day that I couldn't understand
properly, and sometimes it was late and I had to stay up all night.

Even after a year had passed, I couldn't use the magic.

Of course, Baeller, who only had the same hair color, did not have the splendid
talents of the imperial family.

“And this came into my room.”

The emperor took special measures.

He took out the original magic core from the deepest part of the Imperial Treasury,
which had never seen sunlight since the founding of the country, and placed it in
Baeller's room.

The horse was locked outside the room, so it was like a prison.

“I heard that you are sleeping in a security locker.”

“It’s impossible for people to do it.”

"okay. It's hard for even a wizard to breathe. What if I wasn’t even a wizard?”

I could relate to this part a bit.

Inside the security warehouse, the body is heavy as if in water. His head is hazy
and it is difficult to maintain consciousness.

It wasn't that Kanin was worried for nothing.

Being a wizard who can move magic at his own will, it's barely bearable, because
sleeping in such a place is a crazy idea.

“It was a mountain hell.”

After the magic core entered the room, the imperial feast had no meaning. When I
got back to my room, I just remembered what I ate all day.

Sometimes he vomited blood without any warning. My stomach was twisted and it was
difficult to swallow even a sip of water properly.

In the meantime, I had to read the book. I had to study magic.

By the time I realized something was wrong, it was far too late. The emperor did
not let Baeller out.

“Five years have passed.”

I may have been half crazy.

Surprisingly, Baeller spent five years in such a horrible room. Surviving was a
more appropriate expression.

Her body had no talent at all, but now she had become accustomed to magic enough to
handle it with complete freedom. Judging that it was no longer needed, the magic
core suddenly disappeared from the room one day.
fifteen years old.

It was only then that he was able to go out and, besides magic, began to learn
manners and various studies as an imperial family.

The magic reached a whopping 4 stars, and even though it was a terrible memory, he
had extraordinary pride.

“And I met him for the first time.”

“I know who you are.”

“Everywhere in the imperial family, I worked hard like a playground.”

I'm von Rongrt.

At that time, Baeller's magic was outstanding even compared to the children of the
royal family, but there was one exception.

'Oh, it's a face I've never seen!'

'Is your brother a wizard too?'

'Would you like to play?'

At the time, the child was 13 years old, two years younger than Baeller.

However, at the age of thirteen, Ainim's magic had already gone far beyond Baeller.

In the royal family, there are many games that divide the game with magic. At
first, it seemed like he was losing a few times as a joke, but strangely, he
couldn't win even if he tried his best.

It was obviously the same four-star star, and moreover, it was growing differently
day by day, but the speed at which Ainim was learning magic was far beyond that.

“A guy who only sleeps half a day, and the other half just wanders around here and

could not admit

I had that terrible time.

that he survived for 5 years.

It's different from someone like you.

He clenched his teeth and practiced magic.

As time passed, it was the same when I entered Summer Thurs. Whether it was
literature or magic, he had no interest in anything other than raising the level of

Oddly enough, I got high scores in the exam with blank paper, but what about it?

But still.

- I couldn't win.
I couldn't quite win.

When I finally broke the wall and reached 5 stars, I thought I had definitely won.

But, desperately, he was also two years earlier. Even that was minimal.

He's a guy who doesn't like to make a fuss, so it must have been intentionally

'What is it? chess?'

'It looks interesting, can't you teach me?'

'I won!'

It wasn't even magic. The same goes for chess, which I started playing as a hobby.

In front of Ainim's innocence, without a single ill will, what Baeller felt was an
overwhelming sense of helplessness.

So I turned around.

He ran away to save even a penny of pride.

I couldn't keep up with the level of magic itself, so I tried to improve the
perfection of magic by way of a desperate measure.

Obsessive sophistication without a single bit of confusion. It was around that time
that I became nervous about the mess around me.

Most of them were uneducated commoners, so it was not known why they were called
aristocrats or anything else.

In any case, Baeller's magic eventually became flawless. All the professors at
Summerturge would unite in praise.

“People who don’t know me often judge me superior in that respect.”

If Ai-nim had paid attention to it, he would certainly have been pushed back.

Fortunately, he's a guy who gets bored easily with anything, so repeated mastery is
essential for magic to be perfect, so that didn't happen.

I just filled my humble self-esteem with just that.

“It’s funny when I say it. I ended up being obsessed with those five years. It's a

Baeller shook his head, clasping his cheek with one hand.

Come to think of it, what is the child who made Baeller like this doing? When I
arrived in Leiden by now.

Could I have an accident?

“But what does this have to do with that?”

“I heard the news from the person who planted it in the imperial family. A child I
had never seen appeared.”
“Maybe that kid… … .”


Baeller tapped his temples, clutching the side of his head.

“You fucking blonde.”

Same as 8 years ago.

Like Baeller, he was a child with no talent for magic. I was just learning the
theory, and it was obvious what was going to happen.

“If you leave it like this, the child will suffer the same. I don't know if they
will survive like me, even if they do."

Looking down at his clenched fists, Baeller let out a smirk.

“What is the meaning of life like this?”

pop! Puff!

Eventually, the fireworks reached their climax. I wasn't looking out the window,
but it seems that much time has already passed.

After putting the magic core in his arms, Baeller slowly got up.

“I’m going to hide it somewhere no one knows, so please don’t block it.”

“I have no intention of stopping it.”

“You’re a good guy too.”


Admittedly, he's already a bad guy at the point where he can't stop Baeller right

“Yeah, it’s a myth that geniuses are cocky. Both you and your child.”

“You better be careful.”

"Know. It’s a dangerous thing.”

In the beginning, the magic core was the country of the empire.

It is no longer at the level of simple theft. Although a member of the imperial

family, it is difficult to avoid punishment for Baeller, who is not actually a
member of the imperial family.

Of course, a very dangerous sixth episode before even discussing punishment.

The 'Magic Core Theft Case' will begin.

“When my child returns, I will be bored because there is no one to bully me, so
please play for me.”

“I’m not good at chess.”

"haha. To him, me and you would look the same, but what?”

“Well, I don’t know if that will help.”

I said to Baeller, who was just about to leave the classroom. He said he had
nothing of his own, but it wasn't.

“Having a handsome senior has nothing to do with the Hwang family, does it?”

"is it? uhm.”

Charm level 9.

Baeller is just handsome. tall too Just because he's a Hwangga doesn't mean he has
a particularly handsome face. The only two main characters, Ainim and Baeller, have
to say that they have exceptional looks.

Baeller, who seemed to think for a moment, smiled thinly.

“You lost that anyway, didn’t you?”

“There is a saying that looks are respect for taste. Someone might give you a
higher score.”

“That is also true.”

In terms of the charm level alone, although I am at level 10.

Even with this face, which has the personality of being of a nationality, there are
actually people who set the bar higher according to their taste.

It is said that there are Roxtrins and Baeleists in the world... … .

“They say that there are more members of the Roxtrin faction, around 6:4. Anyway,
in terms of wins and losses, I lost to the Baelers.”

“Ahaha. It was real.”

“Anyway, that’s the thing. Yes. If there is a scratch on that face, the kids won't
be sad.”

I'll be busy again to prepare for the sixth episode, but it's too much to help
Baeller alone.

The initial process will be conducted by Baeller Hall, and no matter how well you
lead the encounter event, you will have to be lucky to some extent in the end.

One thing to expect.

“So, take care.”

Baylor Rongrt.

“Because I will definitely find you.”

don't die

I Became a Face Genius at the Academy Episode 48

10 o'clock at night.

The grand fireworks display of the Summer Tuji Festival, created by professors
specializing in fire, every year... … .

“Wow, did you see the last fireworks?”

“It was literally a flower.”

“How did you deal?”

Well, it's all over.

not too sad Because I'm not the main character and I don't have time to relax and
enjoy festivals.

Baeller must have been out of school by now, and now I have to start acting savvy.

I still have my blankets and pillows in the security warehouse, so it is most

natural for me to be the first to discover that the magic core disappears.

“Roxtrin? What are you doing at this hour?”

“Fortunately, you were there. professor."

“The fireworks must have just ended. Aren’t you enjoying the festival?”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

At this time, Kanin was the only person left alone in the professor and research
wing until late due to the duty of the watchman.

Kanin, who read my urgent expression late, closed the book he was reading.

“What’s going on?”

“The magic core has disappeared.”

“Wow… … ?”

Kanin's complexion hardened rapidly.

“There are no magic cores in the secure warehouse. Did another professor take it,
or was there anything planned?”

"No way. If I had, I would have told you right away.”

It's not just a security warehouse.

The reason I can go in and out at will is because of the one cause of being an
emeritus professor. Kanin allowed it, so no one vomits.

“It’s true that it’s gone.”

“Did you look at the list?”

“So that's why I asked. Because he wasn't the kind of person who would do that.”
“Let’s go right now. Who was the last person to enter the security depot?”


“But why? Even if it were your name, I wouldn't doubt you."

"no. That would be better.”

“Who are you?”

I paused for a moment and said.

“… … This is Baeller Rongrt.”


* * *

[Reason for entry]

: Regular status reporting.


: The court mage in charge was called to the emergency meeting of the 3rd Library
of the Sorcerer Society, so Baeller Rongrt confirmed in advance on his behalf.

“Is it groundless?”

"Yes. It is true that an emergency meeting was held in the 3rd library, but the
court wizard Derek was never called. It's due to arrive tomorrow morning, so why?"

“No, it’s no big deal. Sorry for being late.”

"Nope. I just came to see the fireworks display. It was really pretty! Did you say
that Meiji came up with the idea for the shape of the flower?”

“I just came up with an idea. I am not good at fire magic.”

As it is called the sanctuary of magic, Summersturge has a close relationship with

the Sorcery Society. Even though it was late, it was not difficult to recognize the

“How was that one?”

“A lot of students said they saw Baeller go out.”

“Then the situation is clear.”

While Kanin researched the insides, I found Baeller's whereabouts in the garden
near the main gate. It would have been better to sneak out to slow down the pursuit
even a little.

In the meantime, he took care of me.

My conscience is stabbed and it hurts. In any case, everyone but me was good and
fell for it.

“It's usually not a big deal. I don't think it would be a good idea to hide it.”
“I agree. Please do not pass it on only to the main building, as it may lead to
confusion among students. If Baeller decides to erase the traces, there is no way
to find it.”

Even if you start tracking right now, it is not easy to follow Baeller. He's a 5-
star wind magician.

“You… … . after. You keep making me carry a heavy load.”

"Fine. That's not to say I'm not responsible. If I hadn’t been in and out often,
the manager would have checked the facts more closely.”

"is it."

Kanin laughed bitterly.

Roxtrin is not at fault anywhere.

During the night raid and during the class A kidnapping case.

It's probably because of my lack of self-confidence that I trust and entrust only
freshmen in my first year.

“For now, you must tell Werain directly about this. I will follow him right away.”

"All right."

You have to slowly build up the tension.

The first moment with the president of Summerturge, Weirane Maisie Bruntelli.

Its unique intimidation has been seen in several events. There is a reason why
professors who say they make a name for themselves in academia lower their tails in
front of We Lane.

"Huh… … Loxtrin student? Right?"

Enter through the main entrance and take a few steps inside. It was when I was
holding my breath for a while near the dean's office.

It was the voice of Professor Katrina, who was conducting the treasure hunt event.
It's dark with all the lights off, but how did you know my face?

“Hello, Professor Katrina.”

“Fufu, somehow, my face lit up. What's going on in the main building?"

“I have work to do in the dean's office. Aren't you in there?"

"Yes… … ? Although there are, it is rare that they come at a time like this.
Wouldn’t it be better to come back later?”

“I have a message that Meiji Kanin has told me to convey urgently.”

An event to meet Professor Katrena in front of the dean's office was scheduled.

There are aristocrats among the professors, and most of them are nobles, so the
proportion is quite high.
Professor Katrina is a representative of the noble class, and after a brief quarrel
with the main character here, it is the development that Werain brings in.

After that, he hears that Baeller Rongrt, the leader of the aristocratic faction,
stole the magic core and ran away, and Katrina proposes to hide it.

A choice arises here.

1. Reject Katrena's offer, revealing that Baeller Rongrt is the culprit in the
theft of the magic core.

: In this case, Katrena and the professors of the aristocracy become hostile, and
you will not be able to get help from the professors of the aristocracy in a later
episode. He also hates Baeller himself.

It is an option with a low probability of failure, but there is no special


2. Accept Katrena's offer and hide the fact that Baeller Rongrt is the culprit.

: In this case, it becomes a friendly relationship with Katrena, and the noble
professors support the protagonist in later episodes. Above all else, it becomes an
absolute trusting relationship with the surviving Baeller Rongrt.

Instead, tracking is delayed because the target is not known to be Baeller, and the
survival probability of Baeller is also lowered.

There is no such thing as an original right answer.

Whichever one you choose, each has its own pros and cons, but now the story is

For Roxtrin, there is very little penalty for the first option. Professor Katrina
doesn't really hate me either, on the contrary, the nobles are much more friendly.
It's just a little bit hated.

I was going to turn down Katrina's offer.

“Meiji Kanin… … ?”

Unsurprisingly, Katrina quickly and obediently made the way.

“Chief, can I come in?”

In addition to that, he even opened the door himself because he was afraid that I
would feel burdened. Can you be this comfortable?

“What’s going on?”

“Students have arrived. I have an urgent business.”

“… … Be careful.”

Ttt, I heard a click of the tongue for a moment. After hearing the rustling of the
cloth a few times, permission was granted to come in.

Wirain was buried in a pile of papers, neatly dressed in a uniform. It's probably
not much different from what Fried had witnessed.
But one thing is different.

“Roxtrin… … Was it?”

Were you thinking of giving a discipline?

Unfortunately, the student who came after ten o'clock at night had a complicated
expression, probably because it was me.

“There was a message from Professor Kanin.”

“You should come by yourself. He said he was authoritative, but he himself has the
students do the chores.”

“The matter is urgent.”

“Tell me.”

Wirain pushed the paper he was reading to the side.

Even though his voice was tired, he was overflowing with charisma. The dark blue
hair and the eyes that gave a particularly ferocious impression were particularly

I said bluntly.

“The magic core has been stolen.”

“The time.”

“I found it 20 minutes ago, and the last time I checked it was around 4pm.”

“The culprit.”

“It is believed that the last entry was made by Baeller Rongrt. I left campus an
hour ago.”


Weerain covered her face with a sullen face. Although it may seem like a weak
reaction at first glance, it means that you have recognized that the situation is
very serious.

"Yes? Yeah? No, Roxtrin students. What are you talking about now... … .”

Fast and accurate delivery of information without unnecessary fuss.

Professor Katrina, who could not keep up with the pace of this conversation alone,
spoke urgently.


“Yes, dean.”

“Get out.”

"Yes… … .”
Wirain was a ruthless character in this regard. In the end, only me and Werain were
left in the dean's office.

That's why I said it's single.

“Do you have any guesses?”

Here, the protagonist has no choice but to answer 'no'.

In fact, it is after he comes back alive that he hears that Baeller is a 'fake'.
It's normal not to know at this point.

But now I, Roxtrin, know. This difference is huge.


First, tell the truth to Werain.

At the beginning of the sixth episode, Dean Yuraine is the only weapon available to
the player. It is important to gain his trust.

“How much do you know about him?”

“I heard it myself. He is a fake.”

“More details?”

“It is said that he is not actually of imperial descent, that he was forced to
learn magic, that his grades were manipulated, and that a child in the same
situation as him had recently entered the imperial family.”

“… … I know everything. He didn't look that friendly."

“Did the dean know all this?”

“I am generally aware of the imperial family’s circumstances with regard to grades,

but I have no way of knowing the motives. It will be a good reference.”

Yurain closed her eyes for a moment and pondered. The shadows on his face were not
easily erased.



“You didn’t stop him.”


“It would have delayed the time.”

I didn't stop it even though I knew it.

In order to give Baeller time to escape, he went to Kanin after an hour or so.
Indeed, Wirain pinpointed the facts with frightening accuracy.

“Your hasty sympathy poses a great threat to the Empire. Right now, there is a
possibility that this empire will disappear from the map within a few seconds.”
"Is that so?"

“Are you aware?”

“I think I did the right thing.”


If you have the knowledge, move with confidence as well. That's what Wiraine had
told Fried a few hours ago.

And at some point, Werain's complexion returned to a calm look as if it had ever

“Even the dean like that doesn’t think that’s going to happen.”

“… … I wasted my time like I am. That’s it.”

Wirain shook her head.

The pressure interview was over. In any case, Roxtrin is tested in many ways.

The impeccable and sophisticated Baeller Rongrt's magic has a great advantage in
stealthy movements.

Chasing a wizard is tracing the traces of magic, but chasing Baeller with magic is
almost impossible. The only reason Kanin can chase him is because he traces
physical traces with earth-based magic.

Not to mention the others.

“In a situation like this, we have no choice but to borrow a student’s hand.”


“I hope you understand.”

The matter is serious.

Since I can't entrust a task to someone who lacks qualifications just because I
lack hands, Yurain simply tested me.

“You cannot hide the fact that the magic core is gone, even from the professors.
But you can't trust them all."

The security warehouse is located in the faculty research building.

If the people who use the building are all prominent figures in the field of magic,
of course they will notice when a huge mass of magic that is about the size of a
magic core disappears.

As Werain said, when that time comes, all the professors will naturally know that
the magic core has disappeared.

In order to avoid confusion, the students will not be informed, but through some
light-spoken professors, they will get into the ears of those who were aiming for
the magic core.

The 'enemy' of the sixth episode will start to move from then on.
“Magic core is always targeted.”


“Because any wizard can use it. There were also two raids at the time of the
transfer from the imperial family to Somerset.”

It means that even though there was a guardian magician as an escort, there were
people who rushed to him regardless of fire or fire.

As Kanin said, the magic stored inside the magic core is half the size of the
continent in terms of atmospheric magic.

However, it is simple to use while harboring such enormous power.

If used easily, it would be a semi-permanent energy storage, but there is another

reason why it is dangerous.

“The most dangerous thing is that the magic core itself can be composed of magic.”

“Is this a method that was once considered for use in our estate 8 years ago?”

“The plan was to create a giant “Fire Typhoon” using the magic core as a medium,
but it was rejected because it was dangerous.”

The reason was that it was necessary to cast magic by fully utilizing the enormous
magical power of the magic core, which in itself is not usually difficult, and that
allies could also come into range.

“Is there no chance that Professor Kanin will find Baeller?”

"impossible. Since Meiji is well aware of it, I will return only after judging the

“Then there is only one thing we can do.”

“The only option is to convince Baeller to bring him back before the imperial
family is known. I have to go stop the court wizard right now.”

First of all, you have to prevent it from being known to the royal court wizard who
arrives tomorrow morning.

If that happens, Summerturge will lose its credibility greatly. From the following
year, it must decide the state affairs of the empire beyond summer turmoil, and
failure to exert influence there is fatal.

Fortunately, in the beginning, Dean Wiraine pulls the time. In the meantime, what
should I do as a player?

“Is Professor Katrena a reliable person?”

“Ability is less than expected, but it can be trusted with certainty.”

“Then that’s it. It moves slowly.”

set a trap

All information must be controlled as planned and deliberately leaked to create the
ideal situation.

The main task of the sixth episode is to track down and kill the 'enemy' that is
pursuing Baeller.

“Can you?”

“It seems like a pointless question.”

“… … tt It looks like you are holding the answer sheet. Then please.”


Wearing a dark navy blue cloak the same color as my hair, Yurain jumped out of the
spacious window and disappeared.

don't answer

“I am holding it.”

The expiration date is probably… … .

about a month left

Academy Face Genius Episode 49

"Not funny. no."

“You must read, Princess Terika.”

“Why do you keep calling me Terika? Because I'm Daisy! It's a precious name given
by Sister Roselle. And what kind of princess is the princess? My dad was a


She was a girl with gorgeous blonde hair. I threw the book that was on the desk
sideways and threw it.

Daisy folded her arms.

“I won’t see you.”

“… … Okay. Like I said, if you don't look at the book, I won't give you food."

"I do not need. I'm not going to eat."

“That’s right.”

Although his eyebrows were twitching, the servant cautiously retreated.

'I'll tell you everything when I get back.'

He was brought to the imperial family out of nowhere, and forced him to read a book
that he was not interested in.

When I said that I didn't know how to write, I made him study hard, and he didn't
even pretend to listen to my request to send him back.
The rice they give is delicious, but I have no complaints about life in the
convent. I missed Sister Roselle and her friends.


“… … They say you eat rice.”

But Daisy regretted it five minutes later. The servant is already gone.

If this happens, you will have no choice but to starve until tomorrow morning.
Daisy lay on the bed and forced her eyes to close.

It's been almost a month since I've been in this room. Sister said that she would
be able to live well with her dignity as she has always been.


Daisy snorted as she hugged her needlessly soft pillow.

I should have said I didn't want to go. Because I promised to support the convent
when I go.

that's right. You said you shouldn't lie

So you get punished.

“Violet, clover, camellia… … .”

I didn't even sleep.

They buried their faces in the pillows and tried to call the names of the convent
children one by one.

bang bang!


Daisy jumped up in surprise. The sound wasn't coming from the door. window side?

“This is the fifth floor… … ?”

I looked at my watch and it was a very dark night, long after midnight. A faint
shadow was waving outside the window.

Daisy moved cautiously. I firmly believe that there is no such thing as a ghost,
but in reality my legs were shaking.

As I got closer, I actually met a person. I was frightened for a moment, but as
soon as I saw her face, a new admiration came out of Daisy's mouth.


He's a very handsome brother!

After knocking on the window one after another, Daisy pushed the window open.

She is a pretty blonde just like herself. Even though he was drenched in the rain,
he didn't seem to care at all.
“Do you want to go out?”

Baeller said with a bright smile.

It didn't make sense, but Daisy nodded her head.

"Yes Yes!"

“Excuse me for a moment.”


Baeller bent over and hugged Daisy snugly.

Princess hugs!

I had hugged a nun like this before, but it was the first time in my life that I
was held by a handsome man like this.

Come to think of it, I think I've heard that this blonde is the symbol of the
Longrt family!

“Are you a prince?”

"me? Well, right.”

“Wow. But, wait a minute! 5th floor here... … Whoa!”

"Shh. You can’t make a sound.”

Without time to dry, Baeller jumped out of the wide open window. Daisy closed her
eyes, thinking she was sure to plunge down.

pong. pong. pong.

"Huh… … ?”

Colliding with the three layers of "Wind Curtain" he had made in advance, Baeller
landed on the floor gently.

“Are you a wizard?”

"that's right. I'm here to pick you up. Let’s go.”

"Yes! song!"

I was worried about following it without a single doubt, but I had to get out of
here first.

The annex of the imperial family does not have direct lineage, so monitoring is not
very strict. Nothing has changed from when he was staying.

It is disappointing to have been imprisoned for 5 years in such a poor place.

“But brother, it’s so far from here to Credia, isn’t it?”


is there any stars After all, there is no place in the Empire to stay.
I had to hide my magic core, so I was thinking of heading to Credia if possible.

“Isn’t it hard?”

“It’s still okay.”

“You’re proud.”

I've been moving without a break for several hours, but I've been following along
without a single complaint.

“Hold on a little longer. If you go to the highway, you will be able to rest.”

“… … Yes."

Baeller stroked Daisy's hair gently.

I was just running aimlessly, but the east is already getting brighter.

Thanks to the excessive speed, he succeeded in escaping the system.

The hood was wrapped around the daisy he was carrying, and the rain that poured all
night was still drenched in water.

“Who is chasing?”

“Not yet, but it will be soon.”

You never know when you'll be kicked out.

They are not the only ones to follow. Professor Summerturge, even in the imperial
family with Daisy, or at worst… … .

It was just when I was thinking about it.

“This way!”

“There are traces!”

“Look around!”

It was a forest where there was no road or anything, so there was no way for people
to come and go. There's no reason to be so noisy.

“Maybe those people… … .”


In the thick forest, Baeller shut Daisy's mouth.

It was the home I didn't want to imagine the most. How can only such an ominous
feeling fit so well?

'The magic core was tracked.'

Baeller swallowed his saliva.

It was probably the personnel who were resident in the vicinity of Summerturge.
The magic core could be targeted at any time, but I didn't expect it to be pursued
so quickly.

If you are a professor who is chasing after you from Summerturge, you can get away
with it. However, if there are people who follow the traces of magical power that
remain for a short time at every moment, it is difficult to escape.

'It's still the limit.'

Baeller clutched his chest.

Naturally, controlling magical power consumes mental power just like magic. The
pain, like a needle being stabbed in my head, didn't go away.

It is impossible for an individual to hide all the magic flowing from the magic
core. It wouldn't be strange if they were caught within a few seconds right now.

Now that this is the case, you have to force Daisy to break through this place.

Dangerous but otherwise... … .

'Because I will definitely find you.'

At that moment, a word suddenly ran through Baeller's head.

“… … under."

Roxtrin Aindalocke.

okay. that's what it meant

Now I understand.

If it was at the level of magic, he would have been much better, but if he wanted
to stop it, he would have been able to stop it.

I didn't do that.

He understood his insignificant story and let himself go, pretending not to have
won the intimidating threat.

Is that all? When he brought up Daisy's story, he was angry with him with a cold
face he had never seen before.

“After all, I can’t do anything by myself.”

How far were you looking?

Perhaps sooner or later, Lockstrin is coming.

But they were the ones who attacked even the imperial family. Is it different from
Aindarok? The same goes for being at risk.

“Daisy, things are not going well.”

I'm a fake, but I don't intend to be a burden until the end.

“It’s dangerous if you’re with me right now. They are after me.”
“Well, then what?”

"it's okay."

Baeller grabbed Daisy's shoulders and put the hood that was covering her hair on

Rain-soaked blondes shone exceptionally even in the twilight of the early dawn.

“Because soon, another black-haired older brother will come over here.”

"Yes… … ?”

“In two hours at the latest. So please wait patiently here.”

“You have black hair… … .”

“Are there not enough explanations? Ah yes.”

Those who pursue him have nothing to do with Daisy. Daisy is safe as long as she is
away from her.

For the rest, I'm sorry.

Baeller said with a smirk.

“You’re more handsome than me, that guy.”

Roxtrin, don't leave it to you.

* * *

“Law, Lockstrin student!”

When I came out of the dean's office, Professor Katrina was rolling her feet.

I briefly described the situation.

“Did you understand?”

“Yeah, but how? It's tomorrow morning, right? What did the dean tell us… … .”

“We’re going to filter out the faculty. How did the transparency verification
proposed at the regular faculty meeting recently?”

This is the agenda that Kanin put forward.

It was revealed in 'Class A Kidnapping Case' that Riden's knapul was among the
professors at Summerturge.

Therefore, a detailed survey of all professors was conducted to dispel the distrust
related to this.

“The first car just finished last week. However, in most cases, the results show
that further investigation is necessary, so it is difficult to judge from that.”

Since they are prominent professors, it is difficult to easily access a secret area
such as personal research.
Since an investigation cannot be conducted without the cooperation of the professor
himself, only a few professors can be trusted with only the first verification.

“How many?”

“Only 27 have been confirmed with certainty… … . Even half of them are associate

“Enough. First of all, please write an official letter so that all the other
professors can be brought to the auditorium under the pretext of further

I arrived with Katrena to the secretary's office right next to the dean's office.

Professor Katrina also serves as Wirain's secretary. He has the authority to

convene professors, as he can act on behalf of Welane in his absence.

“Isn’t it simple to close the professor’s research building to prevent people from
getting caught? It was said that Maisie Kanin was chasing after Baeller.”

"Nope. There's a difference between that and a gathering. The dean said that
Professor Kanin wouldn't be able to find it alone. All the professors will have to
go after them.”

Otherwise, you will inevitably die.

can't kill He's the guy who shouldn't die here.

“What is the title? It’s not like the professors can just call in and do that.”

“How do I know that as a student? Think about what the professor said about the
last verification. We also need time to call individually.”

“It’s so easy… … .”

“Then the dean even sighed, didn’t you think it would be easy?”

I took out a list of all the faculty members and a pen and said:

Buried there is the professor emeritus badge. Katrena, who was muttering,
immediately grabbed a pen and began to scribble something.

“Hey, Lockstreet student.”

“I am busy.”

“It’s because it’s important. The fact that the culprit was a Baeller student… … .”

“It has to be revealed.”

The offer is rejected as scheduled.

Even so, there is no such thing as failing to receive support from the aristocratic

“Well, it’s definitely going to be a big deal. Rongrt? No matter how you fix it
right now, it will eventually leak out. Then the honor of the imperial family will
be greatly tarnished, and again... … You know? We also have factions.”
“I don’t know anything about the professors’ circumstances, but one thing is

I continued writing notes next to the professors' names.

“If we don’t find Baeller in a timely manner, not the honor of the imperial family,
but the entire system will be blown away.”

“I think it would be difficult to track the magic core.”

“It is a matter of time. There must be a limit to how Baeller-senpai can control
his magical power. The important thing is to find it much faster than that.”

The stolen item was a magic core, a huge mass of magic.

For now, Baeller is controlling the magic leaking from the magic core, but it
doesn't last long. After Kanin has already guessed the direction, tracking becomes
easier from then on.

“… … It's difficult. If it’s going to be known anyway, you might consider telling
the imperial family in the first place and getting help.”

“The dean must have an idea.”

The conversation simply ended by selling Werain's name.

Moreover, in order to do as Katrena said, you have to manipulate the access list,
which is not a simple task.

If I have prepared in advance or if I have a child, I can erase Baeller Rongrt's

record, but I don't have a child right now, and if I do that in the first place, my
name will remain at the end. I'm afraid I'll do that because I'm crazy.

“You get it, Professor.”

"Yes Yes?"

I presented the list to Katrena, who was ripping her hair out.

In Roxtrin's elegant handwriting, notes were written next to the names of hundreds
of professors.

"What is this?"

“After you convene, you have to call them individually and secretly spill them as
you wrote them down. It’s like you’re suddenly hearing news from another

“It is possible, but… … . 'I went to the southwest forest', 'I went out with
expensive wind magic research materials', 'I went out with Roxtrin'. What are you
talking about?”

“It was all bullshit. So you have to make them believe it.”

Even if the player plays the game multiple times, the professor who leaks
information to the 'enemy' is random. So I don't know who I am now.

In other words, you need to find out the 'enemy' as quickly as possible. It makes
their movements predictable.

“Please tell only 27 professors you can trust the exact situation, send them to the
locations you wrote down in advance, and have them testify that you witnessed

"Ah… … !”

“I made them overlap little by little, so it won’t be enough. If a suspicious

person visits the place or finds a related object.”

“I can definitely filter it out.”

Urgent situation, urgently communicated information. The whereabouts of the magical

core in the hands of at least one student.

Before verifying the reliability of information, the body has no choice but to move

They are the ones who communicate with the 'enemy'.

“Where’s the locker key?”

“Supplies warehouse… … ? You mean on the playground side? It's in the lower left

“I’ll be back for a while, so keep doing what you used to do.”

I grabbed the locker key and left the secretary's office. It was the warehouse on
the playground.

Tuk, Tuk Tuk.

When we arrived at the warehouse, it started to rain. It feels authentic. Because

the sixth episode is with Rain until the end.

I was able to find the dark warehouse for about 30 minutes or so.


[Old Beacon]

: A magic tool with a lighting function.

It was created for night training at the Knights Academy. It has been neglected for
a long time, but it can be used.

Communication magic tools have not yet been developed at this point. Therefore, you
must make or find a magic tool that can exchange doctors from a distance.

This is still the correct answer. I did not conduct any events with students who
could craft magic tools, so I have to use this signal that was made for use in the
Small Knight Academy.

The function is simple, so no matter which signal is turned on, all signals are lit

The effective distance is about 1km, but since the professors are placed like a
stepping stone, that is enough.
“What is all that? It's the first thing I've ever seen."

“If you move and deliver one by one, it will be too late. We will communicate this
between us.”

A total of 29 signals are required.

It was Katrena, 27 professors, and me.

“Please let me know this.”

“It’s a password.”

"Yes. Distinguish between short and long lights. We decide to enter the positive
and negative first, second the position number, and third the number of the
professor. You must tell me as soon as you find out.”

I took only numbers from Morse code and made a simple table.

After that, I checked to see if the signal was working properly, and as written in
the memo, I took various things out of the professor's research building.

In the meantime, Katrina somehow completed an official document to convene the

professors and false data to be used for it.

I looked out the window and saw the sun rising in the distance.

“It is morning.”

“I have no mind. It seems like everything is ready... … .”

“Then I’m alone.”


I got up after checking my notes and stuff one last time.

It's time to move slowly He also secretly stole a video recorder in the secretary's

“You took notes. 'I went out with Roxtrin'. You have to do it.”

I can't leave this to anyone.

The enemies in the sixth episode are random, but only one professor is definitively
the enemy, and is also connected with the most dangerous forces.

“The role of the professor is the most important. Be sure to pass it on to each of
us individually as a memo.”

"Sigh. I'm nervous. Loxtrin students are amazing. How can you be so calm?”

“You are very nervous.”

“Fufu, you’re also humble.”

“No, it’s true.”

I'm really nervous to the point of dying.

I'm just saying it's comfortable.

“Then let’s get started.”

shoot ah

with pouring rain.

The footsteps leading out the brightly dawning front door were heavy.

Academy Face Genius Episode 50


Ⅵ. catching a thief

- 1. Missing Magic Core

: The original magic core stored in Summerturge was stolen.

We must find Baeller Rongrt before it's too late. Use all possible means.

It is a fork in the road after leaving the main gate of Summer Tuji and going along
the southern road for a long time.

There is a small post station nearby where the horses can rest.

sparkle. sparkle.

“Professor Pendel No. 67, Professor Grendon No. 102… … . Is this the end?”

five in total.

Through the light of the signal, the process of identifying the professors who
appeared in the memoized place was over.

They are professors with a strong possibility of becoming an 'enemy'.

Soon, Kanin will return to Summerturge, and by then I can go back and order the
next move.

“The time has come to come.”

Sitting on the wooden chair, I slowly got up. It is difficult to get here, but the
rest is not easy either.

If you look back at the sound of footsteps faintly heard through the cracks in the

“Uh, Professor Bertol?”


“This is a coincidence.”

I smiled and spoke.

Professor Bertol is not at all surprised by the fact that we met in a place far
away from the campus, even in a very random place.

As if he knew I was here.

“What is going on in this place? It is also raining.”

“I stay in bed all day to study, so sometimes I go out to get some air. But I think
I'm out of breath... … .”

“Have you seen Baeller Rongrt?”


From the point of view, it seems that it is quite urgent.

Maybe it's because of his original personality. Thanks to that, I even gave
lectures with the badge of Professor Emeritus.

Looking at the results alone, the magic level has risen, so I'm grateful for that.

“I heard you went out the front door together.”

“Ah, Sir Baeller just happened to be on the right track. We broke up on the way.”

“Tell me where you went.”

“Why me?”


Bertol, who had been distracted by looking around, turned his head toward me.

“Did I hear you wrong? just what... … .”

“I said why should I tell you that?”


The wind blew.

“What happened all of a sudden?”

In an instant, as many as 10 "Wind Blades" surrounded Professor Bertol.

I didn't expect it to be this easy, but looking back, four bad things happened to

It was not expected at all, his eyesight was covered by the raincoat, he was
distracted by other places, and the reaction was delayed because it was magic
embodied in the theory of imagination.

Even a 6-star wizard has no means of dealing with such a bad thing, if he loses the
right to take precedence at such an ultra-short distance.

Also the reality is scary.

“Your boy… … It was one match.”

Bertol's expression twisted viciously.

"okay. He must have been holding a magic core, but there's no way you, Eindarok,
didn't notice."

“People as many as professors don’t realize such a simple fact. You must be in a
hurry, aren't you?"

“Do you know what you are doing now? If it's even a little late to find the magic
core... … .”

“It would be a good thing for Professor Bertol to be late. It would be even better
if the Empire would do a lot of damage with that.”


“Revolt Hontusk. The young and capable wizard of Riden, who even published his
thesis in the first library of the Sorcerer Society, suddenly disappeared 12 years

A light of embarrassment flashed in Bertol's eyes. You must be thinking that there
is no way you could have been caught. I've never actually heard of it.

what do you do i made you

“Bertoll Kivin. A wizard who suddenly appeared 11 years ago in a rural estate in
the southeastern part of the country. After serving 7 years on the Confederate
Front, I was invited as Professor Summerturge.”

“Don’t be silly! I don't know what you're talking about. You must have
misunderstood something!”

Bertol shouted hastily, but his heart was burning inside.

He never did anything suspicious. In the beginning, I had only had very limited
contact with Riden, about once every two years.

Is it a recent transparency check?

However, that alone can never be evidence. Although he was subject to additional
investigation, the number of people including himself reached a whopping 80.

There is absolutely no chance that he would be found out that he was Riden's spy—

“I’m sorry, Professor. No matter how much I deny it, I know.”

you would think so

“You know.”

“If I let you go now, they will pretend to pursue Baeller together and try to do
the opposite of the other professors. No matter what you say, it's useless. I won't
listen to anything you say."

I slowly pushed the “Wind Blade” towards Bertol.

“The professor dies here.”


A gust of wind blew past Bertol's throat.

"Wind Blade" is not as sharp as a real blade. Blood trickled down through the
ripped skin.

“What do you want?”

“There is no such thing. No, there is. There is no point in telling me.”

“Our Riden is far greater than you think! If only I could do it!”

“Please save me.”

"What… … ?”

Bertol didn't answer.

I think I was trying to find a way to live for the last time, but it was a pity. I
must have confessed, I stopped recording the video recorder.

Let's talk more and do something. I'm definitely going to kill you anyway.

“Mmm, stop. This is nonsense!”



The severed head rolled on the floor helplessly. I frowned once upon seeing the
blood splattered everywhere, then turned around.

The main character fights Bertol here, and the best thing to do is to kill Bertol
on the spot.

Most of them fail and run away, or the main character has to run away in the
opposite direction, but I was lucky.

Unlike the game, in reality, there was no means for the wizard to deal with the

It's a good thing it didn't turn into a battle, but it's something that applies to
me too, so you need to be careful.

“Also, magic is better.”

It's so easy to kill a person.

It was much easier than smashing my head with a hammer. I glanced down at my hand
and sighed.

anyway it is


Aren't you trembling now?

There was no time to rest. Since the first problem has been easily solved, it is
the second problem.

If it were Baeller's movement, he knew it clearly. Leave Summerturge and take a

child named Daisy from the imperial annex and head to Credia.

It won't be far from here now.

Since he does not use the gulf to escape, he must be navigating the forest road,
the rain continues to pour, and his speed is slow as he moves all night long.

“It would be around here… … ?”

According to the script, about 30 minutes from the post station heading south.

Now, after rescuing Baeller from a crisis right here, only I have to go back to

Of course, this is a battle event, so it's never easy.


But it's weird.

If it is too late, it is a place where even traces of a fierce battle should


In the first place, it was one step earlier, and it was never late. Footprints
remain, but there is no fight. its sillent.

Can't you?

Here, Baeller must be discovered by the enemies, and a big battle must be fought...
… .

It was then.

'Who is there.'


As I was feeling the most, I suddenly heard a sound from among the bushes.

Seeing that no magical power is felt, I am not a Baeller, but I slowly narrowed the
distance with the “Wind Blade” in front.

“I know everyone is there.”


The sound of hissing and breathing in through the cracks in the bushes could be
heard loudly.


As I got closer, I saw something covered in a green hood.

Even if the kid plays hide and seek somewhere, there probably won't be any private
houses around here. I strode over and pulled the hood tight.

“What in this place… … .”

The moment our eyes met, I was speechless.

blond hair?



There is no child younger than you in the imperial family now. The reason I didn't
immediately recognize it was because I didn't take a separate dot graphic for the
supporting character.

This guy is Daisy.

“Now, you’re the handsome black-haired brother… … ?”

“Uh, huh?”


In the midst of embarrassment, Warak couldn't even stop him from running. It was a
small stature, barely reaching the waist.

I don't know why I'm crying, but I'll try to comfort him first. It's not wrong.

“Yes, yes. That's me. He's a handsome dark-haired brother."

"right? After all, the prince couldn't have lied!"

"right. But where did the prince go?”

"I do not know!"


In the circumstances, the prince is like Baeller.

Baeller must have kidnapped Daisy from the Imperial Villa and brought her here.
There really is no Bayer.

“I said it would be dangerous if we were together, so I ran out alone.”

“Leave you here?”

“I thought my handsome dark-haired brother would come in two hours.”

I said I would definitely find it, so it wouldn't be strange if I knew I would be


But that meant hold on because it'll be over soon, I didn't mean to leave Daisy

'Then what?'
Baeller will flee farther to hide the magic core, and are pursued by the professors
of Summerturge and the enemies of the sixth episode at the same time.

Also, when the imperial family finds out that Daisy has disappeared, the imperial
family starts chasing after her.

Originally, the two were moving together, so all they were pursuing had to be

'Are you going to be chased by this?'

It seems that he has bought too much trust from Baeller.

Did you ever think, 'If it's Roxtrin, I'll do something for you'?

If you draw the attention of the imperial family this way, Baeller's movements will
be much easier. The possibility of hiding the magic core and reviving safely is
very high. In a way, this may be the best situation.

Except that I might be in danger, you bastard.

“Now what?”



“You have to think about it now.”

I am confident when it comes to knowing in advance, making a plan and implementing

it, but it is not easy to make improvised judgments.

If you pretend you don't know Daisy and leave Daisy alone here, you'll be safe from
the chase, but it's sure to get in trouble when you meet Baeller later.

“What is your name?”

“Daisy! I am nine years old!”

“Follow me at once.”


There is enough time for not going through the second battle.

I put the hood back on my head, giving a lively reply, and took Daisy to

“No, Sir Roxtrin! Are you okay? Without an umbrella... … .”

“There are times when a man wants to be hit by the pouring rain.”

"Oh oh. Surely it is. But what is that big burden?”

“Research material. Professor, it's an errand."

I ran into a class A male student just wearing an umbrella and coming out near the
front door, and we had a normal conversation.
Other than that, no one was visible. I spoke to the luggage I was holding

“Are you okay?”

“I can’t see anything ahead!”

“I can’t help it.”

“Wow, I can’t even breathe!”

“Hold on a little bit. It's almost over."


The bad weather helped, though.

There are many people who come and go near Summer Thurji. I can't show Daisy's hair
color, so I came with the hood that Baeller left behind and my hood, wrapped in the
whole Daisy, as if it were a piece of luggage. From what I can see, it's just a
round piece of luggage.

This stupid, bright guy looks like he's having fun.

“Fu ha!”

Tower of Truth No. 1203.

I laid the wet bag on the bed and unpacked it.

Daisy, who exhaled with her arms outstretched, frantically looked left and right.
Bright blonde hair shook hard.

I'd believe it even if it's a mini child. The face didn't look alike.

“Where are you?”

“Do you know what summer is?”

"Yes! It's the school where the wizard sisters and brothers go!"

“There is a dormitory. This is my room.”

“A room? are you here It's as wide as a convent! wow.”

The sheets were all wet as Daisy rolled over on the bed and looked around.

Did you change it yesterday?

“That convent is far away, isn’t it?”

"Yes. It's west of Credia."

“You will be chased out soon, so it is unreasonable to go back immediately. You

have to hide here for a while.”

“How much?”

“About three weeks.”

Should I call this a coincidence?

The size of the delegation that escaped with Ainim was considerable, and the
imperial family now has a large gap in its main force.

Let alone conducting a large-scale pursuit, even if there is no progress for a

week, the order to return will fall soon.

Best of all, Daisy has not yet been processed like Baeller. It's still not worth
that much to this guy.

“I can live like a dead person that much! I won't even breathe!"

“You can breathe.”


If that's the case, there's no problem.

For a child of that age, he seems to listen well.

As long as Melida, the Inspector of the Tower of Truth, is careful, it seems that
Daisy's problem can be solved somehow.

“There, but… … .”

“You’ll be tired, so you can just sleep there.”

“It’s not that I haven’t eaten anything since lunch yesterday… … .”

"I'm hungry? Wait a minute."

I took the cookies from the cupboard and handed them to Daisy.

When I was living in the security warehouse, the restaurant was far away, so I
bought it to fill up a meal, but there is still a little left.

“It’s the cheapest, so it doesn’t taste very good, but when I come back later, I’ll
buy another one. There is a kiosk nearby.”

“It’s okay if you don’t care so much! It is also delicious.”

“If you’re bored, even a book over there… … Well, no. That won't be interesting, so
I'll have to borrow some books to read."

Considering that Baeller was forced to read the theory, Daisy must have been in the
same situation. I don't have very good memories.

“Then I will go out.”


“No one is going to come, but if you do, never open the door. Don't make loud


After 30 minutes, Kanin returns.

Return to the secretary's office, report details to Katrina, and start tracking
them by forming a group with the filtered professors.

So far it's been smooth. By the way, Melida went last week, so no one will come
into my room.

As long as you don't get caught for 3 weeks... … .

“Ah, Rocks!”

“Uh, Hira?”

“I was going to sing it, but strangely, it came out perfectly.”

“What if I get caught?”

“It’s okay because there is a store.”

Hira was standing in front of the door.

It was a situation in which he could not close the door again, and he could not let
Hira in.

“Is it urgent?”

“That’s right, there’s an in-depth side to the imaginary theory, right?”


“The one I received from His Majesty in the past is because it’s a basic episode.
No matter how much I thought, I couldn’t find an answer, so I just left.”

I haven't met Hira outside recently, so I guess he was studying the theory of

not even weird If it wasn't for this, I would have complimented you properly.

“Your Highness said that the deep-seated episode will be with Rox, but maybe now—”


“—You can get it.”

Hira's head, who stopped talking, slowly tilted to the side.

His cold expression on his face was like a scene from a horror movie. be afraid

"Who are you?"

The sound of Daisy's cough leaking out thinly. I ran through the rain all night, so
I could catch a cold.

Words are done, words. I don't know why it all overlaps.

I grabbed Hira's hand.

“… … Come in at once.”

I Became a Face Genius Episode 51

“Hey. I'm sorry… … .”

Daisy bowed her head and shed tears like chicken poop.

He seems to think he made a big mistake, but he really isn't.

"it's okay. Because he’s the only person I can listen to.”

It is an inconvenient variable for a major unplanned character to notice Daisy's

existence. Because they have different roles to play.

But Hira is an exception.

“Mmm. It’s difficult.”

Hearing the brief story, Hira said with a little blush on her face. How come the
corners of the mouth are raised strangely?

“If it wasn’t for me, I wouldn’t have done it.”

“No one will come to my room but you.”

“Of course it is, right?”

Uh, was that so obvious?

Hira, who brushed her side hair once, continued.

“Anyway, you are right. Even if the imperial family goes after Daisy. If it's
unofficial, it'll be safe in summer. But when to send it back?”

“It’s summer vacation, so there are no classes, so I thought I’d go there myself.”

“It’s dangerous.”

Summer vacation is from mid-July to August.

The seventh episode begins at the end of August. Until then, I thought I was free
to act, so I could get Daisy around enough.

You don't even need to be in the summer tee because you only need to practice magic

“Just because it’s unofficial doesn’t mean it can’t be revealed at all.”

“Will the imperial family act publicly?”

“If you look at the title alone, you brought an orphan who was in difficult
circumstances as an adopted daughter, fed and put to sleep in the imperial family.”

“It is.”

“Even if it’s not open to the public, we can give enough orders to the border.”

To get to Credia, you must cross the border of the Confederate Front, and it is
inevitable to avoid checkpoints.

At that time, it was Hira's opinion that Daisy's existence could be discovered.

There is a point.

It's me and I know that Daisy isn't that desperate for the imperial family as long
as Baeller is there, but there's nothing wrong with being careful.

“Do you have any good ideas?”

“Gold exported from our estates has not been subject to inspection since long ago.
It hurts productivity. At least one little kid like this can be hidden.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Anyway, Rox was kind and fell for it. I could have just pretended not to know.”

“No, you don't have to say that. Because he didn't do anything wrong."

“I don’t know.”

Leaving Daisy, who was in the midst of dying, Hira got up.

“Go away.”

Do you hate children?

It wouldn't be anything like that. It wasn't something that Hira would normally say
because of her personality.

I had to go to the main building slowly, so I followed Hira out of the room.

just as expected.

“Whoa, Rocks.”

Those words came out with a sigh only after coming to the elevator hall.

“Did you say convent?”

"It did."

“The convent would be gone by now.”

This was a behind-the-scenes story that I had to know.

"Huh? Why?"

“Now, all countries forbid the worship of gods, anything related to them, but since
Credia was the territory of the Old Holy Empire, there was a certain respite.”

There is no god in the worldview of <Academy Summerturge>.

200 years after the start of the magical era after the myth revolution. There was a
massive suppression of faith by the Sorcerer Society, and now it is difficult to
find anything related to God, unless it is an old relic.

What remains is the Convent of Credia. They raise orphans who have nowhere to go
with little support.

There is no such thing as an orphanage. The same goes for Longrt.

“But about a month ago, the Credia royal family took a hard line. He said that he
would destroy all convents, which were the exceptions, and burned to death all
those who said they would worship God until the end.”

"What… … ?”

Upon successful execution of the sixth episode, Baeller tells the protagonist that
he has sent Daisy back to the convent safely.

- It was a lie.

“Then what happens to children who have nowhere to go?”

“First, you give them a chance to become a soldier, and if you refuse, you are sold
as slaves to local officials. Now Credia is in the midst of a slave auction. Daisy
has nowhere to go.”

The reason I was deliberately cold to Daisy was to make it a little easier for me
to make decisions.

Hira's complicated voice wasn't that different from mine.

“What are you going to do, Rocks?”

“Are you telling the truth?”

“Even if Daisy accepts it and doesn’t return to Credia, hiding it is another


The outline of the sixth episode is as follows.

After being pursued by the professors, Baeller is eventually caught in Credia.

However, the magic core recovered in this way is attacked and stolen on the way
back to Rongrt. Mainly caused by Bertol.

At this time, most of the professors are seriously injured, and the player can
either recover the magic core by himself with Baeller or ask the imperial family
for help.

In any case, if there is no bad ending, the magic core returns to Summertage's
security warehouse again.

'… … That's because the imperial family couldn't find Daisy.'

If Daisy's life was secured along with the magic core, the imperial family is
highly likely to take the magic core back.

Then the later episodes will be greatly distorted. A magic core has a separate
purpose and must be in the summer turf.

In order to do this, it is necessary to desperately hide a character that is far

from the center and is hardly even mentioned.

“Maybe it would be best to send them back to the imperial court.”


That's the worst option.

As in <Academy Summer>, the character Daisy has to be removed from the episode.


“I can’t.”

The method is very simple.

How easy it was to remember it immediately made me goosebumps.

“Because I don’t have the face to see Baeller-senpai. We have to find another way.”

I shook my head and said.

Hira smiled broadly as if she knew that.

“Is that so too?”

“You know, why did you wake up?”

“Now I know the Rocks that much, I mean!”

“… … okay. I know.”

this fool what do you know

I'll leave it alone forever.

“I will find a way on my own. Please don’t suffer alone and tell me anytime.”

“I will.”

“Because Rocks is a good person!”


I couldn't laugh any more as my scarlet hair disappeared through the elevator door.

… … It's not confirmed yet. First, let's do what we have to do now.


“You are back, Professor. What happened to Baeller-senpai?”

“At first it seemed to pass the imperial court, but it seems to have twisted the
path. I've made sure he's headed towards Credia."

"Thank you."

When I entered the secretary's office, Kanin was just there. It seems that Katrena
was conveying the situation, and I immediately brought it up.

“Professor Bertol is dead.”

"Yes… … ?”

Unlike Katrina, Kanin wasn't too surprised.

“Did you kill him?”


“I had some doubts, but that’s how it turned out in the end.”

“Hey, Lockstreet Student. I'm not as great as a Lockstrin student or Maisie Kanin.
I need some explanation... … ?”

“Didn’t you tell me once before?”

“At that time, they just told me to look into it closely.”

“That’s what it means.”

Professor Bertol insisted that the previous raids be made public throughout the
Empire as Riden's machinations.

He was also responsible for making the imaginary theory public as soon as possible.

“The confession was accepted.”

I put the video recorder on the desk. Katrina's expression changed in a colorful
way as she hadtily replayed it.

'Our Riden is much greater than you think!'

Although that was the only part that was cut and left behind in the front, these
were the words that should never have come out of Bertol, who was from the Empire
and had no contact with Riden at all.

“What about the returning professors?”

“For once, I convened it to the auditorium.”

“What will the five of you do?”

“… … Shouldn’t the weight of the crime be weighed?”

It should be regarded as a felony for inflicting harm to the empire from the moment
the theft of the magic core was leaked to the outside world, but it is a heavy
burden for Kanin. I have no choice but to deal with

This is because they all contributed quite a bit to the empire until they became
professors of Summerturge. Also, some dogs have unavoidable circumstances.

Once the professors die too many, that also has a detrimental effect on later
episodes. It's precious power.

yo in moderation.

“But if you blatantly separate those five people, you would be suspicious.”

“It would be nice to have a group.”

Kanin nodded at Katrena's words, who barely came to her senses.

Five forces cling to each other from the moment they pursue Baeller.

Finally, Baeller and the enemy who pursues him, the professors, and the enemy that
follows him. It's a tail-to-tail chase.

Combat can happen at any time, and if you make a mistake, you may be in a dilemma,
so you need to prepare in advance.

“I’m going to divide them into two groups of 15 people each. It would be better to
push it to one side.”

Considering his age and specialized attributes, there are as many as 30 professors
who will follow Baeller. More than half of the professors participated.

A professor often gives the impression that he is a sannim locked up in a

laboratory, but that research is an attack magic that focuses on the ability to
kill sins.

Besides, all of them are even 6-star or higher wizards, so it must be a formidable

“What are you going to do?”

As I pretended to think for a moment, Kanin shook his head.

“I don’t want to drag students into something dangerous.”

"It's preposterous, but I don't think I'll be of much help in this case."

“I have already done my part to overflowing. You must not have slept properly, so
please rest.”

“Be careful, Magi.”

“Do not depart.”

After Kanin left the secretary's office, I also left the secretary's office and
returned to the dormitory.

Daisy was sleeping peacefully on the bed. The pillow is wet. I leaned on the side
of the bed and closed my eyes.

Breathe in slowly and exhale slightly.

'You're doing great.'

has not deviated yet.

There are a lot of changes from expectations, but most of them are positive

Jinri-dang's ramen and Roxtrin's reputation are still strong. The main characters
are well-received, and there is even an imaginary theory.

But the more you do, the more you have to eat your heart out. Once you slide,
you're off the cliff. can't be released
what is right

The only criterion that can be judged is the happy ending of this game.

"wake up."

“Ugh… … .”

It was late in the afternoon when Daisy woke up. It may not be enough sleep, but it
is difficult to be late.


“Are you laughing?”

“No, I slept and woke up to see my brother’s face. I'm laughing. I'm sorry."

“Until I’m sorry. Aren't you uncomfortable?"

“Not at all! It's so big and soft, and I slept well anyway.”


I brought out the warm bread I bought from the kiosk. It was the most expensive one
I've ever eaten.


“Oh, yes.”

I just watched Daisy pick up the bread and eat it.

“What about your brother?”

“I ate. Would you like some milk?”

"thank you."

I haven't actually eaten anything.

I also skipped meals, but I had no appetite at all.

I started talking right after Daisy finished eating.

“Daisy, listen.”


“The convent you lived in must have been burned down by now.”

Eyes wide open and mouth wide open. I couldn't seem to find any words to say.

“I mean, I’m gone?”

“A decree was issued by the royal family of Credia. It’s been more than 100 years
since the massive religious ban was done, but only the convent was taking care of
the situation.”
“Then how… … ? How about a nun? What about the kids?”

“Do I know? All those who did not give up their faith died, and the children became
soldiers or sold into slavery.”

Rocks is a good person.

Hira's voice a while ago seems to be ringing in my ears. A smirk came out.

What a good person.

“You choose.”

I said in a calm voice.

“If you still want to go to Credia, I will take you there. After all, the Empire
has no affiliation, and they will continue to be pursued.”

Pretending to give you options, but you know everything anyway.

“Well, the nun probably didn’t choose a god who didn’t know whether or not it was
there instead of life.”

“I will.”

“Do you want to see your friends too?”

Because, I'm going to get you to answer that.

“If you want to go, you have to leave right now. Or late.”

I also know that a nine-year-old kid can't make good judgment at all.

“What will you do?”

There was no answer for a while.

Without further ado, I waited for an answer. It didn't even take that long.

“… … I will go.”

At last, Daisy nodded, and only then did I get up and take out the things I had
packed in advance.

“I thought about it.”


I knew it would.

Academy Face Genius Episode 52


Scholar's Hood

: Has the effect of lowering the attractiveness of the wearer wearing a hood.
However, if it's too close, it won't work!
- Charm Lv -1

I put on the hood I had taken out of the closet after a long time, and bought Daisy
a raincoat from the kiosk.

There was a hood that could be tightened with a string to hide the color of the

Still, when I left the Tower of Truth, I pretended to be a piece of luggage just
like when I came in.

“I will borrow one.”

“Are you okay with this weather? If you have luggage, you'd be better off renting a

“It’s urgent.”

“Then there is the strongest guy. The professors came rushing in earlier, but he
stayed. It is a bit expensive, though.”

“Please with that.”

In Summerturge, there are stables as wagons come and go frequently, and high-
quality horses can be rented.

'I'm riding this now.'

Most of the time when you go out in the game, you use this word. The problem is
that I didn't have time to do that because I was busy.

Somehow, I rode horse-drawn carriages and horse-drawn carriages, but this was my
first time riding a horse.

“You can come out now.”

So I took the horse and went out the front door and unpacked the luggage. Even in
the afternoon, the sun was obscured by rain clouds and the day was gloomy.

“Wow. Are you riding a horse?”

“Did you ride it?”

"Nope. Occasionally, horses came to me, but they told me not to touch it because it
was dangerous. It's meek. Hi."

“Don’t stand behind.”

The horse was very gentle for its size.

Daisy raised her arm and tried to stroke her hair, but couldn't even reach half of
her, so she only stroked the hairs on her side.

“You have to leave quickly.”

“Oh, yep!”

After all, it is a word carefully selected and managed for use by the students of
Summerturge. Would it be fair?
“Take my hand and come up.”

She managed to step on the stirrup and grabbed Daisy's arm, dragging her into the

As soon as he grabbed the reins, the horse began to walk with a weak, purr.

How many modern people have ever ridden a horse? I've ridden It's a pretty old

'Is this okay? Can you believe it? Believe?'

'… … I'm driving, so why are you so nervous?'

'No, I thought it was a carrot. Ugh, this guy is running! stop him! Aww!'

'Puch! If I scream like that, will he keep running?'

'Someone like me learns to ride a horse and uses it everywhere!'

I don't know about people's work, but it has something to write about.

“Very taller than I thought!”

“If you shout like that, you might be surprised.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Hold on tight so you don’t fall.”

"may I? Will it be?”

As he picked up the pace little by little, Daisy hugged the hem of her side
tightly. This was quite inconvenient.

“How long will it take?”

“Where is the convent in Credia?”

“It’s in the West. It’s on Mount Wigon.”

“It's not too far from the border. It will arrive in a week.”

At this rate, it takes four days to reach the border of the Confederate Front.
There are two reasons why we should have started now.

First, it is to stably bring Baeller Longrt back to life. With or without Daisy, I
have to follow the professors just like the protagonist did.

It won't be as helpful in battle as the main character, but if things get

complicated like this, it's still helpful for me to be there.

Second, I cannot cross the border and break through the neutral zone alone.

The neutral zone across from the Confederate Front, infested with demons, was a
similar environment to the outside of the northern wall.

The difference is that, unlike the northern part, it is a level that can be dealt
with on a regular basis with mercenaries or knights.

Therefore, while the professors have cleared the road, you have to follow them.

“Oh, come to think of it, I haven’t heard that brother’s name yet.”

“Roxtrin Aindarok.”

“Roxtrin… … . Well, that’s a difficult name to call.”

“Originally, the names of nobles are uncomfortable. Later, they just called me

Yes, there must be two.

I don't think you know anything about the Aindarok family. Even if Credia isn't as
nerdy as Areas.

“Is daisy the name of a flower?”

"Yes! Not only me, but the names of the convent children are all flower names.”

"okay? What do you have?”

“My best friend is Violet, and the cutest youngest is Camelia… … .”

Daisy used to talk about things in the convent with joy throughout the ride.

"Are not you bored? There would be nothing to do.”

“Well, not really. First of all, there is a farm. I still have a lot of free time.”

“What are you doing then?”

“I will pray.”

Since it was a convent, it was natural.

“I pray when I wake up, and I pray before I go to bed. both before and after
eating. Even after washing... … I just pray every day.”

“Hey. did you listen? What did you work so hard for? I think he's a yangban who
doesn't even do anything."

“Oh, then you will be punished!”

“I also believed in hard work at one time. Nothing came back.”

"Huh… … .”

Is it because my voice is a little different? Daisy didn't say anything more.

“When I was in the midst of believing, a lot of bad things happened. i wondered
what i did wrong But those who don’t believe in them eat the best and live the

“It was not my intention from the beginning. Yes, did God buy me a meal in the
first place, or did I even win a lottery ticket?”
“Something very bad happened. After praying and beating everything, it actually
calmed down. Living my life the way I want makes it worth living.”

So there is no god in <Academy Summerturge>. As someone said, God is dead.

I killed it with my own hands.

“But I think you are right.”

“… … What is it?”

“I don’t give you anything for believing, but I think you are punished for not
believing. I am being punished now.”

“Are you my brother? What is your punishment?”

I glanced back at Daisy, who gripped my waist tightly. Blurry eyes are looking up
at me.

Unspoiled clear eyes.

Those eyes were the bees.

“There is such a thing.”

How many hours had I heard the squeaking of hooves? The horse ran non-stop until

Since the speed of chasing the imperial family is slower than the professors, if
you follow the professors closely, you can be less concerned about being chased by
the imperial family.

Knowing the route, I arrived at the village where the professors were staying and
stopped talking.

“Ugh, my ass hurts.”

“It’s like that the first time you ride it.”

He tied the horse to the stable and went out.

As it is a small town, there is less light when the sun goes down, so there is
little movement of people.

Two-story houses with pointed roofs lined up irregularly, and sometimes a loud
noise could be heard from a bar.

“The empire is a huge city.”

“This is just a country village.”

"Yes? It's so big. Is there an inn or a market?”

“This is small enough.”

"How amazing… … Oh."

tuk tuk.
In front of the small inn, I brushed off the rainwater that had accumulated on
Daisy's raincoat. I close my eyes tightly for a few seconds.

There are also high-class inns, but now the professors are staying there. There was
no need to meet now.

I took off my hood and entered the inn.

“Do you have a room?”

“Yeah… … . Oh, are you Lord Roxtrin?”

"Yes. Oh, let’s have dinner together.”

“Hey, I think Aindarok will come to such a shabby place. I am sorry for this.”

I expected that there would be many people recognizing me in the system. Because of
his dark hair, he will be found out quickly.

You don't have to hide too much, though. It's Daisy who's being chased, not me.

In any case, Eindarok's status is higher than expected, as even the owner of the
inn in this rural village knows it.

“It seems that the luxury inn next to me is full.”

“It was.”

“By the way, as I heard, John An… … Oops, not this. I have something to tell you.”

The innkeeper lowered his voice quickly.

“Actually, suspicious people are staying at our inn.”

“The suspicious ones?”

"Yes. They all seem to be going one way or another. We don't usually have that many
people staying.”


It's not clear who They are the enemies who have pursued the professors from

“If you are staying here, it would be better if you share the same room.”

“I do that.”

“I’ll give it to you in the very corner, so it won’t stand out. The meal will be
prepared soon.”

I entered the room through the hallway lit by candles. It was a small room about
half the size of the Tower of Truth. There is only one bed, not a double room.

“It’s narrow.”

“It feels a bit familiar now. This is too wide for me.”

“How on earth is that narrow?”

“Eight people sleep in a room half the size of this one. There are four small bunk

“I know roughly what it looks like.”

life style came to mind. It's better to have a bed, isn't it?

“The bed is so wide that we can lie down together!”

“I can’t sleep because it’s uncomfortable when someone is next to me.”

"Oh… … .”

“Instead, I don’t sleep, so you sleep in bed.”

I even finished the meal that the innkeeper brought. If you ride a horse for a long
time, you will get quite tired, so I had to sleep.

'Three days to the border.'

It's an empire, the roads are well paved, so even if it rains, there's no problem.

Instead, there are many restrictions on movement beyond the borders of the
Confederate Front.

'Four days in the neutral zone.'

The poorly maintained roads are muddy due to rain that has been falling for several
days in a row. Even on horseback, the movement speed drops significantly, and the
professors have to deal with monsters in the middle.

'Two days until Credia secures a recruit for Baeller Rongrt. One day until the
magic core is recovered.'

It may be that the magic core has already been hidden somewhere, or it may still be
in possession of being pursued by enemies.

However, there is a small chance that if it was a Baeller who left the actual
burden of Daisy to me, she could not hide her magic core.

It will take some time to get it back. That is the most dangerous time.

'Even if you catch less, 19 days.'

The 'Magic Core Theft Case' is an episode that takes longer than the 'A Class
Kidnapping Case', in which the professors of Summertage, one of the strongest in
this worldview, die, and there is no helper.

In particular, growth is the most ambiguous section, and there are a lot of random
elements, so the level of difficulty experienced in the game is similar to that of
the second half, despite being in the middle.

But surprisingly, after coming this far, I felt less nervous.

“Pooh… … .”

Seeing Daisy sleeping soundly, I couldn't think of anything else anymore.

Is it because you have made up your mind? I carefully got up from the floor.

creak. creak.

The innkeeper said the dubious group was using the entire second floor. If
possible, the strongest pack of dogs would be better.

creak. creak. creak.

The old wooden hallway screamed over and over again. It didn't even work very well.
All I did was go back and forth in the hallway on the second floor.

That was enough.

“What kind of bastard are you?”

A man of strong stature ran out the door with a swear word. I was greeted warmly.

Yes, this is the room.


“What time is it now, and I’ve been making noise since a while ago… … .”

Take off the hood and expose your face.

With black hair, and a face that was so unconventional that even a man would take
his breath away in an instant.

The man's hoarse voice stopped in an instant. can't know

“Ain, Darok… … ?”

Shh. I put my index finger in front of my lips.

“Shall we go in and talk first?”

Then, naturally, he pushed himself under the man's arms against the wall. Inside,
there was another man sitting on the bed with a puzzled face.

They're not the only ones in this group, but anyway, it's safe to say that two of
the 'suspicious' people on the second floor are the strongest.

"what. What's going on?”

“Damn, I don’t know.”


The man who ran out locked the road door and came back.

By now, the five factions would have been aware of each other's existence, and
there must have been an implicit agreement that the professors would not attack
each other until they secured the magic core.

However, it disturbed my sleep a little bit, so I opened the door and ran out.

“… … What is the purpose?”

Perhaps these are some of the most dangerous people in the Empire.

The weight of the name Roxtrin Aindalocke, its absolute appearance, and its natural
behavior. shamelessness.

Gorgeous feathers hide their bare bones and small body. It makes the opponent
unable to use his hand hastily.

“It’s nice to talk quickly.”

Naturally, I sat down on the bed opposite. The man suddenly lost a place to sit and
was forced to stand with his back to the wall, but he could not protest.

The story is simple.

There are five forces chasing the magic core.

Even if everyone is working together with the same goal right now, in the end, they
have to point their swords at each other.

Breaking such a temporary and weak alliance 'a little bit early'.

“I am here to make a negotiation.”

It was very simple for me.

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