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Scorpio Horoscope for May 2011

By Susan Miller

Last month your workaday life became very busy. Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus, plus the
Sun and new moon, all were crowded into your sixth house of assignments, bringing a flurry of
activity. Yet many times you probably felt like you were expending a great deal of energy, but
not making much progress.

Mercury was retrograde last month from March 30 to April 23, so that would account for any
feelings of frustration you may have felt about your work last month. Mercury retrograde is
notorious for causing a lot of backtracking due to a change of mind (yours or your client's), new
circumstances, or errors found. If you felt you couldn't progress no matter what you did, Mercury
out of phase was the reason.

Now, Mercury's orbit has been regulated and you have a bright picture for progress ahead in
May. Remarkably, the crowd of planets that were filling your sixth house of work projects in
April is still there. If you refused to give word about an important new job or project while
Mercury was retrograde, you've lost no opportunities, and instead, have ensured a more stable
future by waiting. Last month, you had what is called a "stellium" or crown of stars in your
project sector, putting a great deal of emphasis on your work life. With Neptune in such perfect
angle to Pluto from May through July, you'll have one of the best windows of opportunity ever to
show off your vision and creativity - and be lauded for it in a big way.

So as you enter May, the group of planets that were congregating in Aries in April is still there!
While the new moon and Sun have moved to Taurus, the rest have stayed, and that's very
unusual! The planets in your sixth house of work projects and health matters (more about health
in a minute) include Uranus (surprise), Jupiter (financial benefit), Venus (enjoyment), Mars
(energy and action), and Mercury (concentration on the task, and news about it) - five planets in

This means that you may have been given a lot of assignments in April and will continue to see
them come your way in May. Managing your work flow won't be easy, as Uranus' presence
suggests the flow will be volatile, with stop and start energy - said another way, it may be at
times feast or famine, or "hurry up and wait." No matter - it's nice to have so much work coming
in, especially when so many people have no work at all.

If you are self-employed, you may have spent a lot of time last month pitching new business and
that effort will pay off this month. If you are unemployed, you should find lots of job
possibilities, especially in the first half. You may be almost forced into having your own
business, simply because you will suddenly find freelance work easy to find, and lucrative, too.

Most of the planets will remain in your sixth house of work until May 11, so you should give
your campaign for lucrative work a big, forceful push in the first eleven days of May. That may
seem like a narrow window, but it will be more potent than the one you had in April, so you will
get more done in half the time. Excellent!
There is another way all this emphasis on your sixth house may assert itself. The sixth house is
also the house of health, and more specifically the measures we all take to stay well. There is a
lot of emphasis on your efforts to eat right, and get enough sleep. This would be the perfect
month to schedule checkups and procedures, to have dental exams, and to commit to a fitness

With so many planets in this sector in the adventuresome sign of Aries, you may be determined
to turn over a new leaf and train for an ambitious athletic event, like a marathon or sprint. You
may want to start to work out in the gym on a more regular basis or take lessons on an exciting
new sport. Start doing so in early May! All your efforts will pay off, and you will be so proud of
what you achieved. Don't wait until January 1 to enact your New Year's resolutions - you need a
crowd of planets in your sixth house to see success in physical goals, and you have that now!

Mars in this house until May 11 will make you very strong, so you may be surprised at how well
you do with the physical demands you put on your body to get strong (within reason, of course).
Weight lifting would be an especially good area to explore, for Mars rules iron). Sports you
might want to investigate might include sprinting, hiking, power walking, fencing, roller skating
or rollerblading, or boxing, all very "Aries" in nature. Considering how many planets in Aries
will fill your health sector in early May, these sports should hit the spot!

If you have not been feeling well, you may have been forced into taking a lot of medical tests to
help your doctor make a diagnosis. Still, last month had so many confusing crosscurrents that
you may have been frustrated by doctors who were not sure of what to make of results. Don't
lose heart - this month brings far clearer results and a chance for a correct diagnosis.

There are several days I would like you to pay special attention to this month when it comes to
both health and work assignments. These are not mutually exclusive - you can see big progress
in each area.

The first day is May 1, when Mars, your secondary ruler, will be in sync with Jupiter, the great
giver of gifts and luck, and in terms of health, healing, and even miracles, May 1 should bring
excellent news. This is a Sunday, so perhaps you received news as soon as April 29 or will, as
late as May 2. If you are to feel May 1 in terms of work, you are likely to love the new
assignment that comes in to you, and the compensation should be excellent.

May 10 should be simply extraordinary. Jupiter, still in the athletic sign of Aries, will spread the
message of strong body, strong spirit when he aligns perfectly, to exact degree, with Mercury
and Venus on this day. Venus will be very friendly to Pluto too, giving you a double dip of
pleasure. Working out with a partner would be great fun on this day. May 10 is so outstanding! It
is my favorite day in one of my favorite months of the year.

At work, with Venus, the ruler of your partnership sector (7th house), doing things
collaboratively would be a good way of approaching a new project. If you are a writer, actor, or
other talented creative, you may have an agent, lawyer, or other person to represent you. If so,
you will find this person to be a gem on May 10, for all the goodness will come though this
Financially, May 24, a Tuesday, deserves a gold star, thanks to the mighty Sun in perfect angle
to Uranus. A new job may come in that will allow you to make a generous one-time fee or
commission, for the Sun by then will be in your financial eighth house, a part of the chart
naturally "owned" by Scorpio. When news comes, it will take you completely by surprise.

There is another theme emerging this month, and that will further emphasize collaboration. The
new moon of May 3 will bring this idea out in the open, when the Sun and new moon meet in
your opposite sign of Taurus. This will be a highly supportive new moon, because your main
ruling planet, powerful, transformative Pluto, will send beautiful vibrations to this new moon
from your house of agreements.

This will be one of the most glorious new moons of the year, and the ideal one to choose to get
engaged or married, or to make a partnership deal official. Pluto would help promote profitable
results from the coming together of two people, so this new moon would lend a strong and
comforting feeling of financial security, too.

With Venus touring your house of commitment from May 15 to June 9, your relationship should
be especially smooth and bright. Mars, your ruler, is in this house too, indicating how strongly
you are concentrating on this union, whether business or romantic in nature. If you already are in
a committed relationship, you will be hearing news from your partner, and your significant other
will be the dominant person in the relationship - you will follow his or her steps, and be happy to
do so. Mars will be in this house from May 11 to June 20.

If you were born on or within five days of November 5, you will feel the energies of this new
moon more than most.

The full moon May 17 will be a very compelling one for you as it falls in Scorpio at 26 degrees
and receives a beam from surprise planet Uranus. When a full moon occurs in one's own sign, it
means that something dearly important is reaching a culmination, but only you would know what
that might be. This month's full moon will be the only one of the year in Scorpio, so this will be a
key moment for you, and doubly so if you were born on November 18 or within four days of this

It could signal the beginning or end of a relationship, or a fateful meeting. It could be linked to a
major career moment, one that would bring great prestige. The moon rules your ninth house, so
you may be working with people abroad, or actually traveling quite a distance. You may get or
finish a big media project for TV, the Internet, or other publishing venue. If you have been
working with a lawyer on anything - a case, a patent, or trademark - it could finish up. Whatever
is coming, it's important to you. Keep your health strong, dear Scorpio, especially near this full
moon, as it looks like you'll be really busy.

Your most romantic weekend of the month will be May 21-22 when Venus and Mars unite in
embrace and swirl over the star studded sky together. This will be a magical moment, one made
in heaven.
This month will favor Scorpios who are attached in an outstanding way, for your relationship
will deepen and mature. If you are single, however, you will have help from Neptune, the planet
of mystery and romance, now in your fifth house that rules the first spark of new love. Certainly
the day I have just described, May 21-22, will help you no matter what your status - it is a
standout and placed in just the right house to help you grow closer. That gets my bet for best
romantic weekend.

I do like, as a runner-up date, Thursday, May 12, when Mars in Taurus will send a sweet missive
to Neptune in your romantic house. What a poetic day - with the moon in compatible Virgo, you
should be pleased with how it works out.

In the US, Memorial Day falls over May 28-30, and with so many planets in Taurus, your partner
will be the one to suggest what to do. Your partner is a gem, so sit back - you won't have to plan
if your spouse or partner wants to do so. It looks as though this person would love to take the
reins. You'll have fun, too!

Romance will be best for you on: May 1, 3, 4, 6-7, 11-12, 16-18, 20, 24, and 25.


If you need or would like to work at a new position, you'll soon see that opportunities abound.
Even if the positions available don't represent a step up right now, you may be fine with the work
you do find. The working conditions of any new job you take on will be excellent, thanks to the
presence of Jupiter and Venus in your sixth house, and if you're a manager, you'll likely be able
to hire an adman to help you. Uranus, also there, will add a new element - something to sink your
teeth into to make it compelling and interesting. Your team you assemble will be enthusiastic,
and the work will bring you into a fresh new realm. What's not to like?

If you are self-employed, start pitching business, for you are now likely to bring in a plethora of
clients. In fact, so much new work will come in that you'll need new personnel to add to your
staff. If you are out of work, this month's plethora of opportunity will warm your heart - get out
there! You might want to start by having lunch or drinks with friends and business contacts to
find out about juicy job opportunities before they show up on board listings.

Your creativity should be reaching exciting new levels too, for Neptune, now gliding through the
most imaginative part of your chart, will reach out to Pluto and help you extend your ideas to a
mass audience. Show your ideas to the world, dear Scorpio!

You will have several shining days. Your first sparkle day will be May 1, when your ruler, Mars,
meets with Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Circle May 21-22 too, when Venus and Mars will
conjoin, and Venus and Pluto will be beautifully angled. Both sets of aspects will be helpful in
matters of fun, love, and social activity. These same planets will contribute to a supportive
environment to make money and to find a good and fair ending to a contractual negotiation.

Your career should bring exciting, sudden news at the full moon, May 17, plus or minus four
days. If you've been interviewing for a job, get ready to hear the final answer. Fingers crossed,
this could be your celebratory moment. A headhunter, job broker, lawyer, agent, or middleman
will be quite helpful to you and may play an important role at this time. There seems to be a
possibility you will travel quite far, or at the very least, work with people overseas by phone or
email. You may be working on a story or project for the media, or have interactions with people
in academia or government.

This month will also be a superb one to compete in an athletic competition, for the five planets in
Aries will make you super competitive. Or, if you're not up to doing something that assertive, it's
also a perfect time to begin working out in earnest at the gym. If you never quite got around to
working on your resolutions for 2011, this is your time to begin - with far better results than you
would have ever seen from starting January 1.

With five planets in Aries, you'd also do well to consider taking on a personal trainer or coach, or
to sign up to take lessons on a new sport. If your gym offers mountain climbing and your doctor
says you're fit enough to try, you may enjoy doing that for something new. (Planets in Aries
point to the mountain goat as a sport you might like!)

Something dearly important to you is about to reach a major fruition point at the same full moon
in Scorpio May 17 that I mentioned earlier in connection with your career. This could easily
involve a relationship, so if you feel ready to wed, the days surrounding this full moon could turn
out to be magical, either for an engagement or marriage. Not ready for that? You may make a
decision about - or finalize - a business relationship and feel just as happy, too.

Romantically, with a parade of planets entering your house of partnership and marriage, you are
starting to think in terms of forever, ever after. This will be a major moment for you if you are
ready to commit. If you want, you can alternatively use these energies to form a major alliance
for business.

Dates to Note for Scorpio

One of your luckiest days of the month - or the year - will be May 1.

If you need a side job or a new client (if self-employed), look on May 1 or 2.

It's a great month to discuss marriage or a business partnership. Begin at the glorious new moon
May 3.

A highly important moment will arrive at the happy full moon in Scorpio on May 17 plus or
minus four days. If your birthday falls near November 18, you'll feel it even more.

A very romantic weekday is due May 11.

You'll be more creative if you work from home on May 12.

Your partner cares about you and it will become obvious on May 24.
You may get a dazzling assignment or a new job on May 25.

May 25 would be a great day to begin to learn a new sport or take lessons.

Romance will be best: May 1, 3, 4, 6-7, 11-12, 16-18, 20, 24, and 25.

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