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ZDM Mathematics Education (2014) 46:1061–1072

DOI 10.1007/s11858-014-0584-0


Mathematics and power: an alliance in the foundations

of mathematics and its teaching
David Kollosche

Accepted: 25 April 2014 / Published online: 15 May 2014

 FIZ Karlsruhe 2014

Abstract Following a genealogic approach, this paper builds on shared experiences and can be fully understood
discusses how logic and calculation are linked to episte- only by a group of inaugurated people, the elaborated code,
mology, spirituality and politics; how mathematics educa- associated with the middle class, uses universal modes of
tion can be understood as an institution for a mathematical order and explicitness. As an example, imagine a child
enculturation; and how, therefore, mathematics education pointing at a cat and consider the different ways the child’s
necessarily (re)produces techniques of power which privi- mother might react: while the mother following a restricted
lege some children while disadvantaging others. This code might tell her child about the cat she had when she
approach criticises other critical studies on social dimen- was younger, about its look and character, the mother
sions of mathematics education which argue that the social following an elaborated code might remind the child of the
dimensions are to be found in the application or teaching of lions and tigers they saw in the zoo, how they are cats as
mathematics alone. Instead, mathematics itself has, since well, although big cats. So, while one code of communi-
its very beginning, been a knowledge which allows power, cation emphasises personal experience, the other code
represents a specific world view and serves the interests of works with universal orders of knowledge. Bernstein points
certain groups in society. out that no code is superior, as every code has a domain in
which it is most effective. However, it can be argued that
Keywords Logic  Calculation  Foucault  communication in school largely follows an elaborated
Socio-linguistics code, as teachers have an educated background, as students
and teachers do not usually share common non-school
experiences, and as schooling does not focus on the indi-
1 Introduction vidual experiences of its students but on the implementa-
tion of universal knowledge.
Research in mathematics education has shown that Cooper and Dunne (2000) showed that students’ success
achievement in the subject of mathematics depends on the in so-called real-world problems in mathematics education
socio-economic background of the students (Zevenbergen depends on their socio-linguistic background. It proves to
2000). Many approaches towards this phenomenon build be decisive whether or not the student is able to reduce the
on the work of the socio-linguist Basil Bernstein who real-world situation to mathematics. While students using a
investigated socio-economical influences on the usage of restricted code of communication tend to take the real-
language. Bernstein (1965/1971) concluded that the world situation too literally and are therefore hindered from
working class and the middle class differ in the code of producing an answer which is legitimate in the mathe-
language normally used. While the restricted code, the use matics classroom, students following an elaborated code
of which Bernstein associates with the working class, tend to find it easier to neglect the richness of the described
situation, to reduce it to mathematics and to provide
acceptable answers. Wyndhamn and Säljö (1997), having
D. Kollosche (&)
Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany conducted a similar analysis, observed that these differ-
e-mail: ences are not based on cognitive deficiencies of restricted

1062 D. Kollosche

speakers but on their different linguistic interpretations of others which themselves build on technologies for the
real-world problems. government of the self. For example, our bus driver might
Consequently, it can be argued that mathematisation fits be asked to be punctual, but the employer will not prescribe
to the linguistic interest of elaborated communicators. This any means of achieving this punctuality. Consequently, the
hypothesis contradicts the popular opinion that mathemat- bus driver has to develop technologies for the government
ics in itself is egalitarian, value-free and un-ideological— of the self to ensure his punctuality. Foucault regards the
an opinion often criticised (e.g. by Bishop 2001). Even the development and implementations of technologies for the
socio-critical researcher Ole Skovsmose (2011) regards government of the self as an asceticism, in the course of
‘mathematics education as being undetermined’ and which the individual does not only learn to satisfy the
‘without essence’, capable of serving ‘a grand variety of external requirements but constitutes his or her very own
social, political, and economic functions and interests’ (p. existence in accordance with the external requirements.
2). Thus, the bus driver will not only be punctual at work, but
In contrast to that, I argue that even ‘pure’ mathematics punctuality will become a part of his personality, and he
is not value-free and ‘without essence’, but is a body of will be more likely to be punctual in his private life. Fur-
knowledge and techniques which has served the interests of thermore, he might demand punctuality from others, as the
power from its very beginnings. To substantiate this claim, unpunctuality of others is a permanent temptation sub-
I will develop a Foucaultian perspective on power, verting the efforts made to achieve his existence as a
knowledge and subjectivity which will serve as the theo- punctual being.
retical background for an analysis of social dimensions of Foucault concludes that the speciality of disciplinary
logic and calculation in Western society—two aspects technologies is that they do not only work on, but
(among others) taken as distinctive of Western through the individual: the asceticism produces an indi-
mathematics. vidual which has internalised the demands that originally
were not his or hers. In Foucault’s eyes, these disci-
plinary technologies show how power is not located in
2 Foucault on society certain individuals and groups and executed down from
the top, but woven through and executed by every
The French philosopher and sociologist Michel Foucault branch of society. The spread of these disciplinary
dedicated his career to the understanding of the interaction technologies allows the development of the modern state
of power, knowledge and subjectivity in various fields of and the government through institutions such as barracks,
society. As Foucault rejected basic convictions of modern factories, hospitals, asylums and schools.
age philosophy, such as the belief that research necessarily Foucault’s gaze allows tracing power in the mechanisms
benefits society and can reveal any un-ideological ‘truth’, of the mathematics classroom, in the ways mathematics is
he is often labelled a ‘post-modernist’. Instead of using presented and worked with, in the mathematically suc-
static terms that compose a logical order, he coined flexible cessful as well as in those failing. A Foucaultian approach
and ever-changing concepts that mutually affect each towards mathematics and its teaching might narrow down
other. For example, Foucault (1978/1991) argues against to the following questions: What kind of asceticism is
the thought that power is a good that a person or a group required to precede mathematical thinking and what kind
could possess. Instead, he seeks to understand power as the of existence does it foster? What do the individual and
control of technologies with which people’s actions, society lose and what do they gain by this asceticism? And
thinking and feelings can be influenced. Depending on the what technologies for the government of the self and of
target of these technologies, Foucault (2011) differentiates others does mathematics allow?
the government of the self from the government of others. In order to find answers to these questions, the fol-
While the first form of government comprises technologies lowing two sections will sketch genealogies of logic and
with which the individual can control and influence its own calculation. Genealogy is a method introduced by
actions, thinking and feelings, the latter form of govern- Nietzsche and Foucault (1984), aiming at finding social
ment comprises technologies that allow the control of dimensions of phenomena that over time have become
others. Threatening a bus driver with dismissal if he does familiar and natural. By looking at its genesis, genealogy
not wear his driver’s uniform is an example of a technology shows how a phenomenon had to fight for its place in
for the government of others, whereas steering a bus the world, which alternatives it competed with and
requires certain technologies for the government of the self. whose interests it served. Thus, power relationships
In Discipline and Punish (1977) Foucault focuses on a which by now have been settled come back to light and
special kind of technology which he calls disciplinary allow for a discussion of social dimensions of the
technologies, that is, technologies for the government of phenomena.

Mathematics and power: an alliance in the foundations of mathematics and its teaching 1063

3 The genesis and sociology of logic and false, leaving no room for a state in between or
beyond the extremes.
Logic has been closely linked to mathematics since the 4. Law of sufficient reason. Everything but one thing has
very beginning of philosophy. Although logic is a rich term a reason and is defined by it. Distancing himself from
with many connotations, this paper will only discuss four mythological thought, Anaximander claimed that
laws of thought which Scholasticism (e.g. Schopenhauer everything but one thing has a reason which is its
1903, §33) has identified in the work of Aristotle. This destiny (trans. 2007, p. 35). Therefore, he is often
reduction does not mean to underestimate the many considered the founder of scientific thought. The law
divergent approaches towards the rules of thought and of sufficient reason is a method to decide over true or
argumentation which have been brought forward. How- false and provides a scheme with which to order ideas.
ever, these four laws of thought serve as a good example
Elsewhere I have argued that the genesis of Aristotelian
for a genealogical analysis of logic
logic shows a dialectics of power in a spiritual, in an
• as they constitute the basis of Aristotle’s logic, epistemological and in a political dimension (Kollosche
especially for his influential analysis of syllogisms, 2013). After an elaboration of these dialectical dimensions,
• as Aristotle incorporates earlier contributions to logic I will discuss their relationships to power.
and elaborates them in a systematic way,
• as, in spite of the many alternatives it competed against, 3.1 Logic and religion
Aristotelian logic attracted most attention in Ancient
and later philosophy, Before the birth of philosophy and science, only myth
• as Euclid’s Elements, the first systematic compilation of offered explanations of the world and its most alarming
mathematical concepts, theorems and proofs, and the phenomena: the fatal threat of age and disaster. Hesiod’s
reference for mathematics for two millennia, are Theogony and Homer’s epics describe the mythical world
strongly influenced by Aristotelian logic (Wußing of gods who personify death, hunger, storms, floods,
2008, p. 191), and earthquakes, droughts and epidemics. These gods and the
• as these laws can be identified in the mathematics phenomena they personify were understandable as they
classroom. were imagined as human-like creatures, who knew friends
and foes, intrigues and murder. The strongest influence on
The four laws of thought are:
the nature of gods was assumed to be their descent: it is
1. Law of identity. Everything stays the same, nothing regarded as an unalterable trait, as a fate that cannot be
changes. The principle of identity can be read as the escaped. The myth allows for a comprehensive orientation
rule to speak and think in a way in which everything in the world; it is an early philosophy of nature. However,
stays the same. The principle of identity provides our this orientation was threatened as democracy developed.
speech and thought with concepts that are reliable in The open discussions on the market place did not only
the sense that they do not change their nature with the address politics but also philosophy, ethics and religion.
speaker, the location or time. Already at the beginning The development of trade in the Mediterranean imported
of the 6th century BC, Anaximander of Miletus, foreign beliefs, qualifying the convictions of the Ancient
probably a student of Thales, had argued for the Greeks. Wars destroyed political systems that had built on
existence of something ‘infinite’ which is ‘indestruc- the mythical cosmology. Thus, traditional convictions were
tible’, ‘deathless’ and ‘imperishable’ (Aristotle, trans. called into question, leading to a confusion of world views
1930, 203b). Half a century later, Parmenides (trans. (Vernant 1962/1982, p. 52). The ongoing collapse of reli-
2009) seized the idea, described it with similar gious beliefs as well as political and economical changes
adjectives and called it truth. led to an interest in a new and possibly safer set of
2. Law of excluded middle. Everything is or is not; there convictions.
is no other way. The law of excluded middle restricts However, Anaximander’s disengagement from myth is
our judgement to two categories, e.g. true and false, only half-hearted. It is true that his world view goes
and leaves no other option. without supernatural beings. But, one the one hand, An-
3. Law of excluded contradiction. Nothing is and is not at aximander sticks to the idea of the fateful power of descent
once. The law of excluded contradiction demands a as he claims that everything has a reason which is its
decision between the categories. Together with the law destiny. On the other hand, Anaximander still believes in
of excluded middle, it forces the statements of speech an ever-reliable existence, which he himself considers
and thought into an antagonism introduced by Parme- ‘divine’ (Anaximander, trans. 2007, p. 37). Parmenides, in
nides: the antagonism of being and not being, of true turn, presents his logic as a divine revelation. Calling the

1064 D. Kollosche

idea of the everlasting truth, he founds essentialist phi- limits of logical thought. Historical and cultural alterna-
losophy, which imagines a world of imperishable truths tives prove that logic in the form of the four laws presented
and dominates a large part of Antique and later philosophy is not the only form of fruitful thinking. Homer’s epics
(Vernant 1962/1982, pp. 131f). In the reading of the Ger- present meaning in analogies instead of logically ordered,
man philosopher Klaus Heinrich (1981/1987), the four in colourful images that connect the phenomena and
laws of thought that had developed with Anaximander and emphasise commonalities. Even during the boom of early
Parmenides are an abstract derivative of the mythical logic, Greek philosophy knew critical schools such as the
religion—a world view that preserves the ideas of descent one of Heraclitus, who confronts the belief in the imper-
and the imperishable but avoids the debated existence of ishable and true with the idea that everything is in flux and
the mythical gods. The spirituality of the laws of thoughts nothing persists, that ‘one cannot step twice into the same
consists of the belief in the imperishable which opposes the river’ (trans. 1979, p. 53). Even today, many indigenous
threat of passing away and of the conviction that every- cultures understand and approach the world in a way which
thing is connected and determined by ancestry. The law of is based on the ideas of flux and mixtures instead of on the
identity is the imperative to belief in the imperishable. The stasis of the unalterable and separated (Little Bear 2002).
laws of excluded middle and excluded contradiction create
the need for a decision between being and not being, 3.3 Logic and politics
between true and false. It is the mixtures and alternatives of
being and not being, becoming and passing away, that are Aristotelian logic also has a political dimension; it is a tool
excluded. Therefore, Heinrich recognises early logic as a for public speech, a tool for convincing and discrediting.
doctrine of salvation: ‘‘‘Do not be afraid’’, for there is an Ancient Greek city states were usually governed by a
existence which is not affected by fate and death’ (1981/ democratically organised military aristocracy. Politics was
1987, pp. 45f; my translation). Learning to think logically performed on the market place, where orators had to win
proves to be an ascetic erection of technologies for the majorities for their political campaigns. Politically power-
government of the self which is directed against the dan- ful were those who performed best in convincing the
gers of chaos and decay. people and discrediting the opponents (Vernant 1962/1982,
pp. 46–68).
3.2 Logic and epistemology With his work, Aristotle wants to show ‘what we must
look for when refuting and establishing propositions’
Apart from the promise of salvation, the presented example (trans. 2006, §1). The question for truth and its origin, the
of logic offers a paradigm to order and explain the phe- rejection of the indefinite and unsteady, the exposure of
nomena of our world. Its rules are easy and familiar; they inconsistencies, the installation of antagonistic options and
provide a socially accepted ‘machinery of thought’—a the demand to decide are technologies for the government
technology for the government of the self—which allows of others provided by philosophy. The teaching of these
thinking to approach complex fields on well-concerted technologies to the politically ambitious military aristoc-
ways. This potent form of thinking is the answer to the racy provided an income for many philosophers and partly
confusion caused by the collapse of traditional religious, explains their interest in logic.
moral and political beliefs and it is the impetus of philos-
ophy. An illustration of the latter is Plato’s Socrates who, 3.4 Dialectics of logic
in the dialogue with Theaetetus, stated that ‘suffering from
confusion shows that you are a philosopher, since confu- The genealogical analysis of the example of Aristotelian
sion is the only beginning of philosophy’ (Plato, trans. logic shows its dialectical nature and allows for a com-
1921, pp. 155f; incorporating the translation of Heinrich parison of the benefits and constraints it brings. At an
1981/1987, p. 31). Radford (2008) points out that Plato- epistemological level, it has been pointed out that the laws
nism can be understood as a reaction to social unsteadiness, of thought expand the range of thinking while narrowing
aiming at the restoration of stable social conditions (pp. down its focus. At a political level, early logic constitutes a
454–457). tool of power which allows a less violent form of gov-
The price for the extended range of thought is the lim- ernment but is restricted to a few. Apart from that, the
itation of the thinkable. It is a main point in the Dialectic of dialectics of logic become visible on a religious level: the
Enlightenment by Horkheimer and Adorno (1944/1997) belief in an imperishable truth might appease people who
that logical thinking loses sight of everything that does not fear changes, especially the passing away. The emotion-
fit into the antagonism of being and not being. Spinoza’s ality with which Anaximander’s infinite and Parmenides’
logical ethics and the Tractatus of the young Wittgenstein, truth is defended against any variation indicates a defence
who wanted to trace language back to logic, show the of this pacification. Parmenides presents his logic explicitly

Mathematics and power: an alliance in the foundations of mathematics and its teaching 1065

as the salvation from an insane form of thinking—a form object about which we cannot attain a certitude equal to
which ‘changes ways’, which ‘considers being and not that of the demonstrations of Arithmetic and Geometry’
being the same and yet not the same’ and which believes in (Descartes 1684/1990, pp. 224f).
‘becoming and passing away’. Parmenides’ poem com- Mathematics is considered a prototype of science as it
pares to a religious conversion using defamation and dic- can be more logical than any other science: its objects can
tation: those who think differently are said to be ‘double- be alienated from our world as far as necessary to fit the
headed’, ‘helpless’, ‘erratic’, ‘drifting’, ‘deaf’ and ‘blind’, logical form and the validation of its assertions does not
‘lost in confused wonder’ and ‘unable to make decisions’ need any experiments but relies on logical argumentation
(Parmenides, trans. 2009, pp. 17–23; my translation). The alone. Mathematics ensures identity by strict definitions of
reader is told what to think and consider: to avoid the its objects, builds on antagonisms such as true and false and
dissidents and follow logic. This moralisation of thinking believes in the determination by reasons as demonstrated in
with logical thinking as the good form and ‘double-headed’ the method of deduction. Even the foundational crisis of
thinking as the degenerate form, this opposition of reason mathematics, which was connected to the critique on the
and insanity serves as the background for a disciplinary idea of an unalterable truth, was silenced by David Hilbert
technology whose message runs: Think logically! Con- (1922) by installing mathematics as the science of pure
fronted with this demand, the individual can learn to think logical structures and negating all connections between
logically or accept his or her exclusion from the group of mathematics and the world we live in.
the ‘educated’.
The Frankfurt School points out that the belief in the 3.5 Logic, school mathematics and society
unalterable only appeases some people while it frightens
others. A world whose essence is invariant is a world that Logic as a technology of power enters school through
people cannot contribute to, that cannot be affected and school mathematics. School mathematics does not only
must be endured. For Parmenides, humans are not the import logic through its logically ordered contents, at least
measure of all things (as Protagoras claimed to point out in Germany its curricula (KMK 2003, 2012) also choose
that everything is characterised by how we perceive and those contents which show the power of logic while
use it) but things are by themselves, beyond any human excluding contents that could threaten its status. For
impact (Heinrich 1981/1987, pp. 32–42). Consequently, the example, they exclude non-Euclidean geometry, paradoxes
dead truths can only be approached in a quest for unveiling of set theory or alternative logics, whereas they add cal-
their timeless mysteries. The dying Socrates believed in culus and probability theory to the Euclidean core—con-
that when he told Phaedo that ‘the philosopher desires tents which demonstrate how even the infinite and chance
death’ which is the ultimate ‘separation of soul and body’ can be mastered by logic.
and frees the philosopher ‘from the dominion of bodily I argue that school mathematics tends to follow the law
pleasures and of the senses, which are always perturbing of identity in allowing only one true and right answer,
his mental vision’ and hindering him ‘to behold the light of excluding any variation, individual interpretation and
truth’ (Plato, trans. 1892, pp. 64–65). ambiguity. While further studies would be needed to
There is a touch of irony in the fact that logic cannot warrant this claim empirically, examples of a common
justify its basic laws in argumentation but has to build on school book for the 7th grade of German high school
myth and demand obedience. After his postulate of the law (Brückner 2008) might illustrate the thesis. In the book, we
of excluded contradiction, that is, that ‘it is impossible for find an overwhelming dominance of tasks that allow for
anyone to suppose that the same thing is and is not’, even only one true and right answer and tasks that ask for the
Aristotle scolds: ‘Some, indeed, demand to have the law ‘truth content’ of statements or for a decision between ‘true
proved, but this is because they lack education; for it shows or false’. The fact that the authors provided a task in which
lack of education not to know of what we should require an algorithm ‘was applied wrongly’ with the emphatic title
proof, and of what we should not’ (trans. 1933, p. 1006). ‘Caution, mistake! Watch out!’ indicates how uncommon it
Logic and mathematics have been enormously influen- is that the mathematics school book provides something
tial for philosophy and science as we know it today. In the else than ‘the truth’. This taboo of the alterability of
age of Enlightenment, when science fought for its meaning mathematics enables students to believe that school
and place in society, logic and the empirical method were mathematics is about true and right answers and that, in
the points of orientation and left a formative imprint on general, every task that can be formulated mathematically
modern thought. René Descartes was convinced of ‘the has a distinct solution. Anything that could lead students to
great superiority in certitude of Arithmetic and Geometry a different belief is excluded from this mathematics text-
to other sciences’ and argued that ‘in our search for the book. Keitel (1979) points out that such a presentation of
direct road towards truth we should busy ourselves with no mathematics prepares students to believe that mathematics

1066 D. Kollosche

is generally able to provide unique and unquestionable lacks the possibilities to be successful in the mathematics
answers for any question. This turns mathematics into a classroom. In the consequence of repeating failure, this
tool of power with the help of which the public can be type can preserve its dignity only by abandoning mathe-
convinced of originally questionable decisions. matics, leaving the power of mathematics to others.
The same school book presents the following text This mechanism—a disciplinary technology in the
without any further explanation, but with a sketch showing Foucaultian sense—would separate a logically emanci-
a circle and a line of each type (p. 142; my translation): pated elite from its docile subjects. It would determine how
mathematics is perceived and how people react to it. In
Lines and circles can have different locational
consequence of this mechanism, mathematics can be
understood as an instrument of power which is trusted by
Secant: a line that cuts a curve (g1)
the majority of people and whose rationale is no longer
Tangent: a line that touches a curve (g2)
Passant: a line that avoids a curve—the passing line
3.6 Logic and power
Somebody not knowing these terms could rightly ask:
Can a tangent be a passant as it does not intersect but The genealogy of the four principles of Aristotelian logic
passes the circle undamaged? Can a secant be a tangent, shows that logic has from its very beginning served the
that is, can you cut without touching? Only the reader interests of power. Indeed, it can be argued that logic was a
familiar with the idea of classification could know that it is reaction to the problems of the ruling class. The need for
forbidden to place a line in more than one or in none of the new convictions, more potent rules of thought and tech-
three categories and that the definition quoted above is niques for public debate arose from developments in trade,
‘meant like that’. Expecting the excluded middle and the war and democracy that were primarily supported by the
excluded contradiction in the contents of mathematics is an ruling class, for it was not the peasants or slaves that
unspoken prerequisite for its understanding. Thus, mathe- imported alternative beliefs, reformed political systems or
matics education does not only cultivate an unreflected and publicly discussed issues of religion and ethics. In an
politically problematic idea of truth which gives power to epistemological dimension, logic allows sense-making in
those able to use mathematics; it also provides this power the upcoming philosophy. However, it was only the ruling
unequally. Those who understand the latent order of class which was wealthy enough to pursue a leisure activity
mathematics gain the possibility to perform well and such as philosophy. In a political dimension, it shows that
become confident in the use of mathematics while those logic was a technology for public speech. As it had to be
who do not understand its latent order are excluded from its learned in expensive philosophical schools, this technology
power. As Bernstein-based research in mathematics edu- was not equally distributed, but was in the hand of the
cation has shown (Gellert and Jablonka 2007), not talking wealthy ruling class. Eventually, it can be argued that only
about the architecture of mathematics leaves a large part of the ruling class profited from logic directly. Apparently,
the students without any chance of understanding and other parts of society hardly had any contact with logic,
keeps the circle of mathematicians as exclusive as possible. and if they did, it was directed against them, rejecting what
Considering the dialectical nature of logic, two ideal- they believed, how they made sense of the world and how
types of students in the mathematics classroom can be they wanted to participate in political processes.
constructed. Ideal-types, as discussed by the sociologist Considering the actuality of the dialectics of logic, it has
Max Weber (1949), are theoretical constructs which to be taken into consideration that these laws of logic are
emphasise and subsume certain characteristics of a phe- widely consolidated and accepted in the contemporary
nomenon in order to create an object of study where Western society whereas in ancient Greek they had to be
empirical data is missing. Here, one ideal-type is the stu- defended against alternatives. Yet, it can hardly be claimed
dent who considers the idea of an unalterable truth com- that the example of Aristotelian logic does not affect our
forting, who understands and uses the logical organisation age: on the one hand, the Aristotelian principles of logic
of thinking and arguing and who is able to argue more are still underlying contemporary logic; on the other hand,
convincingly than others. This type has the possibilities to the fear of passing away, decision making in democracy
be successful in the mathematics classroom and might be and the organisation and validation of knowledge are still
reassured by his success. The other ideal-type is the student challenging our culture. Therefore, it is not surprising if the
who is disturbed by the inapproachability of the unalter- abovementioned logical techniques for government can be
able, who is not able or not willing to think and argue found in research, politics and other public debates of our
logically and who cannot defend his or her own interests in time. Especially mathematics, as the best example for
debates which accept logical arguments only. This type logical reasoning and depending on it like no other science,

Mathematics and power: an alliance in the foundations of mathematics and its teaching 1067

imports both the dialects of logic and its social implica- within the framework of pre-existing rules of the
tions. Incorporating logic, mathematics represents a form organization. The system of prescribed relations
of thinking and speaking which provides powerful tech- between the various offices involves a considerable
niques for the government of others. degree of formality and clearly defined social dis-
tance between the occupants of these positions.
Although Weber considers the rise of bureaucracy a
4 The genesis and sociology of calculation
modern phenomenon and contrasts it with patrimonial
forms of administration, which were typical for pre-modern
Solving calculation tasks, that is, tasks which can be solved
monarchies, he acknowledges that some of its social and
following prescribed rules for the manipulation of terms of
economic preconditions (such as the economic need for an
numbers and variables, is a common student activity in
effective, professional and centralised administration or the
mathematics classes. Skovsmose (2005) estimates that
development of monetary economy) existed before, leading
every student has to solve about 10,000 calculation tasks
to historical forms of administrations with bureaucratic
during the school career and asks for the social conse-
traits. He explicitly mentions the New Kingdom of Egypt,
quences of these activities (pp. 11f):
the late Roman Principate and the absolute monarchies of
If we look back again at the 10,000 commandments, early modern Europe (Weber 1972, pp. 556, 560).
what do they look like? Certainly, not like any of It is striking that our records of the development of
those tasks with which applied mathematics occupies calculation date back to the very same places and eras. In
itself, tasks in which creativity is needed to construct Sybille Krämer’s history of formalisation (1988), which
a model of a selected piece of reality. Nor do they builds on and extends the work of Jacob Klein (1992), the
look like anything a working mathematician is doing. outstanding contributors to that development are the
However, they might have some similarities with Egyptians at the beginning of the New Kingdom, Dio-
those routine tasks, which are found everywhere in phantus at the time of the late Roman Principate and Vieta
production and administration. when monarchy began its change towards absolutism. In
spite of their enormous contributions to philosophy, the
Skovsmose’s thoughts indicate a link between calcula-
(decentrally administered) ancient Greeks considered cal-
tive and routine practices in production and administration,
culation unworthy of a scientific discussion. It took only
which can be understood as another social dimension of
200 years and the emergence of strict philosophical logic
mathematics. In order to gain a sociological access to
to have many contributions of Pythagoras, a mathematician
calculation, I conduct an analysis from the perspective of
interested in calculation and said to be influenced by the
Weber (1921/1947), who discusses routine practices in
Orient, excluded from the corpus of mathematics, most
bureaucratic administration.
notably from Euclid’s Elements (Krämer 1988, pp. 30–31).
Egyptians documented their extensive mathematical
4.1 The joint development of bureaucracy
techniques in a collection of application tasks and solu-
and calculation
tions. The Egyptian ‘aha-calculus’ is the earliest record of
the use of variables; it documents the transfer of algorithms
Contemporary theories of bureaucracy are still based on the
from numbers to signs. Different from our use today, the
work of Weber, who is considered one of the founders of
Egyptian variable could only stand for a specific, yet
sociology. Weber described an ideal-type of bureaucracy
unknown, number. It could be used in expressions such as
which is well summarised by Robert K. Merton (1949,
4 ? h = 15, but not in expressions which describe rela-
p. 151):
tions of values such as a ? b = b ? a. The variable was
A formal, rationally organized social structure always connected to a certain number, its placeholder; and
involves clearly defined patterns of activity […]. In initially this was the only reason to treat it as a number
such an organization there is integrated a series of (Krämer 1988, pp. 25–26). Greek algebra separated values
offices, of hierarchized statuses, in which inhere a from their contexts of application and linked them to
number of obligations and privileges closely defined geometry. While expressions such as a ? b = b ? a could
by limited and specific rules. Each of these offices now be interpreted as an apposition of line segments, the
contains an area of imputed competence and use of algebra and variables was constrained by the
responsibility. Authority, the power of control which necessity of its geometrical interpretation (Krämer 1988,
derives from an acknowledged status, inheres in the pp. 32–33). Five centuries after Euclid, Diophantus
office and not in the particular person who performs emerged as the enfant terrible of classical mathematics: he
the official role. Official action ordinarily occurs added lengths and areas, introduced symbols for operations

1068 D. Kollosche

and facilitated a formal notation for terms and equations. the total edifice of science, determines for each of them a
Nevertheless, he still considered variables the mere univocal sense’. He recognises that ‘the nature of the
placeholder of a fixed number. Thus, he was unable to modification which the mathematical science of the six-
present universal algorithms and had to document his teenth and seventeenth century brings about […] is exem-
techniques in examples of tasks and solutions (Krämer plary for the total design of human knowledge in later
1988, pp. 36–39). This did not change until Vieta devel- times’ (pp. 120f). From that perspective, modern calcula-
oped his algebra. Vieta was the first to consider variables as tion is not only an example of the new episteme, since it
autonomous entities, independent from any numbers they uses autonomous symbols; it is also a condition of the
might represent and defined only by their rules of possibility of the modern episteme, for it constitutes a
calculation: method to interrelate autonomous symbols. Accordingly,
Klein points out that the new form of calculation is not a
Algebra is no longer calculation with unknown
mere ‘device’ of science but predefines the form, for
numbers. Instead, it can be conceived as a calculation
example the possibilities and restrictions, of scientific
with characters, i.e. with ‘undetermined’ symbols
understanding (pp. 3–4).
which can represent all possible numbers that—
The modern episteme is a prerequisite of bureaucracy,
substituted into a given equation—form a right
too, for it builds on the dissolution of resemblance and the
expression […] This is how the mathematical formula
installation of symbolic practices. Bureaucracy has the
came into the world. (Krämer 1988, p. 61; my
purpose to provide predictable and equitable, that is, non-
arbitrary, forms of administration. For that reason,
administrative acts are bound by ‘a consistent system of
4.2 A bureaucratic style of thought abstract rules which have normally been intentionally
established’ (Weber 1921/1947, p. 330) instead of resem-
The joint development of calculation and bureaucracy bling any natural, traditional or divine law. Within this
merely indicates a connection between both. The further system of rules, officials act in a ‘spirit of formalistic
analysis will identify a common style of thought that cal- impersonality’, ‘without hatred or passion’, ‘without
culation and bureaucracy share. The genealogical analysis affection or enthusiasm’; ‘everyone in the same empirical
lays its focus on historical events of change and conflict. In situation’ has to be treated equally and the official is not
our case, we spot the biggest changes around 1,600, when allowed any ‘personal considerations’ (p. 340). According
Vieta’s algebra becomes influential and the rise of to this, obligations, administrative means and authority are
bureaucracy allows absolutism to develop. In his Order of linked to positions, which are abstract symbols within the
Things (1966/1970), Foucault identifies a strong change in system of rules and do not resemble any natural person;
the episteme, that is, the way people perceive and make positions are only ‘held’ by persons (p. 330). Bureaucracy
sense of the world, in the years around 1,600. Until the end follows the principle of impersonality by negating the
of the Renaissance, thought is dominated by the principle individuality of the official and the client, their hope, fear,
of resemblance—a relationship considered to be unbreak- anger, gratitude, concern and doubt.
able. Signs are ‘thought to have been placed upon things so Calculation embodies a similar style of thought. Firstly,
that men might be able to uncover their secrets, their nature calculation is used for non-arbitrary, that is, ‘objective’,
or their virtues’ (p. 59). Signs resemble the represented, predictions. The German berechenbar means calculable as
literature resembles truth, variables resemble numbers and well as predictable. Secondly, calculation works along a
money is made of valuable materials. In contrast to that, system of abstract rules that are culturally established and
signs gain their independence in the seventeenth century. that the individual has to conform to. Thirdly, this system
Suddenly, they are considered arbitrary constructs and of rules demands ‘formalistic impersonality’, as calculation
require legitimisation. Consequently, science begins to operates by its rules alone. This formalism disregards any
discuss the criteria for the significance of symbols, leading ‘personal considerations’ of the calculating individual just
to the appreciation of calculation and the evolution of as it disregards those of the official. On top of this, the
formal logic. From then on, symbols are interrelated by variables of each calculation also have to be manipulated
their logical order and their measure (pp. 71–76). ‘impersonally’, that is, without any regard for what they
In his history of Algebra, Klein (1936/1992) argues that might stand for. Every situation is only perceived in the
while ‘in Greek science, concepts are formed in continual boundaries of the pre-defined cases, that is, cases that rules
dependence on ‘‘natural’’, prescientific experience, from (for calculation or administration) exist for. It is this sep-
which the scientific concept is ‘‘abstracted’’’, in modern aration of sign and represented, of case and individual, of
science ‘nothing but the internal connection of all the variable and number in the modern episteme that allows
concepts, their mutual relatedness, their subordination to both bureaucracy and calculation as we know it today.

Mathematics and power: an alliance in the foundations of mathematics and its teaching 1069

Calculation is not a mere tool of bureaucratic administra- interested in so-called real-world problems, in which
tion, but is in itself a technique for the ‘de-humanised’ problems formulated in situations of the real world are
(Weber 1972, p. 563) processing of situations. Therefore, interpreted and solved by calculation. The myth of refer-
calculation is not an ‘undetermined’ technique that can ence is a mechanism which makes students think that
‘serve a grand variety of social, political, and economic calculation is a universal tool capable of solving any real-
functions and interests’ (Skovsmose 2011, p. 2); it is a world problem. Dowling states and exemplifies that many
technique which resembles a style of thought that is ‘real-world problems’ build on situations which would not
bureaucratic. be solved mathematically in everyday life (pp. 4–7). In
addition to that, the mathematics classroom does not usu-
4.3 Calculation and bureaucracy in the classroom ally present any real-world problems that cannot be solved
mathematically. Therefore, school mathematics provides
Merton (1949) acknowledges that bureaucracy has to exert experiences which foster the belief that mathematics can be
‘a constant pressure upon the official to be methodical, reasonably applied to solve any problem of the real world.
prudent, disciplined’. It must attain ‘an unusual degree of Taking into consideration that most of these real-world
conformity with prescribed patterns of action’ in order to problems are based on or result in calculation, we see that
fulfil its purpose (p. 154). Accordingly, Weber (1972) real-world problems function as a mechanism to install
states that the bureaucratic style of thought requires calculation as an omnipotent means of perceiving and
‘specialised training’ (p. 552). Therefore, embodying a handling our world.
bureaucratic style of thought may be considered an ascetic Dowling’s myth of participation refers to a mechanism
act of the individual. Bureaucratic administration utilises a which fosters the belief that students will need mathematics
disciplinary technology in exerting the ‘constant pressure to succeed in their everyday life outside school (1998,
upon the official to be methodical, prudent, disciplined’; it pp. 7–11). Real-world problems are often student-oriented,
drives the official to become a bureaucratic being. that is, they build on situations that are close to the expe-
Weber (1972) explains the growth of general education riences of students, although the mathematics involved
in modern times with the need for preparatory training and would usually not be used to solve such problems in the
selection (p. 577). Mathematics education in particular has real world. Their latent message is: Look at these examples
historically developed alongside the cultivation of from your everyday life and see how calculation is needed
bureaucracy, incorporating calculation which has been to manage them! That is how school mathematics provides
shown to share a common style of thought. Solving cal- experiences which foster the belief that the students need
culation tasks is a prescribed activity with abstract sym- mathematics, and especially calculation, to cope with their
bols, following prescribed rules. Compared to any other everyday life outside school.
tasks used in school, only calculation tasks cannot be Both mechanisms bear the possibility of intensifying the
solved without a bureaucratic style of thought: there is experiences students have with calculation tasks. On the
usually no other accepted solution to a calculation task than one hand, those succeeding in calculation may be happy to
the development or application of a rule-bound and master the seemingly omnipotent and even privately rele-
impersonal algorithm, for any other solution would subvert vant, de-humanised, rule-bound approach towards our
its status as a task of calculation. The experience of these world. On the other hand, those failing in calculation may
ever-repeating challenges causes the student to adapt. On explain their failure with their own incompetence rather
the one hand, she may be able and willing to cultivate a than with insufficiencies of the calculation method as the
bureaucratic style of thought. This would allow the student latter is believed to be omnipotent. Nevertheless, they may
to perform well (at least as long as mathematics education believe that calculation is important for their life outside
incorporates calculation to a large extent) and experience school. In the end, they might come to think that they lack
herself as a successful learner. On the other hand, the the ability to handle the mathematics necessary for a ful-
student may be either unable or unwilling to cultivate a filled life and feel compelled to lay their trust in mathe-
bureaucratic style of thought. This would leave her with matical experts. In the consequence of this mechanism, a
ever-repeating failure in calculation tasks. In the case of function (although not an intended goal) of school mathe-
such a trauma, the only adaptation securing the student’s matics would be not only to separate an elite from the
dignity is to escape from the humiliating situations. As a unable and unwilling, but also to make the latter appreciate
physical escape is not tolerated, it has to be performed their subordination.
mentally: the student ‘learns’ that mathematics is ‘nothing As bureaucracy and calculation share a common style of
for her’. thought, performance in calculation indicates whether or
Paul Dowling (1998) describes mechanisms of mathe- not students are suited for administrative positions: whe-
matics education which he calls ‘myths’. He is especially ther or not they can reduce situations to cases and

1070 D. Kollosche

mathematical models, and whether or not they can handle and technically, and that this use serves the interests of
these cases and models according to imposed rules disre- those in charge of political and economic power.
garding their personal thoughts and feelings; whether or
not they can separate from themselves an administrative or
calculative processor of rules. But school mathematics also 5 Conclusion
educates in the sense that it produces situations in which
students cultivate their relationships towards calculation. Beyond all issues of application and teaching, mathematics
Whether or not, or rather how far, this experience affects proves to be political. Two characteristic aspects of
the student’s relationship towards bureaucracy is hard to mathematics have been analysed, and it has been shown
tell. It seems at least natural that the estrangement from how both logic and calculation serve as technologies for
calculation to some extent coheres with an estrangement the government of others. These technologies empower
from any practices sharing a similar style of thought, those groups of society that have control over them, that is,
especially from bureaucratic ones. Therefore, school those who are able and willing to think and speak logically
mathematics can be considered an institution which and act bureaucratically. Consequently, it is not surprising
(alongside other functions) identifies and trains a calcula- that mathematics tends to serve as a role model in all these
tory-bureaucratic elite and teaches the rest to subordinate to dimensions, that it is said to be saner to believe in than in
the calculatory-bureaucratic administration of our society. gods, to be an outstanding example of good reason, to train
the mind to find the ‘right’ arguments and to be non-arbi-
4.4 Calculation and power trary and objective. However, others who lack control over
these technologies are subject to them and excluded from
Calculation and bureaucracy—just as logic—prove to be a their power.
technology of government which serves the interests of In modernity, the compulsory school has developed
power. Weber (1972) points out that the bureaucratic form alongside the establishment of modern institutions such as
stands against a patrimonial form of administration—a research and bureaucratic administration. Social changes
form that is based on personal relationship, descent and led to new forms of gaining knowledge and administration,
wealth. Bureaucracy is installed to administer a state on the and people had to be prepared to accept and integrate into
basis of equality and predictability (pp. 567–576). As a these institutions. As has been pointed out, mathematics
technology of government, it is directed against the arbi- classes can be regarded as one of the central institutions in
trariness of the patrimonial office and serves the interests of which people are introduced into these new forms of
those groups of societies who are legally underprivileged, existence. Success in mathematics classes depends on the
such as the bourgeoisie in early modernity. mastery of logical and bureaucratic thought.
Besides this political dimension, bureaucratic adminis- In spite of that, it is unsure to what extent this mastery
tration also has an economic function. Weber (1972) can be acquired in the mathematics classroom. Bernstein-
describes bureaucracy as the most economically effective based research in mathematics education shows that the
form of administration (pp. 561–566). Therefore, bureau- socio-lingual background of students influences their pos-
cracy is an economical factor for those who have economic sibilities of succeeding in mathematics classes. Although
interests. These might be nobles and politicians ruling a until now we lack any research linking the socio-lingual
state as well as players of big business. The availability and background to the mastery of logic and calculation, it may
application of a bureaucratic administration allows maxi- already be assumed that students whose social environment
mising profits and constitutes an economic resource. has integrated logical and bureaucratic norms into their
Calculation serves the maintenance of bureaucracy in a codes of communication have easier access to the activities
twofold sense. Firstly, it serves as an environment for the of mathematics classes. Then, mathematics classes may be
ascetics of a person as it demands the understanding of and considered not only as an institution for the logical and
obedience to rules and the ignoring of his or her individ- bureaucratic qualification of students, but also as an insti-
uality. However, these ascetics are mental prerequisites for tution which allows a selection among these students on the
bureaucratic administration as well. Consequently, calcu- basis of their mastery of logic and calculation. As far as
lation in school can be regarded as a preparation for this mastery is influenced by their socio-linguistic back-
bureaucratic practices in later life. Secondly, calculation ground and as far as school does not provide equal
serves as a technology within the bureaucratic adminis- opportunities for a logical and bureaucratic qualification,
tration itself—a technology which, due to its mental kin- this mechanism would lead to the production of a techno-
ship, is able to meet the requirements of the bureaucratic cratically educated class.
administration. Eventually, it can be argued that calculation In Foucaultian terms, it is true that mathematics pro-
in school prepares the use of bureaucracy both mentally vides a set of empowering technologies for the government

Mathematics and power: an alliance in the foundations of mathematics and its teaching 1071

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