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Unit 1 Review:
Foreign Direct Investment→ Reason: cheap labor
Competition increases → Prices decreases
Wages → The biggest reason for deindustrialization
Least relevant characteristic to an intrapreneur → risk-taking
Industries less likely to have startups → big manufacturing companies (steel, etc.) bc
government-supported, costly industries
Primary job creation: Creating job opportunities for people. Ex/ Selin starting her own
business hiring new people
Secondary job creation: Growth of the suppliers
GDP stimulated by startups → How? → Quality of being unique, creating value, creating
economic activity, growing a market
Job creation and Economic growth → Economy grows and jobs are created.
Structural unemployment → Switching of sectors (secondary to tertiary) Bunch of
unemployment steelworkers to programers
Startups help with structural employment → Skills needed in the startups are pretty
diverse, thus everyone will find a job
Startups and economic dynamism → Bringing something new to the economy
Prevention of new start-up creation → high risk, too much work, lack of capital
Primary considerations while choosing a location for a business → foot traffic, people
seeing it
Supply chains → needs a location, taking the risk
The creation of Çarşı’s → old istanbul, the hardness of transportation
New startups can attract customers by good service, unique product
Old businesses advantages → more capital, trust of customers
Why do startups usually fail by keeping records → they don’t put enough attention, they
give more importance to operations, often times there is so much to do
Lack of records → Losing money and not realizing, can’t take track of the customers’
personal choices/ demand, tax-paying problems
Obtaining finance is a problem for business owners → Why? → banks don’t trust one,
entrepreneurs don’t have colladorole (smt to give to bank if they cannot pay the loan)
Wealth is publicly produced and privately apprapiated (taken). OPPOSITE OF
UBI→ Universal Basic Income
Business can’t force people but governments can.

Different ways governments can affect business decision:

Fiscal→ tax+spending
Monetary→ interest rate+printing money

Fiscal = tax+ spending UBI (Fiscal policy is the use of government spending and taxation
to influence the economy. )

Monetary= interest rates + printing money (Monetary policy is the control of the quantity
of money available in an economy and the channels by which new money is supplied. )
→ When you print too much money, the value of the money goes down.

GDP = Gross Domestic Product → The value of the economy

- When GDP increases → a good thing (generally)
- Problem with a fast-growing economy: Inflation (general cost of living) increases
→ interest rates go up: slow the economy down

A lot of headquarters → in Dublin → Amazon, Apple, vs. → lowest interest rates for

Monetary policy → Usually in recession

Neoliberalism: Deregulizing everything
IMF (International Monetary Fund) → SAP (Structural Adjustment Program) → Crises →
We will give you money if you privatize
Anti-monopoly laws
Race to the bottom → Businesses getting more and more competitive and getting worse
and worse ethically.
Chamber of commerce → ticaret odası
Fiduciary duty → ROI (return of investment) → should maximize the money for investors
PLC’s can lose control, Ltd’s cannot
Conflict of interest
STATE (government/public sector) X Business (public sector)

Anarchism (Liberatarian) => Anti-government => If government didn’t exist, everything would
be perfect
Socialism (Progressive) => Pro-government => They think there is too much power in the
private sector
- They both question the distribution of power, they look at stuff in one sided view points.

With reference to one or two organisation(s) that you have studied, evaluate the impact
different types of organisational ownership have on business strategy.

Twitter turned into a public limited company and they gained a lot of money afterward. They
were able to sell shares to the general public and raised capital to improve their business. They
couldn’t have done this with a private limited company. On the other hand, Twitter wouldn’t work
as a partnership or a sole trader as well due to the size of the business. Being a plc gave them
a medium to innovate and earn more money.

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