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Bugs in Server Software

A software bug is a fault which makes a program to crash or produce invalid output. The

problem is caused by insufficient or erroneous logic. A bug can either be an error, fault, mistake,

or defect which may result to failure or deviation from expected results. Most bugs are caused by

human errors in source code or its design. A program is considered buggy when it comprises a

bulky number of bugs, which affect program functionality and cause fault result. There are a

number of ways of preventing the software bugs.

The first strategy is the implementation of Test-Driven Development (TDD). This is a

process of generating failing tests for the feature before developing a product. When the product

is developed, test is carried out to ascertain the expected performance for the product. This

process is hence an alternative software development practice where unit tests are defined before

production code (Simone et al. 69). TDD can therefore serve as a great technique to avoiding

bugs arising due to insufficient testing. The second method is continuous Integration Continuous

Testing (CICT). CICT highlights that every code modification integrated into the central code

source should be automatically tested with predefined test cases. Therefore, continuous testing is

only possible on implementation and integration of automated testing with CD system. To

achieve CICT for a feature, it is advisable for the automated system to be integrated with the

build-up system of the feature. This is very helpful in reduction of bugs.

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The third method of preventing the bugs is Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It

supports the use of Domain Specific Language (DSL) which is a channel of communication

between and within teams. The use of DSL reduces miscommunication among the stockholders.

When BDD is applied, test can be generated in a simple text language like English which

encourage full participation of every team member in creating tests. This help a lot in reducing

bugs that occur due to communication gaps between and within teams. The final method is

Specification Review and Management (Simone et al. 71). When the scope for the feature

evolves, it fuels the specifications related to it. Therefore, the dedication effort will be required to

appraisal and track updates. Early detection of the updates in the speculation process will later

help to prevent bugs during implementation of the feature.

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Work Cited

Romano, Simone, et al. "Findings from a multi-method study on test-driven

development." Information and Software Technology 89 (2017): 64-77.

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