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Young's modulus can be interpreted in a simple , which is the amount of relationship tension and tensile strain .

More clearly, the

ratio between the tensile stress and tensile strain . Young's modulus is very important in physics because after studying it, we can
use it to determine the value of an object kelastisan .
Because it was important for students to learn and master it , was undertaken to deepen a matter physics lab on Young's
Modulus .
Furthermore , to complete the lab , the lab report was composed . The contents of this report is nothing but a literature review that
contains Young's modulus theories , practical purposes , the results of observation and discussion telkah things that happen in the
lab . Another purpose of this report is to fulfill one of the tasks of basic physics course .

I.2 . destination
The main purpose of Young 's Modulus practical implementation are as follows :
Solve the problems related to the application of Young's Modulus .
Determine the Young's modulus of a material .


1 . elasticity
If you pull a spring to train the chest muscles , then the spring will deform , which will become longer . But , if you let go of your
hand , spring will soon return to its original betuk . Or another example is the katepel made of rubber .
Rubber springs and lists different types of objects in terms of the elastic properties . Or the elasticity of the elastic properties is
the ability of an object to return to its initial form as soon as the external force given to the object was removed .
While the object is not elastic objects not returned to their original style when released , such as the clay . When you hit a lump of
clay , the shape will change , but when force is released from the body , clay is not returned to their original states .

2 . tension
Voltage is defined as the quotient between the attractive force F experienced by the wire with broad cross-section ( A ) or can
also be defined sebaghai force per unit area . Voltage defined by :

Voltage is a scalar quantity and has units of N / m² or Pascal ( Pa ) .

3 . strain
Strain is defined as the quotient between the length of the length ΔL initially L. Or the ratio of change in length to the initial
length . Strain defined by :

Because of the length ΔL and L is the initial length of the same magnitude , the strain e has no units or dimensions .

Picture below can be used to clarify the concept of stress and strain .
4 . Elastic modulus
Most objects go round elastic up to a certain amount of force , called the elastic limit . If the style is done / given to objects
smaller than the elastic limit , the object will return to its original shape if the force is removed . But if the force applied exceeded
the elastic limit , no matter akian back into shape , but is permanently deformed .

The graph above shows the graph of voltage on a wire strain when given force to the wire broke .
From O to B , the wire deformation is elastic . This means that if the voltage is removed , the wire will return to its original shape
. In the elastic region , there are areas that have linear line / straight line , namely OA . From O to A Hooke's law is valid , and
point A is referred to as Hooke's law limit .
B is the elastic limit of the wire . Above this point , the wire is plastic deformation . If the voltage is removed in the new area of
plastic deformation , for example at point D , the metal wire will not return to its original shape , but undergo permanent
deformation ( eg curling events like paper clips ) .
C is the bending point ( yield point ) . Above this point it only takes a small additional tensile force to produce a large increase in
length . The greatest tension Yag we can give just before the wire broke also called maximum stress ( tensile stress ultyimate ) .
While E is the point of fracture . If we give the voltage reaches the point E , then the wire will break it.
And henceforth , if we pay attention to the chart again and noticed in the region OA , then the straight-line graph . Where the
ratio between stress and strain is constant . The constant is called the elastic modulus or Young modulus . Thus , the elastic
modulus of a material ( E ) is defined as the ratio between stress and strain experienced by the material .

Modulus of Elasticity of some substances

Elastic Modulus Substance

E ( N / m² )
Iron 100 x 10
Steel 200 x 10
Coal 14 x 10
Marble 50 x 10
Wood 10 x 10
5 . Pull Voltage , Voltage Press , Voltage Slide
There are three types of stress that are known , namely tensile , compressive stress and shear stress . In the compressive stress ,
both ends of the object will get the same great style and opposite direction . But , despite the provision made in the style of the
ends of the object , the entire object will experience a stretch because the applied voltage .
Unlike the tensile stress , compressive stress in direct contrast to tensile stress . Materials that are forced rather than drawn , but
pressed so that the forces will work in the object , for example a case of the pillars on a Greek temple .
The third voltage is shear stress . Objects that have experienced shear forces are equal and opposite directions are given across
opposite sides of the Yuan . Suppose a book or brick surface firmly attached . Table exerts an equal and opposite directions along
the lower surface . Although the dimensions of objects does not change much , shapes of objects change .
Three types of voltage

If all three of the voltage supplied is too large , exceeding the power of object , then the object will be broken .

6 . Hooke's law
Experiment that we did in dasarny is to determine the quantitative relationship between the force on the spring is done by
increments in length . Every spring when given the length of pull with the length of the term originally referred to . If the tensile
force graphed against the change in length , then you will get a linear line graph form .
Hooke's law itself reads , " If the pull does not exceed the elastic limit of the spring , the spring is directly proportional to the
length ( comparable ) with its style " . This statement put forward by Robert Hooke , an architect who was commissioned to
rebuild buildings in London which suffered a fire in 1666 . Therefore , this statement is known as Hooke's Law . Hooke's law can
be formulated as follows
F = k Δx

7 . Elastic constants Style Objects

Force constants in Hooke's law of elastic objects denoted by the symbol k . You should know that the force constant k is a
constant for a general elastic object if the force does not exceed the given point A ( limit of Hooke's law ) .
Tensile force F is done in solids , can be expressed by the following equation .

And Hooke's law as follows F = k Δx

From the two equations above , we can mensubtitusikannya that will eventually obtained a formula to calculate the force constant
k , ie .

Where A is the cross-sectional area ( m² ) , E is the elastic modulus of the material ( N / m² ) , and L is the free length of the
objects ( objects currently undrawn length )

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