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HCI 416 -Assignment 1-Deadline Friday 17 December 2021

Question 1:

a) What is command line and GUI operating systems? [4]

A: GUI means a Graphical user interface while CLI means the command line interface. As the name
suggests, one has to write commands to perform a certain CLI system task. On the other hand, GUI
offers graphics that consist of icons and images that enable users to do a task directly.

b) What do you understand by windows? [2]

A: Windows is an operating system designed by Microsoft. The operating system is what allows
you to use a computer. Windows makes it possible to complete all types of everyday tasks on your
computer. For example, you can use Windows to browse the Internet, check your email, edit
digital photos, listen to music, play games, and do much more.

c) What is interaction framework in HCI? [6]

The Requirements Definition phase sets the stage for the core of the design effort:defining the
interaction framework of the product. The interaction framework defines not only the skeleton of
the interaction -- its structure -- but also the flow and behavior of the product. The following six
steps describe the process of defining the interaction framework:

1. Defining form factor and input methods

2. Defining views

3. Defining functional and data elements

4. Determining functional groups and hierarchy

5. Sketching the interaction framework

6. Constructing key path scenarios. Like previous processes, this is not a linear effort, but requires


d) What are the four interfaces that give name WIMP? Describe each

interface [8]

A: WIMP is an acronym for Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers. Alternatively it is an

Acronym for Windows, Icons Mice down menus. Examples of user interfaces that are based
on the WIMP interaction style include : Microsoft windows for PC's MAC OS for apple
Macintosh various X windows based systems for UNIX, etc.

Question 2:

a) Differentiate deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and abductive

reasoning [9]
A: Deductive reasoning: conclusion guaranteed

Deductive reasoning starts with the assertion of a general rule and proceeds from there to a
guaranteed specific conclusion. Deductive reasoning moves from the general rule to the specific
application: In deductive reasoning, if the original assertions are true, then the conclusion must
also be true. For example, math is deductive:

If x = 4

And if y = 1

Then 2x + y = 9

Inductive reasoning: conclusion merely likely

Inductive reasoning begins with observations that are specific and limited in scope, and proceeds
to a generalized conclusion that is likely, but not certain, in light of accumulated evidence. You
could say that inductive reasoning moves from the specific to the general. Much scientific research
is carried out by the inductive method: gathering evidence, seeking patterns, and forming a
hypothesis or theory to explain what is seen.


What we have seen is the ability of these cells to feed the blood vessels of tumors and to
heal the blood vessels surrounding wounds. The findings suggest that these adult stem cells
may be an ideal source of cells for clinical therapy. For example, we can envision the use of
these stem cells for therapies against cancer tumors [...].1
Abductive reasoning: taking your best shot
Abductive reasoning typically begins with an incomplete set of observations and proceeds to
the likeliest possible explanation for the set. Abductive reasoning yields the kind of daily
decision-making that does its best with the information at hand, which often is incomplete.

A medical diagnosis is an application of abductive reasoning: given this set of symptoms,

what is the diagnosis that would best explain most of them? Likewise, when jurors hear
evidence in a criminal case, they must consider whether the prosecution or the defense has
the best explanation to cover all the points of evidence. While there may be no certainty
about their verdict, since there may exist additional evidence that was not admitted in the
case, they make their best guess based on what they know.

b) What is execution and evaluation loop? [5]


Question 3:

List the types of interaction style, with an example of each. [6]

Currently, six main interaction styles are used. Each of them will be considered in a special part of
the lesson, with examples, discussion on advantages and disadvantages and design guidelines. But
first, look at the overview:

 Command line. The user types in commands for the program, usually one at a time. The
program executes the commands and returns feedback, if necessary. MS-DOS and UNIX use
this style.

 Question and answer. The application asks questions and when the user provide by answers
all necessary data, the application gives the results. Sometimes these are called "walktrough
and use" applications.

 Menus. Possible user actions are listed on the screen and the user can select one of them.
Gopher is an example and most MS Windows applications also include menus.

 Form filing. The user type the data in specific fields, similar to the fields on a paper fill-in
form. Many office and database applications use this style.

 Function keys. The interaction is done by a set of special keys or key combinations for
different operations. Typical examples are computerised ticket machines, computer games,

 Graphical direct manipulation. The objects used in application are graphically represented
on the screen and the user can manipulate them directly by pointing, clicking, dragging,
typing, etc. Most windowing systems, or GUI's (Graphical User Interface) are based on
graphical direct manipulation.


Question 4:

Explain the stages in Norman’s model of interaction with your own example [8]
The action cycle can be divided into two parts:


1. Forming a goal about something that you want to accomplish.

2. Forming an intention to act.

3. Selecting a sequence of actions that will lead you to your goal.

4. Execution of the action.


5. Perception of the state of the world resulting from the action.

6. Interpretation of this perception based on your expectations.

7. Evaluating whether or not the goal was reached.


Question 5:

State any three principles of direct manipulation systems, as defined by

Schneiderman. Provide examples from familiar user interfaces (e.g. Windows) for

each of the three principles.[12]

A: 1) Continuous visual representation of the visible data objects

Example: move a .doc file into a folder by a drag-and-drop action. The

objects remain visible throughout the user interaction

2) Physical actions or labeled button presses


i. clicking on an object to select it

ii. dragging it to move it

iii. dragging a selection handle to resize it

3) Effects of actions are rapid, incremental, and reversible

Examples: undo command in Word (for reversibility)

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