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SCHEDULE: 19:16 – 22:46


First of all, What exactly is a memory? Memory refers to the processes that are used to
acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. Human memory involves the ability
to both preserve and recover information we have learned or experienced. However, this
is not a flawless process. Well, now I going to explain how can people improve their
memory? I will explain two methods and I will give you examples of that.
In fact, many people apply this method in the university or business. When you will be
in classes, you have to pay attention meanwhile you can make some notes. For example,
yesterday I had biochemistry lesson, it was about proteins. Before the class started, I
opened my notebook, and I prepared my pens. After that I made notes as much I could.
So in the afternoon when I did my summary of proteins I linked with my notes,
consequently, I improved my knowledge and I maintain my memory in a good state.
Another method that I recommend you is to make your own graphics. I know that this
more difficult because you have to spend more time, but the results compensate the effort.
For example, when I used to prepare in academy, I did a lot of draws, furthermore, I did
mind map, infographics, concepts maps. It took me hours. While I was drawing
circulatory system, my friends was summarizing the concepts of it. Now, three years
later, I still remember some ideas of that, so I strongly recommend you to use this method
if you want to remember for long time important concepts.
To conclude, memory is a beautiful issue, I have learned some methods about how to
improve it, but it´s important to keep in mind that memory works different in each person,
otherwise we would have the same capacity to remember things. So you have to find
your own style, I gave you two methods, I wish that at least one them can help you to
improve your memory .

Thinking about this question: How can birth order affect one´s personality? I could linked
it with zodiac calendary. I mean that it depends on when you was born, to definite your
personality. As you know personality means the combination of characteristics or
qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. I will explain my answer. I have
enough knowledge of this topic.Why? because While on vacation, I read a lot of
magazines and I have gotten important bibliography of this. Now I´m going to explain
three typical zodiac signs and I will relation it with each personality

Let´s start with Geminis, this sign begins in 21 on May and ends 20 on June. The
characteristics of this personality is to be talkative, versatile and eloquent. My father was
born in 11 on June. So obviously he is geminis. Upon noticing my father is geminis
because of his birth, I understood that zodiac signs have sense. To be honest he is like a
"loro". Being a child, he had the facility to find friends because of his eloquent. After
investigating the relation between birth order and personality, I have been trying to find
more coincidence in my father´s personality.

Let´s continue with Libra, this sign begins in 24 on September and ends 22 on October.
The characteristics of this personality is to be extroverted, cosy, and friendly. Librans,
like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance,
harmony, peace, and justice in the world . Having gotten this information, I realized that
my mother coincide with all of this features. She was born in 27 on September. So
obviously she is libra. Not knowing this details of libra, It would be a little bit difficult to
understand her character. On checking the birth order of brother, I realized that my
brother is Libra. Because of that my mother and him have a lot of similarities in their

Finally, we finish with Piscis, this sign begins in 15 on March and ends 14 on April. The
characteristics of this personality is to be sensitive, gracious, and emotionally aware.
Pisces characters are regarded for being among the most sympathetic of the zodiac signs,
and they will go to great lengths to ensure the happiness of those around them. Moreover,
they are creative and imaginative. According with this information, I am Piscis because I
was born in 16 on March. After investigating, I identified that I have most of pisces
characteristics. I remember that being a child, I had the facility to imagine fantastic worlds
and creatures.

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