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thoughtful specialize social political considerate job studies party kind subjects science asylum. pensive expert event science mind in welfare animal thinking course gathering harold personal occasion obligation multicultural private event duty multi diary special must bilingual impersonal birthday have to cultural mine party debt biodiversity possession happening responsibility britain interact play converse engage interaction atfect generation next scare a scared sone fear ¥ terrify ee ghost event happening happen time current calendar extinct commercial dinosaur a4 dead television ee traveller dodo money advert dinosaurs: celebration behaviour anniversary agreement birthday good birthday contract party animal wedding disagreement champagne bad celebrate agree joy childish celebration yes holiday naughty happy pact acceptable trouble solve serious okay double problem grave unacceptable bother mystery funny ok strife puzzle silly fine toil solution stern good bad find hard ee scared | _ safety frightened pin fear security afraid protection: stiff caution fright belt respect honor elders admire authority honour pass method ‘fail ‘way by scientific exam how through system overtake science cure medicine disease heal cancer doctor birth power remote panel pest consist assist blackhead care complete components compare commit avoid system contrast suicide ignore metric comparison crime miss computer like not dodge process than non neglect stereo. collapse sins accident buddy solution risk resource provide problem danger source give answer chance asset food solve dare starch supply mixture hazard waste money saline take management provider pollute opponent longterm smog, enemy relationship os air foe commitment company city rival eternity unlimited contaminate adversary lasting edition fumes player bonds few environmental disaster benefit green, earthquake emergency gain science catastrophe danger money ecological tragedy panic good pollution chaos trouble charity recycle hurricane situation welfare welfare threat state a. social tise a fear check blackmail aid he uffer species a origin ee human hurt aa aon genus die animal source protect melt issue energy guard ice magazine light defend butter problem origin cover cheese give power police wax paper chocolate serve liquid topic involve habitat environment endangered include habit surroundings species evolve natural nature animal participate environment pollution extinct in humanity green harmed involvement dwellings surrounding eagle depend rely coves are ‘mean trust argue hacm kind need discussion break harsh. on discuss brain. evil dependent speech broken vicious connect condition communicate analyze join state talk think link air speak examine attach mint phone critic wire circumstance language figure associate critical telephone psychology

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