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Arcane Bakery Clash

2 Players, 20 min

It's been a long time coming. You and a particular co-worker at the Arcane Bakery simply
cannot work together anymore. In a moment of frustration, you challenge them to a duel: After
close, no holds barred. The loser resigns. And cleans up the mess.

2 character cards
16 recipe cards
Up to 12 coins or tokens (provided by the players)

Give each player a character card
Place a coin on the health track of each character card, under the ten
Shuffle the remaining cards
Deal two cards to each player

If the other player’s health is reduced to zero, then you win!

How to Play:
Each turn you may take up to two actions. You may take the same action twice. The actions you
may take are the following:

Draw a recipe card:

Take the top card of the deck into your hand. You cannot do this if you already have five cards
in your hand.
If you take the last card in the deck, shuffle the discard pile to make a new deck.

Put a recipe in the oven:

Place a card from your hand face-down in front of you
. Place a coin on the zero space on the back.

You can only have up to three recipes in the oven at a time.

Peek into an oven:

If you have forgotten something about one of your cards, you may use an
action to look at it, keeping the coin on its back in place.

Turn up the heat:

Move the coin on one of your recipe cards ahead one space.

Take a recipe out of the oven:

Take note of what number the coin was covering on the back, flip over a card. If one of the
actions on the card matches that number, take the corresponding action.

If neither of the actions on the front of the card matches the back, take one damage and
discard the card.

If a card you successfully played has a health track, leave the card face-up on the table.
Place a coin on the health track as indicated by the action. If it doesn't have a health
track, discard the card after taking the action.

At the end of your turn, advance all ovens by one. If this would move a coin past the seven,
discard the card and take two damage.

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