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Animal farm

The setting of the story takes place in England, where animals were raised on
Manor farm, which was eventually changed to animal farm when Mr. jones who
didn’t care for the animals to the best of his abilities was overthrown by the farm
animals, leaving them without an owner. The story reflects events of the Russian
revolution in 1917.

Characters include,
old major (pig)- the prize-winning boar whose life had eventually come to an end.
introducing an idea he had in a dream and teaching them a song ‘Beast of
Snowball (pig)- brilliant, inventive and idealistic took the place of leadership to
uphold old major’s idea.
Napoleon(pig)- an aggressive, fierce looking, clever boar, who takes leadership in
adjacent to snowball.
Squealer(pig) - a young, brilliant pig who is napoleon messenger to the animals
Mollie(mere)- a young mare who can’t live without her sugar lumps and ribbons.
Runs away to the humans when she gets stressed about it.
Clover(mere)- a kind woman who has four fillies with her companion boxer
Benjamin(donkey)- the oldest animal with a bad temper, gloomy attitude and
seldom talks on the farm.
Moses(raven)- Mr. jones favorite pet who always talks about sugarcandy
mountain. A tamed, clever talked bird.
Mr. and Ms. jones (humans)- Mr. jones an obsessive drinker who owns the farm
and his wife Ms. Jones
Muriel( goat)- smart goat and completes her task, a great reader among the
common animals.
Federick(human)- a tough, shrewd man who owns pinchfield farm and sells
timber to napoleon.
Boxer(horse)- a strong, diligent horse at the age of 11. Who’s most of the success
came from in the formation of the windmill.
Pilklington (human)- an easy-going farmer who spent most of his time in fishing or
hunting. Napoleon also had negotiations with pilklington for timber

In the beginning of the story, Mr. jones, the owner of manor farm was to drunk
to shout the popholes. Leaving chaos to take place between the animals. one
night a white boar by the name of old major whom was Mr. jones favorite had a
dream and was eager to share it with the farm animals. the horses, goats, donkey,
dogs, cats, mare etc. all gathered in the barn for a meeting. Old major came to the
conclusion that humans are evil and selfish, with a plan to eradicate Mr. jones
from the farm house leaving the animals without an owner.

Rising action
On the third night old major passed away in his sleep. His speech was taken into
consideration by the intelligent animals. making preparations for the rebellion
according to old major’s dream. The responsibility of leadership was placed in the
hands of two pigs, snowball and napoleon. After which was squealer a brilliantly
spoken pig. Mr. jones life has become harder for him after losing money in a
lawsuit, in taking up the habit of drinking. Mr. jones and his men were lazy in not
taking proper care of the farm and leaving the animals underfed.
On midsummer’s eve, Mr. jones came back to the farm in an extremely drunk
state, he got back on the farm the next day and immediately went to sleep.
Leaving the men to only milk the cows without feeding the animals. it became
unbearable and one of the cows broke the door from the store- shed and began
feeding on the food in the bins.

Falling action
Four men including Mr. jones entered the shed with whips, lashing out at the
animals. the hungry animals couldn’t bare it no more and charged at the men in a
violent attack. Jones and his men gave up in defending themselves and ran full
flight on the track that led to the main road. Mrs. jones witnessed the scene and
fled manor farm, with no humans in sight.

The rebellion was successful leaving manor farm in the care of the animals. The
farm animals being in their glee from their accomplishment taught themselves
how to read and write. Snowball, being the best at writing had the idea of
changing the name from manor farm to animal farm. to reduce the principal of
animalism the pigs came up with the idea to inscribe the seven commandments
on a wall. For example; whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
The conflict in the middle part of the story is the fight between napoleon and
Fedrick. When Fedrick began to be dishonest in the transaction between
napoleon by giving him fake banknotes. Napoleon voiced the death sentence
upon Fedrick. The next day an attack was in pursuit, their main focus to demolish
the windmill for good. At this horrible sight the animals got the will power to get
up and fight again, with an end result of a cow, three sheep, and two geese were
killed. This is character vs character conflict.

An internal conflict takes place with boxer in chapter 9, when he was
determined to build thw windmill. Despite his struggles with being of age and
close to retirement, continued to push himself with his words “I will work harder”.
Until he eventually passed away. This is character vs self conflict

Point of view
3rd person omniscient- the lines ‘ the work of teaching and organizing the others
fell naturally upon the pig, who were generally recognized as being the cleverest
of the animal” it shows the writer knows the pigs capability and categorized the
pigs as cleverest animal.

Themes outlined
Without structured rules and a leader there is some level of chaos.
The power in speech.

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