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Vasile Clara Denisa 29.09.


Initial Test

Subiectul A
1) A
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) D
6) A
7) C
8) B
9) A
10) A
11) B
12) B
13) A
14) D
15) B
16) C
17) D
18) B
19) B
20) B
Vasile Clara Denisa 29.09.2020

Subiectul B
I agree with this statement because those people who broke the
rules, actually make a difference. They are remembered because of
their acts of rebellion, because they differentiate from the rest. They
bring in something new that makes the others curious and intrigued.
The more we find out about this deeds, the more we wish we could
do something special crazy in order to stand out from the crowd. Not
all people are perfect.
Thoughts may vary. But, I think some rules are nothing more
than old habits, which people are hesitant to change. If you confide
by those rules, you cannot expect to progress. This is the reason I
say that breaking rules is important. Not just me but all the people
who have managed to do something big, have supported the fact that
breaking rules is important.
Life is all about the decisions we make. If you want to leave a
mark in whichever field you are in, you must break the status quo. If
you are doing what thousands of others are doing, and perhaps
hundreds of others have done in the past, then how can you expect
to stand out?
You cannot innovate unless you do something, which hasn’t
been already done. And, to do that you need to break the status quo.
The so called rules that others have laid out for you.
Breaking rules can be tough, especially when you are working
as part of team. But, if you know you have it in you to raise the bar
and set an example, then you must be smart enough to play with
those rules.
For instance, if you think you have a better process in mind,
than the one that is currently being employed, then don’t be afraid to
try it out. Who knows, your idea might transform the processes for the
better of coming generations.
What I am trying to say here is that sometimes you have to let
go of the rules to do something which you think is right. You have be
true to yourself and let go of that feeling of being trapped in
something that you don’t believe in.
Vasile Clara Denisa 29.09.2020

Or else, it is going to deteriorate your mental well-being in the


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