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READY TO POTTY TRAIN? q? > They have the physical coordination and skills Can your toddler walk to and sit on the toilet or their potty chair? Can they lower ‘and raise their bottoms on their own? They know—and you know— when they need to go Whether your little one loudly broadcasts when they're eliminating or just makes signature face, their awareness ‘of when they need fo go is key. HOW TO PREPARE Promote all things potty training and “grown up” Make the idea of being a big kid exciting! Picking out underwear is fun! Conversely, do not call diapers “a baby thing,” “icky.” ‘or anything else negative—this cannot only be hurtful, but promote negative behavior and stubborn streaks. Also make sure to heap praise on your little ‘one when they achieve other "big kid” milestones around the house. Use a standard vocabulary While some may suggest using clinical terms for bathroom activities and related parts, what's more important is being Consistent in the words you use with your toddler, And, again, avoid applying shame or negative words to diapers and bodiily functions, You're changing fewer diapers and they're dry for several consecutive hours This is an indicator of developing bladder control and of more regular bowel movements, both of which make potty training your toddler much easier. They can follow simple directions Being able to hear and follow directions is an important developmental milestone, especially when it comes fo potty training, They show an interest Whether it's an eagerness to wear “big-kid underwear’ or a dislike of being ina soiled diaper, your little one may decide for themselves that it's time to start potty training, Prepare the potty for your toddler— and prepare your toddler for the potty Whether you place it in the bathroom or in another room where you've noticed your toddler typically needs fo “go. get @ toddler potty (or two) for your litle one and have it at the ready. Show them how Mommy or Daddy uses the big potty, too—your toddler loves to mimic! your toddir isn't inforested in the "baby potty” ‘and wants fo use the toilet, consider opting for a toddler seat that attaches to the tollet instead Dress for the bathroom trip you want Start putting your toddler into bottoms that can be pulled down and up easily— No tricky zips or buttons. Have them practice this motion when dressing them.

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