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1 "I wondered, Your Excellency,” Sadao murmured.
"It was certainly very careless of me," the General said. "But you understand it was
not lack of patriotism or dereliction of duty." He looked anxiously at his doctor. "If
the matter should come out you would understand that, wouldn’t you?”
“Certainly, your Excellency”, Sadao said. He suddenly comprehended that the
general was in the palm of his hand and that as a consequence, he himself was
perfectly safe. "I swear to your loyalty. Excellency," he said to the old General, "and
to your zeal against the enemy.”
A. Pick the option that best describes the word 'dereliction’ as used in the passage.
(i) Evasion
(ii) Deterioration
(iii) Negligence
(iv) carelessness
(vi) management
a. (ii), (ii) and (vi)
b. (i), (iv) and (v)
c. (ii), (iv) and (vi)
d. (i), (iii) and (iv)
B. At the end of the conversation with the General, Sadao felt:
a. rejuvenated and guilt-free
b. conceited and egoistic
c. refreshed and self-conscious
d. relieved and guilt-free
C. Read the analysis of the General based on the given extract. Choose the option that
fills in the give blanks most appropriately:
The General (i)_____ power but is (ii)___________ of the obligations of his job. He is
(iii)__________ with his health that he forgets to send the assassins to kill the prisoner.
Due to his (iv)_______interests, he doesn't want to expose Sadao and agrees to keep the
prisoner's escape a secret.

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a. (i) fantasizes; (ii) lonely; (iii) consumed; (iv) vested.
b. (i) relishes; (ii) weary; (iii) self-absorbed; (iv) selfish
c. (i) fancies, (ii) apathetic; (iii) negligent; (iv) worthless
d. (i) desires, (ii) concerned; (ii) indisposed; (iv) narrow
D. Pick the option that best matches the idioms with hand with their meanings.
Idiom Meaning
1. hand in glove A. in the care of somebody good and
2. in good hands B. to reveal a secret about one's plans
3. tip one's hand C. do harm to someone who has been kind to you
4. bite the hand that feeds you D. two or more people who are in collusion.

a. 1-A; 2-D; 3-C: 4-B

b. 1-B; 2-C; 3-D; 4-A
c. 1-D; 2-A; 3-B; 4-C
d. 1-C; 2-A; 3-D; 4-B
2 They did not try to hide what they said from the ears of Hana as she stood arranging
the days flowers in the veranda nearby, and she knew they spoke on purpose that she
knew might hear. That they were right she knew too in most of her being. But there
was another part of her which she could not understand.
A. Choose options that shows the feelings of Hana from the extract:
1. Sorrow 2. Hatred 3. Confusion 4. Fear5.Sympathy6.Anger
a. 1, 3, 4
b. 2, 5, 6
c. Only 3
d. 4 and 5
B. Why were they not trying to hide anything from Hana?
a. to make her feel guilty
b. to punish her
c. to express their dislike for her and her husband's actions.
d. to appreciate her husband
C. What were they right about?
a. Their pride in their master

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b. Their disgust for the prisoner
c. Their reaction to the master’s act
d. Their concern for their children
D. ‘On purpose’ in the extract means-
a. Casually
b. Intermittently
c. Accidentally
d. Intentionally
3 “It was at this moment that both of them saw something black come out of the mists. It was
a man. He flung up of the ocean - flung. It seemed, to his feet by a breaker. He staggered a
few steps, his body outlined against the mist, his arms above his head. Then the curled
mists hid him again.”
A. Who are the two mentioned here?
a. Dr.Sadao and his wife
b. Dr. Sadao and his servant
c. Dr. Sadao and another doctor
d. Dr. Sadao and his daughter
B. Who is the 'man' referred here?
a. The white man
b. Japanese soldier
c. Japanese prisoner
d. None of the above
C. How did the man reach the shore?
a. Struggled to walk a few steps
b. Walked comfortably
c. Swam across
d. Was hurled over by the waves
D. Why was the man not visible clearly?
a. The mist hid him
b. The sea hid him
c. The waves hit
d. None of them
4 "If we sheltered a white man in our house we should be arrested and if we turned him

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over as a prisoner, he would certainly die," Sadao said. "The kindest thing would be
to put him back into the sea." Hana said. But neither of them moved. They were
started with a curious repulsion upon the inert figure.
A. Why would Dr. Sadao be punished for sheltering a white man?
a. It was war time and he was from the enemy country
b. He was a doctor
c. He took the help of his wife.
d. The servants left the job.
B. What does the remark made by Hana suggest?
a) Time is the best healer.
b) Fate can be the kindest.
c) Humanism is way above patriotism.
d) Hatred for an enemy is natural.
C. Why do you think they were repulsive?
a. It is because he was an enemy soldier
b. It is because he was bleeding
c. It is because he was not willing to take treatment
d. None of them
D. What does the epithet “curious” suggest?
a) They could not justify saving the soldier,
b) They could not justify their repulsion.
c) They could not justify the soldier’s poor state.
d) They could not justify their fate.
5 “I realize you are saving my life again” he told Sadao.
“Not at all,” Sadao said. “It is only inconvenient to have you here any longer.”…
“If your food runs out before you catch a boat,” he said, “signal me two flashes at the
same instant the sun drops over the horizon. Do not signal in darkness, for it will be
seen. If you are alright but still there, signal me once. You will find fresh fish easy to
catch but you must eat them raw. A fire would be seen.”
A. Sadao helped the man escape because ____________.
a. He was concerned about the safety of himself and his family
b. He wanted the American to reach his country safely so that Sadao’s loyalty
to Japan was not questioned

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c. Tom was his patient and Sadao could not risk his life
d. All of the above
B. The word which is the synonym of the word horizon is ______.
a. Decline
b. Skyline
c. Vertical
d. Perpendicular
C. Tom was NOT advised to ____________.
a. Signal one flash to indicate he was safe and yet on the island
b. Signal only at the time of sun set before it gets completely dark
c. Light a fire to cook the fish
d. Catch fresh fish for food
D. The way Sadao is instructing Tom, reveals_____________.
a. Sadao’s concern about the safety of his patient
b. Sadao’s act of humanity
c. His fear of getting caught as a traitor for housing an enemy
d. All of the above
6 "Don't faint", he said sharply. He did not put down his exploringinstrument."If I
stop now, the man will surely die." She clapped her hands to her mouth and leaped
up and ran out of the room. Outside in the garden he heard her retching but he went
on with his work.
A. "Don't faint", he said. Who said these words and to whom?
a. Dr. Sadao to the patient
b. Dr. Sadao to the Japanese General
c. Dr. Sadao to Hana
d. The Gardener to Yumi
B. Why was Hana retching?
a. She could not tolerate the smell of the white man
b. She was sick and tired of work
c. She had never seen an operation
d. She could not stand the smell of the anaesthetic
C. Why did Dr. Sadao feel impatient and irritable with the prisoner?
a. He could not tend his wife

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b. He was tired and sleepy
c. He would not get paid for operating him
d. The prisoner was an American
D. Why was Hana present in the operating room?
a. To witness the surgical skill of her husband
b. To help her husband with the anaesthetic
c. To see the wounds of Tom
d. To feed the American soldier
7 The man moaned with pain in his stupor but he did not awaken.
“The best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea,” Sadao said,
answering himself. Now that the bleeding was stopped for the moment he stood up
and dusted the sand from his hands.
“If we sheltered a white man in our house we should be arrested and if we turned him
over as a prisoner, he would certainly die,” Sadao said.
“The kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea,” Hana said. But neither of
them moved. They were staring with curious repulsion upon the inert figure.
A. In which of the following options can the underlined words NOT be replaced with
a. She hung up the phone feeling as though she had woken up from a slumber.
b. The manager complained about the employee’s sluggishness.
c. He seemed to be in a trance when the doctor called upon him last week.
d. Seeing him in a daze, the lawyer decided not to place him in the witness box.
B. Pick the option that best describes Sadao and Hana in the passage.
a. Sadao: scrupulous Hana: wary
b. Sadao: daring Hana: prudent
c. Sadao: prudent Hana: suspicious
d. Sadao: wary Hana: daring
C. Pick the idiom that best describes the situation in which Sadao and Hana were in.
a. to be like a fish out of water
b. like water off a duck’s back
c. to be dead in the water
d. to be in hot water
D. Why could they have been arrested?

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a. For tending a white man.
b. The white man could be an enemy soldier.
c. They were Japanese citizens.
d. Both a and b.

Answer Key:

1. A. c B. d C. b D. c
2. A. c B. c C. D. d
3. A. a B. a C. d D. a
4. A. a B. b C. a D. b
5. A. d B. b C. c D. d
6. A. c B. c C. a D. b
7. A. b B. c C. d D. d



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