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Three-domain System of Classification

For organisms to be studied and for information about them to be shared to those who need it,
scientists grouped them into meaningful classifications. With the information available about
organisms from the early studies to the present, scientists came up with the three-domain
system of classification.

Before, organisms are grouped into two, namely: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Most
prokaryotes are tiny and unicellular, thus, they are referred to as microorganisms. Eukaryotes
are multicellular, thus, they are larger in size because of the greater number of cells their
bodies contain.

Recently, prokaryotes have been divided into two domains, namely: Archaea and Bacteria. The
eukaryote group was retained and now consists the third domain Eukarya that includes
protists, fungi, plants and animals.

Archaea Domain: Kingdom Archaebacteria

Organisms that belong to this kingdom are all microscopic. They live in various places, some in
the most severe environments. Methanogens, halophiles and thermophiles are examples of

Bacteria Domain: Kingdom Eubacteria

Members of eubacteria are unicellular and microscopic. They are referred to as true bacteria
and are usually called the “bacteria” group. A lot of human diseases are caused by bacteria.
Tuberculosis, one common disease in the Philippines, is caused by bacterium Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection due to the exposure to the spirochete
bacterium Leptospira interrogans. Bacteria can also cause diseases in animals. Certain bacteria
are used to produce antibiotics. These are substances that kill or inhibit disease-causing
organisms. Some of them are also involved in making some food or drinks. Cyanobacteria are
also important in agriculture.

Eukarya Domain
Protists- they differ in size, movement and method of obtaining energy. Phototrophs,
heterotrophs and sporozoan are examples of protists.

Fungi- they have no chlorophyll, thus, cannot produce their own food, they survive by living on
a host organism. Others feed on decaying matter and are called saprophytes.

Plant Kingdom- consists of two big groups: those which do not have tissues to transport water
and food (non-vascular) and those that have their transport system (vascular).

Animal Kingdom- consists of two major groups: invertebrates lack backbone which is present
in vertebrates.

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