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Skit script on World Nature Conservation Day:                        

A short story shall be portrayed through this skit. The story has a
hidden message to offer.
The Greedy Hyena
Narrator: Once a hyena was invited to two parties at the same time. But he
was in a dilemma!
Hyena: What should I do? I can’t understand anything. Feeling so lost now.
Parrot: Why such a sullen face? What are you so upset about?
Hyena: My best friend! There you are. Now you can help me in this confusion.
Parrot: Ok! Tell me.
Hyena: There are two parties taking place on the same day and time. I have
been invited to both of them and I want to attend both.
Parrot: You need to choose one and leave the other.
Narrator: The hyena started thinking and came up with an idea. He made up
his mind that he was not going to leave out a single party. So he decided to
tear himself apart so that he could attend both the parties. And obviously he
Parrot: How foolish of you! How could you not see that tearing yourself apart
would kill you?
Narrator: The parrot mourned his friend’s death and told others till the rest of
his life about the tale of the hyena.
Here, the hyena refers to human beings. The parties refer to what nature
has to offer us. The parrot can be taken as the warnings given by
the environment. Humans don’t care about nature and want to derive
everything from it and by causing harm to it. Here’s where the act of tearing
oneself up comes. Human beings forget that they living on the earth ruled
by Nature and if he destroys the latter, he himself won’t exist. We have
to choose to preserve and protect the environment we live in, in order to
stay alive

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