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1. Define Balance Training.

A) Though it might not cross your mind, you need good balance to do
just about everything, including walking, getting out of a chair, and
leaning over to tie your shoes. Strong muscles and being able to keep
yourself steady make all the difference in those and many other
things you do every day.

Balance training involves doing exercises that strengthen the muscles

that help keep you upright, including your legs and core. These kinds
of exercises can improve stability and help prevent falls.

Doing balance exercises can be intense like some very challenging

Others are as simple as standing on one leg for a few seconds. Or
you can use equipment that forces your body to stabilize itself, like a
Bosu half-circle stability ball or a balance board you use along with a
video game.

2. List down some exercises to improve your balance.

A)Tightrope walk

1. Tie a piece of string to two poles.

2. Hold your arms out wide to the sides.
3. Walk on the string without stepping off to the side.
4. Walk at least 15 steps.

Rock the boat

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

2. Press your weight into both feet firmly and evenly.
3. Yield your weight onto your left foot and lift your right foot.

4. Hold for up to 30 seconds.

5. Slowly lower your left foot to the floor and repeat on the other side.
6. Do each side five to 10 times.

Single leg cross-body punches

1. Hold two dumbbells at chest height.
2. Yield your weight onto your left foot, coming into a quarter-squat.
3. Keeping your left leg strong and stable, punch the weights across your
body, one at a time.
4. Then do the opposite side.
5. Do 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 repetitions.

Plank with elbows on a stability ball

To add variety to this exercise, you can use your elbows to make small circles
with the ball in both directions.

1. Come into plank position with your elbows and forearms on a stability
2. Engage your core, glutes, and quadriceps to maintain proper alignment.
3. Align your shoulders and hips so they’re square to the floor.
4. Hold this position for up to 3 seconds.

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