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List down 10 core exercises and give the importance and its benefits.

1) HOLLOW MAN - This is an isometric core exercise, meaning it has

no movement. Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears.
Keep your low back on the ground.

2) HIGH PLANK - This is my absolute favorite core exercise of all time. I

do plank variations in every single workout. If I had to do one core

exercise for the rest of my life, this would be it.

3) BRIDGE - Most people think that a bridge is for your glutes. Bridge is

also a fantastic core strengthening exercise when performed correctly

with your hips tucked and low abdominals engaged.

4) SUPERMAN PULL - This move really targets the low back. In fact,

many people suffer from low back pain because their core (including

their low back) is really weak. Skip the “pull” part and just practice

raising your arms and legs off of the ground if you find this core

exercise too difficult.

5) V-UPS - This move took me a while to master. The full V-up is pretty

advanced, but you can always do the modified version as you work

up to it. Once you master the V-up, you can even try holding a

weighted medicine ball in your hands.

6) V-SIT - See how long you can do this ab exercise move without

shaking! Bend your knees if extending your legs is too difficult. Make

sure that your shoulders stay down and away from your ears.

7) PLANK KNEE CROSSES - Exhale and blow all the air out of your

lungs as you pull that knee towards the opposite elbow. The idea is to

get as close as possible can and aim for the outside of the elbow.

8) LEG RAISES - This move should not hurt your low back. If it does,
place your hands underneath your low back for support and/or don’t
drop your legs down as low. This exercise is meant to work your core
and abs, not hurt them. Always listen to your body’s signals.

9) ELBOW PLANK TWISTS - This core exercise is the perfect addition

to your next ab workout. Think of yourself like a towel that needs

wringing out as you do this exercise.

10) PLANK SHOULDER TAPS - This plank variation is excellent for

challenging your balance and core strength.

Avoid rocking your hips and body from side to side when doing the

shoulder taps. The only motion that should be happening is your

hand moving to the opposite shoulder.

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